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Sat. Oct.28, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave
All~God Bless America
Trick or Treat…
7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed
Daniel Berehul/Getty Image
Hillary Clinton claimed on Monday that the Uranium One scandal engulfing herself and the Obama administration has all been “debunked.”
“It’s the same baloney they’ve been peddling for years, and there’s been no credible evidence by anyone,” said Clinton.
At issue: why Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to Putin’s Russia and why nine foreign investors in the deal funneled $145 million to Hillary Clinton’s foundation.
Far from being “debunked,” several mainstream media outlets have confirmed key facts related to the Uranium One scandal—a story first broken by Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer in his New York Times bestselling book, Clinton Cash.
1. CONFIRMED by the New York Times: The former head of Russia’s uranium company (Ian Telfer) made four hidden donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling $2.35 million.
As the New York Times has confirmed: “As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”
2. CONFIRMED by the New Yorker magazine: Bill Clinton bagged a $500,000 speech in Moscow paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank.
The New Yorker confirmed that Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech paid for by “a Russian investment bank that had ties to the Kremlin.”
“Why was Bill Clinton taking any money from a bank linked to the Kremlin while his wife was Secretary of State?” asked the New Yorker.
Similarly, the New York Times has confirmed that: “shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.
3. CONFIRMED by the New York Times: Despite claims to the contrary, Uranium One has, in fact, exported “yellowcake” out of America and is “routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada.”
The New York Times confirmed that: “Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license.”
4. CONFIRMED by The Hill: The FBI has uncovered “substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering.”
The Hill confirmed last week that the FBI has uncovered “substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering.”
5. CONFIRMED by CNBC: Clinton Foundation mega-donor Frank Holmes claimed he sold Uranium One before Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the Russian transfer—but his company’s own SEC filings prove otherwise.
On CNBC, Clinton mega donor and uranium executive Frank Holmes claimed he sold his Uranium One stock before Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. approved the transfer of 20% of all U.S. uranium to Putin’s Russia in 2010. Yet according to his company’s (U.S. Global Investors), own 2011 SEC filing, Holmes’ company still hold Uranium One stock, a point he later admitted.
6. CONFIRMED by the New York Times: While eight other agencies had to sign off on approving the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to Russia, Hillary Clinton’s State Department was the only government agency headed by an official (Hillary Clinton) whose family foundation received $145 million from foreign investors involved in the uranium deal.
In its financial review of the uranium transaction, the New York Times confirmed that nine foreign investors in the uranium deal flowed a combined $145 million to Hillary Clinton’s family foundation. None of the remaining eight agency heads who approved the uranium transfer received foreign donations to their family’s charities.
7. CONFIRMED by The Hill: FBI agents already have an eyewitness and documents to support the most explosive parts of the Uranium One story.
The Hill confirmed that federal agents have “obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow.”
Dallas Cowboys Owner Issues Shock NFL Message, Media Stunned
Frank Spear
The national anthem protests in the NFL have caused quite the stir well into the sixth week of the season. Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, has been one of the owners openly telling the media that his team needs to stand during the national anthem.
In a series of recent interviews, according to NBC Sports, he elaborated a little more on what he meant. In fact, he went on to explain how protesting the national anthem is hurting the sport overall. Jones explained, “All times, I want to do the right thing by them and their customers.” He went on to say, “I have a great responsibility to the people who support us. We all get great benefits from having a lot of people watch our games. All of us do.”
The original message during these protests was that there are racial issues in the United States. A message, Jones pointed out, that has been lost in the protests week after week.
Now, people are more focused on the act of taking a knee rather than any form of social injustice in the system. Jones is exactly right; no one is talking about racial injustices that may exist in the country. If the players protested in an effective way — off the field and in the societal trenches — it would be to their benefit.
The Dallas Cowboys are only one of six teams in the league that has not had a player protest the anthem. Jones facilitated this reality when he stated that if a player protested, they would be benched for their behavior.
