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Friday, May 11, 2018
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How Elizabeth Warren is helping a checkered tribe in bid to rid her ‘Pocahontas’ problem
By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times
She’s never been a gambling fan, but Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pushing federal legislation to help deliver a casino to a tribe with a checkered past as she struggles to neutralize her “Pocahontas” problem.
Her bill, introduced in March with fellow Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Edward Markey, would allow the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe to build a $1 billion gaming resort about halfway between Boston and Cape Cod even though a federal court blocked the project in 2016.
The Senate bill and its House companion have drawn cheers from tribal leaders eager to resume construction on the lavish complex while stirring resentment among locals irritated at the prospect of Congress big-footing the ongoing Interior Department review.
“It’s certainly an end-run on both what’s going on in court and at the agency level,” said attorney David Tennant, who represents 25 Taunton residents challenging the project.
Ms. Warren’s involvement comes despite a record indicating that when it comes to gaming, she’s not a high roller.
She opposed the state’s 2011 law expanding Las Vegas-style gambling and supported the 2014 repeal effort, which was defeated. Last year, she sponsored a bill to treat gambling addiction in the military.
“It’s a tough call to make,” Ms. Warren told Reuters in 2014. “People need jobs, but gambling can also be a real problem economically for a lot of people. I didn’t support gambling the first time around and I don’t expect to support it [now].”
At the same time, Ms. Warren recently committed herself to advancing Native American causes in response to President Trump’s digs at her unproven claims of Cherokee ancestry.
In February, she told the National Congress of American Indians that she would “lift up” their stories whenever anyone criticized her, presumably referring to the president.
Among those who cheered her announcement was Cedric Cromwell, tribal council chairman of the Mashpee Wampanoag.
“We especially appreciate her remarks about how this government owes its native citizens ‘a fighting chance to build stronger communities and a brighter future — starting with a more prosperous economic future on tribal lands,’” Mr. Cromwell told the Associated Press.
He later commended Ms. Warren’s “outstanding leadership” after she and Mr. Markey introduced the bill, saying it would “protect our ancestral homeland.”
“This bill is further evidence that Congress, in both the House and Senate, see it as the honorable and just thing to do — re-affirm our right to a reservation for our people and to ensure that our Tribe will be treated equally under the law as other federally recognized tribes,” Mr. Cromwell said.
Crossing Abramoff’s path
The legislation comes as the latest chapter in the years-long political saga of the Mashpee Wampanoag, which gained notoriety for its dealings with lobbyists Jack Abramoff and Kevin A. Ring, figures at the center of the Native American lobbying scandal.
Abramoff pleaded guilty to conspiracy, tax evasion and other charges in 2006, while his former colleague Ring was convicted on federal corruption charges in 2010.
Former Mashpee tribal chairman Glenn Marshall, who had previously been convicted of rape, pleaded guilty in 2009 to embezzling tribal funds and campaign-finance violations while working with Abramoff to secure federal recognition for the tribe, which was granted in 2007.
The scandal set back the tribe’s casino plans, but in 2015 the Obama administration took about 300 acres of tribal land into trust, allowing the Mashpee to partner with Malaysian developer Genting Group and break ground on the project in Taunton, Massachusetts.
Another figure from the Abramoff lobbying scandal, former California Rep. Richard Pombo, now works as a lobbyist for Genting Americas Holding Limited, which has been involved with funding the project.
In July 2016, construction was halted after a federal court rejected the Interior Department’s decision based on Carcieri v. Salazar, the 2009 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the declared the federal government could only take land into trust for tribes recognized at the time of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.
“With respect, this is not a close call: to find ambiguity here would be to find it everywhere,” said U.S. District Court Judge William G. Young in his 22-page ruling.
The Interior Department is now considering whether the small tribe can qualify under another legal framework, but the House and Senate legislation would reaffirm the tribal property as trust land without agency action.
The Mashpee Wampanoag aren’t the first tribe to attempt a Carcieri work-around by going through Congress, although the strategy is generally seen as a longshot, or as Mr. Tennant put it, “a Hail Mary on top of a Hail Mary.”
