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Sun. Aug.27, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~ God Bless America~

California Pastor Unmasks the True Evil in Charlottesville says “No one Tolerates White Supremacists”
By Onan Coca
John MacArthur is the Pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, and he was a Christian soldier in the fight for Civil Rights back in the 1960’s.
This past week he was asked to comment on the recent happenings in Charlottesville, Virginia and what followed was a repudiation of racism, an unmasking of the true evil we saw in Charlottesville, and a reminder that so much has changed in America over the last 50-60 years.
“The human heart is desperately wicked. The human heart is hostile towards God, and self-centered, and proud, and selfish, and angry. What Charlottesville simply demonstrates is that fallen humanity is corrupt. All I see in that is the justification of anger. Look, that’s not about slavery. That’s not about something that happened 200 years ago. That’s an opportunity for angry, hostile, self-willed, selfish people to explode and feel good about it. Because they can get away with it when there’s enough of them, too many of them to stop.”
Pastor MacArthur went on to explain that this is a very different country than the one the Civil Rights leaders faced some 60 years ago. While white supremacy and bigotry were part of the culture back then, “No one tolerates white supremacists,” anymore. He explained the difference between what he saw as a young civil rights warrior back in the 60’s and what is now common around the country.
“That’s not what’s going on there in Charlottesville or any of these other demonstrations,” MacArthur said. “This is the wretched fallen human heart feeling like it can rise to any level that is not completely controlled.”
Today the vast majority of Americans see white supremacists as the evil, backwards, and intolerable force that they are.
What is happening in America today isn’t actually about “white supremacy” it’s about the evil that resides in all men’s hearts…
During a Q&A this past Sunday evening (8/20), John MacArthur was asked about the recent protests and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. His answer provided a biblical perspective that has been largely absent from the public discussion about Charlottesville, even in Christian circles. We trust you’ll be encouraged by what he had to say.
This short explanation of the truth of what is happening in the nation today is a must see:
Kellyanne Conway DESTROYS the liberal media
White House adviser Kellyanne Conway is speaking up for President Donald Trump and the “scant” coverage his recent beneficial actions are receiving in the media.
While the mainstream media is still drooling over Trump’s response to Charlottesville violence, and using it to suggest a major divide in the nation, he is actually doing the opposite.
Trump signed a bill expanding assistance in procuring disability benefits for veterans, and encouraged out country to unite as one in a speech this week — but the media was silent.
On Fox News’ Fox & Friends Thursday, Conway destroyed the media for the “huge disconnect” between what Americans actually care about and the narrative the media is trying to create.
“Yesterday, the president beseeched the nation to unify, to appeal to our better angels, our higher purposes, the things that bind us together as Americans. We’re all on the same team. That got scant coverage.”
She continued with her harsh but true criticism of the mainstream media, saying, “this is become opinion commentary disguised as reporting.”
Emails from the editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal, Gerard Baker, were leaked Wednesday, in which he criticizes his own staff for biased reporting.
“Sorry. This is commentary dressed up as news reporting,” he wrote. “Could we please just stick to reporting what he said rather than packaging in in exegesis and selective criticism.”
It’s no secret that the majority of the mainstream media inflect personal, often liberal, opinions into their so called “honest” reporting.
While the press should be critical of the presidential administration when necessary, the modern media has made it a hobby — one that Conway won’t watch in silence.
-The Horn editorial team
New Army Appears on NK Border… This Is a Game Changer
There’s a new player in the North Korean conflict, and it’s one that should have Trump administration very worried.
According to Reuters, nuclear-capable Russian bombers flew a mission around the Korean Peninsula. The action was apparently taken in response to joint U.S.-South Korean military drills this week. In addition to the bombers, Russian fighter escorts and aircraft with intelligence-gathering capabilities were also involved.
“Our long-range aviation pilots, according to an established plan, regularly carry out flights over neutral waters over the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean from their bases and from tactical airfields,” a statement from Russia’s Defense Ministry said.
However, according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap, South Korean officials said the flight violated South Korean airspace borders.
“As the Russian aircraft entered the KADIZ (Korea Air Defense Identification Zone) in formation yesterday morning, a squadron of our Air Force jets made an emergency sorties,” an anonymous source in the government told Yonhap on Thursday.
