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Tues. Aug.15, 2017
~All Gave Some~Some Gave All~ God Bless America~

Democrats and the KKK
McMaster ‘Detonated’ Over Memo that Warned of Political Warfare Effort Against Trump
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster fired National Security Council staffer Rich Higgins over an esoteric memo that warned about “deep state” actors including “globalists, bankers, Islamists, and establishment Republicans” seeking to destroy the president, according to a copy obtained by Breitbart News and published below.
The memo says the administration is suffering under “withering information campaigns designed to first undermine, then delegitimize and ultimately remove the President.” It also said there is a mindset within the White House inadequate to the threat.
“This is not politics as usual but rather political warfare at an unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken,” it said.
The seven-page memo at times takes on an academic-like tone. Higgins, a former Army explosive specialist, Justice Department consultant, and Pentagon official, had also taught as a professor at the National War College, according to a Daily Caller interview last year.
But McMaster allegedly “detonated” after he got ahold of the memo, a source close to Higgins told Breitbart.
Although the memo never mentions McMaster or others in the White House, it says, “many close to the president have pushed him off his message when he was candidate Trump thus alienating him from his base thereby isolating him in the process.”
“When President Trump is not candidate Trump, he becomes dangerously exposed. While the base that elected candidate Trump identified with his vision, they are only Trump’s insofar as he holds to the vision that made him president.”
The memo was written in May, but after McMaster discovered it, Higgins was called into the White House counsel’s office on July 18 and questioned about it. On July 21, he was fired by McMaster’s deputy, but not explicitly given a reason why.
There are differing accounts as to how McMaster got hold of it. Higgins wrote the memo on his home computer, but had sent it to his work email to print out. The memo did not have an author’s name on it.
The source close to Higgins told Breitbart News that he believed McMaster obtained it from Higgins’ work email account. Two sources told Foreign Policy that the memo was discovered as part of a “routine security” audit of NSC staffers’ communications, but another source told the outlet that it was through a leak investigation of those suspected of communicating with blogger Mike Cernovich, who has waged an all-out war against McMaster.
“McMaster was just very, very obsessed with this, with Cernovich,” a senior administration official told Foreign Policy, which first published the memo on Thursday. “He has become this incredible specter.”
The memo reportedly made its way to President Trump, who loved it. It was not until he saw it on Fox News did he learn that Higgins was fired. A senior administration official told Foreign Policy that Trump was “furious.”
After Higgins was fired, McMaster fired two more NSC staffers — Derek Harvey and Ezra Cohen-Watnick. They had all worked on the president’s campaign and were hired to the NSC before McMaster got there.
Sources say they were also dedicated to the president’s agenda, versus McMaster’s — which disagrees with the president on numerous issues including the Iran deal, Afghanistan, and whether there is such thing as “radical Islam.”
McMaster has not publicly addressed his firing of Higgins, Harvey, or Cohen-Watnick. An interview he granted to NBC News’sChuck Todd is scheduled to air on Sunday.
Here is the memo in full:
Is George Soros Funding The White Nationalists?
By Don Feder
I wouldn't be surprised if billionaire Bolshevik George Soros was secretly funding the so-called White Nationalists. In terms of advancing revolutionary goals, they are the perfect useful idiots. And you thought they were just idiots.
Of course, the media is using the Charlottesville mayhem to beat up on the president. His statement condemning racism should have been stronger and more specific, they grumble. He didn't mention white supremacists – or Vladimir Putin.
Wait till they really get going. Their message (subtly conveyed) will be – Trump has legitimized hatred with his anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rhetoric. (Who legitimized Muslim terrorism?) Note how they lovingly report the drivel of Imperial Grand Moron David Duke, who claimed at the Unite the Right Rally that they were there to "fulfill Trump's promises." Someone forgot to tell him that the president has a Jewish daughter.
This could almost be a replay of Germany in the last years of the Weimar Republic, with Brown Shirts and communist thugs slugging it out in the streets. The communists scared many in the middle class into the arms of the Nazis, and the National Socialists pushed workers left to communism.
After Saturday's mayhem, Clinton hack and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe told the white racists: "There is no place for you in America. Please go home and never come back."
He had nothing to say to the racists of Black Lives Matters or the black-clad goons of the AntiFa – both embraced by his party.
The White Nationalists are no more than a freak-show attraction and foil for black nationalists and their allies. The former have nothing but their deluded selves. The latter have the news media, academia and the Democratic Party, among others, in their corner.
