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Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Fire, Worker Claims it Was “Deliberately” Started
Media reports claimed fire linked to “renovation” work.
Paul Joseph Watson
Paul Joseph Watson
The roof of the historic building has completely collapsed.
#NotreDame - The roof has completely collapsed. So tragic.
“The cause is not yet clear, but officials say it could be linked to renovation work,” reports the BBC.
However, TIME columnist Christopher J. Hale tweeted, “A Jesuit friend in Paris who works in #NotreDame told me cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set.”
Hale deleted the tweet within minutes after it attracted attention.
The Saint Sulpice church in Paris was deliberately set on fire earlier this year, although media reports downplayed the story.
As we reported earlier, anti-Christian attacks in France are on the rise while attacks against Jewish symbols have also risen by 74 per cent.
According to a group that studies hate crime attacks against Christians, February was the worst month for attacks on Christian churches since they began collecting data.
According to Ellen Fantini, anti-Christian attacks are being minimized despite representing the largest share of hate crimes.
Also take note of the names of those who were celebrating the fire by reacting with ‘smiley faces’ on Facebook.
Holy Week Fire at Notre-Dame
300-year old Spire Collapse
Cathedral Roof Caves In
Construction Related?

A major fire is engulfing the famed Medieval Notre-Dame cathedral in central Paris.
The fire at Notre Dame may be accidental but it's too close to the plot of To Kill The Truth where the famous libraries of the world are burned to the ground. I hope the Rose Window can be saved.
The following was prepared for publication yesterday…
You may now kiss the ring of Al Sharpton, the country’s biggest race-baiter.
The 2020 Democrats are all rushing to see who can be the most “woke”. All of them publicly genuflected before Al Sharpton, his Majesty of race baiting and buffoonery.
The National Action Network convention this week was just an opportunity for the radical 2020 Democrats to show just how far left they are, all of them squealed “Yes!” when asked if they would sign a reparations bill. Hickenlooper hesitated and was scolded by the audience.
April 17, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Dan Crenshaw Scolds Omar And Ocasio-Cortez For Their ‘Dishonest Attack’: ‘I’m The Guy Who Went Overseas’ After 9/11

Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw responded to Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota on Friday after the duo criticized him for taking offense to Omar’s description of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
“It’s terrorists who killed almost 3,000 Americans, we should talk about it that way,” Crenshaw told NBC News. “We should talk about it with deference.”
Omar delivered the keynote speech at a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on March 23 where she was recorded describing the Sept. 11 attacks as merely an event where “some people did something.”
After the Texas Republican replied that it is “unbelievable” that a member of Congress would describe “terrorists who killed thousands of Americans” in such a manner, Omar called on leaders of both parties to join her in “condemning” Crenshaw’s “dangerous incitement.”
“All Rep. Omar had to do was explain herself,” Crenshaw said. “Say whatever she wants. Say she didn’t mean it … diffuse the situation, but don’t double down, alright? Don’t play the victim card and don’t start making accusations of me — I just think that was uncalled for.”
Ocasio-Cortez immediately came to Omar’s defense and accused the former Navy SEAL of not properly supporting 9/11 victims and first responders.
“You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes,” Ocasio-Cortez responded to Crenshaw. “In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don’t you go do something about that?”
Ocasio-Cortez also said Omar has “done more for 9/11 families than the GOP” and that Republicans are “happy to weaponize [Omar’s] faith.”
“It was not taken out of context, by the way, there are a lot of claims that it was — of course it wasn’t. I think everyone should just look at the clip and decide for themselves,” Crenshaw said. “I don’t think it’s out of line to simply call that out and criticize it.”
“This is the height of partisanship — when we can’t just come together and properly assume that we should not diminish the acts of 9/11 by saying things like ‘some people did something,’” he continued. “That’s not what happened and we should come together and take note of that.”
Crenshaw also expressed his disappointment in the members of Congress who are “trying to deflect attention from Omar by attacking [him], claiming that [he is] not for 9/11 first responders.”
“This is a really dishonest attack and let me tell you how I am for 9/11 victims and 9/11 first responders. I’m the guy who went overseas to make sure this never happens again, to take the fight to the enemy that committed these attacks,” he said. “I would go back and do it every day if I could. So to say that kind of attack, that is the height of partisanship and I’m really disappointed in them saying that.”
Crenshaw served five deployments overseas — while on his third combat tour, he was hit by an IED blast during a mission in Afghanistan that destroyed his right eye and badly injured his left eye. After multiple surgeries, Crenshaw retained sight in his left eye and went on to deploy two more times.
