Title : Nickelodeon Latin America Announces Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 Pre-Vote Nominees | #KCAArgentina
link : Nickelodeon Latin America Announces Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 Pre-Vote Nominees | #KCAArgentina
Nickelodeon Latin America Announces Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 Pre-Vote Nominees | #KCAArgentina
Nickelodeon Latin America (Latinoamérica) today announced the pre-nominees for Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017!NickHeads in Argentina can now vote for their favourites to become finalists in each category, with the top four most voted for nominees in each category going onto the final stage of voting, in which NickHeads will be able to vote who wins a coveted Nickelodeon Orange Blimp Award at Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017!
Fans can vote for their favourites online at KCAArgentina.com, via the Nick Play app, and on Twitter using the hashtags below. Fans can vote as many times as they wish to support their favourites from the worlds of entertainment, music, sports and more!
Each voting Tweet must feature both the unique hashtag and #KCAArgentina in it for the vote to be counted:
#HashtagPreNominado + #KCAArgentina
For example, if you want to see Vikki RPM win the blimp for Serie o Programa Favorito, your Tweet should look similar to:
¡Voto por Vikki RPM! #VikkiRPM #KCAArgentina
Or if you wanted to support Samantha Siqueiros you could do it by Tweeting:
¡Mi corazón robot es de #SamanthaSiqueiros y voto por ella en los #KCAArgentina!
*¡Si usas más de un hashtag en el mismo tweet tu voto SÍ cuenta
*¡Los tuits con emojis TAMBIÉN CUENTAN!
This years Kids' Choice Awards Argentina also features many new voting categories, including "20 Años Nick En Latinoamérica", in which fans can vote for their favourite classic Nickelodeon series to celebrate Nickelodeon Latinoamérica's 20th anniversary!
Nickelodeon will reveal the winners of Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 at a star and slime-studded ceremony in Argentina later this year.
Below are the pre-nominees for Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017!:
Actor Favorito:
Favorite Actor
Nazareno Casero - #NazarenoCasero
Gastón Soffritti - #GastonSoffritti
Michael Ronda - #MichaelRonda
Joaquín Ochoa - #JoaquinOchoa
Victorio D’Alessandro - #VictorioDAlessandro
Stefano Ollivier - #StefanoOllivier
Harold Azuara - #HaroldAzuara
Manuel Masalva - #ManuelMasalva
Actriz Favorita
Favorite Actress
Natalie Pérez - #NataliePerez
Samantha Siqueiros - #SamanthaSiqueiros
Brenda Asnicar - #BrendaAsnicar
Laura Esquivel - #LauraEsquivel
Mercedes Lambre - #MercedesLambre
Chiara Francia - #ChiaraFrancia
Carolina Kopelioff - #CarolinaKopelioff
Paulina Vetrano - #PaulinaVetrano
Serie o Programa Favorito (Programa Favorito)
Favorite Program or Series
Las Estrellas - #LasEstrellas
Peligro: sin codificar - #SinCodificar
Heidi, Bienvenida a Casa - #HeidiBienvenidaACasa
Divina - #Divina
Soy Luna - #SoyLuna
O11CE (ONCE) - #O11CE
Morfi - #Morfi
Vikki RPM - #VikkiRPM
Serie o Programa Internacional Favorito
Favorite International Program or Series
Atrapada en el Medio (Stuck in the Middle) - #AtrapadaEnElMedio
Bizaardvark - #Bizaardvark
Kirby Buckets - #KirbyBuckets
Liv y Maddie (Liv & Maddie) - #LivYMaddie
Power Rangers Dino Charge - #PowerRangersDino
Game Shakers - #GameShakers
School of Rock - #SchoolOfRock
Los Thundermans (The Thundermans) - #TheThundermans