“But our ability to be substantive is based on having a strong NFL, a league that people are really interested in and want to watch games. At all times, if I am anything, I am first and foremost a proponent of making the NFL strong. Making us have as many people watching the game as we can and watching in light of what we are doing, and that’s playing football,” Jones said.
Jones went on to say that if they want to fight for this message, there is nothing wrong with that. However, they need to find a way to protest that doesn’t tear down the NFL in the process.
It all came full circle when a member of the group Black Lives Matter accused Jones of treating his players “like a plantation owner.” Jones did not appreciate this comment.
“They don’t know me,” Jones said, “and I didn’t know them. I am well aware they don’t know me. To the extent that they were frustrated with me, they are wrong. Just wrong,” he said, addressing the BLM member’s remark.
These protests started last season when Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem. By the end of the year, it was all but forgotten. Upon discovering that Kaepernick couldn’t find a team and that he remained an unsigned free agent after backing out of his contract with the San Francisco 49ers, the media circus started back up again.
Suddenly, many members of the NFL started protesting as a way to fight against “racism,” including the notion that Kaepernick’s continued unemployment was an act of racism. Instead of looking at his race, it may be wise for them to look at the tension he has caused in the NFL as a whole since his first initial protest and the fact that his performance as a player declined.
If players aspire to stand or kneel for advocacy or what is right, it’s fine. However, once they start disrespecting a symbolic icon of the United States in an attempt to battle racism while refusing to partake in actual change efforts, people will continue to reject the form of protest.
Jones just may be onto something. Let’s see if the other teams follow suit.
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting
The IRS on Thursday settled two lawsuits alleging the agency illegally targeted conservative groups under the Obama administration.
One of the settlements stipulated the IRS issue a formal apology for illegally signaling out conservative and tea party groups due to their political beliefs dating back to 2013.
The other settlement, a class-action lawsuit brought by the NorCal Tea Party with 428 members, includes a “generous” multi-million dollar payout, according to a lawyer involved.
“There is no excuse for this conduct,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. “Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS.”
According to Fox News, Sessions said groups seeking tax-exempt status with names including “Tea Party” or “Patriots” were given the rigmarole “based solely on their viewpoint or ideology.”
Sessions said the illegal targeting that took place under the Obama administration’s watch “was wrong and should have never occurred.”
“It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based on their names or ideological positions,” he said.
“We hope that today’s settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated,” he added.
Court documents show the IRS issued a “sincere apology” for its conduct toward conservative groups.
“The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determination process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding some Plaintiffs’ information that TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency’s determination of their tax-exempt status, was wrong,” the IRS said in court documents.
“For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.”
The court documents signaled out former IRS Commissioner Lois Lerner for “failing” to stop her employees from illegally targeting conservative groups.
Lerner, along with many of her direct reports at the IRS, resigned or retired from the agency over the scandal, according to Fox News.
The attorneys for the groups involved in the class action settlement said it was “a great day for the First Amendment,” while noting the IRS apology “was too long in coming.”
“The Government’s generous settlement with the Class Plaintiffs fully vindicates their claims that the IRS targeted Tea Party and conservative groups based on their viewpoint,” Eddie Greim, the lead counsel for the conservative groups, told Fox News.
“However, like Lois Lerner’s stated apology back in 2013, any recent so-called ‘apology’ by the IRS has little value. That is because the Service continues to suggest that its targeting was really just ‘mismanagement,’” Greim said.
Tom Zawistowski, the founder of two Ohio groups that were part of the lawsuits, told the Cincinnati Enquirer he was relieved to finally receive a formal apology from the IRS.
“Good God, yes – this is so sweet,” Zawistowski said. “It’s been a long slog to get to this point … and we even held out in the one case until the IRS actually apologized.”
President Donald Trump announced Thursday that Lerner’s replacement, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, would be replaced by Treasury Department assistant secretary for tax policy David Kautter on Nov. 13.
Kautter will serve as interim IRS commissioner until a permanent commissioner is selected, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Bloomberg in a statement.
