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Wed. Mar. 27, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Dick Morris: Collusion – Hillary’s Hoax
By Dick Morris
Hillary Clinton (Brad Barket/Getty Images)
The myth of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin now stands exposed as the greatest political hoax in American history!
And it was Hillary Clinton’s hoax.
It was Clinton who bought and paid for the phony dossier that led to the $40 million investigation that found NO COLLUSION.
Flashback to the summer of 2016. Clinton was having difficulty getting traction against Donald Trump. Despite the obvious lines of negative attack that Trump’s record suggested, she was unable to bring him down.
Criticism of his scams at Trump University, his employment of illegal immigrants in his Florida resorts, his evasiveness about releasing his tax returns, his putdowns of Latino immigrants, his business bankruptcies, the horror stories of defrauded contractors, his brutal dismissal of John McCain’s heroic war record, and, eventually, his disgusting boasting on the “Access Hollywood” tape all failed to destroy or even weaken him.
Lesser mortals would have crumbled under such a barrage, but Trump seemed to be Teflon.
So Clinton and her longtime minions — including reputation assassin Sid Blumenthal and his wacky sidekick and career dirty trickster Cody Shearen — delivered elaborately specific allegations about a corrupt nexus between Trump Tower and the Kremlin.
It was called “the dossier.”
The problem was that the dossier was nothing but a collection of lies and misrepresentations masquerading as intelligence.
To embellish the story, the campaign hired Fusion GPS, a negative research firm, to provide details of the imagined conspiracy. There, Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr, the number four person at the Justice Department, worked with Fusion CEO Glenn Simpson and Shearer to embroider the allegations with publicly available circumstantial evidence.
When their exercise in creative writing was over, they hunted up a source to whom they could attribute the resulting dossier. They hit upon former UK MI-6 agent Christopher Steele. In return for a fee — paid by the Clinton campaign — Steele permitted his byline and credibility to be slapped on the dossier cover page. A well-respected spy in Moscow in the 1090s, Steele seemed the ideal front man.
Armed with this fanciful narrative, Clinton used the phony charges in the make-believe dossier as ammunition against her Republican opponent in their debates. Finally, she thought, she had a winning issue and she pounded it with greater force in each of the three successive debates.
Trump would be Putin’s “puppet,” she charged. She accused Trump of “encouraging espionage against our people.” She said Putin “very clearly” favored Trump and said that it was an “unprecedented situation” when a “foreign government” is trying to “interfere in our election.”
As Trump gathered momentum, Obama’s national security team rallied to the cause of defeating him. Director of Central Intelligence James Clapper and the CIA Director John Brennan both worked overtime with Obama holdovers at the Justice Department and the FBI to leak phony disinformation that seemed to attest to the veracity of Clinton’s charges.
In a desperate bid to derail Trump’s victory, they leaked the dossier right before the election (with the help of Sen. John McCain).
Determined to impugn or impeach Trump, the conspiracy spread and the director of counterintelligence at the FBI, Andrew McCabe, and his two co-workers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page actively worked to spread the disinformation to a complicit media. They even invented the story that the FBI had actually overheard conversations between Trump campaign officials and Kremlin intelligence.
From the beginning, the collusion narrative was Clinton’s hoax. In my years with the Clintons, I learned that whenever there was a scandal that its tentacles always went back to Hillary. “All scandals lead to Hillary” was the motto I used at the time.
Now the worst scandal of her career stands exposed before us all. The most zealous anti-Trumpers in the offices of special counsel Robert Mueller have been unable to prove a fraction of the collusion charges. They were just made up from whole cloth.
Tally the damage: A new Administration was unable to get its footing because of the phony charges. The American people were distracted from real issues for almost three years and many came to believe that their president was a traitor in the grasp of Putin. Goaded beyond endurance by the credibility attached to the inane charges, the president left himself vulnerable to the charge that he obstructed justice.
All of Clinton’s lies over the years have finally come to this: A massive hoax perpetrated, with malicious forethought, on the American people in the middle of a presidential election.
Scandal Journalism & The Fools In The Mainstream Media
by Toni Williams
The Mueller Report is in. Despite the incessant screeching of the likes of Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff and Rachel Maddow and Jim Acosta, there was no video of Donald Trump telling Vladimir Putin that he would have more flexibility after he was elected to the Presidency. There were no reports of pallets of cash being delivered to the Kremlin. Robert Mueller went all in and couldn’t get the big get. It is then, with a clearly heavy heart that, the New York Times’ David Brooks takes a look at his profession and blames scandal politics for getting it all wrong. He should have taken a hard look at scandal journalism.
