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Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All


Senator Trey Gowdy

On Sunday, FBI Director Christopher Wray went to the Capitol on Sunday to view the four-page memo, sources told Fox News.

According to one source, Wray was asked to point out inaccuracies or other issues with the wording -- and said he would need “his people to take a look at it.” The source said the review is ongoing.

South Carolina GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy, who helped write the four-page memo, said Sunday he wants it made public.

He also suggested the memo indeed addresses whether the FBI relied at least in part on the dossier -- paid for partially by Democrats and the Clinton campaign during the 2016 presidential election -- to apply to a secret federal court to get a surveillance warrant, purportedly on then-Trump adviser Carter Page.

“If you … want to know whether or not the dossier was used in court proceedings, whether or not it was vetted before it was used. … If you are interested in who paid for the dossier … then, yes, you'll want the memo to come out,” Gowdy told “Fox News Sunday.”

The dossier was compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and contained opposition research on Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. Steele was hired by the U.S. firm Fusion GPS, which commissioned the research with funding from the Democratic National Committee and the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. At the same time, the firm was allegedly doing work to help the Russian government fight sanctions.

Requests for surveillance warrants are made through the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, also known as the FISA court, and target suspected foreign spies inside the United States.

Fox News' Joseph Weber and Catherine Herridge contributed to this report.

Alex Pappas is a politics reporter at FoxNews.com. Follow him on Twitter at @AlexPappas

Donald Trump reveals why he offered the DACA deal: To expose the Democrats

Donald Trump reveals why he offered the DACA deal: To expose the Democratsmark reinstein / Shutterstock.com
Using his favorite medium for bringing the truth to Americans, President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Sunday to explain his recent offer to Democrats to permanently fix the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, better known as DACA.
Trump described the merits of his deal — which were very accommodating to the left — before concluding that “Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!”

An offer they can’t refuse

The president’s latest DACA proposal offers a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million so-called “DREAMers,” despite DACA only covering some 690,000 immigrant children brought to the U.S. illegally. Still, as Trump explains, exceeding the stated demands of even the extreme left by over 1 million immigrants has failed to motivate liberals to negotiate. He wrote:
I have offered DACA a wonderful deal, including a doubling in the number of recipients & a twelve year pathway to citizenship, for two reasons: (1) Because the Republicans want to fix a long time terrible problem. (2) To show that Democrats do not want to solve DACA, only use it!
According to the president, Democrats are pursuing an obstructionist strategy designed to weaken the military, degrade border security, and discredit the administration. After all, progressive lawmakers only pursued their ill-begotten shutdown strategy because they felt that Trump’s “s***hole” comment would provide the political capital to do so.
Democrats are not interested in Border Safety & Security or in the funding and rebuilding of our Military. They are only interested in Obstruction!
In exchange for naturalizing over 1.3 million illegal immigrants who would otherwise qualify for DACA based upon their work and education credentials, in addition to offering the same to 400,000 people who would be eligible for DACA protection except for their education, Trump is demanding $25 billion for border security and his long-anticipated southern border wall.

Put in perspective

In Fiscal Year 2016, the government spent more than twice what the president is asking for border security on housing assistance. Additionally, Head Start, a social program funding preschool for American adolescents, costs American taxpayers $10 billion a year.
Despite this relative drop in the fiscal bucket, so far Democrats have failed to counter Trump’s proposal.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said the proposal held DREAMers “hostage to a hateful anti-immigrant scheme” and accused Trump of conspiring “to make America white again.”
Still, the president’s deal is so attractive to Democrats and opposed to Trump’s original tough stance immigration that conservatives groups are expected to denounce the offer and are criticizing the deal by referring to it as “amnesty” for illegal immigrants.