Both white supremacists and Marxists have more in common than either realize. For the supremacists, blacks, other non-whites and Jews are evil, and Aryans are the master race in chains. For BLM and its sympathizers, it's the reverse.
The left gave up on the working class decades ago, when it refused to act according to Marxist theory. In the '60s, New Left theoretician Herbert Marcuse posited that the new proletariat will be racial minorities, women and sexual revolutionaries. In this scenario, privileged whites take the place of capitalists. The Charlottesville antagonists both hate Jews (one more openly than the other), and can't wait to split skulls to achieve their ends.
Patriots understand that both are the enemy. For us, it's not about skin color but what's in your heart and your mind. That's what makes Americans – that and nothing else. Dr. King said he wanted his children to live in a world where they would "not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Patriots must stick to our principles, keep our powder dry and speak the truth with courage and clarity.
Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains a Facebook page.
The following story can be found on the GrassTopsUSA website athttp://ift.tt/2w7sbVt. Permission to reprint or quote this commentary on the Internet is granted provided you include a byline to Don Feder, attribution to GrassTopsUSA and link back to the article at the URL above.
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The bias in the media against President Donald Trump is often very subtle, but unmistakable. For example, consider this blurb yesterday from an article by Julie Bykowicz and Erica Werner of the Associated Press…
“Trump launched a barrage of criticism at (Senate Majority Leader Mitch) McConnell over the collapse of the seven-year GOP campaign to repeal and replace Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act…”
Except…that’s not what happened.
Trump didn’t “launch” an attack against Mitch McConnell. Trump RESPONDED to an attack by McConnell, who blamed Trump for ObamaCare repeal failure; saying Trump was new to DC and had unrealistic expectations.
Trump didn’t punch; he counter-punched. Which he’s known for. You could look it up. Yet nowhere in the reporters’ report does it mention that McConnell started the fight. Go figure.
In the same report, the “reporters” note that some Senate colleagues have come to McConnell’s defense in the spat with the president. Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) went as far as to say without McConnell we wouldn’t have Neal Gorsuch on the Supreme Court.
That’s a laugh. With a 52-48 majority in the Senate, Republicans could have confirmed the eminently qualified constitutionalist with Forest Gump as Majority Leader. Get a grip, Todd.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Screw Marshawn Lynch.
The Oakland Raiders’ running back opted to sit on his arse eating a banana Saturday night as the National Anthem was played before the start of the NFL team’s pre-season game against the Phoenix Cardinals in a protest against alleged racism.
The Colin Kaepernick-wannabe is being victimized to the tune of $4.5 million a year!
Raiders coach Jack del Rio said he told Lynch, “I’m going to respect you as a man. You do your thing.”
Yeah, jerk, “do your thing.” And I’ll do mine. Boycott the Raiders as long as you continue boycotting the Star Spangled Banner.
“Former presidential candidate Herman Cain (R-Ga.) said Sen.John McCain (R-Ariz.) is ‘the biggest bozo’ on Capitol Hill. Cain said he respects McCain's valor in Vietnam, but that his legislative service leaves much to be desired. ‘I respect him for his military service. But, I do not respect him for stabbing the American people in the back [on ObamaCare repeal],’ Cain said.” – FOX News, 8/11/17
NBC: McMaster Dodges Questions About Working With Bannon
NBC's "Meet the Press" By Eric Mack
In what is being considered a dodge of the question of whether he can work with White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster refused to single out Bannon — or even mention by name — in an appearance Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."
"I get to work together with a broad range of talented people, and it is a privilege every day to enable the national security team," McMaster told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd, when asked directly about working with the oft-criticized Bannon.
Host Todd then pressed whether McMaster "and Steve Bannon work in that same White House?"
"I am ready to work with anybody to help advance the president's agenda and advance the security, prosperity of the American people," McMaster responded.
Pressed further by Todd whether McMaster believes "Steve Bannon does that?"
"I believe that everyone who works in the White House — who has the privilege, the great privilege every day of serving their nation — should be motivated by that goal," he said.
Fired White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci has also signaled discord with Bannon in his own appearance on ABC's "This Week."
"I think the president knows what he's going to do with Steve Bannon," Scaramucci told host George Stephanopoulos.
"Let's leave it up to the president. It's his decision. But I mean, at the end of the day, I think the president has a very good idea of who the leakers are inside the White House. The president has a very good idea of the people that are undermining his agenda that are serving their own interests."
