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Tues. Aug.29, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~ God Bless America~

Do you have any thoughts about the potential collapse of the two political parties we know as Republican and Democrat with a three party system in the offing?
The current Democrat party is dominated by the radical left. Moderate (blue collar) Democrats are not welcome there any longer.
What will happen to the Republican Party is anyone’s guess. The old liners of the Bush variety are in an electoral minority in the party but still have command of most of the infrastructure. In 2016 Donald Trump performed an end run on the GOP. Meanwhile there indications the old timers are being squeezed out.
The modern element of ultra liberal money bags will remain loyal to the Democrats until they take over the structure of the party. The far left loons currently function as coat holders for the modern left.
The party of Sanders and Warren will be eclipsed by money.
Traditional working class workers could hold the balance of power as they did in this past cycle.
It may not be too long before there will be little in the party system of today. Trump proved organization, management, and adherence to conservative principles are the keystone of a successful party of the future.
DHS: Arizona Proves ‘Border Walls Work’
In an op-ed for USA Today, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Acting Secretary Elaine Duke said that despite pushback from the political establishment, the state of Arizona proves “border walls work.”
Duke became Acting Secretary of DHS after Gen. John Kelly was reassigned the title of President Trump’s Chief of Staff. Just before Trump spoke in Phoenix, Arizona, about immigration, Duke penned the op-ed, where she touted the ‘Secure Fence Act of 2006.’ In that legislation, Arizona’s Yuma Sector was one of the first border regions to see new infrastructure:
The bipartisan Secure Fence Act of 2006 — supported by then-Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and others — mandated the construction of hundreds of additional miles of secure fencing and infrastructure investments. Yuma sector was one of the first areas to receive infrastructure investments.
We built new infrastructure along the border east and west of the San Luis Arizona Port of Entry in 2006. The existing fence was quickly lengthened, and we added second and third layers to that fencing in urban areas. Lighting, roads and increased surveillance were added to aid agents patrolling the border.
Although there is still work to do, the border in Yuma sector today is more secure because of this investment. Even under lax enforcement standards, apprehensions in fiscal year 2016 were roughly a 10th of what they were in FY 2005 — and are on track to be even lower this year. Crime has significantly decreased in the Yuma area, and smugglers now look for other less difficult areas of the border to cross — often areas without fencing.
Duke, though, did not just comment on the effectiveness of a border wall, but also noted extensively how “open borders policies” have been a detriment to American communities that have been torn apart by a never-ending flow of gang warfare, drugs and sex crimes:
Aware of these lax enforcement policies, tens of thousands of aliens attempted to the cross the border illegally every month. Last October alone, more than 66,000 people were apprehended after entering illegally — and that 66,000 is just the number of individuals we actually found; it does not include those who evaded detection.
The culture of pardons, permisos and lax enforcement also encouraged dangerous behavior by individuals looking to come to the United States. It meant that parents were willing to risk subjecting their children to sexual abuse and neglect at the hands of smugglers (also known as coyotes). It meant that — in a single year — hundreds of thousands risked their lives. In FY 2016, Customs and Border Protection saved nearly 4,000 near-death individuals who found themselves lost in the desert. This is in addition to the tremendous number of immigrants who are robbed, raped and brutalized along the human smugglers’ dark networks.
Under Trump, Duke says the days of open borders policies are over, citing the need to move forward with a border wall, as it has proved effective in Arizona. Duke also pleaded with Republicans and Democrats to fund Trump’s border wall.
“Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle should come together like they did 10 years ago and give the men and women of DHS the resources we need to defend our homeland,” Duke said. “This starts with fully funding the construction of a wall along our Southern border.”
Liberal Media Claims Trump “Flunked” Hurricane Response — Before It Even
by: Remington Strelivo
The liberal media has already declared Trump “flunked his first natural disaster test” over Hurricane Harvey.
One problem? Hurricane Harvey hasn’t actually hit yet.
Hurricane Harvey is predicted to be the first major storm in a decade,” wrote Sophia Tesfaye, in an article for Salon, “and Trump just tweeted a useless promotional ad in preparation.