Resist and obstruct

Even before the government shutdown that resulted from Democrats’ inability to concede greater immigration reform to Republicans in exchange for a DACA solution, the president insisted that the opposition party never truly wanted to negotiate. In an early morning tweet dated Jan. 14, Trump wrote:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don’t really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military.
8:09 AM - Jan 14, 2018
“I, as President, want people coming into our Country who are going to help us become strong and great again, people coming in through a system based on MERIT. No more Lotteries! #AMERICA FIRST,” Trump followed up in a separate message two hours later.
The president also believes that Democrats were so utterly demoralized by their failed shutdown strategy that they are now unwilling to make any concessions — regardless of the appeal. Before boarding a plane to Davos, Switzerland earlier this week for the World Economic Forum, Trump wrote, “DACA has been made increasingly difficult by the fact that Cryin’ Chuck Schumer took such a beating over the shutdown that he is unable to act on immigration!”
Although liberal lawmakers claim to want to find a solution to DACA, they are unwilling to offer any meaningful concessions of their own. This is the same unimaginative obstructionism that Republicans have had to contend with for the last year under Trump.
However, Democrats cannot simply dismiss this offer without a legitimate counter-proposal of their own. Otherwise, their true colors may finally show and Americans will start to peg them as imposters who champion minority rights only when it is politically prudent to do so.

Trey Gowdy Hints at Contents of Secret FISA Memo

An “allegedly” damning document outlining extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuse was reviewed by members of the House nearly two weeks ago, and the contents, according to one lawmaker, could “lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice.”

President Trump this past weekend told Jeff Sessions to release the memo, though it’ll be the House that will ultimately vote to release the document. The only Republican that’s argued against releasing the memo thus far has been Lindsey Graham, while all Democrats are unanimously opposed to it (probably because they’re afraid of what’s in it). Republicans do have a chance to utilize a certain liberal selling point here though: they have to pass the bill, so we can find out what’s in it.

Meanwhile, while no one who has read the memo can disclose its contents, Rep. Trey Gowdy has been dropping hints. According to the Federalist Papers:
In an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Gowdy posed several questions to host Chris Wallace and his viewers that hinted at the allegations in the memo, which could be released by the House Intelligence Committee as early as this week. “If you think your viewers want to know whether or not the dossier was used in court proceedings, whether or not it was vetted before it was used, whether or not it’s ever been vetted — if you are interested in who paid for the dossier, if you are interested in Christopher Steele’s relationship with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, then, yes, you will want the memo to come out,” Gowdy told Wallace.

“Do you want to know that the Democratic National Committee paid for material that was never vetted, that was included in a court proceeding?” he asked rhetorically.

“Do you want to know whether or not the primary source in these court proceedings had a bias against one candidate? Do you want to know whether or not he said he’d do anything to keep that candidate from becoming president?”
Are we about to see a huge plot twist and learn that it was the Democrats working with the Russians the whole time?
The House Intelligence Committee could vote on releasing the memo today. Stay tuned…

Ex-Campaign Manager Says Hillary Clinton Protected Adviser Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Hillary Clinton turned out not to be the feminist savior liberals all wanted her to be in the 2016 election, and now more details have emerged about her protecting a senior adviser accused of sexual harassment on her 2008 campaign.

Burns Strider, who was ironically Clinton’s faith adviser on her 2008 campaign, was accused of sexual harassment by a young female staffer. According to two sources, Strider’s behavior included inappropriate touching, kissing the staffer’s forehead, and sending her suggestive emails. However, rather then terminate Strider the staffer reassigned. Strider was allowed to remain in his role, where he continued to harass young women.

On Friday, Clinton attempted to remedy the situation by tweeting that she’d called the staffer in question to “tell her how proud I am of her and to make sure she knows what all women should: we deserve to be heard.”

Unsurprisingly, Clinton didn’t bother to take any responsibility for her part in shielding an accused sexual harasser, including going against the recommendation of her campaign manager.

Patti Solis Doyle, Clinton’s campaign manager for her 2008 campaign, told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Monday that she recommended Clinton fire Strider – but Clinton “overruled” Doyle’s advice.

