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Fri. Aug.4, 2017

Trump’s Border Checks for Cargo Trucks is Causing BIG Problems for the Cartels
By Jeff Dunetz
Uh-Oh, it looks like the leaders of Mexican drug cartels are going to need safe places because they are getting very angry at increased cargo truck inspections implemented by the Trump administration.
In a shift from the Obama years, all cargo trucks entering the U.S. from Mexico are screened via non-intrusive inspection equipment, in other words, giant X-ray scanners for trains and trucks.
And according to Judicial Watch sources in the U.S. and Mexico, the Mexican drug cartels are “fuming.”
Apparently, only random or sporadic screening was allowed under Obama and all trucks are screened under President Trump.“We felt like we were the welcoming committee and not like we were guarding our borders,” said veteran U.S. Customs agent Patricia Cramer, who also serves as president of the Arizona chapter of the agency’s employee union. “The order was to facilitate traffic, not to stop any illegal drugs from entering the country,” Cramer added. “We want to enforce the law. That’s what we signed up for.” Cramer, a canine handler stationed at the Nogales port of entry in Arizona, said illicit drugs are pouring in through the southern border, especially massive quantities of fentanyl, an opioid painkiller that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says is more potent than morphine.
Approximately 471,000 trucks pass through the U.S-Mexico border monthly, according to figures published by the U.S. Department of Transportation. The busiest port of entry is in Laredo, Texas where 167,553 trucks enter the U.S. from Mexico monthly, followed by Otay Mesa in California (76,953), El Paso, Texas (58,913), Hidalgo, Texas (45,355) and Nogales with 29,439. Other busy ports include East Calexico, California (29,173), Brownsville, Texas (16,140) and Eagle Pass, Texas (12,952). Trucks bring in everything from auto parts to appliances, produce and livestock. In fact, a veteran Homeland Security official told Judicial Watch that cattle trucks passed without inspection during the Obama administration because Mexican farmers complained that the security screenings frightened their cows. “Our guys were livid that we were not allowed to check cattle,” the federal official said.
According to customs agents, the Mexican drug lords usually put their products in with trucks full of legitimate products. These traffickers have moved enormous quantities of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana into the U.S. via our porous border.
Last year the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the nonpartisan agency that provides Congress with policy and legal analysis, published a disturbing report outlining how Mexican cartels move record quantities of drugs into the U.S. Because cartels move the drugs through the Southwest border, western states have become part of what’s known as the “heroin transit zone,” according to the CRS.
Federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch Mexican cartels operate like efficient businesses that resort to “other more treacherous routes” when necessary, but driving through a port of entry in a cargo truck is a preferred method of moving drugs. Cartels station shifts of spotters with binoculars in Mexican hills near border checkpoints to determine the level of security screenings. “They know if we’re on the job, the level of screening that we’re conducting,” Cramer said. “The cartels watch us all the time.” Nogales is a favorite for cartel spotters because the U.S. checkpoint sits in a valley surrounded by hills on the Mexican side, where unobstructed views facilitate surveillance. “They see everything,” Cramer said. For years the cartel spotters saw that much of the cargo passing through the checkpoint was waved through, according to agents contacted by Judicial Watch.
Bravo Mr. President! Well done.
Some of the Worst DC Swamp Monsters are…Republicans
The GOP in the Senate has a slim majority, 52-48. However, while it’s a Republican majority it’s not a conservative majority. And any three rogue Republicans can wander off the reservation, vote with the D’s, and kill anything the GOP wants to advance.
So under the circumstances, it’s quite possible Republicans in the Senate will, indeed, fail to honor their promises to repeal ObamaCare before the 2018 elections.
But the dynamic could dramatically change AFTER the 2018 elections.
You see, there are 23 Democrat senators – plus two “independents” who vote lockstep with the Democrats – who are up for reelection in 2018, and 8 Republicans. Only the GOP could possibly be incompetent enough not to significantly increase their majority under an electoral map like that.
