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Fri., July 7, 2017
Congressman Steve Scalise readmitted to ICU in ‘serious’ condition
New York Post by: Danika Fears
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is in “serious” condition and has been readmitted to the intensive care unit due to “new concerns for infection,” MedStar Washington Hospital Center announced late Wednesday evening.
Scalise was shot in the hip last month when James Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois, opened fire on GOP leaders practicing for a charity baseball game.
The Louisiana congressman, who has undergone multiple surgeries, had been transferred out of the ICU on June 22, at which point he was listed in fair condition.
Scalise was shot in the hip last month when James Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Illinois, opened fire on GOP leaders practicing for a charity baseball game.
The Louisiana congressman, who has undergone multiple surgeries, had been transferred out of the ICU on June 22, at which point he was listed in fair condition.
Are you shocked? Yeah, neither am I.
I first realized the reporting fraud days ago when I saw my home state of Nevada on a left-wing list of states allegedly refusing to comply with a request from President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity for public voter data records even though I knew Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske had already stated publicly that Nevada law REQUIRED her to comply.
On Wednesday, the office of Vice President Mike Pence issued a statement correcting the false record being peddled by CNN and other “fake news” media outlets…
“On June 28, the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity issued a letter requesting that states provide publicly available voter data as permitted under their state laws. At present, 20 states have agreed to provide the publicly available information requested by the Commission and another 16 states are reviewing which information can be released under their state laws. In all, 36 states have either agreed or are considering participating with the Commission's work to ensure the integrity of the American electoral system.
“While there are news reports that 44 states have ‘refused’ to provide voter information to the Commission, these reports are patently false, more ‘fake news’. At present, only 14 states and the District of Columbia have refused the Commission's request for publicly available voter information. Despite media distortions and obstruction by a handful of state politicians, this bipartisan commission on election integrity will continue its work to gather the facts through public records requests to ensure the integrity of each American's vote because the public has a right to know.”
I can’t stress this strongly enough: The commission has requested PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFORMATION. This is not confidential information. You privacy is not being invaded. As Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the commission, notes…
“Any person on the street can walk into a county election office and obtain a publicly-available copy of that state’s voter rolls - which usually includes voter name, address, date of birth, and the recent elections in which the voter participated. During any campaign season, there are literally hundreds of candidates and campaign workers in every state who possess these same voter rolls. Voter rolls are also frequently obtained by journalists seeking to do election-related research.”
The purpose of the Commission’s study is to determine the extent of the problem of people voting who aren’t legally eligible to vote. Who could be against that?
Think of a crooked bookkeeper who’s been embezzling money from their company for years. Suddenly the CEO announces he’s bringing in an outside auditor to look at the books. How would the bookkeeper react? Pretty much the same way Democrats are reacting in response to the Election Integrity Commission’s voter data request.
Leaving only one inescapable conclusion: Somebody’s trying to hide something.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. This guy was at the Night of Fire car races at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway’s “Bullring” in Las Vegas Monday night…
It’s bad enough that he would treat the American flag so disrespectfully, but he was there with who I assume were his two grandsons. What a lousy example to set for the next generation.
Gonna take a lot to make America great again - and the effort ain’t limited to just the yahoos in the DC Swamp.
Pope Francis Caused A Global Outrage With These Awful Comments
Pope Francis continues to remake the Catholic Church.
He’s attacked the faith’s traditional stances on abortion and marriage.
Now he’s caused a worldwide outrage with an unbelievable comment.
Charlie Gard was born in London and suffers from a rare brain disorder that will kill him.
He is unable to eat or breathe on his own and has only survived because he is hooked up to life support.
In a case that sickened conservatives around the globe, his parents fought through the European courts for the right to save his life.
Doctors in London were going to kill him by removing him from life support while his parents sued for the chance to bring him to America to attempt an experimental treatment they claimed could save his life.
Europe’s highest court rejected the parent’s attempts to save their child’s life and sentenced Charlie to die by allowing doctors to disconnect the life support.
Millions across the globe were horrified that a court would tell parents they aren’t allowed to save their child’s life.
Normally, the Catholic Church would be at the front line of defending the dignity of human life.