Local reaction to the federal involvement has been mixed. In Mashpee, officials said the “lack of communication has been a disservice to the town of Mashpee,” while Taunton Mayor Thomas C. Hoye Jr. has thrown his support behind the bill.
“If it passes, it will remove whatever lack of clarity the Interior Department may have now as it relates to reservation land for one of our nation’s truly historic tribes,” said Mr. Hoye in a statement.
Ms. Warren has been haunted during her 2018 Senate campaign by her previous claims to Cherokee ancestry, although she is not an enrolled member of any tribe, spurred by Mr. Trump’s “Pocahontas” nickname.
One of her Senate opponents, Independent candidate Shiva Ayyadurai, has run on the slogan, “Only a real Indian can defeat the fake Indian.”
Ms. Warren has come under pressure to resolve questions about her heritage by taking a DNA test, but she has instead sought to enhance her relationships with tribes.
“Every time someone brings up my family’s story, I’m going to use it to lift up the story of your families and your communities,” she told Native Americans at the February event.
Food For Thought...Old Muhammad Had A Farm, Jihad, Jihad, Jihad…Oh!
Contrary to the lyin’ media’s lie that Trump is the liar, he isn’t. At least not all the time. But this week, he got off a true whopper.
Trump’s claim that he was pulling out of the Iran deal in order “to protect America’s national security interests” is a big, fat lie.
Iran has killed lots of American troops in the Middle East but has done nothing to any Americans here on our own soil.
Obviously, I’m not saying anyone was asking for it, but here are some rules to live by: If you don’t want to be falsely accused of rape by a stripper, don’t invite strippers to your lacrosse party. As of Monday, if you don’t want to get beaten up, don’t date Eric Schneiderman. And if you don’t want American troops getting blown up in the Middle East, don’t send troops there when we have absolutely no national security reason for doing so.
There are a lot of crazy people in the Middle East.
America has zero defense interest in rearranging that part of the world, and we don’t have a particularly good track record of doing so, at least since Jimmy Carter withdrew our support from the Shah of Iran in 1979.
What actually is in America’s national security interest is preventing crazy foreigners from coming here.
So it’s particularly dispiriting to have the president constantly demanding that we amnesty “Dreamers” and import ever more cheap foreign labor for farmers who are too lazy and selfish to mechanize. Easier to offload the cost of their human workers on you, taxpayer.
But the president has an idee fixe that we’re all going to starve if we don’t bring in guest workers for the farmers.
Guest workers are more of a threat to our national security than Iran is. Leave aside the tens of thousands of Americans killed every year by Mexican heroin, illegal alien drunk drivers and straight-up murderers, whom the government refuses to count.
Even in the exceedingly narrow category of “Americans killed in Islamic terrorist attacks in our own country,” farmers’ guest workers have killed more people than Iranians have.
Howling about their need for illegal aliens to harvest “highly perishable crops” in 1986, farmers demanded a special amnesty for farm workers. As a result, we got the Agricultural Amnesty Act — and, with it, not one but two of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers.
The blast killed six Americans and injured more than a thousand. On the plus side, strawberries that day cost a nickel less than in 1985.
One farm worker was Mahmud Abouhalima, or “Mahmud the Red,” as he was known in the terrorist community. Basically your stock farm character, straight out of Norman Rockwell. He was among the 100,000 farm workers to apply for amnesty from the gently waving wheatfields of Midtown Manhattan.
A cabdriver, Mahmud had never been anywhere near a crop. His agronomic experience consisted of driving the getaway car for Rabbi Meir Kahane’s assassin. (The assailant initially got into the wrong taxi. Even terrorists can’t tell one Arab cab driver from the next.)
Say, how hard is it to lie about prior farm work compared to lying about how old you were when you snuck into the country illegally “through no fault of your own”?
Luckily for Mahmud, “farm workers” weren’t required to prove anything. In the blizzard of class action lawsuits brought on behalf of illegal aliens trying to get in on the 1986 amnesty, the courts concluded that illegals couldn’t possibly be expected to provide proof! How dare the government even ask? After all, they were just simple farm boys.
