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From our granddaughter Lauren. Really neat little songstress.
Sun., April 7, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Ocasio-Cortez faces FEC complaint for alleged ‘subsidy scheme’
by Jerry McCormick
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is facing another campaign finance complaint.
Another FEC complaint that was filed Wednesday charges Ocasio-Cortez and her campaign manager, Saikat Chakrabarti, with running a “subsidy scheme.”
“Uber for politics”
The complaint alleges that AOC and Chakrabarti controlled a network of entities — the Justice Democrats PAC, the Brand New Congress PAC, and the associated Brand New Congress LLC — and used them to “subsidize cheap assistance for Ocasio-Cortez and other candidates at rates far below market value,” according to Fox News, who obtained an advance copy of the filing.
“Chakrabarti was trying to create the Uber for politics. Uber functions because of a massive subsidy from venture capital,” explained the complaint’s author, attorney Dan Backer.
“Here, it’s subsidized by these PACs to deliver a valuable service that people need and want, but can’t be delivered at the real cost of it.”
If anyone expected anything but a denial from AOC, they would have been highly disappointed.
Asked about the complaint, AOC brushed it off as a conservative hit job. “I mean, it’s conservative interest groups just filing bogus proposals,” she told Fox News on Wednesday.
Campaign Finance Laws
Ocasio-Cortez has been extremely vocal about dark money and the influence PACs have on politicians, so it would be a bit ironic if a dark money scheme was eventually the cause of her downfall.
She is also a strong supporter of campaign finance laws — for which she should be held accountable, Backer says.
The Trump-supporting attorney doesn’t support extensive campaign finance regulations, but as long as they’re the law, they should be respected, he says.
“I think much of what they set out to do SHOULD be legal, and the provisions restricting people from engaging in robust political activity in this way are likely unconstitutional, but it’s still the law,” Backer told The Independent.
“And it’s self-aggrandising ‘reformers’ like [Ocasio-Cortez] who seek to make the laws even more burdensome,” he continued. “I would be thrilled if the adjudication here resulted in overturning some of these restrictions, but until then it’s still the law and a self-professed reformer ought to follow the laws.”
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews worries that progressive agenda may push voters to Trump
by Jerry McCormick

It is no secret that the radical new progressives are currently defining the image of the Democrat party. Late-term abortion, open borders, court packing, abolishing the electoral college and Medicare for All are all on the table.
That fact terrifies MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who believes if the party goes with a far-left candidate, it could result in a huge win for President Donald Trump in 2020, just like Richard Nixon’s 1972 landslide win.
Warning Shot
In 1972, the Democrats chose George McGovern and swung “hard to the Left.”
“Everyone enjoyed themselves…The convention was giddy with excitement even if not that well organized,” he said. But in the end, “the Democrats lost 49 states that year to Richard Nixon, who not only carried the electoral college, losing only Massachusetts and D.C., but 60 percent of the popular vote.”
The Hardball host, who is not a fan of Trump, listed three key facts that could make his worst fear a reality. “One, almost half the Democrat Party electorate is either moderate or conservative. In other words, to the right of the progressives,” said Matthews.
“Two, independent voters are also to the right of the Democrat progressives.”
“Three, so are the straight Republican voters a Democrat nominee might need.”
His point… even though these voters may not like Donald Trump, voting for him is far better than turning America into a socialist country.
Watch below:
The New Democrat Party
For some reason, Democrats are openly embracing socialist ideology, which Matthews thinks may cost the party the next election.
This shift to the far left started during the 2016 presidential campaign season. Bernie Sanders, in his unsuccessful run for president, energized the younger voting base by touting a socialist agenda.
While he did not win the nod for the presidential election, he did influence the next generation of politicians.
When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez popped up on the scene to defeat her opponent in what was considered the upset of the season, the party was clearly taking a new direction. Surprisingly, party leadership has embraced her socialist ways, as have many of the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates.