But that was before Pope Francis used his left-wing ideology to attack the Church’s fundamental beliefs.
The Vatican released a statement that called for understanding of the “complexity of the situation” and urged for all parties in these matters to do what is best for the patient.
Reading this cowardly Vatican statement on baby Gard’s death sentence reminds me of the “shhh" in Mellish's final scene in Saving Private Ryan:
To many, that came across as the Church abandoning their defense of human life.
Daniel Payne of The Federalist wrote:
Is Pope Francis diluting Catholicism with his left-wing beliefs?
Dem. Senators Calculate Risks On Immigration Reforms
A handful of Senate Democrats will decide if two immigration reform bills passed by the House will become law.
Most Democratic Senators — and the party’s Senate leadership — will oppose the two modest bills. But the bills will become law if the 52 GOP Senators are joined by at least eight Democrats who calculate that GOP-funded campaign attack ads in the 2018 elections are a greater risk to their careers than the inevitable pre-election anger from the Democrats’ anti-reform, anti-GOP base.
In the June 29 House vote, 166 Democratic legislators voted against “Kate’s Law,” but 24 Democrats voted for the law, which raises potential jail sentences for repatriated illegals who sneak back into the United States. The bill is named after Kate Steinle, an attractive young woman who was murdered by an illegal alien in 2015 who had returned to the United States multiples times after being sent home.
Only three House Democrats voted for the “No Sanctuary for Criminals Act,” which also passed June 29. The sanctuary bill allows the federal government to withdraw several categories of funds from jurisdictions which hinder the enforcement of immigration law.
White House officials and immigration reformers from advocacy groups NumbersUSA and the Federation for American Immigration Reform are promising an intense P.R. campaign before the eventual Senate vote.
The dilemma facing the Democratic Senators was highlighted by TheHill.com, in an article about the Democratic Senators who will decide the bills’ fates:
A top House Democratic aide predicted that “Kate’s Law” would be used in campaign ads against vulnerable Democrats.
“The ad writes itself,” said the aide. “They’re gonna use Kate Steinle’s picture in a Willie Horton-style ad,” referring to a controversial 1988 TV ad used by President George H.W. Bush’s campaign against Michael Dukakis…
Their targets would likely include Democratic Sens. Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Bob Casey (Pa.), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Jon Tester(Mont.) — each up for reelection next year in states won by Trump.
Notably, the article also quotes Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, who promised Democratic opposition — but did not predict that his party would stop both bills.
“Democrats are not going to stand for harsh anti-immigration measures, we’re not,” he said. “If they’re not willing to meaningfully dialogue with us about immigration reform, you’re not going to see us embracing their super-partisan anti-immigration bill.”
Kate’s law is popular. “Fifty-six percent (56%) of Likely U.S. Voters favor a five-year mandatory prison sentence for illegal immigrants convicted of major felonies who return to America after being deported … just 27% oppose such legislation, while 18% are undecided,” said a 2015 poll by Rasmussen Reports.
Popular Restaurant Tells Veterans to REMOVE the Flag and GET OUT
Degenerate liberals don’t want anyone to be allowed to express patriotism near them. This restaurant must be run by some of their snowflakes.
In Kentwood, Michigan, a Dave and Buster’s told American Legion officers they had to take off their jackets because of “gang affiliation.” The jacket had an American flag, the prisoner of war flag, and a bald eagle on it. (via Military.com) The only “gang” these gentlemen belonged to was the “veteran” gang.
Victor Murdock and Adrienne Brown, who are both American Legion Riders Post 179 had stopped at the restaurant to get some food. Instead of a meal, they were reprimanded for their show of patriotism.
A spokeswoman for the company, April Spearman, stated that the no-gang symbol policy is in place “to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy themselves in a fun and safe environment.”
The spokesperson argued that the company knows the American Legion has a positive message and mission, but they couldn’t allow the individuals to wear their jackets, just to maintain consistency.
It’s understandable that the restaurant, which largely caters to families and children, wouldn’t want any gang affiliation on the premises. But the American Legion, with American flags and bald eagles, is not a gang! If it is, We the People are officially gang members.
The restaurant tried to backpedal and apologize for the frustration for the incident, but they should have apologized for their stupidity instead!
