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Sunday, Apr. 1, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
President Trump’s Easter and Passover Message: ‘God’s Love Redeems the World’
President Donald Trump delivered a greeting to the American people celebrating Easter and Passover, addressing both Christians and Jews.
“Both of these sacred celebrations remind us that God’s love redeems the world,” Trump said.
He cited Isaiah 60:2-3 to recall God’s blessings on the world.
“Darkness covers the earth, but the LORD rises upon you, and his glory appears over you. For the Lord will be your everlasting light,” Trump read:
Trump reminded Americans of the country’s religious heritage, thanking God for His gifts.
“In America, we look to the light of God to guide our steps, we trust in the power of the Almighty for wisdom and strength, and we praise our Heavenly Father for the blessings of freedom and the gift of eternal life,” he said.
Pulse nightclub shooter’s widow cleared of helping in massacre |
BOMBSHELL: Stormy Daniels Tried To Sell Her ‘Story’ Before The 2016 Election And Got NO TAKERS
Stormy Daniels reportedly already failed at trying to sell her story prior to the election.
It’s pretty clear Stormy’s only care in the world seems to be getting as much money as she possibly can.
The Daily Mail reports:
The porn star whose bombshell claims about sex with Donald Trump have rocked his presidency desperately tried to sell her story for $200,000 — nearly 50 percent more than the ‘hush’ money she received, DailyMail.com can reveal.
Stormy Daniels’s manager made the rounds of celebrity magazines, television shows, and websites in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, hoping someone would bite.
She promised a story of Stormy’s titillating sexcapade with the man who would soon be in the Oval Office.
But with polling day getting ever closer, and her chances of a payday getting more remote as Trump appeared doomed to lose to Hillary Clinton, Daniels gave up on her money chase and accepted the $130,000 that Trump attorney Michael Cohen had dangled in front of her in a bid to keep the story quiet.
Stormy couldn’t get the money she wanted before the election and now she’s probably making a nice cash bonus because the mainstream media wants to see the President of the United States of America fail so badly.
CNN’s obsession with the story is out of control, pushing Stormy into the headlines every possible minute. It’s comical at this point because Trump supporters have made it increasingly care they don’t care about the Daniels Story.
Stormy elaborated on the story during her interview with Anderson Cooper saying, “Suddenly people are reaching out to me again, offering me money. Large amounts of money. Was I tempted? Yes – I struggle with it.”
Also today, Stormy’s case got shut down by a judge in California after her attorney’s request to depose President Trump was deemed “premature.”
Do you think Stormy’s previous failed attempts jeopardizes the credibility of the allegations?
Stormy Daniels tried to sell her story for $200,000 before the election (including an attempt directed to us) but she had no takers. https://t.co/Rz7J0Qpxvn pic.twitter.com/IcF9OvwkhN
— David Martosko (@dmartosko) March 29, 2018
A judge has rejected a request by a lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels to depose President Trump as part of an ongoing legal battle.
The attorney for Daniels, immediately said he would refile the motion to depose Trump… LIBERALS HEADS ARE EXPLODING ALL OVER THE MSM
— Paint King (@Paintking) March 29, 2018
Stormy Daniels’ story falls apart after radio host points out…
Adult film star Stormy Daniels has kept her name in the headlines by claiming to have had an affair with President Donald Trump over a decade ago — and the mainstream media can’t get enough of her controversial story.
But conservative radio host Steve Malzberg turned the whole thing upside-down with a simple observation on Monday.
Despite changing her story multiple times, Daniels was invited to appear on CBS News’ “60 Minutes” last weekend. In her appearance, Daniels shared new details on what critics call a conveniently evolving story.
Daniels asserted that the alleged affair was consensual but also said she was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement about her friendship with Trump.
The part of Daniels’ “60 Minutes” story that raised eyebrows the most was her claim that an unknown man approached her in a parking lot in Las Vegas, seemingly from out of nowhere, threatened her into silence.
Late in her interview with anchor Anderson Cooper, Daniels claimed she would easily recognize this unnamed man again — and Malzberg jumped on that information to challenge the authenticity of her entire tale.
But conservative radio host Steve Malzberg turned the whole thing upside-down with a simple observation on Monday.
Despite changing her story multiple times, Daniels was invited to appear on CBS News’ “60 Minutes” last weekend. In her appearance, Daniels shared new details on what critics call a conveniently evolving story.
