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Tues., Sept.26, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~God Bless America
Several New England Patriots players kneel during the national anthem before an NFL football game against the Houston Texans, Sunday, Sept. 24, 2017, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
What a disgrace to the uniform colors they wear.
By the Numbers: How Trump’s Economic Boom
May Just Be Getting Started
Harold Hamm, Chairman of the American Leadership Council and the CEO of Last July Continental Resources reveals the true amount of growth the country has seen under President Trump’s leadership – and predicts that growth could reach 4% by the end of the year.
What is triggering this strong growth, and why does it matter so much for the economy, for jobs, and the American people? Hamm’s unique insight into why Trump is pushing the economy towards growth and savvy analysis reveals why the numbers look so good, so soon.
Rallies Start Early
As early as the Cleveland Republican National Convention, Hamm noticed that the market had begun to rally, simply because it was reacting to the possibility of pro-business Donald Trump winning the presidency. Dubbed the “Trump Rally”, the economy woke up and began to move forward with just the possibility of Trump’s electoral victory. Growth had stagnated under the last years of Obama, sticking at 1.6 percent, but the rally helped it regain momentum.
According to Hamm, a pro-business, pro-growth president is the reason for the accelerated and unprecedented growth. Former President Obama was almost an obstructionist, hindering business and the creation of jobs with almost every move.
“He (Trump) replaced a president, who I can say from first-hand experience and as one of the largest employers in the state of North Dakota was most often a hindrance, not a help to American job creators,” Hamm told CNBC. “I believed then — and it is has proven to be true — there was a large amount of pent-up potential for growth in America that could be realized. We are seeing that play out.”
Trump Energy Policy Leads the Way
The Trump effect is evident everywhere, but energy is the star of the show when it comes to growth. Analysts have referred to the Trump era as “An American Energy Renaissance” and point to the president’s vigorous pursuit of oil, natural gas and coal from America as sources of great potential and growth.
President Trump’s intense focus on American energy dominance could continue to propel the country forward in the years to come, and is predicative of strong continued growth.
Both drilling and mining jobs are on the rise, and at least 60,000 jobs have been created within the minerals and energy industry alone in the last 8 months. An increased interest in horizontal drilling has led America to access more than 100 years’ worth of natural gas, and 5 times that amount of coal. We may become independent when it comes to energy needs in just a few short years, according to Hamm.
Even natural gas, the least expensive and most easily accessed fuel in the world, is now able to be exported to other nations. Starting in June, the Trump administration approved the export of natural gas shipments to Poland and the Netherlands. Poland had been relying on Russian suppliers for energy; they now have more possibilities for energy and can buy what they need from the United States. Natural gas exports are expected to grow to reach even more nations as President Trump’s time in office continues.
Moving Beyond Energy
According to Hamm, President Trump’s goal of freeing up acreage to develop energy could raise as much as $50 trillion over time. Former President Obama removed these lands from play; President Trump will restore them, resulting in more domestic energy and less reliance on the Middle East.
The attention on promoting and restoring US energy production benefits other industries as well, according to Hamm. Manufacturing is beginning to make a comeback; steel producers, auto manufacturers and even technology brands are benefiting from the lower cost of fuel and ramping up production to meet new demands.
Tax reforms are in the works right now; a level playing field for businesses will help the American people reach the 4% mark for growth by 2018, predicts Hamm. By offering reforms and incentives for those who create jobs and growth, those lofty goals can be realized, not years from now, but in the very near future.
~ Liberty Planet
Top Democrat Congressman Is Finished After What He Said About Nazis
Democrats in Congress continue to hurl the most extreme insults at Donald Trump and his supporters.
Now one of the top Democrats in America finds himself in hot water.
He made a racist remark about Nazis that will finish him for good.
Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison – who is the Vice Chair of the Democrat National Committee – was ranting about Donald Trump enforcing immigration law when he unleashed ugly language that critics immediately condemned as racist.
Ellison compared the treatment of illegal immigrants under Trump to that of Jews in Nazi Germany.
The Daily Caller reports:
“Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee, evoked the Holocaust on Monday, comparing illegal immigrants in the U.S. to Jews in Nazi Germany.
