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.BLOGSPOT.COM Friday, Saturday and Sunday November 16, 17, & 18, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
'Fool on the Hill' Kamala Harris Keeps On Showing Us Why She'll Never Become President
What the GOP Did Wrong in 2018
By Dick Morris
The Republicans lost control of the House largely because they had the wrong campaign strategy.
Democrats like to think that President Donald Trump’s unpopularity was a key cause of their victory in retaking the House, but the true fault lies in the GOP’s approach to the elections.
The party entered the races on the defensive, proudly citing Trump’s incredible achievements in turning the economy around. In the early going, the GOP recited the growth statistics proudly and asked for re-election based on voter appreciation. But then wiser heads realized that gratitude does not motivate voters and Trump decided to double down on the policies that animated his base — immigration, tax cuts and crime.
But the Republicans missed a bet.
The Democratic Party has evolved — over the past two years — into a new left-wing version of itself, advocating major new policy initiatives that go far beyond what mainstream voters are willing to tolerate. Democratic House and Senate candidates generally hedge when asked if they embrace the new agenda, but their own base voters won’t let them abandon it.
The Democratic base is so energized by the new platform, first articulated by Sen. Bernie Sanders, that the party’s candidates must embrace it wholly or partially.
The GOP should have waged its campaign in opposition to this new leftist agenda. Its candidates should have hung these new radical proposals around the necks of their Democratic opponents.
Even those Democrats who tried to run as “moderates” would have been hard-pressed to abandon the new “progressive” agenda and still keep their base of supporters and donors.
The new Democratic agenda is filled with self-destructive policies that posed — and still pose — fat, attractive targets for Republican criticism.
Medicare for all really means Medicare for none. The Trust Fund, already running short of money, cannot possibly be expected to assume the burden of health care for all American adults, even those under 65. If forced to pick up that new burden, Medicare will cease to be funded by a trust fund into which beneficiaries have paid during their working lives. Instead, it will become a hand-to-mouth welfare program, like Medicaid.
And, along with a Medicaid style program, will come strict government utilization controls, required approvals, waiting lists and health care rationing.
An increase in the minimum wage to $15 is really no increase at all. Data from cities that have adopted such increases indicate that the number of hours worked dropped as the wage-per-hour rose. Faced with a high minimum wage, retailers and fast food joints are automating, cutting dramatically the work available to hourly employees.
Carried to its extreme, low-wage entry jobs would be entirely eliminated.
Free college for all would mean no college for anybody (except for those rich enough to attend elite private universities). The dumbing down process — beginning with open admission in the 60s — where standards dropped so everyone could go to college and get a degree will accelerate. The prestigious state universities would become factories where students are passed on, through social promotion, learning little and remembering less.
A college degree from such a mass school would soon come to mean nothing.
Open borders would create so large a labor pool for down-scale jobs that workers in blue-collar industries would face job insecurity at best and wage stagnation at worst. In contrast, under Trump, the pyramid has turned upside down. The poor are getting richer and the rich poorer, for a change. In 2018, median weekly wages for workers who only finished high school rose at 6.5 percent while college-educated workers’ wages rose by only 5.3 percent. Graduate school workers’ incomes rose at only 1.6 percent.
Immigration restrictions and curbs on imported goods are helping this trend along. Open borders would reverse it.
Decreasing prison population would reverse the progress in lowering the crime rate we have made in recent decades. Doubling the prison population has halved the crime rate. With more in prison, fewer criminals are on the streets. Policies aimed at releasing “non-violent” offenders inevitably lead to the release of drug dealers and sexual predators who the judicial system puts in that category.
The Republicans should have run against the new “progressive” Democratic agenda. We hope they remember to do so next time.

Maxine Waters gets weird when asked THIS question… (health meltdown!?)
California Rep. Maxine Waters latest interview is going viral — because a wide-eye Waters’ strange behavior has both critics and supporters scratching their heads.
