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Helen & Moe Lauzier’s
Issues of the Day
Write us at: mvl270@yahoo.com
Mon. May 1, 2017
Universities have set stage for violence to continue
Violent gangs of left-wing radicals known as “antifa” have been attacking Christians or conservatives whom they consider “racist” or “fascist.”
But, now, some conservatives are organizing in self-defense, and the war is erupting in the streets.
The focal point is Berkeley, California, home of the free speech movement and now the site of repeated battles between antifa and conservatives. A lawsuit was filed against the University of Berkeley to force the school to allow author and conservative columnist Ann Coulter to speak.
It came only weeks after the “Battle of Berkeley” in which a “free speech rally” featuring Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone and other conservative and libertarian speakers was disrupted by antifa. However, conservatives wearing helmets and protective gear routed the left-wingers in a street battle, prompting organizers to declare victory.
But it seems likely antifa will not accept defeat, as anarchists are now discussing in online forums the need for combat training and the acquisition of firearms.
One of the more prominent organizations inspiring them is the John Brown Gun Club, a left-wing group that staged an armed counter-protest of a pro-Trump rally in Arizona in March.
Meanwhile, conservatives are also organizing. One of the most prominent right-wing street fighters is Kyle Chapman, known on the Internet as “Based Stick Man,” after video of him hitting an antifa over the head with a stick at a March 4 pro-Trump rally went viral.
In the aftermath of the latest “Battle of Berkeley,” Chapman announced he was joining forces with conservative commentator Gavin McGinnes’s “Western chauvinist” fraternal organization, the “Proud Boys.” The group was heavily involved in protecting speakers at the “free speech rally” and has sworn to guard Coulter during her upcoming appearance at Berkeley.
The battles between left and right first heated up after libertarian activist Milo Yiannopoulos had his February speech at the University of Berkeley shut down because of violent protests by antifa. Though Yiannopoulos was later disgraced by the airing of a video in which the openly homosexual activist discussed pederasty, the episode infuriated conservatives and libertarians and its importance for free speech surpassed any connection with Yiannopoulos himself.
Scott Greer, author of “No Campus For White Men,” says there has been a real shift in the mentality of many on the American right since then.
“I think the Berkeley riots in February spurred the right to commit to self-defense against black-masked thugs,” he told WND. “Fighting against antifa is not an act of aggression, but one of self-defense in the eyes of most conservatives.”
Matthew Vadum, senior vice president of the Capital Research Center and the author of “Subversion, Inc.,” argues conservatives are simply reacting to years of violence.
“I think conservatives are becoming painfully aware that these ‘antifa’ people want to hit them with baseball bats and knock out their teeth,” he said. “They don’t want to debate. They want to rumble in the streets. This is about a show of force. More conservatives are going to pro-Trump rallies prepared to defend themselves. They are doing this because they can see that the antifa present a clear and present danger.”
Greer claims college campuses are at the center of many of these struggles because the radically anti-conservative and anti-white environment is a welcoming climate for even the most extreme left-wing organizer.
“It provides a safe space for these agitators,” he said. “Most students won’t join in the violence. However, they will give it a moral justification and see it as righteous. These antifa are primarily non-students, yet they know the students support them.”
A further skirmish also developed on the East Coast over the weekend between antifa and their opponents. Rebel Media’s Jack Posobiec was assaulted while reporting on an “Anti-fascist bloc party.”
Among those spotted at the event was Luke Kuhn, one of the left-wing activists who was sentenced to community service for plotting a butyric acid attack against the pro-Trump “Deploraball” at the president’s inauguration.
In an interview with WND, Posobiec said such tactics are typical of how the left has always operated.
“The left always uses violence, from Josef Stalin to Mao Zedong to Pol Pot, the left has always committed violence to achieve its ends,” he said. “Antifa has conducted their reign of terror throughout the 2016 election, at the Deploraball, Trump’s inauguration, and now at Berkeley. Law-abiding patriots who support the First Amendment are fed up.”
Posobiec also blasted the media for constantly describing antifa as simply “Trump protesters” rather than as extreme leftists.
Yet Greer suggested the media know exactly what antifa activists believe and eagerly try to promote their far-left message.