I think the real reason why they wanted them to remove those jackets is because some liberal was offended and complained to the management. Simply put, the bald eagle and the American flag are now reason enough for leftists to throw a fit — overly sensitive morons.
It’s ridiculous, frankly, that our veterans had to deal with this. They only wanted to show their American and military pride, a pride we should all share. Telling them that they can’t show that pride is like shoving their sacrifice back in their face.
These men were clearly veterans and were looking for nothing more than a warm meal so they could get on their way… and they were embarrassed for being proud of their service to our country.
If Dave and Buster’s want to turn away our veterans, then so be it; but I will no longer be a patron of their company. Unlike they do, I have American and military pride!
Poland Sees Trump Visit Catalyst to Cut Russian Gas Reliance
By Maciej Martewicz
Polish leaders are betting Donald Trump’s visit to Warsaw starting on Wednesday, two days before the U.S. president meets his Russian counterpart, will bolster their efforts to reduce the nation’s dependence on natural gas from its eastern neighbor.
Less than a month after Poland’s Baltic Sea terminal received its first shipment of U.S. liquefied natural gas, a spot cargo from Cheniere Energy Inc.’s Sabine Pass plant in Louisiana, authorities in Warsaw are mooting ambitious plans. The ideas range from a long-term gas deal with U.S. producers to infrastructure projects linking east European nations reliant on supplies from Moscow-based Gazprom PJSC.
“We’ve tested our ability to receive U.S. gas,” Krzysztof Szczerski, who heads Polish President Andrzej Duda’s office, said on July 1. “So what’s left is a simple business conversation -- when, how much and for how much.”
Less than a month after Poland’s Baltic Sea terminal received its first shipment of U.S. liquefied natural gas, a spot cargo from Cheniere Energy Inc.’s Sabine Pass plant in Louisiana, authorities in Warsaw are mooting ambitious plans. The ideas range from a long-term gas deal with U.S. producers to infrastructure projects linking east European nations reliant on supplies from Moscow-based Gazprom PJSC.
“We’ve tested our ability to receive U.S. gas,” Krzysztof Szczerski, who heads Polish President Andrzej Duda’s office, said on July 1. “So what’s left is a simple business conversation -- when, how much and for how much.”
Poland’s ruling conservatives, who share Trump’s views on “economic patriotism” but unlike the U.S. head of state are deeply skeptical of Russia, plan to cut the nation’s dependence on Gazprom through the LNG port and a planned pipeline to Norway.
Baltic Showdown
They’re also looking for U.S. help in blocking the expansion of the Nord Stream gas link, which runs directly from Russia to Germany across the Baltic Sea and bypasses traditional transit countries, raising concern in Warsaw that Gazprom would be able to shut off the tap for Polish supplies without impacting west European customers.
U.S. National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said on June 29 that Trump’s remarks in Warsaw “will focus on infrastructure development and energy security, highlighting, for instance, the first shipments of American LNG into Poland.”
It’s not clear if Trump will mention Nord Stream after German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned a U.S. Senate proposal to penalize companies investing in new Russian pipelines, including those involved in the Baltic link expansion. After spending 16 hours in the Polish capital, Trump will travel to Germany where he will meet the leaders of the G-20 industrialized nations, including Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Poland’s Ambitions
Trump will attend a conference of the Three Seas Initiative in Warsaw, a group of 12 countries situated between the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Seas. Almost all of these nations imported more than 75 percent of their gas from Russia last year, according to Eurostat. Only three of the remaining 16 EU nations are as dependent on Russian gas.
Poland’s Duda told weekly DoRzeczy that he will discuss with the U.S. president the diversification of gas deliveries to Europe and “creating a north-south energy corridor” running from the Baltic to Croatia’s Adriatic coast. Trump is also due to meet Croat President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic to discuss energy security and a planned LNG terminal on the island of Krk, her advisers said in Zagreb on Tuesday.
“LNG is a very useful and strategic diversification” for Poland and possibly its east European neighbors from an “over-reliance on Russian pipeline supplies,” according to Martin Lambert, managing director of U.K.-based consultants Brightlands Energy Ltd.
