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Mon., Sept.18, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~ God Bless America~
H.R. McMaster Served 11 Years on Think Tank Financed by Boeing, Which Inked Billions in Iran Deals
NEW YORK — Congressional and U.S. court moves have put the Trump administration at the center of a debate about the Boeing firm’s multi-billion dollar deals to sell airplanes to two companies partially owned by the Iranian government.
Amid the controversy over the business deals, it is instrumental to take a closer look at White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster’s role at a UK-based think tank that, as Breitbart News reported, is bankrolled by Boeing as well as other conglomerates pursuing major business deals in Iran.
The past affiliation may raise conflict-of-interest issues for McMaster, who is serving in a position of direct influence over U.S. policy with regard to Iran. Already, McMaster has been accused of purging the National Security Council of hardliners on Iran, and he is seen as a proponent of the Iran nuclear accord.
The business deals in question are up for regulation by the U.S. government and the transactions are in jeopardy due to the possibility that the Trump administration will further sanction Iran or declare Tehran in violation of the international nuclear accord.
Boeing’s deal specifically involves action that is required from the Trump administration as soon as the next few weeks.
Boeing inked a $3 billion contract last December to sell 30 737 Max jets to Aseman Airlines, a firm whose largest owner is the government-run Iran National Pension Fund.
Boeing last year also finalized a $16.6 billion deal to sell 80 aircraft to Iran Air, Iran’s flagship airline which is owned by the Islamic republic.
As part of a lawsuit filed by families of the victims of Iran-sponsored terrorism, a Chicago federal court has asked the Trump administration to decide whether Boeing must disclose the details of its deals with the Iranian firm.
Iran owes American families billions of dollars in unsatisfied court judgements, and the Shurat Hadin – Israel Law Center has been seeking information on the Boeing deals to see if Iranian assets can be frozen or seized.
Attorneys for one U.S. family that was awarded a $67 million judgment against Iran for Tehran’s sponsorship of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group served Boeing with an Illinois Citation to Discover Assets with the goal of discovering whether funds can be collected from the airplane deals with Iran.
The Jerusalem Post quoted Boeing as saying that the disclosure of the Iran airplane deal details would “interfere with US foreign policy toward Iran by obstructing a key component of the international nuclear deal.”
This prompted Ruben Castillo, the chief United States district judge for the Northern District of Illinois, to order the Trump administration to respond by October 12 with a decision on whether disclosing the contents of the Boeing deal would harm the U.S.-brokered nuclear accord with Iran.
A second issue that has put Boeing at the center of controversy involving the nuclear agreement is a House measure that was adopted earlier this week to block U.S. aircraft sales to Iran.
Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) offered two amendments to a 2018 government spending package that would specifically prohibit the use of funds to authorize financial transactions for the sales and prevent the Office of Foreign Assets Control from clearing licenses to allow aircraft sales.
Roskam said that the U.S. should refrain from selling the aircraft to Iran given the country’s history of using commercial aircraft to transport resources, like weapons and troops, to support President Bashar Assad in Syria.
Both of Roskam’s amendments were adopted by voice votes. Similar amendments offered by Roskam were also adopted as part of a spending bill last year but did not become law.
McMaster, Boeing, Iran
From September 2006 to February 2017, McMaster is listed as a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), where he served as consulting senior fellow. The IISS describes itself as a “world-leading authority on global security, political risk and military conflict.”
IISS has not responded to repeated requests from Breitbart News seeking clarification about McMaster’s work at the think tank, including any salary he may have received.
While IISS says it produces “objective information” on geopolitical developments, the think tank is funded by multinational firms doing major business deals with Iranian companies.
Airbus (provided between $130,350 and $651,748 to IISS)
In June, two Iranian airlines made prospective deals with Europe-based Airbus — described as memorandums of understanding — to purchase 73 jetliners in deals reportedly worth as much as $2.5 billion. The deals are permissible because of the easing of sanctions under the Obama administration-brokered 2015 nuclear accord with Iran.
