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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Fall River’s Iwo Jima Monument
Our thanks to Atty. Brian Cunha
His generosity made the Memorial Possible
Trump Touts Apprenticeship Initiative: ‘There Is Dignity in Every Honest Job, And There Is Nobility in Every Honest Worker’
During Friday’s Weekly Address, President Trump touted the Apprenticeship Initiative executive order and said, “Today, this is the message I want every young American to hear: there is dignity in every honest job, and there is nobility in every honest worker.”
Transcript as Follows:
“My fellow Americans,
This week, our nation was shocked and horrified when a gunman opened fire on a Member of Congress. Five people were wounded in the assault, including a member of House Leadership – my good friend, Steve Scalise.
Steve is beloved across Washington, he embodies everything public service is about – he’s dedicated to his constituents, devoted to his values, and deeply committed to his country. I visited Steve, his wife, and his family in the hospital as he continues to fight for his recovery. 435 Members of Congress, and 300 million Americans, are pulling for him, praying for him, and pledging to him our full and total support.
We continue to hold all of those wounded and fighting for recovery in our hearts and prayers, including Matt Mika, who was also badly wounded.
In that terrible crime, we also witnessed the incredible heroism of Capitol Police. Special Agent Crystal Griner – who I also had the honor of meeting during my visit to the Hospital – raced into gunfire, along with Special Agent David Bailey. They saved the lives of our Members of Congress and prevented that dark day from becoming a tragedy beyond imagination. They, like so many other courageous police officers, represent the very best of us. We salute them, and we also salute members of Alexandria Police, Fire and Rescue.
Though we have our differences, what unites us is so much stronger: our love of country, our devotion to its people. Now more than ever, these values must guide us – and bring us closer together. Let us always remember that our job is to serve and represent the whole American People – and that we are all children of the same God.
This week, my Administration continues our focus on providing economic opportunity for all.
On Thursday, I signed an Executive Order to launch a groundbreaking new Apprenticeship Initiative that will help young Americans learn the skills they need to find a rewarding career, earn a great living, and support themselves and their families.
We are celebrating the dignity of work and the greatness of the American Worker.
American citizens have worked every job, every occupation, no matter what it might be – no matter how grueling, how challenging, or even how dangerous. They wash the windows on our tallest skyscrapers; they create works of art from burning fire and molten steel; they mine the earth and dive the ocean depths to bring energy into our cities and towns; they care for the sick, the elderly, and the wounded; and they lay the bricks, mortar, rebar, and concrete that give us places to live, to work, and to thrive.
Today, this is the message I want every young American to hear: there is dignity in every honest job, and there is nobility in every honest worker.
Our Apprenticeship Initiative will make it dramatically easier for employers, industry groups and unions to create exciting new apprenticeship programs that place students into high-paying careers.
Instead of being racked with crushing student debt, those who participate will earn while they learn – think of that: earn while they learn.
Under our plan, young Americans will have a pathway to exciting and fulfilling careers. They will become brilliant technicians who revitalize American manufacturing. They will become welders who forged from fire amazing works of iron and steel and art. And they will become entrepreneurs who revolutionize entire industries. And these striving American citizens, including millions of talented young American women with tremendous potential, will become the programmers who change the world with the next great technological advance.
Every American deserves a path to a great job that they truly love. That begins with the right education – one that gives students the foundation for a lifetime of success.
Every day, as your President, I will be committed to this goal.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”
Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett
U.N. Report Blames Israel for Palestinian Men Beating Their Wives
A new report by a United Nations expert, and submitted to the U.N. Human Rights Council, blames Israel in part for Palestinian men beating their wives — offering more fuel to those in the Trump administration seeking to leave the council over its anti-Israel bias.
The document, first reported by U.N. Watch, which monitors the international body, was written by Dubravka Šimonović — the Special Rapporteur on violence against women — who filed dual reports based on her trips to the region in 2016. The report in question focuses on the “causes and consequences” of violence against women in the region.
In her filing on Israel, Šimonović highlights what she claims is a “clear linkage” between the “Israeli occupation” and Palestinian domestic abuse:
While recognizing the imperatives related to security and stability in the region, the Rapporteur highlights the clear linkage between the prolonged occupation and [violence against women], and she notes, like her predecessor, that the occupation does not exonerate the State of Palestine from its due human rights obligation to prevent, investigate, punish and provide remedies for acts of gender-based violence (GBV) in the areas and for persons under its jurisdiction or effective control.
