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Very long Must read...Hours of updating on what the fakers are doing to us. Please put some time aside.
Sat.Mar. 30, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

This is not a spoof. Democrats Dump POW/MIA Flags for Gay Pride Flags Outside D.C. Offices
Twitter/Bernie Sanders WARNER TODD HUSTON
Several Democrat members of Congress have replaced their POW/MIA flags with gay pride flags outside their congressional offices on Capitol Hill.
A group of Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have eliminated their military flags in exchange for the pink, blue, and white gay pride flag to protest the military ban on transgender soldiers, Fox News reported.
The stunt apparently came at the request of the “National Center for Transgender Equality,” Fox News reported. The group released a statement claiming to have sent the gay flag to members of Congress with a letter asking them to be displayed to protest President Trump’s plan to exclude transgenders from serving in the military:
Members of the Senate also joined the effort, one being Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
“Discrimination has no place in our society. I am proud to display this flag as a symbol of my support for transgender people across the country. We must stand with transgender people in all of our communities,” Sanders tweeted this week:
Discrimination has no place in our society. I am proud to display this flag as a symbol of my support for transgender people across the country. We must stand with transgender people in all of our communities.
Other Democrats who placed the gay pride flag outside their office include Massachusetts Rep. Joe Kennedy, Washington Reps. Adam Smith and Kim Schrier, Ohio’s Tim Ryan, and Virginia Rep. Jennifer Wexton, among others.
President Trump’s ban on transgenders in the military remains mired in the courts, but the U.S. Supreme Court recently allowed the ban to continue despite a lower court’s ruling to put a halt on the ban as lawsuits against the policy wind their way through the system.
Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.
AG Barr Drops Mueller Bombshell on Congress
Attorney General Bob Barr has sent a letter to congressional leaders that a full report will be given to Congress and he will not submit the report to the White House, per the president's refusal to assert executive privilege on the report.
According to The Washington Post:
According to The Washington Post:
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report detailing his investigation of President Trump and Russia’s election interference will be delivered to Congress by mid-April, Attorney General William P. Barr said Friday in a letter to lawmakers offering important new details about how the document will be edited before its public release.
“Everyone will soon be able to read it on their own,” Barr wrote.
Barr’s new letter lays out a timeline for the next steps of the hotly-debated process by which Justice Department officials are sharing the nearly 400-page report.
“Although the president would have the right to assert privilege over certain parts of the report, he has stated publicly that he intends to defer to me and, accordingly, there are no plans to submit the report to the White House for a privilege review,” Barr wrote.
President Trump will now leave it up to Barr to redact the information that is privileged and has made his intention to know that he wants the full report sent to Congress or as much as possible. The report will be submitted in mid-April or possibly sooner.
“Everyone will soon be able to read it on their own,” Barr wrote.
Barr’s new letter lays out a timeline for the next steps of the hotly-debated process by which Justice Department officials are sharing the nearly 400-page report.
“Although the president would have the right to assert privilege over certain parts of the report, he has stated publicly that he intends to defer to me and, accordingly, there are no plans to submit the report to the White House for a privilege review,” Barr wrote.
President Trump will now leave it up to Barr to redact the information that is privileged and has made his intention to know that he wants the full report sent to Congress or as much as possible. The report will be submitted in mid-April or possibly sooner.
Proof The Media Is The Real Enemy
The mainstream media’s attacks on our president have been more than just hateful and mean-spirited. They’ve been relentless. Trump is constantly under scrutiny or being discredited on TV or in print — yet when he calls them out on their unfair coverage, he gets ridiculed or compared to dictators. Except, now there’s actual PROOF the media hates Trump. So, what can they say now?
Attack, attack, attack…
That’s been mainstream media’s strategy when it comes to covering all things Trump.
If he does something good, attack where he did something wrong.
If he did something wrong, hammer it into the ground until it dies or until the next news cycle.
That’s how they operate.
They’ve attacked him so much — Trump has started calling them “the enemy of America” — simply because they don’t do their actual job of reporting the news.
They’re no longer reporting the news…
They’re making the news.
Saying Goodbye to Integrity
Could you imagine what Walter Cronkite would think about the whole Jim Acosta debacle?
There’s a line — plain and simple. There’s a line that journalists should just not cross, and they’re not only crossing it on a daily basis, they’re crossing it with almost every one of their shows or columns.