But don’t sell ‘em short. It wouldn’t be the first time. Remember how the GOP lost seven seats, including five incumbents, in 2008?
But the solution to the problem that has resulted in the GOP’s failure thus far to repeal ObamaCare isn’t to just elect more Republicans in 2018, but better ones as well.
As longtime conservative icon Richard Viguerie wrote in his excellent “how to” manifesto, “Takeover,” in 2014, “Merely having an *R* next to your name on the ballot does not mean you will hold fast to limited-government constitutional conservative principles.”
Sad but true.
Which is why it’s not enough for conservatives to simply challenge Democrats in general elections, but Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) in primaries – both as a matter of principle and party discipline – as well.
When you allow Republican politicians to get away with flipping off the party’s conservative base, they’ll just keep doing it. Such Republicans are a cancer on the party. Their betrayals eat away at voter support, ruin the brand for every other GOP candidate up and down the ballot, and demoralize both the party’s volunteers and its donors.
“It is hard for many conservatives to understand that establishment Republicans are the enemy,” Viguerie continues, noting that those establishmentarians “are not people who can simply be talked out of their commitment to Big Government; they must be defeated, because they are blocking the path to saving America.”
Indeed, in the LONG scheme of things, they are NOT better than the Democrat alternative. Such serious actions of sabotage MUST have consequences. If you let a kid continue to throw temper tantrums, he – and others watching him get away with it – will continue to throw temper tantrums.
The other reason why Republican primaries are so important is that it’s not enough to simply have more conservatives with a seat at the table. If you really want to move the limited-government ball forward, unapologetic, principled conservatives who aren’t afraid to rock the boat need to be at the HEAD of the table.
So let it be written; so let it be done.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
Jeff Flake: A Book By A Fake Conservative With No Conscience
The first political book I read was Barry Goldwater’s “Conscience of a Conservative.” It was my Mother’s copy that she received while she was active in the Young Republicans and the Goldwater for President movement in the early 1960s and I still have it.
This slim paperback, ghostwritten by L. Brent Bozell, Jr., was a defining work for the modern conservative movement and along with the Sharron Statement stands as one of the best statements of the foundational principles of the conservative movement.
To understand how important Goldwater’s book was it is important to understand the milieu in which it was written.
The year was 1960 and in contrast to Nixon’s “me-too-ism” during the 1960 presidential campaign, Goldwater was traveling around the country as chairman of the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, selling his new brand of conservatism.
The book was intended, Senator Goldwater said, “to awaken the American people to a realization of how far we had moved from the old constitutional concepts toward the new welfare state.” The book quickly went through twenty printings and sold 3.5 million copies, and it is still in print.
As CHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie recounted in his book TAKEOVER, The Conscience of a Conservative “was our new testament,” Pat Buchanan later said. “It contained the core beliefs of our political faith, it told us why we had failed, what we must do. We read it, memorized it, quoted it. . . . For those of us wandering in the arid desert of Eisenhower Republicanism, it hit like a rifle shot.”
The book’s strong statement of the dangers of, and opposition to, world Communism helped define the conservative movement as the natural political home of first- and second-generation Eastern Europeans, Cubans, and Asians who had fled Communist revolutions in their homelands, and solidified Barry Goldwater as the premier spokesman for rolling back the Communist tide. During the 1960 campaign, Goldwater visited almost every state and appeared at dozens of party conventions and smaller gatherings.
That experience put him in contact with grassroots Republicans all over the country. After Nixon’s defeat, and more than two years before the 1964 election, “Draft Goldwater for President committees” were formed in large measure as a response to L. Brent Bozell’s eloquent framing of Goldwater’s beliefs and principles.
Which leads us to Senator Jeff Flake’s new book, whose title is also “The Conscience of a Conservative” and while the Flake book is a publicity-seeking rip-off of Goldwater’s title it has neither the intellectual weight, nor the principles, nor the eloquence of Goldwater’s original.
