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Friday, Feb. 2, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
Yesterday I was at Costco buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my loyal pet, Owen , the Wonder Dog and was in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog.
What did she think I had an elephant?
So because I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.
I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and the way that it works is, to load your pants pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete, (certified), so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.)
Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I had stopped to pee on a fire hydrant and a car hit me.
I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Costco won't let me shop there anymore. Better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say.
Forward this (especially) to all your retired friends...it will be their laugh for the day!
Very Funny - Thanks George
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union was very inclusive – No wonder it shook up Democrats
Watching and listening to President Trump’s first State of the Union address Tuesday night, I was struck by how wide-ranging and visionary it was. I was also struck by how deeply the Democrats reject everything uttered by President Trump – even when it is something they believe in and support.
The president’s guests were emotionally powerful as examples of his values and the values in which most Americans believe. The synergistic impact of their personal stories being tied into the larger principles of the speech was inspiring. They were not only emotional guests. They were didactic guests, whose stories taught us something about ourselves and the values that have made America both unique and great.
Beyond these moving personal stories, this speech was a powerful collection of reform proposals that outlined a vision for a successful America which, as the president said, has to involve success for all Americans. His theme of making America great again for all Americans is one of the keys to what makes President Trump is so different.
It was a very inclusive speech, and its very inclusiveness seemed to leave the Democratic leaders unnerved. The more President Trump spoke about achieving positive, bipartisan goals, the more uncomfortable and unhappy House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., appeared. Her reaction to this forward-looking speech reminds us why she should not be speaker of the House again.
The contrast between the Trumpian optimism and the Democrats’ gloom and doom was reinforced by Rep. Joe Kennedy III, D-Mass., in his speech responding to the president.
At a time of rising stock markets, record-low unemployment, companies announcing bonuses and investments, and the highest consumer confidence in a generation, Kennedy described the left’s version of our country, which most Americans would find unrecognizable.
The gap between good news and unhappy Democrats made me feel like I was reliving the Reagan years.
One of the strangest moments of the evening came after President Trump reported that black and Hispanic unemployment were at historic low points. Black and Hispanic Democratic members simply could not bring themselves to applaud something they had demanded for generations and that clearly meant better lives for their communities.
The depth of Democratic divisiveness and hostility was demonstrated again when President Trump offered a path to citizenship for three times as many Dreamers as President Obama had offered. Democrats simply couldn’t bring themselves to accept this victory for Dreamers, solely because it was President Trump’s proposal.
Actually, President Trump’s assertion that “Americans are dreamers too” reframed this entire debate from a focus on a small number of people here illegally to include all 327 million Americans. It may have been his best line of the evening.
President Trump evolved from “Trump the Fighter” to “Trump the Winner” in this speech.
The president’s policies are clearly beginning to work. Regulations have been rolled back more than ever before in our history. The tax cuts have had a shockingly big effect in their first 30 days. I have never seen American businesses react so aggressively with new investment plans, new bonuses, new pay scales and new hires.
The sheer day-after-day reporting on the positive response to the tax cuts is beginning to break through the elite media’s efforts to smear and distort them.
We have had a year of President Trump learning to be more and more effective, and this learning process showed itself Tuesday in both his style and tone.
This was not a speech by a candidate. This was not a speech by the head of one faction. This was a State of the Union address by the president of the United States, who was speaking to the entire nation.
Historians will look at President Trump’s successful, positive speech in Davos, Switzerland, last Friday and this speech four days later as the emergence of a national and world leader of the highest order.
There were an extraordinary number of specific reform proposals in the State of the Union address. Many of them are so practical that Democrats will be forced to work on a bipartisan basis.
How many Democrats want to be against $1.5 trillion-worth of infrastructure investment, combined with reforms to get things built quickly?
How many Democrats want to oppose lowering the costs of prescription drugs?
How many Democrats want to vote against fighting the opioid crisis?
How many Democrats want to oppose allowing people with fatal illnesses the right to try new drugs and new techniques?
How many Democrats want to oppose better vocational education to improve the work force and raise Americans out of poverty?
With this speech, President Trump set the stage for a series of bipartisan reforms, despite the Democrats’ hostility.
This is quite an achievement.