President Trump did, in fact, tweet out a video—showing footage of him working with FEMA, and a quote urging Americans to plan ahead. He also linked to three federal websites for disaster planning: hurricanes.gov, ready.gov, and fema.gov.
That wasn’t good enough for Salon.
“His campaign-style commercial—fitted with a dramatic soundtrack—failed to convey any of that information to worried residents in the storm’s path,” complained Tesfaye. “His tweet did not include basic information, like who is in danger, how to be prepared or what the government is doing to prepare.”
Tesfaye admits that FEMA is sending “thousands of meals, tarps, and leaders of water to Randolph Air Force Base ahead of Hurricane Harvey’s arrival,” and that Trump “was briefed on the government’s hurricane preparation efforts earlier this month.”
But, once again, Trump Derangement Syndrome got the best of the liberal media—as they sought to declare Trump’s response to a natural disaster a “failure”—even though the disaster hadn’t actually occurred yet. Even if Trump’s video was ineffective, it ultimately has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not victims of this storm have food, shelter, and medical facilities in the days to come.
Hurricane Harvey is set to make landfall by Saturday morning on the Texas Gulf Coast between Houston and Corpus Christi.
Despite Salon’s efforts to already declare a premature defeat for Trump, this people of Texas will ultimately be the ones who decide whether or not Trump was prepared for Hurricane Harvey.
One problem? Hurricane Harvey hasn’t actually hit yet.
Hurricane Harvey is predicted to be the first major storm in a decade,” wrote Sophia Tesfaye, in an article for Salon, “and Trump just tweeted a useless promotional ad in preparation.
President Trump did, in fact, tweet out a video—showing footage of him working with FEMA, and a quote urging Americans to plan ahead. He also linked to three federal websites for disaster planning: hurricanes.gov, ready.gov, and fema.gov.
That wasn’t good enough for Salon.
“His campaign-style commercial—fitted with a dramatic soundtrack—failed to convey any of that information to worried residents in the storm’s path,” complained Tesfaye. “His tweet did not include basic information, like who is in danger, how to be prepared or what the government is doing to prepare.”
Tesfaye admits that FEMA is sending “thousands of meals, tarps, and leaders of water to Randolph Air Force Base ahead of Hurricane Harvey’s arrival,” and that Trump “was briefed on the government’s hurricane preparation efforts earlier this month.”
But, once again, Trump Derangement Syndrome got the best of the liberal media—as they sought to declare Trump’s response to a natural disaster a “failure”—even though the disaster hadn’t actually occurred yet. Even if Trump’s video was ineffective, it ultimately has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not victims of this storm have food, shelter, and medical facilities in the days to come.
Hurricane Harvey is set to make landfall by Saturday morning on the Texas Gulf Coast between Houston and Corpus Christi.
Despite Salon’s efforts to already declare a premature defeat for Trump, this people of Texas will ultimately be the ones who decide whether or not Trump was prepared for Hurricane Harvey.
Trump Just Royally ENRAGED Barack Obama By Posting Devastating Photo Of Him He Found
By Amanda Shea
Since the moment Barack Obama left the White House and handed the keys to President Donald Trump, he hasn’t strayed too far away. For the last seven months, he’s been lurking in Trump’s shadow, constantly trying to reclaim presidential control wherever he can, and attempting to derail his successor from doing his job.
Trump is tired of it and finally beat Obama at his own game by publicly humiliating him on Twitter in four pictures he posted showing what he caught the former Commander-in-Chief doing in his shadow.
Liberals have been in an all out war to remove the president from Twitter since he frequently uses it to call out the truth of what’s happening in the country. He’s the leader of this nation and can use social media as he pleases, even if the facts hurt the left’s feelings.
However, now liberals have upped their game to take this communication away from him after his just trolled the man who has been trolling him for months.
A historical event took place this week with the full eclipse that only happens once about every thirty years and while this history was in the making, Trump was creating his own. The solar eclipse seemed symbolic of what’s been happening in Washington D.C. between Trump and Obama – Trump being the moon to eclipse Obama.