The New York Times reported that aspects of the Iranian firms’ purchases of Airbus planes are subject to U.S. government regulation.
The Times reported:
The Times reported:
Iran’s Airtour Airline intends to buy 45 upgraded versions of the A320 jet, and Zagros Airlines intends to buy 20 upgraded A320s and eight upgraded A330s. …
The deals are permitted under the 2015 nuclear agreement Iran reached with six major powers, which relaxed sanctions in return for Iran’s verifiable pledges of peaceful nuclear work. But the deals — even for the Airbuses — still must be licensed by the United States government because many components and technology in the aircraft are made in the United States and are subject to export control regulations.
The agreements with two Iranian companies to purchase 73 Airbus jets follows another purchase by IranAir of 180 Airbus jets that was downgraded to 100 jets last December at an estimated value of about $10 billion.
Total SA (provided between $32,591 and $130,349 to IISS)
Total SA, the French multinational oil and gas company, is a donor to IISS. Last month, Total SA and a Chinese oil firm signed a $5 billion agreement with Iran to develop a massive offshore natural gas field.
Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh singled out the energy agreement as “one of the outcomes of the nuclear deal and recent presidential election” and said the agreement would lead to “more than $5 billion in foreign investments.”
Iran on Monday signed a $5 billion agreement with France’s Total SA and a Chinese oil company to develop its massive offshore natural gas field, the first such deal with foreign companies since the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.
Officials met in Tehran and signed the agreement, which will see the firms develop a portion of the massive South Pars offshore field that Iran shares with Qatar. Qatar calls the same area the North Field and it provides the small country, now in the middle of a diplomatic crisis with four other Arab states, its incredible wealth.
Total has a 50.1-percent share in the new Iran deal. The state-owned China National Petroleum Corp. has 30-percent stake and Iran’s Petropars has 19.9 percent.
“This is a major agreement for Total, which officially marks our return to Iran to open a new page in the history of our partnership with the country,” Total Chairman and CEO Patrick Pouyanne said in a statement. “Total will develop the project in strict compliance with applicable national and international laws.”
Foreign Policy magazine reported that Total’s approval of the $5 billion deal was heavily influenced by the Trump administration’s decision in April to certify Iran as complying with the nuclear deal:
But several developments this spring apparently gave Total reason to suspect that Trump’s bark might be worse than his bite. One was the administration’s decision in April to certify to Congress that Iran remained in compliance with all its obligations under the JCPOA — despite repeated violations of some of the deal’s key constraints regarding things like stocks of heavy water (begrudgingly, the Trump team issued its second report certifying Iran’s JCPOA compliance Tuesday night). That was followed by the decision in late May, in response to another congressional deadline, to continue the Obama administration’s policy of granting certain sanctions relief to Iran, as called for in the JCPOA.
BP International Ltd. (provided between $32,591 and $130,349 to IISS)
Last year, BP International, another IISS donor, was granted a license by the U.S. Treasury Department to operate a joint gas field in the North Sea following the removal of European Union and United Nations sanctions on Iran.
While BP earlier this year decided not to take part in first wave agreements to develop oil and gas reserves in Iran, the firm reportedly opened a representative office in the Islamic republic. And last November, BP created an executive committee to explore business in Iran. BP also purchased condensate from the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company last year following the sanctions removal.
Shell International Ltd. (provided between $32,591 and $130,349 to IISS)
Shell International Ltd., which donated to IISS, operates as a subsidiary of oil giant Royal Dutch Shell.
Reuters reported that while Shell has been cautious about Iranian oil buys, it has done some deals in Iran since the sanctions were relieved.
Shell said in its annual report it had bought only three cargoes of Iranian oil over the past year.
These were a $45 million cargo in May, on which it made a profit of $1.1 million, followed by 2 cargoes in December costing $103 million and $106 million respectively. Those are still in transit so no profit or loss has been yet made on them, Shell said.
During the course of 2016, Shell also repaid $1.942 billion in debts to Iran for oil purchases it made before stricter EU sanctions were imposed on Iran in 2012.
