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Tues. May 16, 2017
If you're going through hell, keep going....
One of our Granddaughters Lauren and her husband Yurie have started a bathing suit website. They are both students at UMass Dartmouth.
Lauren is the model featured in most of the swimsuit photos (the young blonde model).
BTW, Lauren and Youri are high honors students at UMass Dartmouth. Youri is a 4.0 student and Lauren just behind that.
Here is their web site. Enjoy and let us know what you think.
Dartmouth, MA
+213 342 1669
7 Days a week from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
'Muslim Mafia' asking judge to block damning evidence
Eight years ago, the Council on American-Islamic Relations sued the investigators behind a daring, undercover operation that turned up evidence confirming the organization’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and violent Islamic supremacism.
Now, as its case finally heads to trial, CAIR is trying to block the defendants from presenting that evidence and other damaging information to a jury.
Last Wednesday, a federal judge in Washington, D.C., delayed a pretrial hearing scheduled for May 15 to allow more time to address a motion by CAIR to disallow evidence it describes as “anti-Muslim bias.”
“CAIR is terrified that a jury will learn the truth about its pro-Hamas founding and leaders,” said attorney Daniel Horowitz.
He represents David Gaubatz, a co-author of the book that published the evidence, “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America,” and his son, Chris Gaubatz, who conducted the investigation as a CAIR intern.
During his internship, Chris Gaubatz wore a recorder on his clothing to capture video and audio of his activities. He gathered some 12,000 pages of documents, headed for a shredder, that held evidence of crimes committed by CAIR, including violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act, giving material support to terrorist organizations and providing fraudulent legal services.
But CAIR filed suit alleging, among other claims, violations of the federal and District of Columbia Wiretap Acts and the Stored Communications Act. In the complaint, however, CAIR has never defended itself against the actual claims of the book, which documents the organization’s founding as a front group in the United States for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
Horowitz told WND the evidence of CAIR’s origin and character is “at the very core of our defense.”
“You can’t violate the rights of a criminal organization by exposing their violent underbelly,” he said, noting that Hamas is a recognized terror organization throughout the world.
“We are now going to have the opportunity to show the judge that our allegations against CAIR are based upon hard, proven facts,” Horowitz said. “Up until now we’ve had to endure CAIR’s constant cries of bigotry every time we have opposed them on this case.”
Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly of the D.C. Circuit Court said in her order Wednesday that additional briefings are necessary to resolve the matter of whether the evidence regarding CAIR’s background and character can be admitted.
Horowitz noted he has a recording of a CAIR founder saying he prefers Hamas to the PLO.
“When the jury hears that, they’re not going to find wrongdoing by our clients who exposed them,” he said.
After naming the Gaubatzes in the lawsuit, CAIR added the Washington, D.C., think tank Center for Security Policy and three of its employees for their part in commissioning a documentary about CAIR. Also added was attorney David Yerushalmi and his non-profit group SANE, which campaigns against the advance of Islamic law, or Shariah.
Anti-Muslim bias?
A legal brief responding to CAIR’s motion to disallow evidence of its origin and character noted the group “has made numerous accusations of anti-Muslim bias on the part of the Gaubatz defendants and their counsel.”
Hamas logo
CAIR’s motion stated: “For years, Defendants have promulgated and endorsed the mistaken belief that CAIR is a terrorist organization and Muslim Brotherhood front group. These allegations are blatant conspiracy theories intended to push Defendants’ anti-Muslim agendas.”
The reply brief says the defendants “agree that anti-Muslim bias should not be part of a defense and that persons of all religions should have equal access to fair treatment and justice in the courts.”
“However,” it argues, “fact-based evidence that is relevant to contested issues, should not be excluded simply because CAIR labels such criticism ‘anti-Muslim.'”
The brief notes that the criticisms raised by the defendants have been raised by others, including prominent news sources, a Democratic senator and federal judges.
It cites a 2007 New York Times story about CAIR that states in the opening paragraph: “With violence across the Middle East fixing Islam smack at the center of the American political debate, an organization partly financed by donors closely identified with wealthy Persian Gulf governments has emerged as the most vocal advocate for American Muslims — and an object of wide suspicion.”
The article describes how Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., canceled an award she intended to present to CAIR and canceled a meeting set with the organization.
Boxer commented: “There are things there I don’t want to be associated with.”
Also entered as an exhibit by the defense is a 2014 Washington Post article on the designation of CAIR as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates, a Muslim country.
It cites, in addition, the FBI’s suspension of contact with CAIR after the group was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of a sister Muslim Brotherhood organization that funded Hamas, the Holy Land Foundation in Texas. The case demonstrated CAIR and its founders were part of a group set up by the Muslim Brotherhood to support Hamas.
