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Wednesday, June 19, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Peter Strzok escorted out of FBI building
Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who promised his paramour that he’d make sure Donald Trump lost the election, has been escorted from the FBI building.
“FBI special agent Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI building on Friday, source familiar tells me,” tweeted CNN reporter Laura Jarrett on Tuesday.
“FBI special agent Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI building on Friday, source familiar tells me,” tweeted CNN reporter Laura Jarrett on Tuesday.
News - FBI special agent Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI building on Friday, source familiar tells me; as of today, he is still employed; he's been stationed in Human Resources since dismissal from Mueller team.
Aitan Goelman, Mr. Strzok’s lawyer, confirmed in a statement that his client “was escorted from the building as part of the ongoing examination process.”
According to Ms. Jarrett, Mr. Strzok was still employed by the FBI though he had been “demoted” to a desk job in Human Resources since being dismissed from Robert Mueller’s special-counsel team.
CBS News reporter Andy Triay reported similarly.
Scoop: FBI agent Peter Strzok was "escorted from the (FBI) building" as part of the examination.
Mr. Goelman said in his statement that his client’s due-process rights were being buffaloed by political fight over the Hillary Clinton email investigation, which his client had overseen.
JUST IN: @AndyTriay reports Peter Strzok was escorted from FBI building amid disciplinary process. Statement from his lawyer:
“Just as he has been for the last 20 years, Pete Strzok remains a proud FBI agent who wants to continue working to keep the American people safe,” he said. “Instead of publicly calling for a long-serving FBI agent to be summarily fired, politicians should allow the disciplinary process to play out free from political pressure.”
“Just as he has been for the last 20 years, Pete Strzok remains a proud FBI agent who wants to continue working to keep the American people safe,” he said. “Instead of publicly calling for a long-serving FBI agent to be summarily fired, politicians should allow the disciplinary process to play out free from political pressure.”
“Our leaders and the public should be concerned with how readily such influence has been allowed to undermine due process and the legal protections owed to someone who has served his country for so long. Peter Strzok and the American people deserve better,” he concluded.
Viral post purports to show the difference between Obama and Trump’s immigration policies
As far as liberals and Democrats in office are concerned, President Donald Trump is an evil villain that is putting children in cages.
Unfortunately, at least for them, the pictures that blew up on social media about children immigrants a couple of weeks ago actually depicted scenes from the Barack Obama administration.
Then and Now
Then and Now
Jon Favreau blew up Twitter when he sent out a tweet on May 27 which included an image of children locked in what appears to be cages like would be seen in a dog kennel. Favreau even captioned the image: “This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible.”
The problem with the picture is that it was taken by an Associated Press photographer in June 2014, when Obama was in office.
The original article, published in 2014 on AZCentral.com, stated the facility was clean and air conditioned, but it also called it a “juvenile prison camp.”
When the article was published, it pretty much fell on deaf ears.
Fast forward to this year, when a video by IllinoisNinth was published on YouTube, that showed a facility for undocumented children which included colorful rooms complete with beds and age-appropriate bedspreads.
Nothing can please them
Liberals and Democrats still cried foul, though.
From their perspective, there were too many beds in rooms and the children were being mistreated for being indoors for 22 hours a day.
Mind you, the temperature in most of these border towns this time of year is up over 100 degrees, so most people are indoors in air conditioning anyway.
The fact is: this is about Trump, not the undocumented immigrants.
When the conditions of some of these facilities were revealed in 2014, nobody on the left cared.
We were told they were doing the best they could under the conditions and due to the amount of immigrants crossing the border illegally.
Now, the same Democrats that kept their lips sealed are going nuts simply because they want to portray Trump as a racist.
Somewhere, someone is pouring over the numbers, and it is only a matter of time before separation numbers during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama’s presidencies are revealed.
It will be very interesting to see how the left reacts when they realize the people criticizing this administration were responsible for separating far more children from their parents than the current one.
BOOM: Nikki Haley Announces Trump Administration Pulls US Out of UN’s Phony ‘Human Rights’ Council, ‘A Protector of Human Rights Abusers, and a Cesspool of Political Bias’
Homeland’s Nielsen: 10,000 of 12,000 Kids Came Across the Border WITH NO PARENTS
RIGGED! Inspector General Says Two More Trump-Hating FBI Agents and Attorney May Have Worked On Russia Or Mueller Investigations
Obama’s hell for kids…
Sarah Sanders Responds to Laura Bush’s Criticism of Trump’s Immigration Policy
Color me not surprised that the only time Laura Bush speaks out about a presidential administration, it’s the Trump Administration.