However, if Trump draw’s any attention to the way they treat him or points out the difference in the way they behave toward him — compared to how they behaved toward Obama or even Bush Jr. — he gets compared to Hitler or some other socialist or communist dictator.
“Oh, you know who else labeled the press the enemy? HITLER!”
They’ve abandoned their journalistic principles…
They’ve abandoned what makes them credible.
No longer do they look for truth or accuracy…
Gone is the independent voice that neither speaks nor acts for any group…
Fairness and impartiality? Nope, that’s been gone for so long that it’s almost laughable to type.
Where’s the humanity? Where’s the compassion for the way their words impact others?
And finally…
Where’s the accountability? Two publications just won Pulitzer prizes for the way they covered the Russian collusion story…
If they were holding themselves up to the journalistic standard, they’d give those prizes back.
The way they treat our president is totally unfair…
And now there’s proof!
Attack, attack, attack…
That’s been mainstream media’s strategy when it comes to covering all things Trump.
If he does something good, attack where he did something wrong.
If he did something wrong, hammer it into the ground until it dies or until the next news cycle.
That’s how they operate.
They’ve attacked him so much — Trump has started calling them “the enemy of America” — simply because they don’t do their actual job of reporting the news.
They’re no longer reporting the news…
They’re making the news.
Saying Goodbye to Integrity
There’s a line — plain and simple. There’s a line that journalists should just not cross, and they’re not only crossing it on a daily basis, they’re crossing it with almost every one of their shows or columns.
However, if Trump draw’s any attention to the way they treat him or points out the difference in the way they behave toward him — compared to how they behaved toward Obama or even Bush Jr. — he gets compared to Hitler or some other socialist or communist dictator.
“Oh, you know who else labeled the press the enemy? HITLER!”
They’ve abandoned their journalistic principles…
They’ve abandoned what makes them credible.
No longer do they look for truth or accuracy…
Gone is the independent voice that neither speaks nor acts for any group…
Fairness and impartiality? Nope, that’s been gone for so long that it’s almost laughable to type.
Where’s the humanity? Where’s the compassion for the way their words impact others?
And finally…
Where’s the accountability? Two publications just won Pulitzer prizes for the way they covered the Russian collusion story…
If they were holding themselves up to the journalistic standard, they’d give those prizes back.
The way they treat our president is totally unfair…
And now there’s proof!
The Gold Standard? Not Anymore…
How do we know, unequivocally, that the mainstream media has it in for Trump?
The Associated Press — the gold standard of news and news reporting — has literally just created a “Trump Investigations” section on their oft-visited webpage.
The one organization that should be holding their contributors to the “fair and unbiased” standard has just created a section on their own homepage that will follow the potential wrongdoings of Trump.
You may say, “What’s the big deal? They’re covering the news. He is being investigated.”
And while you’d be right, you’d be wrong at the same time. While it’s true — he is getting investigated — there is no news here as he hasn’t been accused of an actual crime.
Think about it…
How can this be considered actual “news” if no crime has been committed?
It’s news because the news is now MAKING the news…
Not reporting it.
That’s where the entire profession has screwed up. When you start caring about ratings and circulation rates more than you care about actually reporting what is real news — then it’s time to get out of the business.
That’s not news…
It’s blogging.
To call yourself a journalist without keeping to the principles of journalism, would be like being a Hindu that eats steaks and burgers…
Or a Christian that hates everybody.
It just doesn’t follow suit…
How could you call yourself something that goes against everything the organization stands for?
If this is what the gold standard of journalism is doing…
Imagine what the bottom of the barrel organizations like CNN and The Washington Post are doing.
This is absolute proof of the bias against Trump…
And it’s time they were called to task.
“Bloggers are not reporters.” – David E. Sanger
The Associated Press — the gold standard of news and news reporting — has literally just created a “Trump Investigations” section on their oft-visited webpage.
The one organization that should be holding their contributors to the “fair and unbiased” standard has just created a section on their own homepage that will follow the potential wrongdoings of Trump.
You may say, “What’s the big deal? They’re covering the news. He is being investigated.”
And while you’d be right, you’d be wrong at the same time. While it’s true — he is getting investigated — there is no news here as he hasn’t been accused of an actual crime.
Think about it…
How can this be considered actual “news” if no crime has been committed?
It’s news because the news is now MAKING the news…
Not reporting it.
That’s where the entire profession has screwed up. When you start caring about ratings and circulation rates more than you care about actually reporting what is real news — then it’s time to get out of the business.
