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Monday, June 11, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Sodom and Gomorrah Update: Leftist Democrat Mayors Across the Country Form Coalition to Support Special Rights for Trannies, Attack Religious Freedom for Christians
Will Colorado Apologize to Christian Baker Jack Phillips?
The Gaystapo: They’re Here, They’re Queer, They’re Coming for Christians — and for Our Jobs
Open Borders Globalist Angela Merkel on Trump’s Refusal to Bend Over and Grab His Ankles Like Obama at G-7: ‘Sobering and a Bit Depressing’
Californians May Have to Choose Between Showers and Laundry with New 55-Gallon Water Limit
Gov. Jerry Brown talks to reporters at the end of a meeting on the drought, as Brown's executive secretary Nancy McFadden looks on in Sacramento, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, file)
Late last week California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law two bills aimed at conserving water in the drought-stricken state. Unfortunately for California residents, the draconian measures will severely curtail their ability to complete acts of daily living that people in the rest of the U.S. take for granted—things like laundry, showers, and bathing.
On the Senate side, Bill 606 requires the State Water Resources Control Board to adopt "long-term standards for the efficient use of water and would establish specified standards for per capita daily indoor residential water use" in order to comply with another state law that requires California to reduce its per capita water usage by 20 percent by the year 2020.
The board would have authority over all water suppliers, imposing onerous reporting requirements on them to ensure they're complying with the 20 percent reduction mandate, and imposing fines if they don't.
Bill 1668, which passed in the Assembly and was signed into law by Brown, goes even further, severely limiting the amount of water Californians can use:
The bill, until January 1, 2025, would establish 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use, beginning January 1, 2025, would establish the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, would establish the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use. The bill would impose civil liability for a violation of an order or regulation issued pursuant to these provisions, as specified.
Note that this language gives the State Water Resources Control Board—appointed by the governnor—to increase the limits on residential water usage at their discretion over the next 12 years.
Urban water suppliers will monitor water usage by California residents, with the law stipulating that they "shall use satellite imagery, site visits, or other best available technology to develop an accurate estimate of landscaped areas." Note the use of the word "shall," which means they must do it.
The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that the average American uses 80-100 gallons of water per day. According to the USGS website:
A bath uses around 36 gallons of water
A 10-minute shower uses 50 gallons
Washing clothes takes 25-40 gallons of water, depending on the machine's efficiency
Toilets normally use 1.6 gallons per flush (if you're using a low-flow model)
Shaving, brushing your teeth, and washing your face take a gallon each
As you can see, it's not difficult to use 55 gallons of water in the course of a normal day. California residents who opt for a shower will only be left with enough water to brush their teeth and perhaps flush the toilet a couple of times before they run afoul of the new state law.
Iran Admits to Facilitating Travel of 9/11 Hijackers
Iran Admits to Facilitating Travel of 9/11 Hijackers
A high-level Iranian official admitted in Farsi-language remarks broadcast on state TV that Tehran facilitated the travel of terrorists connected to the 9/11 attacks on America.
Mohammad-Javad Larijani, an international affairs assistant in the Iran's judiciary, disclosed in Farsi-language remarks broadcast on Iran's state-controlled television that Iranian intelligence officials secretly helped provide the al Qaeda attackers with passage and gave them refuge in the Islamic Republic, according to an English translation published by Al Arabiya.
"Our government agreed not to stamp the passports of some of them because they were on transit flights for two hours, and they were resuming their flights without having their passports stamped. However their movements were under the complete supervision of the Iranian intelligence," Larijani was quoted as saying.
The remarks represent the first time senior Iranian officials have publicly admitted to aiding al Qaeda and playing a direct role in facilitating the 9/11 attacks.
The confession comes as no surprise to anyone who has read the conclusions of the 9/11 commission.
The U.S. government has long accused Iran of playing a role in the attacks and even fined the Islamic Republic billions as a result. The U.S. 9/11 Commission assembled to investigate the attacks concluded that Iran played a role in facilitating the al Qaeda terrorists.
