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Thursday, June 15,2017
Fall River’s Iwo Jima Monument
Our thanks to Atty. Brian Cunha
His generosity made the Memorial Possible
Look Who Just Got BUSTED Investigating Trump After Massive Hillary Payout
Conflict of interest is an issue that can pop up during ANY job. It goes from distracting to HARMFUL once politics and money get involved.
We recently learned that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is partially responsible for the unmasking of President Trump during the illegally recorded phone calls. McCabe served under James Comey before his termination and is connected to the Clintons. In fact, McCabe’s wife received a $700,000 payout for her political campaign from the Democrats. (via Fox News Video via Twitter)
If it all adds up, something isn’t right about this group of individuals. Democrats claimed that there was “nothing to see here,” but what did you expect? Dems would never come out and say, “Yes! We did a favor for Andrew’s wife because he helped us unmask President Trump”.
There needs to be an investigation into the connection between Hillary, Andrew, his wife, and others close to them. James Comey is being questioned about the connection between these people. There is no doubt that we are going to learn some useful information.
Comey has already provided us with some eye-opening information during his time speaking to the Senate Intelligence Committee. We learned, for example, that all of the people making the Trump-Russia claim are “dead wrong”. We also learned that Comey helped “leak” the memo from the Trump meeting. If he will come forward about that, why not everything else?
Now that we have that piece of information on the table we need to think about why McCabe would bother probing into Trump’s phone calls. We KNOW there was no evidence and, therefore, no cause for the information probe. McCabe made a deal where he would do something for Hillary, and, in exchange, his wife would get a hefty donation from the Democrats.
We are seeing another attempt to sabotage President Trump and, of course, Hillary is the centerpiece of this plan. Clinton wanted to get as much information as she could on Trump so that the conspiracy theories could start flowing.
The corruption that exists on the Left is infuriating. They do not get to control the United States because they have money or power — and President Trump proved them wrong. We would have loved to have been a fly on the wall on election night to see Hillary’s face when she realized that her plan fell apart.
The Left is not going to stop their struggle for power. As time goes on, we are going to see more disturbing trends JUST like this story. If we are aware of how vile they are and know what to look for, we can stop them in their tracks. Patriots like us are SICK and tired of dealing with a corrupt political system.
BREAKING: FBI’s Andrew McCabe who’s wife was given 700K by Clinton may be one of the wrong doers Trump unmasking http://pic.twitter.com/zNJOYsZhtn
— Kevin W. (@kwilli1046) We have not witnessed anyone as impressive as Trump in our lifetime. Trump came forward, said he would work to help us live a better life, and has accomplished some of his goals in less than a year. We are HONORED to have him as our president and Hillary will never be able to change that simple truth.
Dangerous Group Discovered Plotting Massive Coup Against Trump – Please Pray
We have witnessed groups of people attempting to stop President Trump since before he even officially won the election. Now, one organization has officially gone too far.
A left-wing group, ironically called the American Constitution Society (ACS), recently met to discuss their plans for President Trump. According to Breitbart, during their meeting, they openly spoke of trying to infiltrate the administration with “sleeper” liberals. Their goal is to stop Trump from making ANY progress by resisting him at every step!
We are SICK and TIRED of the Left opposing Trump simply because he was not their candidate of choice. The people in the ACS are supposed to be lawyers, but they would probably only be able to give you vague talking points as to why they hate Trump. Like most people on the Left, this group has been brainwashed into thinking that Trump doesn’t have their best interest at heart.
If the Left used a tiny bit of common sense, they would realize that Trump is one of the ONLY presidents to look out for the American people. All you have to do is look back to Obama for comparison. Obama was more worried about giving guns to the Mexican drug cartels via the “Fast and Furious” operation or giving unimaginable amounts of money to the Middle East for who knows what.
The group is making the claim that the “deep state” is a good thing and that they need to do everything they can to keep it around. Liberals have been strongly against constitutionalism for a long time. If they had their way, the federal government would do everything and the states would have NO power.