The former First Lady spoke out about President Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy, that has resulted in the separation of families at the southern border. In The Washington Post, Laura Bush wrote the following: “I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.”
Strong words from a strong woman. And, no doubt, her voice will be fodder to liberals looking to hammer Trump even more for a policy that is a mere continuation of what the Obama Administration enforced.
The Trump Administration was never going to let a criticism from the Bush family go unmet. So Sarah Sanders, the White House’s resident attack dog, was sicced on Bush’s overwrought claim. And I say overwrought, because, as Sanders brilliantly points out, Laura Bush has absolutely no place to complain about the current practices at the southern border.
Here’s how Sarah Sanders responded, pulling no punches:
“Not under this administration” is right!
The media will try to spin it, but Sanders made a great point when you follow the laws to their logical conclusions.
As Julie Davis of the New York Times reports, there is no law dictating that families be separated at the border. But there are a number of factors that actually result in families being separated at the border. A legal settlement known as the Flores settlement stipulates that children can only be held at immigration detention centers for up to 20 days. A judge ruled in 2016 that the same standard applies to families.
Likewise, the law Sanders cited is actually a statute that stipulates that “at certain unaccompanied alien minors be transferred out of immigration detention in 72 hours.”
The statute 8 U.S. Code § 1325 of the federal code outlines the punishment for unlawful entry at the border, which can carry a prison sentence up to two years. And here’s where the separation comes in, in Davis’s words: “It is the Trump administration’s decision this year to prosecute all unlawful immigrants as criminals that has forced the breakup of families; the children are removed when the parents are taken into federal custody.”
An unfortunate consequence of enforcing the law as it currently stands means that some families are separated.
Sanders is right that President George W. Bush helped precipitate this crisis. Perhaps his wife should be more careful with her words and history before speaking out against a policy she, by extension of being the government official closest to the man signing the legislation into law, helped create.
It’s the executive branch’s job to enforce the law. It’s up to Congress to change the laws, which it can do if only it acts.
Let’s hope Congress acts soon and cleans this mess up, for our country’s sake and the children’s.
Judge Strikes Down Kansas ‘Show Me Your Papers’ Voter ID Law
Kevin Daley 
A federal judge in Kansas City struck down a state law Monday requiring Kansas voters to show proof of citizenship before casting ballots.
U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson, a George W. Bush appointee, found the statute unlawfully burdens ballot access for eligible voters, in violation of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and the Constitution.
“The court determines that the magnitude of potentially disenfranchised voters impacted by the law and its enforcement scheme cannot be justified by the scant evidence of noncitizen voter fraud before and after the law was passed, by the need to ensure the voter rolls are accurate, or by the state’s interest in promoting public confidence in elections,” the judge wrote.
Robinson went on to maintain that prohibiting eligible citizens from voting because they lack proper identification did more to damage public confidence in the electoral process than voter fraud.
The law at issue was championed by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an ally of President Donald Trump who is seeking the GOP nomination for governor. Kobach’s office did not issue a statement on the ruling by press time.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) organized a challenge to the law, which they cast as another iteration of a broader voter suppression effort.
“This decision is a stinging rebuke of Kris Kobach, and the centerpiece of his voter suppression efforts: a show-me-your-papers law that has disenfranchised tens of thousands of Kansans,” said Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s voting rights project. “That law was based on a xenophobic lie that noncitizens are engaged in rampant election fraud. The court found that there is ‘no credible evidence’ for that falsehood, and correctly ruled that Kobach’s documentary proof-of-citizenship requirement violates federal law and the Constitution.”
In a separate, scathing portion of the decision, the judge pilloried Kobach for failing to comply with judicial rules of procedure and discovery. Though staff attorneys typically represent the state in court, Kobach chose to personally defend the law.
“It is not clear to the court whether [Kobach] repeatedly failed to meet his disclosure obligations intentionally or due to his unfamiliarity with the federal rules,” Robinson wrote. “Therefore, the court finds that an additional sanction is appropriate in the form of Continuing Legal Education (CLE).” Attorneys are required to periodically complete CLE courses to maintain their law licenses.
The judge went on chide Kobach for his apparent unfamiliarity with procedural rules, and his failure to share information with the plaintiffs.
First Photos from Inside Facilities for Illegal Immigrant Children Shatter Establishment Media Narrative
You’ve all seen the fake pictures of how children separated from their parents are detained in America — you know, locked in cages and treated like dogs at a shelter.
Of course, those pictures are mostly from the Obama era during the migrant crisis or are faked, but shhh. Don’t let facts get in the way of a good tweet (or rant in the press room).
