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Thursday, Apr. 19, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Tough Sheriff Clay Hollister keeps the law in Tombstone, Arizona with the support of his faithful Deputies and the Editor of the local newspaper.
Tombstone Territory is an American Western series starring Pat Conway and Richard Eastham. The series' first two seasons aired on ABC from 1957 to 1959. The first season was sponsored by Bristol-Myers (consumer products) and the second season by Lipton (tea/soup) and Philip Morris (Marlboro cigarettes). The third and final season aired in syndication from 1959 until 1960. The program was produced by Ziv Television.
Tombstone Territory is an American Western series starring Pat Conway and Richard Eastham. The series' first two seasons aired on ABC from 1957 to 1959. The first season was sponsored by Bristol-Myers (consumer products) and the second season by Lipton (tea/soup) and Philip Morris (Marlboro cigarettes). The third and final season aired in syndication from 1959 until 1960. The program was produced by Ziv Television.
Series background
This program took place in the boom town of Tombstone, Arizona Territory, one of the Old West's most notorious towns and the site of the shootout known as the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Located south of Tucson, Tombstone was then known by the sobriquet "the town too tough to die." The program's theme song, "Whistle Me Up a Memory", was written and performed by a New York City advertising writer, William M. Backer.[1]
The series did not deal with real characters in the history of Tombstone in the 1880s, such as Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, or the Clanton Gang. It was about fictional characters in the American Southwest. Conway played Sheriff Clay Hollister. Eastham, the only other actor besides Conway to appear in all the episodes, played Harris Claibourne, editor of The Tombstone Epitaph (an actual newspaper that still exists in limited form). Eastham also narrated the series in a deep baritone voice,[2] describing each episode as an actual report from the newspaper's archives.
The Ziv TV series aired on Wednesdays on ABC in the 1957-1958 season opposite Robert Young's sitcom Father Knows Best, then broadcast on NBC. It was returned to the ABC schedule for 12 new episodes on March 13, 1959, followed by summer rebroadcasts. It replaced the first season of Charles Bronson's Man with a Camera on Friday evenings at the 9:00 Eastern time slot, preceding the popular detective series 77 Sunset Strip. After the network run, Tombstone Territory was placed in syndication and ran mostly outside prime time in selected markets until it ceased production. Conway and Eastham appeared in all 91 episodes.
Fun trip. If you include Tombstone in your vacation plans allow a full day at least. It’s truly a trip ‘down memory lane’.
The beat goes on...Hooray…
BOMBSHELL: DOJ Sends Criminal Referral For Andrew McCabe; Here’s What It Means…
The Department of Justice’s inspector general sent a criminal referral for fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C.
According to Fox News, federal prosecutors in Washington will now determine whether McCabe should be charged criminally for lying to federal agents at the DOJ and FBI.
McCabe is now closer than ever to being charged for lying to federal prosecutors.
The explosive admission follows a report from the IG’s office last week, which revealed McCabe lied at least four times to DOJ investigators when questioned about leaking sensitive information to the media.
According to the IG’s report, McCabe lied once to former FBI Director James Comey, once to FBI officials, and twice to DOJ investigators about authorizing leaks about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
McCabe provided the information to The Wall Street Journal in October 2016 that downplayed the severity of the FBI’s investigations into Clinton’s private email server and the “pay-for-play” scheme at the Clinton Foundation.
News of the criminal referral quickly scorched across Twitter on Thursday:
Andrew McCabe lied to his FBI superiors not once. Not twice. Not three times. He lied four times–multiple times under oath.
The criminal referral from the IG is the right decision. It's about time we have some accountability for this type of conduct at the Justice Department.
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows)
McCabe said his GoFundMe was for congressional inquiries and suing the US Govt over his termination. If he uses it for criminal defense is this fraud?
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec)
Exactly what I’ve been reporting for months…based on the evidence IG Horowitz had to send his findings to the Attorney General to consider criminal charges against McCabe https://t.co/ytDYwt9QhL
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC)
The criminal referral from the IG is the right decision. It's about time we have some accountability for this type of conduct at the Justice Department.
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows)
McCabe said his GoFundMe was for congressional inquiries and suing the US Govt over his termination. If he uses it for criminal defense is this fraud?
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec)
Exactly what I’ve been reporting for months…based on the evidence IG Horowitz had to send his findings to the Attorney General to consider criminal charges against McCabe https://t.co/ytDYwt9QhL
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC)
The criminal referral is also major news because it may set precedent for the DOJ to charge other former officials for breaking the law.
It may also spell trouble for Comey, who lied under oath in June 2017 when he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey told lawmakers that he never personally leaked or authorized anyone at the FBI to leak information about the Clinton investigation.