Bannon Defends President Trump
Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon told a Hudson Institute audience Monday that Trump’s “America First” stance does not mean that he is an isolationist, and pointed to the May Riyadh Summit and victory against the Islamic State in Raqqa as proof of this.
“I think anybody who thinks … his philosophy is isolationist, I don’t know how you look at that Arab Summit that took place in May in Riyadh,” Bannon said.
Bannon was speaking at an event organized by the institute: “Countering Violent Extremism: Qatar, Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood” in Washington, D.C. Bannon was referring to the Arab Islamic American Summit held in Saudi Arabia in May, where Trump met with Arab leaders to organize a united front against ISIS and to stop the financing of terrorism.
Bannon said that specifically, the point of the summit was to stop the financing of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, and also Iran’s aggressive anti-Western strategy.
‘I don’t think it’s just by happenstance that two weeks after that summit that you saw the blockade of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain [and] Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Qatar,” he said.
Just eight months into Trump’s term, Bannon also noted, ISIS has largely been wiped out after major defeats in Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria. The latter is arguably a more significant defeat for the terror group as Raqqa was the group’s de facto capital in the Middle East. But last week it fell to U.S.-backed troops.
As Breitbart News reported last week, analysts caution that ISIS has not been destroyed, but with these twin defeats, it has been broken down from a terror state back into a terrorist organization.
Bannon noted that despite Trump being criticized during the campaign for his perceived lack of foreign policy knowledge, he has achieved a victory that would have been seen as almost impossible just a year ago.
“President Trump has accomplished something that I think people would have mocked and laughed at him in the campaign,” Bannon said. “Raqqa fell the other day, the physical destruction of ISIS’s caliphate, which shocked the world with its rapid rise.”
He put the victory down to changing the strategy from a war of attrition, to a war of annihilation.
“In eight months of President Trump’s strategy, executed by General Mattis, and that strategy was not a war of attrition, he was very specific from day one, this is a war of annihilation: ‘we will annihilate the caliphate’ and that’s been accomplished,” he said.
Japan Issues Terrifying N. Korea Warning, Please Pray
America isn’t the only country concerned with North Korea’s threats. And one nation in the area is bracing itself for military action within the near future.
As reported by AP News, Japan’s Defense Minister has claimed that North Korea’s missile capabilities have grown to an “unprecedented, critical and imminent” level, suggesting that they now require “different responses” to match the threat, implying the potential of military action.
Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said that the rising threat North Korea poses compels his nation to endorse the US view that “all options” are on the table, which, as President Trump repeatedly stated, suggests possible military action. The island nation has become especially anxious about a possible North Korean attack following the two missiles that were launched over Japanese territory.
These comments have been made in light of a trilateral meeting in the Philippines with South Korea’s defense minister Song Young-moo and US Defense Secretary James Mattis, with each making their respective statements about the rogue nation before reporters.
Onodera added that North Korea’s recent underground nuclear test could have been a hydrogen bomb, which is significantly more powerful than an atomic bomb.
“The country has steadfastly improved [its] nuclear and missiles capability,” he said, adding that “The threat posed by North Korea has grown to the unprecedented, critical and imminent level. Therefore, we have to take calibrated and different responses to meet that level of threat,” Onodera said, without further clarifying what “different responses” means.
Mattis criticized Pyongyang for breaking UN Security Council resolutions against its nuclear and ballistic missile program, but the Defense Secretary did not mention any possible military action. Instead, he emphasized that the three nations need to continue pressuring the rogue government to give up its nuclear program. “North Korea’s provocations threaten regional and global security,” he said.
The South Korean defense minister said that North Korea’s behavior is “becoming worse and worse.” When asked about the risk of outright war with the northern neighbor, the defense minister cautioned against an early use of force.
“I want to emphasize that war is not as easy as the journalists make it sound in the press and the media,” he said. “As defense ministers who are in charge of national defense and other high tech weapons such as ballistic missiles, we understand the very weight of engaging in a war and as such we will make all the efforts necessary to resolve the issue in a [most] diplomatic and economic way as possible.”