So, how are children treated when they’re removed from their parents? Well, reporters found out, courtesy of a tour of one of the facilities in which they’re housed, the Southwest Key Programs residential center in El Cajon, California, which operates under contract with the Department of Health and Human Services.
According to Breitbart, whose reporters were allowed on a tour of the facility Friday along with other media, El Cajon is decidedly “not a ‘cage.’ It is a comfortable facility providing lodging, meals, clothing, medical care, education, recreation, counseling, and other services.”
“The facility is located on a main street in a quiet, suburban neighborhood. It has 65 beds, occupied by boys ages 6 to 17. The rooms are spare, with three to four beds in each; the boys are responsible for cleaning the rooms and making their own beds. There is an outdoor recreation area with picnic tables and a small soccer pitch.”
The facility’s goal is for the child to leave with a legal guardian. According to Breitbart, most of the children at the facility arrived at the border without adults, while only 10 percent were separated from adults who were arrested when they illegally crossed the border.
And here are some photos. Like the video, they were provided by the HHS.
It’s all maybe a bit dorm-room spartan, but it’s certainly not cages or anything approximating jail.
Southwest Key didn’t allow journalists to take any photographs or videos of the programs or the care the children receive. However, according to Breitbart, the children are given new clothing and shoes, lessons on hygiene and how to operate conveniences they may not have encountered previously, like toilets and a shower.
“They have limited access to telephones to call relatives, both in the U.S. and abroad. They receive therapy, both as individuals and in group sessions,” Breitbart noted. “They enjoy field trips to local museums, parks, and the zoo, where they can explore the city beyond the shelter. And they also have social activities, including a recent ‘prom’ for which they dressed up.”
Yet, these are the children that one MSNBC reporter referred to as “incarcerated.” As Breitbart’s Joel B. Pollak pointed out, this “is only true in the same sense that hospital patients, too, are not permitted to leave, for their safety.”
Naturally, not all child detention facilities are going to measure up to the Southwest Key standard aesthetically — there’s a reason the media was brought there, after all. And Democrat lawmakers are having a fine time attracting news cameras to their attempts to visit other child detention facilities. (They’re not as nice as the Southwest Key building, but they’re not the concentration camps liberals are trying to portray them as.)
As Customs and Border Patrol Acting Deputy Commissioner Rob Vitiello told CSN, the mainstream media aren’t giving the full story.
“They have PlayStations. Pool tables. It’s far from a concentration camp and people should be more accurate when they describe what we are trying to accomplish there,” he said.
“They are very well-appointed,”
Overall, it’s important to remember who is fundamentally responsible for these children’s plight. These are children who either crossed the border alone or were brought along while their parents committed a federal crime. In that case, they were suborned into breaking the law by their mother and/or father, likely after a dangerous passage to the border that may have involved human trafficking.
This is a grievous crime, and we don’t seem to have any problem with separating American children from their parent or parents when they’ve committed crimes. Why, exactly, is illegal immigration any different?
Regardless of whether you’re comfortable with this practice, these are not children being held in cages.
The government isn’t acting like Nazis, as MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough claimed. These pictures show a far different reality than has been presented to us thus far — and one that likely won’t get a lot of play on MSNBC in the coming days.
Dick Morris: Winning the Trade War with China
The current stock market selloff is a key part of a test of wills between Beijing and Washington that President Donald Trump must win. And we must support him while he battles.
The fact is that the U.S. sells the Chinese only $130 billion of goods and services and buys $505 billion from them (2017 data).
The trade deficit of $375 billion with one country (China) accounts for three-quarters of the total U.S. trade deficit of $515 billion. Most of the rest is for oil.
We cannot let this subsidy of China stand.
To do so would be to agree to the creation of a rival economic — and eventually military — power subsidized by our consumers.
Getting off dependence on Chinese low-cost imports is a bit like kicking a drug habit: tough but necessary.
Doing so will cause short-term pain as stocks drop, partly because certain sectors are especially vulnerable and partly because the Chinese are trying to deter Trump by selling stocks on Wall Street.
But the U.S. can, must and will win a trade war.
With over $500 billion in imports we can punish and only $130 billion in exports they can limit, the math works strongly in our favor.
We need to back Trump and remain patient while the market reacts.
This trade war is a battle for our economic independence. It is the cold turkey we must undergo to end our addiction to Chinese imports.
The political risks Trump incurs by angering the Midwestern farmers and other exporters will be slight in comparison with the incredible economic and political harm he can inflict on China.
The Chinese political structure is predicated on its wealth. If China falters economically, it falters politically.
Beijing maintains a huge state sector in its economy that is totally unproductive and exists only because of government subsidies. Its purpose is political — to give tens of millions of people jobs doing stuff they can deceive themselves into believing is real work for real wages.