Comey answered “never” and “no” to both of the questions from lawmakers.
On Wednesday, Michael Bromwich, the attorney representing McCabe, released a statement stating that Comey is lying about that claim. McCabe asserts that Comey knew he was leaking information to the media about the Clinton investigation and authorized it.
If that’s true, it would mean Comey lied under oath before Congress — which is a felony.
Will a criminal referral be sent to prosecutors for Comey? If McCabe is on the verge of being charged for lying, then Comey should be subjected to the exact same treatment.
It may also spell trouble for Comey, who lied under oath in June 2017 when he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Comey told lawmakers that he never personally leaked or authorized anyone at the FBI to leak information about the Clinton investigation.
Comey answered “never” and “no” to both of the questions from lawmakers.
On Wednesday, Michael Bromwich, the attorney representing McCabe, released a statement stating that Comey is lying about that claim. McCabe asserts that Comey knew he was leaking information to the media about the Clinton investigation and authorized it.
If that’s true, it would mean Comey lied under oath before Congress — which is a felony.
Will a criminal referral be sent to prosecutors for Comey? If McCabe is on the verge of being charged for lying, then Comey should be subjected to the exact same treatment.
Department of Justice To Release Comey Memos to Congress
Here we go!
The Justice Department has finally agreed to release the fabled Comey memos to Congress. These memos, the subject of which was the basis for Comey’s self-serving memoir, supposedly contain information that’s damning of President Trump.
More importantly, the memos were used to set up the special counsel investigation, now being led by Robert Mueller.
Comey deliberately leaked these memos to a friend. Now we’re finally going to get to the bottom of what’s actually within them.
The Department of Justice is expected to send to Congress on Thursday afternoon copies of former FBI Director James Comey’s memos documenting his interactions with President Donald Trump, according to a source familiar with the department’s plans.
Comey has told lawmakers he drafted seven memos detailing his encounters with the president in person and on the phone. He has also publicly claimed that he felt pressured by Trump to back off the FBI’s pursuit of an investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia as well as into his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.
The memos are believed to be central to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether Trump or his allies attempted to obstruct the Russia probe.
Comey has told lawmakers he drafted seven memos detailing his encounters with the president in person and on the phone. He has also publicly claimed that he felt pressured by Trump to back off the FBI’s pursuit of an investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia as well as into his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.
The memos are believed to be central to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether Trump or his allies attempted to obstruct the Russia probe.
This could be big. Depending on what’s in these memos, the Mueller probe could appear justified, or be revealed to be a complete and utter farce. Whatever happens, Congress will get a firsthand look at exactly what Comey was thinking while dealing with President Trump.
I wouldn’t count on the substance of the memos to remain a secret from the public for very long either.
Joe Biden is known to get “handsy” with women and girls
Joe Biden appears to be the leading candidate to run against President Trump in 2020, but there seems to be a major problem…
While this public image is generally good, those who know Biden in Washington claim his “handsiness” is well known.
Creepy Uncle Joe
Democrats can cry conspiracy theory all they want.
Countless video compilations have been made showing just how much Joe likes to put his hands on other women.
Biden was so bold, in fact, he had no problems making a pass at a woman with her man sitting right there at the same table, as is pictured above.
The only thing we can say about that picture is that at least it was a grown woman.
On far too many occasions, pictures of Mr. Biden have made their way around showing him with an underage girl looking far too uncomfortable for our liking.
And with adult women, as the above picture hints, Biden stands far too close or puts his hands in inappropriate positions more often than not.
It’s a Problem
This is not something that is limited to just Joe Biden, either.
In fact, it is something that is running rampant throughout Washington, but more so in the Democrat party.
A former staff member of Rep. Bobby Scott accused him of sexual misconduct.
Democrats were so outraged by the conduct of Rep. Ruben Kihuen’s conduct, they called for him to resign.
Senator Al Franken saw members of his own party demand he step down after some disgusting pictures went public of him inappropriately posing over a sleeping woman while on a USO tour.
Clearly, all of these men have gone on a power trip that has them thinking they are above the law, especially when it comes to the treatment of women.
Clearly, all of these men have gone on a power trip that has them thinking they are above the law, especially when it comes to the treatment of women.
Come the 2020 presidential election, we would recommend Creepy Uncle Joe stay home, otherwise some nasty skeletons hiding in his closet will come out to haunt him.
Stormy Fail: Trump’s Evangelical Support Hits Record High
A poll by the Public Religion Research Institute shows that support for President Trump among white evangelicals has hit a record high of 75 percent. Only 22 percent view the president unfavorably.
