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Sunday, June 4, 2017
Obama Holdovers Sabotaged Trump’s Plans
The Daily Caller Will Racke
Former Obama administration officials waged a secret campaign against President Donald Trump’s efforts to normalize relations with Russia in the early weeks of his presidency, blocking White House attempts to unilaterally lift sanctions and other measures designed to relieve tensions with Moscow.
The high-ranking Department of State officials lobbied Congressional allies to counter the Trump administration’s plans for reversing course on existing Russian policy, according to a report from Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News. The campaign began after top administration officials ordered State Department staffers to explore options for the lifting of economic sanctions, the return of diplomatic compounds and other negotiating chips that could be used in a “grand bargain” with Russia.
Those orders alarmed some leaders at State who supported the sanctions, which were imposed in retaliation for Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine and for Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. They immediately launched a behind-the-scenes fight, asking certain members of Congress to sponsor legislation that would prevent the easing of sanctions, reports Yahoo News.
The high-ranking Department of State officials lobbied Congressional allies to counter the Trump administration’s plans for reversing course on existing Russian policy, according to a report from Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News. The campaign began after top administration officials ordered State Department staffers to explore options for the lifting of economic sanctions, the return of diplomatic compounds and other negotiating chips that could be used in a “grand bargain” with Russia.
Those orders alarmed some leaders at State who supported the sanctions, which were imposed in retaliation for Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine and for Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. They immediately launched a behind-the-scenes fight, asking certain members of Congress to sponsor legislation that would prevent the easing of sanctions, reports Yahoo News.
5 Reasons Trump Is Right To Pull Out Of The Paris Accord
By:Ben Shapiro
On Thursday, President Trump made the first major move of his administration since the appointment of Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court: he withdrew from the Paris Accord, a non-treaty entered into by President Obama that committed the United States to serious economic deprivation in order to accomplish nearly nothing in terms of climate change. It’s true that Trump laid all that out in a well-written, fact-laden speech. The Left predictably went nuts — they’ve been lighting up buildings green (wasting energy) and quitting his economic council (who cares) and tweeting incessantly about the end of the world all day.
But Trump is right.
Here are five reasons why.
1. The Accord Was A Treaty, And President Obama Refused To Treat It Like One. President Obama joined the Paris Accord shortly before leaving office, but never sent the agreement to the Senate for ratification. There was good reason for that: it wouldn’t have been ratified. Instead, Obama simply assumed that America would now be bound by requirements to tamp down carbon emissions in serious ways. In his statement ripping Trump for pulling out of the agreement, for example, Obama stated, “the world came together in Paris around the first-ever global agreement to set the world on a low-carbon course and protect the world we leave to our children.” But none of that was true. Which meant that the accord was essentially symbolic, but would create a bevy of headlines about America abandoning global leadership every time we didn’t meet an arbitrary line not approved by the American people.
2. There Were Legal Implementation Problems With The Paris Accord. Donald McGahn, the White House counsel, spelled out that courts could theoretically use the Paris Accord to strike down Trump’s attempted rollback of carbon emissions regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency. The Left claimed that this was empty talk — no enabling legislation regarding the Paris Accord had been signed, so it was symbolic. But these are the same people who now say the world will burn up because we’ve pulled out of the accord, and the same people who think the courts should ignore law in order to strike down executive orders they don’t like.
3. It Would Have Had No Impact. Obama himself says, “The private sector already chose a low-carbon future.” So if that was true, what’s the need for governmental cram-downs, exactly? Beyond that, Trump is correct that MIT has estimated that even if the Paris Accord were implemented with current commitments by the various countries, the global climate would be lowered by a grand total of 0.2 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. Meanwhile, we’d put crippling regulations on our economy. MIT and the Left insist that other steps would follow the Paris Accord — but there’s no evidence of that.
4. It Let Other Countries Free-Ride. Obama said in his petulant statement, “It was bold American ambition that encouraged dozens of other nations to set their sights higher as well.” This is absolute nonsense. One of the reasons to be skeptical of the Paris Accord is that it asked nations for non-binding commitments on climate change. Non-binding. As Oren Cass pointed out at Commentary:
China committed to begin reducing emissions by 2030, roughly when its economic development would have caused this to happen regardless. India made no emissions commitment, pledging only to make progress on efficiency—at half the rate it had progressed in recent years. Pakistan outdid the rest, submitting a single page that offered to “reduce its emissions after reaching peak levels to the extent possible.” This is a definition of the word “peak,” not a commitment. ... An April report by Transport Environment found only three European countries pursuing policies in line with their Paris commitments and one of those, Germany, has now seen two straight years of emissions increases. The Philippines has outright renounced its commitment. A study published by the American Geophysical Union warns that India’s planned coal-plant construction is incompatible with its own targets. All this behavior is socially acceptable amongst the climate crowd. Only Trump’s presumption that the agreement means something, and that countries should be forthright about their commitments, is beyond the pale.