The title of Brooks’ article is “We’ve All Just Made Fools of Ourselves — Again” with the subhead “The awful corruption of scandal politics”. David Brooks begins his article with outrageous claims against Donald Trump by well-known d’bags (technical term). He begins with a call for sober reflection and apologies from Senate seat loser Robert Francis O’Rourke (Beta!) and others. Then, Brooks blames Republicans and Sean Hannity for using the phrase “witch hunt” and besmirching swamp dwellers. Well, David, it was a witch hunt, in my humble opinion, and it was promoted by the swamp dwellers in the FBI and Congress, aided and abetted by the media elitists like you who should know much better. But, no. Because since Watergate, y’all have been jonesing for another Republican scalp. And, Brooks knows it. From the article:
The sad fact is that Watergate introduced a poison into the American body politic. Richard Nixon’s downfall was just and important, but it opened up the mouthwatering possibility that you don’t need to do the hard work of persuading people to join your side. Instead, you can destroy your foes all at once through scandal.
Politics since Watergate has been defined by a long string of scandals and pseudo-scandals — Iran-contra, Whitewater, Valerie Plame, Benghazi, Solyndra, swift-boating. Politico last year compiled a list of 46 scandals that were at one time or another deemed “worse than Watergate.”
Because there were no Washington Scandals before Watergate, riiight? Watergate that made stars out of Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward and made superheroes out of journalists because they single-handedly took out a President with their ink stained fingers. I am not a fan of either man. Remember Bob Woodward interviewed comatose CIA Director William Casey? And, Carl Bernstein said on Sunday that the Russia story was one of the “great reporting jobs in history”.
Woodward and Bernstein made scandal journalism sexy in the modern age. Everyone who went to Journalism School since then has wanted the “BIG” get. Get a Republican President. Republicans don’t think properly. Again, from Brooks’ editorial:
Since Watergate launched this Age of Investigation, government has become much more transparent. As a result, public trust in institutions has plummeted. The scandal culture hasn’t ultimately helped one party over the other. It’s just spread a corrosive cynicism that has disabled government altogether.
I think cynicism about government is good. Every citizen should question the government. And Brooks is wrong. Government isn’t disabled. Most government agencies and workers are good people. They do their jobs every day. And most important government is local government, which really touches the people of the United States.
What David Brooks and all the elitist media types don’t see and can’t see is that scandal journalism and scandal politics aren’t necessarily the problem. Humans are scandalous people.
The problem is the willful blindness of the media. You want Pulitzer Prizes? You want the accolades accorded to superheroes? You want to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable”? You have to step away from the herd and ask the right questions. You have to ask the questions that might get you thrown out of the “right” clubs and cocktail parties.
I’ll help you out with the Trump Russia Collusion Narrative. Does this make sense? Where did this begin? Who benefits? The answers are out there. The answers may rock your world. Scandal journalism needs to be reborn.
Before the media goes crazy, everyone must realize that the A.G. is forbidden by law from releasing most of the Mueller report.
5 Stories Mainstream Media Ignores as It Hyper-Focuses on the Mueller Report
by Jodi Gidding
I swear, if I hear the word “Mueller” and “Russia” in the same sentence again, I’m gonna blow a gasket. So in an effort to do what the mainstream media won’t, I’ve gathered up a handful of current stories that merit attention. They are, in no particular order:
1. Russia sending troops into Venezuela: It’s déjà vu all over again. Just as with Syria, Russia has stuck its nose in to save a dictator, this time Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela. It’s not the first time Putin has sent troops in to prop up a fellow murderous, oppressive goon. He did so in Syria, and now he’s doing so in Venezuela. It’s not a stretch to say that the Democrats, and some Republicans, with a willing assist from a breathless liberal media, have done extreme damage to our relationship with Russia, who, without the distraction of the Obama/Hillary Insurance Policy—aka the Mueller Probe—might have been a helpful ally in talks with rogue nations like North Korea and Iran. Instead, we have yet another nest of Russian crap-stirrers stationed relatively close to our country. Which brings me to…
2. More Energy Blackouts: The Socialist nightmare that is today’s Venezuela has once again plunged much of the nation into darkness, just as it has in recent weeks:
A new blackout hit many regions in Venezuela including much of Caracas on Monday, sowing alarm two weeks after a nationwide outage that paralyzed the country.
The power cut in the capital occurred at 1:28 pm (1720 GMT) and knocked out electricity in the city center.
Cellphone signals were also disrupted and television was blanked out. Shops hastily lowered shutters, fearing looters.
A Venezuelan newspaper reported that the power was out at Venezuela’s main international airport outside Caracas.”