“The media sees them as fighting against hate and oppression,” he said. “They want to promote them as scrappy rebels punching and shutting down their enemies. The media has no problem excusing violence if it’s done on behalf of the right cause. But now, both antifa and the leftist media are actually seeing resistance.”
Political correctness is just the beginning. The situation on college campuses is worse than you could ever imagine – and America’s future is at stake. Don’t miss the political blockbuster of 2017 – “No Campus For White Men” by Scott Greer.
Political correctness is just the beginning. The situation on college campuses is worse than you could ever imagine – and America’s future is at stake. Don’t miss the political blockbuster of 2017 – “No Campus For White Men” by Scott Greer.
Trump Says Wall To Be Built During 1st Term
President Donald Trump claimed during a meeting with reporters Tuesday that his proposed border wall will eventually be built, one way or another.
“The wall is gonna get built, folks,” Trump declared. “We’re gonna have the wall built.”
But when asked when exactly construction on the wall would commence, the president replied, “Soon … we have plenty of time.”
The announcement of this new timeline came only a day after the president backed away from plans to demand that Congress include a down payment for his proposed border wall in its upcoming budget, which many suspected would have led to a government shutdown.
As noted by Newsmax, in what appeared to be a demonstration of the very sort of pitiful timidity he promised to combat during last year’s election, Trump told a gathering of conservative media reporters Monday evening “that he would be willing to return to the wall funding issue in September.”
Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway reiterated that sentiment while speaking on “Fox & Friends” the following morning.
“Building that wall and having it funded remains an important priority for him, but we also know that can happen later this year and into next year,” she said. “In the interim, you see other smart technology and other resources and tools being used toward border security.”
I’m sorry, but that’s entirely unacceptable.
Not only does this fecklessness stand “in stark contrast to (former President Barack) Obama and the Democrats’ refusal to negotiate on Obamacare fixes, which ultimately led to a government shutdown in 2013,” as noted by LifeZette, but it also appeared to show Trump to be something of a coward.
Writing for Conservative Review, Daniel Horowitz explained why.
“(W)ith control of all three branches and a president who sold himself in the primaries as the antithesis of weak-kneed Republicans who don’t know the first thing about tough negotiations, we are in the exact same position” as we have been countless times in the past.
Every time the Democrats ever threatened to shut down the government over spending disagreements, Republicans capitulated, claiming that without control of the White House, the House and the Senate, they had no other option. Yet now that Republicans have control of all three, the very man who promised to “drain the swamp” and stand up to Democrat obstructionism and bullying has himself capitulated like an unarmed soldier trapped in enemy territory.
Except that the president is armed to the teeth with a level of power not seen in decades. There is nothing stopping him from fulfilling his promises except for the Democrat bogeymen in his head.
Here’s a thought: He ought to be far more afraid of what will happen to his base’s support if he fail to meet his campaign promises than of what might happen if he stands up to the Democrats.
“The wall is gonna get built, folks,” Trump declared. “We’re gonna have the wall built.”
But when asked when exactly construction on the wall would commence, the president replied, “Soon … we have plenty of time.”
The announcement of this new timeline came only a day after the president backed away from plans to demand that Congress include a down payment for his proposed border wall in its upcoming budget, which many suspected would have led to a government shutdown.
As noted by Newsmax, in what appeared to be a demonstration of the very sort of pitiful timidity he promised to combat during last year’s election, Trump told a gathering of conservative media reporters Monday evening “that he would be willing to return to the wall funding issue in September.”
Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway reiterated that sentiment while speaking on “Fox & Friends” the following morning.
“Building that wall and having it funded remains an important priority for him, but we also know that can happen later this year and into next year,” she said. “In the interim, you see other smart technology and other resources and tools being used toward border security.”
I’m sorry, but that’s entirely unacceptable.
Not only does this fecklessness stand “in stark contrast to (former President Barack) Obama and the Democrats’ refusal to negotiate on Obamacare fixes, which ultimately led to a government shutdown in 2013,” as noted by LifeZette, but it also appeared to show Trump to be something of a coward.
Writing for Conservative Review, Daniel Horowitz explained why.