That’s not news…
It’s blogging.
To call yourself a journalist without keeping to the principles of journalism, would be like being a Hindu that eats steaks and burgers…
Or a Christian that hates everybody.
It just doesn’t follow suit…
How could you call yourself something that goes against everything the organization stands for?
If this is what the gold standard of journalism is doing…
Imagine what the bottom of the barrel organizations like CNN and The Washington Post are doing.
This is absolute proof of the bias against Trump…
And it’s time they were called to task.
“Bloggers are not reporters.” – David E. Sanger
Mo Brooks Was Right About Nazis, Socialists And Democrats
George Rasley, CHQ Editor
Let’s stipulate up front that the Holocaust was a singular evil that was perpetrated against the Jewish people and that the habit, especially among liberals, of using the epithet “Nazi” against every political opponent denigrates and diminishes the singularity of that evil.
That said, Nazism or National Socialism, is a political philosophy that hasn’t been exterminated, and its evil continues to find its way into today’s politics in often unseen and insidious ways.
Principled limited government constitutional conservative Rep. Mo Brooks (AL-5), on Monday — the day after attorney general Bob Barr submitted his summary of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation report — drew from the writings of Adolph Hitler, the foundational leader of National Socialism, to attack congressional Democrats and the "fake news media" as having lied throughout special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe.
"A 'big lie' is a political propaganda technique made famous by Germany's national socialist German Workers Party," Brooks said on the House floor according to reporting by Rebecca Shabad and Marianna Sotomayor of NBC News. "For more than two years, socialist Democrats and their fake news media allies, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post and countless others have perpetrated the biggest political lie, con, scam and fraud in American history."
Brooks continued by reading on the House floor a passage from Hitler's book Mein Kampf about the utility of "colossal untruths,” saying that he was going to quote "from another socialist who mastered 'big lie' propaganda to a maximum and deadly effect."
Democrats howled with faux outrage at the comparison and some Left-leaning Jewish groups complained, “It's unconscionable for a member of Congress to demonize an opposing party by claiming it's comparable to Nazism," and demanded Brooks apologize.
The problem for Democrats in this case is that Brooks was right about Nazism, Socialism and today’s Democratic Party.
Socialism, in all its forms, Venezuelan, Cuban, Soviet Communism and the National Socialism of Adolph Hitler has always relied on the “big lie” to succeed politically. And it has always relied on the “big lie” and terror to maintain its power.
The “big lie” became a hallmark the Democratic Party’s modus operandi a long time ago, think of the many false campaigns against Republicans based on pushing Grandma over the cliff by taking away her Social Security.
And the precedent for sending SWAT teams and helicopters to arrest unarmed citizens accused of non-violent political crimes doesn’t come from any tradition of constitutional law enforcement – it is straight out of socialist terror campaigns.
During a House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-1) defended Brooks, arguing that the ideology of the Nazi Party was indeed socialism and if Democrats were offended by that comparison, some who have branded themselves as socialists should stop embracing the term and the ideology.
Democrats on the Committee howled again but they had no real reply to Brooks’ comparison and Gohmert’s defense beyond saying they were offended.
The controversy gained more traction than it might have because Republicans continue to hammer Democrats over the Democrats’ anti-Semitism and Israel policy, engendered in large measure by the anti-Semitic comments made by Muslim Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar (MN-5) and Rashida Tlaib (MI-13).
And let’s be clear, Omar and Tlaib and a significant segment of today’s Democratic Party coalition are unabashed anti-Semites.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke recently before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and said, "we must also be vigilant against bigoted or dangerous ideologies masquerading as policy, and that includes BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel movement.
“Israel and America are connected now and forever,” Pelosi said at the pro-Israel lobby’s annual event. “We will never allow anyone to make Israel a wedge issue.”
Rep. Omar was quick to reply to Pelosi saying "A condemnation for people that want to exercise their First Amendment rights is beneath any leader, and I hope that we find a better use of language when we are trying to speak as members of Congress that are sworn to protect the Constitution," Omar told reporters in a Capitol hallway Tuesday according to The Hill.
Representatives Omar and Tlaib both publicly support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel movement which has instigated many anti-Semitic incidents, particularly on college campuses.
But the more telling marker of the Democratic Party’s rapid slide toward the ideas behind National Socialism is that no Democratic candidate for President chose to attend the AIPAC annual meeting, a boycott that has no precedent in modern American politics.