5. It Put America Last. Obama and the Left have claimed for years that “green jobs” will be produced by government. There is no evidence of that happening. It’s a chimera. Van Jones, Obama’s “green jobs czar,” couldn’t point to any job creation for which he was responsible. We do know that additional regulations would cripple key industries in the United States without making up for them with these magical new “investments.” The private sector, as Obama recognizes, is already moving toward more efficient energy solutions. But this agreement wasn’t about forwarding that. It was about creating public pressure for the US government to intervene in its own economy, without requiring anything of those with whom we compete.
Good for Trump. The Paris Accord was a meaningless sham, designed mainly to shame the United States into harming its own economy for the vicarious pleasure of others.
Good for Trump. The Paris Accord was a meaningless sham, designed mainly to shame the United States into harming its own economy for the vicarious pleasure of others.
Glen Campbell’s Daughter Shares Heart-Breaking Update
Country Legend Glen Campbell has been struggling with the most severe stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Now, the talented musician’s daughter Ashley Campbell has made a tragic announcement: Glen no longer uses language anymore.
The update, provided in Rolling Stone Magazine, happened just as Campbell releases his farewell album “Adiós.”
It’s a collection of Campbell’s favorite songs, including some that have never been before recorded. Now, Campbell lives under the careful supervision of medical professionals.
It’s a collection of Campbell’s favorite songs, including some that have never been before recorded. Now, Campbell lives under the careful supervision of medical professionals.
This is tragic:
My dad is currently living in a beautiful memory care facility, and he is in the late stages of Alzheimer’s,” Ashley says. “He has aphasia, so he can’t really communicate, he can’t really understand language as we do. I kind of look at it like he can’t really receive information. He hears just fine – he doesn’t need a hearing aid – he just has trouble processing what he hears.”
Offering that Campbell enjoys visits from family and friends on a regular basis, Ashley says her father’s manifestation of the disease – which robs patients of memory and cognition, along with speech – is debilitating, but not as bad as it could be.
“He doesn’t really use language much anymore, but we look on the bright side [because] in these late stages of Alzheimer’s, it could be very bad,” she says. “It could be confusion and anger a lot of the time, which is the case for a lot of people I’ve seen. But for him he’s just happy every day, smiles, he enjoys life and he enjoys being around people – and he loves a good piece of cake.”
Ashley says she visited her father for dinner recently, and for just an instant, the old Glen came back to the surface.
“We were sitting at dinner, and he used to do this joking thing where he would threaten to stab you with a fork and then laugh,” she says. “So he did it again. He knocked a piece of food off his plate and I reached to put it back, and he turns on me with the fork and goes, ‘Haha!’ It was so funny. Little glimpses of him will come back every now and then, and it just makes me so happy.”
Offering that Campbell enjoys visits from family and friends on a regular basis, Ashley says her father’s manifestation of the disease – which robs patients of memory and cognition, along with speech – is debilitating, but not as bad as it could be.
“He doesn’t really use language much anymore, but we look on the bright side [because] in these late stages of Alzheimer’s, it could be very bad,” she says. “It could be confusion and anger a lot of the time, which is the case for a lot of people I’ve seen. But for him he’s just happy every day, smiles, he enjoys life and he enjoys being around people – and he loves a good piece of cake.”
Ashley says she visited her father for dinner recently, and for just an instant, the old Glen came back to the surface.
“We were sitting at dinner, and he used to do this joking thing where he would threaten to stab you with a fork and then laugh,” she says. “So he did it again. He knocked a piece of food off his plate and I reached to put it back, and he turns on me with the fork and goes, ‘Haha!’ It was so funny. Little glimpses of him will come back every now and then, and it just makes me so happy.”
The new album will be released June 9th and Ashley plans on performing at the upcoming CMA Music Awards.
Campbell’s legendary guitar skills and voice helped shape country music for decades. This final album is sure to leave country fans in tears.
Campbell’s legendary guitar skills and voice helped shape country music for decades. This final album is sure to leave country fans in tears.
Climate Change: Evidence Indicates Hiatus
Published on DickMorris.com
The evidence of global climate readings strongly backs up President Trump's decision to rescind the US signature on the Paris Accords. Liberals have taken to denying the facts, calling dissenters "climate deniers." Some have even equated such opinions with those of holocaust deniers and have even sought to criminalize their opinions.