The footage even has some news outlets like The American Mirror asking: Is everything okay upstairs with Waters?
The camera, held by a reporter with the “Capitol Intel Group,” shows Waters and an aide meet the reporter in a hallway. They chat in a brief elevator ride with the congresswoman — and the footage shows Waters display some bizarre tics.
“There he is!” Waters and her intern exclaim when the reporter walks up to them in the halls.
“We’re getting Capital Bank on the Community Reinvestment Act! This stuff is making waves. Our story has been around the world,” the friendly reporter gushes, a reference to Waters recent Congressional work.
“Is that right?” Waters asks, seemingly confused.
“It’s really important because people realize that like J.P. Morgan, who was doing … investments in the black community are making more money while, you know…,” the reporter said in front of the elevator.
That’s when Waters closed her eyes for several seconds, then opened them with a strange, wide-eyed a look at the aide. The concerned intern quickly cuts off reporters questions.
Undeterred, the report follows Waters inside the elevator and tries to continue the interview.
“I’m doing a story on your historic win,” he said. “On being the next chairman of the National Services!”
“Chairman of the …?” Waters responds, visibly confused.
“Of the Financial Services Committee!” the reporter responds.
“Oh… oh, ok,” Waters mumbles, looking away.
The reporter continues to praise Waters on her historic win, and a confused Waters tells him “That’s right? That’s right.”
“We have all of Wall Street!” she says, before adding a typically canned political response. “Uhh… we have a chance to have some good, open discussions. To find out what we can do to better serve the American people.”
You can see the strange footage here —
In Fundraising Email for California Fires, Kamala Harris Directs Users to Group That Builds Donor Lists for Dem Campaigns
BY: Cameron Cawthorne
The footage even has some news outlets like The American Mirror asking: Is everything okay upstairs with Waters?
The camera, held by a reporter with the “Capitol Intel Group,” shows Waters and an aide meet the reporter in a hallway. They chat in a brief elevator ride with the congresswoman — and the footage shows Waters display some bizarre tics.
“There he is!” Waters and her intern exclaim when the reporter walks up to them in the halls.
“We’re getting Capital Bank on the Community Reinvestment Act! This stuff is making waves. Our story has been around the world,” the friendly reporter gushes, a reference to Waters recent Congressional work.
“Is that right?” Waters asks, seemingly confused.
“It’s really important because people realize that like J.P. Morgan, who was doing … investments in the black community are making more money while, you know…,” the reporter said in front of the elevator.
That’s when Waters closed her eyes for several seconds, then opened them with a strange, wide-eyed a look at the aide. The concerned intern quickly cuts off reporters questions.
Undeterred, the report follows Waters inside the elevator and tries to continue the interview.
“I’m doing a story on your historic win,” he said. “On being the next chairman of the National Services!”
“Chairman of the …?” Waters responds, visibly confused.
“Of the Financial Services Committee!” the reporter responds.
“Oh… oh, ok,” Waters mumbles, looking away.
The reporter continues to praise Waters on her historic win, and a confused Waters tells him “That’s right? That’s right.”
“We have all of Wall Street!” she says, before adding a typically canned political response. “Uhh… we have a chance to have some good, open discussions. To find out what we can do to better serve the American people.”
You can see the strange footage here —
In Fundraising Email for California Fires, Kamala Harris Directs Users to Group That Builds Donor Lists for Dem Campaigns
BY: Cameron Cawthorne
Kamala Harris / Getty Images
Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) sent an email Thursday encouraging people to donate money for disaster relief caused by the wildfires raging across California, but she did not disclose the included links directed users to the website of Democratic group ActBlue.
ActBlue, a federally registered political action committee, helps Democratic candidates raise money and saves donor emails for future fundraising efforts.
The Northern California wildfire started last week and has erupted into chaos; at least 63 people have died as a result, and over 630 people are currently missing, according to Politico.
