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Helen & Moe Lauzier’s
Issues of the Day
Write us at: mvl270@yahoo.com
Wed. May 3, 2017
Watch your back, Michael Savage advises President Donald Trump in his new best-seller Trump's War: His Battle for America. It’s not as much the guys in front of you -- the Democrats -- as those behind you -- your own party and appointees -- who you have to watch, Savage warns.
Trump won the Republican nomination and then the election. But he didn't conquer the Republican Party. He defeated it in its own primary, but he's a bit like an independent candidate who won the Republican primaries but still sits atop a party filled with people who don't like him, didn't support him, and, really just don't get him. But if he's not Republican enough to win Republican loyalty in Congress, he sure is Republican enough so that the Democrats won't touch him and won't give him any votes or support.
He's a man without a party.
To win, Savage says wisely, he has to rise up and a man above parties.
His problems began when he formed his Administration. He had two kindred spirits -- Steve Bannon and Mike Flynn. A great one-two punch. Then the Democrats lynched Flynn and came close to taking out Bannon.
They have left Trump with a cabinet that doesn't really see things as he does.
• With a State Department that doesn't want to leave NAFTA and alienate Mexico.
• With a National Security Advisor that won't get tough with Iran or to rip up the Nuclear Deal Trump ran against.
• With a holdover Veterans Administrator who still gives bonuses to those who make vets wait.
• With the same IRS crowd that targeted conservatives. Lois Lerner is gone but the rest are still there.
• A Treasury Secretary who won't call China a trade manipulator.
Savage's message: With friends like these you don't need enemies.
President Donald Trump held a 100-Day celebration/rally in Harrisburg, PA on Saturday instead of going to the annual black-tie White House “Fake” Correspondents Dinner. And it was fabulous. Vintage Trump.
He started off skewering the media, always a crowd pleaser…
He started off skewering the media, always a crowd pleaser…
"A large group of Hollywood actors and Washington media are consoling each other in a hotel ballroom in our nation’s capital right now. They are trapped at the dinner, which will be very very boring. I could not possibly be more thrilled than to be more than 100 miles away from Washington's swamp, spending my evening with all of you with a much, much larger crowd and much, much better people."
The president then rattled through the list of accomplishments that “fake news” rarely gives him credit for, and reiterated the campaign promises he made and the ones he’s already kept. He also assured his supporters that he’ll keep on moving forward with the agenda he was elected to pursue and took a couple of well-deserved shots at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
After the speech, CNN’s talking-heads panel had their usual conniption and meltdown.
Has-been David Gergen said it was the “most divisive” presidential speech he’s ever heard. Jerkwad Paul Begala called the President of the United States a “moral midget” and “needy little baby.” Failed former Democrat Gov. Jenny Granholm was practically sobbing about the speech being “so, so sad for America.”
Here are the closing lines from this “moral midget’s” “divisive” speech that radicalized liberals find “so, so sad”…
“Whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. And we all share the same glorious freedoms of our magnificent country. We are all made by the same almighty God. As long as we remember these truths, we will not fail. We will never fail. We are Americans and the future belongs to us…
“Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America prosper again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again! Thank you. God bless you.”
You have to be suffering from a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome to oppose those words or call them “divisive.” That so many on the left do is what’s truly “so, so sad for America.”
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
Marine Le Pen Says It’s Time To “Liberate” The French Nation
The similarities between President Donald Trump and French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen are undeniable. Both came from behind in a huge candidate field, and both saw their defeated rivals band together in an effort to defeat them.
Both are dialed in to the national consciousness regarding border security and illegal immigration, and both seem to have little filter, choosing to speak the unvarnished truth. Tough, resolute and outspoken, Le Pen is like Trump with lipstick, and she may soon be the new president of France.
Le Pen and her main rival, Emmanuel Macron, will meet for a run-off election May 7. The stakes are high: Macron is a leftist attempting to re-define himself as a pro-European Union centrist, and Le Pen has made it clear that France should leave the EU, according to The Daily Caller.