“I’m going to tell you right now, I’m one of them people who believes you should give your neighbors sanctuary,” Ellison said at an event in Minneapolis, where he was rallying support for the DREAM Act, a law which provides legal status to people brought illegally to the U.S. as children.
An opposition research group affiliated with the Republican party captured footage of Ellison’s remarks.
Ellison argued that most Americans know illegal immigrants who currently live in the U.S. and therefore have an obligation to stand up for them in the face of President Trump’s tough immigration policies. The Trump administration recently announced that it will be ending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the amnesty program that President Obama enacted by executive action in 2012.
“If you ask yourself, ‘What would I do if I was a Gentile in 1941 if my Jewish neighbors were under attack by the Nazis? Would I give them sanctuary?’ — you might be about to find out what you would do,” Ellison said.
“Will you pass that moral test, or will you fail it? This is the time for people who truly have faith and belief in their hearts to step up and demonstrate.”
Critics immediately denounced his outrageous smears.
Nothing can compare to the Holocaust and the Nazis.
In fact, there is an old saying that the first person to bring up Nazis in an argument loses.
For Ellison to compare Trump and his supporters to Nazis and that enforcing immigration laws requiring individuals who entered America illegally be returned to their home country is the same as sending millions to gas chambers and concentration camps shows a profound misunderstanding of history and a disturbing hatred for America.
Liberals really do think America is a rotten place.
Democrats like Ellison think America is a mean spirited place where minorities go to die.
Ellison – like all liberals – also operates under the assumption that they can smear Republicans with whatever insults they want and face no accountability.
The media gives them a complete pass because journalists agree that Trump and his supporters are racists and Nazis.
There will be no firestorm for comparing Trump to Nazis like there was when Trump correctly noted that violent, bat wielding Antifa thugs were just as guilty for the violence in Charlottesville as the white supremacists.
Ellison’s disgusting racist and anti-American remarks should finish him for good.
BREAKING: John McCain Caught In Massive Scandal
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) made a not-so-surprising announcement on Friday.
The Arizona senator stated that he would not vote for the Republicans latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). His opposition will make it much harder for Republican lawmakers to fulfill the promise they made to their constituents, according to Fox News Research.
The Arizona senator stated that he would not vote for the Republicans latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). His opposition will make it much harder for Republican lawmakers to fulfill the promise they made to their constituents, according to Fox News Research.
On Friday, Senator McCain released a statement saying that he could not “in good conscience” vote for the Graham Cassidy Bill, which is named after Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). He cited the lack of bipartisanship as one of his reasons for opposing the bill, stating,
“As I have repeatedly stressed, health care reform legislation ought to be the product of regular order in the Senate. Committees of jurisdiction should mark up legislation with input from all committee members, and send their bill to the floor for debate and amendment. That is the only way we might achieve bipartisan consensus on lasting reform, without which a policy that affects one-fifth of our economy and every single American family will be subject to reversal with every change of administration and congressional majority.”
McCain also indicated that Republicans and Democrats have not attempted to work together on creating viable healthcare legislation. “I cannot, in good conscience, vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal. I believe we could do better working together, Republicans and Democrats, and have not yet really tried,” he said. “Nor could I support it without knowing how much it will cost, how it will affect insurance premiums, and how many people will be helped or hurt by it. Without a full CBO score, which won’t be available by the end of the month, we won’t have reliable answers to any of those questions.”
Now that McCain has announced his intention to vote against the proposal, the chances of seeing any health care legislation passed in the near future seem dim. Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (AK) have implied that they may also vote against the bill.
The New York Times reported that Senator Paul would refuse to support the bill because it did not repeal enough of the Affordable Care Act. He has repeatedly argued that a bill that leaves most of the Obamacare legislation in place would not be a sufficient solution.
It is critical that Republicans pass this legislation now, because they have until the end of the month to take advantage of special budget rules that would enable them to pass a repeal bill with a simple majority, rather than the traditional 60 votes. The Republicans would need to get at least 50 votes, and Vice President Mike Pence would be able to cast the tie-breaking vote.