“She overruled you personally?” Keilar asked. To which Doyle confirmed, “I was overruled, yes.”

Doyle also expressed disappointment at Clinton’s response to the story. “I was disappointed by that tweet, that response,” she said. “It was the wrong call [not to fire Strider]. I wish she had said it was the wrong call.”

Hillary Clinton made a hypocritical mistake not to fire Strider after multiple people came forward to accuse him of harassment. She should take responsibility for her actions, but the sad reality is she likely never will.

Dick Morris: FBI Rogue Spooks Caught Red-Handed Leaking

For the past year, a central question has been: Who is leaking to the media from the FBI? Now we are beginning to get an answer: Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the star-crossed lovers high up in the FBI have been caught through their newly released texts to one another to be among the key sieves.
In our book “Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump,” Eileen and I write that rogue agents in the FBI were conspiring with willing left-wing reporters to spread false and biased information about President Trump. Now, thank to their texts, the truth of that charge is becoming clear. Among the main leakers were Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and among the recipients was Devlin Barrett of The Washington Post.
The litany of their leaks, spelled out in their own emails to one another, demonstrates the intimacy of the coordination between the FBI leakers and their newspaper recipients. At times, they almost all seem to be working together. And they were: To hype the phony story of Putin’s meddling in the U.S. election and to advance the storyline that Trump was in on the conspiracy.
For example, on Oct. 28, 2016, a week before the election, Page and Strzok were texting as they were leaking. The date is important. That is precisely when the FBI announced that it was re-opening the investigation of Hillary’s private server emails.
At 5:19 p.m., Page texted “still on the phone with Devlin. Mike’s phone is ON FIRE.”
“Devlin” refers to Devlin Barrett, a key reporter with The Post.
Ten minutes later, Strzok texts back “you might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there’s news on.”
Lisa replied a minute later: “He knows. He just got handed a note.”
“Ha. He is asking about it now?” Stroke texts.
Lisa texts back: “Yeah. It was pretty funny. Coming now.”
Then, at 5:36 p.m., Devlin Barrett himself weighs in: “This is a possibility, per sources.”
The re-opening of the email investigation was only one of many leaks coming from Strzok/Page.
A few days before, on Oct. 23, 2016, Devlin Barrett tweeted: “Scoop: McAuliffe PAC gave $467,500 to campaign of wife of senior FBI official who oversaw Clinton email probe.”
McAuliffe is Terry McAuliffe, then governor of Virginia, and formerly the chief fundraiser for both Clintons. The senior FBI official is Andrew McCabe, who was Lisa Page’s boss.
Immediately, the FBI pair begin texting about whether McCabe should recuse himself from the email probe, as Comey’s chief of staff James Rybicki was recommending.
In the texts, Page told Strzok “Rybicki just called to check in. He very clearly 100% believes that Andy should be recused because of the ‘perception.'” The Strzok/Page emails reflect their disbelief that anyone would recuse themselves over such a matter.
Strzok replies with shock to Page’s suggestion that McCabe recuse himself, texting “God.”
Then Lisa says, with evident self-satisfaction, that their leaking has found its mark: “Our statement affected the stock market.”
McCabe did recuse himself but only one week before the election.
On Oct. 24, 2016, Page texted Strzok about another leak and were conscious of hiding the role in leaking  the story.  Page wrote: “article is out, but hidden behind paywall so can’t read it.” (In other words, nobody can tell that it we who are leaking).
Stroke texts back: “Wsj. Boy that was fast. Should I ‘find’ it and tell the team?” (In other words, should I admit that we did it?)
Discussing how to tell his team about the leak without taking responsibility, Strzok writes: “I can get it (the article) like I do every other article that hits any Google News alerts, seriously,” Strzok texted, adding he did not want his team hearing about the article “from someone else.”
(WSJ refers, of course to Wall Street Journal where Devlin Barrett worked before joining The Washington Post staff).
Now we are beginning to learn who the rogue spooks were who held the nation in their thrall as they leaked breathlessly about their investigation of President Trump. Congress needs to call Strzok and Page as witnesses to explain the context of each leak and show the country how it has been duped by the FBI and the national media.
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.

