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Sat. Oct.7, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~God Bless America
Las Vegas Gunman Scouted Locations in Boston and Chicago, Officials Say. Et to Fenway Park.
The gunman who massacred dozens in Las Vegas researched possible attack locations in Boston and Chicago, multiple senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation told NBC News.
Stephen Paddock's potential targets included the most recent Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, which was held Aug. 3 to Aug. 6 in Grant Park, the officials said. Paddock, 64, went as far as booking a room in a Chicago hotel but did not show up, the officials said. Among the thousands of people who attended the festival was Malia Obama, daughter of former President Barack Obama.
He also researched hotels around Boston's Fenway Park, a senior law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the matter told NBC News. Most hotels in the area, however, have an obstructed view of Fenway — or no view at all.
There is no indication he ever traveled to Boston or Chicago, the officials said.
The officials stressed that investigators still do not know Paddock's motive behind the Las Vegas shooting, in which he fired from a 32nd floor hotel room onto a country music festival Sunday night, killing 58 people and injuring 489. Investigators are trying to understand what the Chicago and Boston research was all about.
FYI - Las Vegas Gunman Stephen Paddock Kept Firing for 10 Minutes, Police Say
Authorities are also investigating whether Paddock rented several units at a luxury high-rise overlooking a bigger music festival, called Life is Beautiful, the weekend before Sunday's slaughter, a law enforcement source told NBC News.
Paddock, who lived in Mesquite, Nevada, fired on the crowd of 22,000 for about 10 minutes, and killed himself as police closed in on him, authorities have said. Police are still trying to determine whether he had any help or whether anyone knew about his plans.
Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said he thought the gunman probably did have some kind of assistance, because he had prepared an elaborate escape plan that would have been difficult to execute by himself.
Investigators have interviewed Marilou Danley, Paddock's girlfriend, who returned to the United States from the Philippines, her homeland, where Paddock had sent her two weeks earlier. She told investigators that she had no clue what Paddock was planning, her attorney told reporters on Wednesday.
Investigators found material used to make exploding targets in containers in Paddock's car, along with about 1,600 rounds of ammunition, Lombardo said.
Bump Stocks: What They Are, What They Do
Since the Las Vegas attack stories about bump stocks have become legion, but questions remain–basic questions like what are bump stocks? and what do they do?
Some reports actually claim the devices “enable automatic fire” (CBS News) while some pundits claim evidence suggests a bump stock allows a person to “convert [a semiautomatic] into an automatic weapon (New Gingrich). Such misconceptions and/or misinformation fuel calls for a ban on the devices.
But the devices DO NOT convert a semiautomatic rifle into an automatic one. This is the first and most important point to understand.
Breitbart News reported that bump stocks were legalized by Barack Obama’s ATF in 2010. Rick Vasquez, former acting chief of the Firearms Technology Branch of the ATF, told USA Today that a bump-stocks were legalized because they are “an accessory, not a conversion device.” In other words, the devices are add-on accessories that allow a gun owner to briefly mimic automatic fire but they do not convert the gun into an automatic weapon.
Moreover, the devices are not conducive to accurate shooting. They tend to have a loose fit and wobble on the rifle’s buffer tube. This is why Breitbart News reported that bump stocks are “for novelty, not for accuracy.”
In fact, Daily Beast editor Justin Miller pointed to U.S. Army Sergeant First Class special forces soldier Tony Cowden, who suggested the Vegas attacker could have been much deadlier if he had not used a bump stock. Cowden said:
Bump stocks may have made Paddock less deadly http://ift.tt/2hMtJiy
9:30 AM - Oct 4, 2017
The devices are made for cheap thrills, literally. They are $200 devices that can be affixed to a gun to allow the gun owner to mimic automatic fire at the range. Consider Vasquez–the former ATF official and Marine quoted earlier–who said: “[Bump stocks are] for those guys who want to look like super ninja when they’re out on the range — they’re the people my peer group makes fun of. If you want a machine gun, join the Marines.”
His intimation is that bump stocks do not turn AR-15s into machine guns.
