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Thursday, October 11,2018
All Gave Some~Some Gave All

Think warm thoughts…
After the Kavanaugh Vote, Republicans Need Alaska To Do the Right Thing
By Terry Ray
Sometimes you think you’re doing the right thing but then it blows up in your face and hurts you and everyone else with you. An honorable person will admit the mistake and do what he can to make up for the damage he caused.
It’s time for Alaska to do that.
Alaska, you made a very big mistake. The Arizonans plagued conservatives for decades by sticking us with a Senate turncoat that we could rely upon to side with the liberals just when we really needed him. Alaska has now afflicted conservatives with another Senate turncoat even more disgraceful than John McCain. You sent us Lisa Murkowski.
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Like McCain, Murkowski is a closet liberal but sometimes is so blatantly liberal that “closet” isn’t applicable. Conservatives thought McCain’s snickering vote to save Obamacare was as low as a turncoat could go – and then along came Murkowski and the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination.
With Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, we witnessed behavior by the Democrats that was so despicable it was a shock to conservatives who thought they had seen it all with the Democratic bottom-feeders.
Democrats engaged in behavior that was so unethical, immoral, illegal, and reprehensible that the Senate has been permanently damaged by it. They demonstrated pathological cruelty with no remorse in creating lies to destroy a truly honorable man and his family. Not only did they feel no remorse or shame for doing such a heinous thing to innocent human beings but were quite proud of it and were viewed as heroes by their equally loathsome followers.
The liberal senators used hired protestors to intentionally disrupt the confirmation hearings.
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They hid evidence from the conservatives on the confirmation committee for use as a lie-in-wait weapon to sabotage the nomination after the hearing had ended.
They sent their minions out to harass the Republican senators in their offices, homes, driveways and even when they were dining with their families in restaurants. They sent them to the Senate building to carry out riotous gatherings outside the building and throughout the hallways inside. They harassed Republican senators in the hallways and on the elevators. They threw beer cans at the Senate building.
Their behavior was fascist in nature. They did not want Judge Kavanaugh to take the seat of Justice Kennedy, who liberals could count on to often take their side on court cases. With Kavanaugh in Kennedy’s seat, there would be a solid majority of conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court for a very long time to come. Such are the consequences of presidential elections.
The U.S. Constitution gives the Senate power to advise and consent on Supreme Court nominations through examining the evidence for and against a candidate. Knowing they would lose to the conservatives on Kavanaugh’s extraordinary qualifications, the liberals chose to use duplicity, chaos, and personal attacks to win – the standard tools of the fascist.
They were so destructive of both the process and the candidate himself that it appeared Brett Kavanaugh would be ruined as a man, lose the nomination, and be left with no career in the future.
It would take every Republican in the Senate to save Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.
The choice was clear. If they voted for Kavanaugh, they were backing an honorable man who would make a superb Supreme Court justice and were standing against the disgusting, hate-filled tactics of the left.
If Republicans voted against Judge Kavanaugh, they would be expressing their support of the left’s despicable behavior and agreeing that a bare allegation against a Supreme Court candidate that had absolutely no supporting evidence or corroboration would be the new acceptable standard for confirming the candidate.
Every Republican in the Senate voted in favor of Judge Kavanaugh except one – Lisa Murkowski.
It was clear from the beginning that Murkowski wanted to abort Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to give the liberals the opportunity to control the Supreme Court.
Lisa Murkowski is nothing less than a traitor to the conservative cause. There is no other way to describe her.
Alaska … you sent us Lisa Murkowski. You must admit your terrible judgement in doing that to the conservatives of this country. And you must do the honorable thing to make up for doing such a terrible thing to the rest of us.
Murkowski was re-elected in 2016. This means that if nothing is done, this traitorous sniper will be infecting all that Senate conservatives try to do until the year 2022. She has shown herself an enemy of conservatism and she can do immeasurable harm to us during the coming four years.
You might say that there is nothing you can do since there is no provision for recalling a sitting senator under the United States Constitution.
It is true that there is no provision for recall of a senator, but there is a 10th Amendment to the Constitution:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Since the recall of a senator by the state from which that senator was elected is not mentioned as a power given to the United States nor is it a power prohibited to the states, every state, therefore, has the power to pass laws empowering the voters of that state to recall their sitting senator.
Alaska, we need you to do this honorable thing.
We ask the citizens of Alaska to immediately begin contacting their state senator and their assembly member and tell them to initiate a bill to empower the Alaskan voters to recall a sitting senator from Alaska.
This is not a complicated matter and can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time with the adequate commitment.
