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Sunday, Jan. 28, 2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Rah, rah, rah...Go Pats!


Can Anything Stop the Good Times?

Trump, Reagan and the Facts of History: Let’s Put the Alzheimer’s Lie to Bed

Craig Shirley By Craig ShirleyPresident Ronald Reagan (left) and President Donald Trump (right) (Screenshot)
On Saturday, November 4, 1994, the people of the United States were greeted with a startling letter. “My Fellow Americans,” it began humbly. It did not waste any time for its purpose: “I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease.”
It was Ronald Reagan, the conservative icon and President of the United States for eight years. Reagan wrote this letter. There is no doubt since it was witnessed by Reagan's then-chief of staff, Fred Ryan, Nancy Reagan, and the attending physician, Dr. Oliver Beahrs.
The Reagans set somewhat a precedent in always telling the American people of their health in real time, from his status during the 1981 assassination attempt to Mrs. Reagan’s and his bouts with cancer. Reagan telling the American people of his Alzheimer’s was in character for him and them. After all, they shared everything for fifty years and beginning in 1994, they shared his slow descent into the abyss. In some ways, it was a more trying time for Mrs. Reagan.
Reagan left office almost six years prior to announcing his Alzheimer’s, but he did not think of himself in that letter. He was thinking of the American people in making his startling announcement.
Most recently, Donald Trump invoked Reagan again, this time when Reagan's name might have helped deflect critics claiming Trump could be the victim of early stage Alzheimer's. Reagan cited his ailments publicly so that the mention might help others. Trump referenced Reagan's ailments to help himself.
Yet nearly twenty-four years after that tender and historic letter, and thirteen after his death, few Americans have forgotten him. A recent poll of the American people showed an extremely high regard for his presidency, much higher than the presidents who followed him, including Trump. Reagan’s approval rating at the end of his presidency was 63 percent, higher than all succeeding presidents, only marginally surpassed by Bill Clinton in 2001. Even as the American people know of and regard Reagan as beloved, there are still some—like Trump's White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson—who, inadvertently or not, recently peddled the falsehood that Reagan suffered from Alzheimer’s during his second term. Look at this video of Reagan addressing students at the University of Virginia in 1988 and just try to make the case this is a man suffering from Alzheimer’s.
It would be nice to dismiss Dr. Jackson’s ill-informed and without substance comments and move on, just as the White House would like to put the hearsay concerning Trump's mental health behind it. But he and Trump's tweets have now given new life to an old and most thought extinguished and ridiculous rumor. So once again, Reagan historians have to beat it down. Dr. Jackson's uninformed comments made news and even worse, they were uttered by a White House physician, giving the veneer of officialdom. Jackson’s comments were clumsy and the irony is, he could have availed himself of his office’s files at Bethesda Naval Hospital on Reagan and seen for himself what Reagan’s doctors said about the Gipper. The Trump White House could have easily cleaned up this mess, but so far … crickets. Some believe it serves their purpose to boost Trump by running down Reagan.
Predictably, some in the media – Gail Collins in the New York Times, for instance – have now reported it as fact, just a day later, pointing to Reagan as “being forgetful.” Here we go again.
It’s nothing more than that long list of conspiracies and legends and myths that cling to many presidents. President Dwight Eisenhower was accused of having an affair with his World War II driver Kay Summersby. Never. She said so in her own diaries. John Kennedy was killed in Dallas by the CIA, the Mafia, by two or three gunman, and not the crazed Lee Harvey Oswald, even as 100 percent of the evidence shows Oswald acted alone. Harry Truman supposedly (but never) said, “If you want a friend in Washington, buy a dog.” George Washington didn’t chop down a cherry tree and didn’t lie about it. FDR didn’t know about the attack on Pearl Harbor in advance.
“Reagan had Alzheimer’s during his presidency” is simply another to add to the pile of mythology.
The American Psychiatric Association informally named a section of their Principles of Medical Ethics manual the “Goldwater Rule.” In 1964, a tabloid-like headline appeared in the magazine Fact against GOP presidential nominee Barry Goldwater, in which it said, in loud bold type, “1,189 Psychiatrists Say Goldwater is Psychologically Unfit To Be President!” Not one of the 1,189 psychiatrists had Goldwater as a patient, and it’s doubtful any even met him once. They placed fame over accuracy, and they did it for partisanship, medical professionalism be damned.
Dr. Jackson, and some in the media, has fallen into that same trap of playing Monday morning doctor to the deceased President Reagan.
The APA took issue, and in their manual, section 7, they have the “Goldwater Rule”: “On occasion psychiatrists are asked for an opinion about an individual who is in the light of public attention or who has disclosed information about himself/herself through public media. In such circumstances, a psychiatrist may share with the public his or her expertise about psychiatric issues in general. However, it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.”
It should be updated for Reagan. Call it the Reagan Rule: It’s unethical to diagnose the mental health of a president whose doctors diagnosed him as perfectly fit and has been dead for nearly fifteen years.
Because if Reagan did – and we must emphasize he did not – have early stages of Alzheimer’s in the 1980s, then that would include as big a conspiracy and cover up as JFK. Reagan had four physicians personally check on him, and every report came back stellar.
A man with Alzheimer’s does not write for his last journal entry as president as beautiful words: “Then home and the start of a new life.” He was 77 years old, but looking forward to the next chapter in his life. He knew where he was, what he accomplished, where he failed, where he could have done more. He had the faculties of an old, but wise, man, who knew that the presidency was an important part of his own and America’s life.
But no, all that was overshadowed by his non-existent disease.  
To carelessly speculate about Reagan as Trump's doctor has now done results in the very same effect as the thinly-veiled attempts to simply delegitimize all his work, his Administration, his life. He did something conservative? Oh, it was the “Alzheimer’s.” This is the same man who successfully created the policies that drove the GDP rise from negative 0.3 in the last year of Jimmy Carter’s presidency to 4.1 percent in 1988. Inflation, which was 13.5 percent, dropped dramatically. The Soviet Union was on its knees, only to fall with the Wall (a very real wall) a couple years later. Relations restored with world leaders and the blight of communism was put in sight.
There is an old phrase which says, “A lie can make it around the world while the truth is just getting out of bed.”
Let’s instead put the lie to bed, now and forever: Ronald Reagan was many things – almost all very good – but he did not have Alzheimer’s during his presidency.
Craig Shirley is the author of four bestselling books Ronald Reagan's campaigns, including "Reagan Rising: The Decisive Years, 1976-1980," out March 21, 2017. He is also the author of the New York Times bestseller, "December 1941," and is the president of Shirley & Banister Public Affairs.