Far from being a cogent statement of conservative principles it is more a hypocritical book-length screed against President Trump and, more tellingly, against the millions of Americans who voted for Trump and his agenda.
Indeed, L. Brent Bozell III, President of the Media Research Center and son of Goldwater’s ghostwriter L. Brent Bozell, Jr. has issued a fiery statement denouncing Flake as a hypocrite and impostor:
On behalf of my late father and my family, I am denouncing Senator Jeff Flake and his new book, dishonestly titled, “Conscience of a Conservative.”
Since entering the Senate in 2013, Jeff Flake has, time and again, proven he is part of the indulgent hypocrisy in Washington. While he waxes poetically about conservative principles, his Conservative Review Liberty score is an abysmal 53%, also known as: 'F.' In 2013, I watched first-hand as Flake refused to sign a letter pledging to defund ObamaCare, among his many betrayals to conservatism. Jeff Flake is neither a conservative nor does he have a conscience.
As every conservative leader knows, my father, L. Brent Bozell, Jr., ghost-wrote “Conscience of a Conservative” for Barry Goldwater. While the Goldwater Institute may own the rights to the book’s title, neither the organization nor Senator Flake have the right to unjustifiably trade on my father’s work. “Conscience of a Conservative” is the greatest selling polemic in history, and Senator Flake is trading on its reputation to shamelessly promote himself and disguise his own conservative deficiencies. My father would be appalled to see this fraud as the author of the so-called “sequel,” which it most certainly is not.
The media need to know, when reporting on Senator Flake and his “book,” that the author is a deceiver out for personal and financial gain. I also call on my conservative brethren to denounce this impostor, who dishonorably claims to speak for conservatism, in the strongest possible terms.
Mr. Bozell is right, but he is, in our view, too kind to Senator Flake.
Robert Robb, of The (Arizona) Republic is more precise in his analysis of Flake’s failure:
…I believe Flake loses his way by failing to distinguish between conservatism and the Republican Party. While conservatives have sought to advance political aims through the Republican Party, the Republican Party has never been a truly conservative party.
The Republican Party has only nominated two true conservatives for president: Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.
A truly conservative party would have no trouble replacing the Obamacare mandates with individual choice in health insurance and reining in Medicaid costs to taxpayers. Yet Republicans can’t muster a simple majority in the U.S. Senate to do that.
Trump’s populist nationalism was always a part of the Republican coalition.
Flake has been in Congress, first in the House and now in the Senate, since 2001. He has been part and parcel to everything that is wrong with the Republican Party and why it “has never been a truly conservative party” – the Bush bailouts, the failure to stop Obama’s illegal executive acts, and the failure to use the constitutional powers of Congress to rein-in spending and the growth of government during the Bush and Obama years.
In short Jeff Flake is not and never has stood for the conservative principles he now claims to rally Americans to embrace.
Perhaps the liberal New Republic best summed our view of Flake and his book, “Flake’s conservatism is mostly a mix of worn clichés about self-reliance (learned, as they so often are, on a rugged Arizona ranch) and freedom. In terms of policies, Flake is an unrepentant free trader and globalist. He is a pro-immigration Republican... He is what you would call a Jeb Bush Republican, which is probably the loneliest thing there is to be.”
Flake is lonely because that’s hardly the definition of a conservative or a man of conscience. We urge CHQ readers to skip Flake’s screed against the voters he has failed as a member of Congress and read the original Goldwater – Bozell version of Conscience of a Conservative instead.
ConservativeHQ.com is the online news source for conservatives and Tea Partiers committed to bringing limited government constitutional conservatives to power.
Why No Warning Label on Marijuana?
Marijuana joint (Flickr Photo/Labeled for Reuse)
The federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires all drugs in the United States to be shown safe and effective before being marketed in the United States.