The LNG on the Clean Ocean vessel had a value of $5.97 per million British thermal units, according to an assessment by PanEurasian Enterprises Ltd., a tracker of LNG shipments, based on the price under a BG Group Plc contract for Sabine Pass cargoes. Russian gas at the German border cost $5.07 a million Btu in May, according to International Monetary Fund data. Polish gas company PGNiG SA says it pays more for Russian gas than German clients.
“As long as Poland is able to buy natural gas indexed on the major natural gas and oil benchmarks, it should be able to manage price risks and trade the eventual excess supply it may not need,” said Claudio Steuer, director of SyEnergy Ltd., a U.K.-based energy consultant.
Poland’s ambitions go beyond reducing reliance on Russian energy. It wants to become a hub capable of re-exporting part of its imported gas and be in a position to walk away from Gazprom once the country’s long-term supply deal ends in 2022, Minister Piotr Naimski, who’s in charge of strategic energy infrastructure, said in May.
Poland’s LNG terminal in Swinoujscie, bigger than a floating plant off the coast of Lithuania to wean the Baltic States off Russian energy, could double its capacity to 10 billion cubic meters, matching the projected annual capacity of the planned pipeline to Norway. Combined with domestic output of about 4 billion cubic meters, such a supply would exceed Poland’s domestic needs, estimated at 15 billion cubic meters.
Poland’s diversification strategy is “a wise initiative,” Steuer said. “Lithuania is adopting a similar strategy and early signs confirm the economic benefits and greater energy security.”
The surplus could be shipped around the region via planned interconnections, including with Ukraine, which stopped buying Russian gas at the end of 2015 after Putin annexed the Crimea peninsula and stoked unrest in the country’s east. Poland also plans to build new links to Slovakia and Lithuania and expand existing connections to the Czech Republic. All of the new connections would allow to link the entire region to more diversified supply routes.
“It probably wouldn’t make sense for Poland to seek to give up any need for gas supply from Russia,” Lambert said. “But the ability to import flexible LNG from the U.S. will be a useful bargaining chip in any commercial or political negotiations with Russia.”
Vatican police 'break up gay orgy at home of secretary of one of Pope Francis's key advisers'
Raid at flat belonging to the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Occupant of flat was allegedly secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio
Coccopalmerio heads Pontifical Council for Legislative texts and is a key adviser to the Pope
By Julian Robinson for MailOnline
Vatican police have broken up a gay orgy at the home of the secretary to one of Pope Francis's key advisers, it has been reported.
The flat belonged to the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is in charge of tackling clerical sexual abuse.
Reports in Italy claim the occupant of the apartment is allegedly the secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio - a key aide to the 80-year-old Pope.
Reports in Italy claim the occupant of the apartment is allegedly the secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio - a key aide to the 80-year-old Pope (pictured)
Coccopalmerio heads the Pontifical Council for Legislative texts and was said to have once recommended his secretary for a promotion to bishop.
It is the latest scandal to hit the Vatican and comes after its finance chief Cardinal George Pell was charged with historical sexual offences.
Pell has protested his innocence and said he was looking forward to having his day in court after a two-year investigation, 'leaks to the media' and 'relentless character assassination'. Police have not revealed details of the charges against the 76-year-old, citing the need to preserve the integrity of the judicial process.
IIt is the latest scandal to hit the Vatican and comes after its finance chief Cardinal George Pell was charged with historical sexual offences
In March the Vatican was hit with a wave of lurid accusations of misbehaving priests across Italy with scandals involving orgies, prostitution and porn videos.
The claims were embarrassing to the Vatican, which under Pope Francis has attempted to demand high standards of the clergy.
Francis has tried to clamp down on unethical behaviour ever since being made Pope in 2013 and has often spoken out against the pitfalls of 'temptation'.
Expert: Amelia Earhart mystery solved in newly discovered pic
One of America’s greatest mysteries may have just been solved, thanks to a previously unknown photograph in the National Archives.
Legendary aviator Amelia Earhart went missing 80 years ago during her attempt to become the first woman to circle the globe. In the near-century since, her mysterious vanishing has become near myth.
Now, a newly discovered photo from the National Archives — first released Wednesday — may have closed the books on the Earhart mystery for good.
