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Thurs. Mar. 7, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Here’s the watered down resolution against ‘hate’ that doesn’t mention Ihan Omar by name

The House has finally released their resolution against ‘all hate’ that was originally supposed to be something condemning the anti-Semitic remarks made by Rep. Ilhan Omar.
And as was reported before, it doesn’t even mention her.
As Chris Pandolfo points out, the resolution is meaningless:
A resolution condemning "all hate" is meaningless. Everyone in Congress is expected to condemn hate. The point was that Ilhan Omar used hateful, anti-Semitic language and the Congress was supposed to stand up and say, "you can't do that here."
This resolution fails to do that.

Here’s the full 7-page resolution:
In case it doesn’t show up for you for some reason, you can download it here.

After minimizing anti-Semitism by including ‘islamophobia’ in the resolution, don’t expect Omar to stop spewing her anti-Semitism.
The House will vote on it later today. But with the resolution letting Omar off the hook and Nancy Pelosi publicly giving Omar a pass, the only thing this vote really does is show how cowardly Democrats have become in the face of anti-Semitism.

New Socialists: Entitled, Ignorant, Virtue-Signaling Turds Make Destruction En Vogue

Ever since the 2016 election, the worship of an old, white, messy-haired man has become en vogue among the young, hip socialists. No, they aren’t genuflecting at the altar of Karl Marx, although my educated guess would be that half of them have a shrine to the worthless, freeloading, adulterous pud in their parents’ basements. Bernie Sanders is their socialist of choice, although if you want to be technical, they worship the almighty state, with Bernie just the crazy-looking personification thereof.

Yanito Fremnoshi on Flickr (public domain)