This symbolism was apparently not lost on the president who forwarded a photo tweet that perfectly represents it and puts Obama in his place. Liberals lost their minds seconds after it hit the Internet and now have taken action against our president which they feel is the next best thing to impeachment.
President Donald Trump retweeted an image showing himself completely blocking out predecessor Barack Obama in the ‘best eclipse ever.’
The image capitalizes on the the eclipse frenzy from Monday and shows a series of pictures of a smiling Trump moving to obscure black and white picture of the nation’s first African-American president.
In the images, Obama is seen grimacing with his eyes cast downward. The series of pictures show smiling, color images of Trump slowly replacing Obama, putting the Obama era behind him.
The president retweeted the image, by Twitter user Jerry Travone, without comment.
While the left thought that the joke was on Trump who was cast as the lesser of the celestial bodies being the moon instead of the sun, the symbolism of what it really means seems to be lost on them.
The meme was well-played considering that earlier in the week, the original meme was in reverse, casting Obama in front of Trump. That one didn’t nearly as much traction on liberal sites as this one that the president re-tweeted, considering it’s a far more accurate portrayal of the reality between these two.
This share was among the final Twitter straws for liberals who are desperate to shut the president up. It’s no secret that the left’s nemesis is social media since it gives people the ability to spread the truth that the Democratic part survives on hiding.
The attack to slow the flow of facts on social media abounds, but none is more important to the left than to take this right away from Trump. Since Twitter is a private business, it’s up to the site owner to make the rules. For this reason, a crowdfunding campaign has begun for one liberal to buy Twitter with the sole mission to ban Trump.
Los Angeles Times reports:
Former undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson is looking to raise enough money to buy Twitter so President Trump can’t use it.
Wilson launched the crowdfunding campaign last week, tweeting: “If @Twitter executives won’t shut down Trump’s violence and hate, then it’s up to us. #BuyTwitter #BanTrump.” The GoFundMe page says Trump’s tweets “damage the country and puts people in harm’s way.”
As of Wednesday afternoon, she had raised about $15,000 of the $1-billion goal.
This utterly ridiculous attempt to stifle free speech of anyone, but especially the president, is ironically, what is truly damaging and a “clear violation and expression of hate and intolerance in this equation,” as pointed out by White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
It’s going to be next to impossible for anyone to purchase Twitter for this purpose, but that’s not the point. What needs to be seen and questioned is why liberals want to stifle free speech for anyone other than themselves. The only reason is that they have something to hide.
As long as Obama is going to follow Trump around in his shadows, the president has the right to call him out for it and return the trolling on social medi
By Amanda Shea
Mitch McConnell Just Got Awful News
Jeff Charles
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been receiving criticism from all sides. Now, President Donald Trump’s former Chief Strategist has joined the fray.
In an interview with The Economist, Steve Bannon targeted Mitch McConnell, saying that he is going to “light him up.” This is part of Bannon’s mission to apply more pressure on those in the GOP who do not support Trump’s agenda.
Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon says he’s planning to ramp up pressure on political opponents while continuing to advocate for the president. “In the White House, I had influence,” Bannon said. “At Breitbart, I had power.”
It appears that Bannon intends to use the power provided by Breitbart to advocate for the populist policies he espoused even before becoming Trump’s campaign manager. Breitbart News is one of the most popular online news sites with hundreds of millions of views every month. Simply put, Breitbart has the attention of a significant number of conservatives.
McConnell’s popularity has waned in the past few months as many conservatives believe him to be ineffective. His failure to repeal and replace Obamacare is one of the reasons why so many have lost faith in the Majority Leader.
Many do not approve of his refusal to change the filibuster rule, which would allow GOP lawmakers to break through the Democrats’ efforts at obstruction when passing important legislation.
President Trump has also criticized the Senate Majority Leader. Along with Bannon, he has been frustrated by McConnell’s refusal to fully implement the White House’s agenda. Not only has he been unable to address healthcare, he is also not making progress on tax reform.
While Bannon certainly isn’t a fan of McConnell, he also has his sights set on others in the GOP. “Now I’m free. I’ve got my hands back on my weapons,” He said. It is clear that he intends to go after the members of the establishment GOP that do not put sufficient effort into moving towards a more populist direction.