It should also be noted that the semiautomatic AR-15 we purchase is not made to handle automatic fire to begin with. The amount of heat created by rapid fire is really unimaginable for those who have not witnessed it, and the gun has to be manufactured in a way to handle that heat. This is no doubt the reason the Vegas attacker had so many guns with him; as one would overheat and malfunction he would have to shift to another.
All this comes come together to reinforce the earlier point–bump stocks do not convert semiautomatic firearms into automatic weapons. Rather, they are for novelty and they work best for short bursts that mimic automatic fire at the gun range. Moreover, they render the gun less accurate.
But they are a blast for the common man who will never be able to afford a $15,000 to $50,000 machine gun. That man can work all week then take his AR-15 with a bump stock to the range on Saturday and enjoy himself as he mimics automatic fire for a few short bursts. That is why the bump stock was created. It has been cast in negative light only because the Vegas attacker used his bump stock criminally.
AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com
Pamela Geller’s ‘FATWA: Hunted in America’ – My Shocking Tell-All
Longtime readers and supporters know I have spoken little of the impact this fight has had on my life and the personal toll exacted by jihadists. I thought it was time to tell my story, the story of how a New York City newspaper executive went from being an apolitical career girl to one of the most notorious anti-jihadists in the world.
It was revealed for the first time this week that an FBI informant was involved in the jihad plot by three Boston-based jihadis to behead me. It’s all part of living under a fatwa, hunted in America. Few Americans know how dangerous it is to fight in defense of freedom in America.
And I don’t mean just physical danger. Anyone who stands for freedom today is subjected to unimaginable abuse. My critics have called me “the most dangerous woman in America”, “far-right hate queen”, and “the anti-Muslim movement’s most visible and flamboyant figurehead.”
Now, in Fatwa: Hunted in America, I tell my own story of my work to defend freedom of speech, individual rights, and equality of rights for all. I go back to how I began chronicling my take on news events at my groundbreaking website Geller Report (previously Atlas Shrugs), then moved into activism; at first on behalf of Muslim girls who were being brutalized and victimized at home for not following the misogynistic rules of Islamic law, then to stand against the advance of jihad and Sharia on numerous fronts, and above all for freedom of speech, which is increasingly embattled in this age of jihad.
It’s all here: I recount my battle to defeat the Ground Zero Mosque project; the ISIS jihad attack at my Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas; the fatwa on my head and plot to behead me; and much, much more – including the relentless vilification from a mainstream media hell-bent on defaming and destroying everyone who stands for freedom against jihad terror and Sharia oppression.
Any lover of freedom would have been tarred the same way I was, and many have been. I am but a proxy in this terrible long war: what has happened to me is what happens, in small and large ways, to every American who stands for freedom.
Geert Wilders contributed the book’s Foreword. In it, he writes: “In this book is the story of how Pamela Geller has stood, and is still standing, for our freedom. She is the Joan of Arc of the counter-jihad movement. Tireless, fearless and brave. And I am immensely honored to stand with her.”
Here’s what Mark Steyn had to say when he finished my book:
This is a riveting tale of a ‘controversial’ woman. She believes in “controversial” principles such as free speech, and holds “controversial” positions such as the right of Muslim girls in the developed world to enjoy the freedoms of all other western women without being honor-killed, beheaded or otherwise murdered. She is so “controversial” that, when Islamic fanatics tried to kill her in the first ISIS attack on American soil, this country’s appalling and stupid media blamed her for being so “controversial” as to drive people to open fire on her. In a saner, healthier world, she would not be “controversial” at all, but would be recognized as the brave – indeed, fearless – woman she is. This is her story, and splendidly told.
Ann Coulter was likewise enthusiastic about the book: “When Pamela Geller talks about Islam, she does it with both barrels. For sparing us the platitudes when confronting this direct and present danger, she is reviled by society’s bien pensant. In this book, she recounts her adventures in ‘hate speech,’ or as we used to call it, ‘telling the truth.’ It is both an enlightening and gripping tale.”
Tomi Lahren, Fox News contributor, calls Fatwa: Hunted in America “a courageous book by a courageous woman. This is not just one individual’s adventures in defense of freedom – this is a guide for anyone and everyone who is ready to stand for the truth in these days of universal lies. Political correctness is intellectual dishonesty and Pamela Geller isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.”
