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Thomas J. Carrier a.k.a Thomas Blacke
SEPTEMBER 24, 1965 ~ APRIL 25, 2019 (AGE 53)
"Thomas and Eloise just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. He is, also, survived by brothers-in-law, Maurice Lauzier and his wife Helen and Michele Lauzier, along with a nephew, nieces, great-nieces and one great, great niece. He will, also, be missed by his beloved pets Merlin "Melvin" and Hobo "Floppy". He is a graduate of Our Lady of Providence Seminary High School and received a Bachelor's Degree in Communications and Political Science from Rhode island College.
Thomas had a multi-faceted career and life. First and foremost, he was an extraordinary entertainer, including magic, escapes, pickpocketing, mentalism and hypnotism performing around the world. He was featured in numerous periodicals, news and television shows around the country. He was nominated for Lecturer of the Year at the prestigious Magic Castle. The Harvey Award was bestowed upon him by the Invisible Lodge and he held numerous world records, one of which is on permanent display at the Guinness World Record Museum in Niagara Falls, Canada. He was a member of the Magic Circle of London, Magic Castle of California, New England Magic Collector's Association, Society of American Magicians, International Brotherhood of Magicians, International Escape Artists and the elite FFFF(Fechter's Finger-Flicking Frolic). On May 23, 2011, he received his very own Ripley's Believe It Or Not! cartoon for the fastest escape from handcuffs underwater. He was, also, a former member of the Friars Club in New York.
He was a former personality(Tommy J) on local radio and announcer for the former Newport Grand Jai Alai.
Among his other life time achievements, he was an accomplished ten pin bowler, an avid duck pin bowler and member of the National Duckpin Association, as well as, author of several books on magic and non-magic related.
He was a Freemason including being a Past Worshipful Master of Daylight Lodge, Thrice Illustrious Master of Council, Excellent High Priest of Chapter and Commander of the local chapter of the Swords of Bunker Hill and National Quartermaster for the Swords.
He studied various martial arts throughout his life. He held a black belt in Tsuyoi Tora Ryu Ju Jitsu and was a trained Reiki II Therapist.
Thomas had a thirst and love for learning new skills anxiously awaiting to test run them on his wife, once perfected. He was, also, well known for making the fastest balloon dog which can be attested to by numerous wait staff at local restaurants he and his wife frequented. He always had a "pocket full of magic". He was a generous and loving soul and will be missed dearly. Flowers are welcome, as well as, donations to the RISPCA.
His funeral will be held on Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the NARDOLILLO FUNERAL HOME & Crematory, 1278 Park Avenue, Cranston followed by a Mass of Christian Burial in St. Mary’s Church, Cranston at 12 p.m. VISITING HOURS are Tuesday 5-8 p.m. Burial will take place in St. Ann Cemetery, Cranston.
America’s President
File this under Hope Springs Eternal: When Donald Trump somehow emerged victor on Nov. 8, 2016, I soon enough predicted that he would turn out to be America’s most beloved president since Ronald Reagan. I still think that. For one thing, simply as a personality there’s so much more there than in his four immediate predecessors. What’s more, with him what you see is what you get. For all his alleged sins and sinning he can never ever be accused of hypocrisy. In this day and age, that’s reason enough to canonize him.
My mind always goes back to October 2013 when Trump stole the show at our annual dinner, much no doubt to the dismay of our keynote speaker that night, Sen. Ted Cruz, whose earnest speech really did not go over well, following as it did Trump’s warm and witty remarks. But what I remember most is Trump before dinner, mingling at the general reception and joshing and schmoozing with one and all. One woman right in front of me tried to give him a hard time about something, to no avail. He quickly disarmed her, with a smile and an eye roll and maybe a few faux grimaces. I think I was supposed to try to get him to go over to the VIP reception, but he wanted no part of that. He was happy to be right where he was and the VIPs never did get to visit with him up close. In case you haven’t noticed, he’s always his own man even if that’s no longer allowed.