Dick Morris: Mueller’s Bait and Switch Tactics

By Dick Morris
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is practicing the old Washington shell game of bait and switch.
Hired to probe the charge of collusion between Trump and Russia, he is now pivoting to try to make a case for obstruction of justice  — an obstruction which never would have happened if false news and leaks had not stampeded Trump into appointing a special prosecutor.
This pivot is the traditional last refuge of special prosecutors. Having failed to find evidence of what he was hired to investigate, he is following in the footsteps of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who was hired to investigate the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame and ended up only indicting Cheney aide Scooter Libby for lying to his investigators.
Mueller’s intention to interview President Trump is really a Hail Mary pass to try to trip up the president into making technically false or imprecise statements to give him a case against him.
In six months of investigation, he has not found any evidence — not an iota — of collusion between President Trump and Russia in the election of 2016.
So now he is determined to cast the actions of President Trump in taking over the criminal justice system and appointing his own people as obstruction of justice, as if the president had no other priority.
The fact that the president might have priorities other than letting Mueller investigate seems to have escaped him.
National security, homeland protection and reducing crime all compete for the president’s attention and impel his management decisions, but all Mueller can see is how Trump is affecting his investigation — an investigation into a crime that was never either committed or contemplated.
Meanwhile, incoming FBI director Christopher Wray is moving steadily if slowly to change the culture at the FBI.
By replacing General Counsel James Baker with Dana Boente, the U.S. attorney for Eastern Virginia, he is potentially opening the window to let in fresh air.
And by appointing Zachary Harrison, his colleague in private law practice, to replace James Rybicki as chief of staff, he is moving to put his own stamp on the Bureau.
Trump has been urging Wray to move faster as evidence of FBI bias against his presidency piles up.
He has pressed Wray to fire Andrew McCabe, the deputy director whose wife ran as a Democrat for the Virginia legislature and was funded by the Clinton machine.
But McCabe is determined to hold on until his scheduled retirement in March to get his full pension.
Overall the FBI scandal is overtaking the Mueller investigation and sidelining the special prosecutor for a good reason: There is real malfeasance at the FBI and the charge of collusion with Russia is just an illusion.
Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, “Rogue Spooks,” was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.