Daniels asserted that the alleged affair was consensual but also said she was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement about her friendship with Trump.
The part of Daniels’ “60 Minutes” story that raised eyebrows the most was her claim that an unknown man approached her in a parking lot in Las Vegas, seemingly from out of nowhere, threatened her into silence.
Late in her interview with anchor Anderson Cooper, Daniels claimed she would easily recognize this unnamed man again — and Malzberg jumped on that information to challenge the authenticity of her entire tale.
I challenged #StormyDaniels to go to a sketch artist and let's see who "threatened" her in a parking lot. Remember #StormyDanielsInterview she said she would recognize him in a minute. .@MalzbergShow @realDonaldTrump #tcot @andersoncooper https://twitter.com/RT_America/status/978441976973373440 …
In a recent television appearance, Malzberg expanded on his challenge.
“When the center of attention becomes a porn star accusing the president really of nothing. It was consensual. She did it because she wanted to. He treated her kindly. “The Playboy model said the same thing. She was in love with him. I mean, people don’t want to see this trash,” Malzberg said.
He went on to point out the double standard of the mainstream media regarding the claims.
“First of all, Stormy Daniels said she lied. She signed an affidavit. She admitted she lied. She lied, she lied, she lied! And now she says she was threatened in a parking lot?” Malzberg said. “She told Anderson Cooper, ‘If I see that guy again, I’ll know exactly who he is.’ Challenge: Go to a sketch artist. Describe him. And let’s see it now. I’ll pay for it.”
It will be interesting to see if Daniels takes up Malzberg’s offer — or if she’ll change her story again.
— The Horn editorial team
“When the center of attention becomes a porn star accusing the president really of nothing. It was consensual. She did it because she wanted to. He treated her kindly. “The Playboy model said the same thing. She was in love with him. I mean, people don’t want to see this trash,” Malzberg said.
He went on to point out the double standard of the mainstream media regarding the claims.
“First of all, Stormy Daniels said she lied. She signed an affidavit. She admitted she lied. She lied, she lied, she lied! And now she says she was threatened in a parking lot?” Malzberg said. “She told Anderson Cooper, ‘If I see that guy again, I’ll know exactly who he is.’ Challenge: Go to a sketch artist. Describe him. And let’s see it now. I’ll pay for it.”
It will be interesting to see if Daniels takes up Malzberg’s offer — or if she’ll change her story again.
— The Horn editorial team
The Case Against Anti-Trump McCabe Gets Worse
Daily Caller by: Chuck Ross
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied four times, including to James Comey, about his authorization of leaks to the media, according to a Republican lawmaker familiar with an internal FBI report recommending McCabe’s firing.
“He didn’t lie just once; he lied four times,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Thursday.
“He didn’t lie just once; he lied four times,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Thursday.
“Four times he lied. He lied to James Comey. He lied to the [FBI’s] Office of Professional Responsibility, and he lied twice under oath to the inspector general.”
Jordan, a Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee, told The Daily Caller News Foundation earlier on Thursday the Office of Professional Responsibility report revealed McCabe not only did not tell Comey he authorized leaks to the media, he “affirmatively denied” he did so.
Read more at https://ift.tt/2GZ9OW4
Democratic Ties to the Nation of Islam — and Why it Matters
In case you’re not familiar with the current status of the Nation of Islam, the black nationalism advocacy group has been labeled a hate group by The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Hate groups are recognized as any social group that advocates or practices violence or hostility on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, nation, or sexual identity.
The SPLC, along with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), are the two non-profits in the United States that are organized for the purpose of monitoring public intolerance and maintains a list of known US hate groups.
The Nation of Islam is basically a combined religion and political activist group. The group takes some of Islam’s traditional teachings, and pairs them with a black nationalist agenda. So, rather than presenting as a strictly Muslim religion, the nationalist rhetoric is mixed with the dialogue of African American suffering and the diminished social and economic condition of all black people.
The truth is that many in the Muslim world, especially Sunni Muslims, reject the offshoot for two reasons. First of all, the Nation believes that God will return to Earth in person as a male human. Secondly, it is their response to white racism, such referring to them as ‘devils’ and viewing white racist in a mythical realm of evil, rather than the social and mental aberration that it is.