Instead, the government was required to prove applicants had not worked on a farm. Nearly 90 percent of the applications were approved.
Pop Quiz:
1) Will “Dreamers” be asked for any form of proof that they entered the country before age 16?
Answer: No.
2) Will “Dreamers” be asked for any form of proof that they were brought here “through no fault of their own”?
Answer: No.
The other 1993 World Trade Center bomber who was in this country because of the farm worker amnesty was Mohammed Salameh. He’d come to the U.S. on a tourist visa at age 19 in 1988. He was poor and had no skills, but someone at the U.S. consulate in Jordan “took a chance” on Mohammed.
Despite arriving two years after the time to qualify had already expired, he applied for an agricultural amnesty.
Luckily for Mohammed, merely submitting an application for amnesty prevented the applicant from being deported. For three years, our government puzzled over whether someone who arrived in the U.S. in 1988 could have worked on an American farm prior to May 1, 1986.
After Mohammed was finally denied amnesty as a farm worker, he applied for a general amnesty, abruptly forgetting his life behind a plow and mule and claiming he had lived continuously in the United States from 1982 to 1986, despite — again — having arrived in 1988. The government was still working on that brain-teaser when he bombed the World Trade Center.
One more rule to live by: When you come from out of nowhere to beat 16 more experienced candidates as well as the most qualified woman ever to run for president by promising to keep us out of Middle Eastern wars and to put America first, what the voters are trying to tell you is that they want to stay out of the Middle East and put America first.
The GOP’s midterm surprise: a red wave now threatens the blue wave
By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times
The Democrats’ hopes for a “blue wave” to sweep through the midterm elections in November appears to be fading. For one thing, those in Sen. Bernard Sanders’ corner vow that a “progressive tsunami” is on its way. Axios senior analyst Mike Allen, meanwhile, predicts that a new “Clinton wave” is about to surface, propelled by residual Democratic enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton. A red wave, however, is building. CNN has some significant numbers.
“The Democrats’ advantage in the generic ballot dipped from 16 points in February to six points in March to just three points now. The party’s advantage has waned among enthusiastic voters as Republican enthusiasm has grown,” reports Jennifer Agiesta, CNN’s polling director.
It’s close: 53 percent of Democrats and 50 percent of Republicans now say they are “very” or “extremely” enthusiastic about voting for Congress this year. The number was 45 percent among all Americans, the poll found.
Meanwhile, 47 percent of the public plans to vote for “the Democratic Party candidate” in their own district, while 44 percent favor the Republican candidate. Party loyalty is equal: 96 percent of Republicans will back the GOP candidate, 96 percent of Democrats back the hopeful from their own party.
What about the White House factor in all of this? The survey found that 44 percent of Americans would be more likely to support a congressional candidate who supports President Trump; 91 percent of Republicans and 7 percent of Democrats agree. Forty-eight percent overall would support the candidate who opposes Mr. Trump; 6 percent of Republicans and 87 percent of Democrats agree.
What about a red wave, then? Though they have a burgeoning war chest and a polished ground game, the GOP needs some oomph of the most basic variety: top squabbling in public, unify the message, hone a can-do image, show some muscle and dare to feel some authentic Reagan-style — or Trump-style — optimism.
McCain: Releasing Steele Dossier Was ‘Duty,’ Anyone Who Disagrees Can ‘Go to Hell’
By Rebekah Baker
Arizona senator and longtime Trump opponent John McCain has no remorse for passing along the infamous Trump dossier to the FBI, according to excerpts released from his upcoming book, “The Restless Wave: Good Times, Just Causes, Great Fights, and Other Appreciations.”
The 81-year-old senator admitted in January last year that he gave the FBI the dossier, which was filled with unverified allegations against President Donald Trump and raised the possibility that the president may be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
McCain received hard copies of the dossier from Fusion GPS, a political opposition research firm, and then gave a copy to the FBI, Fox News reported.