Newt Gingrich is a Fox News contributor. A Republican, he was speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. Follow him on Twitter @NewtGingrich. His latest book is "Understanding Trump."
REPORT: Trump To Authorize Release Of Intelligence Memo Shortly
By BEN SHAPIRO @benshapiro
On Tuesday, rumors emanating from the Trump White House suggested that President Trump had told aides to authorize the release of the House Intelligence Committee memo regarding alleged intelligence community malfeasance during the 2016 election — as soon after his State of the Union address as possible. According to CNN:
On Tuesday, rumors emanating from the Trump White House suggested that President Trump had told aides to authorize the release of the House Intelligence Committee memo regarding alleged intelligence community malfeasance during the 2016 election — as soon after his State of the Union address as possible. According to CNN:
President Trump has told aides he wants a memo alleging the FBI abused its surveillance tools released as quickly as possible, but not before the State of the Union address, sources say http://cnn.it/2BEf5y9
2:07 PM - Jan 30, 2018
The White House is doing itself no favors with its obvious eagerness to release the memo. The State of the Union, for all of its ridiculous and monarchist pretensions, is certainly a showpiece for the Trump administration — a chance for Trump to change the conversation and discuss his accomplishments during his first year. It would be a major mistake to step on that positive headline with the release of the memo. In fact, it will look like Trump is so eager to release the memo because he wants to detract from the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation, and couldn’t even wait for the State of the Union to end to do it. Trump would be far better off strategically to simply wait the statutory five days and let the memo be released passively, without putting his fingerprints on it — or at least announcing that the memo would be released and that he had taken into account objections from the Department of Justice.
With that said, Trump wants the memo out there — and depending on how damning the material in the memo is, he might be right. It’s difficult to believe, however, that after this much hype, the memo will be the groundbreaking story it’s been cracked up to be by Republicans.
Facts First? CNN Speculates Melania Wearing White to Protest Her Husband
To demonstrate just how far down the drain their standards for news and analysis were, CNN spent a couple minutes before the State of the Union Tuesday wondering if First Lady Melania Trump’s outfit was designed to protest the President, her own husband.
Just before the 9 p.m. hour, CNN White House Reporter Kate Bennett was trying to read the tea leaves to understand why Melania didn’t ride with Donald to the Capitol:
She did drive up separately this evening from the White House to the capitol … We do hear from the White House, however Wolf, they will be driving home together. The President and the First Lady will share the ride home. But it is, again, bucking tradition that she drove up on her own.
All that, despite the fact that Bennett did admit that Melania was accompanying her guests to the event.
And after being teed up by CNN host Jake Tapper, Bennett tried to read into the secret message the First Lady was trying to send, with her dress. “You know, she's wearing a cream-colored suit there, which I find interesting. Remember last year the female Democratic Senators all wore white,” she recalled while claiming it was to protests Trump’s anti-woman policies.
“Listen, it could be a total coincidence, but I just find a lot of the stuff she does these days, to look at it twice,” Bennett continued.
“I think Maureen Dowd called her the “Slovenian Sphinx,” everybody looking at her and trying to decipher the mysteries,” Tapper quipped, apparently buying into the ridiculousness.
Transcript below:
Anderson Cooper 360
WOLF BLITZER: First lady, there she is, Melania Trump walking down the stairs. Let me bring Jake and Kate in. Kate, first of all, you've been reporting she did come up separately from the President.
KATE BENNETT: That’s correct. She did drive up separately this evening from the White House to the capitol. She accompanied the guests that were invited to sit in her box tonight. We do hear from the White House, however Wolf, they will be driving home together. The President and the First Lady will share the ride home. But it is, again, bucking tradition that she drove up on her own.
JAKE TAPPER: Is there anything you want to tell us about her outfit?
BENNETT: You know, she's wearing a cream-colored suit there, which I find interesting. Remember last year the female Democratic Senators all wore white. A bunch of them to protest Trump's policies against women. So there was even a hashtag, “#WomenWearWhite.” Listen, it could be a total coincidence, but I just find a lot of the stuff she does these days, to look at it twice.
TAPPER: I think Maureen Dowd called her the “Slovenian Sphinx,” everybody looking at her and trying to decipher the mysteries.
BENNETT: Exactly, very mysterious.