Follow Molly @mollyfprince

Devin Nunes turned in the one piece of paper that keeps Barack Obama up at night
Devin Nunes turned in the one piece of paper that keeps Barack Obama up at night
This is the one place they never expected to be.
That’s because Devin Nunes turned in the one piece of paper that keeps Obama and his Deep State allies up at night.
Devin Nunes finally forwarded a series of criminal complaints to Attorney General William Barr stemming from misconduct in the Obama administration and the FBI spying on the Trump campaign that he uncovered during his time as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
Breitbart reports:
Republican Congressman Devin Nunes has forwarded a criminal referral notification to U.S. Attorney General William Barr alleging several “potential violations” of the law perpetrated during the Russia investigation.
The ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee said he is prepared to brief Barr on the alleged misconduct he feels occurred during the investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 campaign, Fox News reported.
The allegations Nunes is alerting the Department of Justice about were turned up during the time the GOP held the majority in the House.
Nunes previously stated he was going to send one criminal referral with the possibility for more.
Now that is reality.
Cory Booker promises to 'bring a fight to the NRA’ at launch of national campaign tour
By Adam Shaw | Fox News

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., talks to the crowd during a hometown kickoff for his national presidential campaign tour at Military Park in downtown Newark on Saturday. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)Democratic presidential contender Cory Booker promised on Saturday to “bring a fight” to the National Rifle Association (NRA), calling for a range of gun control reforms as part of a hometown launch for a national campaign tour.
Cory Booker promises to 'bring a fight to the NRA’ at launch of national campaign tour
By Adam Shaw | Fox News
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., talks to the crowd during a hometown kickoff for his national presidential campaign tour at Military Park in downtown Newark on Saturday. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)Democratic presidential contender Cory Booker promised on Saturday to “bring a fight” to the National Rifle Association (NRA), calling for a range of gun control reforms as part of a hometown launch for a national campaign tour.
“We won’t wait for more thoughts and prayers for communities that have been shattered by gun violence from Pittsburgh to Parkland to Charleston,” he told the crowd in Newark, where he served as mayor for seven years before becoming a senator. “We will pass universal background checks, we will ban assault weapons and close loopholes that allow people who never should have a gun to get one.”
“And folks, we will bring a fight to the NRA like they have never, ever seen before -- and we will win,” he said.
Booker’s remarks mark the start of a two-week tour across America for the 2020 hopeful, who has at times struggled to distinguish himself from the large pack of Democrats seeking the party’s nod and has languished in single digits in polls.
On Saturday, Booker led the rallying cry “We can’t wait” as he listed his policy goals, including fighting climate change, enacting comprehensive immigration reform ending “mass incarcerations” and facilitating federal legalization of marijuana.
He also made a call for national unity and for Democrats to fight “from higher ground” in an increasingly partisan and frequently toxic political environment.
"Critics will tell us that a campaign powered by grace and love and a deep faith in each other" cannot prevail, Booker said. "But I say it's the only way we win. The president wants a race to the gutter and to fight us in the gutter. To win, we have to fight from higher ground in order to bring this country to higher ground."
At the rally, he pushed his own bipartisan credentials -- namely the criminal justice reform bill he worked on, which was signed into law by President Trump last year. He is likely to continue to promote that work when he travels to states such as Iowa, Georgia and Nevada as part of his tour.
While Booker has thus far failed to generate the kind of buzz that has followed candidates such as Beto O’Rouke and Pete Buttigieg, his aides say that the campaign’s philosophy offers some home. That philosophy? “You’ve got to organize and get hot at the end.”
“We’re not building this campaign to win a poll in April of 2019. We’re trying to win the election in February of 2020, in March of 2020, in April of 2020. This is a long race where there’s going to be a lot of ups and downs,” Booker campaign manager Addisu Demissie told Fox News this week.
The campaign is directing most of its firepower to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina, the four states will kick off the presidential primary and caucus calendar in February and can provide crucial momentum for the primaries to follow.
“We’ve built our operation with the intention of having the strongest operation in the states on the front end of the primary calendar,” he said.
Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Plan Outs Democrat Hypocrites
Plan Outs Democrat Hypocrites
Democrats across the board are outraged just after a hearing of a proposed plan that reveals how they really feel about illegal immigrants.
It was recently made known that the White House had on multiple occasions suggested that immigration authorities unburden retaining facilities by releasing illegal migrants to sanctuary cities.
However the plan was always rejected due to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement strongly opposing the move.
That hasn’t stopped Democrats from sounding off on the move however and as a result, exposing how little they care for the idea of permitting more of these migrants to the United States.