And the fashionistas have taken over, mocking those who insist on following the data rather than the late-night talk show consensus, calling them "anti-science" and "flat earth people."
Here is the key fact: From 1998-2012, the Earth's temperature warmed by 12/100 of one degree Centigrade, itself a slowing of the warming pace of the previous decade. But for the second half of this period -- from 2001-2012-- the pace of warming dropped by even more -- with the Earth warming by only 5/100 of one degree.
The left is fond of citing the statistic that 2016 -- and 2015 and 2014 before it -- was the warmest year on record. That's true. But the margin by which each year was warmer than the one before was microscopic. In fact, the temperatures did not change much at all.
The media is happy to point out that the U.S. is the "greatest polluter" in history. But U.S. emissions of carbon have dropped while China's have soared. By 2011, the United States accounted for 17% of global carbon emissions while China was the source of 27%. To make us the bad guys is to hold our distant past against us. Each year, China increases its emissions by an amount equal to Japan's total carbon emissions during the year.
And the U.S. has dramatically decreased its emissions from 6,000 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to 5,000 from 2007-2014 by switching from costly coal to less expensive and, thanks to fracking, more available natural gas. (The left, which claims to be concerned about carbon emissions, fights tooth and nail against fracking even though it mitigates the problem significantly.)
Finally, Trump's refusal to stay in the Paris system is motivated by China's so-so participation. The Chinese have not committed to any fixed target or any specific steps to reduce its carbon output, the largest in the world. Rather, they promise to give the subject their earnest attention several years down the road. In the meantime, one quarter of global emissions come from China.
Ted Cruz Busts Elon Musk for Flying Private Jet While Lecturing Trump on Global Warming
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) ripped into Tesla CEO Elon Musk Thursday night for his use of a private jet after the tech billionaire tweeted his disapproval of President Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord.
Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, took to Twitter to announce that he would be departing from all future presidential councils in protest of President Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord. He assured his followers that global warming is real and that leaving the Paris accords is “not good” for America or the world.
Hours later, Cruz mocked Musk’s outrage, pointing out that he regularly travels around the country in his own private jet. If the billionaire CEO was so dedicated to reducing the world’s carbon output, Cruz snarked, he would choose to fly commercial planes rather than private ones.
Musk has come under fire previously for his liberal use of his private jet, which he upgraded last year from a Dassault Falcon 900 B to a Gulfstream G650 ER. It was reported in 2010 that Musk took private jets to Washington on at least 12 occasions over the course of two years to lobby the Department of Energy for a loan of $465 million, which Musk’s company Tesla was eventually granted.
Around the same time, Tesla also struck deals with the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority that made the company exempt from up to $320 million in California State sales and U.S. taxes.
Musk has been a vocal supporter of carbon taxes, saying, “All we are doing [with a carbon tax] is trying to match the inherent subsidy for fossil fuels… on the sustainable energy side. Fossil fuels are already getting a massive subsidy if you believe in global warming. If you don’t then [the subsidy] seems really unfair. If you do then it is like oh we are just trying to correct it.”
Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com
Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, took to Twitter to announce that he would be departing from all future presidential councils in protest of President Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord. He assured his followers that global warming is real and that leaving the Paris accords is “not good” for America or the world.
Hours later, Cruz mocked Musk’s outrage, pointing out that he regularly travels around the country in his own private jet. If the billionaire CEO was so dedicated to reducing the world’s carbon output, Cruz snarked, he would choose to fly commercial planes rather than private ones.
Musk has come under fire previously for his liberal use of his private jet, which he upgraded last year from a Dassault Falcon 900 B to a Gulfstream G650 ER. It was reported in 2010 that Musk took private jets to Washington on at least 12 occasions over the course of two years to lobby the Department of Energy for a loan of $465 million, which Musk’s company Tesla was eventually granted.
Around the same time, Tesla also struck deals with the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority that made the company exempt from up to $320 million in California State sales and U.S. taxes.
Musk has been a vocal supporter of carbon taxes, saying, “All we are doing [with a carbon tax] is trying to match the inherent subsidy for fossil fuels… on the sustainable energy side. Fossil fuels are already getting a massive subsidy if you believe in global warming. If you don’t then [the subsidy] seems really unfair. If you do then it is like oh we are just trying to correct it.”
Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com
That Paris Speech Just Made Trump Great Again
As a businessman, Trump knows that those are the rules. And as president that’s just what he did today in his inspirational speech about pulling out of the Paris climate agreement.
It was inspirational because it articulated better than any world leader has ever done before why environmentalism is in fact such a harmful creed.