Larijani admitted that Iranian officials did not stamp the passports of the al Qaeda militants in order to obfuscate their movements and prevent detection by foreign governments. Al Qaeda operative also were given safe refuge in Iran.
"The Americans took this as evidence of Iran's cooperation with al-Qaeda and viewed the passage of an airplane through Iran's airspace, which had one of the pilots who carried out the attacks and a Hezbollah military leader sitting [next to] him on board, as evidence of direct cooperation with al-Qaeda through the Lebanese Hezbollah," Larijani was quoted as saying in the May 30 interview, which is gaining traction on social media.
You may recall in the aftermath of 9/11 many American pundits scoffing at the notion of cooperation between Iran and al-Qaeda. Why would a Shia regime aide Sunni terrorists? More to the point, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" would appear to have been the operative attitude of Iran.
Several al-Qaeda members took refuge in Iran after we invaded Afghanistan. We were assured by U.S. intelligence they were under "house arrest," although what difference that made was a mystery then -- not so much now.
What are the chances Iranian intelligence, which was behind the surreptitious travel arrangements of the terrorists, had advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks? It's difficult to believe they did not. They may not have known of the exact date of the attacks, but they knew something big was going down and chose to keep quiet.
By removing the sanctions on Iran under the nuclear deal, we enabled a regime that actively facilitated the attacks on America on September 11, 2001. Some dare call that treason and would put the architect of that deal on trial rather than make him a civic saint.
Pressure Mounting Against Crooked Hillary
Pressure Mounting Against Crooked Hillary
Hillary Clinton's massive money-laundering scandal has not been widely publicized by the national media. However, recently state level media has been picking up this awful case of abuse of power and influence.
A federal lawsuit by a pro-Trump politico claims that 33 state Democratic Party committees illegally laundered donations totaling $84 million that ultimately ended up in accounts that directly benefited Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for president.
Donations that on paper were supposed to benefit state Democratic committees actually ended up in large measure being passed through to the Democratic National Committee, which used it to try to get Clinton elected, according to Dan Backer, a lawyer for the Committee to Defend the President.
One example: About $2.4 million raised by the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising political action committee, went to the Maine Democratic Party “and then almost immediately” to the Democratic National Committee, according to the Bangor Daily News.
Defenders of the arrangement say it’s not illegal and that state Democratic Party committees benefited by getting to keep a portion of the money raised by the Hillary Victory Fund.
Maybe this pressure will force the FEC to act against the Clinton organization. The $84 million laundered is nothing to turn a blind eye to. The American people deserve more.
Defenders of the arrangement say it’s not illegal and that state Democratic Party committees benefited by getting to keep a portion of the money raised by the Hillary Victory Fund.
Maybe this pressure will force the FEC to act against the Clinton organization. The $84 million laundered is nothing to turn a blind eye to. The American people deserve more.
Over the past decade, allied intelligence agencies have pieced together a profile of the young Kim Jong-un from extensive interviews with teachers, students, food preparers, and other staff at the elite Swiss school that Kim attended during his adolescence, according to a source who has carefully studied the classified binder on Kim.
The big picture: "The picture that emerged from literally dozens of interviews bears a striking similarity with the man he has emerged into today," the source said. "Gluttonous, prone to fits of anger and swaggering around his classmates. Kim Jong-un was an in-attendant student but demanded slavish loyalty from other children in his wake."
"He was prone to violence,” the source added. “He had a couple of young guys who were with him" at the Swiss school, and "he hit them frequently."
"He didn't do well in school. He was distracted a lot."
The binder describes the young Kim making vague and grand declarations to his classmates — for example, after games he would say, in the source's recollection, "some day you will all remember me."
Why this matters: In his intelligence briefings, to prepare for his historic summit in Singapore, President Trump has shown intense interest in the personality and quirks of the reclusive Kim, according to sources familiar with his preparation.
Trump "definitely thinks it’s a duel of personalities," a source who has discussed North Korea with Trump previously told me.
Trump has been quizzing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about what Kim was like when the two men met.
The president also has access to far more detailed psychological and personality profiles of the dictator.
