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Wednesday, June 14 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Is Comey the fall guy? Fall for whom?
More Than 2,300 Suspected Child Sex Offenders Arrested in Nationwide Bust: ‘A Strike Back Against These Repugnant Crimes’
President Trump: There is No Longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea — ‘Sleep Well Tonight!’
Robert Mueller is Trying to Hide Evidence from Defendants in Russian Trolls Case, Breaking From a Bedrock American Principle
Jeff Sessions Doesn’t Know if Rod Rosenstein Threatened GOP Lawmakers, Staffers: ‘Well, I was Not in the Room and I Can’t Speak to What Occurred’
The Trump Effect Continues
Once again, President Trump has done something astounding, unpredictable, and historic.
Yet, the surprise over the sudden Singapore summit should not have come as a surprise at all. By now we should be used to President Trump surprising us. Consider his record over the last four years.
Four years ago, in June 2014, almost no one would have dreamed Donald J. Trump would be a serious candidate for president. Then, nearly three years ago, when he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015, almost no one thought Trump could be a dominant candidate.
In fact, my own conversion to Trump as a very real contender only occurred after his July 11, 2015 rally in Phoenix, which led my former colleague, Vince Haley, to come in the office and say, “You had better watch what Trump is doing because his Phoenix rally was emotionally powerful when he turned the microphone over to the father whose child had been killed by an illegal immigrant.”
Then, on August 6, 2015, I watched Trump gain the support of nearly a quarter of registered Republican voters (24 percent) in a CNN/ORC poll after the first Republican presidential debate. This was a huge lead in a field of 16 other candidates – especially given that 58 percent of those asked had a favorable view of Trump. Still, all the elites fervently believed he had lost the debate. The gap between the American people and the elites had never been clearer.
Two years ago, in June 2016, all the elite pundits were certain Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton. Once again, they were wrong.
Last year, in July 2017, all the elites were sure the collapse of the Obamacare repeal plan meant the end of the Trump-Republican legislative achievement. Virtually no one predicted President Trump would pivot and win a huge tax cut five months later – which is now propelling the economy into what would have been unthinkable growth under Obama.
Now our elites are in utter turmoil.
President Trump was very tough with our oldest allies at the G7 Summit while he is being apparently cordial to Kim Jong-un. The elites are whirling in confusion at this kind of swirling maneuvering in a three- or four-day period.
Yet, there is a deep consistency in what President Trump is doing. He correctly understands that our allies have been happy because we have carried the allied military burden for 73 years (since the end of World War II), and we have accepted bad trade deals and one-sided protectionist regulations on their part. Of course, they are offended that America now has a president who actually wants them to pay their fair share for defense. Of course, they do not want to change their tariffs and regulations to have honest, open trading that isn’t biased against America.
At the same time, President Trump is being tough with our allies, he has acted on a deep reflection about the failure of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama with the North Korean dictatorship. From 1994 to the present, the United States has wrung its hands and complained ineffectively as the North Koreans marched resolutely toward having nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
President Trump spent more than a year talking with the leaders of Japan, China, and South Korea. He consulted regularly with his senior foreign policy and national security advisors. He implemented a maximum-pressure campaign of much tougher sanctions – and even tougher language. His Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis, communicated that a war with North Korea would be “catastrophic”. His new Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, gave a strong speech outlining how much tougher sanctions could get if North Korea did not agree to denuclearization. His new National Security Advisor, Ambassador John Bolton, has a long track record of being tough on North Korea.
With firmness set – and an American willingness to get even tougher evident – Kim Jong-un indicated to the South Koreans that he was willing to meet with President Trump.
The impressive thing about President Trump’s reaction was his speed and decisiveness. He saw an opening that might (repeat might) be historic, and he took it.
This decisiveness and willingness to take risks repudiates a deep elite diplomatic tradition of slow, cautious work by subordinates to gradually develop an agenda.
In my new book, Trump’s America: The Truth About Our Nation’s Great Comeback, I emphasize over and over that President Trump has consistently been a dealmaker and a very patient, tough negotiator, who sets big goals and then works relentlessly to achieve them. In fact, I first wrote about these traits last year in my book Understanding Trump.
My dad fought in the Korean War in 1953. I have been studying the North Koreans for most of my life. I do not know what will happen. It is possible that this is their fourth effort to lie to an American president. However, I doubt it.
President Trump has clearly communicated the U.S. position through sanctions, his own words, key statements by very competent subordinates, and in actions elsewhere. Consider how the North Koreans might be studying the U.S. military strikes retaliating against the Syrian chemical weapon attack, the moving of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and the tearing up of the Iran nuclear deal. President Trump has also consistently insisted on a substantial military build-up. It’s clear he is a tough guy willing to play a tough role.
Now, I do not believe everything is done, and we are entering a Pollyanna world of being close friends with North Korea.
I do believe, however, that through a combination of toughness and boldness, aggressiveness and flexibility, and resolution and an amazingly fast grasping of tactical opportunities that President Trump may have begun the process of opening up North Korea and changing history.
