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.BLOGSPOT.COM Sunday, November 4,2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Facebook’s war on free speech continues: More conservative pages torn down
By Joe Newby
It seems that Facebook’s digital “Kristallnacht” is still ongoing. On Friday, the social media site once dubbed “Iron FistBook” by political cartoonist A.F. Branco, tore down even more conservative political pages — just four days before perhaps the most crucial midterm election in recent memory.
One of those pages was “Spokane Conservative Examiner,” a page started by yours truly over eight years ago — in 2010 — to coincide with the column by the same name at Examiner.com. Even though Examiner.com went belly-up in 2016, the page was maintained and used to post links from this site.
We attempted to merge that page with “Conservative Firing Line” in 2016, but Facebook denied all attempts to do so. The page remained in operation until Friday afternoon, when we were presented with this:
We appealed the decision and reached out to Katie Harbath. Harbath responded by telling us the page violated the following rule: “Artificially increase distribution for financial gain.”
What in the world does that mean? Does that mean that every website with ads are in violation? If so, would that not mean that sites like CNN should lose their page as well? Facebook itself also make money from ads, so technically, wouldn’t Facebook be in violation of its own rule?
As written, the rule appears to be one that no one can follow.
We reached out to Harbath for clarification but did not receive a response as of this writing.
In October, over 800 pages and accounts — many of which were run by conservatives — were taken down for the same rule violation.
One of those taken down was Right Wing News, run by triple amputee veteran Brian Kolfage. Kolfage has taken his message to various media outlets and has started a site, Fight4FreeSpeech.com, with the goal of stopping the spread of social media censorship. Additionally, a GoFundMe campaign has been started to fight Facebook censorship.
Moreover, activist Chris Sevier drafted the “Stop Social Media Censorship Act” which is being considered by various state lawmakers across the country.
As Sevier explained:
In my opinion, Facebook has perpetrated a form of fraudulent inducement, tortious interference of business relations, breach of the duty of care, unjust enrichment, and the intentional infliction of emotional distress by at first allowing conservatives and Christians to build a platform where they were supposedly free to express themselves only to then turn around and arbitrarily find some speech permissible and other speech impermissible.
Facebook can claim the pages are now “artificially increasing distribution for financial gain,” even though the pages have operated the same way for nearly a decade, but the result is the same.
Incidents like this, by the way, were the motivation behind “Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad,” a book written in 2016 by yours truly and American-Israeli Adina Kutnicki.
The only questions we have at this point are: When will Facebook kick off its anti-conservative “final solution,” and will Congress finally wake up and take action?
Given that conservatives are rapidly becoming persona non-grata on the platform once dubbed the “world’s most dangerous censor,” we advise that readers revert to the pre-Facebook practice of bookmarking sites like this to keep up with posts and articles.
Conservatives can and should make use of alternative sites like ProAmericaOnly, Tea Party Community, Deplorables Online, Mumbl It, TrumpBook USA and OneWay. There are also alternatives for Christians, like Social Cross.
If you haven’t checked out and liked our Facebook page, please go here and do so. You can also follow us on Twitter at @co_firing_line. Please be sure to check out our MeWe page here and check us out at ProAmerica Only here.
If you appreciate independent conservative reports like this, please go here and support us on Patreon and get your conservative pro-Trump gear here.
While you’re at it, be sure to check out our friends at Whatfinger News, the Internet’s conservative front-page founded by ex-military!
And if you love free speech as much as we do, please go here and help us fight social media censorship.
DEMOCRAT BELIEVE ALL WOMEN UPDATE: Woman Who Falsely Accused Justice Kavanaugh of Raping Her Now Admits They’ve NEVER MET; She’s in Serious Legal Hot Water [Democrat Kamala Harris Must Apologize to REAL Rape Victims]![DEMOCRAT BELIEVE ALL WOMEN UPDATE: Woman Who Falsely Accused Justice Kavanaugh of Raping Her Now Admits They’ve NEVER MET; She’s in Serious Legal Hot Water [Democrat Kamala Harris Must Apologize to REAL Rape Victims]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/MIO5U3cqDPyAFDbklY4TX5cUbUaUB_H3Nxlv7EojrMWfXtBEoBafUy73HbwqEVhdxGQL-nQuHybTR1BU_Z6zKhUdu_BQOxopjusXELOSldfWTcktYWCi2h1ed1Dv9SKIKNi_vUam)
Award-Winning Investigative Reporter Sheryl Attkisson: Obama CIA Secretly Intercepted Congressional Communications About Whistleblowers
CIA secretly intercepted Congressional communications about whistleblowers
CIA intercepted Congressional emails about whistleblowers in 2014
The Inspector General expressed concern about “potential compromise to whistleblower confidentiality” and “chilling effect”
Newly-declassified documents show the CIA intercepted sensitive Congressional communications about intelligence community whistleblowers.