The flight was announced by the Russian Defense Ministry on the same day the Russians officially complained about the war games between South Korea and the United States, leaving little doubt that the two incidents were connected.
“The U.S. and South Korea holding yet more large-scale military and naval exercises does not help reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a press briefing.
“We urge all sides to exercise maximum caution. Given the arms build-up in the region, any rash move or even an unintended incident could spark a military conflict.”
However, it’s worth noting that the U.S.-South Korea exercises had been planned for quite some time — long before things began becoming exceptionally testy on the Korean Peninsula.
Russia making itself known in North Korea is a game changer, and not a particularly good one — especially since, along with China, they’re one of Pyongyang’s closer allies.
However, President Trump has shown himself more than willing to stand toe-to-toe with America’s adversaries. Here’s hoping he shows both Russia and China that his administration isn’t playing games.
CNN Comes Up Empty Looking For Outrage Over Trump’s Charlottesville Comments
By Jack Davis
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CNN found out something it didn’t want to know Wednesday when it brought together a panel of Trump supporters and asked them to condemn President Donald Trump’s comments on the violence earlier this month in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Nobody bit.
“How many of you were troubled by the president’s response to the violence in Charlottesville?” asked host Alisyn Camerota.
Not one of the six people on the panel registered displeasure with the president.
Not believing that this could be the group’s opinion, Camerota tried one more time.
“None of you minded how President Trump responded?” she asked.
Panelists said they saw nothing wrong with comments Trump made that the violence was due to misconduct on the parts of both the white supremacists there for a rally and the counter-protesters who battled them in the streets.
“I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I mean, he addressed the problem. Let’s face reality; there are problems on both sides,” panelist Bob Viera said.
“I think it’s ridiculous to have me choose between Hitler and Stalin, which is what I consider what both groups are,” he said.
“The antifa group to me is totally a very Stalin-ish kind of group,” he said. “If you’re willing to set fires and burn places to the ground, that doesn’t sound like a very peaceful group to me. They’re both the same evil.”
Panelist Amanda Delekta said insinuations that supporters of the president also support neo-Nazis are unfair and inaccurate.
“No one here is supporting the neo-Nazis or the white supremacists. And that narrative is really negative. But what we are talking about is President Trump’s response, and he stood in front of America and he condemned the violence that occurred that day,” she said.
Panelist Jimmy Dozier noted that the fringe groups at Charlottesville numbered in the hundreds, while more than 60 million people voted for Trump.
“You’re talking about three or four hundred people in Charlottesville. There (are) 60 million people that voted for President Trump,” he said. “Why don’t we get a say? Those people aren’t nothing. Democrats have idiots, Republicans have idiots. But we’re talking about us, the 60 million that’s for Trump. We don’t do stuff like that.”
Panelist Daphne Goggins said she won’t assign blame for the violence until an investigation is complete, but also said that even offensive speech remains protected.
“Those crazy — I don’t know what else to call them, I probably can’t say it on TV — but they still have the right to say those crazy things,” she said.
To panelist Robert McCarthy, the violence was part of a media narrative.
“The media is not covering it. They’re only focused on making neo-Nazis and white supremacists out to be Trump supporters,” he said.outlets.
CNN found out something it didn’t want to know Wednesday when it brought together a panel of Trump supporters and asked them to condemn President Donald Trump’s comments on the violence earlier this month in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Nobody bit.
“How many of you were troubled by the president’s response to the violence in Charlottesville?” asked host Alisyn Camerota.
Not one of the six people on the panel registered displeasure with the president.
Not believing that this could be the group’s opinion, Camerota tried one more time.
“None of you minded how President Trump responded?” she asked.
Panelists said they saw nothing wrong with comments Trump made that the violence was due to misconduct on the parts of both the white supremacists there for a rally and the counter-protesters who battled them in the streets.
“I didn’t see anything wrong with it. I mean, he addressed the problem. Let’s face reality; there are problems on both sides,” panelist Bob Viera said.
“I think it’s ridiculous to have me choose between Hitler and Stalin, which is what I consider what both groups are,” he said.
“The antifa group to me is totally a very Stalin-ish kind of group,” he said. “If you’re willing to set fires and burn places to the ground, that doesn’t sound like a very peaceful group to me. They’re both the same evil.”