"There are important strategic considerations ... but he also very much conceives it as a test of wills and of a contest of one man and another,” the source added. “How they’re going to react, how they’re going to shadow box with each other, and ultimately how they’re going to choose to act."
Report on Pennsylvania priest abuse to be most extensive yet
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The results of a lengthy probe into the handling of sexual abuse claims by Roman Catholic dioceses throughout Pennsylvania, which victim advocates say will be the biggest and most exhaustive ever by a U.S. state, could be made public within weeks.
A statewide grand jury spent nearly two years looking into the abuse scandal, and Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro has said he plans to address the panel's findings by the end of June.
The grand jury investigated six of the state's eight dioceses, which collectively minister to more than 1.7 million Catholics. The report is expected to reveal details of widespread abuse and efforts to conceal and protect abusive priests.
A judge's ruling last week gave the first real details of an investigation that started in July 2016. Judge Norman Krumenacker rejected an effort to delay the report's release or allow people named in the report to challenge parts of it before its release.
Krumenacker, a Cambria County judge who has been overseeing the grand jury, wrote in his opinion that the investigative body had heard from dozens of witnesses and reviewed over half a million pages of internal documents from diocesan archives. The investigation involved allegations of child sexual abuse, failure of church structures to report it to law enforcement and obstruction of justice by people "associated with the Roman Catholic Church, local public officials and community leaders," he said.
The report could be groundbreaking, said Terry McKiernan, president of BishopAccountability.org. Several smaller states, including Maine and New Hampshire— each with one diocese that covers the full state — have issued reports, but no state the size of Pennsylvania has conducted a full accounting, he said.
"You're going to learn a lot about this crisis that you never knew before," he said. "Another thing you are going to see in a report of this geographic scope is an accounting of the geographic solution, meaning within the Pennsylvania dioceses there is a certain amount of mobility, and priests who have trouble in one diocese might be transferred to another within the state. There hopefully will be some accounting of that."
Two priests have been arrested on child sexual abuse charges as a result of the probe, one each in the Erie and Greensburg dioceses. Prosecutors have said one of those priests assaulted a boy more than 20 times as he was serving as an altar boy and would later require the boy to confess the abuse to him.
The overall investigation involves the dioceses of Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton.
A statewide grand jury spent nearly two years looking into the abuse scandal, and Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro has said he plans to address the panel's findings by the end of June.
The grand jury investigated six of the state's eight dioceses, which collectively minister to more than 1.7 million Catholics. The report is expected to reveal details of widespread abuse and efforts to conceal and protect abusive priests.
A judge's ruling last week gave the first real details of an investigation that started in July 2016. Judge Norman Krumenacker rejected an effort to delay the report's release or allow people named in the report to challenge parts of it before its release.
Krumenacker, a Cambria County judge who has been overseeing the grand jury, wrote in his opinion that the investigative body had heard from dozens of witnesses and reviewed over half a million pages of internal documents from diocesan archives. The investigation involved allegations of child sexual abuse, failure of church structures to report it to law enforcement and obstruction of justice by people "associated with the Roman Catholic Church, local public officials and community leaders," he said.
The report could be groundbreaking, said Terry McKiernan, president of BishopAccountability.org. Several smaller states, including Maine and New Hampshire— each with one diocese that covers the full state — have issued reports, but no state the size of Pennsylvania has conducted a full accounting, he said.
"You're going to learn a lot about this crisis that you never knew before," he said. "Another thing you are going to see in a report of this geographic scope is an accounting of the geographic solution, meaning within the Pennsylvania dioceses there is a certain amount of mobility, and priests who have trouble in one diocese might be transferred to another within the state. There hopefully will be some accounting of that."
Two priests have been arrested on child sexual abuse charges as a result of the probe, one each in the Erie and Greensburg dioceses. Prosecutors have said one of those priests assaulted a boy more than 20 times as he was serving as an altar boy and would later require the boy to confess the abuse to him.
The overall investigation involves the dioceses of Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton.
It is unclear whether there will be any other charges filed as a result of the report, because of Pennsylvania's statute of limitations on child sexual abuse crimes.