Trump condemns Charlottesville violence 'on many sides'
Trump condemns violence and hatred 'on many sides'
President Trump condemned the "egregious" racially charged clashes in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday, but he avoided putting more blame on any particular group, saying hatred by "many sides" was to blame.
Trump made the remarks shortly after it was confirmed that one person had been killed and more than a dozen others injured after a car plowed into a crowd of people protesting against white nationalist and Nazi groups marching Saturday in Charlottesville.
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides — on many sides," Trump said at a press conference from his New Jersey golf course.
"It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time," he continued.
Trump also called attention to the economy during his remarks and praised state and local police at an event meant to highlight accomplishments by the Department of Veterans' Affairs during his administration.
"Our country is doing very well in so many ways. We have record, just absolute record employment. We have unemployment the lowest it's been in almost seventeen years. We have companies pouring into our country. Foxconn and car companies and so many others, they're coming back to our country. We're renegotiating trade deals to make them great for our country and great for the American worker," he said.
Trump came under criticism for not condemning the far right groups marching in Virginia, and for instead criticizing violence by "many sides."
"Mr. President - we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism," Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) wrote on Twitter.
"White supremacists, Neo-Nazis and anti-Semites are the antithesis of our American values," wrote Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican House member from Florida. "There are no other "sides" to hatred and bigotry."
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a message on Twitter it was "very important for the nation to hear @POTUS describe events in #Charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by #whitesupremacists."
White nationalist, white supremacist and alt-right groups were initially scheduled to gather in Charlottesville's Emancipation Park Saturday to protest the city's decision to remove a Confederate statue there.
But as clashes broke out ahead of the so-called "Unite the Right" rally Saturday morning, police declared the gathering an unlawful assembly, breaking up the event before it officially began.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) confirmed Saturday night that at least three people were killed during the violent clashes, including two police officers in a nearby helicopter crash.
The president first condemned the event on Twitter hours after the violence ensued.
We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!
Former CIA Agent Says The Deep State Is Going To Kill Trump
The Deep State has declared all-out war on Donald Trump.
Operatives have illegally leaked classified information to try and force him out of office.
Now, one former CIA agent said the government is going to take the next unthinkable step.
Former CIA agent and CNN counter-terrorism analyst Philip Mudd reacted to Trump joking about Russia expelling 755 American diplomats by saying the “government was going to kill this guy.”
CNN analyst on Trump: "The government's gonna kill this guy." http://ift.tt/2vLF080 …
Host Jake Tapper jumped in to make sure Mudd didn’t mean the government was actually going to turn on Trump and assassinate him.
Mudd said he was speaking metaphorically, but his odd remarks about the Deep State left many Trump supporters concerned about a new round of leaks and further attempts by the permanent bureaucracy to sabotage Trump.
Trump infuriated liberals when speaking with the press at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, he made his remarks about Putin expelling American diplomats.
The Associated Press reports:
Trump was clearly joking when he made his remarks.
But Mudd’s reaction signified the Deep State was going to use it as another excuse to wage all-out war on Trump.
They want his presidency to fail.
And members of the Deep State will go to any lengths — including criminal leaks — to ruin Trump’s presidency.
The goal isn’t just to destroy Trump.
It’s to teach the American people a lesson for electing a President from outside the permanent political class.
If they succeed, the Deep State will not only have nullified the results of the 2016 election, they will have stolen Democracy from the American people.
Satellite Images Suggest North Korea Is About To Launch Missiles From Submarines
In the past several weeks, tensions have escalated between North Korea and the United States.
North Korea continues to ignore requests by several nations to cease the development and testing of nuclear missiles.
Instead, Kim Jong-un has been flexing his nuclear muscles–staging parades, running missile launch tests, threatening the United States. Anything and everything to make the majority of the world incredibly uncomfortable.
It seems a 21st-century Cold War is inevitable and now it appears we have satellite images to prove it.
NEW satellite images of North Korea bases appear to show the volatile state is overhauling its missile sub fleet as tension rises during the nuclear stand-off between Kim Jong-un and the US.
The pictures show activity at a test site which is scarily similar to preparations before the Stalinist nation’s last test of their Pukguksong-1 submarine-launched ballistic missile in August 2016.
The North Korean subs were seen in commercial satellite pictures.