This chimera will collapse quickly in the face of a trade war.
China is totally dependent on exports and cannot survive politically without it.
In reaching a settlement after the dust has settled, we must be mindful of China’s bottom line. It needs its exports and it requires its trade surplus to survive politically.
But it doesn’t need to be a $375 billion annual surplus. It can be a third of that and still satisfy Beijing’s political needs.
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.
BOOM: Devin Nunes GOES OFF On The DOJ Over Russia Probe; “There Will Be Hell To Pay”
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is fed up with the DOJ, and now he has delivered an ultimatum.
On Sunday, he said that there will be “hell to pay” if they don’t hand over documents related to the Russian probe by Wednesday morning, according to the NY Post.
Nunes doubled-down on previous threats during an interview with Fox News, where he promised to hold DOJ and FBI officials “in contempt” over their efforts to stonewall the House’s investigation into the year-long Russia probe.
“There’s going to be hell to pay by Wednesday morning,” said Rep. Devin Nunes.
Check out more from this interview:
On Sunday, he said that there will be “hell to pay” if they don’t hand over documents related to the Russian probe by Wednesday morning, according to the NY Post.
Nunes doubled-down on previous threats during an interview with Fox News, where he promised to hold DOJ and FBI officials “in contempt” over their efforts to stonewall the House’s investigation into the year-long Russia probe.
“There’s going to be hell to pay by Wednesday morning,” said Rep. Devin Nunes.
Check out more from this interview:
.@DevinNunes: "Did somebody actually try to remove that text message from the FBI?… It's hard for the American people not to believe that that was not removed on purpose." pic.twitter.com/KvyOT1fROf
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 18, 2018
“We can hold in contempt. We can pass sense-of-Congress resolutions. We can impeach — I think we’re getting close to there,” he added.
Here’s another part of the interview where he got fed up and asked” What on earth are you guys doing?”:
.@DevinNunes: "It's not just about the committee chairman any longer, this is about the rank and file members of Congress who continue to come up to me and say 'what on earth are you guys doing?'" https://t.co/JhkmYvuBeR pic.twitter.com/1Vl1Y9HPgr
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) June 18, 2018
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 18, 2018
“We can hold in contempt. We can pass sense-of-Congress resolutions. We can impeach — I think we’re getting close to there,” he added.
Here’s another part of the interview where he got fed up and asked” What on earth are you guys doing?”:
.@DevinNunes: "It's not just about the committee chairman any longer, this is about the rank and file members of Congress who continue to come up to me and say 'what on earth are you guys doing?'" https://t.co/JhkmYvuBeR pic.twitter.com/1Vl1Y9HPgr
— FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) June 18, 2018
Viral post purports to show the difference between Obama and Trump’s immigration policies
As far as liberals and Democrats in office are concerned, President Donald Trump is an evil villain that is putting children in cages.
Unfortunately, at least for them, the pictures that blew up on social media about children immigrants a couple of weeks ago actually depicted scenes from the Barack Obama administration.
Then and Now
Jon Favreau blew up Twitter when he sent out a tweet on May 27 which included an image of children locked in what appears to be cages like would be seen in a dog kennel. Favreau even captioned the image: “This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible.”
The problem with the picture is that it was taken by an Associated Press photographer in June 2014, when Obama was in office.
The original article, published in 2014 on AZCentral.com, stated the facility was clean and air conditioned, but it also called it a “juvenile prison camp.”
When the article was published, it pretty much fell on deaf ears.
Fast forward to this year, when a video by IllinoisNinth was published on YouTube, that showed a facility for undocumented children which included colorful rooms complete with beds and age-appropriate bedspreads.
Nothing can please them
Liberals and Democrats still cried foul, though.
From their perspective, there were too many beds in rooms and the children were being mistreated for being indoors for 22 hours a day.
Mind you, the temperature in most of these border towns this time of year is up over 100 degrees, so most people are indoors in air conditioning anyway.
The fact is: this is about Trump, not the undocumented immigrants.
When the conditions of some of these facilities were revealed in 2014, nobody on the left cared.
We were told they were doing the best they could under the conditions and due to the amount of immigrants crossing the border illegally.
Now, the same Democrats that kept their lips sealed are going nuts simply because they want to portray Trump as a racist.
Somewhere, someone is pouring over the numbers, and it is only a matter of time before separation numbers during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama’s presidencies are revealed.
It will be very interesting to see how the left reacts when they realize the people criticizing this administration were responsible for separating far more children from their parents than the current one.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
Thus articles
that is all articles
This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article post.
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