Think Tank Backed by Soros-Funded Group that Helped Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal
IISS’s corporate donors are not the only controversial financing to the group where McMaster previously served.
Breitbart News reported that another IISS donor is the controversial Ploughshares Fund, a George Soros-funded nonprofit identified by the Obama White House as central to helping sell the Iran nuclear deal to the public and news media.
Also, Joseph Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, is listed as a member of IISS in his Georgetown University bio.
Ploughshares’ involvement in selling the Iran agreement to the public was revealed in an extensive New York Times Magazine profile of Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, titled, “The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru.” The article contains interviews with Rhodes and scores of top Obama administration officials.
Robert Malley, then a senior director at the National Security Council, expounded on the genesis and execution of the marketing plan to sell the Iran deal.
Malley explained to the Times that “experts” were utilized to create an “echo chamber” that disseminated administration claims about Iran to “hundreds of often-clueless reporters” in the news media.
Times author David Samuels wrote:
In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. “We created an echo chamber,” he admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”
Rhodes told Samuels that the marketing strategy took advantage of the “absence of rational discourse” and utilized outside groups, including Ploughshares.
When I suggested that all this dark metafictional play seemed a bit removed from rational debate over America’s future role in the world, Rhodes nodded. “In the absence of rational discourse, we are going to discourse the [expletive] out of this,” he said. “We had test drives to know who was going to be able to carry our message effectively, and how to use outside groups like Ploughshares, the Iran Project and whomever else. So we knew the tactics that worked.” He is proud of the way he sold the Iran deal. “We drove them crazy,” he said of the deal’s opponents.
Ploughshares says it has awarded hundreds of grants “whose aggregate value exceeded $60 million.”
A previous investigation by this reporter showed Ploughshares has partnered with a who’s-who of the radical left, including Code Pink, the pro-Palestinian J Street, United for Peace & Justice, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Demos, a progressive economic advisory group where Obama’s controversial former green jobs czar, Van Jones, has served on the board.
The group says its mission is to support the “smartest minds and most effective organizations to reduce nuclear stockpiles, prevent new nuclear states and increase global security.”
Ploughshares is in turn financed by Soros’s Open Society Institute, the Buffett Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Another Ploughshares donor is the Tides Foundation, which is one of the largest funders of the radical left. Tides is funded by Soros.
Ploughshares has donated to the Institute for Policy Studies, which calls for massive slashes in the U.S. defense budget.
It has also financed the International Crisis Group, a small organization that boasts George Soros and his son Alexander on its board and where Malley now works as vice president for public policy.
McMaster’s Former Group Scrubs — then Re-Adds — Soros Financing from Website
As Breitbart News reported, the IISS added George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the Soros-financed Ploughshares group to the list of donors on its website in response to a request from this reporter on the matter.
During a Breitbart News investigation last month, neither the Open Society or Ploughshares were listed on the IISS website page titled “Our Funding” despite this reporter finding literature from those two groups documenting their financing of IISS. Also, both groups were listed in an archived version of the same IISS donor’s page.
Following a request for comment, both the Open Society and Ploughshares groups were added back to the IISS donor page.
Immediately following the additions, Breitbart News sent a request for comment about the additions to the website and received the following reply:
As well as the Open Society Foundation, we also accidentally removed the Carnegie, McArthur, and James Foundations, as well as a number of governments and corporate supporters, when we updated the page ten days ago. Your question brought this to our attention and the listing has now been corrected.
McMaster purges NSC
Last month, McMaster removed Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a Trump aide and Iran deal opponent, from the National Security Council in what the Jerusalem Post reported was a possible “sweep of Iran hard-liners.”
The Post reported on two other McMaster purges of Iran hardliners:
Cohen-Watnick’s removal comes after the revelation by the Atlantic on Wednesday of the dismissal of Rich Higgins, another Iran hawk who was the NSC’s director of strategic planning. Higgins was sacked for circulating a memo in which he alleged that there was a “Maoist” insurgency within and without the government of “globalists and Islamists.”