The only exception to the rule is the topic of illegal immigration. The Left thinks you can ignore THAT particular federal law but all others must be obeyed. We are witnessing firsthand why liberals are the laughing-stock of the Western world.
It gets even more disturbing as you listen to people from the ACS speak. One person, Jon Michaels, suggested that we need to use “rogue tweeting” or “leaking to the media” as ways for stopping Trump. In other words, they are confirming what we have known for a long time.
Liberals are committed to the goal of taking Trump out by any means necessary. We will NOT allow them to take out our treasured political system because they are upset about the results of an election. Someone needs to tell the Left to GROW UP and stop acting like a bunch of hateful children.
There is a reason that no one takes them seriously, and this is it. The Left is nothing more than a joke, as well as the punchline. Pathetic is another word that perfectly sums up their efforts to take out Trump. If they worked with him, perhaps MORE progress could be made, but they won’t. Trump will continue fighting for us, and at the end of the day, it is THEIR loss, not ours.
Here’s How Much Comey Is Getting Paid to Trash Trump
James Comey began his recent testimony before the Senate by essentially crying, “Poor me!” The former FBI Director seems to have no problem with the spotlight. Now, he may be getting a lot of money to bloviate about President Donald Trump.
Following “Comey Day,” Comey is a hot commodity. That’s why various book publishers have approached him with offers to write his memoirs (see also: tell-all book). Comey could make as much as $10 million for just one book contract, via Daily Mail. You can bet he’ll be filling it with anti-Trump propaganda!
Book publishers are not the only people approaching Comey. Hollywood has come calling, too.
Comey is likely enjoying all of this attention. He even told California Senator Kamala Harris, “I’m between opportunities right now,” via Dennis Michael Lynch.
All of these reports highlight the gross, completely sensationalist nature of both Hollywood, and the publishing industry.
It’s probable that, should Comey decide to take the $10 million offer, whatever book he produces will be rabidly anti-Trump. Furthermore, even though Comey’s testimony did nothing but implicate himself and Obama officials as corrupt operatives, the Hollywood version of his story will depict President Trump as an autocrat.
As every recent awards show has detailed, Hollywood is full of froth-at-the-mouth liberals who despise President Trump and his supporters, via Los Angeles Times.
The fact that Donald Trump was never under any kind of investigation, and that there is zero evidence that he obstructed the Russian investigation, will not make it to Hollywood.
In the mind of the now disgraced Comey, the wrong person won the election. This person also gently asked him to reconsider his investigation of Lt. General Michael Flynn. This triggered the cowardly Comey so much that he began taking notes after every meeting with President Trump.
Interestingly, Comey, who the mainstream media wants us to believe is an inveterate note-taker, did not put pen to paper during his meetings with Loretta Lynch, who told him to call the Clinton investigation a “matter” instead of an “investigation,” via Washington Times.
It’s also noteworthy that Comey, in his failed attempt to discredit President Trump, turned to academia for help. Law professors, along with Democratic appointees, and the permanent Washington elite, form the bulwark of the institutional Left that is currently trying to bring down a democratically-elected government.
Comey is a proven liar with a fickle personality. His self-aggrandizing book will peddle more lies, and should be thrown in the trash.
Democrats Are Finding Every Excuse For Impeachment Now
Some Democrats have started to call for impeachment procedures, despite President Trump proving he was free and clear of any investigation.
Their absurd new claim revolves around President Trump and his Twitter activity, claiming Trump obstructed justice when tweeting about the Comey investigation.
Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara, claimed there was “absolutely evidence to begin a case” for obstruction of justice by Trump.
In an interview with ABC’s “This Week”, former U.S. Attorney Bharara spoke about Trump’s actions on Twitter interfering with the Comey case.
Breitbart News reported:
BHARARA: On the other hand, I think a lot of people will tell you that the president himself sometimes makes accusations that turn out not to be true. I think he seems to have done that in a Tweet this morning.
And when it comes down to who’s telling the truth and who’s not, I think most people would side reasonably with James Comey.
STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about the Tweets. The president did put out a Tweet this morning. I want to put it up on the screen right now. “I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal. Very cowardly.”
What’s the lie there?
BHARARA: There’s a — there’s speculation and an accusation that there are other leaks and that’s going to come out at some point in the future. I think there have been other accusations that are made in a haphazard and unsubstantiated way by the president, including that his office was tapped or wiretapped and no evidence of that has ever materialized.
He suggested on at least one occasion that maybe he had recorded conversations, refuses to answer questions about her or not that is true.
But I think the point is that accusations made in the heat of the moment in 140 characters on Twitter, based on the track record and history, are not to be taken very seriously.
STEPHANOPOULOS: The president’s defenders, like Alan Dershowitz, say there’s no grounds for obstruction. You talked about that. And he, in fact, says that presidents have the constitutional right to fire FBI directors and investigations as much as they want.
One of the president’s attorneys, Jay Sekulow, is coming up next. He says there’s no there there, no basis for obstruction.
You are a former prosecutor. Is there evidence there that — to begin a case for obstruction?
BHARARA: I think there’s absolutely evidence to begin a case. I think it’s very important for all sorts of armchair speculators in the law to be clear that no one knows right now whether there is a provable case of obstruction. It’s also true I think from based on what I see as a third party and out of government that there’s no basis to say there’s no obstruction.
Bharara is absurdly claiming that because Trump tweeted about the results of the Comey case, he was obstructing justice.
What the interview failed to mention, however, is that Bharara was also fired earlier this year by President Trump, and he may be trying to denounce the President out of spite.
Trump’s lawyers promise there are no grounds for charges revolving around obstruction of justice, nor was the President wrong in any way by tweeting.
Democrats seem to come up with any excuse they can to get what they want, despite the consequences.
Nancy Pelosi Made These Jaw Dropping Comments About Loretta Lynch
There was one bombshell from former FBI Director Jim Comey’s Senate testimony.
And it was about how Loretta Lynch applied political pressure on him to downplay the significance of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
So no one could believe what Nancy Pelosi had to say about the explosive revelation.
The House Minority Leader was in full damage control mode when she addressed the media about the allegations against Lynch.
She tried to downplay the serious charges leveled against Lynch by claiming Comey’s testimony was “misinterpreted.”
Fox News reports:
Critics blasted those comments as outrageous.
There was only one way to interpret Comey’s remarks.
And that was that Lynch pressured him to make sure the FBI’s statements lined up with the Clinton campaign’s talking points.
Breitbart reports:
In addition, Comey stated that other examples of Lynch’s conduct had caused problems.
Breitbart also reports:
Pelosi is a head-stuck-in-the stand liberal.
Nowhere is that more obvious than in her insane spin-doctoring defense of Loretta Lynch’s outrageous – and possibly illegal – conduct.
Sessions: ‘I Did Not Recuse Myself From Defending My Honor Against Scurrilous and False Allegations’
By Susan Jones 
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is mobbed by photographers just before the Senate intelligence committee was gavelled to order on Tuesday, June 13, 2017. (Screen grab from C-SPAN)
(CNSNews.com) – At the end of his opening statement to the Senate intelligence committee Tuesday afternoon, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the committee that although he has recused himself from the Russia investigation, he has not recused himself from defending his honor.
“I will finish with this,” Sessions said:
I recused myself from any investigation into the campaigns for President, but I did not recuse myself from defending my honor against scurrilous and false allegations. At all times throughout the course of the campaign, the confirmation process, and since becoming Attorney General, I have dedicated myself to the highest standards.
The people of this country expect an honest and transparent government and that is what we are giving them.
This President wants to focus on the people of this country to ensure they are treated fairly and kept safe. The Trump agenda is to improve the lives of the American people. I know some have other agendas, but that is his agenda and it is one I share.
Sessions said as attorney general, he is responsible for enforcing the laws of the nation, protecting the country from its enemies, and ensuring the fair administration of justice.
