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Thursday, June 7, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Headline of the week…
SJW NBA: King James Proclaims Champions Won’t Visit Trump White House
Cavs Down 0-3 in Series
Here Comes the Slow-Roll to Tamp Down Impact: Leaked Info From IG Report Calls James Comey ‘Insubordinate,’ ‘Rebuked’ Loretta Lynch’s Handling of FBI Investigation Into Hillary Clinton’s Personal Server
Louie Gohmert Reveals Cover-up in Democrat IT Scandal: FBI Ordering Witnesses NOT to Give it Evidence So It Can Say There’s No Evidence of Wrongdoing
8 Times Obama’s Intelligence Agencies Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story
Rand Paul ROASTS Bill Clinton for playing ‘victim’ 20 years after Monica Lewinsky scandal
Chris Pandolfo
Screenshot | Fox News
Appearing on Fox News Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., roasted former President Bill Clinton after Clinton backtracked from his remarks about the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
On Monday, Clinton was nearly universally condemned for an interview with NBC in which he refused to acknowledge he owed Monica Lewinsky a personal apology for pressuring her into having sex while she was an intern working for him. He also claimed to be a victim because the Monica Lewinsky scandal left him $16 million in debt. Hours later, in another interview with James Patterson at an event at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York City, Clinton walked back his comments and publicly apologized to Lewinsky.
“The truth is, the hubbub was I got hot under the collar because of the way the questions were asked,” Clinton said. He said he supports the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment and assault, noting, “I have always tried to support it in the decisions and policies that I’ve advanced.”
Paul called B.S. on Fox.
“It sounded like Bill Clinton took a poll from one interview to the next. They poll-tested a response and he decided, ‘you know what, I better apologize more because they’ll come after me next,'” Paul said. “Bill Clinton epitomizes the aggressor, not the victim. He thinks he’s still somehow a victim and in no world was it ever appropriate for the president of the United States to be having sex under his desk with a 20-year-0ld.”
Paul criticized the mainstream media for covering for Clinton’s disgraceful and immoral behavior by waving away how the president pressured a White House intern into performing sex acts as a consensual relationship.
‘To tell you the truth, you can’t really have an appropriate consensual relationship with a 20-year-old intern in your office. That is the definition of sexual harassment. That is the definition of using the power of your office to get something you want and it was always wrong,” Paul said.
The Kentucky Senator accused Clinton of trying to play the victim, driving the point home on Twitter.
Bill Clinton epitomizes the aggressor, not the victim. You can’t have an appropriate or consensual relationship with an intern. That is the definition of sexual harassment. #GiveMeABreak
Inspector general report says Comey 'insubordinate,' raps Loretta Lynch for Clinton server probe
By Alex Swoyer - The Washington Times
The Justice Department’s watchdog report says former FBI Director James B. Comey defied authority and it chastises former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her handling of the Clinton email probe, according to ABC News.
Citing unnamed sources, ABC News said the inspector general report, which could be released as soon as this week, said Mr. Comey’s behavior was “insubordinate.”
The outlet also reported Inspector General Michael Horowitz criticized Ms. Lynch’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
The inspector general also criticizes former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — as well as other top FBI officials — for the late discovery and handling of a laptop containing evidence linked to the Clinton investigation.
The president tweeted earlier this week, questioning why the report hasn’t yet been released.
“What is taking so long with the Inspector General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and Slippery James Comey. Numerous delays. Hope Report is not being changed and made weaker! There are so many horrible things to tell, the public has the right to know. Transparency!” Mr. Trump tweeted Tuesday.
Democrats Just Got Worst Possible News About Trump’s Policies
By Steve Straub
Democrat’s just got the worst news possible about Trump’s policies and the November elections.
A new poll shows that voters think the Black community is doing better under Trump versus Obama, which could spell disaster in the upcoming midterm elections:
Voters feel young black Americans are better off under President Trump than they were under Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey shows that 32% of Likely U.S. Voters believe life for young black Americans has gotten better since Trump’s election. Slightly more (36%) say life for these Americans has gotten worse, while 26% think it has stayed about the same. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
But in March 2014, just 16% said life for young black Americans had gotten better since Obama’s election five-and-a-half years earlier. By July 2016 in Obama’s final year in office, only 13% thought life was better for young blacks.
Even black voters are nearly twice as likely (28%) to say young black Americans are better off now than they were in the closing year of Obama’s presidency (15%).
Forty-seven percent (47%) of all voters, however, believe race relations are worse since Trump’s election. Still, that compares to 60% who felt that way after eight years of the Obama presidency. Just 20% say those relations are better now, while 30% rate them about the same.