Rather than get bogged down in the “science” of climate change — an elephant trap so arranged by climate alarmists to make anyone who disagrees with them look ignorant or “anti-science” — he cut to the chase and talked about the important stuff that hardly ever gets mentioned by all the other politicians, for some reason: the fact that the climate change industry is killing jobs.
He talked about “lost jobs; lower wages, shuttered factories.”
He listed what the effects of implementing the Paris Agreement would be, by 2040, on key sectors of the US economy:
Paper down 12 percent
Cement down 23 percent
Iron and steel down 38 per cent
Coal down 86 percent
It was simple and it was brilliant. Here was Trump talking to his voter base, feeling American workers’ pain and telling them [he didn’t actually say this but this was the message]: “I won’t abandon you. I won’t sell you down the river, whatever the global elite may want and however much they try to bully me. You people come before all this green crap.”
And it also has the virtue of being true. Sure the actual figures may be guesstimates, but there’s no question that the tenor of his argument is quite accurate: climate regulation like the Paris agreement makes energy more expensive, slows economic growth and kills jobs, especially in the heavy industrial and fossil fuel sectors.
This argument ought to be low hanging fruit to any halfway intelligent politician: it’s such an obvious way of connecting with the workers. Yet Trump is the only one who has ever said it. And hearing him say it was a reminder of why it was that he won the presidential election. He connects with his people in a way that so many politicians just don’t.
Compare and contrast with the other world leaders: Merkel, May, Macron, Trudeau, Turnbull — not one of those charlatans dares tell the truth about the global climate change industry, that it’s a racket which achieves nothing but simply transfers wealth from Western nations to countries like India and China.
The other clever thing about that speech, of course, is that he’d kept us guessing to the last.
Me included.
I thought he was going to fudge it much more than he did; that he’d end up compromising to please Ivanka.
But with this speech on Paris, President Trump has delivered.
Just when even some of his fans were starting to doubt him, he has made his presidency great again.
Trump to leave infrastructure out of tax reform
White House officials assured conservative groups during a Thursday meeting that Trump will leave his infrastructure plan out of any tax reform efforts, according to a source who was at the meeting.
While the comments appear consistent with a one-page tax plan summary released by the administration in April, there had still been hope on Capitol Hill that tax reform would be used to help pay for Trump’s rebuilding effort.
And Trump himself has repeatedly floated the idea of linking the two issues together in an effort to get more Democrats on board.
But White House officials told conservatives that Trump would not couple his tax plan with infrastructure or use tax reform to help pay for the rebuilding program, though they emphasized the infrastructure proposal is still being developed, a source said.
The off-the-record meeting with conservative groups, which was first reported by Politico, comes as the administration works to sell skeptical fiscal conservatives on a massive infrastructure bill — an idea that has long given them heartburn.
White House officials repeatedly promised conservative groups that Trump’s rebuilding package would uphold conservative ideals and would not look like former President Obama’s economic stimulus package.
The concept of pairing tax reform with infrastructure is one issue that has divided conservatives.
Prominent conservatives, including Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, have warned that tying infrastructure and taxes together could make tax reform less pro-growth.
There have also been mixed opinions over whether to use the revenue from repatriation — taxing corporate earnings stashed overseas at a lower rate when it returns to the U.S. — to pay for infrastructure investment.
There has been some bipartisan support for the idea, but many conservatives would rather see repatriation used on overhauling the tax code, and there are questions about whether there would be enough money to achieve both goals.
Trump’s tax plan summary includes repatriation, though it does not indicate what the extra revenue should be spent on.
Some supporters had still hoped they could help shape the tax plan to ensure infrastructure benefits from repatriation. But White House officials have suggested that it’s off the table, according to the source who was present at Thursday's meeting.
While the comments appear consistent with a one-page tax plan summary released by the administration in April, there had still been hope on Capitol Hill that tax reform would be used to help pay for Trump’s rebuilding effort.
And Trump himself has repeatedly floated the idea of linking the two issues together in an effort to get more Democrats on board.
But White House officials told conservatives that Trump would not couple his tax plan with infrastructure or use tax reform to help pay for the rebuilding program, though they emphasized the infrastructure proposal is still being developed, a source said.
The off-the-record meeting with conservative groups, which was first reported by Politico, comes as the administration works to sell skeptical fiscal conservatives on a massive infrastructure bill — an idea that has long given them heartburn.
White House officials repeatedly promised conservative groups that Trump’s rebuilding package would uphold conservative ideals and would not look like former President Obama’s economic stimulus package.
The concept of pairing tax reform with infrastructure is one issue that has divided conservatives.