Harris, who has been floated as a potential 2020 presidential candidate, sent out an email with a list of nonprofit organizations, which she said are "doing incredible work to help all those displaced and hurt by the California wildfires." The nonprofits include Wildfire Relief Fund, Humane Society of Ventura County, United Way of Northern California, Northern California Fire Relief Fund, Caring Choices, and California Fire Foundation, among others.
After the list of nonprofits, the email lists the donation amounts, ranging from $10 to $250. Each link sends users to a page on ActBlue's website asking people to donate to efforts to help those displaced by the fires.
ActBlue, launched in 2004, has called itself "the online clearinghouse for Democratic action."
"ActBlue is a nonprofit, building fundraising technology for the left," the organization says on its website. "Democratic campaigns get more donations through ActBlue than any other platform."
"A majority of Democratic Senate and House campaigns—along with the DCCC, DSCC, DGA, over one-third of statewide campaigns, and advocacy organizations around the country—have chosen ActBlue," the website adds, noting that the organization has raised nearly $3 billion for "Democrats and progressive causes" in 14 years.
This isn't the first time a Democratic senator has sent out a fundraising email for a natural disaster without disclosing the ActBlue association. Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.) sent out an email last month encouraging people to donate money for hurricane disaster relief with a list of nonprofit groups that provide aid. The included links also directed potential donors to ActBlue's site.
Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath
Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath
Apparently, no one in the federal bureaucracies cares to fully investigate Hillary Clinton’s email misconduct, but we are doing it, and we’re making progress.
This week U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.
In 2016, she was required to submit under oath written answers to our questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.
This week U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.
In 2016, she was required to submit under oath written answers to our questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.
After a lengthy hearing Judge Sullivan ruled that Clinton must address two questions that she refused to answer under oath.
Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.
During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.
Judge Sullivan read his opinion from the bench, deciding that the question about the creation of the email system was within the scope of discovery. Judge Sullivan rejected Clinton’s assertion of attorney-client privilege on the question about the emails “in the State’s system.”
The court refused Judicial Watch’s and media’s requests to unseal the deposition videos of Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and other Clinton State Department officials. And it upheld Clinton’s objections to answering a question about why she refused to stop using her Blackberry despite warnings from State Department security personnel. Justice Department lawyers for the State Department defended Clinton’s refusal to answer certain questions and argued for the continued secrecy of the deposition videos.
This hearing and court ruling is the latest development in our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former deputy chief of staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)). The court also granted discovery to Judicial Watch to help determine if and how Clinton’s email system thwarted FOIA.
It is good news that a federal court ordered Clinton to answer more questions about her illicit email system. But it is shameful that our attorneys must continue to battle the State and Justice Departments, which still defend Hillary Clinton, for basic answers to our questions about Clinton’s email misconduct.
The court refused Judicial Watch’s and media’s requests to unseal the deposition videos of Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and other Clinton State Department officials. And it upheld Clinton’s objections to answering a question about why she refused to stop using her Blackberry despite warnings from State Department security personnel. Justice Department lawyers for the State Department defended Clinton’s refusal to answer certain questions and argued for the continued secrecy of the deposition videos.
This hearing and court ruling is the latest development in our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former deputy chief of staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)). The court also granted discovery to Judicial Watch to help determine if and how Clinton’s email system thwarted FOIA.
It is good news that a federal court ordered Clinton to answer more questions about her illicit email system. But it is shameful that our attorneys must continue to battle the State and Justice Departments, which still defend Hillary Clinton, for basic answers to our questions about Clinton’s email misconduct.
The public and the media have a right to a full accounting about the Clinton State Department. In lieu of a much-needed, new and untainted investigation by the FBI, the continued work of Judicial Watch in the courts is clearly the only hope of bringing sunlight into the Clinton email issue and completing the public record.