Also gone is Derek Harvey, who held the Middle East portfolio at the NSC, and who also was an Iran hawk, and who may assume another role in the administration. McMaster tapped Michael Bell, a retired army colonel who has a conventional career portfolio, to replace Harvey.
Speaking at a recent event held by the Ploughshares Fund, former Secretary of State John Kerry implied that McMaster is the best bet for keeping the nuclear agreement alive, according to a Ploughshares Fund description of the June 5, 2017 event.
McMaster and the IISS
McMaster is listed on the IISS website as serving as a former consulting senior fellow on the following issues: Military history, civil-military relations, development and security, and conflict and conflict prevention.
IISS, meanwhile, has supported the Iran nuclear agreement and defended Tehran against reports it has violated tenets of the deal.
In July, IISS featured a piece by Mark Fitzpatrick, chief of the think tank’s non-proliferation and nuclear policy program, titled, “Three strikes against claims that Iran is violating the nuclear accord.”
The IISS piece argued that “criticism of Iran’s conduct in relation to the 2015 nuclear deal does not withstand scrutiny,” and that the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the agreement “would not convince other parties to re-impose sanctions, but could trigger a global crisis.”
In June, the IISS’s Fitzpatrick opined, “Critics are wrong: Iran remains in compliance with nuclear accord.”
An IISS strategic comment paper titled “Trump’s erratic Middle East policy” argued that Trump’s confrontational approach toward Iran is “unlikely to lend needed stability to the region.”
Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.
David Ortiz: Keep Political Statements Out of Baseball
“That’s kind of messed up right there,” Ortiz said to TMZ Sports after seeing the banner. “Why would you do that?”
“You think they shouldn’t do that at games?” the reporter asked.
Ortiz replied, “Hell no, you don’t do that at all!”
“You don’t wanna add more s–t to the s–t that is already out there,” he added.
Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent
NSA and CIA at the top of the shadow government apparatus
A CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp, has emerged from the wolves den to expose the deep state and the shadow government which he calls two entirely separate entities.
“The shadow government controls the deep state and manipulates our elected government behind the scenes,” Shipp warned in a recent talk at a Geoengineeringwatch.org conference.
Shipp had a series of slides explaining how the deep state and shadow government functions as well as the horrific crimes they are committing against U.S. citizens.
Some of the revelations the former CIA anti-terrorism counter intelligence officer revealed included that “Google Earth was set up through the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and InQtel.” Indeed he is correct, the CIA and NGA owned the company Google acquired, Keyhole Inc., paying an undisclosed sum for the company to turn its tech into what we now know as Google Earth. Another curious investor in Keyhole Inc. was none other than the venture capital firm In-Q-Tel run by the CIA according to a press release at the time.
Shipp also disclosed that the agency known as the Joint Special Ops Command (JSOC) is the “president’s secret army” which he can use for secret assassinations, overturning governments and things the American people don’t know about.
FBI warrantless searches violate the Fourth Amendment with national security letters, which Shipp noted enables them to walk into your employer’s office and demand all your financial records and if he or she says anything about them being there they can put your supervisor in jail or drop a case against themselves using the “State’s Secret Privilege law.”
“The top of the shadow government is the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency,” Shipp said.
Shipp expressed that the CIA was created through the Council on Foreign relations with no congressional approval, and historically the CFR is also tied into the mainstream media (MSM.) He elaborated that the CIA was the “central node” of the shadow government and controlled all of other 16 intelligence agencies despite the existence of the DNI. The agency also controls defense and intelligence contractors, can manipulate the president and political decisions, has the power to start wars, torture, initiate coups, and commit false flag attacks he said.
As Shipp stated, the CIA was created through executive order by then President Harry Truman by the signing of the National Security Act of 1947.
According to Shipp, the deep state is comprised of the military industrial complex, intelligence contractors, defense contractors, MIC lobbyist, Wall St (offshore accounts), Federal Reserve, IMF/World Bank, Treasury, Foreign lobbyists, and Central Banks.