Prominent conservatives, including Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, have warned that tying infrastructure and taxes together could make tax reform less pro-growth.
There have also been mixed opinions over whether to use the revenue from repatriation — taxing corporate earnings stashed overseas at a lower rate when it returns to the U.S. — to pay for infrastructure investment.
There has been some bipartisan support for the idea, but many conservatives would rather see repatriation used on overhauling the tax code, and there are questions about whether there would be enough money to achieve both goals.
Trump’s tax plan summary includes repatriation, though it does not indicate what the extra revenue should be spent on.
Some supporters had still hoped they could help shape the tax plan to ensure infrastructure benefits from repatriation. But White House officials have suggested that it’s off the table, according to the source who was present at Thursday's meeting.
Fox News: Rep. Schiff's Office Was Told About Unmasking Subpoenas 24 Hours in Advance
The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), lamented to a sympathetic media Thursday that Rep. Devin Nunes issued subpoenas to three former Obama administration officials without consulting the minority and for no other reason than that the officials were part of the Obama administration. But according to Fox News' James Rosen, Schiff's staff was given a day's notice about the subpoenas.
On Wednesday, the House Intelligence Committee issued seven subpoenas related to its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and Team Obama's potentially illegal surveillance of Americans. Four of the subpoenas re related to the Russia collusion aspect of the investigation and three -- Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and John Brennan -- pertain to the Obama administration's unmasking activities.
According to Fox News, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes went ahead with the latter three subpoenas after being stonewalled for months by the National Security Agency. Nunes has been seeking documents in the unmasking scandal since March 1.
"It's very, very slow. It's a slow process to get the IC to get us all of the documents," Nunes said.
On Thursday, Schiff complained on both MSNBC and CNN that he was caught off guard by Nunes' three subpoenas. Schiff also grumbled that Nunes' involvement in the Russian investigation "clearly violated the terms of his recusal."
"I don't know what the chairman has in mind, again, because we weren't consulted, or why the chairman was picking these three people apart from the fact that they were part of the Obama administration," Schiff told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer. "If there's a problem getting information from the agencies, I'm not aware of it. That problem hasn't been shared with us," Schiff said. "The necessity of subpoenas hasn't been shared with us."
Schiff told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell that the subpoenas went out without consultation with the minority. "I only learned about this late the night before, and that is a problem," he said.
“These were sent out unilaterally by the chairman,” Schiff added, “and they are part of the White House's desire to shift the attention away from the Russia probe and onto the attention of unmasking.”
But on Fox News' Special Report Thursday evening, James Rosen reported that "Schiff's staff later acknowledged to Fox News that they had been informed of the unmasking subpoenas on Tuesday -- some 24 hours before their issuance."
Rosen said the disagreement "underscored the partisan rancor that has hampered the panel's probe of two intertwined controversies."
More than anything else, it seemed to underscore one side's willingness to stretch the truth in order to score political points.
On Wednesday, the House Intelligence Committee issued seven subpoenas related to its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and Team Obama's potentially illegal surveillance of Americans. Four of the subpoenas re related to the Russia collusion aspect of the investigation and three -- Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and John Brennan -- pertain to the Obama administration's unmasking activities.
According to Fox News, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes went ahead with the latter three subpoenas after being stonewalled for months by the National Security Agency. Nunes has been seeking documents in the unmasking scandal since March 1.
"It's very, very slow. It's a slow process to get the IC to get us all of the documents," Nunes said.
On Thursday, Schiff complained on both MSNBC and CNN that he was caught off guard by Nunes' three subpoenas. Schiff also grumbled that Nunes' involvement in the Russian investigation "clearly violated the terms of his recusal."
"I don't know what the chairman has in mind, again, because we weren't consulted, or why the chairman was picking these three people apart from the fact that they were part of the Obama administration," Schiff told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer. "If there's a problem getting information from the agencies, I'm not aware of it. That problem hasn't been shared with us," Schiff said. "The necessity of subpoenas hasn't been shared with us."
Schiff told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell that the subpoenas went out without consultation with the minority. "I only learned about this late the night before, and that is a problem," he said.
“These were sent out unilaterally by the chairman,” Schiff added, “and they are part of the White House's desire to shift the attention away from the Russia probe and onto the attention of unmasking.”
But on Fox News' Special Report Thursday evening, James Rosen reported that "Schiff's staff later acknowledged to Fox News that they had been informed of the unmasking subpoenas on Tuesday -- some 24 hours before their issuance."
Rosen said the disagreement "underscored the partisan rancor that has hampered the panel's probe of two intertwined controversies."