And former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said: “Free-speech advocates who don’t make waves are not doing their jobs. Pamela Geller writes a guidebook here for Paladins of the First Amendment.”
If this book is proof of anything, it’s that one person can make a difference. Get the book, buy it for friends. Educate those around you. Support the fighters.
Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of PamelaGeller.com and author of already bestselling book, FATWA: Hunted in America, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.
Here’s How Las Vegas Should Respond to the Mandalay Bay Massacre
As a Las Vegan, there’s only one appropriate American way to respond to the horrific Las Vegas shooting tragedy: Defiantly.
Last night, I had a dream. Consider this choreographed event if you will…
Nevada Day is coming up on October 31st. We should celebrate it with a big “Concert for Las Vegas” at the exact same outdoor venue on the Strip where the Route 91 Harvest concert was being held before Stephen Paddock opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort across the street.
We will mourn those whose lives were prematurely snuffed out senselessly, as well as honor the multitude of heroes who responded to the carnage.
Former Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman - the only politician, current or past, allowed anywhere near the stage - would open up the event at 4:00 pm with a martini toast, of course.
He’ll then introduce a group of local kids who will recite the Lord’s Prayer while everyone in the audience takes a knee. Why the “Our Father”? Because of the last four words: “Deliver us from evil.”
At the end, former Nevada college football player Colin Kaepernick would walk up the microphone and say, “Please rise, remove your hats, place your hand over your heart and join me in honoring America, our military service members and our law enforcement officers as we play the National Anthem.”
Hey, I said it was a dream, didn’t I?
At that point Mr. Las Vegas himself, Wayne Newton, walks on stage and sings the Star Spangled Banner.
As he gets near the end, the Las Vegas-based Thunderbirds flight demonstration team out of Nellis Air Force Base does a Strip flyover, ending above the concert crowd with their signature “Missing Man Formation.”
Then a non-stop jam session featuring celebrity musicians from every musical genre under the sun. Even rap.
We’ll wind things down at 10 pm, when Sheriff Joe Lombardo will take the stage, be recognized and honored on behalf of all Metro police officers, and lead the crowd in a moment of silence starting at exactly 10:08 pm – the moment the shooter began his deadly assault.
At 10:09 pm a solo Scottish bagpipe performer will play “Amazing Grace.” When finished, members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir will lead the crowd in singing “God Bless America.”
At that point, Las Vegans Penn & Teller take the stage. Penn directs everyone in the crowd to turn and face Mandalay Bay, look up to the 32nd floor, extend their middle finger, and on the count of three shout in unison, “#$%& you, Stephen Paddock!”
The nice Mormon folks, of course, will be warned to plug their ears first.
At that point an orchestra will begin playing a rousing rendition of John Phillip Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” as a fireworks display, the likes of which has never been seen before, is launched from the rooftop of the Mandalay Bay.
What a way to honor those fellow Americans we senselessly lost at the hands of an evil Merchant of Death…even if only for a few minutes in our imagination.
Chuck Muth
Wounded Vegas Hero Stands Up for the President
Helped others to safety, was shot in the leg himself — yet was determined to show respect for the leader who came to visit
When Thomas Gunderson first heard the noise he thought a speaker had malfunctioned — or maybe someone had shot off some fireworks.
But then he heard the screams — and the 28-year-old from Newport Beach, California, realized he was standing in the middle of a killing field.
Thomas Gunderson heard the first gunshots, he jumped into action — helping people to safety outside the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.
Shooting victim meets President Trump in hospital room
But then he heard the screams — and the 28-year-old from Newport Beach, California, realized he was standing in the middle of a killing field.
Thomas Gunderson heard the first gunshots, he jumped into action — helping people to safety outside the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.
Shooting victim meets President Trump in hospital room
KVVU - Las Vegas, NV
In the early moments of the Las Vegas massacre, Thomas joined other concertgoers to evacuate people to safety.
"There were a lot of people helping and risking their lives for others," Thomas told me in a telephone interview.