The intercepts occurred under CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The new disclosures are contained in two letters of “Congressional notification” originally written to key members of Congress in March 2014, but kept secret until now.
In the letters, then-Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough tells four key members of Congress that during “routine counterintelligence monitoring of Government computer systems,” the CIA collected emails between Congressional staff and the CIA’s head of whistleblowing and source protection. McCullough states that he’s concerned “about the potential compromise to whistleblower confidentiality and the consequent ‘chilling effect’ that the present [counterintelligence] monitoring system might have on Intelligence Community whistleblowing.”
The idea that the CIA would monitor communications of U.S. government officials, including those in the legislative branch, is itself controversial. But in this case, the CIA picked up some of the most sensitive emails between Congress and intelligence agency workers blowing the whistle on alleged wrongdoing.
John Brennan, former Obama CIA Director and Homeland Security Adviser
“Most of these emails concerned pending and developing whistleblower complaints,” McCullough states in his letters to lead Democrats and Republicans on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees at the time: Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia); and Representatives Michael Rogers (R-Michigan) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Maryland). McCullough adds that the type of monitoring that occurred was “lawful and justified for [counterintelligence] purposes” but
“I am not confident that Congressional staff fully understood that their whistleblower-related communications with my Executive Director of whistleblowing might be reviewed as a result of routine [CIA counterintelligence] monitoring.”–Intelligence Community Inspector General 2014
The disclosures from 2014 were released late Thursday by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “The fact that the CIA under the Obama administration was reading Congressional staff’s emails about intelligence community whistleblowers raises serious policy concerns as well as potential Constitutional separation-of-powers issues that must be discussed publicly,” wrote Grassley in a statement.
According to Grassley, he originally began trying to have the letters declassified more than four years ago but was met with “bureaucratic foot-dragging, led by Brennan and Clapper.”
James Clapper, former Obama Director of National Intelligence
Grassley adds that he repeated his request to declassify the letters under the Trump administration, but that Trump intelligence officials failed to respond. The documents were finally declassified this week after Grassley appealed to the new Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.
History of alleged surveillance abuses
Back in 2014, Senators Grassley and Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) had asked then-Director of National Intelligence Clapper about the possibility of the CIA monitoring Congressional communications. A Congressional staffer involved at the time says Clapper’s response seemed to imply that if Congressional communications were “incidentally” collected by the CIA, the material would not be saved or reported up to CIA management.
“In the event of a protected disclosure by a whistleblower somehow comes to the attention of personnel responsible for monitoring user activity,” Clapper wrote to Grassley and Wyden on July 25, 2014, “there is no intention for such disclosure to be reported to agency leadership under an insider threat program.”
However, the newly-declassified letters indicate the opposite happened in reality with the whistleblower-related emails: “CIA security compiled a report that include excerpts of… whistleblower-related communications and this reports was eventually shared with… the Director of the Office of Security and the Chief of the Counterintelligence Center” who “briefed the CIA Deputy Director, Deputy Executive Director, and the Chiefs of Staff for both the CIA Director and the Deputy Director.”
Clapper has previously come under fire for his 2013 testimony to Congress in which he denied that the national Security Agency (NSA) collects data on millions of Americans. Weeks later, Clapper’s statement was proven false by material leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
“During Director Clapper’s tenure, senior intelligence officials engaged in a deception spree regarding mass surveillance,” said Wyden upon Clapper’s retirement in 2016. “Top officials, officials who reported to Director Clapper, repeatedly misled the American people and even lied to them.”
Clapper has repeatedly denied lying, and said that any incorrect information he provided was due to misunderstandings or mistakes.
Clapper and Brennan have also acknowledged taking part in the controversial practice of “unmasking” the protected names of U.S. citizens— including people connected to then-presidential candidate Donald Trump— whose communications were “incidentally” captured in US counterintelligence operations. Unmaskings within the U.S intelligence community are supposed to be extremely rare and only allowed under carefully justified circumstances. This is to protect the privacy rights of American citizens. But it’s been revealed that Obama officials requested unmaskings on a near daily basis during the election year of 2016.