Despite all these calls for relaxed immigration to the point of open borders by some 2020 candidates, when it comes down to it they don’t want them in their cities.
Las Cruces, N.M. pleads for help amid migrant drop offs: 'This is going to be an ongoing event'
Shep Smith attacks Trump over immigration proposal
by Jerry McCormick
Las Cruces, N.M. pleads for help amid migrant drop offs: 'This is going to be an ongoing event'
Shep Smith attacks Trump over immigration proposal
by Jerry McCormick
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith is supposed to cover the news, but his time on screen sounds more like a liberal opinion show than anything else.
That was made quite clear when Smith railed against Trump over proposing that illegal immigrants should be sent to sanctuary cities, since the Democrats refuse to help secure the border.
The Proposal
According to reports, someone in the administration proposed sending illegal immigrants released by ICE to known sanctuary cities.
The proposal was discussed and shot down by administration officials, but it gained new life after the story broke and Democrats lost their minds over it.
On Friday, Trump sent the entire liberal world into an uproar when he tweeted out the proposal was still very much alive.
Trump continued to taunt Democrats all day on Friday via Twitter and the media over the policy.
Now the Law Matters
Shep Smith was among the liberals in the media that voiced disapproval of the policy.
He started his segment stating, “It’s 3:00 on the east coast, noon on the west coast. I’m Shepard Smith and the answer to the question is, what the President is talking about is, in fact, illegal.”
Realistically, even though most conservatives would love to see this happen, it won’t. Even if Trump did put the proposal into action, it would end up in front of the 9th Circuit Court, which history has proven to be anti-Trump.
That is not really the point, though.
The point is that Smith is suddenly worried about the law when he is, in fact, defending criminals. Everyone seems to forget that the term illegal immigrant is used for a reason. They are people who are breaking the law by entering.
Smith’s adoption of this narrative simply proves he is not worthy of the anchor desk and should be removed immediately by Fox News.
Democrats Have No Interest In Illegal Aliens
by Darleen Click in Cultural Issues
Democrats Have No Interest In Illegal Aliens
by Darleen Click in Cultural Issues
President Trump declares illegal aliens should be released into sanctuary cities and states. Democrats immediately melt into gobs of shrieking goo. What have we learned, boys and girls?
VG Nina Bookout has posted two excellent pieces on the rending of shirts here and the Democrats’ 180 degree turn from the usual kumbaya lecturing here. Booker is especially precious with suddenly finding that illegal, undocumented, unauthorized migrants just might pose a problem.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-mented) has been steadfast in refusing to meet with the families of victims of illegal aliens.
It would be nice to believe that the whipsawed reactions of Democrats in response to illegals is little more than hypocrisy. However, what you find is something both shallower and more insidious. Democrats don’t care about illegals as people. Illegals are raw material for the Leftist narrative. Illegals are the means to the greater ends of power.
They are the bloody flag Democrats can wave — oh, look at this poor Dreamer — using them to presume upon the usually charitable nature of American citizens. Free education, free food, free housing, free medical? “Why not?” cry Democrats, “Are you some kind of RAAAAACIST?”
I’ve worked in the law enforcement/judicial arena for twenty-one years in Southern California. I was born and raised here, too. The cavalier way the Democrats in Sacramento and in Washington D.C. treat American citizens, of any shade of melanin, in this state is appalling. The vast majority of us do not live in gated communities. We cannot afford to shop in places so exclusive that we’ll never be bothered by the vagrants or gangs or petty thieves who revolve through the justice system time and again, leaving more victims in their wake.
If nothing else, President Trump swept away another glamour hiding the true face of the Democrats. Mark it well and remember.
featured image VG original artwork by Darleen Click

Liberal dems are panicking. The tables are turning and the shoe is on the other foot now. In 2016 Trump claimed he was being spied on and his phones were tapped. Everyone laughed at him, but now Attorney General Barr’s report says he was being spied on and the Dems are going nuts and completely unhinged. First they lost the election and that set them off, then when Mueller was investigating Trump they were frothing at the mouth, but when he said there was no collusion after two years and 30 million dollars later they freaked out again, now Barr is proving Trump right and he was being spied on and now they are in full panic and completely off the wall.
Dems are asking Barr to retract his remarks. Nancy Pelosi is saying he should not be the attorney general. Pundits are saying he should be impeached and calling him a conspiracy theorist when it is they who are the tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. They are accusing him of being Trump’s attorney and not the attorney of the American people. If they are so innocent then why are they panicking so much? As Shakespeare might say, “Methinks they doth protest too much.” The media lies to the American people and are so blinded by their hate and rage for Trump they can’t see the truth right in front of them.