If Democrats don’t like being compared to National Socialists perhaps it is time for them to look in the mirror and check to see if they see one staring back at them.
Copyright © 2019 ConservativeHQ.com, Inc.

Robert Epstein: Elizabeth Warren Tries to ‘Look Aggressive’ on Big Tech While Taking Their Money
Justin Wan/Sioux City Journal via AP ROBERT KRAYCHIK
Dr. Robert Epstein told Breitbart News Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) tries to “look aggressive” towards Silicon Valley’s increasing consolidation of power while receiving donations from the most highly-valued technology companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
Epstein joined last Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight to discuss his research of political and partisan biases within search engines with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.
Epstein described Warren’s proposals to “break up big tech” as “toothless.”
“Elizabeth Warren … has now published a proposal for quote-unquote breaking up big tech, which sounds kind of great in a way, because you have to do something about these companies,” said Epstein. “But if you look at her proposal, it is absolutely toothless. All she’s suggesting is that these companies — Google and Facebook — divest themselves of some of the companies that they’ve bought.”
Epstein explained, “[Elizabeth Warren] doesn’t understand that that’s not where their power comes from. Their power comes from their main platforms, from Google search engine, which you can’t break up, and Facebook has its social media platform. You can’t break that up, either. That would be like splitting millions of families.”
Epstein continued, “So that’s where their surveillance — most of their surveillance — occurs, and that’s where most of their manipulation occurs, and you can’t break up of those parts of the company. So here’s her proposal that makes it look like she’s being aggressive on this issue, and in fact, I wonder, because she actually has received substantial donations from all three of the companies that she mentions in her proposal.”
Politicians claiming to be concerned about increasing centralization of power within Silicon Valley are often beneficiaries of donations from the same technology companies and related lobbies.
“I don’t think anything’s going to happen, to be honest with you,” predicted Epstein. “I think it’s just going to be talk, talk, talk. I think our politicians are in Google’s pocket. Google is the largest lobbyist in Washington. They spend more money on lobbying than any other company in America, and they have this amazing mind-control machine that they use 24/7.”
Epstein asked, “How do you get people to think bad things about a mind-control machine if the mind-control machine doesn’t want you to?”
“The bottom line for me is that tech changes so fast that I don’t think any regulation or laws will provide adequate protection, because regulation and law changes very slowly,” assessed Epstein. “Look back at AT&T. Look back at Standard Oil. Look back at any case you want to look at. I believe more and more in the need for setting up large-scale worldwide monitoring systems, because they can move fast. They can move lightning-fast.”
Global Warming Has Been Canceled: Key Greenland Glacier Has Expanded. Ocasio-Cortez Hardest Hit…
If you let the Democrats tell it, we are all in danger of dying as a result of global warming.
Yet, time and time again, this assertion has been proven to be wholly inaccurate. A significant Greenland glacier which was previously getting smaller is now growing, as documented by Townhall.
So much for the so-called perils of global warming.
Everything You Need to Know
The perceived threat of global warming is largely the catalyst for the introduction of the Green New Deal. Ultimately, the Green New Deal aims to end the use of fossil fuels, make all buildings energy efficient and blah, blah, blah. As one might gather, the deal is not realistic or feasible and it would amount to roughly $90 trillion dollars.
The truly astonishing thing is that Democrats are supportive of a proposal which would turn this country upside down all for the sake of fixing a problem which does not truly exist. If global warming were the existential threat that leftists make it out to be, there wouldn’t be growing glaciers.
NBC News ✔@NBCNews
A major Greenland glacier that was one of the fastest shrinking ice and snow masses on Earth is growing again, a new NASA study finds. https://nbcnews.to/2FE8GbA @NBCNewsMACH

Key Greenland glacier growing again after shrinking for years
“That was kind of a surprise."
Of course, anyone who has been paying attention knows that Democrats never let pesky old facts get in the way of their agendas. Despite the unpopularity, unaffordability, and lack of demand for the socialist Green New Deal, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is still standing by and defending this ridiculous proposal.
See for yourself:
NBC News ✔@NBCNews
WATCH: Responding to Republican attacks, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez gives impassioned defense of the Green New Deal.
Despite the facts which prove that global warming is not an existential threat, Americans should expect for talk of the Green New Deal to persist. The reality is that Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats seemingly believe that they are fighting for good causes.