“The French people now have a very simple choice: Either we continue on the path to complete deregulation, or you choose France,” she said. “It is time to liberate the French nation from arrogant elites who want to dictate how it must behave.”
“I would decide on a moratorium on all legal immigration to stop this frenzy, this uncontrolled situation that is dragging us down,” Le Pen told a crowd of supporters Monday, according to Reuters. “I will protect you. My first measure as president will be to reinstate France’s borders.”
Sound familiar?
Among the many points in Le Pen’s “manifesto” were numerous items related to nationalism, protectionism and French sovereignty, according to The Huffington Post.
She has advocated the use of tariffs to prioritize the manufacture and purchase of French goods — not unlike President Donald Trump. And immigration? Like Trump, she promises not only to stamp out illegal immigration, but also to temporarily halt all immigration in order to stabilize the current imbalance eroding French culture.
Le Pen’s anti-radical-Islam rhetoric is fiery. Speaking in Paris on April 21, the day after yet another Paris terrorist attack and three days before the first-round election, Le Pen said,”Islamism is a monstrous totalitarian ideology that has declared war on our nation, on reason, on civilization,” according to a translation provided by The New Zealand Herald.
“Hate preachers must be expelled, the Islamist mosques closed,” she said. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack in which a police officer was killed.
The numbers are tight. With a turnout at over 78 percent in the first round, Le Pen won 21.5 percent of the vote, compared with Macron’s 23.8 percent, according to the BBC.
Critics claim that Le Pen’s Trump-like stance could cost her the election. Recent history tells us that she could win because of it.
Both are dialed in to the national consciousness regarding border security and illegal immigration, and both seem to have little filter, choosing to speak the unvarnished truth. Tough, resolute and outspoken, Le Pen is like Trump with lipstick, and she may soon be the new president of France.
Le Pen and her main rival, Emmanuel Macron, will meet for a run-off election May 7. The stakes are high: Macron is a leftist attempting to re-define himself as a pro-European Union centrist, and Le Pen has made it clear that France should leave the EU, according to The Daily Caller.
“The French people now have a very simple choice: Either we continue on the path to complete deregulation, or you choose France,” she said. “It is time to liberate the French nation from arrogant elites who want to dictate how it must behave.”
“I would decide on a moratorium on all legal immigration to stop this frenzy, this uncontrolled situation that is dragging us down,” Le Pen told a crowd of supporters Monday, according to Reuters. “I will protect you. My first measure as president will be to reinstate France’s borders.”
Sound familiar?
Among the many points in Le Pen’s “manifesto” were numerous items related to nationalism, protectionism and French sovereignty, according to The Huffington Post.
She has advocated the use of tariffs to prioritize the manufacture and purchase of French goods — not unlike President Donald Trump. And immigration? Like Trump, she promises not only to stamp out illegal immigration, but also to temporarily halt all immigration in order to stabilize the current imbalance eroding French culture.
Le Pen’s anti-radical-Islam rhetoric is fiery. Speaking in Paris on April 21, the day after yet another Paris terrorist attack and three days before the first-round election, Le Pen said,”Islamism is a monstrous totalitarian ideology that has declared war on our nation, on reason, on civilization,” according to a translation provided by The New Zealand Herald.
“Hate preachers must be expelled, the Islamist mosques closed,” she said. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack in which a police officer was killed.
The numbers are tight. With a turnout at over 78 percent in the first round, Le Pen won 21.5 percent of the vote, compared with Macron’s 23.8 percent, according to the BBC.
Critics claim that Le Pen’s Trump-like stance could cost her the election. Recent history tells us that she could win because of it.
Speaker Ryan Breaks Trump's Promise to Defund Planned Parenthood
Washington, D.C. - Yesterday, it was announced that despite promises made by House Speaker Paul Ryan to defund Planned Parenthood, the new funding bill compromise keeps over $500 million in federal funding for the abortion giant.
"To say we are disappointed is an understatement," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "One of the reasons I supported Donald Trump for President was because he promised to defund Planned Parenthood. Speaker Ryan also made that same promise. We are really feeling betrayed right now."