This country was founded on the principles of small government and capitalism, something most Democrats respect. The new generation, however, seems to forget the actual reason our Founders fought against the Crown to win our independence.
The form of government they are suggesting would drag this country back several centuries rather than moving it forward. Even Democrats have to see that…
Court Decision Deals Death Blow to Dems Demand For Unredacted Mueller Report
Carmine Sabia
There is a new appeals court decision that is damaging to the Democrats chances of getting an unredacted Mueller report.
If Democrats sue after getting the redacted version, which is likely as they love to sue, this case could be the nail to the GOP hammer to stop them.
And if the case makes it to the Supreme Court with Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh as members of a conservative majority is it even more damaging.
The case is question was McKeever v. Barr and it was ruled on on Friday in a decision that should be giving Democrats nightmares, Law & Crime reported.
Stuart McKeever, an author and attorney, has been trying to piece together what happened in the case of Columbia University professor Jesus Galindez who vanished from New York City in 1956. He was believed to possibly have been taken to the Dominican Republic and murdered by agents of dictator Rafael Trujillo, of whom Galindez had been critical. The case led to the indictment of John Joseph Frank, a former FBI agent and CIA attorney who went on to for Trujillo. McKeever believed Frank was behind Galíndez’s disappearance, court documents said. Frank was indicted for being an unreported foreign agent, but not for Galindez’s murder.
McKeever, who had been writing about and looking into the Galinez case for decades, asked the court to release the secret grand jury information in the Frank case, claiming that otherwise people like him would have difficulty investigating cases where grand juries either didn’t finish investigating or dropped the investigation altogether. The Department of Justice, on the other hand, argued that judges don’t have the authority to do this, unless the information falls under particular exemptions that they said don’t apply to this situation.
The D.C. Circuit agreed with the DOJ in a 2-1 decision. Senior Circuit Judge Douglas Ginsburg noted that Rule 6(e) is very clear on when a court can order disclosure of grand jury information.
“That the list of enumerated exceptions is so specific bolsters our conclusion,” he wrote, adding that “McKeever points to nothing in Rule 6(e)(3) that suggests a district court has authority to order disclosure of grand jury matter outside the enumerated exceptions.”
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When McKeever was first arguing his case before the D.C. Circuit, former Watergate prosecutor Philip Lacovara told Politico that the case could have ramifications when it comes to grand jury information being released in Mueller’s report.
“There are people who are interested in the options open to Mr. Mueller and his investigation who recognize the potential significance of this case,” he said. “It certainly could complicate matters.”
Would you buy a used car from this guy???
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Makes Animal Cruelty a Felony, Supports Post-Birth Infanticide
This could not be more timely.
The governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, who is now best-known for his notorious blackface/KKK yearbook picture, shocked the pro-life community just days before that media scandal by openly advocating for post-birth infanticide.
Need a refresher?
“If a mother is in labor…the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother,” Northam said on WTOP’s “Ask The Governor” segment late January 2019, just days before a law loosening restrictions on late-term abortions, and apparently post-birth abortions, would be struck down in the Virginia House.
No regrets for saying with a straight face that he, as a doctor and the governor of Virginia, would support killing a baby after it has already been born. This is on top of fully supporting the barbaric practice of abortion at any stage, of course, which is all murder and violates the Hippocratic oath he would have had to take to practice medicine to “first, do no harm.”
Animal cruelty, on the other hand, is, to Northam, more abhorrent than butchering a newborn or unborn baby, according to Life Site News:
While protecting newborn babies who survive abortions is apparently too much for Northam to support, a law against animal cruelty isn’t. Today he signed a new bill into law that would make animal cruelty a felony in the commonwealth.
Current law requires the animal to die before someone can face felony charges. Starting July 1, under the bill Northam approved, animal abusers could be found guilty of a Class 6 felony.
As it stands, the life of an animal is apparently more valuable than the life of a baby in Virginia.