Clapper and Brennan have said their activities were lawful and not politically motivated. Both men have become vocal critics of President Trump.
Order the New York Times bestseller “The Smear” today online or borrow from your library
Donald Trump Said Two Words That Signaled The End Of The Migrant Caravan
The migrant caravan advancing through Mexico is a serious threat to America’s security and sovereignty.
Reports have indicated the caravan has swelled to a size larger than some U.S. cities and towns.
But Donald Trump said the two words that spelled the caravan’s doom.
Donald Trump Calls In The Military
Donald Trump took the threat of the migrant column seriously.
He ordered 5,200 troops to the border.
Troops have deployed to Arizona, Texas, and California.
They will perform support tasks so Border Patrol can focus on stopping the migrant caravan from illegally entering the United States.
Trump tweeted:
But Trump wasn’t finished.
He told reporters he could send up to 15,000 troops to the border.
“We’ll go up to anywhere between 10 and 15,000 military personnel on top of Border Control, ICE, and everybody else at the border,” Trump declared. “Nobody’s coming in. We’re not allowing people to come in.”
Secretary of Defense James Mattis described the mission.
“The support that we provide to the Secretary for Homeland Security is practical support based on the request from the commissioner of customs and border police, so we don’t do stunts in this department,” he explained.
The Fake News Media Howls In Outrage
Members of the fake news media whined that Trump was just carrying out an election year stunt.
‘Meet The Press’ host Chuck Todd lied to his viewers and claimed, “…there’s no evidence of any criminals in the Central American caravan, no evidence that somehow Democrats are funding the caravan.”
But Nixon Hernandez – a member of the caravan – told Fox News there were “criminals everywhere.”
“Criminals are everywhere,” Hernandez stated. “There are criminals in here, I mean it is, but it is not that many. There is good people here trying to get through Mexico and then get to the United States but that doesn’t mean everybody is a criminal.”
Journalists also demanded that Trump stop campaigning and accept responsibility for the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.
What they really mean is Trump should stop talking about issues that hurt the Democrats and let the left win the election.
Journalists also complained that Trump sent almost as many troops to the Southern border as the U.S. deployed to Afghanistan.
But Trump campaigned on defending the United States’ borders and not those of far-away lands.
That helped him win the election.
And the fake news media is terrified it will help Republicans win again this year.
All Hell Broke Loose When Robert Mueller Stumbled On This Smoking Gun
All Hell Broke Loose When Robert Mueller Stumbled On This Smoking Gun
Robert Mueller and his rigged witch hunt is at its end game.
Mueller’s team believes they can nail the President for collusion by proving Roger Stone coordinated with WikiLeaks.
But Mueller’s team stumbled on this smoking gun that turned everything upside down.
Robert Mueller Targets Roger Stone’s Communications With Trump Campaign
Mueller and his team hauled former Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon before the grand jury for a second time.
They are probing private comments Stone made about WikiLeaks before they released John Podesta’s emails on October 7th, 2016.
That was the same day the Washington Post broke the story of the Access Hollywood tape.
Pundits – and some Trump campaign officials – thought it was the end for Trump.
Trump critics believe WikiLeaks began releasing emails in the immediate aftermath of that story in order to change the subject and help Trump.
They believe WikiLeaks would not have taken this action without prompting from the Trump campaign.
This forms the basis of their latest collusion conspiracy theory.
After Bannon testified before Mueller’s grand jury, he released a statement that read: “Mueller’s team has been very professional and courteous. Out of respect for the process, I will not discuss my interviews with them, but people shouldn’t believe everything they read.”
Stone told the Post he never talked about WikiLeaks with Trump campaign officials.
“There are no such communications, and if Bannon says there are he would be dissembling,” Stone stated.
The Smoking Gun Emerges
Roger Stone wants to put this collusion fake news to bed.
To do so, he hired new lawyers and took a lie detector test.
Stone retained the legal services of Bruce Rogow – who represented Donald Trump’s golf club in several matters.
Rogow suggested Stone take a lie detector test.
ABC News exclusively reported:
“I suggested a polygraph in order to pin down the veracity of Roger’s positions on the investigation by the special counsel with regard to Julian Assange and Wikileaks,” Rogow told ABC News on Tuesday. “I have great confidence in the polygraph examiner, to whom I sent Mr. Stone.”
Mueller questioned over ten Stone associates.