Villano(a) Favorito(a)
Favorite Villain
Valentina Zenere - #ValentinaZenere
Isabella Castillo - #IsabellaCastillo
Andrés Mercado - #AndresMercado
Leo Deluglio - #LeoDeluglio
Scarlet Gruber - #ScarletGruber
Jenny Martínez - #JennyMartinez
Minerva Casero - #MinervaCasero
Sebastián Athié - #SebastianAthie
Animación Favorita (Caricatura Favorita)
Favorite Animated Series
Escandalosos (We Bare Bears) - #Escandalosos
Las Chicas Superpoderosas (The Powerpuff Girls) - #LasChicasSuperpoderosas
Uncle Grandpa - #UncleGrandpa
Elena de Avalor (Elena of Avalor) - #ElenaDeAvalor
Star vs. Las Fuerzas del Mal (Star Vs. The Forces of Evil) - #StarVsLasFuerzasDelMal
Los Padrinos Mágicos (The Fairly OddParents) - #LosPadrinosMagicos
Bob Esponja (SpongeBob SquarePants) - #BobEsponja
The Loud House - #TheLoudHouse
Reality o Concurso Favorito
Favorite Reality Contest
¿En qué mano está? - #EnQueManoEsta
Juguemos En El Bosque - #JuguemosEnElBosque
Combate - #Combate
Hacelo Feliz - #HaceloFeliz
A todo o nada - Las Puertas - #ATodoONada
Dueños de la Cocina - #DueñosDeLaCocina
Pasapalabra - #Pasapalabra
Food Hunters - #FoodHunters
Película Favorita
Favorite Movie
La Bella y la Bestia (Beauty and the Beast) - #LaBellaYLaBestia
Un Jefe En Pañales (The Boss Baby) - #UnJefeEnPañales
Mujer Maravilla (Wonder Woman) - #MujerMaravilla
Mi Villano Favorito 3 (Despicable Me 3) - #MiVillanoFavorito3
Spiderman: de regreso a casa (Spider-Man: Homecoming) - #Spiderman
Cars 3 - #Cars
Cantantes En Guerra - #CantantesEnGuerra
Emoji La Película (The Emoji Movie) - #Emoji
Programa de Radio Favorito
Favorite Radio Program
El Club del Moro - #ElClubDelMoro
Todos Arriba - #TodosArriba
Guatsap - #Guatsap
No Está Todo Dicho - #NoTodoEstaDicho
Qué Te Puedo Cobrar - #QueTePuedoCobrar
Morning Time - #MorningTime
El Despertador - #ElDespertador
Oh My God! - #OhMyGod
Artista o Grupo Internacional Favorito
Favorite International Artist or Group
Ariana Grande - #ArianGrande
Selena Gomez - #SelenaGomez
Ed Sheeran - #EdSheeran
Harry Styles - #HarryStyles
Justin Bieber - #JustinBieber
Camila Cabello - #CamilaCabello
Shawn Mendes - #ShawnMendes
Artista o Grupo Nacional Favorito
Favorite National Artist or Group
Airbag - #Airbag
Axel - #Axel
Lali - #Lali
Oriana Sabatini - #OrianaSabatini
Será Pánico - #SeraPanico
Benjamin Amadeo - #BenjaminAmadeo
Toco Para Vos - #TocoParaVos
Rombai - #Rombai
Canción Latina Favorita
Favorite Latino Song
Make You Mine (Maxi Trusso) - #MakeYouMine
Una Na (Lali) - #UnaNa
Love Me Down Easy (Oriana Sabatini) - #LoveMeDownEasy
Traicionera (Sebastián Yatra) - #Traicionera
Me Llamas (Piso 21) - #MeLlamas
Me Rehúso (Danny Ocean) - #MeRehuso
Reggaetón lento (CNCO) - #ReggaetonLento
Mi Gente (J Balvin) - #MiGente
Colaboración Favorita
Favorite Collaboration
Chantaje (Shakira ft. Maluma) - #Chantaje
Despacito (Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber) - #DespacitoJB
Hey DJ (CNCO ft. Yandel) - #HeyDj
Hey Ma (Camila Cabello, Pitbull ft. J Balvin) - #HeyMa
Vente Pa´ca (Ricky Martin ft. Maluma) - #VentePaCa
Súbeme La Radio (Enrique Iglesias ft. Zion y Lennox y Descemer Bueno) - #SubemeLaRadio
2U (David Guetta ft. Justin Bieber) - #2U
It Ain’t Me (Selena Gomez ft. Kygo) - #ItAintMe
Chico Trendy
Most Trendy Boy
Agustín Casanova - #AgustinCasanovaTrendy
Francisco Tinelli - #FranciscoTinelliTrendy
Pollo Álvarez - #PolloAlvarezTrendy
Agustín Bernasconi - #AgustinBernasconiTrendy
Tucu López - #TucuLopezTrendy
Pico Mónaco - #PicoMonacoTrendy
