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For Mon, Dec. 18, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave
All~God Bless America
A pretty smile brightens the day...
Rep. Adam Schiff Has Twitter Meltdown, Worries House Intel Russia Probe Will End Too Early
The Associated Press
The top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), went on a Tweetstorm on Friday afternoon, saying he was “increasingly worried” that Republicans would shut down the committee’s probe at the end of the month.
“Since March, our investigation has made important progress. We’ve interviewed numerous key witnesses behind closed doors, held public hearings, reviewed thousands of documents, identified new leads — all to understand and expose Russia’s meddling and protect our democracy,” he began.
“Yet, Republicans have scheduled no witnesses after next Friday and none in [2018]. We have dozens of outstanding witnesses on key aspects of our investigation that they refuse to contact and many document requests they continue to sit on,” he said.
I’m increasingly worried Republicans will shut down the House Intelligence Committee investigation at the end of the month.
The committee’s investigation has gone on for about a year, with nearly five dozen witnesses interviewed across 11 open and closed hearings lasting for hours.
But Schiff said what really has him “concerned” is that if Congress’s probes end, Republicans could exert pressure to end Mueller’s investigation, which has cost $6.7 million in taxpayer funds in its first five months.
A source close to the Russia investigations pushed back against Schiff’s complaints:
“Schiff is having a bit of a meltdown. His collusion narrative collapsed, his obstruction narrative collapsed, and top executive branch investigators are being revealed as Hillary partisans and as friends of Fusion GPS. So now Schiff is introducing a new narrative: the reason why Democrats have no evidence to prove their collusion claims is because a year-long investigation wasn’t nearly long enough. It’s objectively an absurd argument, but that’s all he’s got left.”
Anti-Trump Dem Admits to Violent Crime After Lying About It
The Washington Free Beacon by: Brent Scher
Delaware Senator Tom Carper admitted to slapping his wife in a 1998 interview with a veteran political journalist in the state, confirming an accusation he denied when first running for Congress.
Carper represented Delaware first in the House, then was elected governor in 1993, and has been in the Senate since 2001. He fought the accusation that he hit his wife when it first emerged during his 1982 run for Congress, saying it was "without basis in fact" and pledging to sue the New York Post, which first published the accusation in 1982, for libel.
Carper won in 1982 largely by attacking his Republican opponent for his "vicious" efforts to "smear" him and his wife, but 16 years later he admitted to Delaware reporter Celia Cohen that the accusation was true all along.
"Did I slap my wife 20 years ago? Yes," Carper said. "Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? No."
Carper represented Delaware first in the House, then was elected governor in 1993, and has been in the Senate since 2001. He fought the accusation that he hit his wife when it first emerged during his 1982 run for Congress, saying it was "without basis in fact" and pledging to sue the New York Post, which first published the accusation in 1982, for libel.
Carper won in 1982 largely by attacking his Republican opponent for his "vicious" efforts to "smear" him and his wife, but 16 years later he admitted to Delaware reporter Celia Cohen that the accusation was true all along.
"Did I slap my wife 20 years ago? Yes," Carper said. "Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? No."
Judge Napolitano says James Comey is responsible for Hillary being let off the hook
December 15, 2017
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should have been found criminally culpable in 2016. By letting Clinton escape charges, and lying to the American people, former FBI Director James Comey did his country a disservice.
Fox News obtained Comey’s original draft statement in the email investigation, and the evidence indicates that it was heavily altered to reduce Hillary Clinton’s culpability. On Wednesday, Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano made the case that Comey was ultimately ‘responsible’ for letting Hillary Clinton off the hook.
Fox News reported:
In an early draft, Comey said it was “reasonably likely” that “hostile actors” gained access to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account. That was changed later to say the scenario was merely “possible.”
Another edit showed language was changed to describe the actions of Clinton and her colleagues as “extremely careless” as opposed to “grossly negligent.” This is a key legal distinction.
Comey liable
Although the alternations are clearly shown, there’s one thing that isn’t clear — who edited Comey’s original statement to tilt everything in Clinton’s favor.
Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano said it doesn’t matter who did the actual editing. Whether it was Comey or someone else in the FBI or within the Department of Justice, he could still be held liable.
“He is responsible for it, he was the director of the FBI,” Napolitano said on “Special Report.” “I also don’t think it matters the ideological predilections of the editor. The person who signed it, the person who delivered it is responsible for it.”