The tax money helps enable abortions at Planned Parenthood by funding services that maintain a steady stream of abortion referrals.
"We understand there are headwinds against this, but now is the time to stand strong on the promises Ryan and President Trump made to those of us who put them in office," said Newman.
Congressional investigators have reviewed evidence that has given them reason to believe that Planned Parenthood operates as a criminal enterprise. Independently, House and Senate panels have referred Planned Parenthood Federation of America and five of its affiliates to the U.S. Department of Justice for criminal investigation and prosecution for their part in the illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts.
"Would Paul Ryan fund the murderous M-13 gang? Would he fund businesses involved in organized crime? If not, then why fund Planned Parenthood in light of the criminal referrals by both Houses of Congress. Why fund them in light of the recent deaths of at least two Planned Parenthood patients, Cree Erwin-Sheppard and Tonya Reaves? These killings are little different than a gang-related drive by shooting," said Newman.
Erwin-Sheppard died last year from an untreated botched abortion she received from Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Reaves died in 2012 after her Chicago Planned Parenthood abortionist delayed calling for help for over five hours while Reaves bled to death internally from injuries she received during a second trimester abortion.
Conservative Americans elected President Trump based, in part, on his promises to defund Planned Parenthood. While some steps have been taken to reduce funding, those do not satisfy the promises made by Trump and Ryan to end all tax funding for Planned Parenthood and redirect the money to health centers that do not profit from abortion.
"This poor decision to break his promise destroys our trust in Speaker Ryan's ability to lead," said Newman. "It's time to call a duck a duck. Ryan's capitulation on the Planned Parenthood defunding issue a shameful example of political cowardice. Women and babies deserve better."
Operation Rescue urges the public to contact the following Representatives and demand that they support language to fully redirect tax funding from Planned Parenthood to legitimate health care providers.
"To say we are disappointed is an understatement," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "One of the reasons I supported Donald Trump for President was because he promised to defund Planned Parenthood. Speaker Ryan also made that same promise. We are really feeling betrayed right now."
The tax money helps enable abortions at Planned Parenthood by funding services that maintain a steady stream of abortion referrals.
"We understand there are headwinds against this, but now is the time to stand strong on the promises Ryan and President Trump made to those of us who put them in office," said Newman.
Congressional investigators have reviewed evidence that has given them reason to believe that Planned Parenthood operates as a criminal enterprise. Independently, House and Senate panels have referred Planned Parenthood Federation of America and five of its affiliates to the U.S. Department of Justice for criminal investigation and prosecution for their part in the illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts.
"Would Paul Ryan fund the murderous M-13 gang? Would he fund businesses involved in organized crime? If not, then why fund Planned Parenthood in light of the criminal referrals by both Houses of Congress. Why fund them in light of the recent deaths of at least two Planned Parenthood patients, Cree Erwin-Sheppard and Tonya Reaves? These killings are little different than a gang-related drive by shooting," said Newman.
Erwin-Sheppard died last year from an untreated botched abortion she received from Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Reaves died in 2012 after her Chicago Planned Parenthood abortionist delayed calling for help for over five hours while Reaves bled to death internally from injuries she received during a second trimester abortion.
Conservative Americans elected President Trump based, in part, on his promises to defund Planned Parenthood. While some steps have been taken to reduce funding, those do not satisfy the promises made by Trump and Ryan to end all tax funding for Planned Parenthood and redirect the money to health centers that do not profit from abortion.
"This poor decision to break his promise destroys our trust in Speaker Ryan's ability to lead," said Newman. "It's time to call a duck a duck. Ryan's capitulation on the Planned Parenthood defunding issue a shameful example of political cowardice. Women and babies deserve better."
Operation Rescue urges the public to contact the following Representatives and demand that they support language to fully redirect tax funding from Planned Parenthood to legitimate health care providers.
Speaker Ryan's online E-mail form.
Elizabeth Warren admits: Obama was terrible!
It’s a unique, arguably unprecedented day when a Democrat admits fault within their own party – but it just happened.
Senator Elizabeth Warren displayed a rare sense of reality Monday, when she acknowledged former President Barack Obama’s failures as commander in chief.