The Hill reports that the “president’s favorability with white evangelicals in the poll has steadily risen over time, with his previous high being at 74 percent in February 2017.”
At one point this year, though, that number sat at just 68 percent.
In this same poll, among the general public, Trump’s job approval number sits at 42 percent, a five point jump since January.
One key take away from this poll is the establishment media’s total failure to separate Trump from the evangelical vote. This goal is why the media is willing to make such hypocritical fools of themselves while obsessing over Trump’s sex life.
The very same media that ignored, downplayed, and defended Bill Clinton and John Edwards from sex scandals that occurred in the White House and on the campaign trail, are more than willing to look ridiculous frenzying over the possibility that Trump might have boinked some hotties in consensual relationships more than a dozen years ago.
The whole point of this coverage is to undermine Trump’s support with his core in the evangelical community, which only proves how provincial and out-of-touch the media are in believing such a thing would work.
What’s more, when you see the jump in support from 68 percent to 75 percent during the very same period the media decided to go 24/7 with Trump’s sex life, it is safe to say that this tactic has not only failed, it has backfired.
Of course, the media are not alone. There are a countless number of stupes in the NeverTrump movement, like Jonah Goldberg, who are just as obsessed and ignorant.
To begin with, as Tucker Carlson so memorably put it, after eight years of Christians having their religious freedoms under assault during the Obama-era, we are looking for a bodyguard, not a saint. And let us not forget that many of the saints were not saints, but rather complicated, fallen, and difficult people who fell short in all kinds of ways.
Moreover, a present-day scandal (Edwards, Clinton) compared to something that might have happened over a decade ago, is just not a concern to the Faithful (I’m Catholic), especially when the fascist state wants us to pay for abortions and force Christian cake and floral artists to participate in the sacramentalization of sin that is a same sex wedding.
But because their bigoted and narrow minds stereotype evangelicals, the media and NeverTrump have confused the Faithful with the Pharisees — those judgmental finger-pointers who damn the imperfect. These bigots have forgotten that Christians are instead taught to refrain from judgment and to focus on our own sins.
The truth is that it is the media and NeverTrump who are behaving like the Pharisees, using sin as a political weapon to further their own mercenary goals. There is no principle behind their self-righteous moralizing, just ego and bitterness, a craven desire to emotionally blackmail and manipulate people.
Jesus had the choice of siding with the sinners or the hypocritical Pharisees. He chose the sinners, knowing there was at least some hope for their salvation while the strident, sanctimonious Pharisees were hopeless.
There is an important lesson in that.
As long as Trump keeps protecting our rights and the pious scolds keep standing atop the logs in their eyes to hector us into condemning others, this is a shockingly easy choice.
Shock Poll: 59 Percent Of Californians Want Increased Deportations of Illegals
Getty Images
A poll released by UC Berkeley’s Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, a left-wing organization, found some shocking results in the far-left state of California, including a desire from a clear majority of 59 percent to “increase deportations” of illegal immigrants.
California, which advertises itself as a progressive sanctuary state for illegal aliens, has been on the front-lines fighting against President Donald Trump’s push to finally enforce America’s immigration laws. From all of the reporting coming from our disgraced media, you would be led to believe that not only is all of California opposed to enforcing immigration law, but a majority of the American people. Hidden in this survey, however, is a truth our media never tells, as well as a number of other interesting finds.
While 59 percent of Californians believe it is very (24 percent) or somewhat (35 percent) important to increase deportations of illegals, in the bluer than blue Bay Area, that number holds at 60 percent.
If you are dumb enough to believe the American media, here are some other findings you will consider counter-intuitive:
A full 49 percent of Californians support Trump’s ban on refugees from failed countries (only 51 percent oppose). Even in the Bay Area, 44 percent support Trump’s ban.
Only 54 percent of oh-so lefty, tolerant Californians have a positive view of Muslims.
A full 88 percent say that speaking English is important.
On the issue of assimilation, a huge majority of Californians (73 percent) — including 69 percent of Latinos and 67 percent of blacks — believe that it is “either somewhat or very important to blend into the larger society.”
A majority of 58 percent believe “raising taxes on corporations would either hurt the California economy or make no difference.”
Only 42 percent believe raising taxes on corporations would “help the California economy.”
As far as the government fixing “income inequality,” a clear majority of 54 percent say that “the government should play a minor role or no role at all,” while only 46 percent want the government to play a “major” role.
As California’s breathtaking homeless, inequality, and illegal immigration failures reach a point to where even a sympathetic news media can no longer cover them up, the public appears to be waking up. There also appears to be a backlash brewing against Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA) and his rubber stamps in the Democrat-infested state legislature — at least when it comes to allowing countless numbers of illegals to pour in.