Documented meetings with extremists include a 2009 visit by CAIR’s executive director, Nihad Awad, with Muammar Gadhafi to solicit funds from Gadhafi for CAIR.
CAIR contends Chris Gaubatz had a “fiduciary duty” — a relationship of trust to manage or protect property — as an intern not to publish the CAIR documents.
But the Gaubatzes’ legal counsel argues “the relationship between a genuine civil rights organization and a person purporting to share its ideals is more likely to establish a fiduciary relationship than if CAIR is a criminal organization which used its intern program as part of its fake civil rights persona.”
CAIR also argues for an “expectation of privacy,” but the defendant's reason that “if CAIR was regularly engaged in unlawful conduct it is logical for a jury to conclude that it would conduct its criminal activities in an area that was not easily accessible to an intern.”
“The quasi public office is likely not where illicit activities were planned.”
Entering evidence of criminal activity by CAIR, the defendants argue, also is relevant for determining the credibility of witnesses “who personally established the ‘civil rights facade’ and who personally engage in activity that is unlawful.”
FBI wiretap evidence from the Holy Land case showed CAIR chief Awad was at an October 1993 meeting of Hamas leaders and activists in Philadelphia. CAIR, according to the evidence, was born out of a need to give a “media twinkle” to the Muslim leaders’ agenda of supporting violent jihad abroad while slowly institutionalizing Islamic law in the U.S.
Is The French First Lady A Pedophile?
A shocking new book reveals that the wife of French President-elect Emmanuel Macron had an affair with a 15 year-old-boy when she was 39 and married with three children.
Even more shocking, that boy is now the President-elect.
The British newspaper The Independent reported on how this news came to his parents:
A new biography of French President Emmanuel Macron has revealed his parents shock when they discovered their 16-year-old son was having an affair with his married teacher.
Much has been made of the fact that centrist Mr Macron is married to Brigitte Trogneux, a woman 24 years his senior he met as a 15-year-old schoolboy when she was a teacher at La Providence, a private school in Amiens, northern France.
Writer Anne Fulda, who penned the book Emmanuel Macron: A Perfect Young Man, spoke to the politician’s parents about the scandalous affair that began while Ms Trogneux was a 39-year-old married mother-of-three.
The schoolboy’s parents had believed their son was dating his teacher’s daughter, Laurence, until the truth came out through a family friend.
Shocked at the illicit affair, the Macrons removed the intellectually gifted teenager from the school.
His mother, Francoise Nogues-Macron, told Ms Fulda: “We just couldn’t believe it. What is clear is that when Emmanuel met Brigitte, we couldn’t just say, ‘That’s great’.”
But she added: “What mattered to me was not the fact he was having a relationship with Brigitte but that he was alive and there weren’t any problems.”
Realizing the affair would not be a passing phase, she is said to have told the teacher: “Don’t you see? You’ve had your life. But he won’t have children with you.”
His father, Jean-Michel Macron, revealed he “almost fell off his chair” when he learned about his son’s lover: “When Emmanuel met Brigitte, we certainly did not say, ‘How wonderful!”
The shaken parents met Ms Trogneux and asked her not to see their son again until he reached adulthood, but she defiantly told them she couldn’t “promise anything”.
But the future President’s maternal grandmother, Manette, was surprisingly understanding.
Francoise recalled: “My mother, who would never have tolerated such a situation for her own children, showed herself to be much more open and tolerant with regard to her grandchildren’s love affairs.”
Both parents deny any suggestion that they would have threatened to kick the schoolboy out of the house, and insist he was due to go to the prestigious Lycee Henri IV in Paris for the final year of his studies in any case.
The new First Lady of France confirmed to Paris Match magazine last year that a determinedly romantic Macron had vowed to marry her when he was just 17 years old, promising to come back and find her after he was sent to the capital.
“You cannot get rid of me. I will come back and marry you,” he is quoted as having said.
Recalling that his parents “took it badly” when they discovered the affair, Mr Macron said: “I had to fight in order to live both my private and my professional life as I wish.
“I had to fight and it wasn’t the easiest or most obvious, not the most automatic thing to do, nor did it correspond with established norms.”
The pair eventually married in 2007 when he was 29 and she was 54-years-old. He became a very youthful stepfather to her three adult children.
Mr. Macron will become France’s youngest President at the age of 39 – the same age as his wife, now 64, was when they met.
Many commentators have said the obsession with their age-gap is an example of deeply ingrained misogyny since men in positions of power are frequently married to much younger women.
The details of the role she will play as First Lady are unclear, but as a former teacher, Ms. Trogneux is expected to concentrate on education reform.
Miss USA 2017
A new Miss USA 2017 was crowned on Sunday, and her answers to questions about health care and feminism are causing an uproar among liberals.