Nikki Haley Calls Trump Affair Rumors ‘Disgusting’

According to journalist Michael Wolff, author of a new tell-all book “Fire and Fury,” President Donald Trump is currently having an affair. And while Wolff conveniently didn’t have enough evidence to include the affair in the book, he says its pages contain context clues as to who Trump’s mistress is.
Quite frankly, the allegation sounds like nothing more than a publicity stunt. But, thanks to a solitary sentence, astute readers have surmised that United States Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley must be the one Trump is sleeping with behind Melania’s back. In case you’re wondering, here’s the sentence in question: “The president had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One and was seen to be grooming her for a national political future.”
How damning. But, unfortunately for all the “Trump is secretly a terrible person” conspiracy theorists out there, Haley has come out and called the rumor “absolutely not true.”
“I have literally been on Air Force One once and there were several people in the room when I was there,” Haley said Thursday on Politico’s Women Rule podcast. “He says that I’ve been talking a lot with the president in the Oval [Office] about my political future. I’ve never talked once to the president about my future and I am never alone with him.”
Haley added that Wolff’s allegations are proof positive that successful women are often the target of such attacks. “At every point in my life, I’ve noticed that if you speak your mind and you’re strong about it and you say what you believe, there is a small percentage of people that resent that and the way they deal with it is to try and throw arrows, lies or not,” Haley said. Wolff did not respond to a request for comment.
Haley further called the rumor “disgusting” – and it is. It’s absolutely disgusting that Wolff is pushing a baseless rumor about a successful woman in politics in effort to sell his sham book. He should know better, and the media should know better than to take his claims at face value.

But that’s liberals for you – they’re all too willing to go back on their own perceived values and morals if it furthers their own agenda.

Ignore the media: New poll shows Republicans like the direction Trump is taking America

Ignore the media: New poll shows Republicans like the direction Trump is taking America
In the media’s version of Trump’s America, the sky is falling and the 45th president is embattled by ever-declining ratings with his base.
However, a new Gallup poll shows that Republicans are happier than ever with President Trump and the direction in which the country is moving. Approval among independents is also up.
Meanwhile, Democrats’ approval of the Trump presidency has bottomed out at 7 percent.

Republicans happy with Trump

61 percent of Republican voters are happy with where the country is headed, according to a new Gallup poll released last week. These ratings put GOP approval at its highest level since February 2007.
The new, higher ratings follow a year of flagging confidence among GOP voters resulting from legislative logjams and an administration setback by obstruction, notes poll analyst Justin McCarthy. Republicans’ approval reached a low of 38 percent in October before rebounding in the final quarter amid a tax cut victory and news that ISIS had been all but routed from Iraq and Syria.
Independents are also happier with the country’s direction. 31 percent now have a positive view of Trump’s leadership, up from a low of 20 percent in October of 2017.
More independents, 38 percent, said they were very dissatisfied than very satisfied, a mere 7 percent. But McCarthy notes that Americans over the past decade have been most likely to say they are very dissatisfied and least likely to say they are very satisfied, pointing to widespread polarization and a general decline in trust among the electorate.
The survey, completed from January 2 to January 7, was taken shortly after Trump signed into law tax legislation that will leave all Americans with more money in their pockets this year.
It also came a few days before Trump reportedly described Haiti and several African nations as “shithole countries,” igniting a firestorm of outrage on the left.

Deep divide

Whereas almost 25 percent of Republicans say they are “very satisfied” with where the country is heading under Trump, less than half of 1 percent of Democrats feel the same. 68 percent of Democrats are “very dissatisfied.”
Overall, 7 percent of Democrats are happy with where things are headed, the lowest score among Democrats since Trump took office. Democrats’ approval had previously ranged from 9 to 16 percent.
Why is there such a strong divide?
Over and above the fact that Trump is a Republican, many Democrats are looped into a feedback machine of anti-Trump propaganda from the liberal media. It isn’t a stretch to say that Republicans and Democrats are increasingly living in two different worlds, where the same facts yield wildly different conclusions.

Poll shows impact of media bias

Could it be that independents, by virtue of thinking for themselves and filtering out left-leaning media bias, are more open to recognizing the achievements of Trump’s first year in office than Democrats?
That’s how Michael Johns, president and executive director of Tea Party Community, sees it.
“It’s also very much a product of the fact that people of the far-Left persuasion have fallen into the habit of reading self-fulfilling outlets that have berated Trump,” he said.
Democrats watching media coverage hostile to Trump will inevitably end up with a less sanguine view of where the country is going, he said.
“They really haven’t been exposed to the objective metrics of the direction of the country,” he said.
29 percent of Americans overall are happy with where America is headed. That number has fluctuated from a low of 21 percent to a high of 32 percent.
The divide between Republicans and Democrats is likely to grow – but it won’t stop Trump supporters from seeing the president’s successes for what they are.