So, when Democratic politicians are aligned with The Nation of Islam, it is wise to take notice. California Rep. Maxine Waters is just the latest Democrat that has been found to have links with the hate group. A video from 2002 has surfaced, shot at a Nation of Islam convention which found Rep. Maxine Water in attendance.
Louis Farrakhan spoke at the convention in defense of suicide bombers that were active at the time in Palestine. While Rep. Waters did not speak, she was seated on the stage, and received acknowledgement from Farrakhan when he gestured towards her seat and said, “We have Maxine Waters here.”
Other notable Democrats have also been tied to or seen publicly associating with the Nation. The Anti-Defamation League asked repeatedly for then US Senator Barack Obama to denounce The Nation of Islam after a photo surfaced of a 2005 meeting with the anti-Semitic leader. Obviously, the story was buried in the press, allegedly suppressed by an unidentified CBC staffer.
Other Congressional Black Caucus members who were reported to also be in attendance according to the journalist who snapped the photograph included Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., and Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga, none of whom are presently in Congress.
In 2016, CNN reported on Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison’s past Islamic ties, especially since he was running for election to lead the Democratic National Committee. Rep. Ellison is the very first Muslim person elected to Congress. In 2006, he did renounce his association with, and any future ties to the Nation of Islam stating at the time, “I have long since distanced myself from and rejected the Nation of Islam due to its propagation of bigoted and anti-Semitic ideas and statements, as well as other issues.”
While the Nation of Islam seems to be past its glory days, the SPLC has noticed that as white extremists groups are growing in the US, so are black separatism ideologies. And both of these trends are creating a favorable teaching environment for the Nation of Islam.
This is the current status of the Democratic Party: a bitter faction willing to align with anti-semites to promote its agenda.
~ Liberty Planet
Trump wall would stretch 1,000 miles on border
The Trump administration’s plans for a border wall will put about 1,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border behind some barrier — up from 654 miles right now, the Border Patrol said Friday.
“That will make a major difference,” said Ronald D. Vitiello, acting deputy commissioner at U.S. Customs and Border Protection, as he briefed reporters on progress in building the wall.
He said wall construction is already underway in Calexico, California, thanks to money the Trump administration won last year, and up to 100 miles of additional wall money was approved in the new 2018 spending bill President Trump signed last week.
Some of that upgrades existing fencing while other wall will cover new mileage.
The wall has become a major symbol of Mr. Trump’s approach to immigration, with the president saying it’s critical to cutting the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs that cross from Mexico.
Democrats have blocked more extensive funding, saying they don’t see the efficacy of a wall at this point.
A recent Democratic staff report claimed Border Patrol agents themselves aren’t calling for a wall, instead asking for more technology and manpower.
“Our agents and officers have decades of experience and they know their operational needs,” he said.
24 million could skip Census because of citizenship question: Report
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times
The man who ran the 2000 census for the Clinton administration predicted Friday that more than 24 million people may refuse to take part in the 2020 count now that the survey is going to ask about citizenship status.
Robert Shapiro, who was under secretary at the Commerce Department during the 2000 count, called the decision to ask about citizenship “dangerous.”
He predicted 6.8 million illegal immigrants will duck the count altogether, as would about half of the 8.8 million legal residents who live in a household with an illegal immigrant present. The other half, he said, will likely lie and claim the illegal immigrants are citizens, further distorting the count.
Mr. Shapiro said millions of others — such as those who have bungled their student loan payments — would also be wary of filling out the Census accurately, for fear the government might track them down.
The stark warning came days after Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced the Census Bureau will reinstate a question about citizenship on the full 2020 count. It had been a part of decennial counts in the last century, and is part of a number of other census surveys still — but wasn’t part of the count sent to every household in 2010.
The Justice Department had asked for the question to be added back in so it would have better data to enforce the Voting Rights Act. One former official said there are potential cases they cannot pursue because they don’t have good enough data.
Disney Princess Rips Planned Parenthood: ‘Abortion Doesn’t Empower’ Women
Deanna Falchook
A former Disney World princess who had an abortion condemns the recent controversial Planned Parenthood tweet calling for a “Disney princess who’s had an abortion,” by slamming the feminist narrative that abortion “empowers” women.
Writing at Medium, Deanna Falchook refers to the now deleted message tweeted by Planned Parenthood Keystone – a Pennsylvania affiliate of the abortion chain:
Here is the deleted tweet from the organization the GOP funds.
