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Helen & Moe Lauzier’s
Issues of the Day
Write us at: mvl270@yahoo.com
Thurs. April 27, 2017
Just watched the tax press conference. Very hopeful, stay tuned.
Helen tells me ‘Issues of the Day’ is for the birds. Here’s the proof...
I think we picked some groovy birds…
In author George Orwell’s literary classic “1984,” the government’s Ministry of Truth was devoted to rewriting history to comport with Big Brother’s political agenda.
Such historical revisionism via government propaganda is the sort of thing the Soviet Union’s Pravda newspaper became famous for during the Cold War (won by Ronald Reagan!).
Alas, radicalized liberals and shameless race-hustlers are now in overdrive with their own efforts to rewrite U.S. history and whitewash from society any mentions or reminders of the Confederacy.
At first it was just the Stars-and-Bars Confederate flag they wanted removed from government grounds in southern states. But that movement has now extended to re-naming schools, streets and other public memorials to historical figures involved with the south’s resistance to the north’s War of Aggression.
For example, last summer the Houston public school district spent $1.2 million in taxpayer dollars to rename six schools that had been named after Confederate leaders – including the cost to replace athletic and band uniforms.
And in Connecticut the Democrat Party actually went so far as to rename its annual fundraising dinner to eliminate references to former president Thomas Jefferson because of his ownership of slaves – despite the fact that Jefferson also wrote our Declaration of Independence!
This radicalized hatred even extends to George Washington, father of the greatest country on the face of the planet. East Coast goofballs in Washington, DC want to rename the city “New Columbia” and West Coast goofballs want to change the name of the state to “Olympus.”
Now get this…
On Monday night, “under cover of darkness by workers in masks and bulletproof vests,” the New Orleans government’s own “Ministry of Truth” secretly and clandestinely removed the 35-foot granite Liberty Place monument, which “was taken away on a truck in pieces before daybreak.”
Hooded masks? Cover of darkness? Anyone else catch the irony?
“In the coming days,” the Associated Press reports, “the city will also remove statues of Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard and Confederate President Jefferson Davis.”
This stuff is absolutely insane. You can’t erase history by simply pretending it never happened and removing all references to it. And you don’t have to be a supporter of slavery to plainly see this War on History is just plain wrong.
In fact, a conservative Republican candidate in South Carolina vying to fill the 5th Congressional District seat of former Rep. Mick Mulvaney - who is now President Donald Trump’s head of the Office of Management and Budget - is gaining national attention (and donations!) for her fight against these historical (hysterical) revisionists in the special election to be held on May 2.
She even has a TV commercial out on this very subject. Click here to see it and read more about Sheri Few.
Enough is enough. When it comes to this War on History, it’s time for all Americans – north, south, east, west, black, white, red, orange, yellow, indigo and violet – to tell Big Brother, the PC Police and the Ministry of Truth to cram it in their pie holes.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Radicalized liberals have adopted the slogan “Resist” to promote the idea that anything goes – ANYTHING, including violence – to bring down the Trump presidency and everything he’s trying to do to make America great again.
Our team might want to consider countering with “Persist.” Don’t let the bastards win.
One of Trump's Biggest Critics Gives Him A Shocking Rating
Breitbart by: Sean Moran
Congressman Mark Meadows, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, spoke with Breitbart News about his thoughts on President Trump’s first 100 days in office.
Meadows commended the actions of President Trump, grading him an A. He explained, “I think he’s accomplished a lot more than what people in the media allege, and coming from my district, a lot of North Carolina people cheer him for doing what he said what he would do. He’s accomplishing a lot, and he’s not afraid to make mistakes. If I were to give him a rating on his first 100 days, I would give him an A, and that’s even counting a new Supreme Court Justice. He’s signed a number of Congressional Review Acts that would undo significant regulatory schemes. He’s set a historical level of being able to repeal actual rules that affects jobs, especially for those in farming and mining; it’s actual progress. And that’s only the first 100 days. Most Americans believe that it will only get better day after day.”
He went on to say, “He’s put America first and has a strong national security emphasis where most Americans will jump up and say it’s about time. They’re tired of losing their jobs overseas, and they’re tired of being politically correct and accepting refugees, where at times those refugees have the potential of creating real harm in our communities. He’s been bold. And he’s been lauded by millions of Americans who cheer that there’s a man in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who remembers about the forgotten man. And indeed he’s done that.”