Panelist Amanda Delekta said insinuations that supporters of the president also support neo-Nazis are unfair and inaccurate.
“No one here is supporting the neo-Nazis or the white supremacists. And that narrative is really negative. But what we are talking about is President Trump’s response, and he stood in front of America and he condemned the violence that occurred that day,” she said.
Panelist Jimmy Dozier noted that the fringe groups at Charlottesville numbered in the hundreds, while more than 60 million people voted for Trump.
“You’re talking about three or four hundred people in Charlottesville. There (are) 60 million people that voted for President Trump,” he said. “Why don’t we get a say? Those people aren’t nothing. Democrats have idiots, Republicans have idiots. But we’re talking about us, the 60 million that’s for Trump. We don’t do stuff like that.”
Panelist Daphne Goggins said she won’t assign blame for the violence until an investigation is complete, but also said that even offensive speech remains protected.
“Those crazy — I don’t know what else to call them, I probably can’t say it on TV — but they still have the right to say those crazy things,” she said.
To panelist Robert McCarthy, the violence was part of a media narrative.
“The media is not covering it. They’re only focused on making neo-Nazis and white supremacists out to be Trump supporters,” he said.outlets.
Elizabeth Warren Uses Legal Loophole to Raise Big Cash
Democrat who plays middle-class hero and foe of money in politics kowtows to high-dollar donors
As she was gearing up for her re-election campaign — and a potential presidential bid — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in January quietly set up a joint fundraising committee that allows wealthy donors to write five- and six-figure checks.
As a candidate, Warren can raise a maximum of $5,400 from any individual contributor — $2.700 in the primary and $2,700 for the general election. By combining her campaign fund with the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee and her political action committee, PAC for a Level Playing Field, the Elizabeth Warren Action Fund can raise cash in much larger increments.
Warren is still bound by individual funding limits, restricting how much she can directly control. But merging the fundraising operations allows her to share resources and cut costs. And it becomes more attractive to big donors, who can more efficiently support Warren and progressive politics in Massachusetts.
Brendan Fischer, director of federal and FEC reform at the Campaign Legal Center, said 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took advantage of the same perfectly legal mechanism to merge her campaign committee with the Democratic National Committee and several state party committees to form a fundraising juggernaut. A single donor could dump $350,000 into the Hillary Victory Fund.
In theory, Fischer said, such an arrangement allows a better-known candidate to help party organizations and less-known candidates raise money from a marquee name headlining joint fundraising events.
"What happened in most cases is, the money was transferred back to the DNC, and the money was used to help Clinton," he said.
In the case of the Elizabeth Warren Action Fund, campaign finance records show that almost all of the money raised in the first half the year — more than $1 million — went back into Warren's campaign.
GOP Rivals Blast Warren
Although no one contends that what Warren did this year in any way violates campaign finance law, a pair of Republicans vying for the right to oppose her next year blasted the maneuver as one more sign of hypocrisy by a political figure who preaches one thing while doing another.
"It's certainly creative financing to rig the system in her favor," said Geoff Diehl, a state senator who ran President Donald Trump's presidential campaign in the Bay State last year.
The only reason for setting up a joint fundraising committee, he said, is to kowtow to donors who can write checks with multiple zeros.
"Certainly not the middle-class folks she claims to represent," said Diehl.
"That slogan resonates, resonates on a deep level … because it reaches people's consciousness about how much this woman is an absolute fake."
Shiva Ayyadurai, another contender for the GOP Senate nomination, also lambasted Warren for duplicitousness. The immigrant from India referred to his campaign slogan, "Defeat #FakeIndian Elizabeth Warren," a reference to the allegations that the senator lied about having American Indian heritage.
"That slogan resonates, resonates on a deep level … because it reaches people's consciousness about how much this woman is an absolute fake," he told LifeZette. "She's absolutely the epitome of hypocrisy."
Ayyadurai said Warren is animated by a desire to maintain "power by any means necessary." The campaign operation is just one example of hypocrisy, he said, adding that Warren supported the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, ostensibly to rein in the big banks.
"What it really did was embolden big banks" while destroying 1,200 community banks, Ayyadurai said.