The image lends weighted evidence to the theory that she was captured by the Japanese after surviving a crash with her navigator Fred Noonan.
Retired government investigator Les Kinney has been on the hunt for clues regarding what happened to Earhart for 15 years, and after examining the photo, he told NBC that it “clearly indicates that Earhart was captured by the Japanese.”
He’s not alone. Numerous experts have come forward to agree.
Former executive assistant director for the FBI and an NBC News analyst Shawn Henry also studied the image and said, “When you pull out, and when you see the analysis that’s been done, I think it leaves no doubt to the viewers that that’s Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan.”
The 1935 photograph, labeled Jaluit Atoll, shows a group sitting on a dock in the Marshall Islands, which was under Japanese control at the time.
When examined further, it seems a Caucasian man and woman can be seen, prompting speculation on their identities. At the time, Westerners were generally banned from the island.
National Archives
At first glance, the image doesn’t appear notable or significant. But closer examination, experts say, reveals multiple clues that suggest the Japanese captured Earhart and Noonan.
The short-haired Earhart can be seen from behind, wearing pants in a style that was common for her… but unheard of for a native woman of the Marshall Islands.
Facial recognition expert Ken Gibson studied the image, and is citing the hairline and nose as proof that the white man is almost certainly Noonan, and his presence — along with body shape of the sitting woman — as evidence she is likely Earhart.
“It’s my feeling that this is very convincing evidence that this is probably Noonan,” Gibson told NBC.
National Archive
But the clues don’t stop there.
In the background of the image is a long Japanese ship, the Koshu, is seen towing some kind of barge. Experts determined the barge is approximately 38-feet-long — the exact same length as Earhart’s missing plane.
There are even witnesses of Earhart’s crash and subsequent capture.
Locals on the islands have long claimed that they saw Earhart’s plane crash, and for decades numerous native schoolchildren have come forward to say they saw Earhart being taken into Japanese captivity.
In fact, Earhart’s crash landing is a very popular local legend on the Marshall Islands. For example, stamps issued by the island in the 1980s depict Earhart’s crash nearby on July 2nd, 1937, the last day the world-famous aviator was heard from.
It is believed that the newly discovered image was captured by a spy for the United States, who was later executed by the Japanese after his true identity was revealed.
The History Channel will air a special on the image Sunday night. Gary Tarpinian, the executive producer of the special, said that their experts are very sure of the conclusion: “We believe that the Koshu took her to Saipan, and that she died there under custody of the Japanese.”
Japanese authorities told NBC News that there were no records indicating Earhart had ever been in their custody, but admitted there are no current officials still on file that were present on the Marshall Islands during the time of her disappearance, and many documents were destroyed following the war.
And while there is no evidence telling whether the U.S. government was aware of Earhart’s whereabouts, there was a 170-page file on Earhart in the Marshall Islands in the Office of Naval Investigations that has also been missing for years.
In the post-war period, when the U.S. was aiming to gain a new ally in Japan, there is some weight to the theory the the U.S. government would want to keep the capture of Earhart quiet in order to aid a friendly war recovery effort with Japan.
Perhaps this photo proves it once and for all.
Perhaps this photo proves it once and for all.
— The Horn editorial team
GOT ‘EM! U.S. military spied on N. Korea’s ENTIRE missile test
Not so fast, Kim Jong Un!
North Korea’s controversial intercontinental ballistic missile test on Tuesday caught much of the world off guard, and the country’s dictator has seemed gleeful about showing up President Donald Trump on America’s Independence Day.
There was only one group not surprised: The U.S. military.
A high-ranking senior official told Fox News that U.S. officials watched North Korea prepare and fuel it’s first missile the entire time — and chose not to deploy an anti-missile defense system to shoot down the rocket.
In other words, Trump and Defense Secretary Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis were both ahead of the game — but let the test go on to give the military all the information they wanted regarding Kim Jong Un’s capabilities.
“Clearly we watch North Korea very closely,” Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said in a press briefing. The launch was from an area previously unused by the reclusive communist country, but was caught early in the process by our military.
Conducting the entire process in clear view of American eyes gave the Trump administration precious new information on the status of Kim Jong Un’s missile program.
