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.BLOGSPOT.COM Monday, November 12,2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Florida Vote Scandal Coverage Shows Media-Democrat Complicity. Again.
A media that were something other than the communications leaders of the progressive movement would note that Palm Beach County is violating Florida law.
Florida voters elected Republican Ron DeSantis as governor and Republican Rick Scott as senator on election night. Both were announced as winners and their opponents conceded defeat. But then Democratic lawyer Marc Elias announced that Democrats would be going for a recount and would win the Senate seat.
A few days after the 2018 election was held, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sounded the alarm about serious irregularities in the counting of ballots in two Democratic stronghold counties in Florida:
To make sure that votes aren’t being invented or destroyed to effect an outcome, one of the first priorities of any election supervisor is to announce how many ballots are in possession and how many remain to be counted. To fail to do this, as the Broward County and Palm Beach County Supervisors had, is to open themselves up to the accusation of massive vote fraud.
Citizens can not have confidence that ballots are not being destroyed, or created, when supervisors fail to immediately announce how many ballots are on hand.
Florida law also requires that vote-by-mail and absentee ballots are accounted for within 30 minutes of polls closing. While the other 65 counties in Florida had no problem following this state law, the supervisors of Broward County and Palm Beach County refused to follow that law.
Florida law also requires that the Department of State be given reports every 45 minutes until results are completely filed. Palm Beach County has refused to do this.
Despite these stunning violations of law, and Rubio’s cry to stop the madness in these counties that have a history of election problems, media seemed largely uninterested in what was happening in Florida.
Rubio reminded Americans that Broward County’s supervisor had a history of election problems, including illegally destroying ballots, secretly opening mail-in ballots, sending voters too many ballot pages, and leaving a constitutional question off the ballot.
Here’s how the media is handling this extremely serious issue of mounting evidence of a Florida election-stealing scandal:
A hundred more examples could be offered.
To be clear, these are not the stories and social media accounts of official Democratic partisans, but the accounts and stories of a media that is desperate to not be thought of as “fake news.” A media that is desperate to make the case that they are something other than partisan hacks who care about elevating Democrats and harming Republicans above all other journalistic concerns. If you see even an ounce of daylight between these narrative constructions and those of Democrats, please share. Because to the naked eye, this is nothing but pure gaslighting about the obvious efforts of two of the most historically scandal-ridden counties in the country when it comes to elections and voting.
It is without question that lawful processes were not followed. To say otherwise is scandalous and insulting to the intelligence of most people. Everyone knows what is going on here and to say that there is no evidence, when evidence is obvious to everyone, including those who are pretending it isn’t there, is offensive.
A media that were something other than the communications leaders of the progressive movement would note that Palm Beach County is violating Florida law by refusing to provide required information to the public, and by illegally refusing to allow officials into the ballot counting area to observe what is occurring.
Does Democracy Still Die In Darkness?
We’ve been told by major national media organizations that democracy dies in darkness, that accountability is required to protect the republic, that their job is to make sure that those in power don’t abuse it. As one CNN anchor put it recently:
But the response to election officials shutting out any public accountability has been to scream that those upset about it are insane and making allegations without evidence.
The country is more than two-and-a-half years into an effort by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee to create a false narrative of treasonous collusion with Russia to steal an election. While Russia has decades of practice of election meddling — along with many other countries — the narrative was used to undermine the Trump administration, sideline senior officials, spy on campaign operatives, and otherwise violate norms of the republic.
President Trump noted the hypocrisy of the media and other Democratic partisans in pushing this narrative while ignoring the latest example of defying election laws in the 2018 midterms:
Time’s political correspondent unironically claimed that this tweet itself was Russian interference:
Our media completely believe without evidence that Donald Trump engaged in a 30-year conspiracy with Russia to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton, but have complete confidence in an election supervisor who earlier this year was found by Florida courts to have illegally hidden and destroyed ballots.
If democracy dies in darkness, then it might be time to read the last rites for legitimate elections in Florida.
Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. Follow her on Twitter at @mzhemingway
Election official in Arizona's Senate dispute represented figure in 'Fast and Furious' arms scandal
A county official in Arizona, whom Republicans accuse of destroying evidence to cover up “voting irregularities,” has previously defended the accused ringleader of a group of gun straw buyers in Operation Fast and Furious, the federal operation that led to the death of a Border Patrol agent in the state.
Before he was elected in 2016 as Maricopa County recorder, Adrian Fontes was an attorney representing clients in narco-terrorism and firearms scandals.
He is now at the center of a contentious vote-count procedure in Arizona's U.S. Senate race, where Democrat Kyrsten Sinema suddenly took a lead over Republican Martha McSally, thanks to votes mostly in Maricopa County.
