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Friday, November 2,2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All
President to illegals, don’t come. The gravy train is done. Go home!
Random thought...Are we heading toward a forced breakup of the hi tech industry in the same way the government broke up big oil. Do we want that?
Sad news... Baseball Hall of Famer Willie McCovey dies at age 80
by Jerry McCormick
When a sports hero that actually changed the way people feel about the game passes away, it leaves everyone just a bit empty.
Sadly, that happened on Wednesday, when Hall of Famer Willie McCovey passed away at the age of 80.
Baseball Legend
There are few players in any sport that are recognized by generations simply by their first name.
But when any fan simply said, “Willie,” everyone worth their salt knew it was Willie McCovey they were talking about.
McCovey broke into the major leagues in 1959 with the San Francisco Giants.
By 1963, McCovey was a regular in the lineup and rewarding the Giants handsomely.
In eight out of the next nine seasons, McCovey hit at least 31 home runs.
The lone exception was the 1964 season, when McCovey only played in 130 games and hit a still-respectable 18 home runs.
During his epic run, McCovey was the league leader in home runs three times, the RBI leader twice, and the league MVP once, in 1969.
But at the conclusion of the 1973 season, the Giants stunned fans by trading McCovey to the San Diego Padres.
McCovey’s career was winding down at this point — and his power numbers proved it.
In 1976, McCovey moved to the Oakland Athletics, a union that didn’t even last a dozen games.
In 1977, he returned to the Giants to finish out his career.
While McCovey’s batting average suffered during his final four seasons, his power numbers were still respectable, especially during those first three, during which he hit 55 home runs.
McCovey retired from baseball in 1980, arguably one of the best to have ever played the game and surely one of the top first basemen in history.
Struggling Health
McCovey’s health problems in the years since his retirement have been no secret to fans.
He recently made an appearance at the ballpark in a wheelchair at final game of the season for the Giants against their hated rivals, the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Rest in peace, Mr. McCovey. The world is surely a lesser place without you in it.
Trump’s Leading Pick To Replace Nikki Haley Is Heather Nauert
With Nikki Haley having announced her pending departure from her job as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, the question has been who President Trump would select to replace her. Several names have been mentioned including the U.S. Ambassadors to France, Germany, and Canada. Today CNN reports Trump’s leading choice is State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert who came to her current job last year after leaving Fox News:
President Donald Trump has told advisers that Heather Nauert, the State Department spokeswoman, is his leading choice to become US ambassador to the United Nations and he could offer the post as soon as this week, two sources familiar with his pick told CNN.
If named Nauert, who met with Trump Monday, would leave her role at the State Department to take over from Nikki Haley, who surprised White House officials last month when she announced her decision to step down at the end of the year…
Previous holders of the UN ambassador position — including current national security adviser John Bolton — came to the role with years of foreign policy experience. Nauert served briefly as Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy from March until October.
Nauert would face what could be a contentious confirmation hearing, with Democrats quizzing her on her qualifications for the post.
The story cautions that nothing is official at this point so maybe this is more of a trial balloon to judge the reaction before an announcement. The fact that Nauert met with Trump Monday and has had her deputies handling her briefing duties since then suggests to me this is happening.
Nauert came to her position at the State Department last April but was reportedly frozen out of key meetings by then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who reportedly considered her too loyal to the White House. That changed after Tillerson was replaced by Mike Pompeo. But Business Insider reported in August that reviews of her tenure at State are mixed:
Nauert, 48, is generally well-liked by her State Department colleagues, and widely viewed as a competent spokesperson who has diligently educated herself on the dizzying range of international issues with which the department deals.
“She was serious, she worked hard,” said Wharton, who oversaw Nauert’s work as spokesperson for the few months they overlapped and urged her to stay on when, he said, she considered resigning. “Switching from reading from a teleprompter to having to master an entire book of global events was a very tough thing to do, but I think she did it very well.”…
“She presents herself very well, the camera loves her, she looks great when she briefs, she’s very poised,” the senior department official said of Nauert. “On the substance, it’s been a very tough road. She requires a lot of hand-holding, and getting her up to speed on the issues requires us having to brief her over and over, often on the same issues because she doesn’t absorb the information well.”
And of course, there’s also the fact that she’s a supporter of President Trump:
“She has alienated a lot of the career people here because she’s a ‘Trumper,'” the senior department official said. “There’s an inherent suspicion of us, the career people. We’re viewed oftentimes as the deep state.”