This is good news for America and the black community but terrible news for the Democrat Party.
Thank you President Trump!
Kasich Challenges Trump’s Authority
Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) is shocked to see that Republican leaders are asking “permission from the president to do anything.”
When asked about tariffs, Kasich stated, “Margaret, I have been frankly shocked at the fact that our leaders think they have to ask permission from the president to do anything. This is very foreign to me. It’s alien to me. When you are elected to the United States Senate or the United States House of Representatives, you have a duty to represent your district, but most important, represent your country, not to just be thinking about your political party.”
“I think they ought to make it very clear that they’re not going to just sit back and tolerate this, that they’re going to do whatever they can do legislatively to send a clear signal. The same way, they ought to be doing these things on the issue of DACA, those are the Dreamers that are here. You know it’s like, ‘well we don’t want to pass an immigration bill because the president might veto it.’ Well, send it to him. Let him veto it. I mean that’s your job as a congressman.”
“And I have to tell you that I’m very proud of this group of Republicans who are saying that they’re going to do everything they can to get a vote on immigration reform and protecting the Dreamers. Now, there’s great cynicism in this country that the only reason why they would do it is because of their own political bias. I don’t buy that. I know Carlos Cabello, he’s a fine man. You know, every time a politician does something that represents justice or is positive, it’s not because they have a sinister motive or self-interest, it might be because they just think that it’s the right thing to do.”
Will We Have A Red Wave In November?
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich believes there will be a huge “red wave” in the 2018 midterm elections.
Gingrich stated, “For everybody in America who thinks that the cost of living is too low the Democrats are a great party for them, because they will raise taxes as they have in California with this huge gas tax increase. I actually believe we are closer to a red wave than a blue wave.”
“Now if you went back to December, frankly I was concerned. The huge generic gap we had not yet passed the tax cuts. Things didn’t feel right. People were upset that they had a year and things hadn’t been accomplished but starting with passing the tax cuts, with what President Trump has done consistently on conservative judges, on deregulation, on trade negotiations, what he’s done with North Korea. I think people now have a sense that we’re moving in the right direction and as a result for example, in the Senate, I think — I can’t imagine I don’t know of anybody who’s a serious student who believes the Democrats have any hope of winning the Senate.”
Gingrich stated, “For everybody in America who thinks that the cost of living is too low the Democrats are a great party for them, because they will raise taxes as they have in California with this huge gas tax increase. I actually believe we are closer to a red wave than a blue wave.”
“Now if you went back to December, frankly I was concerned. The huge generic gap we had not yet passed the tax cuts. Things didn’t feel right. People were upset that they had a year and things hadn’t been accomplished but starting with passing the tax cuts, with what President Trump has done consistently on conservative judges, on deregulation, on trade negotiations, what he’s done with North Korea. I think people now have a sense that we’re moving in the right direction and as a result for example, in the Senate, I think — I can’t imagine I don’t know of anybody who’s a serious student who believes the Democrats have any hope of winning the Senate.”
The Menendez Train Nearly Went Off The Rails Last Night
BOB MENENDEZ: Hi. My name’s Bob. I’d like to apply for the job of another six years as your senator!
NJ VOTERS: Oh, hi there, Bob. Okay. Let’s see here… have you ever been convicted of a major crime?
BOB MENENDEZ: Convicted? [Looks slyly to one side] No…. never, you know… convicted.
Do you suppose that New Jersey Democrats noticed that one of their senators came within a hair’s breadth of being sent off to the crowbar motel recently? When you’re a two-term incumbent Democratic senator in a blue state, the headline this morning should have been the simplest thing in the world to write. “Incumbent Menendez secures nomination for reelection.” And that’s technically still true because he did indeed win the primary. But instead of running the table in an easy jaunt, Bob Menendez lost nearly 40% of the vote from his own party. And to add insult to injury, he lost that many votes to somebody who almost no one had ever heard of and who had raised zero money for a campaign. (NJ.com)
Lisa McCormick’s surprisingly strong showing against U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez in Tuesday’s Democratic primary begs the question: What about Bob?
McCormick, a virtual unknown who did not report spending any money on the race, received the support of almost 4 in 10 Democratic voters.
While Menendez, D-N.J., was never seriously threatened with losing his party’s nomination for another Senate term, his performance wasn’t a good sign coming on the heels of his Senate Ethics Committee admonishment and a criminal corruption trial that ended in a hung jury before the charges were dropped.