Finland election brings NEW threat to EU: The Brexit-backing Farage fan vying for Finexit

A FINLAND election candidate is using Nigel Farage’s Brexit example as a blueprint for her own plans to pull her country out of the EU.

finland Laura HuhtasaariGE•Laura Huhtasaari is offering a new choice for Finnish voters with her populist rhetoric

Laura Huhtasaari, a 38-year-old former teacher, is trying to bring anti-immigration populist ideas back to mainstream Finnish politics and her campaign for the presidency has seen her reputation soar ahead of the first round of voting on Sunday.

Her Finns Party has employed tactics from a variety of populist politicians, echoing Donald Trump with her “Finland first” slogan and French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who used nationalism as a key theme in her campaign.
Her eurosceptic rhetoric sounds a lot like that of former Ukip leader Nigel Farage, even telling of her admiration for the 53-year-old’s Brexit campaign as she told supporters to “take their country back”.

She said: “I look at Nigel Farage’s example. It took 17 years, but Brexit came.

“I don’t plan to wait that long.”

She claims the EU has turned “Finland into its province” and has railed against the country’s political elite, who she argues do not represent the working class.

Huhtasaari has also demanded more immigration controls and has campaigned in favour of a burka ban – a far cry from Finland’s traditionally subdued politics.

She told Politico: “I’m here to remind people that the Finns Party is truly an alternative to the mainstream.

“I want to change the direction of Finland and take back our independence.”
The 38-year-old has been compared to French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen
I look at Nigel Farage’s example. It took 17 years, but Brexit came. I don’t plan to wait that long
Laura Huhtasaari has declared herself a fan of Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.

“Finland is a little bit late if you compare it to other European countries – anti-immigration parties are winning and people are waking up everywhere. They’re waking up now here, too.”

The rise of the Finns Party candidate has certainly not gone unnoticed, according to Tuija Saresma, an expert on right-wing populism at the University of Jyväskylä.

She said: “She’s circulating the rhetoric of many other populist leaders.

“It doesn’t matter if what she says is true or not, her supporters still stand by her. This is a new phenomenon for Finland.

“Before the rise of the Finns Party, we were used to a very subdued form of politics.
Huhtasaari faces a tough battle to unseat incumbent president Sauli Niinistö
“But that’s changing. Politics is becoming more emotional.”

Despite Huhtasaari’s incredible rise, she is unlikely to snatch the presidency.

Incumbent president Sauli Niinistö is extremely popular and recent polls suggest he will be re-elected without a major challenge.

However, Huhtasaari’s newfound niche in Finnish politics represents yet another headache for the EU and her profile shows no signs of diminishing.

Finland’s presidential elections are set to be held on 28 January, with a second round on 11 February if necessary.

Rep. Trey Gowdy: ‘Mueller had some hiring failures of epic proportions’

Rep. Trey Gowdy: ‘Mueller had some hiring failures of epic proportions’Image Source: Screenshot
Say what you want about Trey Gowdy, but the South Carolina congressman says it like it is. Gowdy told Fox News that texts exchanged between Peter Strzok, the FBI agent dismissed from the Russia probe over anti-Trump bias, and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, evinced a “stunning” level of bias that was deeply troubling.
In one text, Strzok said he wouldn’t be interested in joining the Trump investigation unless there was evidence against the president, and yet Strzok was put on to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation team. Gowdy concluded that “Mueller had some hiring failures of epic proportions.”
Mueller’s Russia investigation, which has dragged on for months and produced very little, just keeps falling apart — could this be the final blow?