Sadly the Florida election fiasco isn’t new. Eighteen years ago, evidence of fraud was uncovered in Broward County during the Bush vs. Gore fiasco. (Here’s a 2001 C-Span video of a Judicial Watch press conference on our 2000 Florida election investigation that shows just how little has changed – other than the color of my hair!) And now Broward again is the center of the storm for election chaos and potential corruption. Our Corruption Chronicles blog details what we’re doing on the scene
Nearly a decade after conducting a thorough Florida recount in a heated presidential contest, Judicial Watch is back in Broward and Palm Beach counties monitoring the midterm election fiasco. A legal and investigative team is closely watching the machine recount, which could be followed by a manual recount that could drag the spectacle out into the weekend. Florida law requires a machine recount when the vote margin in a race is less than 0.5 % and that occurred in three key statewide races—for U.S. Senate, governor and agriculture secretary. If results from the machine recount show a 0.25% margin or less, a hand recount will ensue for undervotes and overvotes. An undervote occurs when no candidate is marked in a race. An overvote marks more than one candidate on the same ballot in the same race.
Back in 2000 Judicial Watch, with the help of a highly reputable auditing firm, executed complete recounts in the disputed counties of Collier, Hillsborough, Indian River, Miami-Dade, Pinellas and Sarasota as well as the highly contested counties of Broward and Palm Beach. It was a tight presidential race between George W. Bush and Al Gore and Judicial Watch’s recount proved that Bush clearly won Florida and thus the presidency. Judicial Watch has since launched a national Election Integrity Project to clean up voter rolls. Robert Popper, a former Justice Department deputy chief of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division, is the program’s director and his team is on the ground in south Florida.
In the current debacle, all 67 counties are supposed to complete the machine recount by 3 p.m. on Thursday, a deadline set by the Florida Department of State. However, Palm Beach County Election Supervisor Susan Bucher said earlier in the week that would not be possible and a Tallahassee judge ordered the recount in Palm Beach County extended five additional days to November 20. Counties that don’t meet the recount deadline are supposed to keep the originally reported results on file. In the current recount, high-speed tabulating machines recheck all ballots against the original tallies. Many counties have completed the process. Palm Beach County, Florida’s third largest, has about 600,000 ballots to count and Bucher says outdated machines aren’t up to the task to meet the deadline even with staff working around the clock.
In other counties things are going pretty smoothly, including in the state’s largest, Miami-Dade, and results are expected to trickle in on time. The epicenter of the action is Broward, led by a famously incompetent election supervisor long under fire. Her name is Brenda Snipes and former Governor Jeb Bush appointed her in 2003 after getting rid of her equally inept predecessor, Miriam Oliphant, for severe mismanagement. In 2002 Judicial Watch investigated Oliphant for the botched Florida primaries in which her office lost hundreds of absentee ballots that were later found in a filing cabinet. The Florida Elections Commission fined Oliphant $10,000 for willfully neglecting her duties and causing dozens of polls to open late and close early during the 2002 gubernatorial primaries.
Snipes has proven to be just as bad, though voters have reelected her despite her well-documented transgressions in several lower-profile elections. In an editorial this week, Broward County’s largest newspaper calls for Snipes’ ouster, calling her incompetent and questioning why despite her record of poor performance she keeps getting reelected. Bush took to social media to blast the election supervisor he appointed, writing: “There is no question that Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes failed to comply with Florida law on multiple counts, undermining Floridians’ confidence in our electoral process. Supervisor Snipes should be removed from her office following the recounts.”
Our Judicial Watch team remains on the ground in Broward and Palm Beach counties as I write – we’ll be sure to update you as events warrant!
DOJ Charges Hotel with Discrimination for Not Hiring an Immigrant
Does that headline make you dizzy? Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the story.
In a case that helps illustrate why illegal immigrants game the system, the Trump administration is punishing a major hotel chain for refusing to hire a man that is not a lawful permanent resident or American citizen. Like countless undocumented aliens seeking quick employment, the man applied for asylum, a fraud-infested government program famously abused by foreigners to obtain work permits and other benefits in the U.S. When the New York-based hotel eliminated the asylee from the hiring process the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged it with discrimination after he filed a complaint.