“(W)ith control of all three branches and a president who sold himself in the primaries as the antithesis of weak-kneed Republicans who don’t know the first thing about tough negotiations, we are in the exact same position” as we have been countless times in the past.
Every time the Democrats ever threatened to shut down the government over spending disagreements, Republicans capitulated, claiming that without control of the White House, the House and the Senate, they had no other option. Yet now that Republicans have control of all three, the very man who promised to “drain the swamp” and stand up to Democrat obstructionism and bullying has himself capitulated like an unarmed soldier trapped in enemy territory.
Except that the president is armed to the teeth with a level of power not seen in decades. There is nothing stopping him from fulfilling his promises except for the Democrat bogeymen in his head.
Here’s a thought: He ought to be far more afraid of what will happen to his base’s support if he fail to meet his campaign promises than of what might happen if he stands up to the Democrats.
Democrat Headlines Nudist Show… With Daughter!
With daughter and fully clothed...
There is a special election fast approaching in Montana to fill the vacated seat of former Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke — who is now interior secretary in the Trump administration — and Democrats have thrown considerable support behind the candidacy of left-leaning populist Rob Quist.
According to Quist’s campaign website, he is just a regular, guitar-playing, “independent” Montanan thoroughly committed to upholding “Montana values” in Washington, D.C., and who could argue with that?
However, a recent revelation by the Washington Free Beacon called into question just what sort of “values” Quist was actually committed to, given that he has been a regular guest performer at a “premier” nudist colony and resort in neighboring Idaho known as Sun Meadow Resort.
Sun Meadows promotes itself as a “family friendly” nudist resort that is appropriate for children.
Quist is featured prominently on the resort’s website, along with his daughter Halladay, who has also been a frequent performer for the nudists, according to the report. The duo are pictured wearing clothes on the website, and it was unclear whether they have previously performed clothed or otherwise.
The Free Beacon discovered that Quist has been a featured performer in several festivals at the resort dating back to at least 2009 and began performing alongside his daughter in 2011.
Neither Quist’s campaign nor the Sun Meadow Resort responded to questions from the Free Beacon regarding the extent of Quist’s involvement with the nudists.
Exploring and enjoying nudity with family members, particularly father and daughter, doesn’t exactly sit well with the vast majority of Americans, who largely view such things as perverse and intrinsically counter to the Judeo-Christian values most Americans still hold.
Not being Montanans, it would be difficult for us to presume to speak for them with any certainty, but we nevertheless feel confident stating that most Montanans probably don’t consider hanging out at nudist resorts with family members to be a top “value” they want their representative in Congress to be upholding in D.C.
Could Trump Release Treasure Trove of JFK Assassination Docs? Only Months to Decide!
By Andrew West
Donald Trump is certainly an unconventional President, but one decision that the Commander in Chief must make in the coming months could be his most unique yet.
In terms of governmental conspiracies, there is one event that reins supreme: The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963.
In reality, an enormous percentage of the nation’s distrust of our government can be traced back to this extraordinarily complex event. Was the Cuban mafia involved? Was one man really responsible for the “magic bullet”? Where are the other witnesses who were seen videotaping and photographing the scene? These questions have nagged a great many historical scholars from all around the world in the ensuing 53 years, and the U.S. government hasn’t done much to quench their thirst for answers.
There is a treasure trove of classified documents regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy that have never seen the light of day, thanks to a court order…a court order that is set to expire within a few scant months without Presidential renewal. That’s where Donald J. Trump could blow open the entire story.
“The nation’s conspiracy-theorist-in-chief is facing a momentous decision. Will President Donald Trump allow the public to see a trove of thousands of long-secret government files about the event that, more than any other in modern American history, has fueled conspiracy theories – the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy?
“The answer must come within months. And, according to a new timeline offered by the National Archives, it could come within weeks.
“Under the deadline set by a 1992 law, Trump has six months left to decide whether he will block the release of an estimated 3,600 files related to the assassination that are still under seal at the Archives. From what is known of the JFK documents, most come from the CIA and FBI, and a number may help resolve lingering questions about whether those agencies missed evidence of a conspiracy in Kennedy’s death. As with every earlier release of JFK assassination documents in the 53 years since shots rang out in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, it is virtually certain that some of the files will be seized on to support popular conspiracy theories about Kennedy’s murder; other documents are likely to undermine them.