IT’S AN INDUSTRY: Thanks to Lisa Bloom We Now Know Trump Accusers are Paid $750,000 by Dem Donors to Say Trump Abused Them
by Jim Hoft
It’s an industry.
Thanks to Lisa Bloom, spawn of Gloria Allred, we now know that Trump accusers are paid $750,000 by top Democrat donors to accuse the billionaire president of sexual abuse.
With Democrats it’s all about power by any means necessary.
Democrats paraded out three Trump accusers this week.
Someone needs to check their bank accounts.
A well-known women’s rights lawyer sought to arrange compensation from donors and tabloid media outlets for women who made or considered making sexual misconduct allegations against Donald Trump during the final months of the 2016 election, according to documents and interviews.
California lawyer Lisa Bloom’s efforts included offering to sell alleged victims’ stories to TV outlets in return for a commission for herself, arranging a donor to pay off one Trump accuser’s mortgage and attempting to secure a six-figure payment for another woman who ultimately declined to come forward after being offered as much as $750,000, the clients told The Hill.
The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort.
Image via The Bradford File
Fake News: CNN’s Jim Acosta Claims ‘1,552 Mass Shootings’ Since Sandy Hook
Screenshot / CNN
On December 14, 2017, CNN’s Jim Acosta claimed America has witnessed “1,552 mass shootings” since the heinous attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School.
This means Acosta is claiming an average of approximately 310 mass shootings a year for each of the past five years.
It is important to note that he attempts to bolster this claim via information provided by a tracking site sponsored by gun controllers. That tracking site–the Gun Violence Archive–diverges from FBI definition of a mass shooting as four fatalities or more in one incident so as to include shootings in which no fatalities occur.
Acosta tweeted:
Since Sandy Hook there have been at least 1,552 mass shootings, with at least 1,767 people killed and 6,227 wounded. http://ift.tt/2t3796l …
Mass shootings since Sandy Hook, in one map
Other members of the left have been spewing similar numbers for years. At times, their claims have gotten so outlandish that members of their own circles have called them out for it.
For example, in December 2015 Breitbart News reported that Mother Jones’ editor Mark Follman called out leftists for claiming “355 mass shootings” in that calendar year alone. Follman published a column in the The New York Times, which said:
At Mother Jones, where I work as an editor, we have compiled an in-depth open-source database covering more than three decades of public mass shootings. By our measure, there have been four “mass shootings” this year, including the one in San Bernardino, and at least 73 such attacks since 1982.
Note–using the actual FBI definition of mass shootings, Follman could only find four mass shootings for the entire year, yet leftists were claiming 355.
Think about it this way–It is easy to swell the number of car accidents recorded for a given year if butterflies hitting the windshield are counted as an accident. Moreover, it is easy to swell the number of falls recorded every year if stumbling without actually falling is counting as a fall nonetheless.
In the same way, it is easy to swell the number of mass shootings if the definition of mass shooting is changed so as to include street crimes in which no one is killed or by including the life of the attacker in the reported number of deaths resulting from an alleged shooting. The Gun Violence Archive does both these things and Acosta’s tweet ultimately rests on that approach to claim “1552 mass shootings” during the past five years.
AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. Sign up to get Down Range at http://ift.tt/2AC36Vm
Peter Schweizer: ‘Conflicts Upon Conflicts Upon Conflicts of Interest’ in FBI Investigations of Trump and Clinton
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer talked during his appearance on Friday’s Breitbart News Tonight with SiriusXM hosts Rebecca Mansour and John Carney about the discovery of politically charged text messages between Peter Strzok, an FBI official involved in both the Trump and Clinton investigations, and his mistress.
“We all expect that people at the FBI are going to have private political opinions,” Schweizer allowed. “You know, these people vote, and they have views, and that’s fine. In this particular case, Strzok had particularly strong feelings about Trump.”
He said the text message of greatest concern was part of a conversation between Strzok and the woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair, in which they talked about developing an “insurance policy” in the event Donald Trump won the 2016 election.
“They never sort of spell out what the insurance policy is, but it’s kind of implied in the context of the communication and what’s going on at the time, which is this FBI investigation,” he observed.
“What is an insurance policy? I’d take out an insurance policy because I want to be prepared if disaster strikes. If in my mind a disaster occurs – a hurricane, an earthquake, a fire – I’ve got something in my back pocket to help set things right. Well, Strzok, who clearly did not like Trump and liked Hillary, said that they had an ‘insurance policy.’ In that context, what he seems to be saying is disaster striking would be Trump being president and that they had some insurance policy to sort of deal with that disaster,” Schweizer explained.