He has already accomplished more with North Korea than Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama combined. And this is just the beginning.
Your Friend,
Newt Gingrich
John McCain Sent Out One Tweet About Trump That Will Make Your Stomach Turn
But the RINO Senator just took his efforts to a whole new level.
In his latest challenge to Trump, McCain sent out one tweet that will make your stomach turn.
Donald Trump’s performance at the G-7 conference thrilled his allies and infuriated his globalist enemies.
Trump showed what “America First” meant when he defended his plan to slash the over $500 billion trade deficit by renegotiating trade deals that have enriched other countries at America’s expense.
The President also withdrew America from a consensus statement put together by the G-7 nations about a commitment to free trade after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau launched a cowardly public attack on Trump after he left the meeting.
After eight years of Obama working to weaken America to advance a globalist agenda, Americans cheered the fact that their President was loyal to his country as opposed to the “liberal world order.”
But not everyone believes America should come first.
McCain fired off an unprecedented tweet attacking the President for his America First trade agenda.
The Arizona Senator claimed millions of Americans supported the globalist agenda of open borders, mass migration, and so-called “free” trade deals.
To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values. Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.
This supreme act of disloyalty shocked millions of Americans.
Politics is supposed to stop at the water’s edge.
And the President speaks for America when he travels to foreign countries.
The Commander in Chief should be able to expect a united front when he is on foreign soil.
But to globalist and swamp creatures like McCain, Trump is committing the “crime” of rejecting the liberal world order.
Critics attack Trump for supposedly not believing in “American exceptionalism.”
The reality is, Trump is the only one who actually believes America is exceptional.
Globalists believe the U.S. is just one nation out of many.
Trump is putting the idea into practice that America is exceptional and stands out on her own.
That’s what makes him a threat to the established powers.
And so the establishment is going to lash out.
But McCain’s tweet attacking the President and labeling him a disloyal enemy of American values is a shocking escalation in his war on President Trump.
The two have long been adversaries.
Trump campaigned on and won on a Make America Great Again agenda that cosigned McCain’s pro-amnesty, pro-endless war, and pro-global trade deal brand of “Republicanism” to the trash heap of history where it justly belongs.
McCain withdrew his support for Trump after the Access Hollywood tape leaked, which meant he was effectively supporting Hillary Clinton for President.
The Arizona Senator then sabotaged Trump’s push to repeal and replace Obamacare by siding with the Democrats when he cast the decisive vote against the legislation.
Voting against the President is one thing.
But McCain actively undermining his negotiating position on the world stage is an act of subversion that defies historical precedent.
This Big Lie About Tim Tebow Just Blew Up In The Liberal Media’s Face
Tim Tebow has taken a ton of flak for his Christian beliefs.
He was mocked repeatedly by both journalists and rival fans that were somehow offended or off-put by his piousness.
But now the anti-Christian attacks on Tebow have reached a truly despicable level.
The treatment of Tim Tebow shows just much much the cynicism of the
left has corroded the American spirit.
left has corroded the American spirit.
Faith is a way of life for Christians, but a punchline for leftists. The only thing people on the left worship is big government and the coercive power it holds.
Tebow’s only crimes were being a mediocre NFL quarterback and a devout Christian, but he was treated like a villain. Rival players mocked his ritual of kneeling and praying (also known as “Tebowing”), and journalists suggested his Christianity was insincere and showy.
Now journalists are flat-out fabricating narratives about his kneeling in prayer. One writer for USA Today tried to draw an equivalency between “Tebowing” and players kneeling for the National Anthem.
Tebow balked at the awful comparison:
Another source claimed Tebow knelt in protest against abortion, which was also untrue. He appeared in a pro-life advertisement both because of his faith, and because his mother was told to abort him when she was pregnant.
These fictitious claims have a clear intent.
First, the lies are meant to shield protesting players of any criticism. As Tebow stated, his kneeling was an act of devotion, not a show of defiance and disgust for America.
Second, the false claims are used, unsuccessfully, to suggest the league has a double standard for Christians. The only problem is Tebow never knelt during the National Anthem.
Third, the lies are a common tactic of the left to sow racial division. In leftist ideology, Tebow is identified solely as a white Christian male, which is the zenith of the “oppressor” class. Conversely, the protesting players are “oppressed” and are simply speaking for the voiceless.
The left loves to pay lip service to diversity and inclusivity, but it’s just a shell game. What they really want is power and submission to their ideology.
Liberals are so desperate to glorify anti-American anthem protesters; they’ve resorted to telling outright lies about Tim Tebow.
The great irony is they claim the protesting players have been mischaracterized, and their message has been garbled.
The players’ message is unambiguous. At least, ringleader Colin Kaepernick’s message is clear.
He explicitly said he would not stand for a country that oppressed and murdered black people and people of color. That is blatantly anti-American and factually ignorant.
While any unjustified police-involved death of a suspect is tragic, the reality is this event is a statistically rarity among black people. Approximately half of the homicides in America are committed against black people, and roughly 96% of the perpetrators are black.