The Republican Party objected to Fontes’ efforts to allow voters to confirm that they signed early ballots that were dropped off on Election Day, and criticized the official for opening emergency voting centers the weekend before Tuesday's election and for mixing disputed ballots with valid ones.
But Fontes dismissed the role of the ringleader, saying the gun straw buyers -- those who purchase weapons for those who cannot -- were just “a bunch of kids” and not a “nefarious organization.”
“A straw buyer is usually a kid who is 18-25, who needs a couple hundred extra bucks and knows somebody who knows somebody that has a way to make a couple extra bucks,” Adrian Fontes told Fox News in 2012.
Fontes accused the government at the time of “trying to see if they could make the charges stick” after the government kept the court filings sealed. “The government will have a tough time proving all the allegations,” he said.
The woman was later sentenced to 10 years in prison for her role in the scheme to acquire the military-grade weapons on behalf of a drug cartel.
Gov. Rick Scott announces lawsuit against two Florida counties for ‘rampant fraud’
by Jerry McCormick
Florida has once again found itself central to a voting scandal.
Current Florida governor and senator-elect Rick Scott has announced that he is suing Broward County and Palm Beach County election officials for “rampant fraud.”
Shady Results
Things went pretty much as everyone thought they would on election night in Florida.
We knew Democrat voters would be energized and we knew the races would be tight, but we expected to win most of the key races in the state.
By the time most of us went to bed on Tuesday night, we were very comfortable we had a Republican senator and a Republican governor in Florida.
Suddenly, all of that is now in doubt.
Scott was so dismayed at the blatant fraud being committed in the state, he held a press conference on Thursday night to address the issue.
The governor said: “The people of Florida deserve fairness and transparency, and the [election] supervisors are failing to give it to us.”
Rampant Fraud
Scott believes there are problems with both the election officials and the votes.
In a matter of 48 hours, almost 100,000 votes mysteriously showed up.
Nobody could tell Scott where they magically came from; they just arrived.
Not so surprisingly, most of the votes that arrived late were for Democrats, cutting Scott’s lead by almost 75 percent to less than 15,000 votes.
During an interview with Fox News, Scott was adamant this election should be with the voters — not lawyers running a scam.
“No ragtag group of liberal activists or lawyers from D.C. will be allowed to steal this election from the voters in the state of Florida,” Scott said.
President Trump also chimed in, tweeting: “Law Enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with Election Fraud in Broward and Palm Beach. Florida voted for Rick Scott!”
In addition to Scott’s Senate race, the governor’s race is also now in question.
If the final tally gets to within .5 percent, a recount becomes mandatory.
And what are the chances the vote tally stays the same with liberal election officials tallying them up?
Bill de Blasio Humiliated as Truth about NYC Public Schools Exposed
By Dick Morris
Facing failure in New York City’s public schools, radical Mayor Bill de Blasio initiated a program of Renewal Schools and pumped over $400 million into turning around failing schools.
The mayor, an ideological leftist, put down charter schools at the same time that he was advancing his Renewal Schools agenda.
Now the results are in: Charter schools are a huge success while de Blasio’s Renewal Schools are a total failure.
The difference between the two systems is largely that the teachers’ union contract applies in Renewal but not in charter schools.
Free to pay teachers based on performance, dismiss bad teachers, adjust work rules and raise standards, charter schools are winning the competition … by a lot.
Average per-pupil spending at Renewal Schools is $30,355 while at Success Academy Charter Schools , it is $18,264.
But while only 8.3 percent of Renewal students pass standardized math tests and 12.4 percent pass English exams, the comparable rates for Success Charters are 81.3 percent in math and 95.6 percent in English.
Citywide, only 41 percent of public school students pass English tests and 38 percent pass the math test, less than half the passing rates at Success Academy.
Success Academy Charter schools are run by a private company founded by Eva Moskowitz, a former city councilman for the Upper East Side of New York City. (Its original name was Harlem Success Academy).
It operates 46 schools in the city serving 15,500 students. There is a waiting list of 10,000 kids eager to get in.
Both the Success Academy and the Renewal Schools largely cater to children from impoverished families. About 73.1 percent of Success Academy Charter School and 86.8 percent of Renewal School students come from poverty households.
Has the relative success of charters and the lack of it in Renewal Schools done anything to change de Blasio’s mind or his policy?
No way. He still puts taxpayer money into Renewal Schools.
That’s the real vulnerability of the left: Any fair analysis of liberal policies would highlight that tendency of its politicians to emphasize the needs of the teachers union rather than those of minority students.
Voters — particularly liberal women — need to realize the dire consequences of helping the left maintain control over local governments in urban areas throughout the nation.
Report: Florida Elections Official Mixed Bad Ballots with Good Ones
Report: Florida Elections Official Mixed Bad Ballots with Good Ones
The Florida elections official tasked with counting votes in Broward County accidentally mixed up more than a dozen invalid ballots with nearly 200 valid ballots.