“That is extremely troubling because now you’re talking about somebody not just sort of mouthing off about who they like and who they don’t like, maybe just trying to impress somebody that they’re romantically involved with. You’re talking about, in a sense, having a plan or taking action to correct something that you think needs to be corrected,” he said.
“This is, I think, a huge problem with bureaucrats in Washington, DC. I would point people to a book that was written just a couple of years ago by two Johns Hopkins University scholars, called What Washington Gets Wrong. They did a survey of precisely people like Peter Strzok, thousands of people who are senior government officials, and they asked them their attitudes towards all kinds of things. One of the things that stands out is, the vast majority of people in those positions they surveyed have basically contempt for the average American. They also believe in shocking numbers that if the American people want a constitutional course of action that they as bureaucrats don’t agree with, that they feel justified in trying to stop it,” Schweizer related.
“It’s an attitude that goes to the heart of what is being debated about the Deep State. I think it’s a debate we have to have because it’s clearly a problem – not just in this case with Trump, but I think in general, their attitude and their willingness to, in a sense, ignore what the American people in our democratic republic want,” he warned.
Mansour noted that during the “insurance policy” conversation, Strzok’s mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, told Strzok, “[You might have been] meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace,” by which she apparently meant the Trump presidency. His response was, “I can protect our country at many levels.”
“This is like banana republic stuff,” Mansour marveled.
Schweizer observed that former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe was also involved in the Hillary Clinton email case while his wife “ran for elective office in Virginia” and was “receiving a bunch of money from Terry McAuliffe, the governor of Virginia, very close to the Clintons.”
“He was helping to underwrite her campaign at precisely the time that her husband, Andrew McCabe, was investigating the Clintons,” he noted. “You’ve got conflicts upon conflicts upon conflicts of interest, up and down.”
“I have to say, on a personal level, really up until a year ago there were two government institutions that I still had trust in,” Schweizer added. “One was the FBI, and one was the American military. I have to say that this has really shaken my faith in the FBI.”
“I’m glad that in this particular case, Strzok was removed from the investigation when these texts came to note, but honestly, is it really even possible to think that the people involved in the investigation of the Russia collusion were not aware of Strzok’s opinions? He seems very vocal, very outspoken. It just would be surprising to me that people weren’t aware of his attitudes towards Trump while he was on this investigation. There needs to be some serious work done in reconstituting the FBI and the way in which they handle things,” he advised.
Schweizer agreed with Carney’s call for Strzok to explain precisely what he meant by “insurance policy” under oath.
“The reason that the FBI became involved, in part, is because they were supposed to depoliticize all of this,” he noted. “It’s the FBI, and it’s going to be, ‘Just the facts, ma’am.’ They’re going to investigate this and go where the facts lead. We now see that there is politics apparently riddled throughout this.”
“There needs to be a thorough investigation. I think these guys need to be put up before a congressional committee. You also need to have the inspector general at the Department of Justice. What other communications were taking place? I’m sure that the sort of very specific harsh nature of these communications that sort of lay out the need for an insurance policy, and that they’re going to protect the Republic on our behalf, and this meeting with Andy McCabe – I’m sure that there are other communications out there,” he speculated.
“The American people need to see it. They need to see it, and they need to be able to evaluate it. It needs to be a caution sent out to all law-enforcement agencies that we’re not going to tolerate a politicized investigation,” Schweizer declared.
“I, at the beginning, said that the whole Russia thing needed to be investigated just to sort of clear the air, to know what happened. I think it’s pretty clear now that you had some low-level stuff with Papadopoulos – which I think was more of a comedy routine than anything else; it certainly didn’t have the makings of a highly sophisticated collaboration between the Trump campaign and the Russians. So I believed we needed to have this investigation, as I believe we need to investigate the Clintons and their ties, as it relates to Uranium One and other Russian matters,” he said.
Schweizer said testimony from a key FBI informant in the Uranium One investigation is scheduled for early next year.
“He’s going to testify in a couple of congressional committees. I’m pushing very hard for those to be open testimonies, not behind closed doors. There seems to be some question as to whether they want to do it behind closed doors because it involves sensitive matter. I think it’s got to be in public. The American people need to hear this and evaluate it,” he said.
Peter Schweizer is head of the Government Accountability Institute and author of the best-selling book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.
