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Thurs., Sept.28, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~God Bless America
Welcome back Mister Congressman
A little patriotic inspiration…
“I believe in free speech, I believe that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t agree that they should hold the United States of America or the world hostage by taking a venue where people are tuning in to watch a football game and imposing their political views. . . . I think it’s outrageous, I think it’s a joke, it’s disgusting.” – Actor Steven Seagal
New England Patriots Will Stand for National Anthem This Sunday
Last weekend, shameless New England Patriot players linked arms or took a knee to show “solidarity” during the National Anthem. This protest is now a serious epidemic for the 2017 NFL football season.
However, after tremendous fan outrage and loss of advertisers, it appears the New England Patriots just backed down.
A new report from CBS Boston states the team will help reverse this trend as every player will be standing during the National Anthem at this Sunday’s game against the Carolina Panthers.
Will they link arms? It’s unclear, but this is a positive development: “A new report from CBS Boston states the team will help reverse this trend as the entire team will be standing during the National Anthem during this Sunday’s game against the Carolina Panthers.”
CBS notes that the team’s owner Robert Kraft, a friend of President Trump, is still angry about the President’s comments:
“Patriots owner Robert Kraft was among many executives across the league to respond to Trump’s comments, saying he was ‘deeply disappointed’ by his remarks. Quarterback Tom Brady also said he ‘disagrees’ with what Trump said, supporting his teammates’ right to choose what to do during the anthem. Both Kraft and Brady stood during the anthem last Sunday, while Brady locked arms with Patriots receiver Phillip Dorsett.”
It looks like the team is reversing course. But we will have to wait and see what the players actually decide to do.
Reactions from fans were mixed. One opined, “I think they have the right to do whatever they want, personally.”
But others are not happy about these anti-American protests: “Very disappointed that people knelt, very disappointed.”
“What are you gonna do?” added another fan.
President Trump noted that he still likes Kraft: “I like Bob very much. He’s my friend. He gave me a Super Bowl ring a month ago. Right? So he’s a good friend of mine. And I want him to do what he wants to do.”
What do you think about this big announcement from the New England Patriots?
Restaurants And Bars Turn Off the NFL Over National Anthem Protests
NFL owners, coaches, and players all thought fans were not serious when we said we would pull our viewership if players continued to disrespect the National Anthem and American flag. Well, that time has come.
On Tuesday, DirectTV offered subscribers a refund of their 300-dollar NFL season package with no questions asked following the kneeling controversy. Many individuals got their money back.
But it didn’t stopped there.
The Palmetto Alehouse in South Carolina has chosen to stop showing NFL games on Sunday. The restaurant is sending a message to the NFL: They need us, but we don’t need them.
“NFL will never be played at Palmetto Alehouse until all players pay respect to our flag and our country!!!” alehouse owner David McCraw told FOX Carolina. McCraw is an ex-military member, and he called the players both “entitled” and “arrogant individuals.”
That wasn’t all. Fat Tuesdays, a restaurant in Fairfax, Virginia, announced that it would cease showing NFL games on the eatery’s TVs on Sunday. “On our end we’re probably foolish to do this but we are gonna lose business over this but on the other hand enough is enough,” said owner RL Butler.
I totally understand the feeling. People should be angry. Enough is enough. The problem here is the NFL just keeps digging the hole bigger and bigger. It would be great if people would stay home, and turn off the television in a big way, but some people are so football crazy they’ll keep watching anyway.
My favorite are those who say they will just watch college ball. Apparently, they haven’t been paying attention. This protest will soon spread to that sport too.
I think the real fear is that people truly don’t know what to do with the added free time they will have absent football. For years football has claimed their lives, time, and wallets. I laugh when I go into the grocery store and see big cardboard displays about getting ready for the game. I can eat snacks without a game.
It would be great if people would stay in the parking lot and tailgate as Americans while the players play to an empty arena, but that won’t happen.
Outside of Trump winning, just for once I would like to see America united over something – just one thing – to stick it to these snowflakes. But I know that is asking for too much.
The NFL Hates America: 8 Pieces of Proof
Contrary to what dishonest leftists, the media, and the NFL want you to believe, when you are at work, no one, including a bunch of crybaby football players, has the right to express themselves. (I thought about adding Terry Bradshaw to that list, but he might just be dumb.)
For a number of very good reasons, employers have a wide variety of rights when it comes to controlling the behavior of their employees. Almost all of us work for employers who, at least while we are on the clock, control what we say, what we do not say, how we dress, how we present ourselves, and how we can (or cannot) express ourselves — not just politically, but in every way.