Unfortunately, what the left fails to understand is that you cannot regulate people into prosperity via big government. If Democrats truly care about the American people as they profess to, then they will stop initiating ridiculous proposals such as the Green New Deal and they will work across the aisle to reach common ground and suitable legislation with Republicans.
The Only 2016 Campaign That Deliberately Colluded With Russians Was Hillary Clinton’s
There was Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential campaign, but it didn't come from Donald Trump.
By Sean Davis
For more than two years, the campaign, presidential transition, and official government administration of Donald Trump operated under a cloud of suspicion that they had engaged in a treasonous conspiracy to steal the 2016 election from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Trump and his top associates were accused of collusion and of conspiring with the Russians to subvert American democracy.
The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency publicly declared Trump to be guilty of treason, an offense punishable by death. The former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the country’s premier law enforcement agency, intimated that the president had illegally obstructed justice.
In the end, none of it was true. After a nearly two-year-long investigation that issued 2,800 subpoenas, interviewed 500 witnesses, and used nearly 300 wiretaps and pen registers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that there was no evidence of collusion by Trump or his associates.
But that doesn’t mean 2016 was free of Russian collusion. To the contrary, there is clear evidence that a 2016 presidential campaign willfully and deliberately colluded with Russians in a bid to interfere with American elections. It wasn’t Trump’s campaign that colluded with shady Russia oligarchs and sketchy Russian sources to subvert American democracy: it was Hillary Clinton’s.
In fact, the entire Russian collusion conspiracy that held the nation hostage for more than two years was the brainchild of a foreign national who was working on behalf of a sanctioned Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin. At the same time he was telling the media that Trump was the undisclosed agent of Russia, that foreign national was lobbying the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to ease up on his Russian benefactor.
As it turns out, the DOJ official being lobbied was the spouse of one of that foreign national’s co-workers at the firm that hired the two of them to foment Russian hysteria on behalf of the Clinton campaign. And in a twist almost too absurd for even the most bizarre Franz Kafka novel, that firm was itself working on behalf of a Russian billionaire’s corporation that had been charged by U.S. federal prosecutors with illegally evading U.S. sanctions.
Concocting a Giant Setup
That foreign spook-turned-international political provocateur was none other than Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous and utterly debunked Steele dossier that ignited a domestic firestorm after it was briefed to president-elect Trump in January 2016 and subsequently published in full by BuzzFeed. His Russian benefactor at the time was Oleg Deripaska. His co-conspirator at DOJ was Bruce Ohr, whose wife Nellie Ohr received more than $40,000 for her work for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign-sponsored opposition research firm that just so happened to be working on behalf of Prevezon, a company owned by Russian billionaire Denis Katsyv, during the 2016 campaign.
The curious Clinton campaign collusion connections don’t end there. Somehow it gets worse. The Russian attorney for Prevezon, which later settled charges of laundering money and violating sanctions in exchange for $5.9 million in fines paid to the DOJ, was none other than Natalia Veselnitskaya, who arranged the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner, a meeting that was alleged to be proof-positive that the Trump campaign had illegally colluded with the Russians during the 2016 campaign.
Unlike the fabulist musings of Steele, who by his own admission colluded with Kremlin officials as he prepared and disseminated his anti-Trump dossier, the Clinton-Russian connections are not the delusions of a deranged conspiracy theorist. They are documented and verified facts which for some reason escaped the attention of the scores of journalists and investigators who purported to root out any and all instances of foreign collusion during the 2016 election.
How It All Went Down
Fusion GPS was hired in April 2016 by the Clinton campaign’s law firm to do opposition research against the Trump campaign after it became clear that Trump would be the Republican presidential nominee. The campaign expenditures to Fusion GPS were never disclosed in campaign finance reports.
At the same time, it was also working on behalf of Prevezon, a company owned by Kremlin-connected Russian oligarch Denis Katsyv, in the company’s battle with U.S. prosecutors over Magnitsky Act sanctions against the company. Shortly after Fusion was hired to work for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, it retained the services of Steele and directed him to dig up dirt on connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. The series of reports and memoranda prepared and peddled by Steele collectively became known to the public as the so-called Steele dossier.
Nellie Ohr, wife of top DOJ official Bruce Ohr, was also hired by Fusion GPS to assist with its Russia-related anti-Trump research. And it was Ohr who later became the secret conduit between Steele and the FBI after Steele’s status as a confidential human source for the FBI was terminated when the bureau learned he had lied about his contacts with the news media.