“Martha W. Murphy, the Archives official who oversees the records, said in an interview last month that a team of researchers with high-level security clearances is at work to prepare the JFK files for release and hopes to begin unsealing them in batches much earlier than October – possibly as early as summer.
“Beyond releasing the 3,600 never-before-seen JFK files, the Archives is reviewing another 35,000 assassination-related documents, previously released in part, so they can be unsealed in full. Short of an order from the president, Murphy said, the Archives is committed to making everything public this year: ‘There’s very little decision-making for us.’”
The release of these documents would certainly be the catalyst for an unprecedented feeding frenzy at the National Archives, and will send conspiracy theorists over the moon with joy. The reality of what is entailed in these long-sealed files could very well rewrite American history as we know it, and all that is standing in our way now is President Trump.
(Faux Pocahontas) Elizabeth Warren Takes Her Deplorable Rhetoric To Disgusting New Low
By Andrew West
In this modern society filled with hateful liberals and their New Fascist cronies, it was really only a matter of time before one of their own in government turned monstrous.
The left has been busy in the wake of the Trump presidency, and previously, the Trump candidacy, doing everything in their power to violently assault the entire conservative population of the United States. There have been legitimate riots in the streets of California, fence jumpers and intruders at the White House, and more than a few threats of bodily harm aimed at America’s right wing in recent months.
Now, one feisty leftist icon is heading down that same path with a bold and despicable statement regarding their true feelings about American republicans.
“Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) joked last week that she hoped Republicans donated their bodies to science so she could ‘cut them open’ when they died.
“‘I hope they leave their bodies to science. I would like to cut them open,’ Warren said during an event in Chicago on Saturday.
“Warren was discussing the Republican effort to repeal Obamacare and seemed to suggest their position on healthcare was unfathomable.
“‘God, what planet do they live on?’ Warren asked, before sharing her wish to cut open their bodies.”
Warren’s crass and unfunny attempt at a joke is merely a symptom of the larger liberal sickness at play, as this type of deplorable vitriol has permeated what was once a softer and milder political party. Now, with Donald Trump steamrolling the overreaching government and hyper-political correctness of Washington D.C. that the democrats have grown so fond of, many like Warren are lashing out distastefully to their constituents.
Aside from the unfortunate fact that we have to endure hearing these bratty and childish threats week in and week out, words like Warren’s are also emboldening the liberal base in America, spurring on the New Fascist movement that we’ve witnessed create anarchy in Berkeley, California and other locales. It’s a true danger to the balance of American society, should the left be allowed to continue their blatant hate speech and segregationist ways with no repercussions.
A More Conservative Alternative To Fox News Is In The Works
Stephen Lovekin/WireImage for Twentieth Television
According to a source close with the negotiations, "conservative fat cats" are talking very seriously about launching a rival to Fox News Network. The reports come amid continued internal turmoil within the solitary mainstream right-leaning news network, turmoil largely caused by external scrutiny over sexual harassment allegations directed at two high-profile figures and what appears to be a power shift at the top.
Rumors about a new conservative network really revved up on Friday when Mediaite's Rachel Stockman reported that a "well-placed source close to the proposal" told the outlet that "serious discussions are underway to create an alternative conservative cable network on the belief that the Fox News Network is moving too far to the left."
The source, who is engaged in the talks, says a meeting is planned for today with two prominent high-powered television executives, some underperforming conservative networks and people who have an interest and the ability to fund a new network.
So who exactly are the "two prominent high-powered television executives"? That's not yet clear, but Roger Ailes, the former CEO and chairman of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network who resigned in July 2016 amid sexual harassment allegations, was reportedly one of the key figures present at the meeting on Friday.
An unnamed television executive told Mediaite that he/she is personally working "hot and heavy" on the new, more conservative channel, which could be launched in the next 10 to 12 months. "It's live, it's real," the executive said.