Later in January, the entire dossier was published by BuzzFeed.
“Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public,” McCain said then.
“Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue,” he said.
Now, over one year later, McCain said he “would do it again,” according to excerpts from his book published by the Guardian.
McCain wrote that he did “what duty demanded I do” and “anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell.”
The Republican senator said the nature of the allegations meant he had to take them seriously.
“I had no idea which if any were true,” he wrote. “I could not independently verify any of it, and so I did what any American who cares about our nation’s security should have done.”
In new book, John McCain discusses receiving Trump dossier: 'The allegations were disturbing, but I had no idea which if any were true.' From @dailybeast: http://ow.ly/qf3e30jVebU
7:05 PM - May 9, 2018
The president has consistently denied the veracity of the dossier’s contents, calling it the “fake news dossier.”
"Clinton campaign & DNC paid for research that led to the anti-Trump Fake News Dossier. The victim here is the President." @FoxNews
7:21 AM - Oct 25, 2017
An exclusive report from Fox News last year stated that former British spy and the man behind the dossier, Christopher Steele, used McCain as his American contact to get the document to the FBI.
“The man (Sir Andrew Wood) who says he acted as a ‘go-between’ last year to inform Sen. John McCain about the controversial ‘dossier’ containing salacious allegations about then-candidate Donald Trump is speaking out, revealing how the ex-British spy who researched the document helped coordinate its release to the FBI, the media and Capitol Hill,” Fox News reported.
“Wood says he was instructed — by former British spy Christopher Steele — to reach out to the senior Republican, whom Wood called ‘a good man,’ about the unverified document,” the report continued.
McCain wrote that after receiving the document, he immediately passed it on to then-FBI Director James Comey.
“I said I didn’t know what to make of it, and I trusted the FBI would examine it carefully and investigate its claims,” he wrote. “With that, I thanked the director and left. The entire meeting had probably not lasted longer than ten minutes.”
“The Restless Wave” is slated to be published May 22.
US/Iraqi Forces Capture Five Top ISIS Officials
The Islamic State is no longer even a pseudo-State, having lost over 98 percent of its territory since its peak. The territory they do control aren’t the populous cities they once held, but merely the rubble that remains. While 2.5 million people lived under ISIS oppression in 2017, nearly all have since been liberated.
The group’s propaganda infrastructure has all been destroyed too, leading to a massive decline in output. ISIS‘ slick propaganda, which often looked like it was something straight out of a Hollywood production, was a major recruitment tool when it came to drawing in foreign jihadis. The group’s propaganda used to focus on the “paradise” of living within the Islamic State. Now the propaganda they do produce consists mainly of war footage (which is a hard sell for new recruits, given their abject decimation).
And now, the group is suffering some serious leadership decapitation.
Five senior Islamic State officials have been captured, including a top aide to the group’s leader, in a complex cross-border sting carried out by Iraqi and American intelligence, two Iraqi officials said Wednesday.
The three-month operation, which tracked a group of senior Islamic State leaders who had been hiding in Syria and Turkey, represents a significant intelligence victory for the American-led coalition fighting the extremist group and underscores the strengthening relationship between Washington and Baghdad.
Two Iraqi intelligence officials said those captured included four Iraqis and one Syrian whose responsibilities included governing the Islamic State’s territory around Deir al-Zour, Syria, directing internal security and running the administrative body that oversees religious rulings.
The three-month operation, which tracked a group of senior Islamic State leaders who had been hiding in Syria and Turkey, represents a significant intelligence victory for the American-led coalition fighting the extremist group and underscores the strengthening relationship between Washington and Baghdad.
Two Iraqi intelligence officials said those captured included four Iraqis and one Syrian whose responsibilities included governing the Islamic State’s territory around Deir al-Zour, Syria, directing internal security and running the administrative body that oversees religious rulings.
President Trump also tweeted out the news:
What a difference one administration can make. Obama traded five terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl. Meanwhile, Trump just secured the release of three Americans and captured five terrorists.
That sounds like a lot of winning to me.
