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For Sat. Dec. 2, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave
All~God Bless America
White House 2017
Jim Nabors Dies: ‘Gomer Pyle’ Star Was 87
Greg Evans
DeadlineNovember 30, 2017
Jim Nabors, who gave popular culture its most enduring image of a wide-eyed, good-natured if none too bright hayseed in a character whose very name – Gomer Pyle – would become synonymous with lovable rube, died Thursday in Hawaii. He was 87.
Steven Crowder Proves Amazon Alexa Is a Liberal
A video in which comedian and Conservative Review commentator Steven Crowder conducts a Q&A session with Amazon‘s “Alexa” went viral over Thanksgiving weekend. His goal? To see if he could uncover any political leanings the device might have secretly built into it.
As it turns out, Alexa is a bit of a social justice warrior. That part didn’t make it into the ads for the artificial personal assistant – and I doubt Amazon could expect to sell many if they did.
After asking Alexa a question about Jesus Christ, the unexpected response prompted him to ask a number of other questions, such as how many genders there are. Alexa gave a lengthy, ideologically driven response explaining why there are not two genders (yes, really). When asked about the Prophet Mohammad, Alexa gave a rapid-fire response praising Mohammad.
Watch below:
Some of the responses in the nearly fifteen-minute video were so ridiculous that critics complained the video had to have been fake. To calm those concerns, Crowder released the uncut footage, proving that the responses were indeed genuine. I guess no critic bothered to just ask an Alexa the same exact questions?
Pretty amusing, no? It just goes to show just how wide-ranging liberal propaganda on race and religion has spread. It has even infected our personal devices that were supposed to be without political bias. Is nothing sacred anymore? Must everything mainstream be implanted with the liberal narrative?
It would seem so given how widespread the liberal philosophy has become in everyday life.
Even so, I guess we don’t have to worry about computers outsmarting humans anytime soon.
Take a knee, that’s BS. Tear jerker. God Bless you.
Democrat Leader’s Hard Drive Key Evidence in IT Theft, Spying Case
A court date for a former Democratic IT aide has been postponed by more than a month after the defendant’s attorney, a former Hillary Clinton aide, said he’s seeking to block prosecutors from using evidence that appears to include a government laptop tied to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
“The government has been in discussions with counsel for the defendants regarding complex discovery issues and other legal issues in this case, in particular issues surrounding claims of attorney-client privilege being raised by defendant Imran Awan,” court papers filed Tuesday say.
“The government has been in discussions with counsel for the defendants regarding complex discovery issues and other legal issues in this case, in particular issues surrounding claims of attorney-client privilege being raised by defendant Imran Awan,” court papers filed Tuesday say.
“Last night, counsel for both defendants indicated that they need additional time to review and analyze these issues, along with the voluminous discovery the government provided in this case,” according to the documents. “The government consents to this request.”
Chris Gowen, Awan’s attorney, said at the last hearing: “We do expect there being an attorney-client privilege issue in this case… What occurred is a backpack from my client was found, he was trying to get a better signal, there was a note that said attorney client privilege and a hard drive. We feel very strongly about this.”
#1 a Pakistani ID card with the name Mohommed Ashraf Awan
#2 a copy – not original – of a driver’s license with name Imran Awan
#3 a copy (front and back) of his congressional ID
#4 an Apple laptop with the home screen initials ‘RepDWS’
#5 composition notebooks with notes handwritten saying ‘attorney client privilege’ and possibly discussing case details below
#6 loose letters addressed to US Attorney of DC discussing the apparent owner of the bag being investigated.
It is unclear how the handwritten note saying “attorney client privilege” could be construed to cover a hard drive, rather than the pages of notebook it was contained on.
Imran Awan, his wife, his two brothers Abid and Jamal, and a friend all worked as IT aides for dozens of Democratic members of Congress. Shortly after WikiLeaks published the Democratic National Committee’s emails and during the lead up to the 2016 election, investigators discovered indications that they were using a server “for nefarious purposes” and “could be reading and/or removing information,” according to a briefing.
They were banned from the House network in February 2017, but Wasserman Schultz, a Democrat from Florida, refused to fire Awan. Late one night in March, he left the backpack in a phone booth in a different House building than the one she occupies.
Wasserman Schultz fought to prevent law enforcement from looking at the laptop, threatening a police chief with “consequences” and implying it was “a member’s” laptop. She hired an outside lawyer, Bill Pittard, who specializes in the “speech and debate” clause of the Constitution that is designed to protect lawmakers from persecution for political stances, but lawmakers have used to try to stymie criminal probes in the past.
Now, it is Awans’ lawyers who are seeking the right to keep information in the backpack, including the “hard drive,” from being used as evidence.