Dick Morris: State of the Union Was an Infomercial
By Dick Morris
As they often do, political analysts on TV missed the political point of the State of the Union speech.
While they discuss Trump’s proposals, his superb demonstration of his compassion, and his excellent delivery, they still miss the key thing: This speech was his best chance to educate Americans about his accomplishments. It was a 40-minute infomercial.
Coming at the start of the speech, it was a vivid showcasing of all he has done.
Because of media bias against him, Trump has never had a fair shot at articulating his achievements. The din of Mueller’s Russia probe and the conservative counter about FBI plotting to destroy him have drowned out the real and specific impacts of his policies.
Now he had a chance to lay them all out of run to see.
He did not swing and miss. He hit it out of the park, layering on the good economic news so nobody could miss the point.
Meanwhile, Democrats sat stone-faced and their obstreperous partisanship was on full display in their expressions. Their blank faces as Trump celebrated our common good fortune spoke volumes.
Imagine what it must be like to deal with those folks!
Particularly galling was the lack of response from black Democrats to the fact that African-Americans have the lowest unemployment in history.
Why is that their concern they seemed to be asking? What matters to us is social welfare programs, not jobs.
Trump’s speech was so good and so detailed that it may well give him quite a boost in the polls.
Combined with his speech at Davos, these two stellar presentations may well lift him out of the low 40s and high 30s (even in the media polls with their pro-Democrat samples) into something that more closely resembles a successful presidency.
The Democrats are like the polar bear in the global warming ads sitting on a chunk of ice that is melting under their paws. As the news turns good, their status as the odd-man-out becomes more and more obvious.
In denial about the positive impact of the tax cut and of Trump’s boosterism, they cannot celebrate the good news and, judging by their faces, they welcome it about as much as a heart attack.
Hail to the chief!
POOR JIMMY: Porn Star Stormy Daniels Releases New Statement Before Kimmel Appearance
"She would also like you to follow her on Instagram."
January 30, 2018
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels released a new statement on Tuesday just hours before she is scheduled to appear on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" following President Donald Trump's State of the Union address.
"Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago," Daniels said in a statement.
“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018," she continued. "I am not denying the affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened."
Daniels also asked people to follow her Instagram account.
Stormy Daniels (going on Kimmel tonight after Trump's State of the Union) issues a new statement saying she is denying having an affair with Trump not because of a settlement but because “it never happened.”
She would also like you to follow her on Instagram.
From @a_cormier_
She would also like you to follow her on Instagram.
From @a_cormier_
The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month that Daniels received a $130,000 payment before the 2016 presidential election in exchange for her silence, something that both she and Trump have denied.
Kimmel has been eagerly awaiting Daniels' appearance on his show, tweeting about it a few times over the last week:
I am pleased to announce that the very gifted @StormyDaniels will be on #Kimmel Tuesday 1/30 after the #StateOfTheUnion. I have MANY QUESTIONS! #MAGA
11:31 PM - Jan 25, 2018
The forecast tonight calls for @StormyDaniels with a 90% chance of angry Donald Trump. #Kimmel
10:39 AM - Jan 30, 2018
In light of Daniels' new statement, it looks like Kimmel will be in for a disappointing evening.
Issues of the Day is unclear whether or not Ms. actually appeared on Kimmel.
Rep. Devin Nunes digs up dirt on Democrats’ snooping on Trump
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, March 24, 2017. Nunes said Friday that Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman for President Donald Trump, volunteered to be interviewed by committee members.
Through targeted subpoenas and threatening letters, Rep. Devin Nunes has forced into the open a fuller story of how the Obama administration investigated suspected Russian ties to the Trump campaign and monitored people connected to the presidential candidate.
The White House now has in its hands Mr. Nunes‘ latest revelation: his top-secret, four-page memo outlining supposed abuses in the Justice Department during months of Trump surveillance.
Whether it was how the FBI used a Democrat-financed dossier or why the special counsel fired his top FBI agent or how many Trump associates were “unmasked” in wiretap spying, Mr. Nunes has unearthed facts that otherwise likely would have remained hidden.
Democrats, led by Rep. Adam B. Schiff of California, have pounced on Mr. Nunes for veering from the Trump-Russia collusion narrative to one of, they say, protecting President Trump.