Our Judicial Watch team remains on the ground in Broward and Palm Beach counties as I write – we’ll be sure to update you as events warrant!
DOJ Charges Hotel with Discrimination for Not Hiring an Immigrant
Does that headline make you dizzy? Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the story.
In a case that helps illustrate why illegal immigrants game the system, the Trump administration is punishing a major hotel chain for refusing to hire a man that is not a lawful permanent resident or American citizen. Like countless undocumented aliens seeking quick employment, the man applied for asylum, a fraud-infested government program famously abused by foreigners to obtain work permits and other benefits in the U.S. When the New York-based hotel eliminated the asylee from the hiring process the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged it with discrimination after he filed a complaint.
This week the DOJ settled the case with the Hyatt Place Hotel in Queens. Under the settlement, the hotel’s management company, MJFT, will pay a civil penalty, train its staff and be subject to government monitoring and reporting requirements for three years. “In general, employers may not restrict the employment opportunities of asylees because of their citizenship or immigration status,” John Gore, the principal deputy assistant attorney general for the DOJ Civil Rights Division, said in an agency statement. “The Department is committed to enforcing workplace laws that prohibit discrimination to ensure that individuals have an opportunity to be fully and fairly evaluated based on their merits when they apply for jobs.” The DOJ asserts that the hotel discriminated against a work-authorized immigrant in violation of the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
It’s important to note the history of the U.S. government’s asylum program, long abused by illegal immigrants making fraudulent claims to get work permits and other taxpayer-funded benefits. When the program started in the 1990s asylum applicants received work permits instantly upon filling out the application. This led to a barrage of work permits being issued by the government. The policy eventually changed, by making asylum applicants wait 180 days before receiving authorization to work. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the overwhelmed agency that administers the nation’s lawful immigration system, refers to this as the “180-day Asylum EAD Clock”. The clock starts ticking the moment an asylum application is filled out.
Because there is a massive backlog in asylum cases, the clock has expired for legions of immigrants who may not even be legitimate candidates to remain in the country but are now able to work “legally.” Earlier this year USCIS made changes in the asylum processing system precisely to crack down on fraudulent claims filed to get work permits. The agency announced it will schedule asylum interviews for recent applications ahead of older filings—that perhaps already ran out the 180-day clock—to “deter those who might try to use the existing backlog as a means to obtain employment authorization.” The agency describes the current backlog as being at “crisis level.” As of January 21, 2018, USCIS had an asylum application backlog of 311,000, making the “system increasingly vulnerable to fraud and abuse.” The backlog has grown an eye-popping 1,750 percent over the last five years and the rate of new asylum applications has more than tripled, USCIS reveals. The new “last in, first out” interview schedule will allow USCIS to identify frivolous, fraudulent or otherwise non-meritorious asylum claims earlier and place those individuals into removal proceedings.
Judicial Watch has reported extensively and uncovered documents exposing the rampant fraud in the government’s asylum program. Under the Obama administration it was a well-known racket that admitted myriads of illegal immigrants who claimed to have a “credible fear.” In one scam the administration let hundreds of illegal immigrants stay in the U.S. even though federal authorities knew in advance that an open borders group coached them to falsely claim “credible fear” to get asylum. Documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) show how the group, National Immigrant Youth Alliance (NITA), orchestrated an operation to bring 250 illegal aliens into the U.S. through the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, California. To assure the migrants were allowed to stay in the U.S., the group had them falsely claim that they had a “credible fear” of returning to their native country. Foreigners can claim asylum under five categories, based on fear of persecution over race, religion, nationality, political opinions or membership in a specific social group. The caravan making its way north from Central America is expected to seek asylum in the U.S. under one of these categories.