McCain and the other Senators who have stymied the GOP’s efforts to repeal Obamacare have been met with criticism from their party. Their critics have repeatedly lamented their refusal to pass the legislation for which they were elected. Many believe that if Republicans do not repeal Obamacare, they risk losing their seats in Congress.
Breathtaking Poll Reveals Trump’s Shocking Fate In 2020
The left thinks Donald Trump is set up for defeat.
But one new jaw dropping poll revealed Trump’s true re-election fate.
The so-called “mainstream” media obsesses over Trump’s approval number.
They are hoping against hope that because it sits at 40% in the latest Real Clear Politics average, it means he is easy pickings in 2020.
Not so fast.
One new poll reveals the real state of Trump’s re-election fate.
A new Politico/Morning Consult poll finds more Hillary Clinton voters regret their vote and would pick a new candidate than Trump voters regretting their vote.
Clinton book tour going well.
This runs counter to the entire media narrative.
They are encased in their bubble where they think everyone agrees that Trump is a failure, so they frantically search around for evidence that Trump supporters are abandoning him.
But what they never check – because they can never bring themselves to admit it – is that Trump may have won new voters over.
And Democrats are going to run into the same problem Hillary did in 2016.
Their party base is so extreme and confined to the coasts.
The leftists who show up in the Presidential primaries are going to demand their candidates lash themselves to the same mast of identity politics and socialism that doomed Hillary in 2016.
Voters did not just reject Hillary Clinton personally.
Trump ran on a specific agenda that he laid out in every rally.
America First.
Build the Wall.
End the horrible trade deals.
Hillary Clinton also had a message.
She campaigned on Obama’s third term.
The voters had a clear choice and Trump won a decisive Electoral College victory.
And despite the attempts by so-called “mainstream” media to separate Trump from his voters through fake news scandals and manufactured outrage, more Trump voters have stayed loyal to their candidate than Hillary voters.
Trump already has enough voters to win re-election.
If he keeps his base happy, he will cruise in 2020.
And the Politico/Morning Consult poll shows Trump is well on his way.
Police Violence against Black Men Is Rare
And the media narrative to the contrary is damaging.
A few days ago, former police officer Jason Stockley, who is white, was acquitted of first-degree murder; he had fatally shot Anthony Lamar Smith, who was black, in 2011. Protests started in St. Louis, where the shooting took place and Stockley was judged, immediately after the verdict was announced. Although they were initially peaceful, they soon turned violent, and dozens of protesters were arrested while several police officers were injured. Since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, just outside St. Louis, in 2014, this has become a familiar patter.
This article is not about whether Stockley should have been acquitted. Instead, I want to talk about the underlying narrative regarding the prevalence of police brutality against black men in the U.S., which is largely undisputed in the media.
According to this narrative, black men are constantly harassed by the police and routinely brutalized with impunity, even when they have done nothing wrong, and there is an “epidemic of police shootings of unarmed black men.” Even high-profile black celebrities often claim to be afraid of the police because the same thing might happen to them. Police brutality, or at least the possibility that one might become a victim of such violence, is supposed to be part of the experience of a typical black man in the U.S. Events such as the death of Brown in Ferguson are presented as proof that black men are never safe from the police.
This narrative is false. In reality, a randomly selected black man is overwhelmingly unlikely to be victim of police violence — and though white men experience such violence even less often, the disparity is consistent with the racial gap in violent crime, suggesting that the role of racial bias is small. The media’s acceptance of the false narrative poisons the relations between law enforcement and black communities throughout the country and results in violent protests that destroy property and sometimes even claim lives. Perhaps even more importantly, the narrative distracts from far more serious problems that black Americans face.
Let’s start with the question of fatal violence. Last year, according to the Washington Post’s tally, just 16 unarmed black men, out of a population of more than 20 million, were killed by the police. The year before, the number was 36. These figures are likely close to the number of black men struck by lightning in a given year, considering that happens to about 300 Americans annually and black men are 7 percent of the population. And they include cases where the shooting was justified, even if the person killed was unarmed.