Broward County’s three-person canvassing board discovered Friday night that Broward County Board of Elections supervisor Brenda Snipes mixed 20 votes containing mismatched signatures in a pile of 205 provisional ballots, the Miami Herald reported.
The canvassing board inspected the 205 provisional ballots Friday night after Snipes agreed to present them to the board for inspection.
Broward County election staffers had set those 205 ballots aside out of the more than 600 provisional ballots cast on Election Day. The county’s canvassing board declared most of those provisional ballots invalid because the voters either registered to vote after the deadline, voted at the wrong precinct, or voted multiple times.
Pat Nesbit, Broward County’s Election Day operations manager, said elections workers set aside the 205 ballots because of a connectivity problem with the system used to confirm voter registration status.
These 205 voters swiped their IDs into the system, but the system showed they were not registered to vote. But staffers who called the Broward County elections headquarters found those voter registrations appeared in the system.
Poll workers then instructed those 205 voters to cast provisional ballots.
Staffers removed the 205 provisional ballots from signed envelopes and placed them in a voting machine. The machine did not add those ballots to the final vote count.
Snipes and the elections department initially intended to take care of the ballots administratively, causing an outcry from Florida Republican Party attorneys. Snipes eventually agreed to present the 205 provisional ballots to the canvassing board.
When a Republican Party lawyer asked about the ballots, Snipes responded that “the ballots cannot be identified.”
“This process doesn’t exist. The process is that the ballots aren’t opened. I would suggest to the board that this process would stop,” said Leonard Collins, a lawyer for the Florida Republican Party.
Protesters have come out in full force against Snipes as more news surfaces about her incompetence. A group of about 60 Republican protesters gathered outside the Broward County Board of Elections Friday, chanting “lock her up” to protest the county’s botched 2018 midterm election vote count.
Snipes—who has previously been accused of keeping felons, dead people, and noncitizens on Broward County’s voter rolls—had also botched a 2016 congressional election, landing her in hot water with state and federal law.
A judge ruled in May that Snipes violated both state and federal law by destroying voters’ ballots in Florida’s 2016 congressional election between former Democratic National Convention (DNC) chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Democrat primary challenger Tim Canova. Schultz won re-election, defeating Canova by less than 7,000 votes.
The ruling caused so much outrage, the Sun-Sentinel’ s editorial board published an editorial in June giving Snipes a no-confidence vote.
Elizabeth Warren’s lies called out by… CNN!?
Elizabeth Warren’s lies called out by… CNN!?
The looney left and their pals in the mainstream media just slammed one of their favorite liberal icons… on accident.
CNN delivered a stunning rebuke right in the face of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic leader.
And they didn’t even realize it.
They’re celebrating the election of Sharice Davids of New Mexico and Deb Haaland of Kansas, two Democratic women who won seats in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.
Both of them are Native American: Davids is from the Ho-Chunk Nation, while Haaland is a member of the Pueblo of Laguna.
And both are being hailed as the first Native American women elected to Congress.
Politics aside, that is an achievement for the history books.
But if they’re the first… what does that make Warren?
It makes her not a Native American, despite her constant claims to the contrary. It makes her a liar.
Warren, of course, has claimed Native American ancestry for years without evidence.
In the 1990s, when she was a professor at Harvard Law School, the university even touted her as an example of diversity because of her supposed heritage.
“Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said professor of law Elizabeth Warren is Native American,” an article in the Harvard Crimson on diversity noted at the time.
The constant-but-unverified claims earned Warren the derisive nickname “Pocahontas” from President Donald Trump.
But rather than admit she was wrong… or at least stop talking about it… Warren did just the opposite.
She doubled-down by releasing the results of a DNA test that reveal she’s about as much Native American as anyone else, and possibly less.
That is to say, not very much at all.
The expert analysis of her DNA found evidence of a Native American ancestor going back between six and ten generations, possibly as far back as 1700.
The tests show she is as much as 1.5 percent Native American, but as little as only 0.09 percent.
A 2014 study found the average American is 0.18 percent Native American.
That means Warren might actually be less Native American than most other white Americans!
Yet leftists almost sprained themselves with the self-congratulatory back-patting, claiming this absurdly small amount of Native American ancestry from potentially hundreds of years ago somehow vindicated her.
Not everyone was fooled.
Many real Native Americans were angered by this ugly attempt at appropriation.
“Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong,” Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said in a news release.
“It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”
Now, American voters have finally sent two genuine Native Americans to Congress. If more win next time around, they may even be able to form a caucus.
Warren no doubt would want to join… but odds are, she’d be left on the outside looking in!
— Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of “America’s Final Warning.”
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