Stockman offers a few ideas about the possible talent that might be tapped by a new network, including the recently fired O'Reilly, The Blaze's indefinitely suspended Tomi Lahren, and, perhaps, Sean Hannity, who openly expressed his concerns over reports that long-time Fox veteran and current co-president of FNC and FBN Bill Shine is being forced out by James and Lachlan Murdoch. Mediaite also vaguely references various current executives within Fox News (presumably Bill Shine among them), who "might be lured by the new opportunity."
"The exact 'who' won’t be clear until the deal is more defined but the source says the pitch is that the network could immediately reach at least 85 million homes," writes Stockman.
The increasing influence of Rupert Murdoch's sons appears to be the driving force behind the purge of the "old guard" and the apparent leftward movement of the network, as the New York Times and New York Magazine's Gabe Sherman have suggested. And, as Axios notes, Fox News moving more to the center would not diminish the strong demand for conservative content that fueled its rise:
Audience demand doesn't shift from business-side pressures. We're watching Sinclair Broadcasting Group take strategic steps to fill that void at the local level, but if Fox goes more mainstream at the national level, there will almost certainly be a market opening for a new right-wing channel to gain some steam, at least before the cable business bubble bursts.
Stockman agrees, noting "analysts estimate that Fox News produced 25 percent of 21st Century Fox’s operating income last year or a whopping $6.6 billion." In other words, conservative news done well can be a "cash cow."
Rumors about a new conservative network really revved up on Friday when Mediaite's Rachel Stockman reported that a "well-placed source close to the proposal" told the outlet that "serious discussions are underway to create an alternative conservative cable network on the belief that the Fox News Network is moving too far to the left."
The source, who is engaged in the talks, says a meeting is planned for today with two prominent high-powered television executives, some underperforming conservative networks and people who have an interest and the ability to fund a new network.
So who exactly are the "two prominent high-powered television executives"? That's not yet clear, but Roger Ailes, the former CEO and chairman of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network who resigned in July 2016 amid sexual harassment allegations, was reportedly one of the key figures present at the meeting on Friday.
An unnamed television executive told Mediaite that he/she is personally working "hot and heavy" on the new, more conservative channel, which could be launched in the next 10 to 12 months. "It's live, it's real," the executive said.
Stockman offers a few ideas about the possible talent that might be tapped by a new network, including the recently fired O'Reilly, The Blaze's indefinitely suspended Tomi Lahren, and, perhaps, Sean Hannity, who openly expressed his concerns over reports that long-time Fox veteran and current co-president of FNC and FBN Bill Shine is being forced out by James and Lachlan Murdoch. Mediaite also vaguely references various current executives within Fox News (presumably Bill Shine among them), who "might be lured by the new opportunity."
"The exact 'who' won’t be clear until the deal is more defined but the source says the pitch is that the network could immediately reach at least 85 million homes," writes Stockman.
The increasing influence of Rupert Murdoch's sons appears to be the driving force behind the purge of the "old guard" and the apparent leftward movement of the network, as the New York Times and New York Magazine's Gabe Sherman have suggested. And, as Axios notes, Fox News moving more to the center would not diminish the strong demand for conservative content that fueled its rise:
Audience demand doesn't shift from business-side pressures. We're watching Sinclair Broadcasting Group take strategic steps to fill that void at the local level, but if Fox goes more mainstream at the national level, there will almost certainly be a market opening for a new right-wing channel to gain some steam, at least before the cable business bubble bursts.
Stockman agrees, noting "analysts estimate that Fox News produced 25 percent of 21st Century Fox’s operating income last year or a whopping $6.6 billion." In other words, conservative news done well can be a "cash cow."
Democrats Reel from DNC Chair’s Announcement That Party Will Exclude Pro-Life Candidates
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez’s announcement that pro-lifers are not welcome in his party has planted the seeds of rebellion among some Democrats and sharpened the view that the party is now primarily defined by its embrace of abortion on demand.
“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said, as the HuffPost reported. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”
Perez’s comments came after the DNC decided to support Heath Mello in the Omaha, Nebraska, mayoral race. Mello, it was discovered, had previously voted in the state legislature consistent with his personal pro-life views:
The @DNC decision to embrace a candidate who would strip us of our basic rights isn't just disappointing, it's politically stupid. @ilyseh:
Abortion lobbying group NARAL Pro-Choice America immediately slammed the DNC for its embrace of Mello.