Of course, police killings are not the result of a force of nature, and I’m not claiming these are morally equivalent. But the comparison illustrates that these killings are incredibly rare, and that it’s completely misleading to talk about an “epidemic” of them. You don’t hear people talk about an epidemic of lightning strikes and claim they are afraid to go outside because of it. Liberals often make the same comparison when they argue that it’s completely irrational to fear that you might become a victim of terrorism.
One might retort that, while it may be rare for a black man to be killed by the police, black men are still constantly stopped and routinely brutalized by the police, even if they don’t die from it. However, even this weaker claim is false. It just isn’t true that black men are kicked, punched, etc., on a regular basis by the police.
In order to show that, I’m going to use data from the Police-Public Contact Survey (PPCS), which, as its name suggests, provides detailed information about contacts between the police and the public. It’s conducted on a regular basis by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and is based on a nationally representative sample of more than 70,000 U.S. residents age 16 or older. Respondents are asked whether they had a contact with the police during the past 12 months; if they say they did, they answer a battery of questions about the nature of their last contact, including any use of force. Since the respondents also provide their age, race, gender, etc., we can use this survey to calculate the prevalence of police violence for various demographic groups. The numbers in this piece are from my own analysis of the data, the details and code for which I provide here, but they are consistent with a 2015 report compiled by the BJS itself to the extent the two overlap.
First, despite what the narrative claims, it’s not true that black men are constantly stopped by the police for no reason. Indeed, black men are less likely than white men to have contact with the police in any given year, though this includes situations where the respondent called the cops himself: 17.5 percent versus 20.7 percent. Similarly, a black man has on average only 0.32 contacts with the police in any given year, compared with 0.35 contacts for a white man. It’s true that black men are overrepresented among people who have many contacts with the police, but not by much. Only 1.5 percent of black men have more than three contacts with the police in any given year, whereas 1.2 percent of white men do.
If we look at how often the police use physical force against men of different races, we find that there is indeed a racial disparity, but that this experience is rare across the board. Only 0.6 percent of black men experience physical force by the police in any given year, while approximately 0.2 percent of white men do. To be fair, these are probably slight undercounts, because the survey does not allow us to identify people who did not experience physical force during their most recent contact but did experience such force during a previous contact in the same year.
Further, physical force as defined by the PPCS includes relatively mild forms of violence such as pushing and grabbing. Actual injuries by the police are so rare that one cannot estimate them very precisely even in a survey as big as the PPCS, but the available data suggest that only 0.08 percent of black men are injured by the police each year, approximately the same rate as for white men. A black man is about 44 times as likely to suffer a traffic-related injury, according to the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. Moreover, keep in mind that these tallies of police violence include violence that is legally justified.
Now, it’s true that there are significant differences in the rates at which men of different races experience police violence — 0.6 percent is triple 0.2 percent. However, although people often equate racial disparities with bias, this inference is fallacious, as can be seen through an analogy with gender: Men are vastly more likely to experience police violence than women are, but while bias may explain part of this disparity, nobody doubts that most of it has to do with the fact that men are on average far more violent than women. Similarly, if black men commit violent crimes at much higher rates than white men, that might have a lot to do with the disparity in the use of force by the police.
This is evident in the National Crime Victimization Survey, another survey of the public conducted by the BJS. Interviewers ask respondents if they have been the victim of a crime in the past 12 months; if they have, respondents provide information about the nature of the incidents, including the race and ethnicity of the offenders. This makes it possible to measure racial differences in crime rates without relying on data from the criminal-justice system, in which racial bias could lead to higher rates of arrest and conviction for black men even if they commit violence at the same rate.
NCVS data from 2015, the most recent year available, suggest that black men are three times as likely to commit violent crimes as white men. To the extent that cops are more likely to use force against people who commit violent crimes, which they surely are, this could easily explain the disparities we have observed in the rates at which the police use force. That’s not to say that bias plays no role; I’m sure it does play one. But it’s unlikely to explain a very large part of the discrepancy.
Some might say that, instead of consulting statistics like these, we should defer to black Americans’ own perceptions of how the police treat them. As various polls have demonstrated, black people are much more likely than white people to think that police violence against minorities is very common. But the issue cannot be settled this way.