In the shocking, explosive presentation, Shipp went on to express that there are “over 10,000 secret sites in the U.S.” that formed after 9/11. There are “1,291 secret government agencies, 1,931 large private corporations and over 4,800,000 Americans that he knows of who have a secrecy clearance, and 854,000 who have Top Secret clearance, explaining they signed their lives away bound by an agreement.
He also detailed how Congress is owned by the Military Industrial Complex through the Congressional Armed Services Committee (48 senior members of Congress) giving those members money in return for a vote on the spending bill for the military and intelligence budget.
He even touched on what he called the “secret intelligence industrial complex,” which he called the center of the shadow government including the CIA, NSA, NRO, and NGA.
Shipp further stated that around the “secret intelligence industrial complex” you have the big five conglomerate of intelligence contractors – Leidos Holdings, CSRA, CACI, SAIC, and Booz Allen Hamilton. He noted that the work they do is “top secret and unreported.”
The whistleblower remarked that these intelligence contractors are accountable to no one including Congress, echoing the words of Senator Daniel Inouye when he himself blew the whistle on the shadow government during the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987.
At the time Inouye expressed that the “shadow government had its own funding mechanism, shadowy Navy, and Air Force freedom to pursue its own goals free from all checks and balances and free from the law itself.”
Shipp further added that the shadow government and elected government were in the midst of a visible cold war.
So who is Shipp and is he credible as a whistleblower, does he have credentials for the CIA? Aim.org wrote:
Shipp held several high-level positions in the CIA. He was assigned as a protective agent for the Director of Central Intelligence, a counterintelligence investigator, a Counter Terrorism Center officer, a team leader protecting sensitive CIA assets from assassination, a manager of high-risk protective operations, a lead instructor for members of allied governments, an internal staff security investigator, and a polygraph examiner. He was tasked with protecting the CIA from foreign agent penetration and the chief of training for the CIA federal police force.
Mr. Shipp functioned as program manager for the Department of State, Diplomatic Security, and Anti Terrorism Assistance global police training program. He is the recipient of two CIA Meritorious Unit Citations, three Exceptional Performance Awards and a Medallion for overseas covert operations. He is the author of From the Company of Shadows–CIA Operations and the War on Terrorism.
Shipp noted he was working with former NSA whistleblower William Binney but didn’t state what the two were working on together. Shipp is highly credible and may just be the highest level whistleblower. This leak is huge. He has been previously mentioned in the New York Times for blowing the whistle on the mistreatment of him and his family when they were put in a mold-contaminated home. He is also mentioned in a WikiLeaks cable during the GiFiles that I was able to dig up.
Is this the beginning of whistleblowers coming forward to end the shadow government and deep state? You can watch Shipp’s full explosive presentation below.
Bernie Sanders Refuses to Pay Money Owed From Campaign (or Child Support)
By Brian Thomas
Senator Bernie Sanders owes hundreds of thousands of dollars to various cities who provided security services for him during his campaign, giving Americans a glimpse of a common problem with socialists.
Sanders’ socialist beliefs are no secret. During his campaign, he avoided using the word that best describes his politics because “brainwashed” people think socialism is bad.
The way Sanders treated cities who hosted him during the campaign is a good example of what socialism looks like.
In spite of his efforts to build a reputation for himself as a defender of the downtrodden, Sanders took advantage of cities who hosted him during his campaign.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have both already paid their debts for security services they received while campaigning in various cities, but Sanders has refused to pay the $450,000 he still owes.
Sanders would rather talk political theory than be responsible and pay his due. The Daily Caller reported that in 1971, Sanders was kicked out of a commune because he talked too much and worked too little.
On September 22, Sanders will travel to San Francisco to speak at the tri-annual convention of the California Nurses Association-National Nurses Organizing Committee. He doesn’t seem worried about returning to the state in spite of his unresolved debt to several California cities.