Fischer, the campaign finance expert, said joint committees are not new. He said they have grown more popular since the Supreme Court in 2014 sided in favor of Alabama political activist Shaun McCutcheon, who successfully challenged aggregate limits on contributions. The justices ruled that Congress could still restrict how much money a donor could give to a single candidate but could not limit the total amount that a contributor could give to candidates or federal committees. At the time, $123,000 was the total limit.
"They became supercharged after the Supreme Court's decision in McCutcheon," Fischer said.
Ayyadurai said the joint committee is a way for Warren to raise her profile and fuel her national ambitions.
"She's not just running for the Senate," he said. "She's actually running for president."
But Diehl said be believes Warren's stepped-up fundraising has as much to do with 2018 as it does 2020.
"She is concerned about her re-election," he said. "A lot of people in Massachusetts are finding out about her hypocrisy on a lot of issues."
Republicans Insist Warren Is Vulnerable
Most political analysts rate Warren's Senate seat as safe for Democrats. A July Morning Consult/Politico survey pegged her approval rating in the state at a healthy 57 percent.
But Diehl and Ayyadurai both insisted Warren is vulnerable.
Diehl pointed to a campaign she led against a ballot measure to index the gasoline tax to inflation, which would have automatically raised the levy over time without any vote of the people or legislators. Despite a 31-1 spending disparity in favor of pro-tax forces, he said, voters rejected the proposal in 2014.
In addition, Diehl points to last year's victory by Republican Charlie Baker in the gubernatorial race and Scott Brown's win in the special election to fill the vacancy caused by Sen. Ted Kennedy's death in 2010.
"We see this very much as a referendum on Elizabeth Warren," he said.
Ayyadurai, meanwhile, said he is the only Republican in the race capable of beating her. The entrepreneur, who was romantically involved with actress Fran Drescher, said he came to America in 1970 at the age of 7. He called it a "one-in-a-trillion" chance by his family, which belonged to the lowest "untouchables" caste in India's caste system.
Ayyadurai, who holds four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also claims to have invented email while still a high school student volunteering at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The claim is hotly disputed by experts who contend the modern email system has many inventors, some of whom years earlier had developed versions of what would become email by today.
Ayyadurai also gained attention last year as a plaintiff in a defamation lawsuit — along with pro wrestler Hulk Hogan — against Gawker, which resulted in a $750,000 settlement.
As a candidate, Ayyadurai said, Warren and her allies would not be able to dismiss him as a white supremacist — even though some progressives tried to after his appearance at last weekend's free-speech rally in Boston. But he said he must overcome a Republican Establishment that prefers offering up a "softball" opponent against Warren in exchange for a weak Democratic candidate to run against "RINO [Republican In Name Only] Baker for governor.
"I know I can beat Warren," he said. "The question is, will the Republican Establishment ever let me on the stage with her."
Ayyadurai also gained attention last year as a plaintiff in a defamation lawsuit — along with pro wrestler Hulk Hogan — against Gawker, which resulted in a $750,000 settlement.
As a candidate, Ayyadurai said, Warren and her allies would not be able to dismiss him as a white supremacist — even though some progressives tried to after his appearance at last weekend's free-speech rally in Boston. But he said he must overcome a Republican Establishment that prefers offering up a "softball" opponent against Warren in exchange for a weak Democratic candidate to run against "RINO [Republican In Name Only] Baker for governor.
"I know I can beat Warren," he said. "The question is, will the Republican Establishment ever let me on the stage with her."
Ayyadurai, who holds four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also claims to have invented email while still a high school student volunteering at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The claim is hotly disputed by experts who contend the modern email system has many inventors, some of whom years earlier had developed versions of what would become email by today.
Ayyadurai also gained attention last year as a plaintiff in a defamation lawsuit — along with pro wrestler Hulk Hogan — against Gawker, which resulted in a $750,000 settlement.
As a candidate, Ayyadurai said, Warren and her allies would not be able to dismiss him as a white supremacist — even though some progressives tried to after his appearance at last weekend's free-speech rally in Boston. But he said he must overcome a Republican Establishment that prefers offering up a "softball" opponent against Warren in exchange for a weak Democratic candidate to run against "RINO [Republican In Name Only] Baker for governor.
"I know I can beat Warren," he said. "The question is, will the Republican Establishment ever let me on the stage with her."