Under state law, criminal charges can be filed up to the time the person making the claim of child sexual abuse is 50 years old. Civil claims can be filed for child sexual abuse until the person alleging the abuse turns 30.
Previously release grand jury reports on the other two Pennsylvania dioceses — Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown— advocated a two-year window to allow people alleging long-ago abuse to pursue civil claims. Efforts to pass that legislation have stalled or been blocked.
Rep. Mark Rozzi, who put forward the legislation, said he testified about his own experience of abuse at the hands of a priest in the Allentown diocese. Rozzi said he plans to reintroduce legislation to extend the statute of limitations. The church has said changing the statute of limitations would be unfair to schools and parishes and could be financially crippling.
In 2005, the Philadelphia district attorney's office released a scathing grand jury report that said allegations against more than 100 priests and other clergy had been looked into by the panel. The report criticized internal practices of moving priests and not reporting allegations to law enforcement.
In 2011, the office released another report, having instructed a second grand jury to examine whether the diocese had changed its practices. The investigation resulted in several priests and members of the clergy being charged with crimes related to child sexual abuse, including Monsignor William Lynn, who was charged with endangering children for allegedly moving priests from parish to parish instead of removing them or reporting allegations to police.
In 2016, the Pennsylvania attorney general's office released the results of a statewide investigative grand jury in the Altoona-Johnstown diocese, the state's least populated. It detailed allegations of abuse against more than 50 priests and others in the church by hundreds of children over decades. The report noted the process by which bishops were told to keep secret the allegations of abuse by priests.
Once that first statewide grand jury report was released, Rozzi said, the attorney general's office was overrun with phone calls from people alleging abuse by clergy or by teachers at religious schools.
"We demanded that they look into the remaining dioceses at this point. If you think it's going on here and here, then you know. ... It's happening in the remaining dioceses," he said.
It is unclear whether there will be any other charges filed as a result of the report, because of Pennsylvania's statute of limitations on child sexual abuse crimes.
Under state law, criminal charges can be filed up to the time the person making the claim of child sexual abuse is 50 years old. Civil claims can be filed for child sexual abuse until the person alleging the abuse turns 30.
Previously release grand jury reports on the other two Pennsylvania dioceses — Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown— advocated a two-year window to allow people alleging long-ago abuse to pursue civil claims. Efforts to pass that legislation have stalled or been blocked.
Rep. Mark Rozzi, who put forward the legislation, said he testified about his own experience of abuse at the hands of a priest in the Allentown diocese. Rozzi said he plans to reintroduce legislation to extend the statute of limitations. The church has said changing the statute of limitations would be unfair to schools and parishes and could be financially crippling.
In 2005, the Philadelphia district attorney's office released a scathing grand jury report that said allegations against more than 100 priests and other clergy had been looked into by the panel. The report criticized internal practices of moving priests and not reporting allegations to law enforcement.
In 2011, the office released another report, having instructed a second grand jury to examine whether the diocese had changed its practices. The investigation resulted in several priests and members of the clergy being charged with crimes related to child sexual abuse, including Monsignor William Lynn, who was charged with endangering children for allegedly moving priests from parish to parish instead of removing them or reporting allegations to police.
In 2016, the Pennsylvania attorney general's office released the results of a statewide investigative grand jury in the Altoona-Johnstown diocese, the state's least populated. It detailed allegations of abuse against more than 50 priests and others in the church by hundreds of children over decades. The report noted the process by which bishops were told to keep secret the allegations of abuse by priests.
Once that first statewide grand jury report was released, Rozzi said, the attorney general's office was overrun with phone calls from people alleging abuse by clergy or by teachers at religious schools.
"We demanded that they look into the remaining dioceses at this point. If you think it's going on here and here, then you know. ... It's happening in the remaining dioceses," he said.
Man Claims He Was Asked to Leave Restaurant for Wearing Large Cross (Large? Really?)
A restaurant based in Indianapolis, Indiana, allegedly asked one of its customers to leave for wearing a necklace containing a large cross.