I’m sure her past working for Fox News also doesn’t help her make friends with State Department careerists and will definitely come up in a confirmation hearing. Though the stakes aren’t as high as they were with Judge Kavanaugh, you can probably expect Democrats to be on their worst behavior.
If named Nauert, who met with Trump Monday, would leave her role at the State Department to take over from Nikki Haley, who surprised White House officials last month when she announced her decision to step down at the end of the year…
Previous holders of the UN ambassador position — including current national security adviser John Bolton — came to the role with years of foreign policy experience. Nauert served briefly as Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy from March until October.
Nauert would face what could be a contentious confirmation hearing, with Democrats quizzing her on her qualifications for the post.
The story cautions that nothing is official at this point so maybe this is more of a trial balloon to judge the reaction before an announcement. The fact that Nauert met with Trump Monday and has had her deputies handling her briefing duties since then suggests to me this is happening.
Nauert came to her position at the State Department last April but was reportedly frozen out of key meetings by then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who reportedly considered her too loyal to the White House. That changed after Tillerson was replaced by Mike Pompeo. But Business Insider reported in August that reviews of her tenure at State are mixed:
Nauert, 48, is generally well-liked by her State Department colleagues, and widely viewed as a competent spokesperson who has diligently educated herself on the dizzying range of international issues with which the department deals.
“She was serious, she worked hard,” said Wharton, who oversaw Nauert’s work as spokesperson for the few months they overlapped and urged her to stay on when, he said, she considered resigning. “Switching from reading from a teleprompter to having to master an entire book of global events was a very tough thing to do, but I think she did it very well.”…
“She presents herself very well, the camera loves her, she looks great when she briefs, she’s very poised,” the senior department official said of Nauert. “On the substance, it’s been a very tough road. She requires a lot of hand-holding, and getting her up to speed on the issues requires us having to brief her over and over, often on the same issues because she doesn’t absorb the information well.”
And of course, there’s also the fact that she’s a supporter of President Trump:
“She has alienated a lot of the career people here because she’s a ‘Trumper,'” the senior department official said. “There’s an inherent suspicion of us, the career people. We’re viewed oftentimes as the deep state.”
I’m sure her past working for Fox News also doesn’t help her make friends with State Department careerists and will definitely come up in a confirmation hearing. Though the stakes aren’t as high as they were with Judge Kavanaugh, you can probably expect Democrats to be on their worst behavior.
Was Whitey Bulger’s Prison Murder a Deep State Hit to Protect Mueller?
Written by William F. Jasper
Notorious Boston mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger (shown) has been murdered in prison. News accounts on October 30 reported that Bulger, the 89-year-old former kingpin of Boston’s ultra-violent “Irish Mafia” was found “unresponsive” in his cell, after having been savagely beaten. The prison staff, reportedly, administered life-saving measures to no avail, and Bulger was subsequently pronounced dead by the Preston County Medical Examiner.
The prevailing media explanation of Bulger’s demise is that he was murdered by Mafia enforcer Freddy Geas and two additional inmates at the Hazelton high-security federal prison in West Virginia. The motive for the hit on Bulger, goes the media narrative, is that Freddy Geas “hates rats,” meaning he hates “snitches” or informants. And Bulger, as we reported more than 20 years ago, had been exposed as a long-time FBI informant. However, he was not an informant in the usual sense of the word. He was more an “FBI asset” in a corrupt relationship that allowed him to carry on his murderous enterprise with virtual impunity in exchange for information that would allow his FBI handlers to enrich themselves and put feathers in their caps by snaring Bulger’s crime lord competitors.
In our report on Bulger earlier this year (Probing Mueller: What Were His Roles in Boston Mafia Murders, Uranium One, and Other FBI Scandals?) we noted that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who has been leading the “Trump-Russia collusion” witch hunt for the past two years, was a central player in the deadly Bulger-FBI scandal that has been begging for a thorough investigation for decades. A credible investigation of that scandal alone would be likely be sufficient to topple Mueller and send him to prison. But, as we reported, there’s more: First, as a DOJ attorney, and then as director of the FBI, Mueller has been at the eye of several storms, including treasonous disasters to our national security. In addition to being mobbed up with Bulger, Mueller assisted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama in the Uranium One transfer of U.S. uranium assets to Putin & Company. And then there’s the transfer of top U.S. technology to build Skolkovo, Russia’s new Silicon Valley.