This is likely why thousands gathered in Virginia on Wednesday to stand up for life in a state where leaders like Northam have so openly denounced protections of newborn baby humans.
This is why we will be in Richmond on Saturday, calling Virginians to repentance for the gruesome sin of abortion in their commonwealth and across the nation.
Please join us. Our voices must be silenced no longer. The lives of our unborn children are worth more than animals. We cannot stand by any longer while the slaughter of innocent children in the womb is not only more accepted by society than animal cruelty, but is actually legal, condoned, and even funded by these corrupt governments.
Mourn with us, pray with us, and repent with us, so that in our lifetime we may finally see the end to the bloodshed.
If you appreciate the work we are doing to fight the leftist assault on our values, please consider a small donation to help us continue. Thank you so much!
U.S. Senator From NY Tied to NXIVM Sex Cult
Elder Patriot – Many sexually perverse and corrupt politicians are counting on the Deep State’s coup against President Trump to succeed lest they find themselves exposed, disgraced, and in prison. That explains why they cling to their dying anti-Trump rhetoric even as one-by-one those they are counting on to conduct the coup are being forced to resign or be fired and criminal indictments are being prepared or already sealed.
One of those high-level politicians is a female senator from New York. While I know you’re expecting (even hoping) it to be Hillary Clinton, her day of reckoning is ahead.
The appointment of Democrat Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to replace Hillary Clinton when she resigned her senate seat always seemed a little sketchy.
Now we know why.
Gillibrand is a controllable asset that the Clinton crime family can count on to do their bidding. How can they be sure of this? Gillibrand came out of the same swamp of sexual corruption that the Clintons have always relied on to stock their team. In this regard, Gillibrand is a made woman.
The Clinton’s had long relied on the sexual perversities of their political allies (and opponents) to control their actions, their votes and their loyalty.
Here’s where NXIVM enters the picture. NXVIM is, among other things, a sex cult where women are treated as slaves and where the cult’s leader, Keith Raniere brands his slaves genitals with his initials.
Raniere and Smallville actress Allison Mack were recently arrested and charged with sex trafficking. According to sources Mack is singing like a canary but we have not yet learned what she has told authorities.
Here’s what we do know as of now.
NXIVM had a team of lawyers and lobbyists from both sides of the aisle on its payroll including, according a report in the NY Post, Roger Stone, NY State Republican powerbroker Joe Bruno and Arkansas Judge Richard Mays. Bill Clinton appointed Mays to the Arkansas Supreme Court.
Gillibrand’s father, Doug Rutnik, was retained as an attorney by NXIVM for four months. Rutnik was paid $25,000 per month in 2004.
According to a source, “When he wanted to quit, he was falsely sued. He ended up paying them back the $100,000 he’d been paid and signing a confidentiality agreement.”
When confronted with this Senator Gillibrand hid behind a spokesman who said:
“Sen. Gillibrand had never heard of this group until she recently read about them in the newspaper.”
Really? This defies credulity. Gillibrand’s father abandons a $25,000 per month gig four months into it when he learns of the depravity he’s being paid to defend, he gets sued, and he never once mentioned this to his daughter who is a rising powerbroker of sorts?
Rutnik worked for NXIVM in 2004 and fourteen years later Gillibrand is still in the dark?
More likely, Gillibrand is up to her neck in all of this. Here’s why.
First follow the money. According to Vanity Fair, Clare Bronfman and her sister Sara, heirs to the Bronfman (Seagram’s) fortune pumped as much as $150 million into NXIVM.
Clare Bronfman also maxed out the allowable contribution to Gillibrand’s special election campaign in 2010. People in the Bronfman-Gillibrand circle talk. It’s absurd to think that she heard nothing over these 14 years. Senate campaigns involve opposition research – not just on the opponent but also on their own candidate to know what they might be confronted with. It’s not possible this was missed.