More than anything else, it seemed to underscore one side's willingness to stretch the truth in order to score political points.
Democrat Leader Admits Breaking Government Regulations, Blames House IT Department for Letting Her
Wow. Debbie Wasserman Schultz continues to dig herself deeper into a hole of corruption.
Last week we told you about how she had attacked and threatened the D.C. police chief because he had confiscated one of her office laptops during an investigation into a family of likely traitors who handle the IT issues for a handful of Democrat Congressmen, including Wasserman Schultz.
The latest display of ridiculous behavior came when she decided to step into the middle of an ongoing investigation of traitorous and criminal behavior by a family of IT workers lead by Imran Awan, who authorities believe has been stealing and selling classified information from various lawmakers for the last few years. Schultz’ current problem with the police who are investigating the various crimes is that they’ve confiscated a laptop that has evidence pertaining to the ongoing investigation. Schultz desperately wants this laptop back, and will go to great lengths to get it.
Just how far will she go?
Well, she recently used her Congressional position to convene a budget meeting for the Capitol police and during that meeting threatened to cut funding (and salaries) to the Capitol police if they did not turn over the laptop immediately.
Schultz continued the assault this week and moved from harassing the police chief to harassing the Hill’s IT department. What could she possibly be angry about? Well, she blames them for letting her break government technology rules. Here’s the problem, the Congressional IT department explained the guidelines to Wasserman Schultz’ people but since she was relying on criminals who were stealing government secrets, they didn’t tell her about the rules. Does Wasserman Schultz blame herself for hiring criminals? Nope, she blames the IT department for not making sure that she wasn’t breaking the rules.
In a recent hearing she berated the Congressional IT department head for not making her obey the rules that the department had told her about.
“If a member is using an application outside of the House infrastructure and the protection of the, [of] our cybersecurity network, they’re in violation of House policy?” she asked John Ramsey, the House’s information security officer at the hearing on the legislative branch’s budget, in the previously unreported May 17 appropriations hearing.
“Of the House Policy 17, yes ma’am,” Ramsey responded.
“So Members are not supposed to be using Dropbox?” Wasserman Shultz asked.
“Not according to the policy,” Ramsey replied.
Wasserman Schultz then blamed House authorities for not stopping her and questioned their commitment to cybersecurity.
“I am more than happy to admit that I use Dropbox. I have used it for years and years and years. It is not blocked. I am fully able to use it,” she said.
When asked why they would let her use Dropbox if she wasn’t supposed to be using it, Ramsey replied that his office communicated to EVERY congressional IT aide the various policies and procedures that they were supposed to be following. Apparently, Imran Awan and his family of corrupt IT technicians decided not to tell Wasserman Schultz about these rules. So has Wasserman Schultz ever expressed any anger or upset at Awan or his family? No. In fact, when the whole shocking story broke, instead of firing Awan, she simply demoted him to “adviser.”
Again, Wasserman Schultz is not acting like a politician who is trying to discover just how much (or how sensitive) information Awan moved out from out of the secure Capitol Hill servers. Instead, she is acting like someone who has something to hide and is attempting to protect herself as opposed to stopping a potentially disastrous data breach.
Imran Awan is suspected of funneling sensitive House data off site onto secret servers wholesale, federal employees have said, which is a much broader breach but one that technically overlaps in some ways with how Dropbox works.
After Awan began working for Wasserman Schultz in 2005, three of his relatives, including a 20-year old brother, as well as his best friend, appeared on other House members’ payrolls at salaries on par with congressional salaries. They have collected $4 million since 2010 despite being rarely seen.
House authorities told members’ chiefs of staffs on Feb. 2 that the Awans were targets of a criminal probe, and other members fired them.
Even with the serious charges leveled against Awan and his family, Wasserman Schultz continues to hinder and obstruct the ongoing investigation against him. Instead of helping to unravel this seriously dangerous situation, she is choosing, time and again, to attack the very people trying to figure out what has happened, and just how dangerous the situation actually is.
Why is Debbie Wasserman Schultz trying to keep the truth from coming out? What is she trying to hide?
Just how far will she go?
Well, she recently used her Congressional position to convene a budget meeting for the Capitol police and during that meeting threatened to cut funding (and salaries) to the Capitol police if they did not turn over the laptop immediately.
Schultz continued the assault this week and moved from harassing the police chief to harassing the Hill’s IT department. What could she possibly be angry about? Well, she blames them for letting her break government technology rules. Here’s the problem, the Congressional IT department explained the guidelines to Wasserman Schultz’ people but since she was relying on criminals who were stealing government secrets, they didn’t tell her about the rules. Does Wasserman Schultz blame herself for hiring criminals? Nope, she blames the IT department for not making sure that she wasn’t breaking the rules.