For his troubles he’s been savaged and dehumanized by a crazed, bigoted opposition that refuses to play by any rules once thought the norm in our politics and culture. Even before his election he was being sabotaged by his opponent, the ruling administration, U.S. intelligence, and the FBI. Same thing in the two and half months leading up to his inauguration. And ever since, by the permanent fruits of bigger government and the cockroaches scurrying along its corridors, including commissars under the control of a so-called special counsel who’s destroying America’s rule of law. And all this with knee jerk media encouragement and approval — unconstitutionality as we’ve never seen in the U.S. before, by forces that depict themselves as a “resistance” and who argue that Donald Trump’s constitutionally protected presidential actions are a sure sign of tyrannical intent. I suppose we owe an apology to Barack Obama. He knew what he was doing mandating universal mental health coverage.
The most amazing thing, though, is that in the face of such unprecedented cruel and unusual hostility, Trump has nonetheless thrived and delivered on numerous fronts, whether the economy, foreign policy, deregulation, entrepreneurship, the courts, trade and China, and the incompetence of “experts.” He has brought more energy to the executive than any president since FDR, and put it to better use than any president since — okay, we’ll fill in the blank when his second term ends. Best of all, he shows up for work every day, day after day. He never rests, and he’s apparently the first national leader immune from the effects of jet lag. This is a man in his 70s, remember. No one can keep up with him.
As I write, Joe Scarborough has just said Trump has caused more harm to the U.S. than 9/11 did. In the New York Review, which I thought will be the last liberal organ to retain its senses, Garry Wills calls for stepped-up resistance to Trump, because “If we wait until the tyrant kills six million Jews before tyrannicide is contemplated, we are actually facilitating tyranny.”
Thank God for children, the best check on adults who are out of their mind. Our cover this issue is inspired by a number of photos from the White House’s annual take your kid to work day. For all we know, one of the children depicted there belongs to the New York Times’ Anonymous op-ed writer. But what jumps out in those pics — not that the spiteful media has given them any play — is how happy and playful they all are in Mr. Trump’s company and how even more delighted he seems to be to be in theirs. As Dubya might have said, “He’s a good man.”
Shameless Joe Biden Politicizes Tragedy to Launch Campaign
Even in this time of shameless, cheap politics, Joe Biden’s presidential campaign kickoff is the most shameless and cheapest stunt of all.
The guy has been in Washington and part of the problem for more than 45 years, yet all he has to offer now is that he is not Donald Trump. Just like every single other Democrat seeking the nomination.
Even more disgusting is Mr. Biden’s willingness to politicize a tragic event in which three innocent people were killed in order to advance his own political career.
The horrifying events in Charlottesville nearly two years ago where some nut ran down an innocent woman and two state troopers were killed trying to keep the peace have absolutely nothing to do with America’s future or the presidency. But why let a travesty like that go to waste without profiting off it politically, right, Joe?
This should come as little surprise, I suppose. After all, this is the same guy who once told an audience of black Americans in southern Virginia — the very descendants of slaves — that Republicans would “put y’all back in chains” if they failed to make sure Joe Biden got reelected as vice president.
Someone, please pass the hand sanitizer.
Same guy, also, who shamelessly invoked “tragedy” in his own family to explain away his gross habit of groping grown women and little girls. Sniffing their hair.
Originally, Mr. Biden was going to actually kick off his campaign with a live appearance in Charlottesville, but someone told him that would be too tacky, even for him. So he decided to just invoke the tragedy in a video posted on the World Wide Web instead.
And it was as dishonest as it was tawdry.
Mr. Biden peddled the tired old lie that in the days after Heather Heyer was run down and killed by a crazed driver from Ohio, President Trump called neo-Nazi thugs in Charlottesville “very fine people.” This is a flat-out lie. The president repeatedly and forcefully denounced the nasty neo-Nazis. In addition, he condemned all the violent protesters.
As president — something Mr. Biden has no personal experience with — Mr. Trump was talking about the larger issue that sparked violent protesters on both sides to turn a peaceful event into mayhem. Ostensibly, they were debating about what to do with a Confederate monument — a matter that has been debated endlessly for decades without incident.
On both sides of that debate, Mr. Trump said, there are “very fine people.”
But what does the truth have to do with anything anymore? After two years of nonstop lies from the mainstream press propped up with fantasy about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, why worry about cheap little lies like this?
Especially if it helps Joe Biden run for president one more time.
When you have no good issues to run on, try ham-fisted emotional appeals aimed at stoking up racial tensions. That’s page one of the Democratic political playbook.