“The actions today by the DNC to embrace and support a candidate for office who will strip women — one of the most critical constituencies for the party — of our basic rights and freedom is not only disappointing, it is politically stupid,” fumed NARAL’s president, Ilyse Hogue.
Perez responded to the scathing bashing with the compliant statement that he “fundamentally disagree[s] with Heath Mello’s personal beliefs about women’s reproductive health,” adding that “every candidate who runs as a Democrat should do the same.”
Democrats’ decision to dig their hole even deeper regarding commitment to abortion on demand has many wondering how the party will survive since suffering significant unexpected losses in the 2016 elections.
According to the Atlantic, Democrats are now “newly divided … as they attempt to decide who they will welcome, and who they will exclude, amid soul searching over how the party should rebuild after its 2016 loss.”
The party has attempted to portray itself as built upon morally upright virtues – such as diversity and inclusiveness – yet Perez’s statement clearly demands the opposite.
“Diversity is what makes our party great,” Texas Democrat Rep. Henry Cuellar told CNSNews.com, in response to Perez’s statement that support of abortion is “not negotiable.”
“I am proud to be in the Democratic party,” Cuellar added. “We are a big tent, united by many of my core values, like quality public education and affordable health care for all. Sometimes, we can have different ideas about how best to reflect those values in the law, so litmus tests on any one issue just won’t work.”
High-level Democrats attempted to soften Perez’s exclusionary message.
“I couldn’t disagree more with what Tom Perez said, I think it’s not correct that our party should have litmus tests about who wants to join our party,” pro-abortion rights Sen. Claire McCaskill (MO) said in response to the DNC chair’s announcement, as reported by the Atlantic. “We may disagree on various issues, and I just don’t think we should say ever anyone is not welcome in our party based on one of those issues.”
“What Mr. Perez said makes no sense to me,” objected Sen. Joe Donnelly (IN), who identifies personally as pro-life. “This is a deeply personal issue, and we should be about respecting one another.”
“I don’t know why we would want to start walking away from folks, like myself, who have a personal conviction on the pro-life issue,” Donnelly added. “We ought to be able to include everyone, as opposed to saying ‘no, we don’t want these folks, even though they fight with us on jobs, even though they fight with us for economic rights, even though they fight with us on healthcare.’ It just seems to me to be very, very short-sighted.”
“Pro-life Democrats need to be welcomed into our party,” said Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb, a Bernie Sanders supporter. “Tom Perez put every Democrat who is leading our party at the nationwide and statewide level in a very difficult position.”
Writing at the left-leaning Jesuit magazine America, Robert David Sullivan observed, “Abortion is proving that the Democratic Party can outdo Republicans in self-destruction.”
The author continued:
Abortion is now the single issue defining the Democrats, and Ilyse Hogue, the president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, is the de facto head of the party. This gives the Republicans a major advantage in holding off electoral losses if the Trump administration continues to founder.
The decision by Democrats to make abortion on demand its highest level priority, however, is at odds with recent data.
A Marist/Knights of Columbus poll released in January finds that 83 percent of Americans oppose the use of tax dollars to support abortion in other countries, with 61 percent also opposed to funding abortions in the United States with taxpayer dollars. These results include 87 percent of Donald Trump supporters and 39 percent of Hillary Clinton supporters.
Additionally, the poll showed 55 percent of Clinton supporters and 91 percent of Trump supporters approved limiting abortion to – at most – the first trimester or pregnancy.
“There is a consensus in America in favor of significant abortion restrictions, and this common ground exists across party lines, and even among significant numbers of those who are pro-choice,” said Knights of Columbus leader Carl Anderson. “This poll shows that large percentages of Americans, on both sides of the aisle, are united in their opposition to the status quo as it relates to abortion on demand. This is heartening and can help start a new national conversation on abortion.”
“The majority of Americans in favor of abortion restrictions has been consistently around 8 in 10 for the better part of a decade.” Barbara Carvalho, director of the Marist Poll, also observed, “Though self-identification as pro-life or pro-choice can vary substantially from year to year, the support for restrictions is quite stable.”