Now that the manufacture and sale of marijuana is legal in Colorado, California, and six other states, why hasn’t the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required warning labels on marijuana?
The FDA has plenary powers, including the outright prohibition of the marketing of unsafe drugs. It has similar statutory authority to issue an order recalling drugs, although recalls are normally done voluntarily by drug manufacturers.
The FDA issues weekly enforcement reports on drugs, medical devices and other products whose safety it regulates. In 2015, it ordered a firm to recall its medical device used in endoscopy.
The FDA has issued a public warning to consumers to avoid homeopathic products as treatments for asthma. The FDA has required warning and information labels on more than 95,000 drugs and medical devices for people and for animals.
The best known warning label, of course, is the one that the United States Surgeon General has required on cigarette packs since 1966. Also well-known is the warning label on alcoholic beverage containers, which states that drinking alcohol during pregnancy may cause birth defects, that people should not drink and drive, and that alcohol may cause other health problems.
That marijuana is a drug there is no doubt. The FDA states that “marijuana and marijuana-derived products” are “drugs.”
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, marijuana is “the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.” According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), “marijuana is a mind-altering (psychoactive) drug.”
The Surgeon General’s 1996 report entitled “Facing Addiction in America” describes marijuana as one of the “addictive drugs.”
Likewise, marijuana is not safe.
Despite all the recent changes in many state laws over the last five years and the massive public advocacy and lobbying of the emerging multi-billion-dollar marijuana industry, the FDA has not changed its position on marijuana but continues to hold that it “has not approved marijuana as a safe and effective drug for any indication.” Now, within the last nine months, two new reports on the dangers of marijuana have been issued.
In January of this year, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released an up-to-date review (468 pages) of research entitled “The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids.” Marijuana is produced from the plant cannabis sativa. The Academies have described their research review as “the current state of evidence.”
The review concludes that there is "substantial/strong" evidence that using cannabis can lead to the development of schizophrenia or other psychoses, smoking cannabis can worsen respiratory symptoms and bronchitis episodes, using cannabis can lead to an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, and smoking cannabis by expectant mother is associated with low birth weights of babies.
In addition, there is “moderate evidence” from which “general conclusions” can be drawn of a statistical association between acute cannabis use and impairment of learning, memory, and attention; increased incidence of thinking of suicide, suicide attempts, actual suicides; and the development of substance dependence to all drugs as well as to alcohol and tobacco.
In November 2016, the Surgeon General of the United States released a major report (413 pages) on alcohol, drugs, and health entitled Facing Addiction in America. Concerning marijuana (cannabis), the report pointed out that in the current climate of increasing legalization, “users may not have accurate information” about the “dosage and potency” of marijuana.
According to the Surgeon General, among the “short-term symptoms of use” of cannabis are disinhibition, impaired balance and coordination, problems with learning and memory, hallucinations and delusions, panic attacks and psychosis.
The “long-term consequences of use” are mental health problems, chronic cough, frequent respiratory infections, increased risk for cancer, and suppression of the immune system.
Thus, based upon the conclusions of the most up-to-date research and analysis, a warning about the health dangers of marijuana might look like this:
WARNING. Using cannabis can lead to the development of schizophrenia, other psychoses and other mental-health problems. Cannabis can cause hallucinations, delusions, and panic attacks. Cannabis can cause an increase in suicide ideation and suicide attempts. Smoking cannabis can worsen respiratory infections and bronchitis episodes. Using cannabis can lead to an increased risk of motor vehicle crashes. Maternal cannabis smoking is associated with the lower birth weight of babies.
The crusade against cigarettes included both warning labels and an extensive public-education campaign. Today, public education about marijuana consists in emphasizing that legalized marijuana will supply both “jobs and taxes.”
But doesn’t the FDA have its own duty to warn the American people about the dangers of this drug?
Thomas Ascik retired as a federal prosecutor. His work has appeared in The Federalist, Crisis Magazine and Catholic World Report.