Nikki Haley Erupts on Twitter Over Anti-Trump Fest at Grammys
By Joe Setyon

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley didn’t think the Trump-bashing at Sunday’s Grammy Awards ceremony was particularly funny.
She took issue with the segment of the program in which a group of artists — as well as 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — took turns reading from “Fire and Fury,” author Michael Wolff’s tell-all book about President Donald Trump’s first months in office.
Haley noted that in the past, she has always enjoyed watching the Grammys. But this year, she suggested that the music awards ceremony was ruined by unnecessary political references.
“I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it,” Haley tweeted Sunday night. “Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it.”
Nikki Haley @nikkihaley
I have always loved the Grammys but to have artists read the Fire and Fury book killed it. Don’t ruin great music with trash. Some of us love music without the politics thrown in it.
10:12 PM - Jan 28, 2018
In an earlier tweet, Haley specifically went after the pre-taped clip of Clinton reading from “Fire and Fury.”
“I disagree,” Haley wrote in response to a tweet praising Clinton’s reading. “That part ruined the Grammys. Such a shame.”
In many respects, the actual awards at this year’s Grammys did indeed seem to be overshadowed by political commentary. Comedian Trevor Nohah was the first to mention Trump while onstage, but what really got people talking was the segment involving “Fire and Fury.”
In the skit, which had been recorded beforehand, Grammys host James Carden pretended to be looking for someone to narrate the audio version of Wolff’s book.
John Legend, Cher, Snoop Dogg, Cardi B and DJ Khaled — all well known musicians — were shown reading parts of the book. Then, the clip cut to Clinton.

“He had a longtime fear of being poisoned. One reason why he likes to eat at McDonald’s. Nobody knew he was coming and the food was safely pre-made,” the former secretary of state said, referring to Trump’s reported fast food preferences.
The Late Late Show with James Corden @latelateshow

On the hunt for a GRAMMY Award of his own, James Corden auditions celebrities for the spoken word version of Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury."
Haley wasn’t the only one who indicated that the Clinton clip was unnecessary.
“Getting to read a #fakenews book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency,” tweeted the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.
Getting to read a #fakenews book excerpt at the Grammys seems like a great consolation prize for losing the presidency. #GrammyAwards
Haley, though, has more reason than most to take issue with the segment. Wolff claimed in a recent interview that Trump is having an affair, and he said a paragraph in his book gives away who the alleged mistress is.
Though Wolff did not flat out accuse Haley of being the mistress, one sentence from the book sparked rumors that the U.N. ambassador is the woman in question.
“The president had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One and was seen to be grooming her for a national political future,” the sentence reads.
Haley, though, told Politico’s “Women Rule” podcast last week that the unverified and salacious rumor regarding her and Trump is “disgusting” and “absolutely not true.”
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Trump Invites Mother of 16-Year-Old Girl Murdered by MS-13 Thugs to State of the Union