But there’s much more, including Mueller’s role at the FBI in covering up the illegal Clinton Foundation deals with Putin and his oligarchs. The reliable, tangible evidence points to the Clintons, Obama, Mueller, and their fellow Deep State globalists who should be investigated (and prosecuted) for colluding and conspiring with Vladimir Putin, not President Trump and his entourage.
It may indeed turn out that Whitey Bulger was murdered in prison as Mafia retribution for his special “relationship” with the FBI and the fellow mobsters he betrayed. Those things do happen. However, the timing, along with certain circumstances, is especially suspect. Bulger survived on the run for 16 years, and then nearly two years in prison while awaiting trial, and an additional five years in prison since his conviction in 2013 on multiple charges of murder and racketeering. Why was he not murdered during the past seven years, and why was he silenced permanently almost immediately after being transferred to a new prison?
The wheelchair-bound former mob boss was murdered within hours of being transferred to the Hazelton prison. It appears that his assailants had advance knowledge of his arrival. Since 2014 he had been incarcerated at Coleman II federal prison in Florida. However, before being transferred to the Hazelton facility, he was shuffled briefly through the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma. A number of questions arise:
• Why was Bulger transferred to Hazelton?
• Who initiated the transfer order?
• Why was a high-profile convict with numerous enemies placed in Hazelton’s general population rather than a protective unit?
• Why was Bulger, nearly 90 and having health issues, transferred to Hazelton, which reportedly has no adequate health facilities for his condition?
A possible — and plausible — answer to these questions is that very high-level people in the anti-Trump Deep State “resistance” within the administration knew they must not let Bulger reveal any of the dirt he knows on Mueller. It looks like and smells like a setup to rub out a potentially damaging witness. An investigation of the Mueller-FBI-Boston Mafia conspiracy would start a thread unraveling that would also lead to Uranium One, Skolkovo, the Clinton Foundation, and many other criminal actions in Mueller’s career. Mueller’s carefully crafted sterling image would crumble, and with it the Trump-Russia collusion illusion that the Deep State and its media shills have spent enormous resources over the past two years promoting.
Was Bulger getting ready to squeal on Mueller and associates? The New American was not alone in exposing the whole Bulger-FBI-Mueller ball of corruption. On April 8, 2018, shortly after our “Probing Mueller” article cited above was published, Professor Alan Dershowitz blasted Mueller in an interview on The Cats Roundtable radio show on 970AM in New York. “He’s the guy who kept four innocent people in prison for many years in order to protect the cover of Whitey Bulger as an FBI informer,” Dershowitz said. “Those of us in Boston don't have such a high regard for Mueller because we remember this story. The government had to pay out tens of millions of dollars because Whitey Bulger, a notorious mass murderer, became a government informer against the mafia.”
Dershowitz is referring to the infamous Teddy Deegan murder trial (see here) in which four men — Henry Tameleo, Peter Limone, Louis Greco, and Joseph Salvati — were falsely accused of murdering Deegan and railroaded into prison on bogus evidence and testimony. They were exonerated 30 years later, but in the meantime, two of them had died in prison and the two survivors were in poor health. The taxpayers ended up paying the survivors and the families of the two deceased men $102 million in compensation for false imprisonment and for the egregious actions of the FBI and the prosecution.
“And that’s regarded in Boston as one of the great scandals of modern judicial history,” said Dershowitz. “And Mueller was right at the center of it. So, he is not without criticism by people who know him in Boston.”
Old friend from our WRKO days, Howie Carr at the Boston Herald, investigative reporter/blogger Sara Carter (a regular guest of Sean Hannity on Fox), Joe Hoft at Gateway Pundit, Judge Jeanine at Fox, and others were also drawing attention to Mueller-Bulger corruption. But before Bulger could sing to a congressional committee (or a special counsel to investigate the special counsel) he was snuffed out. Very convenient for Mueller and his Deep State partners in crime who are pinning great hopes on Mueller’s efforts to destroy, or at least undermine, President Trump.
