Title : This week's round-up of middle grade fantasy and science fiction from around the blogs (11/4/18)
link : This week's round-up of middle grade fantasy and science fiction from around the blogs (11/4/18)
This week's round-up of middle grade fantasy and science fiction from around the blogs (11/4/18)
Welcome to this week's round-up; let me know if I missed your post!The Reviews
The Adventurer's Guide to Successful Escapes, by Wade Albert White, at Feed Your Fiction Addiction
The Adventures of a Girl Called Bicycle, by Christina Uss, at Fuse#8
Amoung the Hidden, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, at Proseandkahn
Begone the Raggedy Witches, by Celine Kiernan, at Randomly Reading
The Boy, the Bird, and the Coffin Maker, by Matilda Woods, at Rosi Hollenbeck
The Frame-Up, by Wendy McLeod MacKnight, at alibarymama
Exile, by Shannon Messenger, at Say What?
Frostfire, by Jamie Smith, at Mr Ripleys Enchanted Books
Grump, by Liesl Shurtliff, at Semicolon
Inkling, by Kenneth Opel, at Imaginary Friends
Island of Monsters, by Ellen Oh, at Ms. Yingling Reads
Let Sleeping Dragons Lie, by Garth Nix and Sean Williams, at Charlotte's Library
Midnight Reynolds and the Spectral Transformer, by Catherine Holt, at Sharon the Librarian
Monstrous Devices, by Damien Love, at Books4yourkids
The Mortification of Fovea Munson, by Mary Winn Heider, at A Backwards Story
The Nameless Hero (Joshua Dread #2), by Lee Bacon, at Say What?
Skulduggery Pleasant, by Derek Landy, at Geo Librarian
Small Spaces, by Katherine Arden, at Always in the Middle
Snared: Escape to the Above, by Adam Jay Epstein, at Charlotte's Library
The Snow Witch, by Rosie Boyes, at Kitty Cat at the Library
The Stone Girl's Story, by Sarah Beth Durst, at From the Biblio Files
The Storm Runner, by J.C. Cervantes, at The Reader Bee
The Train to Impossible Places, by P.G. Bell, at Laura Noakes
The Wild Book, by Juan Villoro, at alibrarymama
To Catch a Thief: an Endless Quest Book, by Matt Forbeck, at The Write Path
Two at Falling Letters-- The Island of Monsters, by Ellen Oh, and Fesitval of Ghosts, by William Alexander
Two at alibrary mama-- Last (Endling #1) by Katherine Applegate, and Heartseeker, by Melinda Beatty
Two at Ms. Yingling Reads--The Girl With the Dragon Heart, by Stephanie Burgis, and Let Sleeping Dragons Lie, by Garth Nix and Sean Williams
Authors and Interviews
Jan Eldrege (Witch Girl) at Alittlebutalot
Adam Gidwitz, on his podcast Grimm, Grimmer, and Grimmest, at Educating Alice
Other Good Stuff
A look at the busy reading of an Elementary/Middle Grade Cybils panelist, at A Library Chicken
"How Narnia and Harry Potter Wrestle with Death and Rewrite Christianity" at Tor
Thus articles This week's round-up of middle grade fantasy and science fiction from around the blogs (11/4/18)
that is all articles This week's round-up of middle grade fantasy and science fiction from around the blogs (11/4/18) This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article post.
You are now reading the article This week's round-up of middle grade fantasy and science fiction from around the blogs (11/4/18) the link address https://fairyforreference.blogspot.com/2018/11/this-weeks-round-up-of-middle-grade.html
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