“Given the apparent advance notice enjoyed by U.S. officials, the Pentagon could have decided to try to shoot the ICBM down using the U.S. missile defense shield components in the region,” Fox News reported. “But because the missile wasn’t a threat to North America, the U.S. declined to attempt to terminate the rocket, which flew 1,700 miles into space and was in flight for 37 minutes.”
Trump, since entering the White House, has placed a particular focus on pushing China — North Korea’s biggest trading partner — to use its influence and ramp up economic pressure. Trump expressed optimism after his first meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping that the two would work together effectively on the issue, but in recent days Trump has increasingly conceded the strategy has not produced fast results.
Trade between China and North Korea grew almost 40% in the first quarter. So much for China working with us - but we had to give it a try!
As he flew to Poland on Air Force One, Trump spoke by phone about the North Korean threat with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, emphasizing the need for countries to implement U.N. Security Council resolutions. The White House said Trump also discussed the need for nations to “stop hosting North Korean guest workers” — an issue Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also mentioned in his response a night earlier to the missile launch.
Restricting guest workers is one way the U.S. and other countries could try to reduce North Korea’s access to foreign currency. There are some 50,000 to 60,000 North Korean workers abroad, mostly in Russia and China, South Korea’s spy service has said, including at about 130 restaurants North Korea operates overseas. The workers’ mission involves earning money to bring into North Korea.
In his initial response to the launch on Monday evening, Trump urged China to “put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!” But he also said it was “hard to believe” that South Korea and Japan, the two U.S. treaty allies most at risk from North Korea, would “put up with this much longer.”
North Korea conducts about 90 percent of its trade through China. In April, Chinese customs data said total two-way trade between China and North Korea increased 36.8 percent in the first quarter of this year compared with the same period a year earlier.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Redditors Call for CNN Boycott, Make Massive List of Affiliated Advertisers
By Andrew West
CNN’s latest egregious attack on American freedom has incensed a huge swath of the population, not the least of whom are the Reddit users at the center of this recent controversy.
From the moment that President Donald Trump entered the 2016 electoral race, CNN has set out to lambast, defame, and stymy the real estate mogul at any cost. Now that Trump has taken the Oval Office, the network has seemingly doubled down on their “resistance” to the fairly elected Commander in Chief, drawing Trump’s personal ire in a series of marked attacks on the credibility of the network. As it turns out, Trump’s huffing and puffing over CNN’s purported shortcomings was well-founded, as the network has turned to unscrupulous behavior in recent weeks in an effort to stay relevant.
First, CNN ran a story with unverifiable sources regarding Donald Trump’s alleged connection to prostitutes in Moscow, complete with descriptions of the lewd and unsanitary acts that the President would engage in with these working Muscovites. Regardless of the network’s overwhelming lack of evidence in the case, CNN published it anyway, breaking one of the largest laws of journalism. Now, after CNN threatened to reveal personal information about an American citizen who created a parody graphic on the internet that shows Donald Trump fighting with a CNN-headed person, much of America is up in arms over the network’s possibly illegal extortion.
Reddit, a social internet site with sub-pages dedicated to any number of interests, has banded together to fight back against CNN’s abuse of power and extortion of an American citizen who was simply expressing his political views, publishing a list of CNN advertisers who shall be boycotted to call attention to the network’s unacceptable behavior. Furthermore, the list provides easy access to the official social media accounts of these advertisers, allowing boycotters to engage with these companies to let them know that CNN’s behavior will be affecting their bottom lines.
CNN has yet to issue an apology for the bullying behavior, likely due to their continued struggles to tame Trump and his supporters. By doubling down on their brazen attack on the freedom of expression, the network has revealed just what a fragile state they are in after sustained attacks by the Trump administration. It would certainly come as no surprise should the network be denied press access to the White House in the near future.
This weaponizing of the mainstream media is terribly disturbing, and a tactic often used by desperate despots in countries without the Constitutional fortitude that we are graced with in America. CNN has taken their “journalism” too far, and is now simply fueling the New Civil War that former CNN personality Kathy Griffin has also instigated via her ISIS-like propaganda.
Should you wish to participate in the boycott of CNN over this ridiculously unacceptable stunt and bullying of an American citizen, you can see the entire list of CNN advertisers right here.
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