In a recent hearing she berated the Congressional IT department head for not making her obey the rules that the department had told her about.
“If a member is using an application outside of the House infrastructure and the protection of the, [of] our cybersecurity network, they’re in violation of House policy?” she asked John Ramsey, the House’s information security officer at the hearing on the legislative branch’s budget, in the previously unreported May 17 appropriations hearing.
“Of the House Policy 17, yes ma’am,” Ramsey responded.
“So Members are not supposed to be using Dropbox?” Wasserman Shultz asked.
“Not according to the policy,” Ramsey replied.
Wasserman Schultz then blamed House authorities for not stopping her and questioned their commitment to cybersecurity.
“I am more than happy to admit that I use Dropbox. I have used it for years and years and years. It is not blocked. I am fully able to use it,” she said.
When asked why they would let her use Dropbox if she wasn’t supposed to be using it, Ramsey replied that his office communicated to EVERY congressional IT aide the various policies and procedures that they were supposed to be following. Apparently, Imran Awan and his family of corrupt IT technicians decided not to tell Wasserman Schultz about these rules. So has Wasserman Schultz ever expressed any anger or upset at Awan or his family? No. In fact, when the whole shocking story broke, instead of firing Awan, she simply demoted him to “adviser.”
Again, Wasserman Schultz is not acting like a politician who is trying to discover just how much (or how sensitive) information Awan moved out from out of the secure Capitol Hill servers. Instead, she is acting like someone who has something to hide and is attempting to protect herself as opposed to stopping a potentially disastrous data breach.
Imran Awan is suspected of funneling sensitive House data off site onto secret servers wholesale, federal employees have said, which is a much broader breach but one that technically overlaps in some ways with how Dropbox works.
After Awan began working for Wasserman Schultz in 2005, three of his relatives, including a 20-year old brother, as well as his best friend, appeared on other House members’ payrolls at salaries on par with congressional salaries. They have collected $4 million since 2010 despite being rarely seen.
House authorities told members’ chiefs of staffs on Feb. 2 that the Awans were targets of a criminal probe, and other members fired them.
Even with the serious charges leveled against Awan and his family, Wasserman Schultz continues to hinder and obstruct the ongoing investigation against him. Instead of helping to unravel this seriously dangerous situation, she is choosing, time and again, to attack the very people trying to figure out what has happened, and just how dangerous the situation actually is.
Why is Debbie Wasserman Schultz trying to keep the truth from coming out? What is she trying to hide?
Trump Family’s Worst Nightmare Just Showed Up, Secret Service Frantic

The constant stream of negative propaganda, and the attempt to dehumanize Trump supporters, is starting to have an effect.
A physician with a car full of guns, including an AR-15 assault rifle, was arrested at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. — he has been charged with gun-related crimes (via Washington Post).
Brian Moles is a physician hailing from the Pennsylvania area who was arrested by police minutes after settling into his Trump Hotel room.
Police received a tip that Moles was armed and a potential danger to those in the Washington, D.C. area.
“I was very concerned about this circumstance,” said Police Chief Peter Newsham, “and I believe the officers and our federal partners, and in particular the tipster, averted a potential disaster here in our nation’s capital.”
Both the D.C. police and the Secret Service admit that they have not discovered the motivation behind the heavily armed man traveling to Washington, but he might have planned to hurt the president.
The Pennsylvania Police Department received a called from a concerned resident who was in communication with Moles’ daughter. Apparently, Moles had been acting oddly.
Moles’ daughter told police something to the effect that he was traveling to D.C. with a carload of weapons and he was going to visit the president, according to Pennsylvania Police Chief Dorian Adamik.
Considering the constant stream of negative press coverage and the coordinated attempts of the mainstream media to dehumanize supporters of President Trump as racist, sexist rednecks, it is only a matter of time until some fanatic undertakes a plot to assassinate the president and his followers.
Many have expressed concern that President Trump will be the victim of an assassination plot, including Ronald Reagan’s son, Michael. Michael Reagan explained that a crazy man attempted to kill his father, and that there are a lot more crazy people walking the streets today (via Twitter).
President Trump is specifically vulnerable, since he is lacking the protection of the intelligence community. President Trump is attempting to eliminate the corruption in Washington, and is creating a lot of enemies in the process.
Donald Trump has already survived one assassination attempt, when a British citizen attempted to steal a police officer’s gun to shoot then-candidate Trump last summer.
Do you think the media will cause an attack against Trump? Please share the story on Facebook and tell us what you think because we want to hear YOUR voice!