In some cases, employers also control what we do outside of work. Many companies forbid their workers from badmouthing the company during non-work hours. Moreover, if I were to expose myself as a racist and join the KKK or tweet out racist jokes, Breitbart News would have every right to fire me (and would).
So this particular talking point we are hearing in defense of spoiled millionaires, who only work 16 days a year, but who still feel they must spit on the American flag and anthem, this nonsense about how in America, you have the right to express yourself at work, is nothing less than a massive pile of crap — a total and complete lie in defense of the indefensible.
The purpose of that massive lie, though, is to cover up the fact that the NFL hates America. Because what the NFL does not want you to talk about is this…
How an employer allows its employees to express themselves exposes the moral values of that employer.
For instance, I once worked for a company where, depending on which office you were in, you would find either an American flag, a gay pride flag, a poster of Cindy Crawford in a bikini, a shirtless firemen calendar, a Goodfellas poster, or a framed picture of Jesus. (I will let you guess which one was mine.)
What that wonderful menagerie of self-expression told you is that my employer allowed everyone to express themselves in their own unique way.
Another employer I worked for allowed only a couple of family photos. Nothing else. No flags, cartoons, nothing…
What this told you is that my employer wanted self-expression left at home.
In both of those cases, the policy regarding self-expression was completely defensible.
The NFL’s policy of self-expression is not only indefensible, what we have here is an employer, a taxpayer-funded institution, a billion dollar corporation, that has just proven that it despises America.
How do we know this?
Simple. All you have to do is look at the NFL’s policy regarding self-expression.
Here are eight pieces of evience that prove the NFL hates the United States of America…
1. NFL Threatens Fines Against Players Who Wanted to Commemorate 9/11
In September 2016, three NFL players planned to wear cleats in honor of the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on America. The NFL put a stop to it with threats of fines.
2. NFL Fines Player over Headband
3. NFL Fines Player over Breast Cancer Advocacy
In 2015, the NFL fined a player $5,757 for wearing eye black that read “Find the Cure” in support of breast cancer awareness.
4. NFL Orders Players Not to Honor Fallen Police Officers
In July 2016, in honor of five police officer murdered in cold blood by a Black Lives Matter activist, the Dallas Cowboys wanted to honor the slain officers with a small helmet decal. The NFL put a stop to it.
5. NFL Fines Player for “Thrusting”
Just last year, NFL player Antonio Brown was fined $23,309 for expressing himself on the field by “thrusting.”
6. NFL Fines Player for “Hopping”
Just last year, NFL player Trai Turner was fined $9,115 for expressing himself on the field by hopping.
7. NFL Players Fined for Mimicking the Taking of a Photograph
Just last year, NFL players Victor Cruz and Odell Beckham were each fined $12,145 for expressing themselves on the field by mimicking the taking of a photograph.
8. NFL Fines Player for Marching in Place
Just last year, NFL player Terrelle Pryor was fined $9,115 for expressing himself on the field by marching in place.
Believe me: I could go on and on and on. The fines threatened and levied by the NFL against players who commit various acts of self-expression are nearly endless.
But in summation, here are the incontrovertible facts…
The NFL will not allow its players self-expression that commemorates slain police officers or 9/11.
The NFL will not allow its players to hop, thrust, march in place, or mimic the taking of a photograph.
If you really want to get someone’s attention, hit them where they feel it: Their wallet.
That’s exactly what many football fans are doing to the NFL in the wake of the growing disrespect by players during the national anthem.
In an unprecedented turn of events, one of the biggest premium TV providers in the nation has just made a stunning announcement: They’re providing full refunds to customers who cancel their NFL Sunday Ticket packages because of the protests.
The ESPN network — hardly a bastion of conservatism — confirmed on Tuesday evening that DirecTV is altering its own policy which normally prevents package cancellations after a sports season has started, and will return the full amount of money for any viewer who wants to cancel their NFL bundle.
Those viewership packages allow die-hard sports fans to watch games that are outside their local viewing area, and run about $280 per season.
DirecTV’s surprising move came after President Donald Trump spoke out about professional players who kneel or make other disrespectful gestures during the national anthem.
Over the weekend, one team refused to even leave the locker room or face the United States flag while the anthem played, while dozens of players acted out in other ways.
Unsurprisingly to anybody but the league, red-blooded Americans were not happy.