Andrew McCarthy, a former chief assistant U.S. attorney who has followed the case, said “The A/C (attorney-client) privilege only applies to communications between the client and lawyer that are for the purpose of seeking legal advice and that are intended by both parties to be kept confidential… Moreover, asserting that something is A/C protected does not make it so. You still have to show that the material in question constitutes communications strictly between the lawyer and client that were for the purpose of seeking legal advice.”
“If I give my lawyer my bank records and ask him if they show evidence of a crime, the bank records do not become A/C-privileged — only his advice to me would be A/C-privileged. And if I stuck a sign on my bank records that said ‘A/C-privileged documents,’ that would not make them A/C-privileged documents,” he told The Daily Caller News Foundation Wednesday.
The notation indicates that Awan hired a lawyer long before March, because he knew he was the subject of a criminal investigation into his House activities. He was not charged with bank fraud until July, when he was arrested at the airport by the FBI. He was attempting to leave the country and prosecutors said a document he was carrying indicated he was using an alias.
The “voluminous discovery,” and the apparent importance of the hard drive to the case, also suggests the aides’ work in the House is at issue, not simply a matter of lying on requests for bank withdrawals. Democrats such as Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas — a member of the intelligence committee — and Rep. Ted Lieu of California, however, have claimed the case has nothing to do with their work on Capitol Hill.
The men employed Abid and Jamal. “The brother you mentioned that got arrested, he was not my staffer, I used someone else who was part of the same company,” Lieu told a TV station. “If you look at the charge of the brother, he was charged with bank fraud… that has nothing to do with national security.”
Neither of the lawmakers explained why, if the only issue is alleged bank fraud by Imran, they would have fired all his relatives five months earlier.
The briefing warned that “all five of the shared employees system administrators collectively logged onto the [House Democratic] Caucus system 5,735 times, or an average of 27 times per day,” even though only one of them was authorized.
The hearing, set for Thursday, was postponed to Jan. 8. It was originally scheduled for just before Thanksgiving, but was postponed by a week after a similar request.
“Mad Dog” Mattis Revealed A Secret About North Korea No One Wanted To Hear
What exactly are their nuclear capabilities? And how far will Kim Jong Un go to provoke world war?
Well “Mad Dog” Mattis just revealed a secret about their ability to strike the United States that no one wanted to hear.
North Korea recently test fired a Hwasong-15 ballistic missile.
It flew for 50 minutes and landed just 250km off the coast of Japan.
But that was not the most frightening aspect of the test.
Secretary of Defense James Mattis revealed that this missile gives North Korea the ability to strike anywhere in the United States.
Even Washington, D.C. is within range.
CNN reports:
“The Pentagon confirmed earlier Tuesday that North Korea launched what the US military believes to be an intercontinental ballistic missile.
Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis told reporters that the North Korean missile test went “higher, frankly, than any previous shot they have taken.”
Mattis made remarks as he sat in on a meeting with Trump, House Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell. The defense secretary added that North Korea has the ability to hit “everywhere in the world basically.”
Pentagon spokesperson Col. Rob Manning told reporters that the missile was “launched from Sain Ni, North Korea, and traveled about 1,000 kilometers before splashing down in the Sea of Japan, within Japan’s Economic Exclusion Zone.”
Donald Trump responded in a tweet saying he had spoken with the Chinese President and more sanctions would be imposed on North Korea and assured the situation “would be handled.”
Just spoke to President XI JINPING of China concerning the provocative actions of North Korea. Additional major sanctions will be imposed on North Korea today. This situation will be handled!
This mess was dumped into Trump’s lap by Barack Obama.
His policy of “strategic patience” was a miserable failure.
Obama’s inaction allowed the communist nation to march to the edge of threatening the United States with thermonuclear war.
And although North Korea has yet to develop the capability to attach a nuclear warhead to an ICBM that could reach the east coast of the United States, that time is fast approaching.
Will this end with another war on the Korean Peninsula?
We are the target…
We've spent 25 years trying to talk North Korea out of nuclear weapons, and this effort has failed.
Now, it's likely that North Korea has missiles capable of hitting the continental United States.
If North Korea achieves deliverable nuclear weapons, it will be able to extort and coerce the United States, Japan, South Korea and others, not to mention opening a vast emporium of nuclear technology for the likes of Iran, other aspiring nuclear weapons states, and even terrorist groups.
I don't want to go back to those wonderful days where we did 'duck and cover' drills in elementary schools because we feared that some fruitcake was going to put his finger on the button.
At the end of the day, the president's job is to protect American citizens, and I do not accept that the United States should be held hostage by this strange regime in North Korea, or by the mullahs in Iran.
If you agree, sign my petition demanding President Trump stop North Korea by any means necessary. America cannot be held hostage by terrorist states.