Jerry Bond, who patronized Kilroy’s Bar N’ Grill with his minister and a few friends, claims a bouncer asked him to remove his cross necklace or leave the restaurant.
“The bouncer comes back over, really bad attitude, [and says] ‘We’re going to ask you to either tuck your necklace, remove it or you have to leave,” Bond told WRAL. “I’m not going to tuck my cross in because of my beliefs. I believe in wearing this cross and what it represents.”
The restaurant reportedly has a sign posted outside the entrance that bans patrons from wearing large chains hanging outside their shirts.
When Bond left the restaurant, Minister David Latimore approached the manager. But the manager declined to answer his questions.
“So, I asked him, ‘what is a large necklace? What does that mean? What size is large?’ He couldn’t tell me,” Latimore told WXIN.
Latimore added that he sent a follow-up email to the restaurant about its policy, but he received no response.
“If you have business in this city you should treat your customers a certain way and for us to turn a blind eye to it and continue to treat customers this way it’s just not right,” the pastor said. “It’s something I won’t stand for.”
Since then, Bond and several others organized a protest outside Kilroy’s to voice their displeasure with the restaurant’s policy. When news broke of the incident and the planned protest, another patron shared his story of how Kilroy’s allegedly discriminated against him.
“That Kilroys has discriminated against me and some friends before,” Javon Akeem Walker wrote on Facebook Sunday. “They wanted us to pay before we got our food and the server said, ‘People like you, have ran out on the bill before.'”
Kilroy’s declined to comment on the situation.
HOLLYWOOD HATE: Robert DeNiro Shouts “F**K Trump” On Live TV; Celebrities Give Standing Ovation
On Sunday night, liberal Hollywood just alienated half of America once again when Robert DeNiro screamed “F**k Trump” on live TV during the Tony Awards.
Yes, really.
On top of that, the entire audience of Leftist elites stood up and applauded.
“I’m just going to say one thing,” De Niro said.
“F-ck Trump!”, he shouted in defiance, not caring that CBS was live on air without a censor.
When the astonished audience broke out into a mix of laughter and gasps, he paused for a bit and then followed up with, “It’s no longer ‘down with Trump.’ It’s ‘f-ck Trump!’”
Watch the disgusting moment below:
He then pumped both fists as he took in the praise from the “loving liberals” in the room.
In case the video gets taken down, here is another source:
According to Deadline, A CBS spokesperson issued a brief statement tonight: “Mr. De Niro’s comments were unscripted and unexpected. The offensive language was deleted from the broadcast.”
Deadline continued:
The network leaned on the bleep button heavily, so none of its viewers heard the unexpurgated version of his remarks (the show aired on tape delay in the West). But the live feed of the broadcasts being played in the press room was uncensored, leading to several Tony winners being asked about the head-snapping moment during their backstage press conferences.
Yes, really.
On top of that, the entire audience of Leftist elites stood up and applauded.
“I’m just going to say one thing,” De Niro said.
“F-ck Trump!”, he shouted in defiance, not caring that CBS was live on air without a censor.
When the astonished audience broke out into a mix of laughter and gasps, he paused for a bit and then followed up with, “It’s no longer ‘down with Trump.’ It’s ‘f-ck Trump!’”
Watch the disgusting moment below:
He then pumped both fists as he took in the praise from the “loving liberals” in the room.
In case the video gets taken down, here is another source:
According to Deadline, A CBS spokesperson issued a brief statement tonight: “Mr. De Niro’s comments were unscripted and unexpected. The offensive language was deleted from the broadcast.”
Deadline continued:
The network leaned on the bleep button heavily, so none of its viewers heard the unexpurgated version of his remarks (the show aired on tape delay in the West). But the live feed of the broadcasts being played in the press room was uncensored, leading to several Tony winners being asked about the head-snapping moment during their backstage press conferences.
Trump: ‘Fair Trade is Now to be Called Fool Trade if it is Not Reciprocal’; ‘Justin Acts Hurt When Called Out!
G’ day…Ciao... Helen and Moe Lauzier
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that is all articles
This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article post.
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