Donald Trump Unveils Merit Based Immigration Reform
President Donald Trump today joined with two GOP Senators to introduce his merit-based immigration reform, which is designed to help millions of Americans hurt by the nation’s current cheap-labor immigration policies.
The RAISE Act “will reduce poverty, increase wages and save taxpayers billions and billions of dollars,” Trump told reporters in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. “This legislation demonstrates our compassion for struggling American families who deserve an immigration system that puts their needs first, and that puts America first.”
The current immigration system, said Trump:
has placed substantial pressure on American workers, taxpayers and community resources, and among those hit the hardest … are minority workers competing for jobs against brand new arrivals. It has not been fair to our people, to our citizens, to our workers … [this RAISE act] will give Americans a pay raise by reducing immigration… [and] it will restore the sacred bonds of trust between America and its citizens.
Democrats and their ethnic pressure groups are expected to oppose the immigration reform because they wish to increase the inflow of unskilled foreign migrants. Business groups also oppose the measure because it would raise wages and reduce the inflow of new welfare-aided consumers.
However, many polls show strong public support for cutting the annual inflow of immigrants and temporary blue-collar and white-collar foreign workers. That foreign inflow now adds up to almost 4 million people per year. The inflow has a huge economic impact on the 150 million Americans in the workforce, but especially on the 4 million young Americans who join the workforce each year.
The bill was drafted and is being pushed by Georgia Sen. David Perdue and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton. It is formally titled the “Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy Act.”
The nation’s immigration system “should help American workers to achieve a pay raise and have a higher standard of living,” he said. The new RAISE act “would raise economic growth and help America get more competitive,” said Cotton. “Our current system simply doesn’t do that … it puts great downward pressure on people who work with their hands and on their feet … it is a symbol that we are not committed to working-class Americans.”
Each year, only one-in-15 of the 1 million green card immigrants is accepted because of their ability to grow the economy, said Cotton.
“It is imperative that our immigration system focuses on high skilled workers who can add value to our economy and ultimately achieve their own version of the American dream,” said Perdue.
To help the bill survive opposition from media and business groups, the bill focuses only on green card legal immigration. It does not raise or lower the number of green card workers, such as H-1Bs, or constrict the annual award of work permits, dubbed “Employment Authorization Documents.”
Each year, the federal government provides green cards to roughly 1 million people. It also provides work visas to roughly 500,000 foreign workers, such as H-2Bs and H-1Bs, and it provides work permits to roughly 2 million people, including refugees and foreign graduates of U.S. colleges.
But if the RAISE act becomes law, Democrats and their business allies would lose the huge annual inflow of immigrants whom they expect will soon bring them national political dominance. That loss will pressure Democrats to compete for votes from working-class Americans by offering to slash the very unpopular inflow of visa-workers.
The proposed immigration reform was applauded by pro-American reformers. Roy Beck, the president of NumbersUSA said:
The RAISE Act introduced today by Senators Cotton and Perdue will do more than any other action to fulfill President Trump’s promises as a candidate to create an immigration system that puts the interests of American workers first.
Our recent polling confirms that American voters overwhelmingly want far less immigration because they know mass immigration creates unfair competition for American workers.
Seeing the President standing with the bill’s sponsors at the White House gives hope to the tens of millions of struggling Americans in stagnant jobs or outside the labor market altogether. NumbersUSA stands with these Americans in wholeheartedly endorsing the RAISE Act.
According to a statement from Perdue, the RAISE Act would:
• Establish a Skills-Based Points System. The RAISE Act would replace the current permanent employment-visa system with a skills-based points system, akin to the systems used by Canada and Australia. The system would prioritize those immigrants who are best positioned to succeed in the United States and expand the economy. Applicants earn points based on education, English-language ability, high-paying job offers, age, record of extraordinary achievement, and entrepreneurial initiative.
• Prioritize Immediate Family Households. The RAISE Act would retain immigration preferences for the spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents while eliminating preferences for certain categories of extended and adult family members.