The report states:
Several testimonies the Rapporteur collected highlighted that the economic situation, the level of unemployment and the pressure of the occupation have a greater impact on women’s and children’s lives, making them more vulnerable to domestic violence, in particular in Gaza, due to the constant pressure felt by the blockade and the recurring cycles of conflict, and the overcrowding that limits their mobility and privacy.
While Šimonović does partly blame traditions and culture within Palestinian society, her report still fingered Israel in those sections. For instance, the report claims that “decades of Israeli occupation in parallel with the continuation of patriarchal attitude in Palestinian society expose women to subordination and continuing violence.”
However, while in some places the report does state that what it calls “the State of Palestine” has a responsibility, it also mitigates that responsibility in other sections, at one point claiming: “the occupation is a real obstacle to the State’s due diligence obligation to prevent violence against women in areas where it does not have full jurisdiction…”
“Israeli occupation” refers to Israel’s presence in the West Bank, which is dotted with historic Jewish towns and Jewish holy sites; and eastern Jerusalem, home of the Western Wall and Temple Mount.
The Human Rights Council has long been accused of anti-Israel bias. U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley has repeatedly called the council out on its bias, and threatened that the U.S. may leave that body if it does not reform its membership and focus less on Israel.
At a debate on the report at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, U.N. Watch representative Hillel Neuer criticized Šimonović and accused her of “infantilizing” Palestinian men, and questioned why she did not spend more time on the issue of “tradition and culture,” arguing that Palestinian TV gives advice to husbands on how to hit their wives.
Šimonović responded by clarifying that “any man who is beating his wife is responsible – he is a perpetrator of violence.”
“But when we are speaking about human rights responsibility and due diligence responsibility, then we are at a different level, because states have due diligence responsibility to prevent violence against women and to establish measures to prevent such violence; to punish perpetrators of violence and to provide compensation to victims,” she said.
Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Breitbart News based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamShawNY
Geert Wilders: Let’s Stop the Cowardice, And Tell The Truth About Islam
This week, a documentary called “Wilders” premiered at DocFest, a film festival for documentaries in the British town of Sheffield.
The documentary is made by American film director Stephen Robert Morse. Although he does not agree with my political views, he at least tried to bring a balanced story, which is more than I can say of many Dutch journalists.
I allowed Morse and his team to follow me around for a few months. The documentary shows how, due to Islamic death threats, I have to live under 24/7 police protection, am being driven around in armoured cars, am obliged to wear a bulletproof vest whenever I have to speak in public, etc.
Some live in almost similar situations, such as Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and his Swedish colleague Lars Vilks, British author Salman Rushie, Danish historian Lars Hedegaard, and others. In that sense, this documentary is also a tribute to them. What we all have in common is that we are on Islam’s death list. But what always strikes me is that I am the only elected politician on the list.
All politicians competing in elections claim to be standing for office with the goal of serving the people. But serving the people begins with telling them the truth. The truth about Islam is not a pleasant one.
How wonderful would it be if Islam were what most of our politicians claim it to be: a religion of peace. Wonderful, but naïve, for the truth is that almost all terrorist acts committed in the world today are committed in the name of Islam.
Many politicians do not tell the truth about Islam. Some find it much easier to parrot the politically-correct dogmas of the left. Others are afraid of having to live like me and Westergaard, Vilks, Rushdie, Hedegaard and others.
But I do not consider that a valid excuse. No-one is forced to be a politician, but if you do choose to do so, allowing yourself to be silenced by the threat of violence, means that you allow the violent side to win. And that is something no democratic politician should ever do.
Over the past decades, the threat of terrorism in the West has steadily grown. This growth has everything to do with the growth of Islam in our democratic societies. Politicians who refuse to see this reality are not just fooling themselves but also endangering the citizens. That is why today everyone is on the death list of Islam.
We are all at risk now. And this is totally unacceptable. People have the right to live safely in their own towns and cities. That, too, is a basic human right.
In my opinion, it overrides the rights of the followers of Islam in our society to live according to their so-called religion. The West should not grant Islam the freedom to abolish the freedoms of the West.
There are already plenty Islamic nations in the world, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, where Sharia is the law of the land. Why don’t those who want to introduce Sharia in our land just move there?
Sooner or later, even those politicians who still prefer to look away from the problems will be forced to face them. Meanwhile, however, we are losing precious time. And the present governing elite is entirely to blame for that.
The more Islam it allows into our country, the less free we will become.