And then came the rise of the 29 year-old bartender with no economic sense, no experience in public policy, and an ego far surpasses her actual skills and knowledge and who got elected by blathering, wide-eyed, self-aggrandizing, snotty cognoscenti, who consider themselves much more educated and worldly than the rest of us blue-collar types who think that working for a living and increasing your own value – whether to your employer or to your customer – is the only moral way to advance in life.
How bourgeois and uncouth!
When did everyone become socialist? That’s the question the New Yorker magazine posed recently to its readers as it worked to transform the culture of indolence, entitlement, and state-worship into a cool, hip movement of educated, self-aware young people who are finding one another and creating a political powerhouse in this country.
They are the “creative underclass,” claims the New Yorker “cash-poor, but culturally potent,” hanging out in coffee and art houses, creating culturally aware computer apps, and meeting other Marxist rabble.
“I’ve noticed that there’s a kind of baseline assumption in the room that everyone is a socialist,” says [Marissa] Brostoff [a 33 year-old grad student at CUNY]. “And if they’re not, it’s because they’re an anarchist.” Coolheaded Obaman technocracy is out; strident left-wing moral clarity is in. And while this atmospheric shift is felt most acutely among the left-literary crowd, it’s also bled into the general discourse, such that Teen Vogue is constantly flacking against capitalism and one of the most devastating insults in certain corners of the internet is to call someone a neoliberal.
The problem is these ignorant children have no actual understanding of socialism, what it means, how it destroys societies, and how it erodes individual freedoms. They don’t know history. They think that socialism in its historical sense simply wasn’t implemented correctly, and that a planned economy is all there is to this destructive ideology – an economy run by government bureaucrats – but only bureaucrats of their choosing, of course!
They have no firsthand knowledge of privation, starvation, and government force, because they’ve grown up in the best of privileged societies, wanting for nothing.
They think Venezuela and the former USSR are nothing but anomalies that implemented socialism incorrectly instead of the logical conclusion to their socialist dreams.
The concept of individual rights is their kryptonite.
“What, you don’t think doctors will get paid, or something? Health care is a right, you know,” said one snotty socialist in a social media discussion, when I informed them that anything that obligates another person to use their skills and abilities to provide a service to another at the point of a government gun is not a “right.”
Worse yet, these naive, immature, blase little shits, who have never seen a world outside their soon-to-fail socialist coffee house, are pushing a philosophy they have never actually experienced, because they like to come across as caring and unselfish even as they accuse you of being selfish, hateful, bigoted, and misogynistic.
“I care about other people, and you’re selfish,” said one Canadian socialist on Twitter, as if his virtue signal should somehow be implemented as public policy at everyone else’s expense.
Because apparently it’s greedy to want to keep what you earn, but certainly not greedy to want to confiscate others’ earnings at the point of a government gun to sate one’s desire to appear caring.
The word socialism has become a kind of blank canvas on which young leftists project their political desires. The reason to call it socialism, the lefty journalist Kate Aronoff has said, is because people are calling it socialism. At least in Brooklyn, and the spiritual Brooklyns of America, calling yourself a socialist sounds sexier than anything else out there, without necessarily advocating anything too risky.
Socialism has become fashionable. It has become “sexy” (if you’re an unwashed hipster, who shuns deodorant and showers because they’re bad for the environment and thinks Eau de Ball Sweat is a pleasant odor). It makes these impotent shitcakes feel powerful, even if said power is a pathetic delusion.
These miserable mediocrities grew up in the era of outrageous school debt, imposed on them by a system of brainwashing that has told them from a young age that they’re worth nothing unless they attend a prestigious university. They were told that they’re privileged by virtue of their whiteness and forced to feel guilty because their mommy and daddy were able to provide them with a better childhood than other kids. They were informed that they were special, deserving of praise, worthy of a “living wage” – regardless of whether or not their work merits that value to their boss or their customer. They are arrogant because someone told them in a classroom somewhere that believing in equality makes them superior without explaining the context and definition of what equality actually means. And they are at the same time weak and unsure of themselves, burdened with the subconscious knowledge that they’re not special, they’re not deserving of what they have not earned, and not entitled to anything at others’ expense.
You almost have to feel sorry for them, if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re working to impose this toxic mindfuck on the rest of us.
Deep inside they understand that the world continues to turn without them and that more people have risen out of extreme poverty than ever, despite their best efforts to paint our society into a crisis. But they can’t impose their lazy, crazy system on the rest of us without lying about impending doom, so they delude themselves into believing that only they are intelligent, informed, and benevolent enough to care about the looming catastrophe, and only they – in their altruism, generosity, and compassion – can save those inept, less-fortunate rubes, who cannot possibly know what is good for them and the future of their children.
The answer the New Yorker’s question, everyone is not socialist. The Democratic Socialists of America are still a tiny group of leftist fruitcakes, who managed to elect two utter economic illiterates to Congress in safe, blue districts.
But in the insulated cocoon of the Brooklyn and Queens coffee bar scene, it must seem like the world consists of only them!