The conservatives in the rest of the country can do nothing to protect our government from this poisonous senator. Only Alaskans have this power.
The conservatives of America will support you and will be forever grateful to your great state for recalling Lisa Murkowski from the United States Senate to prevent her from doing any further damage to our country.
This is your moment.
Lindsey Graham Issues a BRILLIANT Challenge to Democrats
Lindsey Graham Issues a BRILLIANT Challenge to Democrats
In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham issued a challenge to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer that was nothing short of genius. Frankly, this should have been Talking Point #1 from the Republicans the minute the other side started challenging Brett Kavanaugh like there was no tomorrow. Because this is the ultimate, “shut up and sit down” card.
“This is a list that was complied in November, but [Trump] actually put it out during the campaign,” Graham said, pulling out the famous list of conservative judges from which then-candidate Trump promised to select his Supreme Court nominees. “There are twenty-something people on this list; I’m asking Chuck Schumer, name five, name three, name one that would be okay with you.”
That’s a mic-drop moment right there, and it makes us love Graham all the more. We weren’t sure about this dude back when he was tearing down Trump and Ted Cruz during the 2016 primaries, but he has gotten his second wind over the last year or so. He had the best single moment of the entire confirmation hearings, and this challenge to Schumer is the perfect illustration of what ALL of this Kavanaugh hysteria was really about. It wasn’t about some unsubstantiated sexual assault allegations from high school; it was about doing anything and everything to prevent a conservative majority from taking over the Supreme Court.
“Brett Kavanaugh was a mainstream judge I would’ve chosen if I had been president,” Graham continued. “Bush supported him. Everybody running for president on our side believed that Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch were outstanding conservative jurists. The other side wants to cancel the election.
“So Chuck, you want someone new?” he asked. “Look at this list and see anybody you agree to, but what you want to do Senator Schumer is to overturn the election. We are not going to let you pick the judges. If you want to pick judges, then you need to win the White House. When Obama won that, I voted for two judges that he picked. So Chuck Schumer, name one person on this list you think is acceptable.”
If Schumer (or any Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee) can seriously answer that question – can seriously name one of the other judges on the list – it would go a long way towards restoring the reputation they tarnished over the last couple of weeks.
The only problem? Trump might just call them on their bluff if another court seat comes open.
And so we don’t expect Schumer or any other Democrat to take up Graham’s challenge. Like he said, they want to go back and reverse the election. Even after all this time, they still can’t believe that Hillary lost and Trump is president. It’s almost sad.
Senator Reveals Who Is Behind The Ford Letter Leak?
According to The Daily Wire:
On Tuesday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and his "political operation" were behind the leaking of Kavanaugh-accuser Christine Blasey Ford's letter to the media. "I believe the Schumer political operation was behind this from the very beginning," Cotton confidently told Hewitt
Ford, who asked to remain anonymous, accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of decades-old sexual misconduct in a letter she penned to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in July. Ford's letter, however, was leaked to the press some two months later. The timing of the leak allowed Democrats to further delay the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the bench, enabling the highly-publicized Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where Kavanaugh was smeared with more uncorroborated allegations of misconduct, including involvement in high school "gang rape rings."
Cotton identified the "Schumer political operation" as the culprit "from the very beginning."
"We learned last week that a woman named Monica McLean was Ms. Ford’s roommate, and she was one of the so-called beach friends who encouraged Ms. Ford to go to Dianne Feinstein and the partisan Democrats on the Judiciary Committee," explained Cotton. "Well, it just turns out, it just so happens that Monica McLean worked for a Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, now a virulent anti-Trump critic on television and former counsel to Chuck Schumer."
Cotton's bombshell about Schumer would put the Senate Minority leader in ethical trouble if true. Schumer violated Ms. Ford's confidences for political game, and that is just sad. A spokesman for Schumer claimed that Cotton's theory was just another "fairy tale."
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/senator-reveals-who-is-behind-the-ford-letter-leak#XEiz9V3qTPv8Dzpm.99
Ford, who asked to remain anonymous, accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of decades-old sexual misconduct in a letter she penned to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in July. Ford's letter, however, was leaked to the press some two months later. The timing of the leak allowed Democrats to further delay the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the bench, enabling the highly-publicized Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where Kavanaugh was smeared with more uncorroborated allegations of misconduct, including involvement in high school "gang rape rings."
Cotton identified the "Schumer political operation" as the culprit "from the very beginning."
"We learned last week that a woman named Monica McLean was Ms. Ford’s roommate, and she was one of the so-called beach friends who encouraged Ms. Ford to go to Dianne Feinstein and the partisan Democrats on the Judiciary Committee," explained Cotton. "Well, it just turns out, it just so happens that Monica McLean worked for a Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, now a virulent anti-Trump critic on television and former counsel to Chuck Schumer."