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who heads the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCB) pro-life committee, said Perez’s declaration of support only for pro-abortion candidates is “very disturbing.”
“The Democratic Party platform already endorses abortion throughout the nine months of pregnancy, even forcing taxpayers to fund it, and now the DNC says that to be a Democrat—indeed to be an American—requires supporting that extreme agenda,” Dolan continued, adding:
True solidarity with pregnant women and their children transcends all party lines. Abortion doesn’t empower women. Indeed, women deserve better than abortion.
In the name of diversity and inclusion, pro-life and pro-“choice” Democrats, alike, should challenge their leadership to recant this intolerant position.
However, with the now deeply entrenched co-dependent political relationship between the Democrat Party and the abortion industry, there may be little chance for the party to open its tent to include more pro-life candidates in the near future.
“The Democratic Party has to look in the mirror and say, where did we go wrong? What do we need to do to start winning again?” said Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America. “This is one of those issues where the party could expand its coalition. I do have some optimism. The fact that we’re having this discussion at all is important, and potentially an opportunity to create space for pro-life Democrats within the party, but so far it doesn’t seem like that’s the direction the party will take.”
Milwaukee Co. Sheriff Clarke Rumored To Be In Line For Homeland Security Post
"... not a done deal yet."By
Henry Kronk
President Donald Trump has a new potential federal appointee, and it’s not someone the Democrats are going to like.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke may be Trump’s pick for a position within the Department of Homeland Security according to a Politico report.
Clarke has been a longtime supporter of Trump. He spoke at the Republican National Convention last summer and met with the president at Trump Tower in November.
According to a senior administration official, Clarke is being considered for the role of assistant DHS secretary, but it is “not a done deal yet.”
The role does not require Senate confirmation.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke may be Trump’s pick for a position within the Department of Homeland Security according to a Politico report.
Clarke has been a longtime supporter of Trump. He spoke at the Republican National Convention last summer and met with the president at Trump Tower in November.
According to a senior administration official, Clarke is being considered for the role of assistant DHS secretary, but it is “not a done deal yet.”
The role does not require Senate confirmation.
Clarke has come under fire recently due to his department’s involvement in the 2016 death of Terrill Thomas, an inmate at the Milwaukee County Jail.
Thomas died from dehydration after prison guards shut off the water in his cell seven days before he was found dead.
Clarke did not respond to questions about Thomas’ death but criticized the media for failing to report the inmate’s poor health and the crimes he committed that landed him in jail.
A former inmate has also filed a lawsuit against the same jail in which Thomas died for refusing to grant her help as she went into labor.
The inmate claims the correctional facility is responsible for the death of her baby.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has said that he won’t fire Clarke for his department’s actions.
Clarke, an African-American who runs as a Democrat in the heavily Democratic county, has a staunch law-and-order philosophy, is a controversial figure.
He has publicly voiced his opinion that the Black Lives Matter movement led to the murder of police officers.
He has also blamed riots in Milwaukee last year on “the questionable lifestyle choices” of the city’s residents.
Thomas died from dehydration after prison guards shut off the water in his cell seven days before he was found dead.
Clarke did not respond to questions about Thomas’ death but criticized the media for failing to report the inmate’s poor health and the crimes he committed that landed him in jail.
A former inmate has also filed a lawsuit against the same jail in which Thomas died for refusing to grant her help as she went into labor.
The inmate claims the correctional facility is responsible for the death of her baby.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has said that he won’t fire Clarke for his department’s actions.
Clarke, an African-American who runs as a Democrat in the heavily Democratic county, has a staunch law-and-order philosophy, is a controversial figure.
He has publicly voiced his opinion that the Black Lives Matter movement led to the murder of police officers.
He has also blamed riots in Milwaukee last year on “the questionable lifestyle choices” of the city’s residents.
Could Laura Ingraham Trump the Senate?
***Want Laura Ingraham to Trump the Senate & Defeat Tim Kaine? Click here to sign the official 'Draft Laura Ingraham' Petition***
Townhall reports that conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham is considering a challenge to Hillary' VP candidate Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA):
Last week, I was invited to attend the 2017 Texas Energy Museum “Blowout,” where Laura Ingraham was the featured speaker. She told us that she is considering a run for the U.S. Senate from the state of Virginia next year, running against Democrat Tim Kaine, who was Hillary
Clinton’s running mate in 2016.