Mr. Schiff has relied heavily on the unverified Russia-sourced dossier to frame the investigation and interrogate witnesses. He has resisted all of Mr. Nunes‘ efforts to find out who paid for the dossier, who read it during the campaign or how the FBI relied on it to open its investigation.
Trump on Releasing the FISA Memo: ‘Don’t Worry. A Hundred Percent.’
Win M Namee/Pool via AP
As Trump was leaving the chamber on Tuesday evening, he was surrounded by House members congratulating him on the address, and hoping to get signatures and snap selfies with him. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) could be overheard asking the president to “release the memo.”
Trump responded: “Don’t worry. A hundred percent.”
Although the memo, drafted by House Intelligence Committee, is classified, its members voted on Monday to release it to the public, using an arcane House rule that allows it to release classified information if it is in the public’s interest.
Per the rule, the president would then have five days to object. He can also approve of releasing it before the five days expire.
The White House before the vote on Monday said the president had not yet seen the memo, but it was in favor of transparency and indicated it supported the release of the memo. After the vote on Monday, the memo was couriered over to the White House.
The president’s remarks Tuesday were the first time he has publicly commented on the memo since it was taken to the White House for review.
The memo reportedly details how senior DOJ and FBI officials during the Obama administration used the Trump dossier — unverified opposition research funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee — as part of their justification to obtain a spy warrant on a Trump campaign adviser.
Rep. Matt Gaetz warns Clintons: ‘Justice may be coming very soon’
The Clinton crime family has been operating with impunity for decades, leaving a trail of corruption and destruction in their wake. Through scandal after scandal, Bill and Hillary Clinton have escaped justice, leaving the American people to wonder if they’ll ever be held responsible.
One Congressman thinks they will be. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) warned that “Justice may be coming to [the Clintons’] doorstep very soon.”
“House of Cards”
In an interview with controversial InfoWars host Alex Jones, Gaetz criticized the “house of cards” that is Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.
The Mueller investigation into whether Trump, his family, or his campaign officials met with agents or officials from Russia is “built on a rotten foundation,” said Gaetz. He went on to say that he suspects that supporters will “have to go into major defense mode over Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.”
He went on:
There’s a lot of people that paid bribes to the Clinton Foundation, that still may be getting a benefit out of this government and when they find out their house of cards is falling, we may see a very strong reaction and they may have to really start to explain themselves.
The president’s shown one thing, he’s willing to drain the swamp in this town.
There’s a lot of people that paid bribes to the Clinton Foundation, that still may be getting a benefit out of this government and when they find out their house of cards is falling, we may see a very strong reaction and they may have to really start to explain themselves.
The president’s shown one thing, he’s willing to drain the swamp in this town.
The Low-Level Investigation
The Florida Republican pointed out that there are “credible media reports” that the FBI field office in Little Rock, Arkansas is investigating allegations of bribery and corruption in the Clinton Foundation. The Hill reported earlier this month that the FBI is quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation.
Gaetz says the fact that field agents (not D.C. political insiders) are handling the investigation should worry the Clintons:
There are reports the Little Rock Field Office is actually investigating elements of bribery and corruption with the Clinton Foundation, particularly as it relates to uranium sales that may not have been in our nation’s interest, and I think that should really worry Hillary Clinton and some of the people who were paying money for influence within the Clinton world, because this is not going to be a politically predetermined outcome made by a bunch of political bureaucrats at the head shed of the FBI.
“This is going to be frontline work done by real field agents out in the Little Rock Field Office and they should be concerned because justice may be coming to their doorstep very soon,” Gaetz warned.
As for the Mueller investigation, which is turning into a fiasco for Hillary and former president Barack Obama instead of Trump, Gaetz says “they are going to be like cornered rats when this entire investigation is shown to be the fraud that it is.”
The Left Responds
The liberal media immediately attacked Gaetz, calling him a conspiracy theorist and worse. Yahoo News couldn’t hide its disgust for the GOP Congressman.
Gaetz might want to reevaluate his choice of forum for his ideas; Alex Jones and Infowars have a reputation for promoting frivolous conspiracy theories. But while Gaetz’ choice to appear on InfoWars was questionable, his message needs to be heard — and apparently, he’s making sure its heard everywhere. Gaetz has made frequent appearances on news outlets across the political spectrum, from CNN to Fox News to the New York Times.