FBI texts show “stunning” bias

Gowdy, who chairs the House Oversight Committee, has been critical of the FBI and DOJ as evidence continues to mount of anti-Trump bias in the intelligence community. He appeared on Fox News to discuss the texts, one of which mentioned a “secret society.”
“It’s the day after the election and it’s the same two people who were discussing a little bit later in the texts the damage they had done with the Clinton investigation and how they could ‘fix it’ and make it right,” Gowdy said. “That is a level of bias that is stunning among law enforcement officers.”
Fox anchor Sandra Smith read to Gowdy a paraphrased version of a text sent by Strzok to Page that was found and read by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on a local radio broadcast.
“You and I both know the odds are nothing – if I thought it was likely, I’d be there no question. I hesitate in part because my gut sense and concern is there’s no big ‘there’ there,” Strzok’s text read.
Gowdy told Fox News that he was disturbed that Strzok and Page were not interested in an investigation if it meant that Trump would be cleared:
I don’t know how much damage they did. It’s really not my job to prove that. That’s [Inspector General] Michael Horowitz and Jeff Sessions’ job to find out much damage these two agents and others did. But I care about the Department of Justice and the FBI, and it breaks my heart that we are having to have this conversation about two agents that only wanted to get the president, they didn’t have any interest in clearing him.
“I don’t know a cop that is not equally interested in clearing the innocent as they are getting the bad guys,” he added.

Vanished texts “concerning”

The congressman also said he was upset and distressed by the mysterious “loss” of five months worth of texts exchanged between Strzok and Page.
“We need to know how the world’s premier law enforcement agency managed to lose five months’ worth of texts,” he said.
Also concerning were texts in which Strzok and Page discussed how to avoid texts being retained.
Gowdy tweeted that the timing of the missing texts, which range December 2016 to May 2017 was especially concerning. That date range is a “really important time period”, he told Smith.
The timing of the “‘there’ there” text, sent on May 19, 2017, just two days after Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel, was equally troubling to Gowdy.
22 Jan
The contents of these text messages between top FBI officials are extremely troubling in terms of when certain key decisions were made by the DOJ and the FBI, by whom these decisions were made, and the evident bias exhibited by those in charge of the investigation.
The omission of text messages between December 2016 and May 2017, a critical gap encompassing the FBI's Russia investigation, is equally concerning.
In an update on the missing texts, the Inspector General announced this morning in a letter to Congress that forensic experts had “succeeded” in recovering text messages between Strzok and Page from the five-month period, although Horowitz added that “an effort to recover any additional text messages is ongoing.”

Hiring failures

Gowdy said he respected Mueller and trusts he will “do a good job,” but felt the special counsel had “some hiring failures of epic proportion” by taking on FBI officials with such striking biases against the president.
Rep. Gowdy is right to be alarmed at this level of bias at the FBI. The Justice Department must be impartial, especially when handling investigations of this importance.

Heritage Report Ranking Trump Above Reagan Again Exposes #NeverTrump Grifters


Donald Trump laughs (Justin Sullivan / Getty)
Justin Sullivan / Getty

For a year now, all you have heard from our provincial #NeverTrump tribalists is how those of us who backed Trump were duped into supporting a secret Democrat, a lefty, a guy who could not wait to sell us out. Well, once again, these narcissistic #NeverTrump grifters have been exposed by reality, this time in the form of a Heritage Foundation report that ranks President Donald Trump above Ronald Reagan.

According to the Heritage Foundation, a widely-respected conservative think tank, during his first year in office, Trump adopted nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of Heritage’s agenda. By comparison, Heritage says that former President Reagan enacted only 49 percent of its policy prescriptions.
“There is so much noise in this town that I think it obscures the real work that’s being done,” Heritage president Kay Coles James told the New York Times. “This administration is doing quite well in terms of advancing a conservative agenda — clearly, quite well.”
In 2016, Heritage came up with 334 conservative policies, a wish-list of sorts, for a new Republican administration. Trump has enacted 64 percent of those items. In 1981, his first year in office, Reagan scratched off only 49 percent of the items on that year’s Heritage list.
Some of those on the right who opposed Trump have been gracious enough to admit they were wrong. The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway took a look back at Trump’s first year and wrote last week:
Ironically, the very lack of conservative bona fides that worried me two years ago means he’s less beholden to a conservative establishment that had grown alienated from the people it is supposed to serve and from the principles it ostensibly exists to promote. His surprising conservatism might also be the result of the absolutism and extremism of his critics, whether among the media, traditional Democratic activists or the anti-Trump right. If Trump were ever inclined to indulge his liberal tendencies after winning the election, the stridency and spite of his opponents have provided him with no incentives to do so.
On his radio show Thursday, Dennis Prager, who was not a #NeverTrumper but supported Trump as a dead-last choice in the 16 person GOP primary, was just as gracious and insightful:
I was wrong. My opposition to Donald Trump was wrong, in retrospect. I was wrong. I had friends who supported him, and I didn’t understand them. I said, “Are you not aware of what he said about John McCain? Isn’t that enough to disqualify the guy?” They perceived in him what I did not perceive in him, that these over-the-top statements – as objectionable as the statements themselves may be, and none of them defended the statements – nevertheless, what they perceived was accurate: a man who doesn’t give a damn about what the press says about him. That is the only way to govern. It is the only way to advance the principles of conservatism in the United States is to not give a damn. … He is so much better a president than Mitt Romney would’ve made. Mitt Romney would’ve awakened every day to read The New York Times editorial page to see how he’s covered. Mitt Romney gave us Romneycare in Massachusetts.
Meanwhile, the #NeverTrump tribe, those bitter dead-enders like National Review’sJonah Goldberg and Twitter’s Bill Kristol, have dragged their wounded egos under a bridge and turned into ridiculous trolls, Vichy Republicans still sleeping with the enemy; still the same pious and sanctimonious scolds hungry to believe whatever the discredited MSM tells them; still the goofy cowards eager to surrender because the tension of battle gives them a rash.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