Actually, there is one issue gaining steam inside the Democratic Party ever since presidential front-runner Bernie Sanders proposed it: Allow violent felons to vote from prison.
In other words, these people want the racist nut who killed Heather Heyer to be allowed to cast a ballot in the next election, probably canceling out the vote the young woman would have cast herself. If she had not been killed.
⦁ Contact Charles Hurt at churt@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @charleshurt.
Conservatives, Christians under attack because our views are in the way of ‘progress’
By JD Rucker

What is progress? Those in western society are being shown that progress is related in some way to the evolution of policies, mindsets, and philosophical beliefs, but only if the evolution falls within the approved category denoted by so-called progressives. Conservatives and Christians see progress as well, but what we consider to be progress is being labeled as “backwards thinking” to those who, for some reason, hold the keys.
It’s unfortunate that we, conservatives and Christians, allowed this to happen. We have been losing the narrative war because we allowed the progressive movement to embed their members in the education system and mainstream media. Add to this the progressive dominance in Hollywood, union organizations, and social sciences/services and it’s easy to see how the narrative became so easily controlled by the left. The professions that influence the narrative the most are plagued by those with the modern progressive mindset.
That’s not to say we never win narrative battles. The 2010-2016 elections proved three out of four times that we can win the battles at the ballot box, but only because we had a narrative boogeyman – Obamacare – that we were able to use to overcome the baseline narrative bias that favors progressives. But things have changed. We no longer have that boogeyman in our corner. The left has flipped the script on healthcare due in large part to the debacle in the way Obamacare repeal and replace was handled by the GOP in 2017.
But even when we were winning at the ballot box, we were still losing the overall war. While we were focused on Obamacare, progressives turned to social issues to engage in the long-term battles over race, sex/gender, marriage rights, abortion “rights,” gun control, and over the last two years, socialism itself. While we were gloating over being able to nominate right-leaning judges, progressives were busy shifting the mindsets of the people to the point that all cultural discussions today are framed within a new normal of intersectionality and false equality.They made “all lives matter” into a racist phrase while making “Black Lives Matter” an acceptable mantra.
***They pushed for “equal rights” for those in the LGBTQ community by giving them more rights than others.
They made it acceptable for women to be granted privileges while making it evil for men to be granted the same. Three presidential candidates have promised to have a woman as their running mate if nominated. Imagine the outcry if a candidate promised a man would be named as their running mate.
***They said the victims of the Christchurch terrorist attacks were “Muslims” while saying the victims of the Sri Lanka terrorist attacks were “Easter worshipers.”
***They call Christians who believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman “bigots” but they say nothing when Muslim nations seek out gays for legal punishment.
***Hypocrisy is no longer shocking when it comes from progressives because it has become so rampant, it no longer even registers on a conscious level. They’ve normalized their hypocrisy, and those who have fallen for the normalization need only the faintest sense of justification in order for them to suspend disbelief in the hypocrisy itself. So many have become sheep, unable or unwilling to break away from what should clearly be considered ridiculous on both an intellectual and emotional level.
***I’m delivering very bad news for conservatives and Christians. The news is this: we’re in the way of what the progressives call progress and they’re the ones with the power to make our views anathema to the growing number of sheep. The progressives aren’t just in our schools and news outlets.
They control search. Google let’s us see what they want us to see, which means they won’t let us see what they don’t want us to see.
They control social media. The bias has been known for ages, yet sites like Facebook and Twitter still pretend it doesn’t exist. We should ask James Woods what he thinks.
They control the news aggregators. It’s bad enough the progressives dominate most news outlets. It’s even worse when Google News, Yahoo News, and Apple News push people to the left-leaning takes on stories. They’re not even shy about it.
Does this mean we should give up? Throw in the towel? Accept our fate and build a bunker to start storing water and ammunition? The answer to the first two questions is no. That third question is up to you. Regardless of what you decide, one thing is certain. We must keep fighting. We have the truth on our side, and we have to hope that enough thoughtful Americans will wake up to the manipulation they’re exposed to daily. We have the truth. Always remember that. The truth is our best ally in this ongoing war.
This is the point when I mention helping NOQ Report is a way to help America.
If you are conservative, Christian, or both, your viewpoints are getting muscled out of the conversation by forces bent on our destruction. One can argue they’re bent on America’s destruction as well. We cannot let that happen.