Cotton's bombshell about Schumer would put the Senate Minority leader in ethical trouble if true. Schumer violated Ms. Ford's confidences for political game, and that is just sad. A spokesman for Schumer claimed that Cotton's theory was just another "fairy tale."
Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/senator-reveals-who-is-behind-the-ford-letter-leak#XEiz9V3qTPv8Dzpm.99
The Democrats’ Idea Of Civility
Democrats, such as CNN’s Don Lemon, have been labeling President Trump as “the divider-in-chief” practically since the day he defeated Hillary Clinton and won the presidency.
Democrats, such as CNN’s Don Lemon, have been labeling President Trump as “the divider-in-chief” practically since the day he defeated Hillary Clinton and won the presidency.
Yet, it is Democrats who seem to revel in calls for more violence, more mob action and less civility.
And we’re not talking about the usual college-age radicals in their fatigues, berets and Che Guevara shirts or the Soros-funded community organizers pulling down six figures while chanting “power to the people.”
And we’re not talking about whack job Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters and her calls for Leftwing mobs to “get in the face” of Republicans and Trump supporters.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said during a rally outside LA’s Wilshire Federal Building.
We’re talking about the leading elected officials and present and former Democratic presidential candidates.
No one is more responsible for the creation of the “angry, Leftwing mob” that the Democratic Party has become than Massachusetts’ Far Left Senator Elizabeth Warren: “I am angry,” she declared during one of the more raucous “Stop Kavanaugh” mob scenes, “I own it. I am angry.”
Warren has all but announced her 2020 run for President, waiting only to get past her November re-elect to make the formal announcement.
California’s Far Left Senator Kamala Harris has also distinguished herself as one of the Democratic Party’s least civil members, indeed she has made incivility a central part of her political brand.
As National Review contributor Jonathan S. Tobin noted, “Harris may lack the talent to fulfill her not-so-secret desire to emulate Barack Obama by parlaying a single unfinished term in the Senate into a successful presidential bid. But there’s no question that on the strength of these [Senate Intelligence Committee] hearings, she can lay claim to a style that is the future of American politics: Her combination of incivility, bullying, and victimhood makes her the perfect reflection of our current moment.”
New Jersey Democratic Senator Cory Booker, who vied with Kamala Harris to turn the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing into a presidential launching pad has also embraced incivility as part of his brand.
Appearing on MSNBC, Booker endorsed the call from Maxine Waters for protesters to harass members of the Trump administration whenever they dare to step foot in public.
As the Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported, after bumbling through a long-winded response about “radical love” and being civil to even those you disagree with, Booker took a turn and endorsed Waters’ call to action.
“If I saw an administrator out and about — there is nothing wrong with confronting that person,” Booker said.
The latest and perhaps least surprising entrant in the Democratic incivility sweepstakes is Hillary Clinton, who told CNN's Christiane Amanpour, "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about… That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."
In other words, civility only occurs when Democrats are in power. When they are out of power, anything goes.
“In their quest for power, the radical Democrats have turned into an angry mob,” President Trump said at a recent rally.
We can’t say the Rep. Maxine Waters, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Cory Booker and Hillary Clinton constitute a “mob,” but they certainly prove the point the President made at Monday’s rally: "You don't hand matches to an arsonist and you don't give power to an angry left-wing mob - and that's what they've become. The Democrats have become too extreme and too dangerous to govern."
Where’s the outrage over Hillary’s call for a ‘civil’ war?
By Michael Goodwin
Hillary Clinton
Two events from the last two days stand out. The first came Monday night with President Trump’s forceful yet compassionate speech at the swearing in of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
Two events from the last two days stand out. The first came Monday night with President Trump’s forceful yet compassionate speech at the swearing in of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
The president opened with an extraordinary apology on behalf of the country to Kavanaugh and his family “for the terrible pain and suffering” they endured during the historically brutal confirmation process. He said the unfounded allegations violated fairness and “the presumption of innocence.”
Trump also tenderly addressed Kavanaugh’s young daughters, telling them “your father is a great man, a man of decency, character, kindness and courage.”
The event was something of a spike-the-football moment in front of a cheering White House audience and as such was a clever piece of stagecraft, where Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell, Charles Grassley, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins were saluted.
But the ceremony was much more than mere boosterism. With the eight other Supremes sitting in the front row, Trump aimed to restore dignity to the judiciary at a time when the dirtiest tricks of politics have buried the court in a mountain of mud.