Whitey Bulger was a violent, evil man, and his brutal end may have been no more than he deserved. Many family members of his victims that were similarly murdered are rejoicing at his death, according to news reports. That is understandable. They have suffered a long time waiting for justice. However, Robert Mueller and other operatives in high places are also, undoubtedly, rejoicing and breathing sighs of relief — but not out of any desire for justice. They are hoping this permanently closes the book on a loose end that could cause their tightly wrapped secrets to unravel. Bulger’s death does indeed make opening that book more difficult, but it should be opened nevertheless, despite all the howls from CNN, the New York Times, and other organs of Fake News Central that this is merely a Trump-directed attempt to smear their shining knight.
The Democrat Party Is Working To Destroy The American Way Of Life
Candace Owens responds to Kanye West over Blexit
Frieda Powers
Candace Owens penned an emotional response to Kanye West following his announcement that he was stepping away from politics and felt he had been “used.”
The Turning Point USA communications director revealed that she knew how it felt to “have a bullet pierce my heart” as that was how she was feeling upon learning of West’s remarks.
Image: screenshot
“I wouldn’t wish the way I felt last night upon my worst enemy,” Owens wrote in a blog Wednesday.
“If I had to imagine what it would feel like to have a bullet pierce my heart, it would be exactly like the moment I learned Kanye told the world he felt I had used him,” she wrote, referring to the rapper’s tweets saying he was “distancing myself from politics.”
ye ✔@kanyewest
My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!!
5:25 PM - Oct 30, 2018
West revealed he had not wanted to be associated with Blexit, the mass exodus of blacks from the Democrat Party. And he also noted that he did not have a hand in the design of apparel and the logo.
I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn’t want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit. I have nothing to do with it.
5:25 PM - Oct 30, 2018
Owens, who credits the rap star’s music for “having kept my spirit alive on some of the very worst days,” was crushed by the news from her “superhero” as critics slammed her and the Blexit concept.
“I never once said that Kanye designed the t-shirts for BLEXIT. This is a lie that seems to have made its way around the world; a lie I would like to again correct for the record,” Owens wrote. “Kanye was completely right to feel used in that regard and as I have done personally, I would like to publicly apologize to him for any undue stress or pain the effort to correct that rumor has caused him, his business relationships, or his family. He simply never designed them.”
The conservative firebrand who helped launch Blexit then took full ownership of the controversy.
“I am a leader, and I would like to lead in this moment by stating that any and all confusion relating to this topic is therefore my fault, entirely,” she wrote.
“I would also like to publicly apologize to President Trump, as I know that Kanye’s tweets were rapidly misinterpreted as a shot to this administration,” Owens added. “His tweets were aimed at me and me only, rightfully, for my personal failings. I bare full responsibility.”
She recounted the moment she came up with the idea for Blexit and clarified that any donations to the cause had nothing to do with West.
“To all those in the black community who felt their hearts break last night, remember this moment. Remember these emotions. Remember the people who enjoyed your pain, and remember those who stood by your side,” she wrote.
“BLEXIT represents the vision of the black community becoming victors,” Owens concluded. “It represents an America united by the shared belief that no matter where you come from – if you work hard and stay focused on the good things— we can all be superheroes.”
Fans of Owens and her new movement tweeted their support amid the controversy.
More Candace...Smart and a pretty sight...

Election Meddling: Google Algorithm Buries ‘BLEXIT’ — Candace Owens Website Ranks Number One on Every Other Search Engine; Not Google
Google is being accused of engaging in election meddling by burying Candace Owens’ Blexit website in its algorithm despite the website ranking number 1 on every other major search engine.
A user over at the Donald subreddit noticed the scandal and produced a series of screenshots to illustrate how Blexit, which is a campaign to encourage black people to leave the Democratic party, is being all but blacklisted by Google.
Typing ‘Blexit’ into Google results in nothing but negative news articles about the campaign, but that’s not the worse of it.
The first ‘Blexit’ website listed in the results is in no way related to Candace Owens’ campaign and is a totally separate organization.
This organization even had to issue an apology because people were mistakenly donating money in the belief it was going to Owens’ official Blexit campaign.
“They noticed a massive increase of members and donations in the last few days. In other words: Due to Google’s fkery with its algorithm, Candace Owen’s Blexit movement lost out on members and donations,” notes the Reddit user.
Typing ‘Blexit Website’ into Google also returns a completely unaffiliated website called Blexit.
The Democratic Party Is Working To Destroy The American Way Of Life
At this moment in history, the Democratic Party belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, and hate America's way of life.