Pew Report: Two-Thirds of Americans Believe ‘Jesus Was Born to a Virgin’
Despite the notorious decline of religiosity in recent years, a majority of Americans still believe in the essential elements of the Nativity story surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center.
A full 66 percent of U.S. adults believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, Pew reports, while 68 percent of Americans say that the three wise men were guided by a star and brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant Jesus. Meanwhile, 67 percent of Americans believe that an angel of the Lord announced Jesus’ birth to shepherds and that the newborn baby Jesus was laid in a manger.
A majority of Americans—57 percent—believe in the full biblical account of Jesus’ birth, with all of the elements related by Saints Luke and Matthew in their gospel narratives, Pew found.
Even among millennials, who studies have shown to be much less religious than prior generations of Americans, belief in each of the four components of the Nativity account exceeds 50 percent.
According to Pew, 55 percent of millennials believe in the virgin birth, 54 percent believe that an angel heralded Jesus’ birth, 57 percent believe that the three magi came bringing him gifts, and 65 percent believe that the infant Jesus was laid in a manger.
For all demographic groups belief in the biblical narrative of the birth of the Christ child has fallen in recent years, Pew reports, with a significant drop even in the last three years. As an illustration of this phenomenon, in 2014 a full 78 percent of millennials believed that Jesus was laid in a manger as a baby, while today the figure stands at 65 percent—a remarkable 12 percent drop in just three years.
Pew also discovered that an absolute majority of every demographic group except Catholics says that in American society the religious aspects of Christmas are emphasized less today than in the past, although less than half of U.S. adults (31 percent) find this drop in emphasis to be “bothersome.”
Ninety percent of the U.S. population still celebrates Christmas as a holiday, and a slight majority (51%) say they will attend religious services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
While among white evangelicals and white mainline Protestants, a higher percentage say they will attend religious services this Christmas than in 2013, among Catholics, the opposite phenomenon was observed. The share saying they will attend Christmas Mass has dropped substantially since Pope Francis’ election in 2013, from 76 percent to 68 percent.
A clear divide was also noted along partisan lines, with nearly two-thirds of Republicans saying they will attend church on Christmas (65 percent), while among Democrats, less than half (45 percent) say they plan on attending religious services this year.
Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter
Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She ‘Couldn’t Have Asked for a Better Year’
Christopher Polk/Getty Images for TAS
Pop star Taylor Swift apparently struck a nerve with leftists and Internet trolls this week after she said she “couldn’t have asked for a better year” in 2017 and thanked her fans in a birthday Instagram post.
“I love you guys so much,” Swift captioned a photo taken at a recent London concert. “I couldn’t have asked for a better year, all thanks to you. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Can’t wait to see what 28 will be like. See you on tour.”
That simple message was apparently too much for some Twitter users — and at least a few media outlets — who questioned how Swift could have a “great year” with all the tragedy occurring in the world, including the election of President Donald Trump.
“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.
“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another.
There was plenty of similar sentiment on Twitter.
Of course, Swift likely had a lot in her life to be thankful for this year.
Her latest album, reputation, immediately went to No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart and became the best-selling album of the year, even if it wasn’t as popular as her smash hit album 1989. For her tour this year, she’s trying a new “slow ticketing” method that is bound to gross her far more money and ensure that scalpers stay away from her shows, and the music industry will likely follow her lead.
Swift also won her sexual assault counter-suit against a DJ she had accused of groping her, and was featured on Time magazine’s Person of the Year cover. And she also has a new boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, a 26-year-old British actor who will reportedly join her on tour next year.
But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”
The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.
“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”
“We can all agree that it’s been A Year. So Taylor’s comments were met with… mixed responses,” the Buzzfeed author wrote. “Like whoooooo could possibly say 2017 was a good year?”
Meanwhile, numerous Twitter users defended Swift, explaining that anything she says is now likely to draw backlash.
Maybe Taylor Swift had the best year of her life b/c she won a sexual assault case in court, released an album that broke records, & is in love. Maybe it's because last year everyone said she was "Over" & instead She rose out of the hate like a Phoenix.
Taylor Swift saying she had a good year (fact check: true) and sending keyboard warriors into spitflying hysterics is best story of the week
Of course, Swift likely doesn’t care about the controversy anyway. She is preparing to spend the holidays with her new boyfriend, and is probably rehearsing for what will almost certainly be the top-grossing tour of 2018, and/or counting her money.
Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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