California’s elite do not ever have to face the effects of unfettered illegal immigration, what it does to lower working class wages, steal jobs, undermine public education, the gangs, the crime… The everyday people do, though, and resentment is simmering.
Don’t misunderstand me, the California population-at-large is still left-wing on a number of other issues in this poll, but the numbers above are what you would expect from a state that Trump won, not one that he lost by a whopping 29 points.
In fact, because of the way our news media attempts to shape rather than report on reality, 59 percent wanting increased deportations would be a surprising find in any state, which brings me to my closing point…
If these numbers look like this in The People’s Republic of California, imagine the support Trump enjoys on these issues in the other 49 states.
Out-of-state drivers owe MassDOT $15 million in Massachusetts Turnpike tolls under gantry system
By Shannon Young syoung@repub.com
Out-of-state drivers traveling along the Massachusetts Turnpike without E-ZPass transponders owe the state more than $15 million in uncollected tolls and fees -- payments the Massachusetts Department of Transportation is largely unable to collect.
As of this month, MassDOT reported that more than 2 million out-of-state drivers had traveled on Interstate 90 without transponders under the new system, which replaced toll plazas with scanners mounted atop gantries.
Of those "pay-by-plate" drivers, nearly 1.8 million had made at least one payment for tolls owed since the cashless system took effect in October 2016 -- for a total collection of $54 million, officials said.
About $15 million in tolls and fees, however, remained outstanding from more than 456,800 out-of-state, pay-by-plate accounts -- only $2.8 million of which MassDOT can essentially force payment on due to reciprocity agreements it has with Maine and New Hampshire, officials said.
Under such agreements, Massachusetts can block New Hampshire and Maine drivers with outstanding toll balances from renewing their vehicle registrations after 90 days without payment, according to MassDOT.
Massachusetts drivers who don't pay uncollected tolls can also face holds placed on their licenses and registrations.
Without similar agreements in place for other states, including neighboring New York, Connecticut and Vermont, Massachusetts transportation officials can take little recourse beyond sending invoices when seeking payments from out-of-state, pay-by-plate accounts.
According to MassDOT, 9 percent of pay-by-plate customers hail from Connecticut, while 6 percent are from New York. New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Florida and Pennsylvania, in turn, accounted for 2 percent of such customers, and New Jersey, Maine and Ontario drivers made up 1 percent.
MassDOT spokesman Patrick Marvin, who noted that Massachusetts is "continuing to explore reciprocity agreements with other outside states to optimize collections of toll funds," said that the agency "is on track with revenue projections."
Marvin offered that transportation officials estimated the agency would see about 4 to 5 percent of total tolling revenue -- including that from pay-by-plate and E-ZPass sources -- go uncollected under the all-electronic system.
"This estimation was incorporated into the tolling rate structure and into planning our operations, maintenance and capital programs," he said in an email.
A November 2015 MassDOT estimate on operating and revenue expenses suggested that the agency could see a loss of between $15.9 million and $16.1 million per year in uncollected toll revenue.
Marvin said that the $15 million outstanding balance from out-of-state drivers doesn't "necessarily equate to lost revenue, as MassDOT has several measures in place to collect these funds," like contacting customers via U.S. mail and consistent review of billing details to ensure correct customer contact information.
He noted that mailing and processing costs are covered by a 60-cent invoicing fee included in each mailing sent to pay-by-plate customers. But that cost is only recovered if an out-of-state driver sends in a toll payment.
The agency has spent about $800,000 on mailing costs related to the $15 million in outstanding charges, according to MassDOT.
Marvin, who noted that most Turnpike tolling trips -- over 87 percent -- are billed and automatically collected from those using the E-ZPass transponder, said the agency is still looking into the possibility of hiring a firm to assist with collecting overdue out-of-state charges.
"MassDOT is continuing to analyze this potential measure," he said, adding "there has been no request for proposal" yet.
Massachusetts switched to the all-electronic system in 2016. It replaced toll plazas at more than two dozen locations with 16 metal gantries featuring cameras that can read E-ZPass transponders or take pictures of license plates for vehicles without transponders.
Under the new system, MassDOT automatically deducts tolls from drivers using an E-ZPass and sends pay-by-plate toll invoices to the owners of vehicles without such transponders.
Transportation officials have argued that switching to an all-electronic tolling system would cut down on traffic back-ups and car crashes, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut the time it takes to get in and out of Boston.
Marvin said the new system "contains several upgrades over manual tolling, such as front- and rear-facing cameras and improved vehicle detection that helps ensure MassDOT is able to bill customers for their tolling charges."
Ciao…….Helen and Moe Lauzier
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