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Wed. Mar. 13, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Liberal Jews Better Wake Up Before It's Too Late
Back in Berlin in the 1920s and well into the 30s, many, if not most, Jewish liberals of that time and place thought it could never happen to them. They were good Germans, after all, culturally advanced members of a sophisticated society much like today's Manhattan.
As we all know, they were dead wrong. Hitler put the atheist communists and the ultra-orthodox Hasidim on the same trains to Auschwitz. He could not have cared less about what side of what they were on
At first glance, it might seem excessive to reference such extreme events, but you don't have to be Yogi Berra to see the potential for déjà vu all over again. After all, it undoubtedly seemed excessive in 1932 as well, especially when Hitler lost the presidential election -- only to be appointed chancellor in 1933. The rest, as they say, is history. And history, as Marx told us, repeats itself "the second time as farce" -- only this time it will be farce without laughter.
Now we are living in another world of rising anti-Semitism, which some, for their own convenience or perhaps a misbegotten nostalgia, like to ascribe equally or even disproportionally to the right, when it is clear the new anti-Semitism, from our college campuses to the streets of Paris, is coming largely from Islamic terrorists and their sympathizers augmented and multiplied by the left. It is further enhanced by social and ethnic groups enraged -- with the encouragement of the Democratic Party -- by identity politics. In the world of intersectionality, someone must be the low man or woman on the totem pole of blame and evil.
The proverbial canary in the coal mine is now infiltrating the U.S. Congress in the person of two congresswomen (plus their substantial supporters) who were likely inculcated at an early age, as were too many Muslim children, with the belief that Jews only (pace Darwin) were the descendants of pigs and apes and should be wiped from the earth. If again you think this excessive, read their texts or, better yet, the Hamas charter, which urges the killing of something called "Jewish trees" (NOTE: not Israeli trees).
We see this indoctrination buried not too deeply in the subtext of Ilhan Omar's tweets and statements, but the majority in Congress, including many Jewish "liberals," chose to look away when given the opportunity to condemn the congresswoman. They chose instead the safety of "anti-hate" pabulum.
Since the 1920s or so, Jews have been voting Democratic at roughly a 70-30 ratio. Many jokes have been told about this but what it comes down to is slavish conformity, a kind of culturally-induced group virtue signaling made rigid over decades. Jewish children are told to vote Democratic almost as uniformly as Muslim children are informed about the dubious animal lineage of Jews. It's idiotic on both counts.
Meanwhile the word "woke" is being bandied about in our culture as the sine qua non for our youth. But those espousing it, including many Jews, are anything but. They are sheep. Liberal Jews (okay, I'll leave off the scare quotes) are part of this sheep herd, motivated by the aforementioned group-think and fear of ostracization as much as by increasingly old-fashioned conceptions of social justice dating back to the IWW.
Nowadays, when a leftie Jew sings "Which Side Are You On," they are increasingly singing a song against themselves. This does not bode well for the future, to put it mildly.
The time has come for at least some of these Jewish liberals to break out of their mouldy mold. Even a few would make a big difference. No doubt this will be the subject on many minds at the coming annual meeting of that organization reviled by Ilhan Omar -- AIPAC -- later this month. It will be interesting to see what transpires. Maybe some people will finally become truly woke.
Roger L. Simon -- co-founder and CEO emeritus of PJ Media -- is an author and screenwriter.
Trump: Permanent Daylight Saving Time 'O.K. With Me'
Roger L. Simon -- co-founder and CEO emeritus of PJ Media -- is an author and screenwriter.
Trump: Permanent Daylight Saving Time 'O.K. With Me'
(Richard Vogel/AP) By Theodore Bunker
President Donald Trump on Monday came out in favor of making daylight saving time permanent after the nation’s clocks moved forward early Sunday morning.
Florida Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott last week introduced a bill that would make daylight saving time last year-round. Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan filed a matching piece of legislation in the House.
“Last year saw a huge number of bills going through state legislatures, and at the end of the year, saw California voters overwhelmingly pass a measure to try to fix all this,” Lock the Clock blogger Scott Yates, an advocate for permanent daylight-saving time, told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.
“The bad news is that the noise in Washington is so loud that it’s going to be hard to get anything done there.”
La. GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy: Use Seized Cartel Money to Fund Wall
La. GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy: Use Seized Cartel Money to Fund Wall
By Sandy Fitzgerald
The government should use the billions of dollars captured from drug cartels to help fund the nation's border wall, which would help to decrease criminal activity at the same time that border security is strengthened, Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., who has devised a plan to make that happen, said Monday.