In my country, the Netherlands, we are currently in the process of forming a government coalition. Although my party, the Party for Freedom (PVV), has become the second largest party in parliament, the Liberal Party (VVD) of the outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, which managed to remain the largest party despite suffering heavy losses in the 15 March 2017 elections, refuses to form a government with the PVV.
So does the third party, the Christian-Democrats (CDA) of Sybrand Buma. This has resulted in political gridlock, making it virtually impossible to form a majority government.
Earlier this week, both Mark Rutte and Sybrand Buma wrote a letter explaining why they refuse to cooperate with the PVV. They do so, they write, because they consider the PVV to be “radical.” It is not the PVV, however, which is radical; it is Islam.
Let us stop the cowardice. Let us reject political correctness. As General Patton said: “The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty.” I will keep doing my duty. Probably again as leader of the opposition. And I will keep speaking out, whatever the price may be. I will fight the Islamization of my country and defend its freedom. Without compromise and with determination, conviction and strength. Always.
Geert Wilders MP is leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV) in The Netherlands.
One Sentence Instantly Struck Fear In Deep State Leakers Hearts
They thought they were protected by virtue alone and by being the anonymous sources for so-called “mainstream” media outlets.
But one sentence struck fear in their hearts.
When Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, he was asked about the illegal leaks that have plagued the administration.
Any false sense of security Deep State leakers possessed was shattered by his answer.
Politico reports:
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday said there are multiple investigations into government leaks that he said have been “extraordinarily damaging” to national security.
When asked by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) during an intelligence committee hearing if the Justice Department is going to prosecute leaks to the fullest extent of the law, Sessions confirmed that there are active investigations underway.
The attorney general said leaks are “already resulting in investigations, and I’m — I fear that some people may find that they wish they hadn’t leaked.”
“Some of these leaks, as you well know, are extraordinarily damaging to the United States security, and we have got to restore a regular order principle,” Sessions said. “We cannot have persons in our intelligence agencies … or in Congress leak sensitive matters.”
Illegal leaks have thrown the Trump administration off stride since before they even took office.
Leaks about intercepted communications between Michael Flynn and the Russian Ambassador appeared in the Washington Post weeks before the inauguration.
Flynn was never accused of wrongdoing in these leaks, but they created an air of suspicion.
He was eventually fired when his private statements to the Vice President did not line up with what was discussed on the calls regarding Russian sanctions.
But Flynn was smeared as a traitor on baseless speculation.
Similarly, illegal leaks about Jared Kushner’s meeting with the Russian Ambassador to set up a backchannel communication system also damaged the administration.
Kushner’s meeting was perfectly normal, but the explosive manner in which the story was framed led many to believe Kushner was a Russian spy committing treason.
Trump has also said on multiple occasions that the Russia story is fake news and the real scandal is the illegal leaks.
Evidence backs him up.
No proof of collusion between Trump officials and Russia exists.
And the only criminal conduct that has been alleged in the entire affair has been the illegal leaking of classified information.
For months, Trump supporters have been wondering when the administration was going to prosecute the leakers and tear the Deep State asunder.
Now that Sessions has revealed leak investigations are underway, it’s only a matter of time before Deep State leakers are brought to justice.
Newt Gingrich Calls Joe Scarborough ‘a Prostitute’; Defends Pro-Trump Stances
Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich took aim at MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough, his former colleague in the U.S. House of Representatives, for suggesting Gingrich’s criticism of former FBI Director Robert Mueller was tied to the appointment Gingrich’s wife, Callista Gingrich, to the U.S. ambassadorship to the Vatican.
This is grotesque and fans the flames of rage among the unbalanced. What exactly is the price of an ambassadorship these days? https://twitter.com/newtgingrich/status/875314161345077248 …
8:18 AM - 15 Jun 2017
Gingrich told host Jeanine Pirro his support for Trump had been a constant and that for Scarborough to have said that suggest he is a “prostitute.”
“Now we know to the degree of which Joe [Scarborough] is a prostitute that apparently he would do that,” Gingrich said. “I wouldn’t. My record of being for Trump is clear. It’s unending. I just wrote a book, ‘Understanding Trump.’ I am deeply committed to this presidency because I think we need to shake up Washington. By the way, when I ran in ’12, it was very similar to Trump except I wasn’t as good as he is. So there’s a long continuum of my support for Reagan, to the ‘Contract With America,’ to Donald Trump. And I would challenge Joe Scarborough, who knows me pretty darn well, to be honest about this.”
Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor
Erdogan Condemns U.S. for Bodyguard Warrants over May Beating: ‘What Kind of Law Is This?’