When asked whether she thought healthcare was a privilege or a right, Miss District of Columbia Kara McCullough, a scientist at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said, “I’m definitely going to say it’s a privilege.
“As a government employee, I am granted health care, and I see firsthand that for one to have health care, you need to have a job. Therefore, we need to continue to cultivate this environment that we're given the opportunities to have health care as well as jobs to all the American citizens worldwide,” McCullough said.
Later, when the competition was whittled down to three, McCullough was asked a question about feminism.
“What do you consider feminism to be, and do you consider yourself a feminist?” host Terrence J asked.
“As a woman scientist in the government, I would like to lately transpose the word feminism to equalism. I don't really want to consider myself -- try not to consider myself like this die hard, you know, like, oh, I don't really care about men, but one thing I want to say, though, women, we are just as equal as men when it comes to opportunity in the workplace,” McCullough responded.
“And I say firsthand I have witnessed the impact that women have in leadership in the medical sciences as well as in the office environment, so as Miss USA, I would hope to promote that kind of leadership responsibility globally to so many women worldwide,” McCullough added.
McCullough was crowned by last year’s winner - Miss USA 2016 Deshauna Barber, who was also Miss DC. When Barber won her crown, she was asked a question about whether the Pentagon’s decision to open up combat roles to women “put political correctness over our military’s ability to perform.
Barber, an Army Reserve officer and IT analyst, said at the time: “As a woman in the United States Army, I think it was an amazing job by our government to allow women to integrate into every branch of the military. We are just as tough as men. As a commander of my unit, I’m powerful, I am dedicated. And it is important that we recognize that gender does not limit us in the United States Army.”
Planned Parenthood Enlists 'Faith Leaders' to Condemn Religious Liberty
The abortion provider also suggests clergy perform public blessings of abortion clinics.
Soon after President Trump issued his executive order on "Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty," which includes potential "conscience protections" for those with religious objections to certain health insurance mandates, Planned Parenthood issued a press release noting that some "faith leaders" condemned the executive orders. Faith leaders who belong to Planned Parenthood's own "Clergy Advisory Board (CAB)."
These leaders fear that Trump's order will lead to "employers, schools, and other entities [refusing] to cover women's preventive health services, including birth control, in their insurance plans on the basis of religious or moral objection. The irony of citing religious freedom as a reason to prevent employers from choosing the type of insurance coverage they want to offer to employees is lost on the Clergy Advisory Board:
This country has a long and vital tradition of religious freedom that protects personal beliefs without allowing the imposition of harms on others. Yet, this executive order signals that the administration wants to give employers the right to disregard their employees' own personal beliefs and invade their privacy. It is unacceptable to point to "religious liberty" as an excuse to limit women's access to health care.
The CAB does not object, however, to citing morality and even theology as a reason to compel employers to disregard their own personal beliefs and invade their privacy by forcing them to cover that to which Planned Parenthood believes all women are entitled. Under the heading "Background on the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Clergy Advocacy Board," Planned Parent says the CAB consists of "dedicated clergy and faith leaders from different denominations and communities throughout the U.S. [who] lead a national effort to increase public awareness of the theological and moral basis for advocating reproductive health." [emphasis added]
And the CAB is not simply referring to birth control mandates alone as morally and theologically correct. The Planned Parenthood website also hosts a CAB document titled "Pastoral Letter to Patients" justifying abortion:
Many people wrongly assume that all religious leaders disapprove of abortion. The truth is that abortion is not even mentioned in the Scriptures—Jewish or Christian—and there are clergy and people of faith from all denominations who support women making this complex decision. The beliefs of each person are deserving of respect, and each person deserves care and compassion. No one should be allowed to force their faith teachings on anyone else.
Apparently these faith leaders do not believe that health care employer mandates allow employees (with the help of the government) to "force their faith teachings" on employers.
Apparently these faith leaders do not believe that health care employer mandates allow employees (with the help of the government) to "force their faith teachings" on employers.
Planned Parenthood does not only count on the CAB alone to promulgate its theology of reproduction and abortion. As part of the organization's centennial celebration, Planned Parenthood encourages supporters to enlist clergy to sing PP's praises to their congregations. Literature promoting the group's 100 Years Strong campaign goes so far as to suggest that clergy be recruited to "perform a public blessing of your local health center" and even "lead a Sermon in their congregations around the Centennial anniversary."
While on one hand Planned Parenthood continues to batter the "anti-choice" with accusations of imposing religious and outdated moral codes on everyone, the organization is not shy about enlisting clergy and even theology to make its own case for personal choice.
While giving a nod to the truth that "religious traditions have somewhat different opinions about abortion," the aforementioned CAB's pastoral letter reassures those considering abortion that "[n]o one knows the circumstances of your life as well as you know them; no one knows what's in your heart better than you. Allow yourself to be at peace with your decision. God loves you and is with you no matter what you decide." Unless, of course, employers want to decide what kind of health coverage to offer their employees.