Franco Masini - #FrancoMasiniTrendy
Victorio D’Alessandro (Victorio D’Allesandro) - #VictorioDAlessandroTrendy
Chica Trendy
Most Trendy Girl
Cande Molfese - #CandeMolfeseTrendy
Flor Vigna - #FlorVignaTrendy
María del Cerro - #MariaDelCerroTrendy
Isa Castillo - #IsabellaCastilloTrendy
Mica Viciconte - #MicaViciconteTrendy
Meli Garat - #MeliGaratTrendy
Stephanie Demner - #StephanieDemnerTrendy
Melina Lezcano - #MelinaLezcanoTrendy
Revelación Digital
Digital Revelation
Dario Orsi - #DarioOrsi
Santiago Maratea - #SantiagoMaratea
Mike Chouhy - #MikeChouhy
Mili Masini - #MiliMasini
Azu MakeUp - #AzuMakeUp
Emily Lucius - #EmilyLucius
Delfi Ferrari - #DelfiFerrari
Bárbara Martínez - #BarbaraMartinez
This year, the YouTuber category has been split into two
Youtuber Favorito
Favorite Male YouTuber
Julián Serrano - #JulianSerrano
Lionel Ferro - #LionelFerro
Mariano Bondar - #MarianoBondar
Kevsho - #Kevsho
Fran MG - #FranMG
Dosogas - #Dosogas
Alejo Igoa - #AlejoIgoa
El Chuiucal - #ElChuiucal
Youtuber Favorita
Favorite Female YouTube Star
Mica Suárez - #MicaSuarez
Frutilla Picante - #FrutillaPicante
Ann Look - #AnnLook
Daiana Hernández - #DaianaHernandez
María Becerra - #MariaBecerra
Yoana Marlen Style - #YoanaMarlenStyle
Vikinga Make Up - #PrimaVikinga
Ceci Saia (Cesi Saia) - #CeciSaia
Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 also features several new category's:
20 años Nick en Latinoamérica
20 Years of Nick in Latin America
Drake & Josh - #DrakeYJosh
iCarly - #iCarly
Zoey 101 - #Zoey101
Big Time Rush (BTR) - #BTR
Rugrats - #Rugrats
Hey Arnold! - #HeyArnold
Kenan y Kel (Kenan & Kel) - #KenanYKel
La Vida Moderna de Rocko (Rocko’s Modern Life) - #LaVidaModernaDeRocko
Instagramer Favorito (Instagrammer Favorito)
Favorite Instagrammer
Magalí Tajes - #MagaliTajesIG
Sofi Morandi - #SofiMorandiIG
Minerva Casero - #MinervaCaseroIG
Gonzalo Goette (Gonzalo Goettel) - #GonzaloGoettelIG
Belu Lucius - #BeluLuciusIG
Nati Jota - #NatiJotaIG
Federico Cyrulnik - #FedecyrulnikIG
Dustin Luke - #TheDustinLukeIG
Musically Favorito
Favorite musical.ly Artist
@karolsevillaofce - #karolsevillaofce
@cande.copello - #candecopello
@juanitinelli - #juantinelli
@francommedina - #francommedina
@robleisiutu1 - #robleisiutu1
@violenarvay - #violenarvay
Mejor Fandom
Best Fandom
#Lalitas (de Lali) - #Lalitas
#Vignistas (de Flor Vigna) - #Vignistas
#Micaelistas (de Mica Viciconte) - #Micaelistas
#Serranistas (de Julián Serrano) - #Serranistas
#Selenators (de Selena Gomez) - #Selenators
#Rushers (de Big Time Rush) - #Rushers
#Beliebers (de Justin Bieber) - #Beliebers
#Army (de BTS) - #Army
Más Nick: Nickelodeon Latin America Announces Kids' Choice Awards Colombia 2017 Pre-Vote Nominees!
Source: Trendy by Nick; Additional sources: Google.co.uk, Wikipedia.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2017 News and Highlights!
Thus articles Nickelodeon Latin America Announces Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 Pre-Vote Nominees | #KCAArgentina
that is all articles Nickelodeon Latin America Announces Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 Pre-Vote Nominees | #KCAArgentina This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article post.
You are now reading the article Nickelodeon Latin America Announces Kids' Choice Awards Argentina 2017 Pre-Vote Nominees | #KCAArgentina the link address https://fairyforreference.blogspot.com/2017/08/nickelodeon-latin-america-announces_24.html
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