Meadows told Breitbart News that President Trump has a work ethic beyond any measure: “I think for a president that came from a non-political background, he quickly learned how Congress works. I think there’s been a learning curve for the president. Here’s a personal story: I don’t know if I have ever been as impressed with a CEO, or a president, who is getting as involved in negotiating the finer details of national security, health care, the economy, or tax reform, to the extent that he’s been willing to get on the phone at midnight and then the next morning at 6:30 a.m. If the American people understood how engaged this president is, and how engaged he is at making his campaign promises fulfilled, the American people would be nothing short of amazed. He works me to death, and I’m a member of Congress. I cannot imagine how hard he works his staff at the White House.”
Meadows commended the actions of President Trump, grading him an A. He explained, “I think he’s accomplished a lot more than what people in the media allege, and coming from my district, a lot of North Carolina people cheer him for doing what he said what he would do. He’s accomplishing a lot, and he’s not afraid to make mistakes. If I were to give him a rating on his first 100 days, I would give him an A, and that’s even counting a new Supreme Court Justice. He’s signed a number of Congressional Review Acts that would undo significant regulatory schemes. He’s set a historical level of being able to repeal actual rules that affects jobs, especially for those in farming and mining; it’s actual progress. And that’s only the first 100 days. Most Americans believe that it will only get better day after day.”
He went on to say, “He’s put America first and has a strong national security emphasis where most Americans will jump up and say it’s about time. They’re tired of losing their jobs overseas, and they’re tired of being politically correct and accepting refugees, where at times those refugees have the potential of creating real harm in our communities. He’s been bold. And he’s been lauded by millions of Americans who cheer that there’s a man in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who remembers about the forgotten man. And indeed he’s done that.”
Meadows told Breitbart News that President Trump has a work ethic beyond any measure: “I think for a president that came from a non-political background, he quickly learned how Congress works. I think there’s been a learning curve for the president. Here’s a personal story: I don’t know if I have ever been as impressed with a CEO, or a president, who is getting as involved in negotiating the finer details of national security, health care, the economy, or tax reform, to the extent that he’s been willing to get on the phone at midnight and then the next morning at 6:30 a.m. If the American people understood how engaged this president is, and how engaged he is at making his campaign promises fulfilled, the American people would be nothing short of amazed. He works me to death, and I’m a member of Congress. I cannot imagine how hard he works his staff at the White House.”
DNC Chair Calls for Abortion Rights Litmus Test for Democrats
The little tent of the Democratic Party just got smaller, as DNC chairman Tom Perez has called for all Democrats to walk in lockstep with Planned Parenthood on the question of abortion rights, effectively ruling out the possibility of “pro-life Democrats.”
“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said in a statement. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”
“At a time when women’s rights are under assault from the White House, the , and in states across the country,” he added, “we must speak up for this principle as loudly as ever and with one voice.”
Although the Democratic Party’s radically pro-abortion platform was galvanized in 1992, when the Party refused to allow the late Governor Robert P. Casey of Pennsylvania to give a speech against abortion at its National Convention, it has continued to harden into a fundamental pillar of the Party.
Yet in his address Friday, DNC leader Tom Perez became the first chairman of the party to demand absolute ideological purity on abortion rights, promising to only back Democratic candidates who embrace a woman’s right to choose.
The official 2016 platform of the Democratic Party was called “the most pro-abortion platform in history,” and the President of NARAL Pro-Choice America Ilyse Hogue called the 55-page document “far and away the most progressive platform on reproductive health, freedom and justice in the history of the party.”
“If platforms are statements of collective values and a blueprint for candidates to follow once elected, the choice could not be more clear,” said Hogue, an ardent supporter of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
At the time, Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life, registered her outrage at the Party’s exclusiveness on the abortion question.
“This platform’s language just says (to abortion opponents) you are no longer welcome,” Day said.
On Friday, Perez declared that every candidate who runs as a Democrat should stand by abortion rights, “because every woman should be able to make her own health choices. Period.”
Abortion rights advocates applauded Perez’s remarks as an important milestone for the movement on Friday.
“Kudos to Chair Tom Perez and the DNC for recognizing that we are a stronger party when we stand for our core values,” Ilyse Hogue told The Huffington Post.
“Women across the country who are, and have always been, the heart and soul of the Party, are breathing a sigh of relief to know that the DNC has our backs, and we look forward to a day when we don’t have to fight this fight again.”
Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter
Muslim Professor Arrested after Filing False Report of Hate Crimes
By Onan Coca
Apparently the new “in thing” for liberals to do is to file false police reports arguing that they’ve been the victims of “hate crimes.”