Native American Hoaxer Elizabeth Warren Says Mike Pence Isn’t A Decent Man
Native American Hoaxer Elizabeth Warren Says Mike Pence Isn’t A Decent Man
Elizabeth Warren keeps trying to score political points and continually gets smacked with her own rakes. Prime example is her jumping onto Cynthia Nixon’s “Mike Pence isn’t a decent guy” bandwagon. And now everyone, including Liz, is redefining what “decent” really means.
Here’s the backstory on the Cynthia Nixon/Joe Biden kerfuffle.
During an appearance at the Forum in Global Leadership at the University of Nebraska-Omaha on Thursday, Biden described the vice-president in the most basic of terms. He simply called him a decent guy.
As pointed out, if you really watch that speech objectively, one would realize that Biden was talking personally about Pence given they’ve been friends for years. Well, Cynthia Nixon got her panties in a bunch.
Cynthia Nixon indignantly called Pence “the most anti-LGBT elected leader” and asked him to “consider how this falls on the ears of our community”. For good measure, Nixon “snitch tweeted” (a term I just learned) Biden’s wife at the end of the tweet. I guess Jill Biden is to be expected to keep her Joey in line, or something.
Joe backtracked his remarks. Which I think was a stupid move. Given that Biden is one of those who likely running for President in 2020, it’s logical that all the other candidates are going to be asked about this.
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Asked about Biden’s “decent man” comment on Pence, Warren says “I’m sorry. I followed Pence’s history on LGBTQ Americans, and I don’t think that is a decent position. I disagree.”
Reporter: “You don’t think the Vice President is a decent man?”
Warren: “No”
The use of the word decent is really odd here. Biden’s use of that word in describing Pence is now becoming a 4-letter word. Think about it. The Democrats are now going to use that word to point fingers at their opposition and essentially state that, if you are decent, you should be against Trump 100%.
Which is why Lizzie refused to name ONE person in the Trump Administration as “decent.”
“It’s a tough question,” Warren said. “The Mueller investigation has already produced 34 indictments or guilty pleas out of people in the president’s inner circle. Ten Cabinet officials have left, four with huge scandals and others with threat of scandal at the door. This is the most corrupt administration in living memory. That’s why we gotta be in this fight.”
In other words, Lizzie is setting herself up as “better” than Biden and much much more “decent” than Pence or anyone else in the Administration because Trump! Scandals! Collusion!
Let’s chat about Elizabeth Warren and decency with some help from David Axelrod shall we?
Starting at about 4:45 in, Axelrod brings up that darned Native American issue. One he points out that she’s likely sick of.
Her response? She LOVES her family! She heard about all this from her family.
In other words, all these years of claiming she was Native American whether at Harvard or with her application to the Texas Bar is her family’s fault. Yes folks, that’s exactly what she is implying. Note that while she does say she shouldn’t have checked those boxes, she immediately follows up with “but what I try to do is be a good friend to Native Americans…” And points to her Housing bill that is supposed to fully fund housing on reservations.
Essentially she’s claiming to be a nice person so quit hounding her!
Is she sorry? No. Does she want this issue to disappear? Absolutely. Given her refusal to point blank say she is wrong, would SHE be considered “decent” by her own definition? NOPE.
This is where we are folks. Decent is being redefined by the left because of their virulent hatred of all things and all people conservative.
There is nothing in regards to Pence’s behavior that points to him being indecent on any level. Yet because he doesn’t follow the left’s lead on LGBTQ crap, he is being labeled and marginalized.
The left’s thought police have spoken. Decency is now a bad word. And Lizzie Warren, who is still searching for her own decency, will use that in a futile attempt to score points.

The White House Fires Its First Salvo In The Impeachment War

from DonkeyHotey via Flickr Creative Commons https://goo.gl/b5OrKa
Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr Creative Commons https://goo.gl/b5OrKa
The White House and anyone associated with President Trump’s family seems to have been hit with one or more letters from some House committee demanding either documents or testimony or both. What is going on is a pretty transparent attempt to a) placate the hard left Democrat base voters and b) develop a plausible case that impeachment of President Trump is appropriate.This impeachment is pre-ordained.
President Trump will be impeached.
The odds of him being removed from office is very low but the odds of him being impeached by the House of Representatives approaches 100%. Despite the noises you are hearing from the Democrat party and its Congressional caucus, the House Democrats can’t not impeach Trump for several reasons.
First, they have to even the score for Clinton. Clinton’s impeachment is still believed to be a wildly radical and improper step taken by a highly partisan special prosecutor and getting their own back will be just too great a temptation to resist.
Second, they want to put an asterisk by Trump’s election. The whole Russia-collusion narrative is being exposed for the utter bullsh** rational people always knew it to be. In its place they are going to use President Trump’s payments to two mistresses as a way of locking in their narrative that Trump won by cheating. As Nadler says, “they were committed in the service of fraudulently obtaining the office.”
Third, their base demands it and will punish them if they don’t.
Fourth, impeachment will take place as the 2020 primary season gets underway and they undoubtedly feel the best campaign advertisement for the Democrats will be lengthy House Judiciary Committee hearings, covered gavel-to-gavel by CNN and MSNBC as well as extensive play in the New York Times and Washington Post, where Trump can be attacked and where there will be virtually no significant coverage of his defenders. If the Senate drags its feet, that will be a further point of attack. It the Senate votes to acquit, yet another vulnerable flank is revealed.
Now the White House is showing it intends to fight these demands.
In total, the administration has 30 times refused or delayed turning over documents to 12 House committees. They include Natural Resources, Energy and Commerce and Foreign Affairs, according to a House Democratic document obtained by POLITICO. In one case, the IRS not only failed to provide documents but removed information from its website related to the issue, according to the document.
Six administration officials refused to appear before five committees while two officials have refused to come in for interviews with two other committees, according to the document.
This is mostly theater, in regards to getting either documents or testimony. In general, no one in the Executive Office of the President is going to be subject to any kind of Congressional questioning and White House documents aren’t going to be subject a House subpoena because of the doctrine of separation of powers. But that isn’t what is at stake here.