The president is right to worry that the character-assassination attempt on Kavanaugh may turn out to be a seminal moment in American political and cultural history. The ideas that the court is just another political branch and that the presumption of innocence no longer applies if you are on the other team represent a seismic shift in how we look at each other and the nation as a whole.
If those ideas stick, we are in more trouble than we can imagine.
And while Trump has at times unnecessarily contributed to the rancor, he was terrific Monday in trying to repair what Senate Democrats and their media handmaidens tried to destroy.
Which brings me to the second event of note: Hillary Clinton’s statement Tuesday that Democrats “cannot be civil” as long as Republicans hold the White House and Congress.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton told CNN. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”
There you have it — a declaration of war and a license for violence. Where is the media outrage?
Clinton knows we are already in the danger zone when it comes to the political temperature. Her comments, then, are as reckless as bringing a can of gasoline to a bonfire.
She’s stoking trouble to gain a foothold in the 2020 race — and damn the consequences.
Her claim that civility can return when Dems have power is an admission that the ends justify the means.
Then again, she never fails to disappoint. As I wrote Sunday, she has spent the last two years casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Trump presidency because the election didn’t go her way. That makes her guilty of the very thing she found “horrifying” when Trump suggested he might not abide by the results if he thought they were rigged.
“He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position,” she said in their final debate, in October 2016.
She added, “That is not the way our democracy works.”
But it does work exactly that way when Democrats are denied what they feel entitled to. They should be careful what they wish for.
For if the Kavanaugh experience revealed anything, it is that Trump’s GOP knows how to fight back and win. It is hard to imagine that Kavanaugh would have survived such an onslaught under any other recent Republican candidate for president.
There were so many reasons, and so much media pressure, that it would not have been surprising if a bloc of senators called the allegations a “distraction” and waved a white flag. They didn’t because Trump and Kavanaugh didn’t back down.
Still, there is danger when two sides both think they can outlast the other. Responding to my concern that America might be sleepwalking into a second civil war, a number of readers agreed. Some said they welcomed it.
Curt Doolittle wrote this: “We aren’t sleepwalking into it, we know exactly what we’re doing and why. The hard right and hard left are planning on it, ready for it, and looking for an opportunity.”
He said the pressure has been building and that “the only reason it hasn’t turned hot is the outlier of Trump’s election. If Clinton had won, we’d already be there.”
Supreme Court temporarily halts Ross questioning in census suit
Andrew Chung
Trump also tenderly addressed Kavanaugh’s young daughters, telling them “your father is a great man, a man of decency, character, kindness and courage.”
The event was something of a spike-the-football moment in front of a cheering White House audience and as such was a clever piece of stagecraft, where Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell, Charles Grassley, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins were saluted.
But the ceremony was much more than mere boosterism. With the eight other Supremes sitting in the front row, Trump aimed to restore dignity to the judiciary at a time when the dirtiest tricks of politics have buried the court in a mountain of mud.
The president is right to worry that the character-assassination attempt on Kavanaugh may turn out to be a seminal moment in American political and cultural history. The ideas that the court is just another political branch and that the presumption of innocence no longer applies if you are on the other team represent a seismic shift in how we look at each other and the nation as a whole.
If those ideas stick, we are in more trouble than we can imagine.
And while Trump has at times unnecessarily contributed to the rancor, he was terrific Monday in trying to repair what Senate Democrats and their media handmaidens tried to destroy.
Which brings me to the second event of note: Hillary Clinton’s statement Tuesday that Democrats “cannot be civil” as long as Republicans hold the White House and Congress.
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton told CNN. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”
There you have it — a declaration of war and a license for violence. Where is the media outrage?
Clinton knows we are already in the danger zone when it comes to the political temperature. Her comments, then, are as reckless as bringing a can of gasoline to a bonfire.
She’s stoking trouble to gain a foothold in the 2020 race — and damn the consequences.
Her claim that civility can return when Dems have power is an admission that the ends justify the means.
Then again, she never fails to disappoint. As I wrote Sunday, she has spent the last two years casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Trump presidency because the election didn’t go her way. That makes her guilty of the very thing she found “horrifying” when Trump suggested he might not abide by the results if he thought they were rigged.
“He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position,” she said in their final debate, in October 2016.
She added, “That is not the way our democracy works.”
But it does work exactly that way when Democrats are denied what they feel entitled to. They should be careful what they wish for.
For if the Kavanaugh experience revealed anything, it is that Trump’s GOP knows how to fight back and win. It is hard to imagine that Kavanaugh would have survived such an onslaught under any other recent Republican candidate for president.