Natasha Veselnitskaya, the Russian attorney for Prevezon with whom Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson worked directly, just so happened to be responsible for setting up the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting that was touted as evidence that the Trump campaign was going out of its way to collude with corrupt Russian officials in order to take down Hillary Clinton. Veselnitskaya met with Simpson both before and after the meeting, although both claim that they never discussed that meeting, only the Prevezon matter.
However, information Veselnitskaya provided during the Trump Tower meeting — the “dirt” which was promised to the president’s oldest son — was actually produced by Fusion GPS, raising questions about the claims that Simpson and Veselnitskaya never discussed the Trump Tower meeting with each other. Veselnitskaya was indicted by federal authorities early this year for obstructing justice during the course of the same Prevezon litigation that she and Fusion GPS worked on together.
Steele Brokering Russian Access to U.S. Officials
In addition to funneling unverified allegations from his dossier to the FBI and the media, Steele also repeatedly intervened with Ohr, the DOJ official, on behalf of Oleg Deripaska. Transcripts of Ohr’s congressional testimony show that Steele referred to Deripaska as “our favorite business tycoon” and tried several times to broker a meeting between Deripaska and DOJ.
Although Deripaska was prohibited from traveling to the United States, he used diplomatic cover to enter the United States at least twice in 2016, once in June and again in September. Federal agents interviewed him in New York during his September visit, according to Deripaska’s attorney and registered foreign agent Adam Waldman.
The relationship between Steele and Deripaska’s team continued well past the election into 2017, when Waldman offered himself to Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) as the middleman between Steele and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Waldman’s offer to Warner to broker access to Steele came to light when secret, encrypted text messages between Waldman and Warner were published by Fox News in February 2018.
Waldman also previously registered as a foreign agent for former Russian minister Sergey Lavrov. Federal records show that his formal lobbying on behalf of the Russian politician ended on May 31, 2017. Separate federal filings required by the Foreign Agents Registration Act show that Waldman collected nearly $1.1 million from Deripaska in 2016 and 2017.
Project Much, Mrs. Clinton?
It is beyond dispute that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded an opposition research firm that was working on behalf of a company owned by a Kremlin-connected Russian oligarch. To dig up dirt on alleged connections between the Trump campaign and Russia, that firm then hired a foreign national who was working on behalf of another Russian oligarch. At the same time he was providing his unsubstantiated allegations of Trump campaign malfeasance to federal authorities, that same foreign national was trying to get those same federal officials to allow that sanctioned oligarch entry to the United States.
Meanwhile, the Russian attorney whose presence at a Trump Tower meeting with top Trump campaign officials was taken as proof-positive of collusion was also secretly meeting with the founder of the firm used by the Clinton campaign and DNC to allege that it was the Trump campaign that was improperly communicating with the Russians. And if that weren’t enough, the most salacious allegations in the infamous dossier that was a primary basis for secret federal surveillance of a political campaign were sourced to various anonymous officials with the Kremlin.
So there was absolutely Russian collusion during the 2016 campaign. There was absolutely a presidential campaign eager to deploy Russian information against its opponent. There was absolutely foreign interference in the 2016 election from one of America’s top geopolitical adversaries.
As the Mueller investigation reportedly concluded, though, there was no illegal conspiracy within the Trump campaign to collude with the Russians to subvert our democracy. There was collusion, alright, but it was committed by the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
Sean Davis is the co-founder of The Federalist.
Global Warming Has Been Canceled: Key Greenland Glacier Has Expanded. Ocasio-Cortez Hardest Hit…
If you let the Democrats tell it, we are all in danger of dying as a result of global warming.
Yet, time and time again, this assertion has been proven to be wholly inaccurate. A significant Greenland glacier which was previously getting smaller is now growing, as documented by Townhall.
So much for the so-called perils of global warming.
Everything You Need to Know
The perceived threat of global warming is largely the catalyst for the introduction of the Green New Deal. Ultimately, the Green New Deal aims to end the use of fossil fuels, make all buildings energy efficient and blah, blah, blah. As one might gather, the deal is not realistic or feasible and it would amount to roughly $90 trillion dollars.
The truly astonishing thing is that Democrats are supportive of a proposal which would turn this country upside down all for the sake of fixing a problem which does not truly exist. If global warming were the existential threat that leftists make it out to be, there wouldn’t be growing glaciers.
Helen & Moe Lauzier
Thus articles
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