This would be HUGE. Currently no credible challengers to Kaine have announced a bid.
If Laura Ingraham were to run her nationwide following would surely be a fundraising machine. It's going to take a candidate with grassroots enthusiasm and first class financial support to knock off Kaine. Ingraham could provide both.
The talk radio icon's known as a stalwart conservative and immigration hawk and would be a welcomed ally of the Trump administration.
Clinton’s running mate in 2016.
This would be HUGE. Currently no credible challengers to Kaine have announced a bid.
If Laura Ingraham were to run her nationwide following would surely be a fundraising machine. It's going to take a candidate with grassroots enthusiasm and first class financial support to knock off Kaine. Ingraham could provide both.
The talk radio icon's known as a stalwart conservative and immigration hawk and would be a welcomed ally of the Trump administration.
***Want Laura Ingraham to Trump the Senate & Defeat Tim Kaine? Click here to sign the official 'Draft Laura Ingraham' Petition***
A victory for children! My amendment 701 to allow childcare providers access to level 1 sex offender information was passed in the House. Sex offenders classified as level 1 have committed almost every crime that level 2 and 3 offenders have committed including rape of child with force, rape and abuse of a child, and dissemination of child porn. A records request in 2013 revealed that 1,737 level 1 sex offenders had committed their crimes against child. That was 65% of all Level 1 offenders in the state! Childcare providers have always been denied access to that information, but now they will be able to request it.
Thank you to Geoff Diehl, Marc Lombardo, Hannah Elizabeth Kane, David DeCoste, Colleen Garry, and Jose Tosado for co-sponsoring.
From the Conservative Action Project…
“Any budget is a series of compromises, between what is ideal and what is achievable. Conservatives know that Rome wasn’t built - or burned - in a day. Nevertheless, the Conservative Movement rightly expected the Trump administration to start any budget negotiations closer to the ideal than any administration has been able to for decades.
“And that is what it has done. The proposed budget is a major step in the right direction…(T)he budget completely eliminates the following agencies:
African Development Foundation
Appalachian Regional Commission
Chemical Safety Board
Corporation for National and Community Service
Delta Regional Authority
Denali Commission
Inter-American Foundation
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
Legal Services Corporation
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Northern Border Regional Commission
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
U.S. Institute of Peace
U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
“The conservative joke going around Washington these days is, “What do you call the elimination of 19 federal agencies?” You guessed it: ‘A beginning.’ This is a budget conservatives are happy to support enthusiastically.”
What they said!
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Don’t you love how liberals who hated former President Ronald Reagan and took every opportunity to mock and trash him both in and out of office, now complain that President Donald Trump isn’t like Reagan. What hypocrites!
And did you catch how washed-up/has-been “reporter” Bob Woodward felt it necessary at the White House Fake Correspondents Dinner to declare, “Mr. President, the media is not fake news.”
To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher: “If you have to tell people you’re real news, you’re not.”
Trump Tweets Thanks to Fox's Lou Dobbs for 'Perfect' Remark on Presidency
President Donald Trump issued a Tweet on Friday thanking Fox Business News host Lou Dobbs for calling his performance as president "pretty close to perfect," The Hill reported.
“LouDobbs just stated that ‘President Trump's successes are unmatched in recent presidential history’ Thank you Lou!,” Trump tweeted.
Dobbs made the comment Thursday while speaking on "Hannity" with Fox News host Sean Hannity. "Well, he's pretty close to perfect, Sean," Dobbs said. "He's worked his tail off. Still is. Meanwhile, taking care of national defense, national security and all the challenges that aren't on the Trump agenda. I mean, it's truly remarkable what he's doing and the credit he's not receiving for what he's done."
Trump's approval ratings since taking office have remained low, with CNN on Thursday reporting a 44 percent job approval. However, ABC a week ago reported that 96 percent of supporters who backed him in November said they were still behind the president.
G’ day…Ciao……. Helen & Moe Lauzier
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