There were so many reasons, and so much media pressure, that it would not have been surprising if a bloc of senators called the allegations a “distraction” and waved a white flag. They didn’t because Trump and Kavanaugh didn’t back down.
Still, there is danger when two sides both think they can outlast the other. Responding to my concern that America might be sleepwalking into a second civil war, a number of readers agreed. Some said they welcomed it.
Curt Doolittle wrote this: “We aren’t sleepwalking into it, we know exactly what we’re doing and why. The hard right and hard left are planning on it, ready for it, and looking for an opportunity.”
He said the pressure has been building and that “the only reason it hasn’t turned hot is the outlier of Trump’s election. If Clinton had won, we’d already be there.”
Supreme Court temporarily halts Ross questioning in census suit
Andrew Chung
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court late on Tuesday temporarily blocked an order forcing Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to be questioned this week by lawyers for states suing over his decision to ask respondents to the 2020 census whether they are citizens.
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross answers questions during an interview with Reuters in his office at the U.S. Department of Commerce building in Washington, U.S., October 5, 2018. REUTERS/Mary F. Calvert
In a brief order issued on Tuesday night, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg put the looming depositions of Ross and a top Justice Department official, John Gore, on hold while the high court further considers the government’s request to shield the officials from questioning.
A New York-based federal appeals court rejected the government’s bid to stop the depositions earlier on Tuesday. Gore’s deposition was scheduled for Wednesday morning, while Ross was to be questioned on Thursday.
The dispute will test the Supreme Court’s views on the level of deference judges should give a president’s cabinet members and other high-ranking officials. It comes as President Donald Trump’s new appointee to the high court, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, heard his first arguments on Tuesday morning.
The Trump administration has been vigorously contesting a Sept. 21 ruling by U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman in Manhattan that ordered Ross, whose department oversees the Census Bureau, to face a deposition because his “intent and credibility are directly at issue” in the litigation.
The lawsuit, which includes 18 states and a number of cities and counties, was spearheaded by Democratic officials.
The U.S. Constitution mandates a census every 10 years, which is used to allocate seats in Congress and distribute billions of dollars in federal funds.
Critics of adding a citizenship question to the census have said it will deter people in immigrant communities from participating, disproportionately affecting Democratic-leaning states.
The Justice Department told the Supreme Court that Furman exceeded his authority in ordering the depositions and that the states should not be allowed to probe Ross’s “mental processes” over the citizenship question.
Reporting by Andrew Chung; Editing by Leslie Adler
Breaking: Rod Rosenstein Refuses to Turn Over Subpoenaed Memos – Backs Out of Thursday’s Congressional Hearing
by Jim Hoft
In a brief order issued on Tuesday night, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg put the looming depositions of Ross and a top Justice Department official, John Gore, on hold while the high court further considers the government’s request to shield the officials from questioning.
A New York-based federal appeals court rejected the government’s bid to stop the depositions earlier on Tuesday. Gore’s deposition was scheduled for Wednesday morning, while Ross was to be questioned on Thursday.
The dispute will test the Supreme Court’s views on the level of deference judges should give a president’s cabinet members and other high-ranking officials. It comes as President Donald Trump’s new appointee to the high court, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, heard his first arguments on Tuesday morning.
The Trump administration has been vigorously contesting a Sept. 21 ruling by U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman in Manhattan that ordered Ross, whose department oversees the Census Bureau, to face a deposition because his “intent and credibility are directly at issue” in the litigation.
The lawsuit, which includes 18 states and a number of cities and counties, was spearheaded by Democratic officials.
The U.S. Constitution mandates a census every 10 years, which is used to allocate seats in Congress and distribute billions of dollars in federal funds.
Critics of adding a citizenship question to the census have said it will deter people in immigrant communities from participating, disproportionately affecting Democratic-leaning states.
The Justice Department told the Supreme Court that Furman exceeded his authority in ordering the depositions and that the states should not be allowed to probe Ross’s “mental processes” over the citizenship question.
Reporting by Andrew Chung; Editing by Leslie Adler
Breaking: Rod Rosenstein Refuses to Turn Over Subpoenaed Memos – Backs Out of Thursday’s Congressional Hearing
As we reported earlier Rod Rosenstein is one of the most conflicted and corrupt officials in US history.
According to multiple reports, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein has given a verbal resignation to Chief of Staff John Kelly following an explosive NYT report he wanted to wear a wire and oust Trump from office.
Last week, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC), who previously filed articles of impeachment against Rosenstein, called for the Deputy Attorney General to appear before Congress under oath this week.
But today Rosenstein notified Congress he will not turn over the subpoenaed memos and will not appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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