In the midst of the chaos and carnage, Thomas kept wondering if what was happening was really happening.
"We heard the rounds going off but we kept thinking, it's fake, it's fake," he said.
A split second later, a bullet plunged into Thomas' leg.
"I went straight to the ground. It didn't hurt. My body numbed up," he told me. "I was covered in a pool of blood — it was shooting out. It was literally everywhere."
Thomas said he dragged himself behind a row of bleachers.
"I was getting scared at that point," he said. "I thought I might bleed out."
In a matter of minutes, two young women came upon Thomas and administered life-saving first aid. One of the women wrapped a belt around his leg, while the other got some men to carry him to safety.
Thomas considers himself lucky. The bullet went through and through. He suffered torn muscles in his calf and nerve pain, but the bullet missed bone and arteries.
"It's hard to stand — very painful," he said.
That makes what happened on Wednesday even more remarkable — he received a visit from President Trump and the first lady.
"It was one of the greatest moments in my life," Thomas told me.
And even though he was in severe pain, Thomas was determined to stand up and greet the president.
"I told my family that I was going to stand up and shake my president's hand — out of respect for him and our leaders and our nation," he told me.
And that's exactly what Thomas did — grimacing in pain as he greeted the president and shook his hand. A Facebook video documenting the poignant moment has been seen by more than a million people.
"This guy looks tough to me," the president declared.
Thomas said President Trump and the first lady were "so sweet to me and my family."
"That was one of the most humbling experiences of my life — the fact that the president would take time to come here and just shake my hand and to let him know if I needed anything," he said.
It was a deeply heartfelt moment between a patriotic American citizen and his president. It was a gentle reminder that we are a united people — one nation under God.
God bless you, Thomas Gunderson.
"There were a lot of people helping and risking their lives for others," Thomas told me in a telephone interview.
In the midst of the chaos and carnage, Thomas kept wondering if what was happening was really happening.
"We heard the rounds going off but we kept thinking, it's fake, it's fake," he said.
A split second later, a bullet plunged into Thomas' leg.
"I went straight to the ground. It didn't hurt. My body numbed up," he told me. "I was covered in a pool of blood — it was shooting out. It was literally everywhere."
Thomas said he dragged himself behind a row of bleachers.
"I was getting scared at that point," he said. "I thought I might bleed out."
In a matter of minutes, two young women came upon Thomas and administered life-saving first aid. One of the women wrapped a belt around his leg, while the other got some men to carry him to safety.
Thomas considers himself lucky. The bullet went through and through. He suffered torn muscles in his calf and nerve pain, but the bullet missed bone and arteries.
"It's hard to stand — very painful," he said.
That makes what happened on Wednesday even more remarkable — he received a visit from President Trump and the first lady.
"It was one of the greatest moments in my life," Thomas told me.
And even though he was in severe pain, Thomas was determined to stand up and greet the president.
"I told my family that I was going to stand up and shake my president's hand — out of respect for him and our leaders and our nation," he told me.
And that's exactly what Thomas did — grimacing in pain as he greeted the president and shook his hand. A Facebook video documenting the poignant moment has been seen by more than a million people.
"This guy looks tough to me," the president declared.
Thomas said President Trump and the first lady were "so sweet to me and my family."
"That was one of the most humbling experiences of my life — the fact that the president would take time to come here and just shake my hand and to let him know if I needed anything," he said.
It was a deeply heartfelt moment between a patriotic American citizen and his president. It was a gentle reminder that we are a united people — one nation under God.
God bless you, Thomas Gunderson.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary. His latest book is "The Deplorables' Guide to Making America Great Again." Follow him on Twitter @ToddStarnes and find him on Facebook. This Fox News piece is used by permission.
REVEALED Ambassador's Last Words In Benghazi
Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans - U.S. State Department staffer Sean Smith and Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods - were murdered during a 13-hour terror attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that started on the night of September 11, 2012.
On Monday, giving testimony in Washington against terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattala, who's accused of orchestrating the attack on the consulate, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Scott Wickland, the ambassador's bodyguard, revealed Stevens' harrowing last words:
“When I die, you need to pick up my gun and keep fighting," Stevens told Wickland.
Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state under President Barack Obama at the time of the attack, an attack she initially, and falsely, blamed on an anti-Islam YouTube video.
Anal Cancer: The New Gay Epidemic the Media Won't Talk About
The Los Angeles Times calls anal cancer "the next big crisis" for the gay community. According to the American Cancer Society, the future looks grim.
The Los Angeles Times calls anal cancer "the next big crisis" for the gay community. According to the American Cancer Society, the future looks grim.
The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 8,200 new anal cancer cases in 2017. In the absence of national screening recommendations, more than 50 percent of these individuals will be diagnosed at stage III or IV, when five-year survival is less than 40 percent. This creates a major public health concern.
The study shows that anal cancer comes from the sexually transmitted virus HPV. What it doesn't mention is why the gay community is so susceptible to contracting HPV. Perhaps the answer is too politically incorrect for the L.A. Times. NBC reported on a similar study that was done in Hawaii involving women who contracted anal HPV. They danced around the cause in an almost laughable way.
It’s not clear exactly how the women contracted anal HPV. Those who developed infections were more likely to be young and white, with lower levels of education and income and a history of multiple sexual partners, the study showed. Women who engaged in anal sex were also at higher risk, though transmission could have occurred in other, non-sexual, ways...The findings are important because anal HPV infection is strongly linked with anal cancer...
Really? Non-sexual ways? What ways are those? The article does not elaborate but goes out of its way to deny the very findings discovered!
The Hawaii study showed a greater risk of HPV infection in women who recently had anal sex, though the association wasn't as high as researchers expected. Non-penetrative sex and use of fingers and sex toys also may have contributed to transmission of HPV, or the virus could have been shed from cervical secretions, the report said. It is also possible that responses to our questions regarding anal sex were less than candid,” the authors wrote. Study participants were twice as likely to contract the high-risk strains of the HPV virus associated with cervical and other cancers than the low-risk variations of the virus, the report showed.
Very little is written on the subject, even though we know anal prolapses, fissures, tears, and infections are common with anal sex. No one will report on it. Instead, Teen Vogue is writing "how to" guides about anal sex (and cancer) for your minor daughters. What we have here is a clear warning that putting things into the anus that don't belong there is a very bad idea—and yet the media is unable to report that clearly. Why? Could it be the LGBTQWTF lobby doesn't want them to? Researching the negative effects of anal sex is darn near impossible.
If you want to know the truth, it still exists on the American Cancer Society's website (at least until the gaystappo find out someone is telling the truth).
If anal sex puts people at high risk for an aggressive cancer, shouldn't they know it? Why are the L.A. Times and NBC trying to suppress facts that could save lives?
Breitbart Exclusive: EPA Document Proposes to Eliminate Clean Power Plan ‘in Its Entirety’
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to repeal the agency’s Obama-era climate change program, the Clean Power Plan (CPP), “in its entirety,” according to a document obtained by Breitbart News.
The 43-page document, titled, “Repeal of Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for Existing Stations Sources: Electric Utility Generating Units” details how the EPA plans to repeal CPP through a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM). This version of the document obtained by Breitbart News remains subject to change through inter-agency review.
The agency contends that the EPA, under former Administrator Gina McCarthy, exceeded its authority to regulate carbon emissions as stipulated by the Clean Air Act. The document proposes to eliminate the Clean Power Plan, and then suggested that they might release an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) that will reflect a more thoughtful and modest approach to regulating air pollution given the EPA’s limited statutory authority.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order in March ordering a review of the Clean Power Plan as well as other environmental regulations. Instead of Obama’s stifling energy regulations, the Trump administration will promote policies that favor American “energy dominance.”
The Obama administration designed the Clean Power Plan to lower carbon emissions from existing power plants by 2030 to 32 percent below 2005 levels. Conservatives widely viewed the Clean Power Plan, along with the Paris Climate Treaty, to be part of Obama’s “war on coal.”
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt criticized the Clean Power Plan earlier this year, calling the regulation, “unlawful.” Pruitt said, “This is an effort to undo the unlawful approach the previous administration engaged in,” he said of the president’s executive order, “and to do it right going forward with the mindset of being pro-growth and pro-environment.”