Bernie Sanders' campaign still owes (a disputed) $450k to cities where he campaigned. Clinton and Trump, OTOH, have settled all 2016 debts
As Bernie returns to CA,
$5M+ left in his campaign account
Stiffs multiple CA cities for $327K in security Costs http://ift.tt/2fdIiHQ …
$5M+ left in his campaign account
Stiffs multiple CA cities for $327K in security Costs http://ift.tt/2fdIiHQ …
The Daily Wire reports:
Across the nation, in the states of Arizona, California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wisconsin, the Sanders campaign still owes a disputed $450,000 to various cities. Those figures include over $117,000 to the Santa Monica, California police department; $67,000 to the Irvine, California police department; over $44,000 to the Tucson, Arizona police department; over $33,000 to the Spokane, Washington police department; over $28,000 to the city of Vallejo, California; over $28,000 to the National City, California police department; over $25,000 to Upper Providence Township in Pennsylvania; over $23,000 to the Cloverdale, California police department, and over $22,000 to the Solano County Sheriff’s Office in Fairfield, California.
Sanders’ long list of unpaid debt is a good glimpse at what this country would have had to deal with if Bernie Sanders had taken the presidency.
Creating debt is easy for socialists everywhere. They’re quite talented at convincing people that they’ll pay it back when they have no intentions to do so.
Sanders’ wife has a particularly solid background at getting people to fork over their hard-earned money, only to see it disappear forever.
The Daily Wire continues:
The infection seems to also plague his wife Jane, as there have been allegations that she provided false documentation to obtain a loan from People’s United Bank to purchase a piece of land for the Burlington College when she was president. The Burlington Free Press noted in late August, “The college took on $10 million in debt to buy a new lakefront campus in 2010 under former President Jane O’Meara Sanders. When fundraising fell short of expectations, Sanders’ successors attempted to stabilize the college finances by selling 27.5 acres of its 32-acre campus to a developer.”
Many of Bernie’s supporters would be surprised to learn that Sanders operates himself like a deadbeat friend who somehow always leaves his wallet in his other pants, and never pays back his debts even as he asks you to vote for him.
Gorka: Trump Will Be ‘Getting Rid of People Soon’ Because He Is ‘Not Well-Served’ by His Advisers
Dr. Sebastian Gorka, former deputy assistant to President Trump and Breitbart News National Security editor, appeared on Breitbart News Saturday to discuss the state of immigration reform and offer a bold prediction that President Trump will soon fire a number of top advisers who have not served him well on national security issues.
“Look, Matt, you know better than anyone that the President of the United States founded his presidential campaign on the question of illegal migration and the wall,” Dr. Gorka told SiriusXM host Matt Boyle. “It’s not an accident that Sen. Sessions was the first politician to endorse him, as Sen. Sessions was The Man when it came to stopping illegal migration.”
“The idea that suddenly that he’s now president he’s going to undermine the platform – the key platform, upon which his whole campaign was built and which propelled him into the White House – is, of course, bogus,” Gorka said confidently.
“We know people like Chuckie, we know that Nanny Pelosi, as soon as they think that they’re getting something out of the president, they’re going to blurt it out. They’re going to tweet it out. It’s just fake news,” he declared.
“The bottom line is, the president said it; he said it last week. He cut the Gordian knot. It was a Solomonic decision. He said DACA is unconstitutional. A president cannot legislate from the Oval Office. And that’s when he told his now-Attorney General Sessions to make a statement: DACA is over,” he said.
“Nevertheless, he’s a kind-hearted man. You spent many, many hours with him. You know how kind-hearted Donald Trump is,” Gorka reminded Boyle.
“He knows that criminals go to prison when you’ve caught the bad guys. We’re not going to give amnesty to gang-bangers from MS-13. But there are kids, or there were kids, who came here through no fault of their own, who will not be punished by deportation. I expect some kind of work permit system or something like that to be put in place,” he predicted.
“He’s told Congress, ‘Work with me.’ And the biggest part of this story – you know it, Matt, the biggest part – the president, after seven months of nothing from the GOP, has said, ‘Hey, guys, I’ve got an agenda. You don’t want to help me. There are other people I’m going to work with.’ And look at what’s happening: whether it’s Congressman Dent or it’s potential primaries, he’s sending a message to the GOP establishment,” Gorka said.