I intend to work every day with our fine team and the superb professionals in the Department of Justice to advance the important work we have to do. These false attacks, the innuendo, and the leaks, you can be sure, will not intimidate me. In fact, these events have only strengthened my resolve to fulfill my duty to reduce crime, and to support our federal, state, and local law enforcement officers who work our streets every day.
Just last week, it was reported that overdose deaths in this country are rising faster than ever recorded. The murder rate is up over 10 percent—the largest increase since 1968. Together, we are telling the gangs, the cartels, the fraudsters, and the terrorists—we are coming after you. Every one of our citizens, no matter who they are or where they live, has the right to be safe in their homes and communities.
And I will not be deterred, and I will not allow this great Department to be deterred from its vital mission.
The people of this country expect an honest and transparent government and that is what we are giving them.
This President wants to focus on the people of this country to ensure they are treated fairly and kept safe. The Trump agenda is to improve the lives of the American people. I know some have other agendas, but that is his agenda and it is one I share.
Sessions said as attorney general, he is responsible for enforcing the laws of the nation, protecting the country from its enemies, and ensuring the fair administration of justice.
I intend to work every day with our fine team and the superb professionals in the Department of Justice to advance the important work we have to do. These false attacks, the innuendo, and the leaks, you can be sure, will not intimidate me. In fact, these events have only strengthened my resolve to fulfill my duty to reduce crime, and to support our federal, state, and local law enforcement officers who work our streets every day.
Just last week, it was reported that overdose deaths in this country are rising faster than ever recorded. The murder rate is up over 10 percent—the largest increase since 1968. Together, we are telling the gangs, the cartels, the fraudsters, and the terrorists—we are coming after you. Every one of our citizens, no matter who they are or where they live, has the right to be safe in their homes and communities.
And I will not be deterred, and I will not allow this great Department to be deterred from its vital mission.
Liberal Brit Piers Morgan SLAMS Democrats Hypocritical and Violent Rhetoric Against Trump
By Onan Coca
British Liberal Piers Morgan is not happy with his friends in America. He just can’t understand how liberals can be so hypocritical and perverse in their opposition to President Trump.
To be clear, he understands why they oppose Trump… he just doesn’t understand how they can defend using such violent and troubling rhetoric in their attacks.
Morgan starts near the beginning with Madonna’s “Women’s March” attack on the Trump presidency:
Madonna started this disturbing trend by screaming at the Women’s March the day after the Inauguration that she dreams of ‘blowing up the White House.’
Following this outrageous comment, which attracted global headlines, death threats were aimed at the new president on an unprecedented scale.
Dataminr reported that in the next two weeks alone, more than 12,000 posts with the words ‘assassinate Trump’ were made on Twitter.
The threats have carried on coming, many of them far more serious than a Twitter post, with Secret Service working 24/7 to stop myriad plots to attack POTUS.
Yet this hasn’t stopped people who should know better from fanning the flames.
He then skips over a few months (and thousands of threats) to Kathy Griffin:
Two weeks ago, comedian Kathy Griffin posted a photograph of herself clutching an image of Trump’s severed, blood-splattered head.
It was a just a joke, she wailed, when all hell broke loose.
Really, Ms Griffin?
You think it’s funny to hold your president’s severed head to a camera at a time when ISIS barbarians have been doing just that to fellow Americans?
‘Like many edgy works of artistic expression,’ explained her attorney Lisa Bloom, ‘this could be interpreted different ways. But Griffin never imagined it could be misinterpreted as a threat of violence against Trump. That was never what she intended.’
That’s exactly what Griffin intended. She wanted everyone to look at that photo and imagine Trump being murdered by decapitation. There is literally no other thought process it could possibly inspire.
Finally he brings us to the Shakespeare in the Park retelling of Julius Caesar, with Trump as Caesar getting assassinated by minority and female Senators:
No sooner had the Griffin furore calmed down than a similar new one has erupted.
This time, it involves New York’s non-profit Public Theater and its new production of Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ in Central Park.