Credible fear asylum in the U.S. became so popular under Obama that illegal aliens were hearing about it on Facebook and federal immigration authorities got slammed with applications. For years the number of foreigners, including many from terrorist countries, asserting credible fear to gain asylum in this country skyrocketed. Last year the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) published a report documenting the pervasive fraud in the credible fear process that threatens the integrity of the asylum system. Among the key findings: Aliens with ties to terrorist organizations have attempted to enter illegally and claim asylum fraudulently; the number of asylum applications received by USCIS has increased significantly in recent years from 56,912 in 2014 to 115,888 in 2016. “The evidentiary burdens for aliens seeking asylum and withholding of removal are lower than for aliens seeking other immigration benefits,” CIS researchers found.
Until next week …Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton
This Picture Of The Caravan Let Americans Know Their Nightmare Scenario Came True
The migrant caravan has arrived on America’s border.
The invasion has begun.
That’s because this picture let every American know their nightmare scenario came true.
The Migrant Caravan Invasion Begins
Democrats and fake news reporters mocked Donald Trump’s statements that the caravan was an invasion.
The left claimed the caravan was a collection of desperate refugees fleeing violence for a better life.
But Trump knew better.
The government rejects 80 percent of asylum claims.
This caravan is a mob of economic migrants looking to flood the American economy.
They will depress the wages of American workers.
Fake news reporters also claimed that the caravan was thousands of miles away and posed no danger to the United States.
These so-called “reporters” were telling lies and spreading fake news.
The caravan reached the border barely a week after Election Day.
Rebecca Plevin – a reporter for USA Today – tweeted:
At El Chaparral port of entry in Tijuana, Mexican immigration officials say 90 people will be allowed to make asylum claims today. People cheer; some 25 were allowed Monday, around 60 yesterday, we hear.
Meanwhile, 370 more members of migrant caravan arrived in TJ this morning.
Photographs Show Migrants Climbing Fences
CNN’s Jim Acosta lectured Trump that he was racist for calling the caravan an “invasion” and mocked the President’s position that the migrants were climbing over fences to get into America.
Pictures proved Acosta a liar.
Photographs show migrants climbing over fences in Tijuana to sneak into America.
The first wave of migrants from the Central American caravan began climbing fences after arriving at the U.S. border.https://washex.am/2QN17CB
Hours after this photograph went viral, the Department of Homeland Security responded by putting razor wire along the fence.
The Department also doubled down on the fact that migrants entering the country illegally have no claim to request asylum.
“As we have said repeatedly, being a member of a caravan doesn’t give you any special rights to enter the country,” spokeswoman Katie Waldman declared in a statement to the Washington Examiner. “If they arrive at a Port of Entry, they will have to wait in line in keeping with the lawful processes at our ports of entry. If they attempt to enter illegally, they will have violated U.S. criminal law and in accordance with the President’s proclamation and the Interim Final Rule they would be ineligible for asylum.”
Caravan Proves Why Americans Distrust Fake News Media
The fake news media “reporting” on the caravan shows why Americans cannot trust outlets like CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC or CBS.
They filled their airtime and newspapers with lies about how unlikely it was that the caravan would reach the United States.
And so-called “reporters” spread misinformation about how far away the caravan really was.
Americans learned a valuable lesson.
They found out they cannot trust anything they read or see in the so-called “mainstream” news.
These are not objective journalists dedicated to finding the truth.
Fake news reporters are hard-bitten Democrat Party activists looking to push the liberal agenda.
And that means lying on a regular basis about Donald Trump and his agenda.
We will keep you up to date on any new developments in this ongoing story.
Broward counts the wrong ballots as Florida races to finish manual recount ahead of Sunday deadline
Broward counts the wrong ballots as Florida races to finish manual recount ahead of Sunday deadline
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Fresh off its bungled machine recount, Broward County’s second day of manual recounting temporarily stopped about an hour after it began Saturday when lawyers from both political parties pointed out that volunteers were counting the wrong ballots.
Hundreds of volunteers spent most of Friday sorting through 32,000 overvotes and undervotes in the Senate race between incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson and Republican Gov. Rick Scott. Broward officials announced Friday night they had finished their manual recount.