Police-involved homicides of suspects account for about 300 deaths, many of which are justified, e.g. an armed suspect who used lethal force against the police.
But that’s not what the media and the protesting players are selling. They want people to believe it’s open season on black people everywhere at all times.
These are the same journalists who suggest Tebow “got away with” protesting when he was in the NFL.
The deceit of the left is both consistent and scary.
Dick Morris: Republicans Must Rethink ’18 Strategy
As Republicans approach the congressional elections of 2018, they need to beware of the pitfalls that may lie ahead.
An analysis of the mistakes Bill Clinton made in his first midterm election in 1994 would be instructive for today’s GOP leaders.
In late September of 1994, President Clinton asked for my advice on the optimal messaging he should use in his campaign to keep Democrats in control of both houses.
My survey came to an odd conclusion that should be heeded by Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell as they prepare for their own midterms.
President Clinton insisted that his party should keep Congress because he had created eight million new jobs, cut the federal deficit by $600 billion, and achieved the lowest combined rates of inflation and unemployment in twenty-five years. The economic statistics of the day confirmed these facts.
But my survey revealed that this message would not work in the 1994 elections. Many voters did not believe the president and others refused to attribute the achievements to his leadership, much less that of his partisans in Congress.
There is a parallel between the disbelieving doubts that blocked Clinton’s message in 1994 and the Republican insistence on claiming that the tax cuts of December 2017 are responsible for the current wave of prosperity. Swing voters just aren’t buying it.
However, the survey did offer a way to win the election. Voters did agree that Clinton and his party had accomplished many things of lesser magnitude including the passage of family and medical leave, the confirmation of good Supreme Court justices, the creation of Americorps – a domestic equivalent of the Peace Corps, strengthened sentences for crime, and cutting the size of the federal workforce. These and other “bite size” achievements, the poll found, were good enough to let Clinton keep control of Congress.
And so, now, the Republican Congress can claim credit for many accomplishments of lesser magnitude including giving terminally ill patients the right to try experimental medicines, eliminating the requirement of buying health insurance, funding of the military, appointment of Gorsuch to the Court, increased tariffs to force fair trade, tearing up the Iran deal and many others. Voters will believe that Trump has accomplished these things and are likely to vote to keep Republicans in power as a result.
But, back in 1994, President Clinton would have none of it. In a telephone call with him and Hillary in early October of 1994, he insisted, “I did create eight million new jobs. I did lower interest rates. I did cut taxes.”
When I told him voters wouldn’t believe him, he insisted that he would educate them. Hillary and I both urged him to switch his message to focus on the smaller achievements that voters would believe he had accomplished. But he refused. As predicted, the message fell on disbelieving ears and the Democrats lost both houses.
Now, the message is clear for the GOP in its congressional campaigns: don’t fall into the trap of trying to get elected for the right reasons. Don’t try to educate the voters to believe that the tax cut has caused an economic turnaround. Instead, work on selling the very real, but smaller, accomplishments of this incredibly fruitful Congress.
Kim Jong Un Did The Unthinkable After Meeting With Donald Trump
President Donald Trump has officially met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
The meeting, which lasted nearly five hours in Singapore, ended with Trump stating that he and Kim now have a special bond.
And Kim Jong Un did the unthinkable right as the meeting was ending.
Most people never expected a meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to ever occur.
Just a few months ago Trump was calling Kim “Little Rocket Man,” and insulting his height and weight.
Now President Trump is shaking hands with the North Korean dictator and talking with him.
Yesterday’s meeting in Singapore was historic.
Before meeting with Kim, President Trump stated that within a minute of meeting with him he will know if the North Korean dictator is serious about making a deal.
As it turns out, Trump believes he was, as the two of them spoke for nearly five hours.
While the exact content of their discussion is unknown, it can be easily assumed that they discussed denuclearization of Korea.
Trump may have also talked about welcoming North Korean sports stars and music groups to the United States. It is also speculated that Trump may have talked about helping get U.S. cultural staples like McDonald’s built in North Korea.
But while all of that is speculation, there is one thing we do know about the meeting.
As the meeting came to an end, both President Donald Trump and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un signed a document dedicating them to decreasing tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
The most important part of the documents is a promise to take concrete steps towards denuclearization, in exchange for a security guarantee from the United States.
But Trump wasn’t just going to have him promise to denuclearize, Trump also has written promises for follow-up meetings.
The follow-up meetings will mostly occur between U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a relevant high-level North Korean official.
Trump felt very optimistic and proud of what was accomplished at the meeting, stating:
After the meeting occurred, President Trump was so confident about how it went, and about his new relationship with Kim Jong Un that he stated he would “absolutely” invite Kim Jong Un to the White House.
Kim Jong Un mirrored Trump’s optimism, stating that “the world will see a major change.”
Hopefully, Kim Jong Un is serious about his newfound belief in peace.
He has the opportunity to change the world for the better, and President Trump seems to be pushing him in that direction.

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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