The play portrays Caesar as a tempestuous, petulant blond-haired businessman in an expensive business suit with an American pin flag and over-long ties who takes baths in a gold bathtub…
It ends with Caesar/Trump being brutally murdered by Roman senators who fear he has become too power hungry.
Only in this case, the assassins are all women and minorities, two groups that Trump has been accused of marginalising.
There is zero doubt the play’s producers want us to believe it’s Trump.
The New York Daily News said the production ‘imagines the Roman ruler as a blond, swaggering egotist who’s a dead ringer for the current occupant of the Oval Office. And he gets murdered for his hubris and hunger for power.’
Even the New York Times review last week stated that it ‘takes onstage Trump-trolling to a startling new level.
Morgan explains that the director of the play says that ‘Anyone seeing our production will realize it in no way advocates violence towards anyone.’ Except that, of course it does. The entire play is performed with the premise that Trump is somehow a modern day dictatorial Caesar who at the end of the play is murdered by the people that liberals think he is marginalizing.
Morgan finally lectures his liberal friends, reminding them that their fixation on bringing violence upon their opponents is dangerous and that the real way to oppose your political opposition is through debate and the ballot box.
The way for liberals to beat Donald Trump is not by wishing him dead.
It is by using everything in the American democratic system to defeat him by fair means not foul.
That means at the ballot box, in the 2018 mid-term elections and the 2020 general election.
And it means by putting constant pressure on lawmakers to enforce every check and balance in their power to keep Trump’s more Caesar-esque aspirations at bay.
Just as they have been doing on things like his travel ban…
That is how US democracy works, not through a knife or gun.
I may be cynical but I think that Morgan may be too late with his advice.
Across America, and the world, liberals seem to have embraced the idea that violence is a useful and acceptable tool in their oppositional efforts. Groups like Antifa and the Black Bloc have fully endorsed the use of violence against their opponents and now even argue for a fascist interpretation of freedom. Ironically, these groups were supposedly founded to oppose “fascism” but have instead fully embraced the violence, rhetoric, and philosophy of fascism.
It’s not just the extremist groups either, but as Morgan points out, mainstream liberals have also taken to defending and even using similar methods to oppose their conservative opponents.
We are on the cusp of a very dangerous era in Western politics and we need more liberals like Piers Morgan standing up and speaking out if we want any hope of ending the insanity before it’s too late.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs bill banning brutal dismemberment abortions
By Becky Yeh
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation Tuesday to ban the gruesome second-trimester D&E abortion procedure, also known as dilation and evacuation. The procedure, during which an abortionist uses a sopher clamp to tear apart a preborn child limb from torso, is described below by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino.
The procedure, which is an inhuman and violent act against a preborn child, is committed up to 24 weeks since a woman’s last menstrual period. Texas is the eight state to prohibit the procedure, a step that is being praised by pro-life groups.
“The Texas Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act is a vital step in protecting pregnant mothers and their unborn children from being subject to such a dehumanizing experience,” said National Right to Life Committee State Legislative Director Ingrid Duran.
Gov. Greg Abbott, a pro-life advocate, has taken strong steps to ensure protections for the preborn. Last year, Abbott announced the LIFE Initiative to make Texas “the strongest pro-life state in the nation” and called for the total defunding of abortion giant Planned Parenthood, a prohibition on altering abortion procedures to harvest body parts, and tougher protections for the preborn.
Senate Bill 8 also prohibits the donation of fetal parts for medical research and requires abortion facilities to cremate or bury the bodies of aborted children. The law will take effect in September.
Media Can’t Stomach Praise for Trump
Pundits melt down over Cabinet meeting, compare to scene from North Korea
A day after President Donald Trump accepted praise from his Cabinet, media pundits can’t stop retching.
A day after President Donald Trump accepted praise from his Cabinet, media pundits can’t stop retching.
Tuesday on CNN and MSNBC, commentators struggled for the most extreme adjective — embarrassing, sickening, un-American. The leading lights of the media believed comparisons to dictators were fair game.