And, in case you missed it:
During [the last] blackout, more than a dozen patients in hospitals died, public transport came to a halt, production slowed in the vital oil sector and water supplies were interrupted, forcing citizens to turn to sewage outflows and polluted water sources.”
Meanwhile, the Democrats—touting the Green New Deal as the world’s savior and extolling the virtues of the same types of policies that have brought Venezuela to her knees—are given endless airtime as their sycophantic media counterparts lick their boots in agreement. Is it any wonder the purveyors of the Nightly News—the bulk of whom are liberal— don’t want us to see the realities of the destructive policies espoused by their favorite politicians?
3. Our border: It’s being overrun. And if you know anything about the Cloward Piven strategy, it’s exactly what’s happening: our system is being purposefully overwhelmed. We’ve run out of bed space; our border agents are being re-tasked with assisting “asylum seekers,” and there’s yet another caravan reportedly heading toward our border by way of Mexico. All while Congress and our nightly news continue ignoring the crisis, choosing instead to focus on a massive hoax rather than the national security nightmare that’s flooding over our borders 24 hours a day.
4. The uptick in hostilities between Israel and Hamas: Palestine is not a state. So I won’t employ the left-wing language that infers that it is. Instead, I’ll call a spade a spade: Iran’s hands are all over the rockets being lobbed into Israel via Hamas, it’s favorite charitable cause (any guesses where they got all that cash for said rockets?). And, in response, Israel has answered with a giant hammer:
Israel Defense Forces ✔@IDF
We have just targeted Hamas' secret military intelligence HQ in Gaza.
The context for this strike: Last night, Hamas fired a rocket 75 miles into Israel. The rocket destroyed a house and wounded seven people, including children.
We will defend our homes.
Amichai Stein ✔@AmichaiStein1
#BREAKING video: office of Hamas leader Haniyeh’s office totally wiped out by IDF airstrikes moments ago
And here’s the truth:
Rep. Dan Crenshaw ✔@RepDanCrenshaw
Yesterday at @AIPAC, protesters chanted “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Today, Hamas launched a rocket striking outside Tel Aviv.
Israel is under attack, & it’s time the world understood that. Proud to stand with Israel. #AIPAC2019https://washex.am/2WgHt3Y
It’s Cathy
This BS rhetoric that Palestine’s a victim needs to be crushed. If Palestine would accept peace; there would be peace. Israel can & should defend their homeland against aggression; as should the USA. Build the wall & tighten up immigration laws NOW.
Exactly. But that would mean an admittance that Israel has every right to exist. And Hamas, and its backer/terror funder, Iran, have no intention of ever allowing peace with Israel. They’ll settle for nothing less than wiping her off the map.
Meanwhile, we have an active Hamas sympathizer occupying a seat in our Congress:
Ryan Saavedra ✔@RealSaavedra
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) claims that Muslims in the U.S. are “second-class citizens,” encourages them to “raise hell, make people uncomfortable”
5. Brexit: I predicted when “Leave” won the referendum that the Powers That Be in Britain would never let it happen. Well, Prime Minister May, following in David Cameron’s footsteps, has bungled the Brexit she never supported. She’s lost one Brexit proposal after another in recent weeks and now Parliament, most of whom are “Remainers,” has voted to take the reins from her, and at least three members of her government have reportedly resigned. The next few days will likely tell us whether or not the process will forge on, whether Theresa May will survive, and perhaps whether or not a second referendum will happen in order for the “Remainers” to get the do-over vote they want: to remain in the European Union. And even though the stability of Europe is important to our own economy, our media collectively yawn, and continue chasing phantom Ruskies night after night.
Kind of reminiscent of our own Congress, who continue ignoring the border invasion that voters placed Donald Trump into office to address.
6. And here’s a late-breaking bonus story, one that the mainstream media has all but ceased reporting on: ObamaCare. Seems our Department of Justice has sided with a district court ruling that found the entire law unconstitutional. Stay tuned…
It’s become crystal clear in the past two years that Donald Trump’s labeling of much of the fake news-pushing mainstream media as “the enemy of the people” is pretty darned accurate. They’ve morphed into disinformation campaigns that nightly lie to their viewers in an effort to assist the Left. They’ve spent the majority of those two years tongue-wagging about a collusion story that was always a hoax. And in those two years, much has happened to improve our country. But not as much as there could have been had we had a media, and a Congress, that was focused on making America great, instead of tearing down its president, and with it, the country. The damage to the nation, the institution of journalism, and the world at large, is immeasurable. But don’t look for them to change anytime soon. Or ever. Because in their eyes, and those of Sal Alinsky, it’ll all be worth it if, in 2020, they can duplicate their election wins from 2018. And that, in a word, is deplorable.