However, he did add that, if attacked, then they will respond with firm action.
Mattis has previously urged military leaders “to be ready” with military options if required to deal with the rogue nation, with Trump telling the Defense Secretary that he wanted military options at a “much faster pace” and that “maybe it’s the calm before the storm,” according to Politico.
Japan is having to change how they respond to the possibility of a missile threat from North Korea. Should Japan and the US discuss how to respond to a possible attack?
In light of these developments, South Korea and Japan recently carried out their fifth joint military drill, a rehearsal to track any ballistic missile that would be launched from North Korea.
As tensions continue to escalate throughout the region, only time will tell how this ticking geopolitical time bomb will be defused.
IRS confesses that Obama targeted Tea Party, apologizes
The trump administration has officially settled lawsuits involving the Tea Party and other conservative groups who stated they were unjustly targeted by the IRS under the Obama administration.
Filed in 2013, conservative groups reported that they had been unfairly scrutinized by the Internal Revenue Service, based off of their political stance.
Court documents show that when seeking out a tax-exempt status starting in 2010, conservatives were targeted with such words as “Tea Party” or “patriots”.
In court on Wednesday, the IRS admitted wrongdoing and unfairly targeting conservative groups. Blame was placed on former seniors executive, Lois G. Lerner, and the settlement reached was designed to make sure that no one else will get targeting or scrutinized based off of their political standing.
In federal court in Washington, D.C. the Trump administration apologized to all conservatives on behalf of the wrongful actions made under the Obama administration. Barack Obama has yet to make an apology of his own…
According to court documents, both sides of the case asked for the targeting to be declared discrimination and a violation of American’s First Amendment rights–and is illegal.
The agreement made by both sides of the case is still awaiting judge approval, but both the Trump administration and the lawyers representing the conservative groups have already agreed to the deal.
“The IRS admits that its treatment of Plaintiffs during the tax-exempt determination process, including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions, subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays, and demanding some Plaintiffs’ information that TIGTA determined was unnecessary to the agency’s determination of their tax-exempt status, was wrong,” the IRS said in court documents. “For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology.”
Over 400 groups within the case will receive payments as a part of the settlement. The lead attorney for the groups explained, it was “a great day for the First Amendment,” but noted that day “was too long in coming.”
Eddie Greim, lead counsel for the conservative groups stated, “This story was dismantled in our case. For taxpayers to be truly confident that the IRS has changed, it needs to be truthful about its past abuse of power.”
SLAMMED! Joe Biden tears into Hillary, Obama (eye-opening!)
Former Vice President Joe Biden has written a memoir on his time in the White House — and in it, it’s clear he’s not very fond of twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
In the hyper-partisan world of Washington, D.C. politics, insulting a member of your own political party is unthinkable… but Biden did it.
In the hyper-partisan world of Washington, D.C. politics, insulting a member of your own political party is unthinkable… but Biden did it.
It’s not often conservatives and Biden see eye-to-eye, but their dislike of the Clintons seems mutual.
Biden said he “never got the sense that there was any joy” in Hillary’s campaign, and that she was simply a “prisoner of history.”
“Everyone thinks it was just raw ambition on her part. I think she was sort of a prisoner of history. First woman who had a better-than-even chance of getting the nomination,” he said.
“First woman, relative to the Republican field, who had a better-than-even chance of being president. But there’s a lot of baggage, fair and unfair, and there was no illusion on her part — this wasn’t going to be a Marquess of Queensberry fight. And so I never got the sense that there was any joy in her campaign.”
He also tore into former President Barack Obama and his ability to handle small crowds. He said Obama could work an audience, but not a small room… unlike himself.
“Barack would rather speak to a million people than speak to 30,” Biden wrote. “But I think I can do both. I really, really enjoy what I do.”
When asked about his further political ambitions, Biden was noncommittal. But one thing is clear: Biden thinks he’s the right man to lead the nation.