This is one area where the president and Bannon differ. While he was responsible for shaping the more populist elements of Trump’s policy agenda, the president seems to have changed direction.
From PowerLine
I do hope that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo runs for president in 2020, and further that he is the Democratic nominee. He appears determined to make upstate New York into the East Germany of America by his intransigent refusal to allow fracking to produce natural gas, thus keeping shale gas-rich upstate New York from enjoying the same kind of prosperity as western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. Cuomo’s anti-gas bias extends to using state power to block natural gas pipelines intended to serve New England that have received federal approval. So lots of New Englanders will have continue using more expensive and higher polluting fuel oil for winter heat.
I hope Cuomo runs on his anti-gas stance: he’ll lose Pennsylvania and Ohio for sure; possibly Colorado, too, and likely New Hampshire and maybe even Massachusetts and Maine.
The scientific case against all the anti-fracking claims of the environmental/Hollywood left continues to collapse more fully than an undercooked soufflé. The latest piece of evidence is a report from Resources for the Future, a centrist environmental group that is one of the oldest environmental organizations in the country, founded way back in 1947 by Fairfield Osborn, who was actually a Malthusian alarmist, thus making today’s RFF a curiosity in that is perhaps the only environmental organization that moved away from the left over its history.
RFF has conducted a thorough review of the academic literature on the health effects of unconventional oil and gas production (which mostly means fracking) and passes along these key findings:
We review 32 studies that cover health impacts such as birth outcomes, cancers, asthma, and other health effects, including migraines and hospitalization.
We find that though many epidemiological studies used robust statistical methods to estimate changes in health outcomes associated with unconventional oil and gas development, all had weaknesses and many had significant shortcomings.
Due to the nature of the data and research methodologies, the studies are unable to assess the mechanisms of any health impacts (i.e., whether a certain impact is caused by air pollution, stress, water pollution, or another burden).
Even where good evidence is offered for a link between unconventional oil and gas development and health, the causal factor(s) driving this association are unclear.
Though we do not see strong evidence of impacts in the literature, a lack of data or rigorous analysis does not rule out the potential for any effects.
Four cups of coffee a day could slash chance of early death
Laura Donnelly, health editor
Drinking four cups of coffee a day could slash the chance of early death, a major study suggests.
Research on 20,000 middle-aged men and women found that those who drank it regularly had mortality rates almost two thirds lower.
Previous studies have found that coffee can improve liver function, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.
The new study suggests that it could reduce the chance of early death from all causes - by as much as two thirds.
Every extra two cups were associated with a 22 per cent drop in mortality - rising to 30 per cent among older patients in the study. And those drinking four cups had a 64 per cent lower death risk, compared with those who never or rarely consumed coffee.
The study was observational - so could not prove that plentiful amounts of coffee were the cause of the improved mortality.
But it echoes findings from US research, which have suggested three cups a day could significantly extend life.
Coffee contains a number of compounds which interact with the body, including caffeine, diterpenes and antioxidants, and scientists believe some of these have a protective impact.
Some studies have found similar benefits among those drinking decaffeinated versions - leading scientists to conclude that the antioxidant plant compounds in coffee may provide the most benefit.
The Spanish research involved 19,986 people who were tracked for an average of 10 years.
At the start of the study all provided detailed information about their dietary habits - including coffee consumption - lifestyle habits, and health history.
Researchers from Hospital de Navarra then examined death rates in the group, with a total of 337 participants dying during the period.
Researchers from Hospital de Navarra then examined death rates in the group, with a total of 337 participants dying during the period.
Those drinking coffee regularly had the lowest death rates, with the strongest links found among older participants.
Researchers from Hospital de Navarra then examined death rates in the group, with a total of 337 participants - around 1 in 60 - dying during the period.
Those drinking coffee regularly had the lowest death rates, with the strongest links found among older participants.
Lead author Dr Adela Navarro said she believed the antioxidants in coffee, which come in the form of polyphenols, which caused the effect.
“I would advise drink plenty of coffee, it could be good for your heart. I think it's a good idea to have about four cups a day,” she said.
"I think it's the polyphenols, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.