Boy Scouts' 'Perversion Files': 7,819 Alleged Sexual Abusers and 12,254 Alleged Victims
By Michael W. Chapman
(Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)
(CNSNews.com) -- Dr. Janet Warren, a sex offender expert and professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia, testified in a trial in Minnesota that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have files from 1944 through 2016 that list the names of 7,819 alleged sexual abusers and 12,254 alleged victims. These files are called the "Ineligible Volunteer Files" and the documents specifically on sexual misconduct are sometimes referred to as the "Perversion Files."
As Dr. Warren testified, she has been under contract for the last five years for the Boy Scouts to review those files, code them, and place them on the Internet. Many of the names of the alleged perpetrators -- not the alleged victims -- from the files have been released to the public through sexual abuse litigation. In 2012, Oregon Judge John Wittmayer ordered that files from 1965 to 1985 -- some 1,247 entries -- be made public and posted online. They can be read here.
Dr. Janet Warren (YouTube, ABC News)
Not everyone named in those files has been found guilty of a crime and not a few of the cases were ever litigated. As one law firm that has posted the files states, we "make no representations or suggestions that the allegations in these files are in every case true. In fact, we are in no position to verify or attest to the truth of these allegations as they were compiled by the Boy Scouts of America."
Dr. Warren testified on Jan. 30, 2019 in the Fourth Judicial District of Minnesota in a case involving the Children's Theatre Company. In early questioning, Dr. Warren explained her professional background as a sexual offender expert and the work she has been doing for the Boy Scouts.
"The last five years I've been on private contract by the Boy Scouts of America," testified Dr. Warren. "And you may have read about it in the news, but they have files. They're called ineligible volunteer files. And these are files that they created, individuals who have had their registration with the Boy Scouts revoked because of reasonable allegations of child sexual abuse. And so they've become quite recognized in the press; they're a part of all their litigation."
"So I have been hired by them to review all of these files, beginning in 1944 through 2016," she said. "It has taken us five years. I've had 32 coders along the east coast coding these. We've had to create Internet access to everything. And we ended up coding 7,819 of these files, meaning 7,819 perpetrators who they believe were involved in sexually abusing a child. From reviewing all these files we identified 12,254 victims."
"These were administrative files," said Dr. Warren in her testimony. "They were used every year to check against registration. So once a year when people would register with the Boy Scouts, they would literally have 17 people in a room checking every name against this list, trying to keep these people out. And they were trying to keep these people out years ago when there were no computers; there were criminal background checks."
"So that has been a very major project which I suspect will be being released in the next couple of weeks," she said.
The release of Dr. Warren's testimony was announced on April 23 at a Manhattan press conference, when the attorneys at Jeff Anderson & Associates also released two reports on alleged sexual abuse in the BSA in New Jersey and New York. Jeff Anderson & Associates represent the plaintiffs in the Minnesota case and another reason for the press conference was to highlight Dr. Warren's testimony and reveal the news that the BSA has files on 7,819 alleged abusers, a number that had not been disclosed before.
As stated at the press conference, the New York report lists "the names of more than 130 Boy Scout leaders who worked in New York and were named in Boy Scouts of America (BSA) 'Perversion Files' as having allegations of sexually abusing minors," according to Anderson. The New Jersey report lists approximately 50 names of Boy Scout leaders who were named in the files as allegedly having abused minors.
The names and Troop numbers of the alleged abusers are printed in the reports.
Commenting on the files, Jeff Anderson & Associates said, "The files are created for individuals whose registration with the Boy Scouts has been revoked because of allegations of child sexual abuse. The 'perversion' files illustrate the Boy Scouts of America’s longstanding knowledge of child sexual abuse in scouting. Through litigation across the country, courts have ordered the public release of some of these Boy Scout files."
The law firm also stated, "While lawsuits may have been filed involving some of these alleged perpetrators, the vast majority of the claims against these individuals have not been fully evaluated in a civil or criminal court. Accordingly, the allegations should not be considered proven or substantiated in a court of law. All individuals should be considered innocent until proven guilty."
Again, the release of 1,247 names from the Perversion Files was ordered by an Oregon judge and upheld by the Oregon Supreme Court in 2012.