“People who do their jobs each and every day do not require adulation around the table,” commentator Mike Barnicle said during “Morning Joe” on Tuesday. “My God, that was embarrassing.”
Barnicle and others were reacting to a Monday Cabinet meeting — the first since all of Trump's officials have been confirmed. The leaders of the various agencies took turns thanking the president and praising his leadership.
"What an incredible honor it is to lead the Department of Health and Human Services at this pivotal time under your leadership," Secretary Tom Price said in one typical example. "I can't thank you enough for the privilege you've given me and the leadership you've shown."
It might seem unremarkable that Trump would earn praise and respect from his own hand-picked advisers, but to "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough, it was enough to send him scrambling for Pepto-Bismol.
"It was sick. Sick is the word," he said. "It is also deeply un-American to turn a Cabinet meeting to the president of the United States in the White House into a cheerleading routine where everybody is supposed to go around and praise him."
Scarborough said he was glad Defense Secretary James Mattis simply praised the troops.
"What Donald Trump doesn't understand is — so many things — but the first thing is he is serving the American people," he said. "He is working for the people, not only that voted for him, but the people who didn't vote for him."
Scarborough said Trump should have orchestrated the Cabinet meeting around efforts to help the working- and middle-class voters who are struggling. He said it would even have been fine if Trump wanted to talk about his immigration agenda.
"But don't make it a cheerleading session about yourself," he said. "That's not why Americans voted for this man. And if you're a Cabinet member, come on, you owe us more than that. We pay for your salary, too. Stand up for yourself. Have dignity."
On CNN, commentator David Axelrod contrasted it with the Cabinet meetings run by his boss, former President Barack Obama.
"It was embarrassing. I was thinking about, I sat in many Cabinet meetings when I was in the White House," he said. "I think the president would have burst out laughing if a couple of people had gone down the row doing that because it was clearly orchestrated. It felt very North Korean. You know, everybody giving praise to the leader."
Axelrod attributed the display to Trump's low poll numbers and his need for a lift.
"The general narrative is bad about accomplishments, and he's trying to create an alternative reality, and they're trying to keep his spirits up," he said. "And so what we get is this new reality show. But at the end of the day, only Gen. Mattis walked out of there with his dignity.
A day after President Donald Trump accepted praise from his Cabinet, media pundits can’t stop retching.
Tuesday on CNN and MSNBC, commentators struggled for the most extreme adjective — embarrassing, sickening, un-American. The leading lights of the media believed comparisons to dictators were fair game.
“People who do their jobs each and every day do not require adulation around the table,” commentator Mike Barnicle said during “Morning Joe” on Tuesday. “My God, that was embarrassing.”
Barnicle and others were reacting to a Monday Cabinet meeting — the first since all of Trump's officials have been confirmed. The leaders of the various agencies took turns thanking the president and praising his leadership.
"What an incredible honor it is to lead the Department of Health and Human Services at this pivotal time under your leadership," Secretary Tom Price said in one typical example. "I can't thank you enough for the privilege you've given me and the leadership you've shown."
It might seem unremarkable that Trump would earn praise and respect from his own hand-picked advisers, but to "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough, it was enough to send him scrambling for Pepto-Bismol.
"It was sick. Sick is the word," he said. "It is also deeply un-American to turn a Cabinet meeting to the president of the United States in the White House into a cheerleading routine where everybody is supposed to go around and praise him."
Scarborough said he was glad Defense Secretary James Mattis simply praised the troops.
"What Donald Trump doesn't understand is — so many things — but the first thing is he is serving the American people," he said. "He is working for the people, not only that voted for him, but the people who didn't vote for him."
Scarborough said Trump should have orchestrated the Cabinet meeting around efforts to help the working- and middle-class voters who are struggling. He said it would even have been fine if Trump wanted to talk about his immigration agenda.