Are we prepared to live forever with North Korea having nuclear weapons? Will Americans be under that threat for as far as the eye can see? I find that unacceptable.
Friend, I think what we say about this autocratic regime in North Korea we can say equally about the ayatollahs in Iran. These are not regimes where I want to see if the calculus of deterrence works as well as it did with Russia during the Cold War.
We know that Iran and North Korea have cooperated for years on ballistic missiles. It is also quite likely they've done it on the nuclear side as well.
North Korea must be stopped before they have the ability to strike the continental United States with nuclear weapons. There can be no exception.
If you agree, sign my petition demanding President Trump stop North Korea by any means necessary.
After you've signed, please consider chipping in $25 or more to help me spread this message to patriotic citizens everywhere who agree that Americans shouldn't live under the threat of nuclear terrorism.
Now, it's likely that North Korea has missiles capable of hitting the continental United States.
If North Korea achieves deliverable nuclear weapons, it will be able to extort and coerce the United States, Japan, South Korea and others, not to mention opening a vast emporium of nuclear technology for the likes of Iran, other aspiring nuclear weapons states, and even terrorist groups.
I don't want to go back to those wonderful days where we did 'duck and cover' drills in elementary schools because we feared that some fruitcake was going to put his finger on the button.
At the end of the day, the president's job is to protect American citizens, and I do not accept that the United States should be held hostage by this strange regime in North Korea, or by the mullahs in Iran.
If you agree, sign my petition demanding President Trump stop North Korea by any means necessary. America cannot be held hostage by terrorist states.
Are we prepared to live forever with North Korea having nuclear weapons? Will Americans be under that threat for as far as the eye can see? I find that unacceptable.
Friend, I think what we say about this autocratic regime in North Korea we can say equally about the ayatollahs in Iran. These are not regimes where I want to see if the calculus of deterrence works as well as it did with Russia during the Cold War.
We know that Iran and North Korea have cooperated for years on ballistic missiles. It is also quite likely they've done it on the nuclear side as well.
North Korea must be stopped before they have the ability to strike the continental United States with nuclear weapons. There can be no exception.
If you agree, sign my petition demanding President Trump stop North Korea by any means necessary.
After you've signed, please consider chipping in $25 or more to help me spread this message to patriotic citizens everywhere who agree that Americans shouldn't live under the threat of nuclear terrorism.
Friend, the stakes are growing, and we need to show courage. America stands up to its enemies, and it doesn't back down because the mission is difficult.
For America,
John Bolton
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Regret: French President Fed up, Tells Refugee to “Go Back to Your Country”
It looks like even left-leaning politicians in Europe are finally starting to wake up to the problems with unregulated immigration.
French President Emmanuel Macron campaigned on a platform of open borders for refugees, not too different from his counterpart Angela Merkel in Germany.
However, the young president was just captured on camera walking back that stance, and appeared to tell a Moroccan Muslim woman with an expired visa to “go back to your country.”
In an exchange in front of news cameras last week, Macron was confronted by the immigrant but took a surprisingly stern tone.
“The woman said her parents lived in France and that she wanted to remain in the country, despite being out of status. Macron disregarded the woman’s argument and asked her to leave France,” explained The Daily Caller.
Macron, of course, spoke French during the interaction, but his words were translated by several news sources.
“If you are not in danger, you should go back to your country,” the 39-year-old president stated. “You are not in danger in Morocco.”
The woman insisted that she should be allowed to stay, despite not having a valid visa.
“I cannot give French papers to everyone who doesn’t have them,” Macron responded. “How would I deal with the people who are already here and can’t find a job?”
French President Emmanuel Macron told this Moroccan Asylum Seeker to "go back to Morocco"
That was a remarkably common-sense — and dare we say conservative-sounding— answer to an emotional immigrant. It’s also a bit different from the tone Macron took during his campaign.
“Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday welcomed the policy led by Chancellor Angela Merkel in favor of the reception of refugees,” reported the French language newspaper Le Parisien back in January, according to a translation.
“Confusing terrorists with asylum seekers, with refugees, any form of migration, is a profound moral, historical and political error,” Macron stated at the time.
However, reality may have changed his views, if only slightly. In October, an undocumented Tunisian immigrant murdered two French women in Marseille. The “Islamic State” terrorist group took credit for that killing.
The criminal had apparently been arrested just days before, but released. Other terrorist attacks have also recently occurred.
“We will take the most severe measures, we will do what we must do,” President Macron declared shortly after, according to news site TheLocal.fr.
It’s amazing how dealing with the real world has a tendency to chip away at leftist views.
Macron won’t be confused with Donald Trump any time soon, but hopefully this video is a sign that he’s finally facing the hard facts about open borders and unlimited immigration.
It’s amazing how dealing with the real world has a tendency to chip away at leftist views.