Say It Ain’t So: “Uncle Joe” Is Back?
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe
I can’t believe the depth of ignorance of many modern people in the West. Mass murderer Joseph Stalin, ruthless dictator of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, appears to be making a comeback, at least among some. During a time of willful ignorance toward what Stalin had been doing to his own people, he was often called “Uncle Joe”—with affection, in the West.
Walter Duranty, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist with the New York Times, was infamously known as “Stalin’s Apologist.”
Roger Baldwin, the founder of the ACLU, even visited the Soviet Union in the 1920s and wrote a book praising it—Liberty Under the Soviets (1928).
But we should know better today because the crimes of “the Man of Steel” (the meaning of Stalin’s adopted name in Russia) have become widely exposed.
However, on May 2, 2018, the Drudge Report had a headline declaring: “London marchers hold STALIN banners…” The story by Tim Stickings in the Daily Mail (UK) (5/1/18) states, “Protesters marked International Workers’ Day with a rally in London’s Trafalgar Square…with some marchers holding up pictures of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.” This was a part of the annual May Day protests. He adds, “One banner, pictured by Twitter users, featured a large portrait of Stalin, along with a quote from his work speaking of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ and the transition from capitalism to communism.”
Thankfully, Stickings helped put the infamous Soviet leader in perspective (unlike some of the protesters): “Millions of people died in Stalin’s Russia, many of them transported to labour camps to work in extreme temperatures or executed in mass killings of political prisoners, while others died in disastrous famines.”
I once interviewed former socialist Joshua Muravchik, who wrote Heaven on Earth, which chronicles the rise and fall of socialism in various manifestations. He told me how Stalin “starved to death [millions] in a deliberately created famine that was intended to impose collectivization of farms in the Soviet Union.”
These peasant farmers did not want Communism forced on them. Muravchik describes what happened next: “When they resisted being collectivized, Stalin deliberately starved them into submission by simply sending the army and the secret police to the rural districts and taking away their produce, so they had nothing left to eat.”
During the 1930s, in his forced famine against the Ukraine, Stalin even had the census workers shot, so the world would never know just how many people he killed after all. The estimates of the number of human beings killed by their own government in Stalin’s Russia ranges from 20 to 40 million people. Muravchik adds, “The Communist countries did prove to be the greatest killers of all time. We don’t have even to this day exact numbers.”
Stalin had once observed that one person being killed was a “tragedy,” but 10,000 killed was merely a “statistic.”
But Stalin didn’t just have it in for peasants who resisted collectivization, he also targeted Christians. In 1925, the Soviets under Stalin had founded the League of Militant Godless (LMG) to eradicate all religion. Dr. David Barrett, editor of the massive World Christian Encyclopedia, says that in 1934, Stalin, “widely regarded as the Antichrist, attempt[ed] liquidation of [the] entire Christian church.”
And yet by 1941, the LMG disbanded in failure. Despite all the crushing, brutal attacks; despite the fact that Stalin boasted of having killed some 10 million Ukrainian Christians, he still could not eradicate Christianity. Nor could his predecessor, nor his successors in the Soviet Union. Jesus said He would build His church, and the gates of hell could not prevail against it.
From time to time, I reread 1984. Stalin is front and center in that novel written by a former socialist, George Orwell, in 1948. Big Brother with his big, bushy mustache is Joe Stalin. Big Brother is watching.
Then you have Emmanuel Goldstein, the subject of the “two-minute hates,” where people vent their spleen against the vanquished former comrade. He is undoubtedly patterned after Leon Trotsky, who was there in the beginning of the Russian Revolution, working alongside Comrade Joseph, until the latter managed to get complete control. Then Trotsky became “an enemy of the people.”
There’s a little obscure island that I have seen on numerous occasions off the southern coast of Norway, unofficially dubbed to this day “Trotsky Island,” for the man sought refuge there for two months while hiding from Stalin’s grasp. When Stalin found out where he was, Trotsky fled to Mexico, where a Stalinite later murdered him.