By Rachel Stoltzfoos
Hillary Clinton is right. We cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what America stands for. She’s right that we must fight against politicians and activists who degrade the rule of law, seek to delegitimize our elections, spread corruption, attack truth and reason, and try to undermine our national unity. A defiant, defensive, and dystopian political party must be met with determined aggression, not niceties. But she’s living in upside-down world if she believes that’s the Republican Party.
Two years into Donald Trump’s presidency, there is no question the Democratic Party is on the side of those working to undermine the American system of government and the American way of life.
When they didn’t get the president they wanted in 2016, Democrats attacked the legitimacy of our election and of the Electoral College. They questioned the integrity of the result and boycotted his inauguration. They encouraged electors to go rogue and overturn the election, and moved to abolish the Electoral College, disregarding its purpose of preventing mob rule. As they undermined faith in the American electoral process in these and other ways, they helped Vladimir Putin achieve one of his primary election-meddling goals.
Democrats weaponized the FBI and the Justice Department in hopes of taking down Trump, or at least of bogging him down in investigations and a cloud of suspicion that would undermine the legitimacy of his presidency. Some who are paid to implement the president’s agenda continue to brag about efforts to sabotage him from within the administration.
When Trump nominated a Supreme Court justice they didn’t like, Democrats disrespected the confirmation process by withholding information, then tried to destroy the nominee’s life by means of an unsubstantiated allegation. Their allies in the press attacked the structure of the Senate and urged them to pack the court. When the nominee was confirmed according to the rules of the Senate, they attacked the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
This is the party that wants to use the military purposed with defending our way of life as a petri dish for progressive social policies. They demand the military enlist men and women with gender dysphoria, then pay for expensive and time-intensive surgeries, and insist women must be in combat roles, regardless of the complications, cost, or potential effects on combat readiness.
Democrats flout the rule of law on our borders and attack law enforcement agencies. They assert we must allow anyone into the country for any reason, no matter the cost to taxpayers, the terror threat, or the effects on our culture and economy.
They use their platform in Congress to recklessly attack the concept of due process. They support kangaroo courts on college campuses that deprive men and women of due process in cases of sexual assault, and they absurdly insist any woman who makes a sexual assault allegation must be believed without question.
Democrats work with those who seek to undermine the institutions of God and family, and they have a special hatred for the Christian view that undergirds the Constitution and has always marked American life. Legal recognition of gay marriage is not enough for them; they demand everyone embrace and cheer on a lifestyle some are bound by conscience not to celebrate.
They demand business owners participate in their marriage ceremonies by baking cakes and providing flowers, and harass those who fight back. They demand Americans violate their conscience in order to provide women taxpayer-sponsored access to drugs that kill unborn babies. They insist the president has the right to force your child to share a bathroom with boys in her school.
They wage war on our right to free speech, our right to life, and our right to carry a gun. Their campaign to redefine sex and gender is an affront to reason and truth. They illogically accuse people who oppose ripping fully formed babies out of a mother’s womb of wanting to dominate and control women. They exploit emotions in the wake of school shootings to push for unconstitutional gun grabs.
Democrats are no longer interested in debate. They seek to use whatever power they can get their hands on to intimidate, manipulate, and shame the opposition into silence. They pressure Facebook and Twitter to police speech they don’t like online. They wield the fake news narrative fabricated by the media to explain Hillary’s loss in their ongoing campaign to diminish the voice of the conservative press, and they partner with legacy outlets that damage the public’s faith in the press with a growing mountain of bad reporting.
Democrats lend moral support to campus mobs that shout down and drive off campus anyone whose views make them uncomfortable. They urge their followers to stalk and harass public figures they disagree with, and drive them out of public spaces.
Rather than reexamine their divisive political strategies following the 2016 election, Democrats hit the accelerator on the politics of division. Thus we have Hillary Clinton, who is still blaming everyone but herself and her ideas for her loss, claiming Democrats can’t be “civil” until they have regained control of the government. Then, she asserts, we can go back to “listening to each other” and “working out our differences.” Yeah, right. That is not the Democratic Party that exists today.
The Democratic Party at this moment in history belongs to those who hate our institutions, hate the limits of our system of government, and hate the American way of life. They have become the party of mob rule. There’s a line where civility necessarily starts to break down, and they’re definitely heading straight for it, if they haven’t crossed it already.
Rachel Stoltzfoos is managing editor of The Federalist.
Follow Rachel on Twitter.
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