In remarks from Ankara on Thursday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was harshly critical of the U.S. arrest warrants for twelve of his bodyguards.
“What kind of law is this? If my bodyguards cannot protect me then why am I bringing them to America with me?” Erdogan exclaimed, as reported by Hurriyet Daily News.
Washington, DC, police issued warrants for the bodyguards on Thursday, at a press conference decorated with photos of the men stamped “WANTED” in red. The charges involve assault against protesters outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence in D.C. on May 16, during Erdogan’s visit to the United States.
“We all saw the violence that was perpetrated against peaceful protesters, and it’s not something that we’re going to tolerate,” said D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham. He added that the suspects are all believed to have returned to Turkey and are thus unlikely to land in an American courtroom unless they surrender themselves, but he stated they would be arrested if they ever return to the United States. The U.S. State Department has not ruled out demanding their extradition.
In his remarks, Erdogan claimed the protesters were all affiliated with the violent separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), which is the Turkish government’s name for the followers of exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen, currently a resident of Pennsylvania. The Turkish government insists Gulen is the mastermind behind last year’s unsuccessful coup attempt against Erdogan.
“The U.S. police did nothing. Can you imagine what the response would have been if a similar incident had taken place in Turkey?” Erdogan asked, insinuating that the protesters were a threat to his safety. It’s something of a trick question because it is not very difficult to imagine how Erdogan’s security forces would respond to a protest by suspected PKK and FETO members that got within 50 feet him.
Turkey’s Foreign Ministry summoned U.S. Ambassador John Bass on Thursday to declare the arrest warrants against Erdogan’s bodyguards “unacceptable.” The statement repeated Erdogan’s allegations that local security authorities were at fault.
“This incident would not have occurred if the US authorities had taken the usual measures they take in similar high-level visits and therefore that Turkish citizens cannot be held responsible for the incident that took place,” the Foreign Ministry said.
The UK Guardian quotes Center for Strategic and International Studies analyst Bulent Aliriza, who stressed the Turks are very serious about the matter and worried the U.S. relationship with Turkey could suffer significant damage if the warrants are allowed to stand.
“There will be demands for action that may ultimately damage the diplomatic relationship to the point of ambassadors being yanked back, which is unprecedented,” Aliriza said.
Texas Gov. Abbott Signs Anti-Shariah Law Bill Into Law
In a move that’s angered Muslim groups, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed a bill that would ban Shariah law and other forms of foreign law from being used in Texas courts.
Texas House Bill 45 — more commonly known as the “American Laws for American Courts” bill — would require the “Texas Supreme Court to adopt rules and provide judicial instruction regarding the application of foreign laws in certain family law cases.”
It states that “litigants in actions under the Family Code involving a marriage relationship or a parent-child relationship are protected against violations of constitutional rights and public policy in the application of foreign law and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitration awards by courts of this state by a well-established body of law.”
Breaking this down, what it essentially means is that in cases that involve divorces, child custody, child support or other family disputes, foreign law — including Shariah — cannot be entered into proceedings. Before, said the bill’s author, Republican state Rep. Dan Flynn, spouses could enter into agreements that would apply foreign law to their cases.
“My colleagues and I here at the Texas Legislature want to make sure Texas judges never apply foreign law in Texas courts in violation of constitutional rights and the public policy of our state,” Flynn said, according to Breitbart.
The bill doesn’t mention any particular code by name, simply noting that foreign law is “a law, rule, or code of a jurisdiction outside of the states and territories of the United States.” Instead, it says that U.S. law and Texas law supersedes all law in this area.
However, the Council on American-Islamic Relations released a statement saying that HB 45 “is designed to negatively impact Muslims’ civil rights and to demonize their faith. We believe it aims to prevent Muslims from practicing their faith in areas such as Islamic marriage, divorce, funeral procedures and civil agreements.”
The issues surrounding Shariah law and foreign law in Texas first became an area of contention when a Shariah arbitration court called the Islamic Tribunal was established in the city of Dallas back in 2015, according to Breitbart.
The Islamic Tribunal notes on its website that “(s)imilar religious tribunals have existed for decades in the American Jewish and American Christian faith communities to resolve disputes, most especially within families. These religious tribunals are optional arbitration vehicles that only conduct their work when requested to do so by both parties involved in a dispute, do not attempt to impose any belief system upon any individual and work in compliance with State of Texas and US law under the United States Constitution.”