Since individuals have direct knowledge of what happened to them personally, you can trust them about that. But when it comes to larger social phenomena, people’s beliefs are influenced by far more than just their personal experience, including the media. The far more compelling fact is that, if you draw a representative sample of the population and ask each black man in that sample whether a police officer has used physical force against him in the past year, you find that it’s extremely rare.
On many issues, liberals have no problem recognizing this problem. For instance, there is a cottage industry of articles deploring the fact that, although crime has fallen spectacularly in the U.S. since the 1990s, most Americans believe it has increased. Liberals are absolutely right to point out this misperception, but if people of any color can be wrong about this, there is no reason to think black people can’t be wrong about the prevalence of police violence against minorities.
Karl Rove on NFL Protests: Trump Will Be ‘Walking Away From This a Loser’
On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” network contributor and Republican strategist Karl Rove discussed President Donald Trump criticism of NFL players for taking a knee during the national anthem at games.
According to Rove, Trump would be “walking away” from this controversy a “loser.”
Rove said, “What instead of swearing at them, he said, ‘I understand that you have a right to do this, but we stand and respect our flag, not because of America’s imperfections, but because we are constantly as a nation aspiring to the approval of history. We salute the flag because the struggles and the sacrifices of generations of Americans to make this a better country. That is why we stand and salute our flag and why we put our hand over our heart.'”
“He could have come away from this the winner,” he continued. “But he is walking away from this a loser in the minds of the American people for exactly the reasons you pointed out. He was against the federal government interfering and telling the Washington Redskins what their name should be. Now he is saying fire those people if they do not stand and respect the flag. He ought to be an aspirational figure. He should not be a condemnatory figure.”
Good For Nothing Roger Goodell Has The Audacity to Scold POTUS?
By Andrew West
Thanks to the liberal “resistance” to President Trump, there are a number of private citizens throughout the country who grown a bit too big for their britches.
Celebrities can almost get a pass for this sort of behavior. After all, they are reliant on the suspension of disbelief to make their millions, lending a clownish air of whimsicality to every unfortunate thing that comes slithering from their word holes. Hollywood’s liberal slant is more than just tolerated, it’s expected, and as long as these debutantes don’t take their hate to Kathy Griffin-esque levels of crazy, they are easily written off as attention mongers.
It’s when we turn to the heads of industry and successful, wealthy private individuals with some semblance of clout that we find ourselves most disgusted with the incessant need to undermine the authority of our elected leaders.
That’s where NFL commissioner and pushover Roger Goodell comes in.
After the President took a stand for patriotic Americans everywhere by insinuating that he was take disciplinary actions against athletes who refused to stand for the National Anthem were he their coach, Roger Goodell had the audacity to respond to Trump with snarky and unbelievable scolding.
“NFL commissioner Roger Goodell fired back at President Trump on Saturday for encouraging league owners to remove players who take a knee during the national anthem, saying Trump’s ‘divisive comments’ show ‘an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL.’
“’The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture,’ Goodell said in a statement. ‘There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we’ve experienced over the last month.’
“’Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities.’”
The reality of what just occurred between Goodell and Trump has been lost on many, so let it be explained briefly.
The commissioner of a failing American sports entertainment league just scolded the President of the United States. Goodell, and his completely unnecessary league have shown that they believe they are above the authority of the most powerful man in the world.
We have taken a children’s game, given those kids a free education just so that the NFL can get a good look at their skills, and then paid them an exorbitant amount of money to recreate that game on television, often at the expense of the American taxpayers who have been duped into countless stadium and infrastructure deals as teams relocate for the sake of making more money. Then, the commissioner of this nonsensical “professional” entity pretends he is more important than President Trump in a rant akin to snatching up the Commander in Chief by the ear and embarrassing him in front of the entire nation.
This behavior from anyone, let alone the guy in charge of overpriced man-children playing a game, is wildly unacceptable.
Trump’s Take on National Anthem Kneelers Will Leave You SPEECHLESS
By Andrew West
As the NFL limps back into the national spotlight for the 2017 season, it is apparent that the league does so with a limp and a black eye.