Former CBS Journalist Demands Apology for Trump
by: TTN Staff
Former CBS journalist and investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson is demanding that the mainstream media and the FBI apologize to President Trump and all of the other people who were affected by the investigation.
According to The Daily Wire:
In an op-ed for The Hill this week, Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist and former CBS reporter who went "rogue" Sharyl Attkisson, called out her fellow media members for their reckless and partisan reporting on the "Trump-Russia collusion" accusations. She also called on members of the intelligence community to apologize to all the people and entities they've damaged by letting themselves be politically "weaponized."
"We in the media allowed unproven charges and false accusations to dominate the news landscape for more than two years, in a way that was wildly unbalanced and disproportionate to the evidence," she stresses. "We did a poor job of tracking down leaks of false information. We failed to reasonably weigh the motives of anonymous sources and those claiming to have secret, special evidence of Trump’s 'treason.'"
The result was a stunning amount of false information, as Attkisson documents in a piece listing over 70 major reporting errors related to Trump accusations. Even when media outlets made mistakes, she adds, they often doubled down by citing technicalities and quickly returning to larger, unfounded accusations against Trump.
"So, a round of apologies seem in order," she states, first and foremost: "Apologies to Trump on behalf of those in the U.S. intelligence community, including the Department of Justice and the FBI, which allowed the weaponization of sensitive, intrusive intelligence tools against innocent citizens such as Carter Page, an adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign."
Attkisson did note that judging by the media's past actions in handling their wrongdoings and admission and an apology seem unlikely.

GOP leadership calls on Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff to resign
by Jerry McCormick

Republicans are finally starting to show a little backbone.
Now that Robert Mueller’s report has exonerated Donald Trump, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R) is demanding that fellow California Rep. Adam Schiff (D) resign from his leadership role on the House Intelligence Committee after Schiff spent months peddling the false narrative that Trump would soon be headed to prison.
Not Alone
McCarthy is just one voice calling for Schiff to step down. In addition to him, several other Republican congressmen have joined the call for his resignation.
Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump’s White House advisors, has also stated that she thinks Schiff needs to step down.
These calls are not in vain, either, as Schiff has misled the American people — and he needs to be held accountable for it.
He used his position as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to make Americans think he had access to information that proved there was collusion. Now, after hearing a summary of Mueller’s report from the attorney general, we know that was not true.
Schiff probably did not even have access to all of the information Mueller had in front of him, and Mueller never found any evidence of wrongdoing by Trump.
Our representatives are not supposed to preach fake news, but that is clearly what Schiff did in this case.
Democrats Flock to Schiff’s Defense
But even with there being overwhelming evidence that Schiff lied, Democrats are still sticking by their man.
Virtually every party member has defended Schiff’s actions.
They are cloaking his guilt by saying we need to see everything Mueller wrote in his report ASAP.
But on the other hand, they are also saying they can’t trust Mueller since he didn’t prove what they’ve been hoping he would.
They are talking out of both sides of their mouths right now in an effort to distract from the fact Democrats have been preaching a false narrative for more than two years. Disgusting.
From the VG Bookshelf: The Soul of Baseball
by Kim Hirsch in Victory Girls Post Comment
I know, I know, not everyone likes baseball. But The Soul of Baseball: A Road Trip Through Buck O’Neil’s America is so much than balls and strikes, home runs and double plays. Instead, it’s the story of how a man rose above racism to become an ambassador of grace and forgiveness.
Sportswriter Joe Posnanski spent much of 2005 touring the country with former Negro Leagues baseball player John “Buck” O’Neil. Buck was then 94 years old, but his memory was still keen, and he would often speak publicly about the Negro Leagues. Some of the stories he told about being a black player are painful, yet O’Neil carried on because of his enduring love for the game. We also learn that he loved jazz and women in red dresses. Most importantly, however, Buck loved people.
Posnanski writes of when O’Neil played baseball in a grass skirt — yes, really — a grass skirt. The year was 1937, and Buck was playing with a team called the Zulu Cannibal Giants. He was only 25 and needed the money. Not only did the team play in those skirts, they also painted their faces and used bats that resembled clubs. Plus, the crowds expected them to do some version of tribal dancing. It’s an account that makes one cringe.
Moreover, O’Neil’s world as a player in the Negro Leagues included hours spent on a bus going to towns who didn’t want them, and being forced to eat meals on the bus because they couldn’t eat in restaurants. As another player, James Lee, recalled:
“We ate luncheon meat on the buses. We ate crackers on the buses. Sometimes we didn’t eat at all. It was hard. We were treated like we were less than men. “
And there was always the knowledge that no matter how good the players were, they’d never be allowed to play in the white Major Leagues. Jackie Robinson, of course, broke that color barrier in 1947, but Buck O’Neil never got to The Big Show.