On Saturday, the volunteers started sorting about 22,000 undervotes and overvotes in the contentious contest for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture.
That came to a grinding halt when lawyers found thousands of overlapping ballots which clearly showed a vote in the agriculture race but were fuzzy in the Senate race.
“It appears there may have been some ballots from yesterday mixed in with the ones for today,” Broward Canvassing Board Judge Deborah Carpenter-Toye told reporters.
Forty-seven manila envelopes from the Senate recount were mixed in with the envelopes distributed for the commissioner race.
Broward County Canvassing Board Attorney Rene Harrod told Fox News the issue was caught in time and that none of the 47 envelopes made it to the canvassing board. It’s an important catch because it rules out the possibility of some votes being counted twice.
Republican lawyer Joe Goldstein demanded the recount be stopped. Instead, the canvassing board decided to keep counting and instructed volunteers to flag any incorrect ballots from Saturday’s count.
The news comes as Florida struggles to complete its mandatory manual recount in the U.S. Senate race by noon Sunday. The Sunshine State – Broward County in particular - has been under the microscope since the recounts were ordered last Saturday.
On Thursday, embattled Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes boasted about making the state’s deadline for machine recounts.
“We are excited to be at this point,” she said Thursday afternoon.
(Mike Stocker/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP))
A few hours later, election officials were forced to admit the county had uploaded the results of the recount two minutes after the state’s 3 p.m. cutoff - making its machine recount tally void.
Broward’s results from Election Night will stand until manual recount totals come in Sunday at noon.
Scott’s campaign charged that Snipes intentionally submitted late results so that they would be invalidated. In the recount, Nelson, lost more votes than Scott -- meaning Scott would have seen a net gain of 779 votes if Snipes hadn't been late.
Broward was one of three counties that did not make the machine deadline.
Hillsborough County intentionally refused to report its figures, which would have awarded Scott approximately 150 votes, because the recount turned up 846 fewer votes in total than the county's initial tally.
"Even though we achieved 99.84 percent success in our recount effort, we are not willing to accept that votes go unreported," Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Craig Latimer told reporters. "For that reason, the Canvassing Board has decided that the first unofficial results will stand as our second unofficial."
In Palm Beach, election supervisor Susan Bucher said the county found “dozens of precincts missing a significant number” of votes during the machine recount and indicated there may be entire boxes of ballots that weren’t counted, according to the New York Times.
She also blamed the county’s issues mechanical errors and said the scanning machine overheated.
She flew in two mechanics to fix the problem. The technicians, though, witnessed Palm Beach County workers jam a paperclip into the scanner’s “enter” button to slow the high-speed scanner down. That action caused a short circuit that cut off the power, according to the New York Times.
More than 8.1 million votes were cast in Florida. The state is scheduled to certify results in the Senate race on Nov. 20.
Fox News’ Gregg Re, Sarah Chakales and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Some Post-2018 Election Drive-by Muthings
Conservatives who didn’t vote for a Republican candidate who wasn’t sufficiently conservative enough on critical issues – Hello, Tax Hike Mike Roberson! - didn’t cost that Republican his or her election. The candidate cost himself or herself their election.
Conservative votes cannot and should not be taken for granted.
Nevada’s Constitution states that “All citizens” are eligible to vote:
“All citizens of the United States of the age of eighteen years and upwards, who shall have actually, and not constructively, resided in the state six months, and in the district or county thirty days next preceding any election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that now or hereafter may be elected by the people, and upon all questions submitted to the electors at such election…”
Problem is, while that affords citizens the right to vote it doesn’t preclude non-citizens from voting - as we’re now seeing in San Francisco and other places around the country.
In North Dakota this election, a constitutional amendment (Question 2) by which similar language was changed from “All citizens” to “Only a citizen” passed by a margin of 66-34 percent. Nevada should do the same.
Nevada Republicans are actually in a great position to rebuild for 2020. Only President Trump will be on the top of the ticket. There’s no U.S. Senate race on the ballot. No gubernatorial race. And no other statewide races.