I think spying did occur,” Barr said during the explosive hearing before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. …Spying on a political campaign is a big deal.”
Barr later clarified in the hearing: “I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred; I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it, that’s all.”
Attorney General William Barr has put together a team which will look at decisions the FBI made in 2016 when it started an investigation of then-candidate Donald Trump. Barr confirmed the investigation during House testimony.
“I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2016,” Barr told a House panel on Tuesday.
Barr’s inquiry is separate from a long-running investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general, said the person, who asked not to be identified discussing sensitive matters. The FBI declined to comment. Barr said he expected the inspector general’s work to be completed by May or June…
Despite mounting evidence that the FBI pursued an array of efforts to gather intelligence from within the Trump campaign — and the fact that the FBI successfully pursued warrants to surveil a former Trump aide in 2016 — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told Fox News that Barr’s loyalties were compromised.
“He is acting as an employee of the president,” Hoyer said. “I believe the Attorney General believes he needs to protect the president of the United States.”
Added House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in an interview with the Associated Press: “I don’t trust Barr, I trust Mueller.” And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., accused Barr on Twitter of “peddling conspiracy theories.”
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., added in a statement that Barr “should not casually suggest that those under his purview engaged in ‘spying’ on a political campaign.”
Trump, for his part, has vowed to release surveillance warrant applications used to monitor his former aide, Carter Page, beginning in October 2016. The FBI’s partisan sources in those applications have come under scrutiny, and FBI text messages obtained by Fox News show high-level concerns at the DOJ as to the credibility of sources presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.
Page was never charged with any wrongdoing.
A separate DOJ IG investigation into potential FISA abuses by the FBI, which is expected to look at whether the bureau improperly presented misleading sources or withheld exculpatory information in its presentations to the FISA court, is ongoing. Barr said that review is likely to be completed by May or June.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., for example, told Fox News that Barr’s vow to probe the FBI’s 2016 counterintelligence probe amounted to nothing more than “Republican conspiracy theory nonsense.”
He also characterized Barr’s statements as an “effort to divert attention” from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s full report, which Barr said will be released within a week.
In a tweet late Wednesday, Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani condemned Nadler’s “diarrhea of the mouth,” and referenced a report last year that Nadler was overheard on a train discussing his plans to impeach the president.
“His lack of judiciousness was evident when he was overheard on Amtrak prematurely planning impeachment,” Giuliani wrote.
“His lack of judiciousness was evident when he was overheard on Amtrak prematurely planning impeachment,” Giuliani wrote.
Congressman Devin Nunes is sending 8 criminal probes to the Attorney General for potential violations in the Russia probe. Speaking on Sean Hannity’s show Nunes said the probes are based on lying to investigators by reporters, obstruction of an investigation, conspiring to manipulate an investigation and FISA abuse. Nunes said he has been working on the referrals for more than two years, and wanted to wait until the confirmation of Attorney General Bill Barr.
Nunes went on to explain that back in late 2015 and early 2016 spying began on the Trump campaign. That led to what we know as legal spying. They then tried to create the false narrative that Trump was a Russian agent and should not be president.. You then had the FBI head Comey spying on the president, taking notes, leaking those notes so they could appoint a special counsel to go after the president. “There was a lot of spying and a lot of leaking,” Nunes said.
At first, you had Comey saying Hillary should be charged then Loretta Lynch told him to change it from an investigation to “a matter.” He then changed the accusation from “gross negligence” to extreme carelessness.”
And had FBI agent Peter Strzok write her exoneration before the investigation so Hillary could not be charged with obstruction by destroying subpoenaed documents. Peter Strzok is the FBI official who opened the investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016. Strzok was fired last year after an inappropriate relationship with a colleague, Lisa Page, was discovered along with questions about Trump bias.
Now the tables are being turned against the Deep State and all involved and their chickens are coming home to roost. Fox Attorney Greg Jarret who wrote the bestseller “The Russia Hoax. The Plot to Exonerate Hilary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump” said a lot of people will be investigated and some will be criminally charged.”
What Barr will find, is corruption at the highest levels of the Obama regime. It is starting already with former Obama aid and attorney Greg Craig indicted in charges elated to the Mueller probe. A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Greg Craig, a prominent Democratic attorney who worked for two presidents, charging him with making false statements and concealing material information in connection with work he performed for Ukraine in a case stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
Think of the irony if the very thing the deep state used to try and frame the Trump campaign with turns out to be the very thing that puts the major players behind bars?
Wake up Right! Subscribe to our Morning Briefing and get the news delivered to your inbox before breakfast!G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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that is all articles
This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article post.
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