The study involved those aged between 25 and 60, with a median starting age of 37.
They were tracked for up to 14 years.
Dr Navarro said that while the group was relatively young, with low numbers of deaths, the findings were consistent with other studies.
Researchers intend to continue tracking them, to see what impact coffee habits have later in life.
The study did not establish an upper limit of coffee consumption, but did not include many drinking very heavy amounts, she said.
Professor Metin Avkiran, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This study suggests there may be an association between drinking coffee and living longer, but it doesn’t prove a causal link or explain how coffee might be having this effect.
“Coffee drinkers should certainly not rest on their laurels. The best way to minimise your risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death is to concentrate on an overall healthy lifestyle - eat a balanced diet, stay active and don’t smoke - rather than lining up the lattes.”
Every Browns Player Stands for the Anthem After Jim Brown Lays Down the Law
Five days before the Browns Saturday night preseason tilt against the Buccaneers, twelve Browns players protested the two-minute playing of the national anthem. Fast-forward five days, to yesterday, and zero Browns players protested the national anthem. What do all these numbers add up to?
Don’t mess with Jim Brown, that’s what they add up to.
According to Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain-Dealer, Brown addressed the team and told them, “Do not disrespect your country, do not disrespect the flag.”
How the leftist sports media reacts to Brown in coming days, will merit interest. Prior to the recent spate of athlete activism, most in the media regarded Brown as the embodiment of the activist athlete. However, just in the past couple days, Brown proudly highlighted out his American heritage while criticizing the practice of disrespecting the flag and the anthem. He also, in that same interview, pointed out the contradiction of trying to be an athlete.
Here again, he’s inserted himself into the fray by confronting protesters on the team that he played for. Brown could quite possibly find himself in the same position that the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. is in. Once revered and idolized by nearly all activists, however, when measured against the recent strain of extremely divisive and combative tactics of the modern left, found to be too docile, and not sufficiently “woke,” to complete the struggle.
However, as far as the Cleveland Browns are concerned, they still listen to Jim Brown.
Lebanese-American Porn Star Mia Khalifa Says ISIS Threatening to Behead Her
Former Lebanese-American Internet porn star Mia Khalifa says that Muslims and jihadist groups, such as the Islamic State (ISIS), continue to send her death threats even though she has quit her porn career.
The now 23-year-old woman, who came to the U.S. from Lebanon when she was ten-years-old says that ISIS and other radical Muslims have sent her many threats, including gruesome mockup photos of her being beheaded, according to the Daily Mail.
Khalifa, who became a top-rated star on the Internet porn service Pornhub, says she was targeted in particular after posting a video showing her having sex while wearing a hijab.
“[Y]ou can’t show weakness. That’s exactly what they’re looking for. I really try and just make it look like it rolls off, but I’ll admit, it gets to you after a while,” she said.
Khalifa, born to a Christian family in Lebanon, was widely criticized by Muslims when she first began participating in Internet porn films, with many accusing her of being a “disgrace” to her home country of Lebanon.
“They’re embarrassed I’m ‘claiming’ them – as if I had a choice. I was born there,” she once told Newsweek.
Muslim critics also attacked Khalifa for having the tattoos so easily seen during her porn movies. Specifically, her tattoo of the first words of the Lebanese national anthem drew the ire of many Lebanese critics.
Her brief porn career caused a lot of friction with her family, as well. In 2015, the porn star confided to Newsweek that her family had cut ties with her.
“Everybody from my second cousins to family friends to my parents’ friends know…it’s not something that’s going to be forgiven,” she said.
When her porn career became a major international controversy, Khalifa said she ultimately felt guilty for “dragging” her family into the whole mess. She insisted, “That was never my intention.”
But pornography is now behind her. Khalifa, which is not her real name, has started a new career doing sports coverage on her YouTube channel.
While she does not think she has yet transitioned into the “mainstream,” Khalifa is making a living from her new endeavor.
“But it hasn’t really felt like work, because this is me basically just being myself on the internet,” she told CBS. “My passions are D.C. sports, D.C. in general and I’m finally finding a way to make a living out of my passion, so it doesn’t feel like work.”
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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