The latest example of the lies liberals tell, comes to us from an Indiana State University professor who claimed to be the victim of a campaign of hatred.
Azhar Hussain, 56, was the assistant professor of aviation technology at ISU, but has now lost his job and faces a felony charge of obstruction of justice and a misdemeanor charge of harassment.
Professor Azhar Hussain Arrested After Allegedly Making Up Anti-Muslim Threats and Assault
http://ift.tt/2q1Jhhj …
http://ift.tt/2q1Jhhj …
He’s been suspended from his teaching duties and had previously been informed that the college would not be bringing him back as a professor.
The charges stem from a series of emails that were received on campus containing anti-Muslim messages and threats of potential violence against members of the Muslim community, according to the university.
The first report of the emails occurred on March 8. The messages specifically mentioned Hussain as a target.
On March 24, Hussain reported an assault in the College of Technology in which he said he was attacked from behind as he was entering his office early that morning. He told police he was thrown to the floor.
He said he had not seen his attacker, and no words were spoken. ISU Police at the time said four people in the vicinity were unable to corroborate his story, saying they’d seen no suspicious activity or people.
Police believe that Hussain was trying to curry sympathy from the school because he had been told that he would not be brought back the following school year. ISU’s chief of police, Joseph Newport told the local media that, “Based upon the investigation, it is our belief that Hussain was trying to gain sympathy by becoming a victim of anti-Muslim threats, which he had created himself. It is extremely unfortunate that this situation caused undue concern on other members of the ISU community,” said Newport, who also noted campus crime alerts had been sent out following the first email and the alleged attack.”
While in this case it doesn’t seem that the Professor had any political motivation to claiming that he’d been the victim of a hate crime, it does continue the recent tendency of using overblown fears of racism and xenophobia as a means of attempting to win favor with a sympathetic media. Once again, however, the lying has backfired and the truth has been made known. While there is no epidemic of “hate crimes,” there is most certainly a trend of fake hate crimes.
Comey Distrusted AG Loretta Lynch During Clinton Investigation
Posted on Tuesday the 25th of April 2017, by Kerry Lear : Staff Writer
FBI Director James Comey had a good reason to keep his investigation on former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on the hush hush.
The New York Times published an article over the weekend that said Comey took a “go-it-alone strategy" when investigating Clinton because he did not trust Attorney General Loretta Lynch and other senior officials at the Justice Department to not try to cover-up Clinton’s email server scandal.
The department even instructed that Comey try to downplay the investigation.
“As an example, the Times reported that Lynch, during a meeting in September 2015, called on Comey to use the word "matter" instead of "investigation" when publicly discussing the case, three people who attended the meeting told the Times,” writes The Hill. “Lynch reportedly reasoned that the word “investigation” would raise a number of other questions. Furthermore, she argued that the department should maintain its policy of not confirming investigations.”
The FBI reopened the investigation on Clinton after receiving new evidence in a separate investigation into former Rep. Anthony Weiner(D-N.Y.), who was married to Clinton’s top aide.
Comey believed that Congress had a right to know that the case was reopened.
“Should you consider what you’re about to do may help elect Donald Trump president?” asked an advisor to Comey at the time. “If we ever start considering who might be affected, and in what way, by what we do, we’re done.”
“Fearing the backlash that would come if it were revealed after the election that the F.B.I. had been investigating the next president and had kept it a secret, Mr. Comey sent a letter informing Congress that the case was reopened,” writes the New York Times.
Clinton’s camp needed to be investigated, especially after the DNC WikiLeaks dump.
“In July 2016, a batch of emails from the Democratic National Committee released by Wikileaks, and said by U.S. intelligence agencies to have been obtained most likely by Russian hackers, revealed collusion between senior party officials and the Clinton campaign to thwart the insurgent candidacy of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT),” writes Breitbart. “Now, according to the Times, another hacked document, purportedly stolen by Russians, may have revealed collusion between the former Attorney General and the Democrats to ensure Hillary Clinton’s victory in the general election.”
Comey was also investigating Donald Trump at the time, but he had to take a much different approach to the Clinton investigation.
“An examination by The New York Times, based on interviews with more than 30 current and former law enforcement, congressional and other government officials, found that while partisanship was not a factor in Mr. Comey’s approach to the two investigations, he handled them in starkly different ways,” writes the New York Times. “In the case of Mrs. Clinton, he rewrote the script, partly based on the F.B.I.’s expectation that she would win and fearing the bureau would be accused of helping her. In the case of Mr. Trump, he conducted the investigation by the book, with the F.B.I.’s traditional secrecy. Many of the officials discussed the investigations on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to reporters.”