I realize there is a great deal of ignorance among Americans and Westerners in general these days. But please, let’s not bring back any appreciation of “Uncle Joe” Stalin. The blood of 20-40 million cries out in opposition.
Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., is an on-air host/senior producer for D. James Kennedy Ministries. He has written/co-written 29 books, e.g., The Unstoppable Jesus Christ, Doubting Thomas (w/ Mark Beliles, on Jefferson), and What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? (w/ D. James Kennedy) & the bestseller, George Washington’s Sacred Fire (w/ Peter Lillback) djkm.org @newcombejerry
Disinfecting the White House Press Room
By S.P. Palermo
In light of a recent report by the Media Research Center which showed that 91% of his coverage is negative, President Trump suggested it is time to clean up the press room by revoking some press credentials.
In response, Democrats are attempting to falsely define the narrative.
Typical, for them.
For example, the correct term is abortion, not pro-choice.
The correct term is illegal alien, not undocumented.
The correct term is mental deficiency, not progressivism.
And, in the case of many occupants in today’s White House press room, the term is activist, not journalist.
Here is how the media is attempting to frame the president’s suggestion:
“President Trump says he might revoke credentials from some journalists.”
Wrong. Very wrong.
He is not talking about unbiased journalists. He’s talking about Democrats in disguise.
The hottest of hot takes on the issue comes from, no surprise, VOX, who posted this scorching point of relevancy, destined to blow up the entire direction of the story: “The most recent Media Research Center report, from Jan 1 to April 30 of this year, shows that 90% of Trump coverage was negative, not 91%. Previous Media Research reports, issued last fall showed 91%.”
Oh, it’s a paltry 90% as opposed to 91%? Well then, that’s different.
NOTHING escapes the sharp eyes of the dull minds over at Vox.
As this welcome and necessary sanitization takes place, the left will try once again to hide the truth. They will attempt to make this an issue about freedom of the press, hoping the American people forget the press is not the press at all, they are sycophantic lap dogs who parrot the distributed talking points from their insect Overlords.
The American people have known for years that much of the media have forsaken journalism for influence peddling. CNN was renamed the Clinton News Network long before Donald Trump came onto the political scene, and deservedly so. During the election, many media outlets, the Washington Post, NY Times and CNN chief amongst them, gave up all remaining pretense of being news sources devoted to presenting facts for the public to digest and form opinions on. They boldly went all in for Hillary, shedding the scant trace of bipartisanship they had remaining.
Now, after the fact, they want to pretend it never happened. They want us to forget their campaigning, and believe they are unbiased new sources. And, entirely convinced they’re intellectually superior to everyone else, they think we can’t see through their charade.
But in the age of new media, they no longer control the narrative.
And they won’t get away with framing the news with lies and counterfeit terminology.
President Trump isn’t banning journalists.
He’s draining the swamp. Just like he promised.
OOPS...Fatal falls are on the rise for America’s senior citizens
Fatal falls are on the rise in the United States, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In 2016, a total of 29,668 Americans ages 65 and older died as a result of a fall. In other words, falls ended the lives of 61.6 out of every 100,000 senior citizens that year.
Back in 2007, there were 47 fall-related deaths for every 100,000 senior citizens.
That means the mortality rate due to falls increased by 31% over the course of a decade, researchers reported in this week's edition of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Accidents and unintentional injuries are the fourth-leading cause of death for Americans of all ages (behind heart disease, cancer and chronic lower respiratory infection). Falls are the most common type of accident or accidental injury.
About one in four senior citizens has a serious fall each year, experts estimate, and these falls prompt nearly 3 million visits to hospital emergency departments. Twenty percent of falls result in broken bones, traumatic brain injury or other significant problems. Once every 19 minutes, a senior citizen in America dies as a result of injuries sustained during a fall.
Fatal falls have become more common for older Americans almost everywhere, according to the new study, which is based on data from death certificates from across the country.
Between 2007 and 2016, the fall-related mortality rate for Americans 65 and older increased significantly in 30 states (including California) as well as in the District of Columbia. It held steady in some states and went up and down in others, but none of the states saw a decline in fatal falls over the entire study period.
