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Tues. Feb. 19, 2019
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
The New American Family

Electoral College is very smart place...
I was totally blown away by these interesting facts. YES, facts.
Read slowly and digest the importance of the Electoral College in our Nation. Everyone interested in "History" should go back and research the Constitution and the reasons behind the Electoral College during the time of the writing of the Constitution.
Very interesting information for everyone. PLEASE pass this on so others can learn this information.
Subject: 319 square miles
After many elections there is talk of doing away with the electoral college. We should make sure this never happens!
I didn't totally realize the magnitude of this until now, and it should never be changed.
A few seconds read you will want to pass on.
In their infinite wisdom, the United States' Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?
The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet for some time. It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.
Please share this. It needs to be widely known and understood.
There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State.
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles
When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our country!
And...it's been verified and documented that those aforementioned 319 square miles are where the majority of our nation's problems foment.
As Paul Harvey used to say, “Now you know the rest of the story!
Well worth the few seconds to read it and you will know the rest of the story. Now please pass it on!
Is Trump Playing A Long Game On The Border?
There is an ongoing debate among right-leaning thinkers. How smart — or stupid — is Donald Trump? Is he some barely animate idiot bouncing around like a Pachinko ball, hitting upon occasional success at random? Or is he the orange version of Mr. Spock, playing multi-dimensional chess with Earthlings who simply cannot comprehend his genius?
I tend to come down in the middle of this question. Trump doesn’t strike me as the deepest thinker in the world. But a guy who changed the skyline of New York when everyone else was abandoning the sinking leftist ship, who fronted a hit TV show for nearly a decade and a half, and who made the geniuses of political commentary look like monkeys by winning the White House, may be many things, but he’s not just lucky.
I compare Trump to a great running back, a man who knows where political daylight is without even thinking about it. He’s a gut guy. Brain guys despise gut guys, but an awful lot of brain guys end up working for gut guys because the gut guys sense things what the brain guys are too smart to observe. That’s Trump.
In keeping with this theory, I notice that Trump does something important that a lot of the people observing him never do. He changes. He adapts. He finds new ways to daylight. Because the people who observe him don’t do this — because they have their ideas and they stick to them and crunch the facts to fit them — this tactic is invisible to them. They think he’s always acting the same way, and he’s just not.
So I wonder: is Trump losing the battle over border security as badly as it seems he is? Or is he playing the sort of long game no one ever expects of him? Not three-dimensional chess exactly. Let’s call it Patience.
His emphasis on the caravan and border security during the mid-terms did not serve him well. The people voted the map — they went the way you would expect them to go in their states and districts. That means that all the talk about criminals invading our country excited the usual Trump supporters, but did not expand the base the way smart politics should.
In the aftermath, Trump started leaning hard on the wall at a time when it was nigh on impossible he was going to get much of what he wanted. The government shutdown went badly for him. Pelosi won everything, Trump nothing. The new bill to keep the government funded seems pretty much more of the same.
And Trump’s declaration of a national emergency has conservatives (like me) very worried that the president is extending executive power beyond the proper bounds and giving the Democrats an excuse to do the same the next time they’re in power. No matter what the diehard Trump-bots say, this is not the typical national emergency and it does not seem to me like a good idea.
However. On the flip side of this, I can’t help noticing that since the mid-terms, Trump has been different. He’s been less, well, Trumpy. Less visible. More restrained. His border security speech from the Oval Office was solid. His offers to negotiate have been fair. His State of the Union was excellent. Even his recent rally in El Paso was less belligerent than the norm. The insults (Beto has nothing going for him but a great first name) were smarter, less childish, less cruel. He remains his essentially pugilistic self, but he’s also been — forgive the cliché — more presidential.
Meanwhile, the Democrats have unleashed a Green New Deal that is a blueprint for ending American freedom and prosperity. They have allowed the bubble-headed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the vicious Ilhan Omar to seize the headlines with their ignorance and racism. Virginia is an intersectional clown show that even the news media can’t bury. And new revelations out of the Justice Department give credence to Trump’s repeated charges that he is the victim of an unconstitutional Deep State witch hunt.
I cannot believe I’m saying this, but right this minute, Donald Trump is coming across like the grown-up in the room, the all-American man of practical sense beleaguered by raving ideological incompetents.
Is that just luck, or is it part of a new strategy: the long game?
Washington Sheriffs Decline to Enforce Gun Control
Washington Sheriffs Decline to Enforce Gun Control
Sheriffs are declining to comply with gun grab measures in Washington.
Around 16 sheriffs from mostly rural and conservative counties in Washington are declining to enforce provisions of a new gun control measure, citing an obligation to recognize the Second Amendment rights of the citizens they serve.
Washington’s Initiative 1639 is one of the most restrictive and punitive gun control measures in the western United States. Passed as a ballot initiative in November’s election, the initiative prohibits gun owners under the age of 21 from buying semi-automatic rifles and requires participation in state-recognized programs to pass a “background check.”
The law also mandates that gun owners stores firearms in often impractical locked containers.
While the ballot initiative passed resoundingly in progressive urban Washington, many residents of rural counties voted overwhelmingly against it.
According to the Wall Street Journal, at least 16 sheriffs have said they aren’t planning on enforcing one or more of 1639’s provisions.
One sheriff, Brad Manke of Stevens County, said that he would not consider gun owners between the ages of 18-21 with semi automatic rifles to be worthy of police investigation.
The National Rifle Association and other pro-Second Amendment groups are currently in litigation with the state of Washington over the measure. Some sheriffs have implied that a conclusion to the litigation is required for the law’s gun control measures to be considered legitimate.
Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson has threatened to hold law enforcement declining to comply with the law liable for crimes, should they fail to execute an expanded “background check” on a criminal who legally purchased their firearm.