To make this impeachment attempt plausible, Fat Jerry Nadler has to convince a broad section of the American public that the action is justified and not merely partisan score settling. This is part of what Nadler was referring to when he said, “Before you impeach somebody, you have to persuade the American public that it ought to happen.” We know that abuse of power will be one charge and to do that they will use the refusal to cooperate with Congressional investigations as evidence. As I posted a couple of days ago, they are going to use actual legal actions by Trump as grounds for impeachment.
It is clear that the White House knows the game and are responding. They are casting all the demands as harassment and part of a fishing expedition (FACT CHECK: True).
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Statement on Chairman Nadler’s fishing expedition.
Expect to see a lot more of this.
As we learned during the Clinton debacle, the president is much more powerful in these contests than is the Congress. Not only are there too many Democrat egos at work to push a coherent narrative, those same egos aren’t going to cede camera time to a colleague. At the same time, a very unified minority will be pushing a counter narrative. The president controls the communications apparatus of the federal government and can usually speak louder than a Congressional majority.
In the end, I expect President Trump to be impeached but I believe the fight will end up damaging the Democrats more than it does Trump.

Democrats Push Bill to Give Driver's Licenses and ID Cards to Illegal Immigrants. Driving licenses would allow illegal aliens to legally buy guns in the US
By: Jay Greenberg  |@NeonNettle on 6th March 2019 @ 12.00am © press
Democratic Governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers lays out new plan during his Biennial Budget Address Wisconsin's Democratic Governor Tony Evers has laid out plans to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses and ID cards during his Biennial Budget Address.
The new push for illegal aliens was one of a number of new proposals outlined by the newly elected Democrat in his budget, that are not directly related to money.
The liberal new gov's push would make illegals eligible for driver's licenses and state IDs, which would then pave the way for them to legally purchase guns and qualify for other benefits normally reserved for legal citizens.
The governor claims that granting illegal immigrants licenses to drive will lead to safer roads and also boost the state's economy. It's estimated that 15,000 undocumented immigrants live in Brown County alone.
"I think having driver's licenses for people who are here illegally will make Green Bay and all of Wisconsin safer for all of us," said Green Bay Police Department Chief Andrew Smith.
Have your say - ⇓ Hit the comments below ⇓ © press Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker was replaced by Tony Evers, a Democrat, in January According to ABC2, the issue has been a conversation among law enforcement officers across the state for more than a decade.
"Right now, you have individuals out there that aren't trained," said Kewaunee County Sheriff Matt Joski.