In an interview with The Guardian, Warren slammed Obama for misreporting the successes of his administration and exaggerating statistics to fit his agenda of securing his legacy.
“I think President Obama, like many others in both parties, talk about a set of big national statistics that look shiny and great but increasingly have giant blind spots. That GDP, unemployment, no longer reflect the lived experiences of most Americans.”
Despite economic complaints from majority of Americans, Obama patted himself on the back after he left office.
The White House economic report from the last days of his presidency bragged of an economy 11.5% bigger than it’s height before the 2008 financial crisis, 15 million new jobs, and national unemployment falling to 4.7%.
But the American people clearly didn’t feel the economic burden lifting, and Warren saw through Obama’s twisted stats.
She recognized, “the lived experiences of most Americans is that they are being left behind in this economy. Worse than being left behind, they’re getting kicked in the teeth.”
It’s a shocking lack of bias from a leading Democrat, who then went as far as to attack the party as a whole!
“The Republicans have clearly thrown their lot in with the rich and the powerful, but so have a lot of Democrats,” she complained.
Senator Elizabeth Warren displayed a rare sense of reality Monday, when she acknowledged former President Barack Obama’s failures as commander in chief.
In an interview with The Guardian, Warren slammed Obama for misreporting the successes of his administration and exaggerating statistics to fit his agenda of securing his legacy.
“I think President Obama, like many others in both parties, talk about a set of big national statistics that look shiny and great but increasingly have giant blind spots. That GDP, unemployment, no longer reflect the lived experiences of most Americans.”
Despite economic complaints from majority of Americans, Obama patted himself on the back after he left office.
The White House economic report from the last days of his presidency bragged of an economy 11.5% bigger than it’s height before the 2008 financial crisis, 15 million new jobs, and national unemployment falling to 4.7%.
But the American people clearly didn’t feel the economic burden lifting, and Warren saw through Obama’s twisted stats.
She recognized, “the lived experiences of most Americans is that they are being left behind in this economy. Worse than being left behind, they’re getting kicked in the teeth.”
It’s a shocking lack of bias from a leading Democrat, who then went as far as to attack the party as a whole!
“The Republicans have clearly thrown their lot in with the rich and the powerful, but so have a lot of Democrats,” she complained.
This follows criticism she had of Obama after it was reported that he received a $400,000 speaking fee for a Wall Street speech. Warren said she was “troubled” by the payment on SiriusXM radio show “Alter Family Politics,” right before promoting her new book.
And while she’s right, it can be seen as an ironic criticism for someone who publicly endorsed failed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
Clinton reportedly took a combined total of over $3 million from big banks during her campaign and has accepted a collective $153 million in speaking fees, many from Wall Street, in combination with her husband Bill.
Her criticism of money in politics echos that of Senator Bernie Sanders during his presidential primary campaign.
While promoting a new book and sitting at the center of swirling rumors of a 2020 presidential run, it’s no wonder Warren would attempt to appeal to lost Clinton voters by taking a page out of Senator Bernie Sanders handbook.
-The Horn News editorial team
This follows criticism she had of Obama after it was reported that he received a $400,000 speaking fee for a Wall Street speech. Warren said she was “troubled” by the payment on SiriusXM radio show “Alter Family Politics,” right before promoting her new book.
And while she’s right, it can be seen as an ironic criticism for someone who publicly endorsed failed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
Clinton reportedly took a combined total of over $3 million from big banks during her campaign and has accepted a collective $153 million in speaking fees, many from Wall Street, in combination with her husband Bill.
Her criticism of money in politics echos that of Senator Bernie Sanders during his presidential primary campaign.
While promoting a new book and sitting at the center of swirling rumors of a 2020 presidential run, it’s no wonder Warren would attempt to appeal to lost Clinton voters by taking a page out of Senator Bernie Sanders handbook.
-The Horn News editorial team
Top Democrat Tied Directly To Russia. Time For Impeachment?
The Left is blinded by their hatred of Donald Trump. The mainstream media always tries to tie Russia to Trump, but they always fail, because it is not true.