Ayyadurai also gained attention last year as a plaintiff in a defamation lawsuit — along with pro wrestler Hulk Hogan — against Gawker, which resulted in a $750,000 settlement.
As a candidate, Ayyadurai said, Warren and her allies would not be able to dismiss him as a white supremacist — even though some progressives tried to after his appearance at last weekend's free-speech rally in Boston. But he said he must overcome a Republican Establishment that prefers offering up a "softball" opponent against Warren in exchange for a weak Democratic candidate to run against "RINO [Republican In Name Only] Baker for governor.
"I know I can beat Warren," he said. "The question is, will the Republican Establishment ever let me on the stage with her."
Is Trump still OUR president?
As the deep state plays out its plans to use the phony allegations of conspiracy with Russia to oust President Trump -- as we explain in our new book Rogue Spooks-- there are increasing signs that the deep state is taking over the Trump Administration and controlling what the president does and says. Chastened and battered by the worst press any president has ever had, is Trump pulling in his horns to get a break and serve out his term in peace?
The New York Times reports that General John Kelly, Priebus' successor as Chief of Staff, is controlling access to the president more tightly than any of his predecessors since H.R. Haldeman policed the gate to the Oval Office under Nixon. Nobody goes in or out without Kelly's permission. Nobody can send Trump a memo or even news clippings unless they go through Kelly.
The New York Times reports that General John Kelly, Priebus' successor as Chief of Staff, is controlling access to the president more tightly than any of his predecessors since H.R. Haldeman policed the gate to the Oval Office under Nixon. Nobody goes in or out without Kelly's permission. Nobody can send Trump a memo or even news clippings unless they go through Kelly.
Reportedly, Kelly has even sought to limit access to the president by members of his family -- Jared and Ivanka.
Order A Copy Of Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War On Donald Trump -- CLICK HERE!
Moreover, his presidency has been marked in the past few months by policy announcements and positions totally at variance with those on which he campaigned. Foremost among these was his decision on July 17th to certify that Iran was in full compliance with the nuclear deal -- a step the president must take every ninety days or the agreement will lapse. Having called the treaty "the worst deal ever," his supine acceptance of Iran's outrageous conduct is quite odd. At the time of his certification, he was at great pains to stress that he had acted contrary to his instincts but was persuaded that he had not adequately consulted with our allies who also signed the agreement.
Three months earlier, on April 12th, another Trump campaign plank was reduced to sawdust when the president reversed his campaign position and refused to certify China as a currency manipulator. During the campaign, he had based his charges that Beijing was playing dirty in trade on its manipulation of the currency to reduce the value of the yuan so that its goods and services would be cheaper in the U.S.. Now, he said China had improved and hinted that he was trimmings sails to win Beijing's cooperation in disciplining North Korea. That's working out real well isn't it?
And then their was his prime time address to the country explaining the commitment of thousands of new troops to Afghanistan, again flouting his campaign positions.
In each case, it sure looks like Trump has had his arm twisted by the deep state to do its bidding.
Is he so gun shy and battered that he fears the negative press that would aimed at him should he fail to change his positions?
Has the deep state forced on Trump the services of H.L McMaster who is using his power as National Security Advisor to fire people whose sin was that they followed the president's positions, not McMaster's?
Will this change of heart spill over into domestic policy? Will he deal with the Democrats on Obamacare to adopt cosmetic changes to the program so he can claim victory even while preserving the program? Will he pass this charade through Congress by using a combination of Democrats and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), leaving conservatives out in the cold?
Similarly, will he make minor modifications in NAFTA and declare it fixed?
Will Trump stop being Trump so the deep state can declare a cease fire and spare his presidency?
Three months earlier, on April 12th, another Trump campaign plank was reduced to sawdust when the president reversed his campaign position and refused to certify China as a currency manipulator. During the campaign, he had based his charges that Beijing was playing dirty in trade on its manipulation of the currency to reduce the value of the yuan so that its goods and services would be cheaper in the U.S.. Now, he said China had improved and hinted that he was trimmings sails to win Beijing's cooperation in disciplining North Korea. That's working out real well isn't it?
And then their was his prime time address to the country explaining the commitment of thousands of new troops to Afghanistan, again flouting his campaign positions.
In each case, it sure looks like Trump has had his arm twisted by the deep state to do its bidding.