Macron won’t be confused with Donald Trump any time soon, but hopefully this video is a sign that he’s finally facing the hard facts about open borders and unlimited immigration.
Abortion Clinic Caught Making Appointment for Abortion of Healthy 32-Week-Old Unborn Baby STEVEN ERTELT SEATTLE, WA
New undercover phone calls to an abortion clinic in Seattle make it clear that a late-term abortion businesses are willing to arrange abortions for healthy moms on healthy unborn babies well after the point of viability.
The pro-life groups Priests for Life and Abortion Free New Mexico today released the 10th and 11th of the ongoing series of undercover phone calls that have exposed the abusive practices of abortion clinics and the evidence continues to pile up that healthy babies of healthy mothers are being aborted legally in the later stages of pregnancy.
In the two phone calls released today, the caller successfully books an abortion appointment, having explained that she is 24 weeks along in her pregnancy, and that both she and the baby are healthy. These calls as well as the nine previous calls, which cover three other states. These calls follow up on others with bookings of abortions as late as 32 weeks.
Follow LifeNews.com on Instagram for pro-life pictures and the latest pro-life news.
Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life told LifeNews.com today: “People have a right to their own opinions, but they don’t have a right to their own facts. If we’re going to debate abortion in this country, rather than pretending to debate abortion, then we’re going to start with acknowledging that healthy babies of healthy mothers are being killed even at 24 weeks and beyond. On our other calls you can hear such appointments being set up for 26, 30 and 32 weeks into pregnancy.”
“We urge people to take the links to these calls and spread them everywhere they can, on websites, via email, and on social media. Bring this information also to your pastors and urge them to inform their congregations,” Fr. Pavone added.
Tara Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico explained, “The Cedar River Clinic and All Women’s Care in Washington state are performing abortions well after babies have been known to survive outside of the womb. These abortions are being done electively up to 26 weeks of pregnancy on healthy moms carrying healthy babies; fully funded at taxpayer’s expense. Late term post viability abortions are not as rare as one may think, they are occurring all across America.”
Pavone added: “This educational project, carried out in partnership with Abortion Free New Mexico, is meant to break through the ignorance and denial that is so prevalent among our fellow citizens. When you tell people that a mother can legally abort her baby at, for instance, 24 weeks of pregnancy – as the calls released today demonstrate – they will look at you in disbelief. Some will say we are making it up. Others will say it happens only if the mother is going to die or the baby is deformed. But it’s time for those myths to stop.”
Top Dem Caught In Sickening Scandal, It’s Gross
There is an alarming number of sex scandals taking place right now. The sheer number of scandals can be hard to keep up with, especially when more people are added to the list of offenders each day, and with increasingly disturbing allegations.
US Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), recently stepped down after allegations of sexual misconduct. Former aides are coming forward to announce the misconduct that occurred while they worked for him. One aide revealed that Conyers would often be seen in his underwear, according to CNN. This allegation is becoming increasingly common in cases such as this. It seems that the Democrat Party, in particular, has an inordinate number of its membership falling to these accusations.
An employee named Melanie Sloan came forward to report what she saw while she was on the job with Rep. Conyers. She claimed that the Congressman once called her to the office while he was in his underwear.
“I was pretty taken aback to see my boss half-dressed,” Sloan said. “I turned on my heel, and I left.”
Bob Weiner was Rep. Conyers’ Communications Director from 1994 up until the year 2000. Instead of condemning the horrible actions of Mr. Conyers, he is defending the Congressman. Weiner spoke to reporters to tell another version of the story.
“Something else that people need to know: his closet is in his office right here. He changes clothes in his office. Most of us have walked in on him accidentally without knocking and have seen him in his underwear. Big deal,” Weiner said.
The issue many have with Weiner’s statement is that he is talking about observations of people just walking into the Congressman’s office without knocking. What happened to Sloan was a completely different scenario altogether.
Mr. Conyers called Sloan back into the room while he was in his underwear. It is clear that he was making an advance toward Sloan to see if she would accept his invitation. Mr. Conyers tried to do it subtly, but the intent is clear.
Weiner went on to defend the Congressman’s other actions, referring to them as “surly moments” with staffers. Of course, Weiner reasons that Mr. Conyers wasn’t sexist.
Instead, Weiner offered this explanation: “That’s not sexist. That’s just being aggressive as the member of Congress or the Cabinet member or the VIP that you are. It has nothing to do with being anti-women. I got it too.”
In other words, being a sexist isn’t about what one does — it’s about political party affiliation. The media has overwhelmingly downplayed and defended the accusations made against Democrats or otherwise notable figures on the Left. Any time an accusation –of any kind — surfaces against a Republican, the media instantly determines guilt and portrays the accused as such.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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