"They now need to transfer it back to say, Mexico," Cassidy told Fox News' "Outnumbered Overtime." "The fact that we capture that money, to use it for increased border security, theoretically, could increase the amount of money we seize in the future from related activities."
At least $60 billion a year is being moved by the cartels out of the United States to other countries, where in some cases the funds finance Hezbollah and terrorism, while "we are getting $5 billion," Cassidy said. "That means they are successfully moving $55 billion a year."
That so much money is leaving constitutes yet another national emergency, he added, and "shows you how ineffective the current policies are, and what justification there is for more aggressive policy."
Meanwhile, Cassidy said it is getting "tougher" for Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to argue against increased spending for the border wall, in particular, the president's new budget call for $8.6 billion, because media outlets like The New York Times are also referring to a "crisis" at the border.
"When you have your allies in the media conceding the point to President Trump, maybe the argument is shifting," Cassidy said.
JUST IN: Jeb Bush Super PAC Hit with Massive FEC Fine For Accepting $1.3 Million in Illegal Donations From Chinese Corporation
JUST IN: Jeb Bush Super PAC Hit with Massive FEC Fine For Accepting $1.3 Million in Illegal Donations From Chinese Corporation
Jeb Bush
The FEC [Federal Election Commission] hit Jeb Bush’s super PAC with a $390,000 fine for illegally accepting $1.3 million in donations from Chinese-owned corporation American Pacific International Capital (APIC) during the 2016 presidential primary.
Jeb Bush’s brother, Neil Bush sat on the board for APIC.
Jeb Bush founded the PAC in January of 2015, but handed over control of the PAC to Republican consultant Mike Murphy in Spring of 2016.
Campaign Legal Center (CLC), a watchdog group, filed a formal complaint with the FEC in August of 2016 citing a report from The Intercept detailing how Chinese businessmen were illegally funneling money to Jeb Bush’s PAC, Right to Rise USA.
The Intercept has determined that a corporation owned by a Chinese couple made a major donation to Jeb Bush’s Super PAC Right to Rise USA — and it did so after receiving detailed advice from Charlie Spies, arguably the most important Republican campaign finance lawyer in American politics.
The Spies memo was dated February 19, 2015. One month later, American Pacific International Capital Inc., a California corporation owned by Gordon Tang and Huaidan Chen, a married couple who are citizens of China and permanent residents of Singapore, made a $1 million donation to Right to Rise USA. APIC subsequently gave the group an additional $300,000, its total donation of $1.3 million making APIC one of the Bush Super PAC’s largest contributors.
The FEC responded to the CLC’s complaint on Friday and hit Jeb Bush’s PAC with a massive $390,000 fine in addition to $550,000 in penalties levied against APIC.
This is one of the largest fines ever handed down by the FEC.
“Today’s action is a rare and remarkable step by the FEC, and a reminder that safeguarding our elections against foreign interference is in America’s vital national security interests,” CLC president Trevor Potter said Monday in apress release. “This illegal $1.3 million contribution is unmistakable proof that Citizens United opened the floodgates to foreign money in the U.S., and it is surely the tip of the iceberg. The fact that the FEC, which so often deadlocks and therefore fails to act in violations, could agree on this one highlights the very real danger this sort of activity poses to our democracy.”
“Foreign actors have a demonstrated interest in influencing elections, and corporations offer an easy way to for them to do so, usually without detection,” said Brendan Fischer, director, federal reform at CLC. “In this case, it took smoking-gun evidence to establish this violation: if the president of the company had not admitted that he directed the contribution, the FEC never would have investigated it.
Anna Massoglia ✔@annalecta
HUGE: @FEC has levied its biggest fine since Citizens United & 3rd largest in history after investigation found pro-Jeb! Bush super PAC Right to Rise illegally took $1.3 million donation from Chinese-owned corporation—breaking federal law barring foreign interference in elections
To all the tinfoil hat-wearing Russiagaters, this is what ‘foreign influence’ during a presidential primary/election looks like.
Meanwhile, government goons are hunting down President Trump over a lawful ‘hush payment’ of $130,000 he made to porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election.
'She's merely playing the part of a New York congresswoman'
'She's merely playing the part of a New York congresswoman'
Freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is a “puppet congresswoman,” and “the people controlling her are very dangerous.”
It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, acknowledges actor, writer and political commentator Christopher Patrick Kohls.
But the first-hand evidence is there for anyone to see, he contends in a video produced under his Mr Reagan moniker.