The pictures show activity at a test site which is scarily similar to preparations before the Stalinist nation’s last test of their Pukguksong-1 submarine-launched ballistic missile in August 2016.
The North Korean subs were seen in commercial satellite pictures.
These images did not surface until Trump tweeted on Friday that the United States military is “locked and loaded” — in case Kim Jong-un and North Korea decide to “act unwisely”.
We reported Friday that “North Korea has the technology to reach Guam and, potentially, Alaska and San Diego.”
And, he has threatened to strike the United States several times.
And, he has threatened to strike the United States several times.
The Pentagon said the United States and South Korea would proceed as planned with a joint military exercise in 10 days, an action sure to further antagonise North Korea.
North Korea watcher Joseph Bermudez of 38North, which monitors military activity in the Stalinist country, has spotted changes on the boat and the facility it is docked in.
He said: “Recent commercial satellite imagery reveals several developments suggesting that North Korea may be accelerating the development of the sea-based leg of its nuclear forces.
“Since the July report, netting or tarps have been suspended above both the fore and aft decks of the submarine obscuring any activity taking place beneath them.
“The only other time this was seen was during May-July 2016 and prior to the failed July 9, 2016 Pukguksong-1 test.”
North Korea watcher Joseph Bermudez of 38North, which monitors military activity in the Stalinist country, has spotted changes on the boat and the facility it is docked in.
He said: “Recent commercial satellite imagery reveals several developments suggesting that North Korea may be accelerating the development of the sea-based leg of its nuclear forces.
“Since the July report, netting or tarps have been suspended above both the fore and aft decks of the submarine obscuring any activity taking place beneath them.
“The only other time this was seen was during May-July 2016 and prior to the failed July 9, 2016 Pukguksong-1 test.”
Trump certainly will not back down to Kim Jong-un — even with these terrifying developments.
We will take to Twitter to see Trump’s initial reaction.
Rogue Spooks: Why Was Senator John McCain's Associate Engaged In A Cloak And Dagger Scheme About The Dossier?
By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANN Published on DickMorris.com
First, let's all say a prayer for John McCain's recovery. He is a courageous and irreplaceable patriot. We hope to see him back in the Senate.
There are serious questions about why McCain's long-time associate, David J. Kramer, was involved in getting the unverified Steele dossier to the head of the FBI and President Obama.
In Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War On Donald Trump, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann expose the bizarre role played by McCain and his associate and question why they were involved at all.
Pre-Order A Copy Of Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War On Donald Trump -- CLICK HERE!
Kramer has been a lifelong public servant and advocate for freedom.
George Bush appointed Kramer as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor from 2008 to 2009. From 2010- 2014, he was President of Freedom House, which monitors democracy and freedom throughout the world. After that he joined the McCain Institute as the Senior Director for Human Rights and Human Freedoms.
We don't know the reason, but It appears that he is no longer associated with the McCain Center. But it was in that former capacity that he got involved with the dossier.
It was at a conference in Nova Scotia shortly after the election that McCain and Kramer mat with Sir Andrew Wood, a former UK Ambassador to Russia and Associate of es-spook Christopher Steele's company, Orbis Business Intelligence.
Kramer and Sir Andrew were already acquainted and they met with McCain to discuss the dossier. Wood claimed to have never seen it, but according to a sworn statement filed with a London court, Steele swears that "Sir Andrew arranged for Kramer to meet Steele, as a representative of Senator John McCain in order to show him... the memorandum on a confidential basis." Steele also swore that "as an Associate of Orbis, Sir Andrew was aware of Steele's intelligence gathering."
The circumstances of the meeting could have been written by John Le Carré and involved code words and spy identification techniques -- "look for the man reading The Financial Times."
Read the whole long story of how the dossier got to McCain and how he arranged a private meeting with James Comey, Director of the FBI.
Comey hasn't released any notes of that meeting, but three weeks later, a summary of the dossier was sent to the President and the leaders of Congress, even though Comey had no verification of the reliability of the document.
From there it was published in BuzzFeed and the myth of the Trump/Russia collusion/illusion was started.
And it was the basis of the phony claims of Trump collusion with Russia.
Read about the significance of the court filings, which were only disclosed in late April, 2017.
And read the discussion of why Sir Andrew arranged the meeting and what would make McCain and Kramer get involved in this.
Was it simply revenge on McCain's part? Or was there another agenda?
What was Kramer's interest?
G’ day…Ciao…
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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