Is he so gun shy and battered that he fears the negative press that would aimed at him should he fail to change his positions?
Has the deep state forced on Trump the services of H.L McMaster who is using his power as National Security Advisor to fire people whose sin was that they followed the president's positions, not McMaster's?
Will this change of heart spill over into domestic policy? Will he deal with the Democrats on Obamacare to adopt cosmetic changes to the program so he can claim victory even while preserving the program? Will he pass this charade through Congress by using a combination of Democrats and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), leaving conservatives out in the cold?
Similarly, will he make minor modifications in NAFTA and declare it fixed?
Will Trump stop being Trump so the deep state can declare a cease fire and spare his presidency?
NBC News: Democrats Could Win 50 House Seats In 2018, But It'll Be Because Of These Voters
Fifty seats? Democrats can possibly win 50 seats in the 2018 midterms; is that pie-in-the sky or a possible reality? Frankly, it doesn’t matter if they cannot win white working class and rural voters, which is exactly what many have been saying for months, but has failed to permeate the walls of the Democratic National Committee. For starters, I’m not complaining about that; the Democrats are divided, leaderless, and having serious fundraising problems. On top of this situation, which is nothing short of disastrous, the party has to decide whether to double down on its urban base or reach out to the millions of Obama voters who defected for Trump. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who represent the bicoastal and urban-based liberal elite, helm the leadership that shuns these voters. The party apparatuses in rural America for the Left have all but collapsed, adding yet another block to the rebuilding project. It’s a big climb. Yet, there are some Democrats, like Iowa, who are trying to figure out what went wrong, especially in counties that voted heavily for Obama, but defected in equal measure to the GOP. NBC News’ Alex Seitz-Wald, who reported on the horrific state the Democratic Party is in at the state-level, wrote with Benjy Sarlin how the Democratic Party could ride a massive wave in 2018, but it requires reaching out to the very people, whom they view as racist, backwards, and not in keeping with the values of the party:
If Democrats are planning to ride an anti-Trump wave to a takeover of the House in 2018, they can’t just rely on seats where voters resisted Donald Trump in 2016. They also face the major task of winning back those rural and blue-collar whites who defected to the president.
That path runs through places like Dubuque County, Iowa, where a 28-year-old Democratic state representative, Abby Finkenauer, is running for Congress against a GOP incumbent, Rep. Rod Blum.
In 2010, a Republican won a county supervisor position for the first time in more than five decades. In 2014, Blum, a businessman, captured an open seat in Congress in another upset, while aligning himself with the Tea Party.
…On Nov. 8, 2016, the shift became impossible to ignore. For the first time since President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Republican presidential ticket had come out on top in the county as part of a statewide 16-point swing from 2012.
Democrats are most bullish on winning Trump-phobic professionals in rapidly diversifying suburbs like Orange County, California, a cradle of conservatism that went blue for the first time last year.
But they’d still be unlikely to flip the 24 needed to regain the House unless they can take back places like Dubuque and the surrounding district.
"It’s going to be seats like (Iowa’s 1st district) that are very important to winning a House majority,” said Kyle Kondik, managing editor of the politics forecaster Crystal Ball.
If there is a Democratic wave on Nov. 6, 2018, it might start in Maine’s 2nd district, the country’s northern and easternmost congressional seat, whose rural white voters broke with decades of Democratic loyalty in favor of Trump. It would continue with Democrats holding their own in New Hampshire and Connecticut, as they picked up a few seats in upstate New York and New Jersey and outperformed Clinton in central Pennsylvania and the political battlegrounds around Philadelphia.
Moving South and West, a roar would erupt among Democrats if Virginia’s 10th swung their way, which would bode well for affluent suburbs everywhere. And if they really have repaired their image with working-class whites, the wave might roll through Ohio’s Canton-based 7th district on its way to Southern Illinois’ 12th and Iowa’s 1st and 3rd before hooking into multiple districts in Michigan and Minnesota.
Ironically, the white working class was a key plank of the Obama coalition and the Democratic Party overall in years past. In 2016, out of the 490 counties that dot the Appalachia region of America, Hillary Clinton only won 21 of them, mostly in counties that housed colleges, which boosted the amount of Democratic votes in these areas. In all, the largest 100 cities in the country only house 15 percent of the population. You cannot win elections that way, nor can you expand politically on the local level, which is key to redistricting. Whoever controls the state legislature, controls the congressional maps. Period.