The state with the highest mortality rate from falls was Wisconsin, where there were 142.7 such deaths for every 100,000 senior citizens. At the other end of the spectrum was Alabama, with 24.4 fatal falls per 100,000 residents.
The total number of fall-related deaths in 2016 was higher for older women (15,947) than for older men (13,721). However, the mortality rate due to falls was higher for these men (72.3 deaths per 100,000) than for these women (54 deaths per 100,000).
The older Americans became, the greater their risk of dying from a fall. In 2016, there were 15.6 fatal falls for every 100,000 Americans between the ages of 65 and 74. Among adults ages 75 to 84, there were 61.4 such deaths per 100,000 people. And for those ages 85 and up, there were 247.9 fatal falls per 100,000 people.
Since Americans are getting older, they should brace themselves for more fatal falls, the report authors warned.
If the fall-related mortality rate continues to rise by 3% per year, about 59,000 senior citizens will die as a result of a fall in the year 2030. Even if the mortality rate were to suddenly hold steady, the number of fatal falls in 2030 would still climb to 43,000.
For advice on reducing the risk of a fatal fall, check out these tips from the CDC's STEADI — short for Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries — program.
Back in 2007, there were 47 fall-related deaths for every 100,000 senior citizens.
That means the mortality rate due to falls increased by 31% over the course of a decade, researchers reported in this week's edition of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
Accidents and unintentional injuries are the fourth-leading cause of death for Americans of all ages (behind heart disease, cancer and chronic lower respiratory infection). Falls are the most common type of accident or accidental injury.
About one in four senior citizens has a serious fall each year, experts estimate, and these falls prompt nearly 3 million visits to hospital emergency departments. Twenty percent of falls result in broken bones, traumatic brain injury or other significant problems. Once every 19 minutes, a senior citizen in America dies as a result of injuries sustained during a fall.
Fatal falls have become more common for older Americans almost everywhere, according to the new study, which is based on data from death certificates from across the country.
Between 2007 and 2016, the fall-related mortality rate for Americans 65 and older increased significantly in 30 states (including California) as well as in the District of Columbia. It held steady in some states and went up and down in others, but none of the states saw a decline in fatal falls over the entire study period.
The state with the highest mortality rate from falls was Wisconsin, where there were 142.7 such deaths for every 100,000 senior citizens. At the other end of the spectrum was Alabama, with 24.4 fatal falls per 100,000 residents.
The total number of fall-related deaths in 2016 was higher for older women (15,947) than for older men (13,721). However, the mortality rate due to falls was higher for these men (72.3 deaths per 100,000) than for these women (54 deaths per 100,000).
The older Americans became, the greater their risk of dying from a fall. In 2016, there were 15.6 fatal falls for every 100,000 Americans between the ages of 65 and 74. Among adults ages 75 to 84, there were 61.4 such deaths per 100,000 people. And for those ages 85 and up, there were 247.9 fatal falls per 100,000 people.
Since Americans are getting older, they should brace themselves for more fatal falls, the report authors warned.
If the fall-related mortality rate continues to rise by 3% per year, about 59,000 senior citizens will die as a result of a fall in the year 2030. Even if the mortality rate were to suddenly hold steady, the number of fatal falls in 2030 would still climb to 43,000.
For advice on reducing the risk of a fatal fall, check out these tips from the CDC's STEADI — short for Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries — program.
BREAKING: Sara Carter Explains To Hannity That The FBI May Have Had A SPY Within The Trump Campaign; Here’s What We Know…
May 10, 2018 Jack
Thursday night on Fox News, Sara Carter dropped a bombshell on Sean Hannity.
The already corrupt and troubled FBI seems to be in a world of trouble if this story proves to be totally true.
In the midst of an ongoing battle between the FBI and DOJ against Congress, Sara Carter said “there’s concern the FBI actually had a spy within the Trump campaign.”
The FBI had a SPY within the Trump Campaign…WTF!?!?!?!pic.twitter.com/ort04CjAA1
Sara Carter was referencing a Wall Street Journal report accusing the FBI of potentially spying on the Trump campaign.