While on one hand Planned Parenthood continues to batter the "anti-choice" with accusations of imposing religious and outdated moral codes on everyone, the organization is not shy about enlisting clergy and even theology to make its own case for personal choice.
While giving a nod to the truth that "religious traditions have somewhat different opinions about abortion," the aforementioned CAB's pastoral letter reassures those considering abortion that "[n]o one knows the circumstances of your life as well as you know them; no one knows what's in your heart better than you. Allow yourself to be at peace with your decision. God loves you and is with you no matter what you decide." Unless, of course, employers want to decide what kind of health coverage to offer their employees.
Truth About Hillary’s Fainting Spell Finally Comes Out… Worse Than We Thought
When former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton had a fainting spell on Sept. 11, 2016, rumors were swiftly passed around regarding the candidate’s health that questioned her physical ability to perform presidential duties if elected. Now, in a new book, reporters have exposed just why Clinton fainted.
“Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign,” written by reporters Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, detailed many reasons why Hillary Clinton’s 2016 bid for presidency was doomed from the start. One of those reasons was Clinton’s loyalty to the wrong people.
Huma Abedin, Clinton’s closest adviser, could be considered one of the major downfalls of Clinton’s campaign. Abedin was already embroiled in her own controversy with her estranged husband, Anthony Wiener, yet Clinton kept her on the campaign.
The U.K. Independent reported on the compassion Clinton felt for Abedin and how ultimately this was a huge blow to Clinton’s campaign.
“Clinton agonized over removing Abedin from the campaign’s center, despite the absolute necessity of doing so, due to Abedin’s unrivaled loyalty to her, and an ‘almost maternal compassion’ Clinton felt for Abedin,” the outlet reported.
However, it was this closeness that caused Abedin to be the only one who knew that Clinton’s health had taken a turn for the worse. Abedin knew but kept the doctor’s diagnosis a secret from the rest of the campaign advisers, which led to the infamous fainting spell.
Worst of all, it could have been avoided, but only if Abedin wasn’t worrying so much about being the one “closest” to Clinton and actually cared about Clinton winning the presidency.
The Independent Journal Review highlighted passages from Thomas Goulding’s review of “Shattered,” including this gem: “When Hillary was diagnosed with pneumonia by her doctor, the closest adviser to her, Huma Abedin, kept this information guarded, with most of the rest of her team in the dark about a significant change in the candidate’s health.
“As a result no one stopped Hillary from intense debate preparation and then attendance of a Sept. 11 memorial service, which made Clinton stagger and faint on the way to her car, giving (Republican nominee Donald) Trump political meat to question her fitness for office. The campaign team misled the press in their initial response because Abedin hadn’t properly briefed their spokespeople, and not for the first time.
“Like with the Clinton campaign’s first response to the e-mail scandal, this only further cemented the impression of the Clintonworld misleading the public and hiding the truth,” Goulding concluded.
Huma Abedin was a problem from the start, but the silver lining for America is that she helped drive the final nails into the coffin of Clinton’s already doomed campaign.
Breaking: FBI’s Comey Sacked After Letting Hillary Walk
President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey, and the real reason why was laid out in a memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
“The president has accepted the recommendation of the attorney general and the deputy attorney general regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer told CNN Tuesday afternoon.
Trump told Comey that he considered him no longer “able to effectively lead the bureau” in a letter terminating him.
“It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission,” the president wrote. “I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.”
“It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission,” the president wrote. “I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.”
Rosenstein took Comey to task in the memo for concluding that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should not have been prosecuted for maintaining an unsecure email server in her home, through which classified material had been sent and received, and for publicly announcing his opinion.
“It is not the function of the director to make such an announcement,” Rosenstein wrote in the memo. “At most, the director should have said the FBI had completed its investigation and presented its findings to the attorney general.”
The deputy attorney general also argued that Comey’s release of “derogatory information” about Clinton — whom Comey called “extremely careless” with regard to how she handled classified information in the now-famous news conference in which he made that announcement — was improper.
“It is a textbook example of what federal prosecutors and agents are taught not to do,” he wrote.
You can read the first page of that memo here:
“Given the recent controversies surrounding the director, I believe a fresh start will serve the FBI and the nation well,” Graham said in a statement released to CNN. “I encourage the president to select the most qualified professional available who will serve our nation’s interests.”
Comey has also been blamed — along with Russian boogeymen — for Hillary Clinton’s loss in last year’s presidential election, which ought to leave some Democrats stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do they defend the man they claim helped cost Clinton the election, or do they support a move made by a president they despise?
I’m willing to bet they go with the former, but only time will tell.
G’ day…Ciao…….
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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