In a statement released on April 24, one day after the Jeff Anderson & Associates press conference, the BSA said that "every instance of suspected abuse is reported to law enforcement."
"The organization went back decades and reported ... instances of abuse to law enforcement when it may have been unclear whether prior incidences had been reported," said the BSA.
"We believe victims, we support them, and we have paid for unlimited counseling by a provider of their choice," the BSA said. "Nothing is more important than the safety and protection of children in scouting, and we are outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our programs to abuse innocent children."
"Throughout our history, we have enacted strong youth protection policies to prevent future abuse, including mandatory youth protection trainings and a formal leader-selection process that includes criminal background checks," the statement said. "Since the 1920s, we have maintained a Volunteer Screening Database to prevent individuals accused of abuse or inappropriate conduct from joining or re-entering our programs, a practice recommended in 2007 by the Centers for Disease Control for all youth-serving organizations."
In response to the BSA, Attorney Jeff Anderson said on Wednesday, “All the pledges and promises from the Boy Scouts of America fall short. The reality is, they have to identify the names of thousands of offenders from their secret files. The Boy Scouts need to come clean and inform the communities who these people are, what they did, and where they are today. Through a simple keystroke, they have the ability today to release the names and locations of every offender that sexually abused children."
"Absent that, any effort, promise, pledge, practice is falling short of protecting kids," he said. "This is a time for action and truth, not a time for excuses, promises or policies.”
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Michael W. Chapman
6 Pieces Of Evidence Anita Hill Was Lying

Anita Hill made her claim to fame by accusing Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearing back in 1991. The Left painted Thomas as a misogynistic monster despite the glaring contradictions, lies and lack of evidence to support such a narrative. The U.S. House and Senate dismissed the baseless accusations presented by Hill, confirmed Thomas to the court, and the public largely viewed Hill as discredited.
Despite all this, the Left, through HBO, continues to smear Thomas for the irredeemable sin of being conservative while being black. On April 16 a slanderous film called Confirmation, a “fictionalized look” at the drama of the Thomas confirmation hearing, was released. The star of the film was none other than Hillary Clinton surrogate actress Kerry Washington.
Here are 6 pieces of evidence that Hill was lying:
1. A witness said she was told details about the supposed sexual harassment while the two were living in Washington, except this witness was not living in Washington when Hill worked for Thomas.
The witness supposedly corroborating Hills’ allegations had moved out of Washington before Hill even began working for Thomas. How could she have possibly been told about the harassment before it happened?
2. Hill followed Thomas, a man she accused of sexual harassment, from job to job.
Hill claimed that she feared losing her government job if she did not follow Thomas from job to job. As Brookings Institute senior fellow Stuart Taylor Jr. points out, Hill was an employee of the federal government, known for its incredible job security.
3. Hill made numerous phone calls to her supposed sexual harasser after she stopped working for him.
Phone logs document numerous calls from Hill to Thomas after she stopped working for him, notes Thomas Sowell. It seems rather odd that a woman would consistently call a man who sexually harassed her.
Further, Hill initially denied that she made these calls — which doesn’t exactly boost her credibility either.
4. Hill initially asked to be kept anonymous when her accusations were presented to Thomas. But if her accusations were true, then Thomas would know that the accusations were launched by Hill, so why ask for anonymity?
Sowell elaborates: “The really fatal fact about Anita Hill’s accusations was that they were first made to the Senate Judiciary Committee in confidence, and she asked that her name not be mentioned when the accusations were presented to Judge Thomas by those trying to pressure him to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court.
“Think about it: The accusations referred to things that were supposed to have happened when only two people were present,” adds Sowell. “If the accusations were true, Clarence Thomas would automatically know who originated them. Anita Hill’s request for anonymity made sense only if the charges were false.”
5. Hill lied five times about being told something from a Democratic staffer, which she later admitted to under oath.
The Federalist highlights that Hill admitted, under oath, that although she previously denied being told something by a Democratic staffer, she actually was. This of course reeks of a political motive for the allegations and, again, a lack of credibility of the accuser.
6. A dozen females who worked with Thomas and Hill gave favorable testimony about Thomas and refuted the claims by Hill of Thomas’ inappropriate behavior.
As noted in the Wall Street Journal, “a dozen” women came out in support of Thomas, giving glowing testimony of his behavior, lending contradiction to Hills’ accusations.
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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