Again, Comey and Lynch disagreed about how to handle the Clinton investigation. Lynch was even called to recuse herself after she had a private meeting with the former President Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport, but she didn’t. Allegedly, Lynch did not want Comey to send the letter to Congress about reopening the investigation, but she didn’t order against it.
Author’s Note: Comey is consistently blamed for Clinton’s downfall, but did he really have any choice? If this came out later, the FBI would have been crucified.
Clint Eastwood’s next film will make conservatives proud and liberals angry
It has been announced that Clint Eastwood is making another film about heroic Americans. Please, never let this stop!
First, there was American Sniper, Eastwood’s blockbuster about Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle played by Bradley Cooper. Then, he made Sully, the movie starring Tom Hanks as Captain Chesley Sullenberger, the US Airways pilot that successfully landed his plane full of passengers in the Hudson River. And now, Eastwood will tell the story of the three Americans — two of them soldiers — who took down an Islamic terrorist on a Paris train.
In August 2015, you will recall, three American friends were riding train #9364 from Brussels to Paris when an ISIS terrorist burst out of the bathroom, armed with a rifle, a pistol, a box cutter, and hundreds of rounds of ammo. Spencer Stone, a martial arts enthusiast and airman first class in the U.S. Air Force; Alek Skarlatos, a member of the Oregon National Guard; and Anthony Sadler, a senior at Cal State Sacramento, all fearlessly wrestled with and overpowered the terrorist with the assistance of a couple of other passengers.
The 15:17 To Paris: The True Story Of A Terrorist, A Train, And Three American Heroes, by Sadler, Skarlatos, Stone and writer Jeffrey E. Stern was snapped up by the openly conservative Eastwood, who will begin casting immediately to start production of the film later this year.
Thank you, Mr. Eastwood! Keep ’em coming!
Professor Claims NRA Is More Dangerous Than ISIS
Liberals have been claiming for years that the National Rifle Association is an evil organization hell-bent on making sure every man woman and child in America has a gun and can do whatever they please.
George Kennedy, a Missouri School of Journalism professor emeritus, took liberal lunacy over gun control one step further when he wrote an op-ed for the Missourian in which he claimed that the NRA was more dangerous to America than the Islamic State group.
Kennedy’s article (which initially got the date the NRA was founded wrong), tried to claim that the NRA was more of a threat to Americans because of the agenda they are pushing.
“What makes the NRA so feared is its willingness to spend heavily and campaign aggressively in pursuit of its goal of removing all restrictions on the possession and use of firearms just about anywhere by just about anyone,” Kennedy wrote.
This guy is a professor? I feel sorry for his students. Such use of an absurd generalization about the NRA is utterly ridiculous. They don’t want “anyone” to have firearms — they want law-abiding citizens to have the right to own a firearm if they so choose.
Kennedy then went on to claim that the Islamic State group has only killed nine people in America (apparently Kennedy forgot about the Orlando mass murder and other attacks), while on average 11,737 Americans are killed by each other every year.
Of course, Kennedy never bothered to break down the 11,737 number to show how many Americans are killed by criminals who are illegally in possession of a firearm.
Why bother using real statistics when you can just warp the truth to your own twisted narrative?
“However, there is no denying that the NRA is Missouri’s and the nation’s most vociferous, most generous to its friends and most vindictive to its enemies advocate of a free-fire zone for guns of all types in all places,” Kennedy wrote in a rather confusing (and completely wrong) conclusion to his op-ed.
Overall, I’d give this professor’s op-ed an F. it showed a poor use of evidence, factual inaccuracies, overly broad statements and just an overall poor writing style. Kennedy really needs to go back to writing school.
Sadly, this article reflect what many liberals in America actually believe. They are simply too lazy to look at the facts of the situation to realize how wrong they are. Instead, they prefer sweeping generalizations with a large helping of incorrect statistics.
Mad Dog Mattis Reveals Syria Still Has Chemical Weapons
U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis revealed Friday a truth about Syria that the country might have been trying to keep under wraps.
Speaking at a news conference in Israel on Friday, the former general said that the U.S. was confident that Syria still had chemical weapons, and issued a stern warning to the country not to use them again.