NBC News, like other outlets, have also noted how limited the Democrats are concerning possible pickups without rebuilding outreach to these rural voters. For starters, there are not enough suburban districts to get this done. Second, and probably the most damning, is that even if the Democrats are able to turnout every 2016 Clinton voter who voted for the GOP representative for Congress and were able to flip them, it wouldn’t be enough to win the House. That’s not a conservative survey; that’s a left-leaning think tank, Third Way, saying it. Right now, as Guy noted, white working class voters are very sour on the Democratic Party, who they think views them with contempt. They’re not wrong.
Also, the wounds from the 2016 campaign could also complicate matters. The Bernie Sanders and Obama/Clinton wings of the party are on the verge of all-out civil war. That’s explicit in California. In the meantime, the progressive wing’s push to alter the direction of the Democratic Party has the more establishment wing trying to prevent a Leninist takeover. Right now, there’s a rift between those who know that the die-hard liberal message might have to be tuned and tweaked a bit to win over rural voters, which means moderate on gun control, not drooling with delight over abortion, and pragmatic on health care. The Left wants to have litmus tests on the latter two. Also, there’s the Clinton factor; voters, Democratic and especially Republican, do not like that woman. Sarlin ran into Gail Stoffell, 60, in Dubuque, Iowa who described herself as a staunch Democrat, voted for Al Gore and John Edwards, but despised Clinton—and she thinks she’s trashed the party brand. Asked if she would identify as a Democrat, Stoffell said no, “Hillary did too much damage.”
So, can Democrats win 50 seats? Maybe, but it looks like they have a lot of work ahead of them—and no side within their camp seems willing to budge. Blood sports will probably continue.
Presidential Approval Ratings: What the Elite Media Won’t Tell You
According to the elite media, President Trump is a negative, dangerous, unpredictable leader who is getting more and more unpopular.
The most recent average of polls has President Trump at 39% approval.
One news analyst wrote that Trump is turning us from a 50-50 country to a 60-40 country, with the new majority consolidating against the President.
The most recent average of polls has President Trump at 39% approval.
One news analyst wrote that Trump is turning us from a 50-50 country to a 60-40 country, with the new majority consolidating against the President.
In their eagerness to declare the Trump presidency a failure, the elite media is failing to inform us of two things.
First, President Reagan had a similar period during his first term when his approval rating fell to 35% -- even lower than President Trump’s. Reagan bounced back, carried 49 states in a landslide reelection, and went on to oversee an economic boom and change world history by pushing the Soviet Union into collapse.
So, history tells us that presidential approval ratings at this point in time are not indicative of a president’s future success.
Second, in addition to failing to contextualize President Trump’s approval ratings in history, the elite media is ignoring the present. Look, for example, at the radically different way it has treated President Trump and President Emmanuel Macron of France.
According to the elite media, Macron is the brilliant young technocrat who saved France from Marine Le Pen and Trump-like populism. Macron won with a stunning 66% of the vote. He formed a new party which swept the legislative elections, giving him a unique opportunity to reform France.
The news media loved him. They lionized him because he was seen as the anti-Trump. Macron was smooth where Trump was rough. Macron was sophisticated and international where Trump was an American populist (oh how it pains the elite media to have a crude populist as their president when they could have someone elegant who understands fine wine and cheese).
Unfortunately for the elite media, the Macron myth has not aged well. As voters came to know him, they were put off by his icy, imperialist aloofness. As they came to understand his proposed reforms, they decided they opposed them.
Macron was at 64% approval in June. Now, less than two months later, he has fallen to 36%....BELOW TRUMP.
How can the elite media explain this collapse?
How can the elite media rationalize that their young, moderate, sophisticated technocrat is now below President Trump?
They can't.
So, they don't.
However, Macron is not alone. The elite media has also failed to inform viewers that the approval ratings of other world leaders have been recorded at similarly low levels in recent months.
For example, British Prime Minister Theresa May earned a 34% satisfaction rate, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had a July approval rating of 34.2%, and the Democratic Party in the United States received 38%approval in June.