"But don't make it a cheerleading session about yourself," he said. "That's not why Americans voted for this man. And if you're a Cabinet member, come on, you owe us more than that. We pay for your salary, too. Stand up for yourself. Have dignity."
On CNN, commentator David Axelrod contrasted it with the Cabinet meetings run by his boss, former President Barack Obama.
"It was embarrassing. I was thinking about, I sat in many Cabinet meetings when I was in the White House," he said. "I think the president would have burst out laughing if a couple of people had gone down the row doing that because it was clearly orchestrated. It felt very North Korean. You know, everybody giving praise to the leader."
Axelrod attributed the display to Trump's low poll numbers and his need for a lift.
"The general narrative is bad about accomplishments, and he's trying to create an alternative reality, and they're trying to keep his spirits up," he said. "And so what we get is this new reality show. But at the end of the day, only Gen. Mattis walked out of there with his dignity."
A day after President Donald Trump accepted praise from his Cabinet, media pundits can’t stop retching.
Tuesday on CNN and MSNBC, commentators struggled for the most extreme adjective — embarrassing, sickening, un-American. The leading lights of the media believed comparisons to dictators were fair game.
“People who do their jobs each and every day do not require adulation around the table,” commentator Mike Barnicle said during “Morning Joe” on Tuesday. “My God, that was embarrassing.”
Barnicle and others were reacting to a Monday Cabinet meeting — the first since all of Trump's officials have been confirmed. The leaders of the various agencies took turns thanking the president and praising his leadership.
"What an incredible honor it is to lead the Department of Health and Human Services at this pivotal time under your leadership," Secretary Tom Price said in one typical example. "I can't thank you enough for the privilege you've given me and the leadership you've shown."
It might seem unremarkable that Trump would earn praise and respect from his own hand-picked advisers, but to "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough, it was enough to send him scrambling for Pepto-Bismol.
"It was sick. Sick is the word," he said. "It is also deeply un-American to turn a Cabinet meeting to the president of the United States in the White House into a cheerleading routine where everybody is supposed to go around and praise him."
Scarborough said he was glad Defense Secretary James Mattis simply praised the troops.
"What Donald Trump doesn't understand is — so many things — but the first thing is he is serving the American people," he said. "He is working for the people, not only that voted for him, but the people who didn't vote for him."
Scarborough said Trump should have orchestrated the Cabinet meeting around efforts to help the working- and middle-class voters who are struggling. He said it would even have been fine if Trump wanted to talk about his immigration agenda.
"But don't make it a cheerleading session about yourself," he said. "That's not why Americans voted for this man. And if you're a Cabinet member, come on, you owe us more than that. We pay for your salary, too. Stand up for yourself. Have dignity."
On CNN, commentator David Axelrod contrasted it with the Cabinet meetings run by his boss, former President Barack Obama.
"It was embarrassing. I was thinking about, I sat in many Cabinet meetings when I was in the White House," he said. "I think the president would have burst out laughing if a couple of people had gone down the row doing that because it was clearly orchestrated. It felt very North Korean. You know, everybody giving praise to the leader."
Axelrod attributed the display to Trump's low poll numbers and his need for a lift.
"The general narrative is bad about accomplishments, and he's trying to create an alternative reality, and they're trying to keep his spirits up," he said. "And so what we get is this new reality show. But at the end of the day, only Gen. Mattis walked out of there with his dignity.
A day after President Donald Trump accepted praise from his Cabinet, media pundits can’t stop retching.
Tuesday on CNN and MSNBC, commentators struggled for the most extreme adjective — embarrassing, sickening, un-American. The leading lights of the media believed comparisons to dictators were fair game.
“People who do their jobs each and every day do not require adulation around the table,” commentator Mike Barnicle said during “Morning Joe” on Tuesday. “My God, that was embarrassing.”
Barnicle and others were reacting to a Monday Cabinet meeting — the first since all of Trump's officials have been confirmed. The leaders of the various agencies took turns thanking the president and praising his leadership.