'You Tricked Me!' Trump Yelled at Palestinian Leader Abbas for Lying
Fadi Arouri/AFP/Getty Images
During his meeting with Palestinian leaders in the Palestinian-controlled city of Bethlehem, President Trump slammed President Mahmoud Abbas for lying about terrorism incitement. Trump previously extended an olive branch to Abbas, hoping to resurrect peace negotiations. However, Abbas’ many lies appear to have changed the president’s perspective on Palestinian intransigence.
Israel’s Channel 2 explains that Trump’s meeting with Abbas last Sunday went awry after Trump called out the Palestinian leader’s mendacious rhetoric.
“A US official present during the meeting claims the president expressed outrage with Abbas, yelling at him regarding Abbas’ claims that his Fatah faction was not involved in anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement,” reports Arutz Sheva News, citing Channel 2.
“You talked to me about peace, but the Israelis showed me that you are personally supporting incitement,” Trump told Abbas, according to Channel 2’s report.
Trump’s bold confrontation came after his March meeting with Abbas, in which the Palestinian leader stood at the White House and vowed to commit his cause to peace.
“You tricked me in Washington,” the president reportedly told Abbas in Bethlehem.
For his part, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has impugned Abbas’ incredulous claims about promoting an agenda of peace and tolerance.
"I heard President Abbas … say that the Palestinians teach their children peace,” stated the prime minister. “Unfortunately, that's not true. They name their schools after mass murderers of Israelis and they pay terrorists.”
From eulogizing terrorists in their official newspapers to handing out sweets and candy to children in celebration of Jew-killing terrorist attacks, the Palestinian Authority has celebrated, promoted, and directly incited acts of terrorism against innocent Israelis in embrace of Islamic honor culture. In honor culture, any perceived slight or humiliation must be answered with violence and blood; dying as a martyr is an incomparable act of heroism, one that elicits praise and sanctification.
Boy ‘Identifying’ as Girl Swamps Opponents in Connecticut High School Track Meet
A once highly recognized high school girl’s track star from New Britain, Connecticut, has lost her usual first place spot to a boy who “identifies” as a girl on an opposing high school track team, and her loss sparks many questions about fairness and rights.
Kate Hall, a junior at a Stonington High School, has spent several years typically coming in at the top in track competition. Until this year, that is. This year she has routinely lost that top spot because opposing Cromwell High accepted a boy claiming to be a transgender girl onto its track team.
Freshman Andraya Yearwood, 15, a biological male who identifies as a girl, received permission to join the Cromwell High girls track team after competing as a boy in middle school. Not surprisingly, Yearwood has been extremely successful as a male competing against females.
Yearwood has thoroughly defeated every female opponent. According to the Hartford Courant, “Andraya’s times in the 100 and the 200 are fast. A year ago, her 11.99 in the 100 would have won the Class M title and put her second at the State Open, .01 seconds behind the winning time. And Andraya ran Wednesday in cold conditions, and without starting blocks. She is expected to get faster.”
“It feels really good. I’m really happy to win both titles,” Yearwood recently bragged to the media after winning the Class M contest. “I kind of expected it. I’ve always gotten first, so I expected it to some extent. … I’m really proud of it.”
And, all of this has occurred quite despite the fact that Yearwood has taken no steps to transition into a girl. The runner stands taller than opponents, is clearly far more muscular, and even sports a faint, ever-present mustache.
Yearwood’s top opponent, Kate Hall, seems sadly resigned to constantly losing to a “girl” who has all the more powerful attributes of a boy.
“There’s not much I can do,” Hall said after losing the Class M to Yearwood. “Second doesn’t work for me. Yeah, it does, in a way, for the team. But you come into a state championship meet looking to win a state title. I had an awesome chance. I could have done a lot of things (differently). If I’d run my best, I could have won it.”
“It’s frustrating,” Hall added. “But that’s just the way it is now.”
But, Yearwood’s easy wins against biological girls continue to raise questions in New Britain. Even as most break their necks trying desperately to avoid being seen as criticizing a “transgender athlete,” many are still wondering if it is fair that a powerful, biological boy should be allowed to compete against frailer high school girls.
Jeff Jacob of the Hartford Courant raised the questions in a recent column, saying that “on a biologically competitive basis,” Yearwood’s victories are not fair to the competitors.
Ultimately, Jacobs felt that the results of the competition have been tainted.
“Humanity counts. So does biology,” Jacobs wrote. But, he went on saying, “For me, somebody who has observed sports and written about all kinds of athletes for four decades, the integrity of the state competition for these two races Tuesday was compromised.”
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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