4 Different Lies James Clapper Told About Lying To Congress

4 Different Lies James Clapper Told About Lying To Congress

Five years ago to this month, former director of national intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress, and he has been scrambling to make excuses for the ongoing lies and leaks ever since.
In March 2013, Sen. Ron Wyder asked Clapper under oath if the U.S. government was collecting “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.” Clapper paused and said, “No, sir. … Not wittingly.” Three months later, Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing that the National Security Agency was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records and other various internet communications on millions of Americans.
This was the first of many “untruths,” as Clapper likes to call them. Here are other lies Clapper has cooked up since trying to explain his false statements under oath.

1. He Lied Because He ‘Simply Didn’t Understand’ The Question

In an apology letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein written about four months after the hearing, Clapper said he gave the “clearly erroneous” answer because he “simply didn’t think of” the call-record collection.
Even though Clapper had received the committee’s questions the day before his testimony, he maintains he did not realize that Wyden was asking about Section 215 of the Patriot Act, and was answering a question regarding a different program, specifically Section 702 of FISA.
“I didn’t realize what he was talking about,” Clapper said at the University of Chicago last May. He repeated the lie again to CNN’s John Berman on Tuesday after news broke that the Trump administration is planning to end the NSA’s spying program.
“I didn’t lie, I made a big mistake and I just simply didn’t understand what I was being asked about. I thought of another surveillance program, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act when I was being asked about Section 215 of the Patriot Act at the time, I just didn’t understand that,” Clapper said.

2. He Lied In the ‘Least Untruthful Manner’

Clapper told MSNBC not that he didn’t understand the question as previously explained, but that Wyden’s question about whether the NSA spies on Americans was a gotcha question equivalent to, “When are you going to stop beating your wife?”
“I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful manner by saying, ‘no.”

3. He Lied to Congress About Leaking Details On the Steele Dossier

A report from the House Intelligence Committee published last May shared that Clapper had leaked to CNN’s Jake Tapper details of a briefing regarding the Christopher Steele dossier given to President Obama and then-President-elect Donald Trump.
“Clapper flatly denied ‘discussing[ing] the dossier [compiled by Steele] or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists,” the committee wrote. Clapper then backtracked when asked specifically about his discussions with Tapper. “Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the ‘dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,’ and admitted that he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic.”
To recap: Clapper leaked information about the dossier briefing to Tapper, lied to Congress about leaking, and was then given a contributor contract with CNN a few months later. As Mollie Hemingway reported, these lies would all eventually prove to be a set-up scheme by Clapper and then-FBI director James Comey to give legitimacy to the fabricated dossier.

4. He Lied about His Communication with CNN

In an attempt to run interference for Clapper’s lies to Congress, The Washington Post fact checker unknowingly published yet another lie from Clapper. In a statement to the Post, Clapper said, “The first time I had any interaction with Jake Tapper was on May 14.”
This statement conflicts with both the statements Clapper made to the House Intelligence Committee, and what House Democrats said in their own report about how Clapper talked to Tapper while in office.
We know that President Obama was briefed on the dossier on January 5, 2017, and President-Elect Trump was briefed on January 6, 2017. The transcript of the congressional intelligence committee’s interview of Clapper exposes that his communications with journalists revolved around those January briefings.
HOUSE INTEL: Did you confirm or corroborate the contents of the dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper?
MR. CLAPPER: Well, by the time of that, they already knew about it. By the time it was — it was after — I don’t know exactly the sequence there, but it was pretty close to when we briefed it and when it was out all over the place. The media had it by the way. We were kind of behind the power curve, because the media, many media outlets that I understood had that, had the dossier for some time, as did people on the Hill.
Clapper acknowledged that he spoke with Tapper “pretty close to when we briefed it,” which would have been in January. Once again, Clapper is caught in a lie about his previous lies.
The question is, why are the lies continually excused? As a federal employee who lied to Congress, Clapper received a free pass from Barack Obama’s FBI. As a private citizen, he gets paid to spin his own crimes on television. Clapper is a serial fabricator who can’t even keep his own lies straight.
Madeline is a staff writer at the Federalist and the producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Follow her on Twitter.


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