Ironically, the Democrats are guilty of the same crimes they accuse Trump of having committed. Maxine Waters held an honorary seat with the Workers World Party, a radical pro-Russian political organization that is often used as a Russian propaganda machine. Where is the outrage? (via The Blaze)
The Left hates to admit their crimes. It is the same story every day; a liberal commits some horrible crime, and then the mainstream media buries the story. They are so predictable. They are anti-American cowards.
The mainstream media cannot allow stories like this to surface, because then it would force them to admit their dishonesty. The leftist media machine cannot tolerate honesty.
The media is desperate; it is sad. They should shut down their networks, or at least admit they are a joke. I’m surprised Stephen Colbert isn’t a news host for one of their so-called “News Reporting Shows.”
We cannot take the mainstream media seriously. They have proven they are a dishonest propaganda machine for the Left. They don’t care about the truth; in fact, they actively ignore the truth.
The Left will deploy any tactic to discredit honest conservatives. After eight years of Obama, the Left has only strengthened conservatism. The Left tries to paint us as “racists.” They don’t realize that their hateful rhetoric has grown our ranks.
We are a more unified group because of the lying Democrats and the hateful media. They imply that we are stupid, uneducated, and racist. Really? Do these people even understand a hard day’s work? I would love to watch a journalist try to cut lumber.
We built this country. We are the silent majority. We have put more sweat and tears into this country than any so-called “journalist.” We demand respect. We demand respect for our children in the military and our fellow veterans.
These leftist thugs hate us. They hate hard work. They don’t understand why we voted for Trump. They are truly detached. It is sad. We cannot rely on the media or the Left to look out for us.
Thankfully, we have Donald Trump. At least Trump understands us. He is working hard to bring jobs back to our country. He is working to strengthen our communities. This is exactly what our country needs.
NRA Pushing Hard for National Reciprocity Bill
With the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court in safely conservative hands, the National Rifle Association is trading in their defensive posture of the last eight years for a renewed push for positive, Second Amendment-affirming policies that will broaden the gun rights of the American people. And one of the top items on their agenda is a national reciprocity bill that would allow concealed-carry permit holders from one state to travel to another without fear of prosecution.
At the annual NRA Liberty convention last week, President Trump reassured attendees that they didn’t need to worry about the federal government infringing on gun rights.
“No longer will federal agencies be coming after law-abiding gun owners,” Trump said. “No longer will the government be trying to undermine your rights and your freedoms as Americans. Instead, we will work with you, by your side.”
What a refreshing change of rhetoric from the last eight years!
But the NRA is hoping that the president’s pro-gun agenda won’t be limited to the negative – while it’s a great thing for the American people if Trump will simply STOP doing the things that Obama was pushing for, our current Republican leadership has the chance to do so much more. And the NRA wants them to make the most of that opportunity by pushing for national reciprocity.
“If 10 states made it a felony to read The New York Times, the media would run the story 24/7 until Congress fixed the assault on the First Amendment,” the gun lobby said in a recent advertisement. “But when 10 states criminalize the Second Amendment, the media says nothing.”
Even that, as powerful as it sounds, understates the truth. The media hasn’t just said “nothing,” it has gone out of its way to praise states like California, New York, and Illinois, where it is harder for law-abiding citizens to get a gun than to get illegal drugs. This, despite the fact, that many of these strict, anti-gun states harbor cities that are awash in gun-related murders.
Oh, but of course that’s the fault of neighboring states with loose gun laws…even though those states don’t have gun violence problems themselves. See, doesn’t it all make sense? See why we have to punish lawful, concealed-carry permit holders? They might take it upon themselves to drive up to Chicago and just start shooting up the place. It’s all so logical and sensible…
National reciprocity is not a radical idea. It’s nothing more or less than common sense. If Democrats weren’t so hell-bent on opposing any legislation that strengthens the Second Amendment, this bill would be a no-brainer. And if they want to start taking back the Midwestern blue states that Trump yanked from them last November, this wouldn’t be the worst place to begin.
G’ day…Ciao…….
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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