If you’re scratching your head and wondering who Lisa McCormick is, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Most of the people who voted for her were similarly in the dark. This wasn’t a case of some rising star in the Democratic Party building a shocking grassroots movement to nearly topple Menendez from his left flank. I can’t find any indication of her running a single campaign ad or anyone talking about raising serious campaign cash or some volunteer army. She was a name on the ballot which wasn’t spelled “Menendez” and that’s all it took to get almost 40% of the Democrats to vote for her.
As the local coverage linked above indicates, that doesn’t mean that Menendez is on his way to defeat in November. Not by a long shot. But it’s also suddenly looking a lot more possible than it did this time last year. In theory, there are clearly enough votes available to elect a Republican in a statewide race, as proven by the election of a number of Republican governors in the past few decades including two wins for Chris Christie.
But I was chatting with my friend, New Jersey native Doug Mataconis on social media this morning and he reminded me of something. The Garden State’s voters tend to treat their state candidates differently than their federal ones. Despite the number of Republican governors they’ve elected, the GOP has been shut out of Senate races since 1979 and they haven’t gone for a GOP presidential candidate since 1988.
It all depends on who the GOP runs against Menendez and now that looks to be Bob Hugin, a former corporate CEO and political neophyte. He’ll have to keep himself at arm’s reach from Donald Trump and come across as a serious RINO in order to stand a chance. There are roughly 860,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans in New Jersey these days, so in order to win, Hugin would need to get all of the Republicans and independents and some Democrats to boot.
The professionals are all still calling this race either strongly or solid Dem, but there are several months left for the challenger to put a dent in that forecast. It would be a nearly miraculous upset if he did it, though. New Jersey Democrats are clearly disgusted with Menendez, but possibly not disgusted enough to send a Republican to Washington.
Bobby Mueller Now Demanding To Snoop Through Witnesses’ Cell Phones
By Andrew West
Can any of us truly imagine how incredible it will be for Donald Trump once this wildly absurd #RussiaGate investigation is finally relegated to the land of embarrassing national mistakes?
McCormick, a virtual unknown who did not report spending any money on the race, received the support of almost 4 in 10 Democratic voters.
While Menendez, D-N.J., was never seriously threatened with losing his party’s nomination for another Senate term, his performance wasn’t a good sign coming on the heels of his Senate Ethics Committee admonishment and a criminal corruption trial that ended in a hung jury before the charges were dropped.
If you’re scratching your head and wondering who Lisa McCormick is, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Most of the people who voted for her were similarly in the dark. This wasn’t a case of some rising star in the Democratic Party building a shocking grassroots movement to nearly topple Menendez from his left flank. I can’t find any indication of her running a single campaign ad or anyone talking about raising serious campaign cash or some volunteer army. She was a name on the ballot which wasn’t spelled “Menendez” and that’s all it took to get almost 40% of the Democrats to vote for her.
As the local coverage linked above indicates, that doesn’t mean that Menendez is on his way to defeat in November. Not by a long shot. But it’s also suddenly looking a lot more possible than it did this time last year. In theory, there are clearly enough votes available to elect a Republican in a statewide race, as proven by the election of a number of Republican governors in the past few decades including two wins for Chris Christie.
But I was chatting with my friend, New Jersey native Doug Mataconis on social media this morning and he reminded me of something. The Garden State’s voters tend to treat their state candidates differently than their federal ones. Despite the number of Republican governors they’ve elected, the GOP has been shut out of Senate races since 1979 and they haven’t gone for a GOP presidential candidate since 1988.
It all depends on who the GOP runs against Menendez and now that looks to be Bob Hugin, a former corporate CEO and political neophyte. He’ll have to keep himself at arm’s reach from Donald Trump and come across as a serious RINO in order to stand a chance. There are roughly 860,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans in New Jersey these days, so in order to win, Hugin would need to get all of the Republicans and independents and some Democrats to boot.
The professionals are all still calling this race either strongly or solid Dem, but there are several months left for the challenger to put a dent in that forecast. It would be a nearly miraculous upset if he did it, though. New Jersey Democrats are clearly disgusted with Menendez, but possibly not disgusted enough to send a Republican to Washington.
Bobby Mueller Now Demanding To Snoop Through Witnesses’ Cell Phones
By Andrew West
We need to face it: Mueller is the albatross around the neck of the President in 2018, with Trump desperately praying that the end is near for this silly charade so that he can get back to work. After all, those lofty promises that he made to the American people aren’t going to fulfill themselves, and Mueller’s obstructive forays into all manner of personal records surrounding Trump and his inner circle are certainly hampering progress for We The People.