Welp. It is that time again.
Welp. It is that time again.
Another bullsh** allegation of some sort of race/gender harassment has blown up and, after a couple of weeks of putting up with being told how horrible we are…because every bad action by a Republican or anyone thought to have been a Republican at one time or another is, naturally, the responsibility of every Republican…now we’re told we’re horrible for having been right in our initial skepticism.
The Jussie Smollett case had the Tawana Brawley stench about it from Day One. A C-list actor from a television show that is popular with someone goes out from his hotel in Chicago in the early morning hours of Tuesday, January 29. He returns to his hotel wearing a rope around his neck and carrying his Subway sandwich. The temperature is about -9, according to AccuWeather. He claims he was jumped by a couple of white guys wearing MAGA hats who said hurty-pants things to him and welcomed him to “Trump country.” They also poured bleach on him. To people not suffering from tertiary TDS, there were bizarre things that never rang true.
Strangely, in addition to letting him keep his sandwich, Smollett’s assailants also avoided hitting him in the face. They were racists but strangely gentlemanly about it. Smollett isn’t all that famous and it’s pretty doubtful anyone would recognize him at 2 a.m. Why were guys hanging out waiting to attack this actor in subzero weather? How did they know he would be jonesing for some Subway in the wee hours? And since when did Chicago become “Trump country?”
Now we know that this whole thing was contrived by Smollett and a couple of acquaintances, but guess what? Now we are all terrible people for pointing out the credulousness of the press and their willingness to push any story at all that might further the Democrat agenda. In fact, we are now being scolded by left and right over rubbing this nonsense in.
Virginia Kruta | Associate Editor

Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren claimed on Saturday that when she was a child, a family of three could live on minimum wage. “Back when I was a kid, a minimum-wage job could support a family of three,” she tweeted. “Today, a full-time minimum-wage job in America won’t keep a mama and a baby out of poverty.”
Back when I was a kid, a minimum-wage job could support a family of three. Today, a full-time minimum-wage job in America won’t keep a mama and a baby out of poverty. Our movement is about making real, fundamental change to fix this.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 16, 2019
No one disputes that today’s minimum wage would not provide sustainable income for a family of two, much less three. Warren’s initial claim — that “a minimum-wage job could support a family of three” when she was a child — only holds true in part.
Warren was born in 1949. In 1960, she would have been 11 years old. The minimum wage at that time was $1. Assuming a 40-hour work week, the annual pay would have been $2080. The poverty line in 1960, for a family of three, was $2322 annually.
In 1965, when Warren was 16 years old, the minimum wage had risen to $1.25. Again assuming a 40-hour work week, the annual pay would have been $2600. The poverty line in 1965 for the same size family was $2514, making Warren’s claim just barely possible at that time.
But possible or not, Warren ignores two very important factors with regard to minimum wage.
First, who actually earns it. Fewer than three percent of Americans earn minimum wage as of 2017 — and the majority of them are young. Workers under 25 only make up about 20 percent of all hourly paid workers, but they account for close to half of those who are paid minimum wage. Minimum wage earners also tend to be primarily part-time (fewer than 35 hours per week), with only one percent of full-time workers falling into the minimum wage category.
And second, its intent. The minimum wage was not designed to “support a family of three,” but rather to serve as an entry point into the workforce. Politifact argued five years ago — after then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell claimed on “Fox News Sunday” in 2014 that the minimum wage applied to “entry-level” jobs — that he was wrong because most minimum wage jobs don’t turn into careers. But what Politifact failed to take into account was the fact that most people don’t stay in those minimum wage jobs for their entire careers.
There's Something about the Somalis...
There's Something about the Somalis...
Rep. Ilhan Omar, (D-Mogadishu). (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)
This should come as a surprise to no one, except perhaps Minnesotans. Or should I say, "Minnesotans"?
More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.
FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.
In the case of the Somalis, it's no longer just the men. Early last year, a female was apprehended by authorities on charges of supporting providing material support to Al Qaeda and arson. So what has made the area such a hotbed for such activity?
You could ask any member of the armed forces or American intelligence agencies who've served in Somalia, but you might not get the answer you want to hear. Or you can watch the movie directed by Ridley Scott:
And what has been Rep. Ilhan Omar's record in addressing the issue - either before she was elected, or since?
The answers matter because federal authorities say they remain "highly concerned" about the terrorist connection with the Minneapolis Somalis - even though al-Shabab is struggling against the Somali government, and the so-called ISIS “caliphate” has crumbled under a sustained U.S.-led military campaign.
“We are very conscious that there may still be fertile ground for that, and that is could re-start at any time," one federal official told Fox News. "Based on historical experience, we had (an uptick) in 2007 and 2008 going for al-Shabab, then a lull. Then, as ISIS came back, we saw a whole bunch of people no longer headed for Somalia. They were headed for Iraq and Syria. That really caught us off-guard, we didn’t see that coming. It didn’t make sense to us. We understood why kids were going back to Somalia, but going to Syria was another issue.”
Not really. An Islamic radical is an Islamic radical, fighting not for a "country" but for the caliphate and the ummah. The fact that even today we have government officials who can't understand the difference is surely a cause for concern. These are people whose "faith" compels them to wage war on the West and those sufficiently radicalized will do it when and wherever they can -- as the number of "lone wolf" attacks in the U.S. and Europe can attest.
With by far the largest Somali American population in the United States - estimates of up to 100,000 - the insular ethnic community in Minnesota offers a rich recruiting ground.
"For over a decade, Islamist terror groups have been able to recruit from Minnesota. This is, in part, because Minnesota has a large Muslim population compared to other parts of the U.S,” said Robin Simcox, a terrorism and national security expert at The Heritage Foundation. “However, it is also because there have been small segments of the Somali community there that have struggled to integrate into the U.S. Al-Shabaab and ISIS have exploited this – upon religious, political cultural and identity issues to offer a compelling alternative to Western democracy.”
Josh Lipowsky, Senior Research Analyst at the Counter Extremism Project concurred the immigrant community in Minnesota has proven to be ripe for targeting in recent years by specifically playing into the card of being something of an outsider and that “society has shunned them.”
Society might be shunning them for a good reason. Then again, the Somalis seem to be doing a pretty good job of shunning Americans as well:
Local authorities contend it has been challenging for them to penetrate the Somali-American community in Minneapolis, who remain a unique immigrant population that hasn't actively assimilated with the neighboring township. In the neighborhood of Cedar-Riverside, for example, it's possible to go about day-to-day business without ever interacting with a non-Somali.
“You can buy your clothes at a Somalia mall. You can buy insurance at a Somalia insurance adjuster. You can buy real estate at a Somali real estate adjuster,” explained a U.S official. “I think that is pretty unique.”
And pretty dangerous as well. Especially now that they have their very own congresswoman.
As for Omar, she spoke up for a group of six Somalis arrested in 2015 for trying to cross into Mexico, as part of a plan to join ISIS in Syria. As the case went to trial the following year, the then-state representative wrote a letter to the trial judge requesting “compassion” - and lighter sentencing on behalf of one of the Minnesota men, who was facing 30 years jail time.
“Such punitive measures not only lack efficacy, they inevitably create an environment in which extremism can flourish, aligning with the presupposition of terrorist recruitment,” Omar wrote. “The best deterrent to fanaticism is a system of compassion. We must alter our attitude and approach; if we truly want to affect change, we should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation.”
And how did that "rehabilitation" work out? Not well:
In November 2016, a Minnesota judge gave 21-year-old Abdullahi Yusuf an unprecedented opportunity to avoid jail time by undergoing experimental “ rehabilitation,” after having pled guilty in 2014 to purporting to join ISIS.
Six months later, he was back before the Judge having violated the terms of his probation – having been caught watching a news documentary about western ISIS fighters in the halfway house where he was confined. Nonetheless, Yusuf completed the carefully tailored “Heartland Democracy Education” program centered on studying literature, philosophy and writing poetry and in late 2017 was “integrated back into society” where he will be monitored for the next 20 years.
As real Minnesotans are discovering, no good deed goes unpunished.

‘BLACKKKLANSMAN,’ ‘BLACK PRANKSTER’: Conservative Street Artist Sabo Hits Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett With Impressive New Poster Campaign in Los Angeles

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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