"What an incredible honor it is to lead the Department of Health and Human Services at this pivotal time under your leadership," Secretary Tom Price said in one typical example. "I can't thank you enough for the privilege you've given me and the leadership you've shown."
It might seem unremarkable that Trump would earn praise and respect from his own hand-picked advisers, but to "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough, it was enough to send him scrambling for Pepto-Bismol.
"It was sick. Sick is the word," he said. "It is also deeply un-American to turn a Cabinet meeting to the president of the United States in the White House into a cheerleading routine where everybody is supposed to go around and praise him."
Scarborough said he was glad Defense Secretary James Mattis simply praised the troops.
"What Donald Trump doesn't understand is — so many things — but the first thing is he is serving the American people," he said. "He is working for the people, not only that voted for him, but the people who didn't vote for him."
Scarborough said Trump should have orchestrated the Cabinet meeting around efforts to help the working- and middle-class voters who are struggling. He said it would even have been fine if Trump wanted to talk about his immigration agenda.
"But don't make it a cheerleading session about yourself," he said. "That's not why Americans voted for this man. And if you're a Cabinet member, come on, you owe us more than that. We pay for your salary, too. Stand up for yourself. Have dignity."
On CNN, commentator David Axelrod contrasted it with the Cabinet meetings run by his boss, former President Barack Obama.
"It was embarrassing. I was thinking about, I sat in many Cabinet meetings when I was in the White House," he said. "I think the president would have burst out laughing if a couple of people had gone down the row doing that because it was clearly orchestrated. It felt very North Korean. You know, everybody giving praise to the leader."
Axelrod attributed the display to Trump's low poll numbers and his need for a lift.
"The general narrative is bad about accomplishments, and he's trying to create an alternative reality, and they're trying to keep his spirits up," he said. "And so what we get is this new reality show. But at the end of the day, only Gen. Mattis walked out of there with his dignity."
Top Dem Calls for Investigation into Clinton FBI Interference
by: Remington Strelivo
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) wants an investigation into whether or not Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, interfered with the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server.
Rumors of blatant attempts to mislead the public about the investigation into Hillary Clinton surfaced last week, when former FBI Director James Comey testified before Congress. Comey said that Lynch had asked him to call the probe into Hillary Clinton a “matter,,” rather than what it actually was: an FBI criminal investigation.
Comey said he thought Lynch was politically motivated, trying to “align the way [the FBI] talked about our work with the way the political campaign was describing the same activity, which was inaccurate.”
Comey added that, while he complied with Lynch’s request, the whole incident made him feel “queasy.”
Feinstein, who is so far the only top Democrat to back an investigation, said she “would have a queasy feeling, too,” if Comey’s account is true.
“I think we need to know more about that and there’s only way to know about it, and that’s to have the judiciary committee take a look at that,” said Feinstein.
As the Trump-Russia scandal continues to fizzle out, an investigation into their own 2016 presidential candidate’s wrongdoing would be bad news for Democrats. Feinstein deserves some credit for putting the truth—and the legitimacy of government—over what’s best for her party.
Rumors of blatant attempts to mislead the public about the investigation into Hillary Clinton surfaced last week, when former FBI Director James Comey testified before Congress. Comey said that Lynch had asked him to call the probe into Hillary Clinton a “matter,,” rather than what it actually was: an FBI criminal investigation.
Comey said he thought Lynch was politically motivated, trying to “align the way [the FBI] talked about our work with the way the political campaign was describing the same activity, which was inaccurate.”
Comey added that, while he complied with Lynch’s request, the whole incident made him feel “queasy.”
Feinstein, who is so far the only top Democrat to back an investigation, said she “would have a queasy feeling, too,” if Comey’s account is true.
“I think we need to know more about that and there’s only way to know about it, and that’s to have the judiciary committee take a look at that,” said Feinstein.
As the Trump-Russia scandal continues to fizzle out, an investigation into their own 2016 presidential candidate’s wrongdoing would be bad news for Democrats. Feinstein deserves some credit for putting the truth—and the legitimacy of government—over what’s best for her party.
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