• Eliminate the Outdated Diversity Visa Lottery. The Diversity Lottery is plagued with fraud, advances no economic or humanitarian interest, and does not even promote diversity. The RAISE Act would eliminate the 50,000 visas arbitrarily allocated to this lottery.
• Place a Responsible Limit on Permanent Residency for Refugees. The RAISE Act would limit refugees offered permanent residency to 50,000 per year, in line with a 13-year average.
Click here to read the full text of the legislation. Additionally, click here for a section by section summary and here for a fact sheet on the legislation.
Report: Al Gore’s Home Burns 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household
The home of former vice-president and climate change activist Al Gore burns 34 times more electricity than the average American household, a report from National Center for Public Policy Research has revealed.
According to the report, Gore’s energy use at his 10,070-square-foot Colonial-style home in the upmarket Belle Meade neighborhood of Nashville averages 19,241-kilowatt hours (kWh) a month, compared to the U.S. household average of 901 kWh per month.
Over the past year, Gore has used more energy than the average American family does in 21 years, and has an enormous energy bill of $22,000 a year.
However, that money is pocket change compared to his estimated net worth of $300 million, which he has acquired through years of corporate speeches, documentary films, and book deals.
Big Al’s humble abode in Nashville
One of Gore’s most energy guzzling facilities is his heated outdoor swimming pool, which used 66,159 kWh of electricity over the past 12 months, equivalent to the average yearly energy output of six American households.
The study is only an analysis of Gore’s energy use in his Nashville property, obtained through open records requests and phone calls to NES, and does not account for energy usage at his two other properties — a penthouse in San Francisco and a farmhouse in Tennessee.
Gore’s latest film, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, a follow-up to Gore’s Oscar-winning 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, studies the efforts made to tackle climate change and Al Gore’s attempts to persuade politicians to invest in renewable energy, culminating in Barack Obama’s signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016.
The former vice president announced last month the documentary will include a last-minute edit to include President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.
White House on Opioids: U.S. ‘Enduring a Death Toll Equal to’ 9/11 ‘Every 3 Weeks’
President Donald Trump should declare a national emergency in response to the nearly 142 Americans killed each day by the opioid crisis gripping the United States, a bipartisan White House panel has found.
In late March, Trump convened a commission to combat the abuse of deadly opioids like heroin, prescription painkiller medication, and the synthetic opioid fentanyl.
“With approximately 142 Americans dying every day, America is enduring a death toll equal to Sept. 11 every three weeks,” wrote members of Trump’s bipartisan committee, referring to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the American homeland that killed nearly 3,000 people. “Your declaration would empower your cabinet to take bold steps and would force Congress to focus on funding and empowering the executive branch even further to deal with this loss of life.”
“It would also awaken every American to this simple fact: if this scourge has not found you or your family yet, without bold action by everyone, it soon will,” they continued.
Members of the panel, led by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), described their request for Trump to declare a national emergency as their “first and most urgent recommendation.”
In May, Dr. Thomas Gilson, the chief medical examiner for Cuyahoga County in Ohio, dubbed the nation’s overdose capital in late 2016, told U.S. lawmakers that coroner’s offices across the United States are facing “personnel shortages” and equipment failures due to the number of overdose fatalities.
“There is a national crisis in death investigation,” he declared.
Preliminary data compiled by the New York Times (NYT) reveals that 2016 drug overdose deaths in the United States increased nearly 20 percent over the unprecedented 52,404 fatalities the previous year.
According to the latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the record overdose fatalities in 2015 included 33,091 opioid-linked deaths (more than 60 percent).
“All evidence suggests the problem has continued to worsen in 2017,” reports NYT, noting that the “deaths are rising faster than ever.”
The White House panel’s daily opioid fatality estimate (142) marks an estimated 35 percent increase from the 91 Americans the U.S. government believed were dying each day when Trump created the committee in late March.