To critics, the 74-year-old Democrat is the kind of person that proudly claim to be the most humble person on the planet.
Biden tells InStyle magazine that “this moment in American history sort of fits into my wheelhouse and the strengths I have.” He cited his experience with diplomacy, his personal authenticity and his willingness to work with both parties.
Biden told Vanity Fair that he’s ruled nothing out for 2020. “I haven’t decided to run,” he told the magazine. “But I’ve decided I’m not going to decide not to run. We’ll see what happens.”
FEC Targets Hillary, DNC for Breaking Law With Faked Trump-Russia Dossier
Autumn, it seems, is not the best season for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Last November… well, reminders probably aren’t necessary. And, as the days grow shorter and the leaves more colorful this year, there’s another ghastly revelation emerging for Team Clinton: After nearly a year of speculation, a Washington Post report published Tuesday linked the erstwhile Democrat standard-bearer and her functionaries at the Democrat National Committee with providing the funding for the infamous, debunked “Trump dossier.”
Now, that revelation could mean Hillary is involved with another investigation — this time with the Federal Election Commission.
According to The Washington Times, a watchdog group filed a complaint with the FEC on Wednesday charging that the DNC and Clinton campaign violated campaign finance law by failing to disclose the nature of the payments they were making through a lawyer to the company that compiled the dossier — Fusion GPS.
Paying via a law firm allowed the campaign to characterize the money as “legal services” rather than opposition research, the group argues.
Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan outfit that also filed a complaint against the anti-John Kerry PAC Swift Boat Veterans for Truth back in 2004, said that since the nature of the payments was effectively hidden from the public, Clinton’s campaign violated provisions of federal law that require disclosure of both the recipient of the money and the reason it’s being spent.
“By filing misleading reports, the DNC and Clinton campaign undermined the vital public information role of campaign disclosures,” Adav Noti, a former FEC official who is the senior director of trial litigation and strategy at the Campaign Legal Center, told The Washington Times.
“Voters need campaign disclosure laws to be enforced so they can hold candidates accountable for how they raise and spend money. The FEC must investigate this apparent violation and take appropriate action.”
The Washington Post’s report Tuesday said that Clinton lawyer Marc E. Elias retained Fusion GPS in April 2016 to conduct the research behind the Trump dossier after an unnamed Republican donor pulled funding.
That funding continued until the end of October 2016, just days before the election.
Fusion GPS, a Democrat-linked opposition research firm, has long sought to obfuscate where the money to assemble the dossier came from. Appearing before the House Intelligence Committee last week, Fusion GPS executives invoked their Fifth Amendment rights to refuse to testify.
Later in the week, they petitioned a federal court to keep subpoenaed financial records from being turned over to the committee..
But the Campaign Legal Center argues that records like that are the point of campaign finance laws.
“Questions about who paid for this dossier are the subject of intense public interest, and this is precisely the information that FEC reports are supposed to provide,” Brendan Fischer, director of federal and FEC reform at CLC, told reporters.
“Payments by a campaign or party committee to an opposition research firm are legal, as long as those payments are accurately disclosed. But describing payments for opposition research as ‘legal services’ is entirely misleading and subverts the reporting requirements.”
Yes, it seems even without the White House, Hillary Clinton still has a lot to worry about. The sad thing is, the dossier could just be the least of her worries, now that we know about the fun stuff going on at the FBI while Uranium One was being sold off to the Russians. April may be the cruelest month, but for Hillary Clinton, autumn is definitely the cruelest season.
400 Scientific Papers Undermine Global Warming, and That’s Just for This Year
According to an outspoken university biologist and author, at least 400 scientific papers have been written this year alone that raise serious doubts regarding the theory that recent changes in the Earth’s climate are primarily caused by rising carbon dioxide emissions.
Writing for his blog, NoTricksZone, Brown University biology professor Kenneth R. Miller explained that the papers both question the climate change “consensus” touted by left-wing politicians and mainstream media — and also make it clear “that there are significant limitations and uncertainties inherent in our understanding of climate and climate changes.”