11:32 AM - Mar 27, 2018
Falchook relates to readers that in 1981, while she was 18 and working at Disney World both as a singer and dancer as well as the voice of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty in Disney recordings, she became pregnant and had an abortion.
She writes:
There was no pressure from the company or management to abort my baby. I didn’t tell them. But I made a decision on my own that I quickly lived to regret.
In the immediate days following my abortion, I struggled deeply. I continued to sing songs in front of the castle about dreams coming true, but eventually had to quit my dream job due to my inability to reconcile my decision within myself. I wanted to die.
Eventually, I found healing. It was an arduous struggle to navigate my personal grief. But by the grace of God, I am living an amazing life.
Falchook eventually married (her real prince charming) and had both a daughter and a son. Later, she became an advocate for orphans and adopted five orphans from various nations.
“We are a blended family of immigrants and American born children representing Jewish culture, Christian, British Royal heritage, Hispanic, Ukrainian, African. And we all are a Disney family beautifully woven together by God’s grace and living in the shadow of Cinderella’s castle in Orlando,” she explains.
In the aftermath of the firestorm over the deleted tweet, Melissa Reed, president & CEO of Planned Parenthood Keystone, responded to USA Today:
Today, we joined an ongoing Twitter conversation about the kinds of princesses people want to see in an attempt to make a point about the importance of telling stories that challenge stigma and championing stories that too often don’t get told. Upon reflection, we decided that the seriousness of the point we were trying to make was not appropriate for the subject matter or context, and we removed the tweet.
Falchook, nevertheless – who has launched a “pro-life princess movement,” says Planned Parenthood is attempting to rewrite princess stories in which the princesses themselves are already strong heroines overcoming evil, ugliness, hate, and death. The princesses of those stories are already empowered, she explains:
Disney doesn’t need a princess who has had an abortion. For years feminists have been princess bashing because they clearly don’t really grasp the depth of the princess stories that have already been told of overcoming evil, beauty rising out of the ugliness of the world, empowering love that is willing to slay dragons, resurrecting life after evil witch potions threatens to poison and demanding true love in a world that wants to rewrite the happy ending into something less romantic. Cinderella, Aurora, Belle, Merida, Ariel, Mulan all represent strength, power, grace, favor, determination and beauty out of ashes.
Abortion doesn’t empower.
Finally, Falchook suggests Planned Parenthood and its friends in the abortion lobby and media may be attempting to rewrite the princess tales “because stories of evil witches in pursuit of killing off beautiful princesses have already been told.”
“I guess they don’t like their part of the story,” she concludes.
Peru Cheats Americans. Will Trump Stop Them?
by: Donny Bomenabori
President Trump said just the other day that "the era of economic surrender is over". He's making his presence known to big offenders like China and Mexico, but there's a case you may not have heard of: Peru. Peru cheated American bondholders, meaning retirees, out of billions of dollars by not paying off the bonds that millions of Americans bought from them. And guess what? They need something from us again.
Breitbart reports that Peru desperately wants to join the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and needs the support of the United States to get there. President Trump has the opportunity to negotiate a better deal for the Americans that were cheated by Peru. The president has the power to stop Americans from being taken advantage of and make Peru pay Americans back, or they don't get into the OECD club. As usual, the president has to take on snide global elites to do it.
President Trump will have to tangle with Mexican globalist and Chairman of the OECD, Jose Angel Gurria, who negotiated NAFTA. Gurria has made all sorts of anti-Trump statements, but that won't stop the president. This is an "America First" fight that only the president can win, and his supporters will stand behind him to stop Peru from cheating Americans, and beat back globalists that have taken advantage for far too long.
Breitbart reports that Peru desperately wants to join the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and needs the support of the United States to get there. President Trump has the opportunity to negotiate a better deal for the Americans that were cheated by Peru. The president has the power to stop Americans from being taken advantage of and make Peru pay Americans back, or they don't get into the OECD club. As usual, the president has to take on snide global elites to do it.
President Trump will have to tangle with Mexican globalist and Chairman of the OECD, Jose Angel Gurria, who negotiated NAFTA. Gurria has made all sorts of anti-Trump statements, but that won't stop the president. This is an "America First" fight that only the president can win, and his supporters will stand behind him to stop Peru from cheating Americans, and beat back globalists that have taken advantage for far too long.
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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