“The opioid epidemic we are facing is unparalleled. The average American would likely be shocked to know that drug overdoses now kill more people than gun homicides and car crashes combined,” acknowledged members of the White House commission.
Some states – including Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Alaska – have already declared some form of a state of emergency in response to the opioid addiction crisis.
Trump’s commission was supposed to issue an interim report when it held its first public meeting last month but delayed doing so until now.
The panel is expected to issue its final report in October.
In its preliminary report, the commission urged the Trump administration to expand access to medications that help treat opioid addiction and “rapidly increase treatment capacity” by eliminating statutory hurdles to treatment.
The Trump administration should implement “prescriber education initiatives … to enhance prevention efforts,” also suggested the commission.
It urged the U.S. government to provide model legislation to allow the dispensing of naloxone, a drug used to reverse opioid overdoses.
Moreover, the panel called on the Trump administration to “prioritize funding and manpower” to DHS, the FBI, and the DEA to develop fentanyl detection sensors as soon as possible and share them with federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies.
In the United States, the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl primarily originates in China and Mexico.
“In 2016, specific states witnessed an escalating number of overdose deaths due to heroin and/or fentanyl(s), in some states vastly exceeding deaths due to prescription opioids,” noted the commission.
The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), a watchdog agency, has urged the Trump administration to examine the possible link between record opium production in Afghanistan and the heroin deaths in the United States.
Cultivation and production of opium and its heroin derivative reached historic levels in Afghanistan over the last few years along with opioid fatalities in the United States.
In Afghanistan, the world’s top supplier of opium and heroin, some U.S. troops have been investigated for possessing, using, or distributing heroin and other opiates.
The DEA reports that the majority of heroin in the United States originates from Mexico, adding that only an estimated one percent of the drug that is actually seized comes from Afghanistan.
Cecile Richards: You Can’t be a Democrat if You Don’t Support Abortion. “It’s Non-Negotiable”
The head of the nation’s biggest abortion company is not very happy that Democrats are considering supporting candidates who are pro-life. Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards essentially says that you can’t be a Democrat if you don’t support abortion and that the Democratic Party should not support any candidate who opposes abortion.
In an interview with The Hill published Monday, Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said there would be no abortion “litmus test” and that the party would not withhold funding from pro-life candidates.
Richards lashed out at the pro-abortion politician on Twitter.
“Women’s health & rights are non-negotiable – incl. access to safe, legal abortion. We’ll hold any politician who says otherwise accountable,” she wrote. “Trading away women’s health and rights will just alienate one of the most powerful political forces in this country. Access to safe, legal abortion is central to women’s economic empowerment and bodily autonomy.”
“Most of America agrees: 7 in 10 Americans support Roe v. Wade. Access to abortion has more support than any political party in the country,” Richards falsely claimed — despite polling data to the contrary showing a majority of Americans are pro-life.
Women’s health & rights are non-negotiable - incl. access to safe, legal abortion. We’ll hold any politician who says otherwise accountable.
Women’s health & rights are non-negotiable - incl. access to safe, legal abortion. We’ll hold any politician who says otherwise accountable.
Trading away women’s health and rights will just alienate one of the most powerful political forces in this country. http://ift.tt/2u82qEy …
Access to safe, legal abortion is central to women’s economic empowerment and bodily autonomy.
Most of America agrees: 7 in 10 Americans support Roe v. Wade. Access to abortion has more support than any political party in the country.
But polling data from earlier this year shows that 23% of Democrats consider themselves pro-life on abortion. That makes it so the abortion advocates who run the party are essentially driving away 1/4 of the party supporters and making them more likely to support pro-life Republican candidates.
Democrats for Life estimates more than 23 million Democrats in the U.S. are pro-life. Last year, Pew Research found that 28 percent of Democrats say abortion should be illegal in most or all cases. Marist/KofC polling also found that 23 percent of Democrats consider themselves pro-life.
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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