Boyle proposed that while the mainstream media narrative has Trump swinging left under the influence of the GOP establishment, primary races around the country tell a different story, as populist conservatives who support Trump’s Make America Great Again platform are on the rise.
“It seems like establishment Republicans are being put on notice that they either need to deliver or that there are other ways to do business,” Boyle hypothesized.
“Look, I’ve said this publicly, and I’ll say it again on your show: the president was only accidentally the GOP candidate,” Gorka responded. “He has nothing to do with the swamp. Let’s remember, it’s the first time in American history that someone who hasn’t served as a general or an admiral, or who was not a prior politician, became the president. That’s what happened.”
“This is the anti-establishment candidate. He’s not a member of the swamp. And if the GOP thinks that they won last November the 8th, they will be very unpleasantly surprised – not just in next year’s elections, but in the numerous primaries that will occur,” Gorka warned.
“Because Donald Trump, like Brexit, is a very simple signal: Enough with politics as business as usual. Enough with the professional political class. You are not there to serve yourselves. You are there to serve the American people. We’ve seen an attitude for twenty years-plus where somebody is elected to represent the American people, they get to D.C., and they think they are smarter than the people who elected them, and that they don’t have to keep their promises. That ended on January the 20th at 12:01,” he declared.
Gorka said the border wall project would not be derailed by quibbling over how much of it consists of traditional barriers and fences.
“If you look at the geography of the United States, we will not be building a wall across the whole southern expanse because in some places, you physically can’t build a wall,” he noted. “However, the government is already prototyping the designs of walls that will be used where a wall is relevant. Sometimes, it’s going to be a fence. Sometimes, it’s going to be another kind of barrier,” he said.
“ Look, you can take this to the bank: the president will be building an impenetrable barrier across the southern border because he built his presidential campaign on that,” Gorka promised. “How it’s going to look, what color it’s going to be, how tall it’s going to be – that is a matter for the professionals to decide, but we have to seal the southern border, and the president knows it.”
Boyle pointed out that another major Trump campaign promise involved ending foreign military interventions such as Afghanistan, but he recently felt compelled to order a troop surge instead. He quoted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) advising Trump to follow his instincts and return to his campaign position, rather than listening to interventionist advice from some elements of his national security staff.
“I am not a fan of isolationist libertarianism,” Gorka replied. “It didn’t work in 1941, and it didn’t work in 2001, September the 11th. But in this case the senator is right: the president is a supernaturally instinctual actor.”
“I saw him do this. We had at least half-a-dozen meetings at the National Security Council on Afghanistan, and in every single meeting until the recent one, after Steve and myself left the building, the president had the right instincts,” Gorka recalled, referring to both his departure from the White House and that of Breitbart News Executive Editor Steve Bannon.
“He said, ‘Why should we care? What are you talking about when it comes to descriptions of a federal government function in Afghanistan?’ He would point out from history – you remember how they called Ronald Reagan a dunce when the guy had been giving lectures on conservatism for the past 20 years? The president is lecturing the National Security Council, President Trump, on ‘Well, you know, Alexander the Great couldn’t do it, the British couldn’t do it, and the Soviets couldn’t do it, so now we’re going to construct a federal Afghanistan?’” Gorka recalled.
“He knows his history. I think, unfortunately, he is being pressured to follow 16 years of conventional thinking – but I have predicted already, since I left the White House, changes will be made at the highest level soon, probably before Christmas – because the president will realize, sooner or later, that he is not being well-served by the people that are left inside the building,” he said.
“Remember one thing: almost every single senior personnel decision or action since January the 20th, when it wasn’t a resignation like myself or Steve Bannon, every other single person who was fired was fired not by the president, but by somebody who works for the president. I predict that the president will be getting rid of people soon. I look forward to that moment,” he said with relish.
Gorka said Fox News host Tucker Carlson, not known as a tremendous fan of Steve Bannon or Breitbart News, was correct when he said, “Whatever you think about Steve Bannon, he would not have been at home in a Clinton White House.”