The league itself is in serious trouble. In the past two seasons, a massive ratings lull and stagnant ticket sales have increased pressure on NFL owners and coaches to appeal to the largest possible swath of Americans in order to maintain their unbelievable wealth. In doing so, they’ve turned a blind eye to disgraceful protests occurring on the field of play in the form of players shunning the National Anthem – a reaction that has infuriated Americans nationwide.
This has, of course, led to a number of boycotts of the NFL, as well as hugely diminished ratings and pathetic ticket sales numbers – even for relocated teams who are now in majorU.S. markets.
While a number of politicians and pundits have weighed in on the subject of these anthem protests, the official presidential opinion was not exactly known…that is, until now.
“President Trump railed against National Football League players who have knelt during the national anthem.
“Trump said that he and Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.), who he was stumping for in Huntsville, are ‘unified’ by ‘great American values.’
“‘We’re proud of our country and we’re proud of our flag,’ he said.
“He said players who disrespect the flag and kneel for the national anthem should be ejected from the stadium and cut from the team.
“‘Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say “get that son of a b***h off the field right now – he’s fired”,’ Trump said.”
This was clearly the President shooting from the hip in this low-key appearance, but it encapsulates the gist of the American opinion on the NFL and their bratty and spoiled players.
Should the league continue to chose ignoring the very real problem of anti-American players being paid millions of dollars to play in front of Americans, the NFL will likely continue to flounder in popularity.
Sessions Blows “Dreamer” Scandal Wide-Open
Attorney General Jeff Sessions had some bad news for illegal aliens who belong to street gangs.
According to The Hill, on Thursday, Sessions called for a crackdown on illegal immigration — especially when it comes to illegal immigrants who are involved with violent street gangs.
He said, “We are now working with the Department of Homeland Security and [Department of Health and Human Services] to examine the unaccompanied minors issue and the exploitation of that program by gang members who come to this country as wolves in sheep’s clothing.”
During his statements — which were given to law enforcement officials — Sessions stated that he is working with DHS to focus on unaccompanied minors who enter the country illegally. According to The Hill, these individuals will be placed in communities that are in “the best interests of the child.”
Many illegal immigrant minors have abused the Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Currently, the program places juveniles in areas that are controlled by street gangs. As a matter of fact, MS-13 — one of the most brutal gangs in the country — has used the program to recruit more members into their group.
MS-13 — also known as La Mara Salvatrucha — originally came to the United States in the 1980s. Now, they operate in several major cities like New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. Sessions stated that the gang “represents some of the worst of the worst when it comes to criminal street gangs.”
The gang is known for their ruthless intimidation tactics, and their murderous tendencies. They typically murder their victims in egregious fashion, using knives and hatchets to dismember them. Many of the group’s members are minors who have entered the country illegally. With no family to provide a healthy environment, they make easy targets for the El Salvadoran street gang.
President Donald Trump has vowed to get rid of MS-13, and prevent them from threatening more American lives. In a speech given in July, he said, “Together we’re going to restore safety to our streets and peace to our communities and we’re going to destroy the vile, criminal cartel MS-13 and many other gangs.”
Earlier this year, DHS stated that they would specifically target members of MS-13, as well as other gangs. Some of the criteria they will use to root out illegal immigrants who are involved with the gang include gang tattoos, frequent areas where gang activity is high, and fraternize with known MS-13 operatives.
Sessions’ announcement is a welcome one for those of us who are tired of gangs conducting their illicit activities in their communities. Many have grown weary of the fact that these groups have been allowed to operate in their cities.
Naturally, the Attorney General’s speech was interrupted by protesters, who hurled accusations of racism at those who would see members of street gangs deported or arrested. However, any rational person can see that the government’s approach has nothing to do with racism — it is about saving lives.
Most of the immigrants who enter the country illegally don’t commit other crimes (other than illegal immigration), but there are a large number of those who become involved with gangs like MS-13. Regardless of where one stands on the immigration issue, it is important to support efforts to weed out those who would commit acts of violence against people in the United States.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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