In November, he submitted a resolution to the House asking for Mueller’s resignation. He’s also called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Uranium One scandal.
Gaetz, a freshman House member, is “building a national profile by smearing [the] Russia probe,” screamed liberal site Talking Points Memo. But the Florida Republican says he has no plans to stop — and he wants to see the Clintons pay for their crimes. This is one Congressman who isn’t afraid to do what it takes to drain the swamp.
Now, this real oomgalagala -- ACLU Complains: "Trump Used the Word' America' More Than 80 Times"
By Susan Jones
(CNSNews.com) - The American Civil Liberties Union -- note the word "American" in its title -- complained Tuesday night about President Trump's repeated use of the word "America" in his State of the Union speech.
Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that have harmed so many vulnerable American communities. The ACLU stands ready to protect these communities, both in the courts and at the polls.
In particular, the immigration plan put forth by Trump would hold Dreamers hostage to his demands for a harmful border wall and an even larger mass deportation force. We are at this crossroads because of the President’s deeply destructive ideas fomented by his nativist allies and divisive rhetoric. We will continue to stand up for these young immigrants and ensure they continue to contribute to our country. We cannot let America’s Dreamers be deported.
President Trump told the nation Monday night that Congress will be voting on an "immigration reform" package over the next few weeks, and he outlined the "four pillars" of his "fair compromise" plan:
The four pillars include a path to citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers, if they meet education and work requirements and demonstrate good moral character; a fully secure border, including a wall in places and hiring more border patrol agents; an end to the random diversity visa lottery and adoption of a merit-based system; and an end to chain migration by limiting sponsorships to spouses and minor children. (Democrats offered scattered boos to the last item.)
"These four pillars represent a down-the-middle compromise, and one that will create a safe, modern, and lawful immigration system," Trump said. "For over 30 years, Washington has tried and failed to solve this problem. This Congress can be the one that finally makes it happen.
"Most importantly, these four pillars will produce legislation that fulfills my ironclad pledge to only sign a bill that puts America first. So let us come together, set politics aside, and finally get the job done."
Please support CNSNews today! (a 501c3 non-profit production of the Media Research Center)
Rep. Tim Ryan Is Forced to Explain Why He Honored a Deported Man Instead of His Legal Constituents
(CNSNews.com) - While some members of Congress brought illegal aliens to President Trump's State of the Union speech last night, Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) announced that he was leaving the chair next to him empty, in honor of an Ohio resident who was deported.
The man had been in this country illegally for years, and Ryan said he did not get a "fair hearing."
Ryan told Fox News Tucker Carlson Tuesday night he's "for border security" to bar drugs and felons from entering the U.S., but he said people who are contributing members of society should be allowed to pay a fine and back taxes to gain legal status.
But Ryan's point was lost on Carlson, who asked Ryan why he didn't leave the seat open to bring attention to Ryan's legally present constituents who have died from drug overdoses, for example; or even for those who are at risk of losing their pensions, which is another issue close to Democrats’ hearts.
"There are a lot of sad situations in Ohio right now," Carlson told Ryan. “Four thousand people died of drug OD's. Four hundred were deported. By a factor of ten, drug abuse (is) a bigger deal, and you're spending your time and the symbolic power you have to honor someone who was deported rather than one of your constituents who died of a drug OD, and I don't understand why. It's a simple question," Carlson said.
"Hey Tucker -- hey Tucker, I've spent more time on the opioid epidemic in my career than you have--" Ryan said, growing heated.
"Not tonight," Tucker interrupted, as the two men spoke over each other.
"So I'm not taking a back seat to you or anybody else on the opioid epidemic," Ryan said. "You tell your president and your party to fund the damn bills we try to put forth to make sure that these people can get treatment--"
"Let me just say, I may agree with you on some of that," Carlson said. "But you've got a chance to send a symbolic message and you're sending it. We know where your priorities are."
"We know where your priorities are, Tucker! Do something about it!" Ryan shot back.
"I am," Carlson smiled, cutting off Ryan with the video equivalent of a mic drop.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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