An ex-member of NXVIM told the New York Post’s Richard Johnson:
“Sen. Gillibrand went after Bill Clinton for something that happened decades ago, but she’s done nothing about the women who are being branded and tortured right now, and right in her hometown.”
Gillibrand will not skate on this. More importantly, the deal she will be presented with will demand she bear witness to the Clinton’s criminal syndicate.
Gillibrand is not the only U.S. senator (or representative) that will be implicated.
Now it’s our turn. #DraintheSwamp.
Not Joking: Dem Chair Demanding Trump’s Taxes Repeatedly Refuses To Release His Own
Not Joking: Dem Chair Demanding Trump’s Taxes Repeatedly Refuses To Release His Own
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Unless, of course, the gander is a registered Democrat. In which case, check your privilege. That gander means well.
“House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal, who has demanded President Donald Trump release his tax returns, claimed he had released his own returns in the past,” The Daily Caller reported Thursday. “But according to previous reports, Neal had not released these documents when previously asked.”
“Neal himself, however, has not released his own tax returns when the press requested them. He previously claimed early last month, according to The Washington Times, that he would release his own returns ‘down the road,’ but his returns have yet to surface. Chairman Neal’s office did not respond to the Caller’s request for comment.”
According to Fox News, Rep. Neal, a Massachusetts Democrat, formally made the request in a letter to the IRS on Wednesday.
Neal asked for six years of tax returns from the president, from 2013 to 2018, including information regarding whether there were audits and what the status of those audits was.
The Ways and Means Committee chairman said the request was “to ensure that the Internal Revenue Service is enforcing the laws in a fair and impartial manner.”
“It is critical to ensure the accountability of our government and elected officials,” the representative said in a statement, according to Fox News. “To maintain trust in our democracy, the American people must be assured that their government is operating properly, as laws intend.”
However, don’t expect the same transparency from Neal.
“Oh, sure — down the road, sure, that’s nothing,” Neal said when asked about releasing his federal returns, according to the Washington Times. “I’ve done that in the past, by the way.”
However, Roll Call couldn’t find any previous releases of his tax returns during a 2017 survey and his office wouldn’t respond to what tax returns he’d released in the past or why Roll Call hadn’t found any evidence of them.
“I think we should all jump together,” he said. “I think that’s the best way to approach it.”
At the time, he suggested that he would release the returns sometime in the future. Two years later, it’s apparently not the future.
As the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Neal does have the power to demand the information, as per Section 6103 of the IRS tax code. However, the Trump administration has rebuffed previous attempts to turn over the president’s tax returns because they say he’s being audited.
“Until such time as I’m not under audit, I would not be inclined to do that,” Trump told reporters Wednesday.
He also mocked Neal’s request when a reporter brought it up.
“Is that all?” he said when told they wanted six years of his returns.
“Usually it’s 10. So I guess they’re giving up. We’re under audit, despite what people said, and we’re working that out — I’m always under audit, it seems, but I’ve been under audit for many years, because the numbers are big, and I guess when you have a name, you’re audited.”
Meanwhile, the ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, called the request an “abuse” in a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.
“Weaponizing our nation’s tax code by targeting political foes sets a dangerous precedent and weakens Americans’ privacy rights, As you know, by law all Americans have a fundamental right to the privacy of the personal information found in their tax returns,” Brady wrote.
“This particular request is an abuse of the tax-writing committees’ statutory authority, and violates the intent and safeguards of Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code as Congress intended.”
Of course, now that Russian collusion is off the table, the Democrats need to find something new to whine about and one gets the feeling Trump’s tax returns will do quite nicely.
Sure, there’s no suggestion that there’s anything within them that would be incriminating, but it sure sounds like a fun wild goose chase, all fronted by a gander who’s not particularly interested in letting anyone else know what’s in his 1040.
This is your Democrat House majority, America. Nice work.
Helen & Moe Lauzier
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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that is all articles
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