In other words, they prove that “(c)limate science is not settled,” no matter how much liberals claim otherwise. For instance, the studies show that what some perceive as bizarre temperatures, sea levels and weather patterns “are neither unusual nor unprecedented,” Miller explained.
“Many regions of the Earth are cooler now than they have been for most of the last 10,000 years,” he wrote.
Likewise, when “bizarre” events play out — such as multiple hurricanes pummeling the U.S. coast over the span of just one month — they tend to be caused by completely natural factors such as “the sun,” “multi-decadal oceanic-atmospheric oscillations” and “decadal-scale cloud cover variations.”
In case some of those terms confused you, it’s because you’re not a scientist, which is fine so long as you admit it. It’s when non-scientists like TV celebrity Bill Nye and former Vice President Al Gore pretend to be real scientists that a problem arises.
Their low-information idiocy winds up leading to the implementation of policies that not only damage the economy, but that could even be “harmful to the environment,” Miller wrote.
And Miller would know. He’s the author of two books that present a scientific discussion of evolution and creationism: “Finding Darwin’s God” and “Only A Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America’s Soul.” He’s also a real scientist who’s previously been honored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
As in the advancement of real science … versus the fake and highly unethical science practiced by the environmental fanatics on the left.
Dovetailing back to the 400 papers cited by Miller, do they disprove the theory of man-made climate change? Not exactly. But they surely do demonstrate why, despite what leftists claim, the notion of man-made climate change is in fact just a theory, not a fact.
Trump BLASTS DNC: 'The Hoax Is Turned Around'
On Wednesday, President Trump held a lengthy back-and-forth with reporters, where he blasted the media and the Democrats over a new report alleging that the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign funded the infamous Steele Dossier, which contained many unverified allegations connecting Trump with Russia.
Trump stated, “The whole Russia thing … this was the Democrats coming up with an excuse for losing the election. They lost it and they lost it very badly. And they didn’t know what to say, so they made up the whole Russia hoax.” So far, so good — although we must note that Donald Trump Jr. explicitly took a meeting with a supposedly Russian-government-connected lawyer promising Hillary Clinton opposition research, and that Cambridge Analytica’s Alexander Nix wrote to Julian Assange looking to coordinate release regarding Clinton’s missing emails. Nonetheless, there is no evidence of actual collusion to this point.
Trump continued, “Now it’s turning out that the hoax is turned around, and you look at what’s opened with Russia and the uranium deal and the fake dossier, and it’s all turned around.”
Trump isn’t wrong here, either, at least with regard to the uranium deal — we now know that the FBI and DOJ were aware that the Russians were participating in corruption as they gave the Clinton Foundation cash at the same time the State Department approved the sale of 20% of American uranium to Rosatom, the Russian atomic agency. Trump rightly railed against the uranium corruption: “I think the uranium sale to Russia and the way it was done so underhanded with tremendous amounts of money being passed, I think that’s Watergate modern age.”
But Trump has no facts to support the notion that the Steele dossier involved collusion with Russia.
In order to substantiate that claim, we’d need to know two things: first, that the Russians were using spy Christopher Steele as a thoroughfare for misinformation about Trump, and second, that the DNC and Hillary campaign knew it and paid for the report specifically for that reason. That’s a heavy lift, and there’s no evidence for either contention at this point.
There should be ample suspicion, however, that the FBI used the DNC-funded Steele dossier as an excuse to open FISA-approved wiretaps on Trump associates. If the FBI knew that the Steele dossier wasn’t credible — or if they suspected that it had been funded as opposition research, and therefore should have been taken with a grain of salt — and then used it anyway, that would be scandalous.
Hillary Clinton’s team isn’t helping itself — Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon stated, “I personally wasn’t aware of this [dossier] during the campaign,” adding that if he had been aware, “I would have had no problem passing it along and urging reporters to look into it.”
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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