“At some stadiums, fans booed the players. Others took to Twitter to say they were canceling their Sunday Ticket subscriptions,” ESPN reported.
It seems like tone-deaf liberals — including millionaire sports players who believe everything is about themselves — have completely lost touch with the rest of country.
James Woods Just Tweeted the Last Thing the NFL Wants to Hear
Trump Unleashes Video of McCain Promise That Has Him Scrambling
Just like left-leaning news networks before them, sports leagues have been hiding in their own echo chambers for so long that they have no idea how frustrated millions of citizens are with their hurtful antics.
They’re about to have a serious wake-up call, and groups like the NFL will have no choice but take notice when their revenues begin deflating faster than a Tom Brady football.
Free speech does not shield people from the consequences of disrespectful and asinine actions. Now that one of the biggest broadcasters of football games is giving refunds, teams will re-think their priorities… and patriotic Americans will be the ones left standing tall.
Please press “Share on Facebook” to spread this breaking news, and let the NFL hear your voice loud and clear!
Are you one of the millions fed up with the NFL?ng the American flag and anthem.
Therefore, the values of the NFL are clear.
The NFL hates America.
NFL Star Asks 1 Question His Anthem-Kneeling Colleagues Refuse to Answer
Over the past few days, there have been numerous NFL players, coaches, and other personnel who have strongly objected to President Donald Trump’s Friday night remarks about what he thought should be done to those who kneel during the national anthem.
While a great many players have participated in the protests since Friday as a way of rebuking Trump, several have come out in defense of his statement and explained why they refuse to partake in this meaningless protest.
Broncos defensive end Derek Wolfe is one of the players who has refused to kneel. On Sunday he issued a statement defending his decision not to kneel, and asked a tough question of those who do, NBC Sports Pro Football Talk reported.
“But like I said to each their own it’s AMERICA! The greatest country in the world and if you don’t think we are the greatest country in the world and you reside here, then why do you stay? A lot worse places in the world to call home. Proud to be an American,” read the statement he sent to ESPN.
That’s the one question that I can almost guarantee none of the protesting football players would ever answer. It’s easy to declare that the United States is a terrible place, but it’s a lot harder to find an actual reason that would make you want to leave.
“I stand because I respect the men who died in real battle so I have the freedom to battle on the field. Paying tribute to the men and women who have given their lives for our freedom is why I stand,” Wolfe’s statement continued.
“But everyone these days likes to find a reason to protest and that’s their right. It’s America and you are free to speak your mind. I just feel it’s disrespectful to the ones who sacrificed their lives and it’s maybe the wrong platform,” the statement read.
It is important to remember that for all their bellyaching, these NFL players are raking in millions of dollars. There are very few other countries in the world where these men could make so much money for what they do.
In the United States, these players are allowed to make millions of dollars, and then go disrespect the very flag that gives the opportunity to make vast sums of money.
If they don’t like the way things are here, maybe they could try somewhere like Venezuela, North Korea, or Russia. I’m sure those countries would definitely give these players the same freedoms to whine and complain about everything that they have here.
The NFL & Luther Strange: A Tale of Two PR Disasters
This NFL public relations disaster is actually pretty simple…
Players have the right to protest. Coaches have the right to bench them. Owners have the right to fire them. The president has the right to criticize them. And the fans have the right to boycott them.
Seriously. What’s so complicated about this? Everyone is exercising their rights in what remains the freest country in the universe – though the recent violence of alt-left protesters against free speech is making it less so by the day.
That said, there’s no way the NFL can win this one. They should have lanced the boil a year ago when Colin Kaepernick started this whole insulting and offensive mess.
Yes, he enjoys - thanks to the very country he’s protesting against - the right to free speech. But he and these other highly-paid, ungrateful, spoiled pig-skinners do NOT have the right to use someone else’s soapbox to air their views.
The NFL fines players for all manner of antics, including “excessive celebrations,” in an effort to protect the image and reputation of the league. But it allowed these same players to spit in the eyes of the fans by politicizing the game and demonstrating total disrespect for our flag and those who defend it.
Including service members who have lost their legs in battle and are now UNABLE to stand for the National Anthem. Or worse, have lost their very lives.
If you don’t want to stand for the Star Spangled Banner, fine. Sit in the locker room until it’s over. But don’t drag your teammates, your team, the NFL and especially the fans into your personal little hissy fit.
If you don’t want to stand for the Star Spangled Banner, fine. Sit in the locker room until it’s over. But don’t drag your teammates, your team, the NFL and especially the fans into your personal little hissy fit.