Mueller’s investigation, we were originally told, would be focused on whether or not the democratic conspiracy theory involving Russia in the 2016 election holds any water. Instead, we’ve been inundated with insane, tangential evidence to the contrary, as Mueller invades the privacy of anyone he can intimidate into participating. The Special Counsel has even begun to snoop around personal bank records of the President, and possibly even entering into evidence the tax returns that the President has worked to keep private.
Now, in an even wilder overstep, Mueller is asking to rifle through the cell phones of his case’s witnesses as well…a red flag that his investigation has gone off the rails.
Special counsel Robert Mueller‘s team is requesting that witnesses turn in their personal phones to inspect their encrypted messaging programs and potentially view conversations between associates linked to President Donald Trump, sources told CNBC.
Since as early as April, Mueller’s team has been asking witnesses in the Russia probe to turn over phones for agents to examine private conversations on WhatsApp, Confide, Signal and Dust, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Fearing a subpoena, the witnesses have complied with the request and have given over their phones, the sources said.
While it’s unclear what Mueller has discovered, if anything, through this new request, investigators seem to be convinced that the apps could be a key to exposing conversations that weren’t previously disclosed to them.
A spokesman for the special counsel declined to comment.
Mueller’s probe has been called a fishing expedition and a witch hunt on several occasions, and it is easy to see why: The Special Counsel is simply digging around like a child on the beach, attempting to find evidence to condemn the sand of treason.
Gallup: 53% of Democrats Say Porn is Morally Acceptable
By Michael W. Chapman
(CNSNews.com) -- A new survey shows that, for the first time on record, "a majority of Democrats (53%) say pornography is morally acceptable," up 11 percentage points since 2017, reported Gallup, which also found that only 27% of Republicans find porn "morally acceptable," up two percentage points over last year.
The survey further showed that unmarried men aged 18 to 49 displayed the biggest increase in finding pornography "morally acceptable" -- up 14 points since 2017 to 67% acceptable.
In the survey, "More Americans Say Pornography Is Morally Acceptable," Gallup reported that 43% of Americans "now believe pornography is 'morally acceptable,' a seven-percentage-point increase from last year, and the the highest level since Gallup first began measuring moral perceptions of pornography in 2011."
The question asked was, "I'm going to read you a list of issues. Regardless of whether or not you think it should be legal, for each one, please tell me whether you personally believe that in general it is morally acceptable. How about -- pornography?" Forty-three percent said it is morally acceptable.
That 43% is up from 36% in 2017, 34% in 2016, and 30% in 2011.
Since 2011, the survey has found "considerable evidence that Americans are becoming increasingly liberal in terms of what actions or behaviors they find morally acceptable," reported Gallup.
Americans are becoming more accepting of "doctor-assisted suicide, gay/lesbian relations, sex between unmarried people and having a baby out of wedlock," said the survey firm. Pornography, out of 16 behaviors, has seen the biggest increase in acceptability between 2011 and 2018.
On the political spectrum, "for the first time on record, a majority of Democrats (53%) say pornography is morally acceptable," reported Gallup. "Last year, this figure stood at 42%. Democrats' acceptance of pornography has grown by 21 points since 2011."
"The 27% of Republicans who regard pornography as morally acceptable is generally stable this year compared with last year's 25%," said Gallup. "However, Republicans have become somewhat more accepting of pornography since 2011, with the percentage 'morally acceptable' rising by 11 points."
Forty-five percent of Independents said pornography is "morally acceptable," up 5 points from last year.
The biggest spikes in porn-acceptance were among "nonmarried individuals and men aged 18 to 49," according to the survey.
For the nonmarried, 50% said pornography was "morally acceptable," up 15 points since 2017. For men aged 18 to 49, some 67% said porn was okay, a 14-point increase from 2017.
Commenting on the survey results, Catholic League President Bill Donohue said, "As expected, young unmarried men are the most approving of porn (as we know, they are also its biggest consumers)."
He added, "Young single Democrat males with no religion are the problem. As previous studies have shown, this is the same population that champions a woman's right to abortion. Why should we be surprised to learn that morally vacuous young males are the most likely to be sexually reckless? They always have been. The difference now is there are so many more of them, the ultimate losers being women."
Gallup said that "even behaviors that most Americans still consider beyond the pale, such as polygamy, have seen a notable increase in acceptability." Thus, it is not surprising to see the spike in acceptability for porn.
The telephone-interview survey was conducted May 1-10, 2018, with a random sample of 1,024 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The margin of error was +/- 4 percentage points.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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