So Republicans will have an opportunity to focus on legislative races and begin the process of rebuilding a “farm team” after Democrats overreach in the 2019 session and give Republicans LOTS of issues to run on…provided dumbass GOP legislators don’t give them votes that’ll make such bad bills “bi-partisan.”
That’s the difference between being a “minority” party and an “opposition” party. A minority party trades votes on big issues – such as tax hikes – in return for table scraps, such as naming an official state bug, just so they can say they passed “something.”
Alas, Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity. So look for a number of wishy-washy GOP legislators to once again go along to get along. It’s what they do.
Republicans need to stop obsessing over voter registration. Registration numbers for the last eight years in Nevada have been fairly the same between Democrats and Republicans. And for the last four years Republicans held every statewide office and a U.S. Senate seat.
The difference this year was lousy campaign messaging, some very bad campaigns (the “Slanker Effect”), and a record of raising taxes and growing government that blurred the lines between the parties.
We don’t need more Republican voters to win in Nevada. We need better candidates and better campaigns that will energize Republican base voters while attracting independents to vote Republican.
Tough balancing act, but not impossible. We’ve done it before.
Nobody bought Dean Heller’s “born again” support for Donald Trump.
And it was by his own hand, in killing the House version of ObamaCare repeal-and-replace in 2017, that the issue was allowed to be a major factor in the 2018 general election.
He got what he deserved. Nevada, however, now saddled with Sen. Wacky Jacky Rosen, didn’t.
I have been telling Republican candidates for YEARS to stop griping about right-leaning third parties – particularly, in Nevada, the Libertarian Party and the Independent American Party – and instead reach out and court them the same way they do to other voting blocs.
They’re not a “problem,” they’re a reality. Deal with it accordingly.
All those voters who voted for Democrats knowing it would tilt Nevada more toward public policies like California’s are about to see exactly what that means – including higher taxes, fewer individual freedoms and more government busy-bodying.
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Republicans could have funded Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) during the Raiders stadium special session or the regular 2017 legislative session. But RINO Gov. Brian Sandoval refused to do so. Now they’re deader than King Tut.
Can’t wait for him and the Second Lady to vacate our governor’s mansion!
Jose Easley was arrested last month for killing a 52-year-old mother and her two adult sons in a gun battle in a North Las Vegas parking lot.
He’s charged with “murder, attempted murder with a deadly weapon, battery with a deadly weapon, assault with a deadly weapon, and other gun charges for being a prohibited person in possession of a firearm and for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit.”
Listen up, gun-grabbers…
He was prohibited, BY LAW, from being in possession of the gun he used. But he did it anyway. So tell us again how passing even MORE “common sense gun safety” laws are going to stop gun violence from the likes of Mr. Easley.
Bad guys will get and use guns no matter how many gun-control laws you pass. The only people disarmed by “common sense gun safety” laws are the already-law abiding.
CLARIFICATION: In the last Muth’s Truths I detailed the efforts by a cuckoo gadfly named Denise Mraz to get appointed to fill Dennis Hof’s two-year term in the Nevada State Assembly. She outlined her plot in a document that named Zack Hames, Dennis’ former assistant, as being involved in the scheming.
I exchanged some texts with Zack after publication of the piece and spoke with him at Dennis’ memorial service in Pahrump last night. And he told me flat out, “I am not involved with her!”
I’ve also since learned that Madame Chemtrail has falsely claimed to be working for and representing certain other clients and organizations that she absolutely wasn’t working for.
Seriously, folks, if you run across this woman…watch your back. She’s a pure political opportunist and, in my decidedly non-medical opinion, has a serious screw loose.
(Mr. Muth is president of CitizenOutreach.org and publisher of NevadaNewsandViews.com. He blogs at MuthsTruths.com. His views are his own.)
- Chuck Muth, Desert Fox Strategic Communications | Citizen Outreach
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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