Now, speaking of PR disasters, some observations on the recent GOP primary for U.S. Senate in Alabama, where the outsider, Roy Moore, defeated the insider, Luther Strange…
Contrary to the fake news media’s narrative, this was NOT a loss for President Trump despite the fact that the candidate he endorsed lost. Instead, this was a “yuge” loss for the Washington, DC GOP establishment – especially Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Voters voted for the candidate they KNEW would be far more supportive of the president’s “drain the swamp” agenda over the candidate the president felt obligated to endorse out of a sense of loyalty – which we all know Mr. Trump values highly. Trump supporters, the vaunted deplorables, “got it.”
And that is very bad news for a whole host of incumbent Republicans in Congress – including Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and our own Sen. Dean Heller. Republican primary voters are politically astute and well-informed. They see through the spin and double-talk of these professional inside-the-beltway politicians. And they won’t be fooled again.
There’s an old saying in conservative political circles coined after the 1994 GOP takeover of Congress and the subsequent failure to enact the Contract with America platform Republicans ran on: It’s not enough to just elect more Republicans; you need to elect better ones as well.
The Moore win in Alabama demonstrates that just such a reckoning is now upon us. Primaries are coming.
Rep. Mo Brooks: ‘Terminate All Federal Government Support to NFL’
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said on Tuesday that the federal government should not financially support the NFL because of players’ disrespectful “take a knee” protests during the national anthem.
“I believe we ought to terminate all federal government support of the NFL,” Brooks told Breitbart News following the Conversations with Conservatives event at the Capitol. “That would include the termination of any and all advertising that is done on behalf of the federal government — military and nonmilitary — to the extent we do any.”
“The same thing with any other professional sport that insults our country and our flag and our anthem as the NFL has done,” said Brooks, who is a member of the House Freedom Caucus.
The latest round of controversy over the now infamous Colin Kaepernick move in 2016 when the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback took a knee during the national anthem to protest racism in the United States came on Friday. During a campaign rally in Alabama President Donald Trump expressed his opinion on the matter .
“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. He is fired. He’s fired!’” Trump said.
Trump said the protests were a “total disrespect of our heritage” and “a total disrespect of everything that we stand for.”
Trump continued to stoke the controversy on Twitter.
“If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday. “Fire or suspend!”
If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!
Trump said that NFL attendance and television ratings were “way down,” suggesting that the protests from players could harm the sport.
Several NFL owners have sided with their players, saying they have a right to protest.
Here’s What Obama Demanded of Otto’s Family Months Before He Died
In an appearance on Fox News on Tuesday, the parents of Otto Warmbier — the American college student imprisoned in North Korea who died shortly after being released from North Korean custody — revealed that the Obama administration had told them they should keep quiet during their son’s captivity.
Warmbier, an American student who was detained during a visit to Pyongyang, died in June after being brought back to the United States. In the interview, Otto’s father Fred Warmbier credited the Trump administration with helping bring their son home by “aggressively” pursuing the young man’s release.
Warmbier was initially taken into custody back in January of 2016 for allegedly stealing a North Korean propaganda poster.
“When Otto was first taken, we were advised by the past administration to take a low profile while they worked to obtain his release,” Warmbier told “Fox & Friends” Tuesday.
“We did so without result. Earlier this year, Cindy and I decided the time for strategic patience was over,” he continued, referencing the former president’s policy of “strategic patience” with Pyongyang.
“We made a few media appearances and traveled to Washington to meet with (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Korea and Japan) Ambassador Joe Yun at the State Department.
“It is my understanding that Ambassador Yun and his team, at the direction of the president, aggressively pursued resolution of the situation,” Fred Warmbier added. “They have our thanks for bringing him home.”
“It is my understanding that Ambassador Yun and his team, at the direction of the president, aggressively pursued resolution of the situation,” Fred Warmbier added. “They have our thanks for bringing him home.”
His parents also said that Warmbier wasn’t in a coma when he returned to the United States, but that he’d still been brutally tortured by Kim Jong Un’s regime.
“We walked over to the plane, the engines are still humming, they had just landed … when we got halfway up the steps we heard this howling, involuntary, inhuman sound,” Fred said. “We weren’t really certain what it was.”
“Otto had a shaved head, he had a feeding tube coming out of his nose, he was staring blankly into space, jerking violently,” Fred Warmbier said. “He was blind. He was deaf. As we looked at him and tried to comfort him it looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth.”