“There can be no doubt in the international community’s mind that Syria has retained chemical weapons in violation of its agreement, and its statement that it had removed them all,” Mattis said, reported the Washington Examiner.
The secretary did not reveal his intelligence sources.
“The amount of it, I don’t want to get into right now. We don’t reveal some of that detail because we don’t want to reveal how we’re finding out,” he added.
Senior Israeli defense officials said Wednesday they believed that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s military had as much as three tons of chemical weapons, The Hill reported.
In a confrontation with the Obama administration in 2014, Assad allegedly agreed to give up his arsenal of weapons, but it’s looking like that didn’t happen after all.
Mattis also said that Syria’s decision to keep those weapons was a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions, and added that a solution to the matter would need to be “taken up diplomatically.”
He then issued a stern warning for Syria: more U.S. strikes could be coming if the country attempted to use those weapons again.
“They’d be ill-advised to try to use any of that again,” Mattis said. “We’ve made that very clear with our strikes.”
If Assad is wise, he would heed this warning. If the U.S. finds out he is planning on using chemical weapons again, he may suffer a worse outcome than he did after the strikes earlier this month.
Speaking at a news conference in Israel on Friday, the former general said that the U.S. was confident that Syria still had chemical weapons, and issued a stern warning to the country not to use them again.
“There can be no doubt in the international community’s mind that Syria has retained chemical weapons in violation of its agreement, and its statement that it had removed them all,” Mattis said, reported the Washington Examiner.
The secretary did not reveal his intelligence sources.
“The amount of it, I don’t want to get into right now. We don’t reveal some of that detail because we don’t want to reveal how we’re finding out,” he added.
Senior Israeli defense officials said Wednesday they believed that Syrian President Bashar Assad’s military had as much as three tons of chemical weapons, The Hill reported.
In a confrontation with the Obama administration in 2014, Assad allegedly agreed to give up his arsenal of weapons, but it’s looking like that didn’t happen after all.
Mattis also said that Syria’s decision to keep those weapons was a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions, and added that a solution to the matter would need to be “taken up diplomatically.”
He then issued a stern warning for Syria: more U.S. strikes could be coming if the country attempted to use those weapons again.
“They’d be ill-advised to try to use any of that again,” Mattis said. “We’ve made that very clear with our strikes.”
If Assad is wise, he would heed this warning. If the U.S. finds out he is planning on using chemical weapons again, he may suffer a worse outcome than he did after the strikes earlier this month.
Trump: 'We will confront anti-Semitism'
by Sarah Westwood
President Trump took aim Tuesday at the rising tide of anti-Semitism in the U.S. and elsewhere, telling Holocaust survivors at a memorial event on Capitol Hill that his administration will push back on any attempts to harm the Jewish community.
"This is my pledge to you: we will confront anti-Semitism," Trump said. "We will stamp out prejudice, we will condemn hatred, we will bear witness and we will act."
Speaking at the U.S. Holocaust Museum's Days of Remembrance event in the Capitol Rotunda, Trump condemned Holocaust deniers while affirming the U.S. commitment to Israel.0:56
"Those who deny the Holocaust are an accomplice to this horrible evil," Trump said. "We'll never be silent, we just won't. We will never, ever be silent in the face of evil again."
The president praised Holocaust survivors in the audience for fulfilling "the righteous duty to never forget and to engrave into the world's memory the Nazi genocide of the Jewish people."
Trump touted the U.S. alliance with Israel, a relationship he has prioritized during his first 100 days in office.
"The state of Israel is an eternal monument to the undying strength of the Jewish people," Trump said.
"The state of Israel is an eternal monument to the undying strength of the Jewish people," Trump said.
The White House had come under fire early in Trump's presidency for releasing a statement about the Holocaust that did not mention Jewish people. Press secretary Sean Spicer also apologized for saying that even Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons.
New Democrat National Committee (DNC) chairman Tom Perez — who most recently served as former President Obama’s Secretary of Labor — declared over the weekend that all candidates in his party must formally declare support for abortion. Perez is the first leader of that respective party to call for such an extreme stance.
“Every Democrat, like every American, should support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her health,” Perez said. “That is not negotiable and should not change city by city or state by state.”
“At a time when women’s rights are under assault from the White House, the Republican Congress, and in states across the country,” he added, “we must speak up for this principle as loudly as ever and with one voice.”
Tom Perez just became 1st DNC chair to say all Dem candidates must support abortion rights http://huff.to/2pMCZCK
9:07 AM - 22 Apr 2017
Here’s what Perez tweeted on the subject:
When I ran for DNC Chair, I made a promise to protect women’s rights to safe, legal, and accessible abortion.