All of these approval ratings are lower than President Trump’s - but you don’t see the elite media fighting to break that news story.
So, the next time you watch biased and uninformed TV pundits opine on President Trump's approval ratings, remember two things: President Reagan’s 49 state reelection victory in 1984 and the current ratings of other world leaders.
Then relax and enjoy the nonsense knowing it is just that: nonsense.
First, President Reagan had a similar period during his first term when his approval rating fell to 35% -- even lower than President Trump’s. Reagan bounced back, carried 49 states in a landslide reelection, and went on to oversee an economic boom and change world history by pushing the Soviet Union into collapse.
So, history tells us that presidential approval ratings at this point in time are not indicative of a president’s future success.
Second, in addition to failing to contextualize President Trump’s approval ratings in history, the elite media is ignoring the present. Look, for example, at the radically different way it has treated President Trump and President Emmanuel Macron of France.
According to the elite media, Macron is the brilliant young technocrat who saved France from Marine Le Pen and Trump-like populism. Macron won with a stunning 66% of the vote. He formed a new party which swept the legislative elections, giving him a unique opportunity to reform France.
The news media loved him. They lionized him because he was seen as the anti-Trump. Macron was smooth where Trump was rough. Macron was sophisticated and international where Trump was an American populist (oh how it pains the elite media to have a crude populist as their president when they could have someone elegant who understands fine wine and cheese).
Unfortunately for the elite media, the Macron myth has not aged well. As voters came to know him, they were put off by his icy, imperialist aloofness. As they came to understand his proposed reforms, they decided they opposed them.
Macron was at 64% approval in June. Now, less than two months later, he has fallen to 36%....BELOW TRUMP.
How can the elite media explain this collapse?
How can the elite media rationalize that their young, moderate, sophisticated technocrat is now below President Trump?
They can't.
So, they don't.
However, Macron is not alone. The elite media has also failed to inform viewers that the approval ratings of other world leaders have been recorded at similarly low levels in recent months.
For example, British Prime Minister Theresa May earned a 34% satisfaction rate, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had a July approval rating of 34.2%, and the Democratic Party in the United States received 38%approval in June.
All of these approval ratings are lower than President Trump’s - but you don’t see the elite media fighting to break that news story.
So, the next time you watch biased and uninformed TV pundits opine on President Trump's approval ratings, remember two things: President Reagan’s 49 state reelection victory in 1984 and the current ratings of other world leaders.
Then relax and enjoy the nonsense knowing it is just that: nonsense.
Your Friend,
ALERT: Top Dem Indicted For Corruption, Media Hiding It
Adam Selene
Jury selection begins today in one of the most serious corruption cases a sitting US senator has ever faced. But the mainstream media wants to ignore it.
Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been indicted on corruption charges, reports The Washington Examiner. His trial is scheduled to begin next month, yet not one cable news network has aired a minute of coverage on the story.
Menendez faces 14 counts of corruption and bribery, to which he has pled not-guilty. But Conservative Review points out that though local newspapers have mentioned the story, mainstream media has been silent.
The Department of Justice indicted Sen. Menendez and New Jersey ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen in April 2015. Menendez is accused of using the power of his public office to benefit Dr. Melgen both personally and financially.
According to the criminal complaint, both Menendez and Melgen have been charged with “one count of conspiracy, one count of violating the travel act, eight counts of bribery and three counts of honest services fraud. Menendez was also charged with one count of making false statements.”
Allegedly, the senator used his power to further the eye doctor’s business interests in the senate, after having received gifts from the doctor. Both the senator and the doctor argue that the gifts, including trips to Paris, were entirely innocent. They say that there was no “official” bribery agreement between them.
In April 2015, when the charges were initially leveled, Menendez said, “I’m angry because prosecutors at the Justice Department don’t know the difference between friendship and corruption.”
However, prosecutors are having a hard time accepting Menendez’s version of innocence, especially since Dr. Melgen has received more funding from Medicare reimbursements than any other doctor in the nation.
While cable news has been completely silent about the case, online outlets have at least mentioned the groundbreaking corruption case.
However, many mainstream publications have remained sympathetic to Menendez, relying on headlines supportive of the senator. For example, the Associated Press article, published by MSN, relied on the following headline for their article: “US Sen. Menendez: I’ve behaved appropriately in office.”
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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