Just days later, Otto Warmbier was dead.
“North Korea is not a victim, they are terrorists,” Fred Warmbier said. “They purposefully and intentionally injured Otto.”
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what “strategic patience” hath wrought. Otto Warmbier is dead, North Korea is emboldened, and there are even more Americans in North Korean custody.
For everyone on the left criticizing Donald Trump for his aggressive stance on North Korea, they ought to remember where the alternative has gotten us — and where an Obama-imposed silence got the Warmbiers.
U.S. Soccer Makes It Clear: Players Will Stand For The Anthem Or Else
A year ago, it seemed as though soccer might follow football with national anthem protests after Seattle Reign star Megan Rapinoe began kneeling during the playing of the anthem.
However, the U.S. Soccer Federation did something President Donald Trump has called upon the NFL to do — it changed the rules to nip the practice in the bud.
In February, the federation amended its rules to address its concerns.
“All persons representing a Federation national team shall stand respectfully during the playing of national anthems at any event in which the Federation is represented,” the new policy now reads.
Further, the federation had previously gone on record to explain its reasoning.
“Representing your country is a privilege and honor for any player or coach that is associated with U.S. Soccer’s National Team. Therefore, our national anthem has particular significance for U.S. Soccer,” it said in a statement in September 2016 responding to Rapinoe’s protests.
“Representing your country is a privilege and honor for any player or coach that is associated with U.S. Soccer’s National Team. Therefore, our national anthem has particular significance for U.S. Soccer,” it said in a statement in September 2016 responding to Rapinoe’s protests.
“In front of national and often global audiences, the playing of our national anthem is an opportunity for our Men’s and Women’s National Team players and coaches to reflect upon the liberties and freedom we all appreciate in this country,” the federation said. “As part of the privilege to represent your country, we have an expectation that our players and coaches will stand and honor our flag while the national anthem is played.”
Soccer received renewed scrutiny this past week as NFL anthem protests grew after President Donald Trump criticized players who participate in them.
Major League Soccer commissioner Don Garber replied with a statement affirming the group’s principles.
“We felt very strongly that if you are given the honor of being called up to play for your country, and you’re going to wear our flag on your chest, you should stand for the national anthem,” he said Monday.
“And if you don’t want to do that, you don’t have to accept the call up, because there are dozens and dozens of other people who would probably enjoy that honor,” he said.
How that translates into real life could be tested on Oct. 6, when the U.S. men’s national soccer team begins its round of World Cup qualifiers.
“If we need to discuss it, we’ll discuss it,” said coach Bruce Arena. “But I don’t think that’s an issue we’re going to deal with. We’ve got enough to deal with on October 6 besides kneeling and stuff.”
Arena said there is a difference between the NFL and the national soccer team.
“The national team is different,” said Arena. “You don’t have to play in the national team. You can choose not to play. Those guys (in the NFL and MLB) are professionals in their club teams. That’s their jobs. They have to be there. Our guys don’t have to be.”
“The national team is different,” said Arena. “You don’t have to play in the national team. You can choose not to play. Those guys (in the NFL and MLB) are professionals in their club teams. That’s their jobs. They have to be there. Our guys don’t have to be.”
A Million Christians to Pray Rosary on Poland’s Border Commemorating Historical Defeat of Islam
Poland’s bishops have urged the nation’s Catholics to join a massive rosary prayer crusade along the country’s 2,000-mile border to pray for the salvation of their country.
Organizers say they expect up to a million people to participate in the “Rosary on the Borders” event on October 7, the anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto, where “the Christian fleet overcame the Muslim armada, saving Europe from Islamization.”
The Catholic Feast of the Holy Rosary was established by Pope Pius V in 1571 as “Our Lady of Victory” after the so-called Holy League won a landmark victory over the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Lepanto.
On October 7th, 1571, a fleet of ships assembled by a coalition of Christian nations fought an intense battle against the forces of the invading Ottoman Empire. The unexpected victory of the so-called “Holy League” radically curbed efforts by the Ottoman Turks to control the Mediterranean, “causing a seismic shift in international relations from East to West.” As Fr. Steve Grunow, CEO of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, has written, “the world that we know came into being with this victory.”
In preparation for this decisive encounter, Pope Pius V ordered the churches of Rome opened for prayer day and night, and urged the faithful to invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary through the prayer of the Rosary. On hearing of the Christian victory, the Pope established a new feast day in the Roman Liturgical Calendar, which would come to be known as the feast of the Holy Rosary.