Myron Ebell, the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s (CEI) director of Energy and Environment programs and Trump administration EPA transition chair, argued that the Clean Power Plan remains illegal and would do devastating harm to the average American. Ebell said, “In particular, we applaud his action to begin withdrawing the EPA’s greenhouse gas rules, including the so-called ‘Clean Power’ Plan. These rules, which are clearly illegal, would raise electric rates for consumers significantly and do immense economic damage to the heartland states where U.S. manufacturing is now concentrated.”
The EPA document declares that they are “proposing to repeal the CPP in its entirety.”
The EPA contends in the document, under former Administrator Gina McCarthy, exceeded its statutory authority under the Clean Air Act to force states and power plants to comply with the Clean Power Plan’s regulation to lower carbon emissions.
Over 150 interested parties sued the EPA, including 27 states, 24 trade associations, 37 rural electric co-ops, and three labor unions sued the former EPA administration in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the CPP was unconstitutional. A bipartisan group of 34 Senators and 171 members of the House filed an amicus brief arguing that the CPP was illegal and skirted Congress’ authority to legislate on environmental issues.
In February 2016, the Supreme Court stayed the implementation of the CPP pending further review. On August 8, 2017 the court issued an order holding the case in abeyance for a 60-day review and directed the EPA to file status updates at 30-day intervals.
In March, President Donald Trump issued an executive order which the document cites, which affirms the “national interest to promote clean and safe development of our Nation’s vast energy resources, while at the same time avoiding regulatory burdens that unnecessarily encumber energy production, constrain economic growth, and prevent job creation.”
The Executive order also directed the EPA to “immediately review existing regulations that potentially burden the development or use of domestically produced energy and appropriately suspend, revise, or rescind, those that unduly burden the development of domestic energy resources beyond the degree necessary to protect the public interest or otherwise comply with the law.” Subsequently, the EPA conducted a review of its environmental regulations, including the agency’s Clean Power Plan.
The EPA contends that their initial review of the CPP “raised substantial concerns that the CPP is not consistent with the policy articulated in Section 1 of the Executive Order.”
The EPA explained, “For example, numerous States, regulated entities and other stakeholders warned that the CPP threatened to impose massive costs on the power sector and consumers; invaded traditional areas of state regulation over the mix of energy generation within their borders, departed radically from prior regulatory practice and longstanding reading of the statute; and did not adequately ensure the national interest in affordable, reliable electricity, including from coal generation.”
The EPA contends in the proposed rulemaking that the EPA’s ability to “revisit existing regulations is well-grounded in the law.” The document cites Chevron U.S.A. v. NRDC, Inc., National Cable & Telecommunications Ass’n v. Brand X Internet Services, and the Clean Air Council v. Pruitt cases to argue that the agencies have broad discretion to reconsider agency regulations at any time.
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) contains a cost-benefit analysis that examines repealing Obama’s Clean Power Plan. The EPA estimates that repealing CPP would provide up to $33 billion in avoided compliance costs in 2030.
EPA Administrator Pruitt’s Scott decision to eliminate Obama’s Clean Power Plan serves as part of President Trump’s agenda to unravel Obama’s environmental legacy and pursuean America First policy of “energy dominance.”
In May, President Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord. The president said, “In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.” Trump cited that the Paris Climate Accord alone could cost America 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025. Similarly to the Clean Power Plan, Obama acted unilaterally without the consent of Congress and the American people to implement his climate agenda through the Paris Climate Accord.
Now EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who was one of the first Attorneys General to sue the EPA over the Clean Power Plan, can start to repeal one of Obama’s hallmark environmental programs.
EPA spokesperson Liz Bowman said in a statement to Breitbart News, “While we can’t comment on the authenticity of the document, what we can say is that the Obama Administration pushed the bounds of their authority so far that the Supreme Court issued a stay – the first in history – to prevent the so-called ‘Clean Power Plan’ from taking effect. Any replacement rule that the Trump Administration proposes will be done carefully and properly within the confines of the law.”
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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