“Which is absolutely true,” Gorka laughed. “He wouldn’t have stepped into, or been allowed into, a Clinton White House. But right now we have numerous members at the highest levels of the new administration who not only would have been at home in a Clinton White House, but would have been Cabinet members in a Clinton White House.”
“That is wrong. That’s not MAGA, and that’s going to change. That’s my prediction, Matt,” Gorka firmly declared.
Pro-Abortion Tim Kaine Slammed for Appealing to Christians to Defend ‘Least’ Among Us
A leading Christian pastor has called out Sen. Tim Kaine’s “hypocrisy” for summoning Christians to care for the most vulnerable among us while publicly supporting abortion on demand.
“Senator Kaine is simply not the right person to explain how our faith and scripture inform our actions for the ‘least of these,’ writes Pastor Ed Stetzer in Christianity Today. “We know of his actions, and his faith has not led him to protect the unborn.”
Rev. Stetzer was responding to a September 15 article by Tim Kaine (D-VA) in the same journal in which the senator and running mate Hillary Clinton appealed to Christians across the nation to come together to fix health care in America.
“I think all Christians—Democrats, Republicans, Independents—can agree that these are the people Christ told us to care for. Our disagreements do not lie in whether to care for them, but how,” Kaine wrote.
In his critique of Kaine’s essay, Rev. Stetzer writes that his greatest concern is the senator’s silence regarding the elephant in the room—namely, the Democratic Party’s absolute insistence on abortion on demand.
“Senator Kaine sent this to convince a readership that is pro-life while he tip-toes past a whole segment of the ‘least,’” Stetzer writes, referring to the unborn victims of abortion.
Stetzer states:
While serving on the ticket of a party that wants no restrictions on abortion, Kaine has famously obfuscated around the issue of abortion, claiming that his Catholic faith informs his personal opposition to abortion while advocating for legal protections for abortion (up to the moment of birth) along the Democratic party line.
According to the leading reproductive rights organization, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Kaine holds a 100 percent pro-choice voting record in the U.S. Senate, meaning that whatever his personal opinions may be, as a senator he has been consistently and reliably pro-abortion.
The executive director of the Billy Graham Center, Rev. Stetzer writes that “it is more than a little disturbing to me that a candidate who just ran on the most radical pro-abortion ticket in American history would come to Christianity Today, an evangelical Christian magazine, to speak of the least of these.”
Although Tim Kaine has claimed to be personally pro-life, his constant public stance has been pro-abortion, defending a woman’s right to terminate the life of her child up to the point of birth.
“That’s what makes this entire article so bizarre,” Stetzer writes. “He basically says we should listen to the teachings of our faith on healthcare, yet he is a Catholic who just ran on a ticket that couldn’t even oppose partial birth abortion.”
During the 2016 presidential campaign, a number of bishops stepped forward to criticizeSen. Kaine on that same issue, noting the hypocrisy of a candidate running on his Catholic credentials while supporting legal abortion.
One leading American prelate, Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann, urged voters to “be wary” of the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, calling him a “cafeteria Catholic” who picks and chooses from church teachings according to political expediency.
Archbishop Naumann said that it was “painful” to listen to Sen. Kaine repeat “the same tired and contorted reasoning to profess his personal opposition to abortion while justifying his commitment to keep it legal” in the last vice presidential debate.
While boasting of his Catholic Jesuit education, Kaine fell back on “all the usual made-for-modern-media sound bites,” the archbishop noted, such as it is “not proper to impose his religious beliefs upon all Americans” and he “trusts women to make good reproductive choices.”
The archbishop called on voters to “be wary of candidates who assume to take upon themselves the role of defining what Catholics believe or should believe.”
“Unfortunately,” he continued, “the vice-presidential debate revealed that the Catholic running for the second highest office in our land is an orthodox member of his party, fulling embracing his party’s platform, but a cafeteria Catholic, picking and choosing the teachings of the Catholic Church that are politically convenient.”
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