President Trump extended an invitation to Evelyn Rodriguez, mother of a 16-year-old girl savagely beaten to death by MS-13 gang members, to attend his State of the Union address.
Kayla Cuevas was one of two girls attacked by members of the gang in 2016, being beaten numerous times with baseball bats and a machete.
Rodriguez met with President Trump in July of 2017 to address the growing wave of gang violence that was allowed to propagate under former President Barack Obama.
The mother said she had no desire to tell Trump how to do his job on illegal immigration, but a New York Times report about their meeting stated “the wave of gang violence resulting in 17 murders in the county since 2016 has been fueled in part by illegal immigration of young people.”
Rodriguez will be a guest of honor at the State of the Union on Tuesday and will have a chance to talk to the President prior to his address.
“I just want what’s right to be done,” Rodriguez told the Times. “Everybody should put their political agenda aside and think about what’s going on in our country.”
President Trump has long been advocating a platform that would curtail the proliferation of violent gangs such as MS-13.
“Gangs threaten the safety of our communities, not just in major metropolitan areas but in our suburbs and rural areas, too,” acting Director of ICE Thomas Homan.
Part of making those communities safer involved enforcement of our immigration laws.
By contrast, Obama had knowingly allowed members of MS-13 to enter the country, according to documents obtained from a whistleblower.
“CBP apprehended them, knew they were MS-13 gang members, and they processed and disbursed them into our communities,” Senator Ron Johnson claimed.
While the President is inviting heartbroken family members of victims of gang violence, Democrats are inviting … you guessed it … illegals!
“I want to be clear: DREAMers are Americans,” said Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY), who has invited a guest that came to the U.S. from El Salvador at the age of 15. “They contribute to our economy, our communities and our strength and stability as a nation.”
Illegals are their priority. Not Americans. Or veterans. Or legal immigrants.
White House officials said the SOTU theme will be “building a safe, strong and proud America,” something that can only be done if Democrats finally agree to enforce the law.

The Pro-Life State of the Union
By Jeanne Mancini

As President Trump’s speaks to Congress in his State of the Union address, he will assuredly be a steadfast voice once again for the pro-life consensus in our nation. President Trump stands with the majority of Americans who believe, according to 2018 Marist polling, that abortion should be substantially limited.
Just over a week ago, the president made history when he addressed an audience of over 100,000 pro-life Americans via satellite at the 45th annual March for Life. As he noted in his remarks, people from across the nation flooded the streets of Washington, D.C., united by their love, joy and hope for “one beautiful cause: to build a society where life is celebrated, protected, and cherished.”  
We, the pro-life consensus, have accomplished a great deal over the past year. Within his first three days in office, President Trump reinstated and expanded the “Mexico City policy.” Originally introduced under President Reagan, this policy ensures that taxpayer dollars do not fund abortion internationally, a decision that 83 percent of Americans support. Additionally, the president solidified his commitment to defending life abroad by withdrawing funds from the U.N. Population Fund and UNESCO, groups that promote abortion as a global solution instead of recognizing it as a destructive human injustice.   
Domestically, this year the administration relieved states from being compelled to fund our nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, under the Title X funding stream. The administration also offered respite for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and non-sectarian pro-life groups like the March for Life from carrying life destructive drugs and devices in our health-care plans.  
We, the pro-life consensus, are confident that 2018 will bring continued progress toward building a culture of life that will embrace the dignity of human life in its earliest stages rather than seek to destroy it.  
Just over a week ago, we saw the House pass the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act -- a bill that, if signed into law, would solidify the protection of life outside the womb. Though a legislative victory, the sad fact that only five Democrats voted to protect these viable, vulnerable infants is a clear sign that there is much work ahead in changing the hearts and minds of some of our most influential leaders on these mainstream consensus issues.
Thanks to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Senate will vote and hopefully pass the common-sense Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act this week, delivering it to the president’s desk to sign into law just as he asked at the March for Life. The United States is one of only seven countries to allow abortion this late, yet, until now, we have failed to stand with the three in four Americans who wish to see abortion limited to, at most, to the first three months of pregnancy.   
Additionally, it is our sincere hope that 2018 is the year that Congress will defund Planned Parenthood, our nation’s largest abortion provider and an organization that is currently under investigation by the Department of Justice. Over 60 percent of Americans do not want their taxpayer dollars going toward the more than 300,000 abortions committed each year in Planned Parenthoods across the country. They would rather redirect that half a billion dollars of federal funding to community health centers that provide a whole host of life-affirming health services, and have much better regulatory oversight.  
We grieve the loss of 60 million Americans whose lives have been ended by abortion since it was legalized in 1973, but we also have great hope for ending this human rights abuse in the future and restoring a culture of life in the United States.
Jeanne Mancini is the president of the March for Life.

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier

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