Buck O’Neil of the Kansas City Monarchs. Public domain.
Even when O’Neil became a successful baseball player for the Kansas City Monarchs, Buck’s beloved wife, Ora, felt the effects of racism. As O’Neil told Posnanski:
“My wife, Ora, wanted a hat. So she went downtown to a store called Woolf Brothers, where black women could shop. But could not eat at the counter. Ora was allowed to look at the hats. . . but if she touched one, touched a hat, she had to buy it. A black woman could ruin a hat. . . That’s what racism was.”
Posnanski often asked Buck how he kept from being bitter. O’Neil answered him this way:
“Where does bitterness take you? To a broken heart? To an early grave? When I die, I want to die from natural causes. Not from hate eating me up from the inside.”
Buck’s graciousness shines in this interview as he spoke about Ty Cobb, bigotry, and why he refused to hate:
The Soul of Baseball doesn’t have tons of stats for the baseball nerd. While there are plenty of anecdotal stories, you won’t find much information about ERA’s or slash lines. It does have humor, though, as in Buck’s fondness for women in red dresses, or why Negro Leagues legend Satchel Paige called Buck O’Neil “Nancy.” But most importantly, it’s a moving account of how one man endured injustice that most of us have never known, and still rose above that hate. In this time of political animosity and social fracture, The Soul of Baseball is an inspirational narrative on how we should treat one another. In other words, we should all Be More Like Buck.
Featured image: photo composite by Darleen Click for Victory Girls.
Written by Kim Hirsch
Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!
February 2019 Ratings: Fox News Averaged More Viewers Than Any Other Basic Cable Network
By A.J. Katz

Fox News Channel continues to attract millions and millions of eyeballs each day.
February 2019 marked a whopping 32 consecutive months for Fox News as the most-watched basic cable network in total day with 1.5 million viewers. FNC also averaged 2.6 million total viewers in prime time this month.
Not only did Fox News finish No. 1 across all of basic cable for the month of February, but the network also CNN and MSNBC among adults 25-54.
But not everything came up roses for Fox News. There were year-over-year losses. In prime time, Fox News was -6 percent in total prime time viewers, -6 percent in total day viewers vs. the network’s February 2018 ratings.
The drop was even steeper among adults 25-54, -20 percent among adults 25-54 watching prime time and -21 percent among adults 25-54 across the total day.
The ratings for February 2019 (Nielsen Live + Same Day data):
Prime time (Mon-Sun): 2,609,000 total viewers / 463,000 A25-54
Total Day (Mon-Sun): 1,458,000 total viewers / 261,000 A25-54
Hannity moved past The Rachel Maddow Show as the most-watched cable news program for the month of February (if one excludes specials). Seventeen telecasts of Hannity averaged 3.17 million total viewers, per Nielsen live-plus-same-day data. Eighteen telecasts of Tucker Carlson Tonight averaged 3.09 million total viewers. Nineteen telecasts of TRMS averaged 3.07 million total viewers.
However, if one includes special broadcasts (which MSNBC is doing), Rachel Maddow actually had the No. 1 show of the month.
Argue amongst yourselves.
What can’t be argued is the massive ratings for FNC’s State of the Union coverage. It was the most-watched telecast on all of cable for the month, attracting 11.3 million viewers; a figure unheard of for a non-cable sports telecast.
For the month of February, FNC programs accounted for 8 of the top 15 cable news programs in total viewers and claimed 6 of the top 10 cable news programs in the 25-54 demo. Hannity, Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Five and The Ingraham Angle were among the top five cable news programs in both total viewers and in the 25-54 demo.
Fox & Friends marked 208 months as the No. 1 cable news program in its time slot, with an average of 1.5 million viewers and 293,000 with the 25-54 demo for the month of February.|
Over on Fox Biz – Lou Dobbs‘ eponymous show Lou Dobbs Tonight marked its 38th consecutive month as the most-watched show on business TV.
Additionally, FBN’s prime time lineup saw increases in total viewers, delivering the network’s highest rated month in primetime since February 2017 and an +11 percent increase in audience growth year-over-year. Leading FBN’s evening programming, Trish Regan Prime time saw double digit audience growth of 43 percent compared to February 2018 programming.
Homosexual Hollywood Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett and Democrat Russia Collusion Conspiracy Hoaxer Adam Schiff Rubbing Our Noses in Their Privilege.
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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