The Nuclear Options: Schumer, Democrats Loyal to Illegals – Not Americans

Watching Senate Democrats high-stepping and hopping around like a bunch of Mexican jumping beans in a hot skillet this week sure has been hilarious — if not entirely illuminating.

Led by Grande Sombrero Chuck Schumer himself, Democrats started their snake-bit tango by pledging their undying loyalty to the hundreds of thousands of so-called Dreamers, those treasured illegal aliens illegally brought into the country as children by their illegal parents.
Politicians pledging undying loyalty should have been the first clue that this was going to end badly for everyone involved. But that is how these people behave. They pledge undying loyalty to people that they just as quickly abandon.
Let’s start with the original pledge of undying loyalty. Now this is truly extraordinary.
Set aside the fact that there are apparently some real sob stories among these illegals brought into the country illegally as children by their illegal parents. Some, reportedly, only speak English and know nothing of the land of their birth. Sending them back would be cruel, we are told.
Indeed, it does sound cruel. What kind of parents would knowingly visit such cruelty upon their own children? And what kind of politicians would knowingly invite this kind of cruelty by making such false and lawless “open borders” promises?
But setting aside those sob stories, the startling fact remains that the Democratic Party is so entirely beholden to this relatively small group of foreigners in this country illegally — non-citizens who have no right whatsoever to vote — that the entire party decided to shut down the federal government on behalf of these sad people.
Name for me one single group of legal citizens in the United States who wield this kind of enormous power over either party here in Washington. Not unionized workers. Not the National Rifle Association. Not coal miners. No minority group. Not rich people. Certainly not poor people.
But round up a million illegals illegally bought here by their illegal parents and suddenly Democrats are willing to shut the place down and make them the very top, No. 1 priority in all the land.
It is the greatest mockery of citizenship, voting rights and self-governance ever displayed in this whole sordid swamp.
You have a powerful illegal foreign force operating within our federal government to pervert the will of the people and the swamp yokels around here hardly bat an eye.
Talk about collusion. Can you imagine if these Dreamers had been Russian?
Charles Hurt can be reached at churt@washingtontimes.com and on Twitter @charleshurt.


WASHINGTON (AP) — First lady Melania Trump’s office is fed up with speculation about marital strife in the White House.
Mrs. Trump’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, took to Twitter Friday to blast “flat-out false reporting” about the first lady that has emerged in recent days.
“BREAKING,” she wrote. “The laundry list of salacious & flat-out false reporting about Mrs. Trump by tabloid publications & TV shows has seeped into ‘mainstream media’ reporting.”
Grisham added that Mrs. Trump is focused on her family and role as first lady, “not the unrealistic scenarios being peddled daily by the fake news.”
The tabloid Daily Mail reported Friday that Mrs. Trump has spent a number of nights at a D.C. hotel in the wake of reports of allegations by adult film star Stormy Daniels that she had an affair with Donald Trump in 2006, shortly after he married Melania.
The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump’s personal lawyer brokered a $130,000 payment to Daniels in October 2016 to prohibit her from publicly discussing the alleged affair before the election. Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has scheduled an appearance on ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” following the president’s State of the Union address Tuesday.
Mrs. Trump had originally been scheduled to join her husband at an economic summit in Davos, Switzerland, this week. But her office said Tuesday, the day before Trump’s departure, that Mrs. Trump would not be going, citing unspecified scheduling and logistical issues.
On Thursday, the first lady paid a visit to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington in advance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
She has joined her husband on his other foreign trips.

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier

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