As part of that, I'm honored to sit down with progressive women leaders next week to discuss how we can best live our pro-choice values.
Whatever one’s personal beliefs about choice, no government should legislate them onto others. Democrats trust women. Period. — Tom Perez (@TomPerez) Whatever one’s personal beliefs about choice, no government should legislate them onto others. Democrats trust women. Period.
I am committed — as I have been my entire life — to ensuring access to the full range of reproductive health services, including abortion. 4:58 PM - 21 Apr 2017 Looking for the extreme party? Here you go. Where are the pro-life Democrats? Should they be concerned about this leftward shift of the party they belong to?
This endorsement of hardline support for abortion comes at the heels of a story involving the DNC’s support of a mayoral candidate for Omaha, Nebraska–who is pro-life. NARAL and its president Ilyse Hogue have taken immense issue with the endorsement, so they issued the following statement:
“The actions today by the DNC to embrace and support a candidate for office who will strip women – one of the most critical constituencies for the party – of our basic rights and freedom is not only disappointing, it is politically stupid. Today’s action make this so-called ‘fight back tour’ look more like a throwback tour for women and our rights.
“If Democrats think the path forward following the 2016 election is to support candidates who substitute their own judgement and ideology for that of their female constituents, they have learned all the wrong lessons and are bound to lose. It’s not possible to have an authentic conversation about economic security for women that does not include our ability to decide when and how we have children.
“The Democratic Party, and its leaders, would be ill-advised to ignore data that blocking access to legal abortion does not win you a single vote, and robs women of dignity and autonomy. Abortion access is not a ‘single issue’ or a ‘social issue.’ It is a proxy for women to have control over our lives, our family’s lives, our economic well-being, our dignity, and human rights.
As American attitudes on abortion continue to tilt in favor of the right-to-life, the Democrat Party will continue to alienate the majority of Americans with their unapologetic endorsement of abortion at all stages. They thrive and depend on the support from nation’s largest abortion provider and government-subsidized corporation, Planned Parenthood, after all.
Conservatives and Republicans must seize upon this to continue promoting a culture of life, especially by promoting pregnancy crisis centers and their many services. For a party rooted in so-called “choice,” Democrats and their abortion allies hate offering women (and even members of their own party) real choices — including the right to choose life. Let’s do a better job at this, shall we?
A Mural of Michelle Obama as an Egyptian Queen Unveiled in Chicago- People Immediately Notice the Image is StolenFormer First Lady was painted by Chicago-based artist Chris Devins as an Egyptian queen. It’s on display on the city’s South Side. He raised $15,000 on GoFundMe to paint it across the street from Bouchet Elementary. Michelle Obama attended the school when it was known as Bryn Mawr School. But as soon as it went up, people immediately recognized it from another source. It’s a copy of another artist’s work!
As Devins opined, “I wanted to present her as what I think she is, so she’s clothed as an Egyptian queen. I thought that was appropriate.”
Pictures of the mural were widely-shared across social media, and it eventually found its way to Gelila Mesfin, an Ethiopian art student in New York.
Mesfin, who shares artwork of her own on Instagram under the name ‘thick_east_african_girl,’ was shocked to see that the South Side painting was almost identical to a digital drawing of Obama she uploaded last November. Her image was created by editing a picture taken by New York Times photographer Collier Schorr. The 24-year-old student, who told the Washington Post she was initially flattered her work had seemingly inspired another artist, was quick to fire off a scathing attack on Devins. ‘How can you just steal someone’s artwork… someone’s hard work and claim it like it’s yours… how can you go on record and say you designed this… this is so disheartening and so disrespectful on so many levels,’ Mesfin wrote on Instagram. LofE truly appreciates the work this great Woman is doing. Looking forward to coming together for the original benefit of Chicago’s youth.http://pic.twitter.com/9RXlffRu53 — Chris Devins (@LeagueOfExtra) April 23, 2017
The image of the mural went viral online, and that’s how Ethiopian-born artist Gelila Mesfin, the original artist, noticed it:
Once exposed, he explained his decision to copy the image: “I found her picture on Pinterest, and there was no link back anywhere. I wasn’t aware of her or her work until about two weeks ago.’ What do you think about this mural of Michelle Obama as an Egyptian Queen? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.
G’ day…Ciao…….
Helen & Moe Lauzier
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that is all articles
This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article post.
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