They all say Stone is the focus of the investigation.
And they all believe Mueller is desperate to prove Stone colluded with WikiLeaks in order to justify his investigation.
ABC News exclusively reports:
“In general they’re talking about you know Guccifer and D.C. Leaks and WikiLeaks they’re talking about the timing of some things that happened at the campaign and at the convention,” Michael Caputo, a former campaign aide to then-candidate Trump and one of Stone’s closest friends, told ABC News after an interview with Mueller’s team in May.
Mueller’s latest theory is that conference calls Stone arranged with Trump supporters in 2016 prove he colluded with WikiLeaks.
On at least two of those calls, Stone repeated his claims that he had been in contact with Julian Assange.
But Stone claims all he was doing was repeating publicly available information.
However, it appears Stone may have exaggerated his connection to WikiLeaks to play into his reputation as an operative well-schooled in the dark arts of politics.
New York Times: ‘Best Time’ for American Employees in Maybe 50 Years
New York Times: ‘Best Time’ for American Employees in Maybe 50 Years
The New York Times said on November 2 that President Donald Trump’s high-pressure economy “is the best time for the American labor market in at least 18 years and maybe closer to 50.”
In 1968, per capita wages and salaries grew by 6.65 percent, after inflation is included, and then it grew by another 5.4 percent in 1969, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Five decades ago, Hey Jude bumped Harper Valley PTA out of the number one chart spot:
Fred Astaire starred in his irony-free song-and-dance movie, Finian’s Rainbow:
The movie theaters were also playing much darker movies, such as Night of the Living Dead and Steve McQueen’s Bullitt:
A new home cost $15,000, average monthly rent was just $130.00, and gas cost 34 cents per gallon. The average price of a new automobile was $2,822.00, and the minimum wage was $1.60 an hour.
Jackie Kennedy got married to the Greek shipping billionaire, Aristotle Onassis:
The NYT’s comparison to the 1960s was caused by the good news in the regular agency report about the October economy. Breitbart News reported:
Wage growth, long considered the “missing ingredient” to the economic expansion, has finally returned. Average hourly earnings climbed by five cents an hour for the month, or 83 cents year-over-year. That represents a 3.1 percent gain, the first time wages have grown more than 3 percent year-over-year.
The number of adults not in the labor force at all fell by 487,000.
And employers evidently needed to pay higher wages to coax these workers off the sidelines. Long the soft underbelly of this expansion, average hourly earnings are now up 3.1 percent over the last year, from 2.8 percent in the previous reading.
Put it together, and this is the best time for the American labor market in at least 18 years and maybe closer to 50.
Since 1973 — aside from a brief spike in the late 1990s — wage growth has remained flat, partly because the federal government helps employers by pumping hundreds of thousands of foreign workers into the labor pool each year. In 2016, for example, President Barack Obama brought in 1.75 million immigrants, visa workers, and illegal immigrants to compete for jobs against the four million young Americans who joined the workforce that year. The post-1973 flatline is obvious in this chart released by the U.S. Census Bureau:
Back to the 2018 good news: Trump’s 2018 wage growth is higher for blue-collar employees than for white-collars — roughly 6.5 percent vs. 4 percent for white-collar. But his wage growth numbers are expected to rise in 2019 as investors are gradually forced to compete for the shrinking pool of unemployed Americans. Of course, companies will happily hire cheaper foreign workers — legal or illegal — who enter the United States in 2019.
So the wage raises may suddenly stop in 2019 if Trump listens to the business and investors groups that are pleading with him to allow more foreign workers, such as the illegals trafficked in the U.S. by the cartels, the Hondurans in the caravan, and the foreign students using the “Optional Practical Training” program.
One vehicle for their hopes is Republican Rep. Kevin Yoder’s H.R. 392 bill in December, which would import more guest workers and more immigrants. If Trump endorses Yoder’s more-cheap-labor bill this December, investors will know they will never run out of workers — and will never have to raise wages — because they can pressure the president to fly more foreign workers into Newark and Los Angeles.
The New York Times added a caveat to Trump’s go-go economy, saying, “It would be nice to see sustained wage growth substantially higher than inflation, not just in a single month, before making any comparisons to the boom of the late 1960s.”
Trump has the power to reach for a 1960s repeat and to sustain wage raises right up to his 2020 re-election — and he also has the power to flatline wages and lose his 2020 re-election. He will show his hand in December.Helen and Moe Lauzier
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