On Thursday, the DOJ lost to the Congress, allowing the House Intelligence Committee access to classified documents into the rigged FBI investigation of the Trump campaign. Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes has been requesting critical details on one of the FBI’s secret sources, who now appears to likely have been an FBI agent working for the Trump campaign in an attempt to spy and take down Donald Trump.
The FBI and DOJ have been deliberately hiding the details of the bombshell revelations from the House Intel Committee. Meanwhile, Nunes has been fighting for answers.
House Speaker Paul Ryan even admitted the questions and details Nunes has been pressing the FBI for are “something that probably should have been answered a while ago.”
According to the breaking report:
We know Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.
This would amount to spying, and it is hugely disconcerting. It would also be a major escalation from the electronic surveillance we already knew about, which was bad enough. Obama political appointees rampantly “unmasked” Trump campaign officials to monitor their conversations, while the FBI played dirty with its surveillance warrant against Carter Page, failing to tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that its supporting information came from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Now we find it may have also been rolling out human intelligence, John Le Carré style, to infiltrate the Trump campaign.
The Mueller investigation, the Trump campaign being wiretapped, and now potentially an FBI spy in the Trump campaign yet there’s still no evidence of any crimes or collusion committed by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
Earlier today, Rush Limbaugh said, “I would not be surprised if, in fact, the FBI planted an informant in the Trump campaign in order to try to prove this Russia collusion business.”
Limbaugh continued, “And the story says the ‘role of the intelligence source’ could further provoke Republicans who have accused Justice and the FBI of engaging in ‘misuse of their surveillance power,” and, here we go, ‘hinting that the government may have used the source to snoop on the Trump campaign’”
“There it is. So it’s a pretty safe bet that the FBI planted an informant in the Trump campaign. Nunes wants to know who it is; the DOJ says, ‘No way, Jose!’” he stated.
Limbaugh then brought the hammer down, “If they had an informant in that campaign who was supposed to find the collusion and they still don’t have it? I mean, look at what we’re learning. They had an informant in the campaign, and they still don’t have any evidence!”
One thing is for sure, the FBI is in for a rough time when what they’ve been hiding is exposed.
She Frees Her Husband of 79 Years from Nursing Home, Takes Care of Him Herself
By Kayla Kunkel
Merle and Stella Keena’s story just might be the most heartwarming thing you hear today.
The couple has been married for 79 years. Stella, now 95, was 17 years old at the time. “Yeah, she was a cute chick back then,” Merle, now 101, laughed.
“I’m Norwegian and he’s Irish. They said it would never last,” Stella said.
Despite the many trials their marriage has faced over almost eight decades, their love for each other hasn’t wavered.
At one point, the couple was separated when Merle was put into a nursing home. Merle described it as the “worst experience I ever had.”
Seeing her husband unhappy drove Stella to action. She couldn’t just leave her husband there to suffer.
“I brought him home. I take of him,” she said. She does as much as she’s able to do and Merle is much happier now that he’s back with his wife.
“I do a little bit of cooking and I see that he gets good food ’cause that’s what he likes. And he gets what he wants. And it works,” she said.
She recognizes that she isn’t able to do everything, but they luckily have a great support system that helps out.
Sam Noe, a boy who lives in the neighborhood, makes sure that the snow around their house is blown and even takes out the trash for them.
“Sam, he’s there when you need him,” Merle said. Sam said that he was just following in his family’s footsteps by helping people out in the neighborhood.
He tries to deny the money the Keenas offer him for his help, but says that he often loses those fights.
Their grandchildren also help out by running errands and doing other household chores like buying groceries and doing laundry. “I have a lot of good help,” Stella said.
“I’m happy and he’s happy and when he’s happy, I’m happy,” she said. Merle sweetly responded, “I’m happy when she’s around.”
The Keena’s story is one of those love stories that restores your hope in long lasting marriage. They’ve truly found their fairy tale ending.
Ciao…….Helen and Moe Lauzier
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