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not really the congresswoman of New York’s 14th Congressional District,” he says provocatively as he opens the video. “She is essentially an actress. She’s merely playing the part of a New York congresswoman.”
Kohls explains that in 2017, a progressive group that formed in response to Trump’s election called the Justice Democrats held “auditions” for potential congressional candidates to run on their platform.
As evidence, he runs a clip from a Justice Democrats video.
“Back in 2016, we put out a call for nominations,” says the group’s executive director, Alexandra Rojas. “We got over 10,000 nominations. Out of those 10,000 nominations, we found Alexandria.”
Ocasio-Cortez herself, in another video, says her brother nominated her.
“My brother told me that he had sent my nomination in the summer, but I was, like, literally working out of a restaurant then. And I was like, there’s no way,” she says.
Kohls comments: “A casting call. They had a casting call. They cast Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the role of congresswoman. And they did this so they could promote their own agenda.
Justice Democrats, on its website, says it aims to reform the Democratic Party by running “a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress.”
In a feature on the group, the New York Times noted that in 2018, Justice Democrats endorsed 78 candidates and recruited 12 to run for office.
Of those 12, Ocasio-Cortez was the only one who won her general election.
However, six other endorsed candidates won, and among them are two other freshman House members who have joined Ocasio-Cortez in challenging the power of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Muslim Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.
Last week, their power was demonstrated when a House Democratic Party resolution originally intended to reprimand Omar for anti-Semitic remarks was watered down. Before it went to a vote, Omar’s name was omitted and a long list of other forms of bigotry were added.
Meanwhile, two Justice Democrats tenets, “Medicare for all” and the Green New Deal have become litmus tests for Democratic presidential candidates.
Ocasio-Cortez and her former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, one of the founders of Justice Democrats, are the targets of a Federal Elections Commission complaint by the National Legal and Policy Center alleging violations of campaign-finance laws.
Dolly Parton Goes After Elizabeth Warren for Unauthorized Use of Her Music, Warren Campaign Silent
Dolly Parton Goes After Elizabeth Warren for Unauthorized Use of Her Music, Warren Campaign Silent
By Randy DeSoto
Singer Dolly Parton did not give Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts permission to use her hit “9 to 5” during the launch of the candidate’s presidential bid or subsequent stops on the campaign trail. Parton is now making her displeasure known.
When Warren took to the stage in her hometown of Lawrence last month, she did so to the catchy ditty from the 1980 movie of the same name. The song “9 to 5” reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts almost 40 years ago.
Warren apparently chose the song to burnish her image as a candidate for the working person.
The senator used it again during a campaign event on Friday in New York City, The Associated Press reported.
Parton’s manager Danny Nozell told the AP via email, “We did not approve the request (to use the song), and we do not approve requests like this of (a) political nature.”
See Warren’s entrance to “9 to 5” at 51:13.
According to the AP, Nozell did not respond when asked whether Parton’s team intended to register a formal complaint against Warren.
The candidate’s campaign declined to comment about the controversy.
Fox News reported that Parton is notorious for keeping her political views to herself.
After “9 to 5” co-stars Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda bashed President Donald Trump on stage during the 2017 Emmys, Parton lightened the mood.
“Well, I know about support,” the country legend said, pointing at her chest
“I don’t voice my political opinions,” she told Fox News at the time. “I just get out there and entertain. To me, that’s what I do. I don’t condemn them.”
She elaborated in an interview last month with The Guardiansaying, “I’ve got as many Republican friends as I’ve got Democrat friends and I just don’t like voicing my opinion on things.
“I’ve seen things before, like the Dixie Chicks. You can ruin a career for speaking out,” Parton said.
“I respect my audience too much for that, I respect myself too much for that. Of course I have my own opinions, but that don’t mean I got to throw them out there because you’re going to piss off half the people.”
There have been many instances over the years of performers objecting to candidates using their songs at campaign events.
One of the more high profile examples was when Bruce Springsteen asked then-President Reagan to stop using the song “Born in the U.S.A.” during his 1984 successful re-election bid.
The Rolling Stones also objected to President Donald Trump playing some of their songs at campaign rallies, according to The Daily Beast.
Lead singer Mick Jagger later said they could not stop him, presumably because the Trump campaign acquired a use license for the Stones’ songs.
RT @PattyBGood430 I heard u asked Trump 2 stop using ur music at rallies Y can't u make him stop?
The New York Times reported that musicians can and have sued politicians for false advertising, if the use of the song appears to imply the artist has endorsed the candidate.
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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