“We believe that if the rosary is prayed by about a million Poles along the borders of the country, it may not only change the course of events, but open hearts of our compatriots to the grace of God,” the organisers say on their website.
“The powerful prayer of the Rosary can affect the fate of Poland, Europe, and even the whole world,” it reads.
The “Rosary on the Borders” event will also mark the end of the Fatima centenary, celebrating 100 years since the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in the spring of 1917.
The Polish bishops’ conference has endorsed the event, and asked all Catholics to join the rosary prayer for “the intentions of Poland and the whole world,” even if they are physically unable to make it to the border.
“Families may pray in their homes, sick in hospitals, and parish communities in their churches,” they said.
“A hundred years ago, Mary gave these three Portuguese children a message of salvation: repent, give reparation for sins against my Immaculate Heart and pray the rosary,” the bishops said. Rosary on the Borders is a “special opportunity” to fulfil that calling.
Every January, the Church in Poland celebrates an annual Day of Islam, organised by the Joint Council of Catholics and Muslims and the Committee for Dialogue with Non-Christian Religions of the Polish Bishops’ Conference.
Auxiliary Bishop Henryk Ciereszko of Bialystok, whose diocese hosted the event this year, said that the day “would be first and foremost a prayer meeting” and would also be “an opportunity to counter violence together” in “the context of the terrorist attacks and the Middle East war.”
Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter
Kaep’s Election Record Leaked… He Doesn’t Want Who He Voted for to Go Public
For all the hoopla that former San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick has raised while protesting the national anthem, his voting record might surprise you.
If there were such a thing, that is.
According to records obtained by The Sacramento Bee, there is no record because the unemployed player has never registered to vote in any election, including last year’s presidential election.
The Bee reported that Kaepernick turned 18 in 2005 while living in California, but he did not register to vote in the state at any time, according to California Secretary of State records.
Nor did the former football player register to vote in Nevada while he was a student at the University of Nevada 2006 to 2010, according to the Washoe County Registrar of Voters.
Nor did the former football player register to vote in Nevada while he was a student at the University of Nevada 2006 to 2010, according to the Washoe County Registrar of Voters.
Kaepernick even said he did not care who won last year’s election and told CNN that it would be hypocritical of him to vote.
Boy, that’s rich.
“You know, I think it would be hypocritical of me to vote,” Kaepernick said. “I said from the beginning I was against oppression, I was against the system of oppression. I’m not going to show support for that system. And to me, the oppressor isn’t going to allow you to vote your way out of your oppression.”
It looks like Kaepernick has been drinking the Kool-Aid for a long time because that gobbledygook makes absolutely no sense.
Voting is not a “system of oppression” — it is an incredible privilege — one that countless people do not have. Men and women have died for us to exercise that right.
Voting is not a “system of oppression” — it is an incredible privilege — one that countless people do not have. Men and women have died for us to exercise that right.
For Kaepernick to feel so strongly about oppression to get down on one knee and protest “The Star Bangled Banner” but not get out and actually do something that makes a difference — like vote — is unconscionable.
Shapiro Responds To LeBron James After James Calls Trump Supporters ‘Uneducated’
Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James has put in his two cents’ worth regarding politics, describing supporters of President Donald Trump as uneducated.
During a news conference on Monday, James said, “I think that’s one of the biggest problems that we have. When it becomes vote time, people are just not educated on either the individual or what’s going on in the state of the world right now. I don’t think a lot of people are educated and they make choices and say things that are uneducated.”
Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro found the analysis flawed:
“Um, dude went directly to the NBA from high school.”
“No matter whether you voted for him or not, you may have made a mistake, and that’s OK, if you voted for him.”
While seeming to forgive voters for their choices, James likened voting for Trump to a parenting mistake.
“It’s OK. I’ve done things for my daughter and realized I shouldn’t have gave my daughter that many damn Skittles. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that,” James said.
James then referred specifically to the state of Ohio:
“And am I saying that the people of Ohio wasn’t educated? Am I saying that some of the other states that voted for him was uneducated? They could have been or they could not have been. But that doesn’t mean it was the right choice.”
The Daily Wire suggested James’ last comment was not backtracking but a disregard for the facts about education.
Contributor Paul Bois argued, “To LeBron … whether the states were ‘educated’ or not matters little to him, because in the end, they all made the mistake of not voting for Hillary (Clinton).”

G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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