However, several things must be noted here. First, while such voluntary agreements are not strictly enforceable in a court of law, in any closed religious society — Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. — the social pressure to enter into such arbitration and opprobrium for not following its dictates aren’t necessarily trivial.
Second, the only area of practice listed on the Islamic Tribunal’s website is divorce. For reasons that I don’t think need to be explained in depth here, one specific party — the male — could almost always be expected to do better in that area of Shariah arbitration than in U.S. courts. Similar arbitration courts in the United Kingdom, which have more binding force of law, have faced reports of overt misogyny.
According to the U.K. Daily Mail, women have face situations where an abused wife was asked “Why did you marry such a person?” by a judge, and male heirs were given twice as much inheritance as female heirs.
The Texas legislation seems particularly aimed at family law, which means that other areas of institutional dispute within the faith community could likely still be resolved through such an arbitration process. Given the potential social pressures in faith communities, it’s not an appropriate venue for such laws.
The new Texas law may tick off a lot of people who believe that it’s targeting Muslims, but Gov. Abbott made the right decision.
Kamala Harris Funneled “Donations” for Endorsement From Maxine Waters
“A fool and his money are soon elected.” That humorous quote comes from Will Rogers, but his century-old wisdom is still very applicable today — especially when it comes to corrupt lawmakers like Maxine Waters.
The California Democrat, a veteran congresswoman first elected to the House in 1990, has been exposed as part of a “pay-to-play” scheme that funnels money into her campaign coffers… and the scandal could have major implications in the next presidential election.
Accord to the Washington Free Beacon, nearly $750,000 has been funneled through an endorsement and mailing list operation run by Waters and her daughter, Karen.
In basic terms, politicians who want to ride on the coattails of Maxine Waters’ name recognition pay her a large amount of money to be officially endorsed. The funds also buy a spot on the congresswoman’s mailer, which is sent to 200,000 constituents.
“The operation is run by Karen Waters, the daughter of Rep. Waters, who has collected more than $650,000 to date for running the endorsement mailers,” explained the Free Beacon.
“Karen is owed another $108,000 from her mother’s campaign committee, according to its most recent records. Once Karen is paid, her total payments will reach more than $750,000 since 2006,” continued the news source.
Paying such high amounts for endorsements may seem obscene, but one rising star in the Democrat party apparently doesn’t think so. California’s Sen. Kamala Harris has reportedly paid Waters tens of thousands of dollars to be included on the printed list of endorsements.
“Harris — who has garnered media attention and earned speculation that she is positioning herself to run for president in 2020 following her performance during recent Senate hearings, including that of former FBI Director James Comey — has kicked $63,000 to the campaign of Maxine Waters, the congressional face of the anti-Trump movement, in exchange for placement on the endorsement mailers,” revealed the Free Beacon, citing Federal Election Commission records.
Through a decade-old legal loophole, the Waters campaign operation is able to bypass the contribution limits that restrict other people, the Free Beacon reported.
It’s ironic that the same Democrats who often rail against money in politics have been caught lining their pockets through loopholes and schemes.
Politics is a messy game, but it’s even more filthy when operations like Waters’ come to light.
Gingrich's BOMBSHELL Revelations About Comey
by: The Hill
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, an ally of President Trump, said on Sunday there is a chance former FBI Director James Comey may be under investigation.
“Comey may be under investigation. If you have an obstruction case, Comey's gotta be one of the major witnesses,” Gingrich told ABC’s Martha Raddatz on “This Week.”
Gingrich, who is out with a new book “Understanding Trump,” was responding to reports Trump is under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for obstruction of justice.“We start over here on Russia, well they don’t have anything on Russia, but maybe there was obstruction, we may not get anything on obstruction, but maybe there’s going to be perjury. I mean you go down the list, and we’ve been here before,” Gingrich said.
“We watched Comey appoint Patrick Fitzgerald, who was the godfather to Comey’s children, and Fitzgerald knew there was no crime, he added.
“Comey may be under investigation. If you have an obstruction case, Comey's gotta be one of the major witnesses,” Gingrich told ABC’s Martha Raddatz on “This Week.”
Gingrich, who is out with a new book “Understanding Trump,” was responding to reports Trump is under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for obstruction of justice.“We start over here on Russia, well they don’t have anything on Russia, but maybe there was obstruction, we may not get anything on obstruction, but maybe there’s going to be perjury. I mean you go down the list, and we’ve been here before,” Gingrich said.
“We watched Comey appoint Patrick Fitzgerald, who was the godfather to Comey’s children, and Fitzgerald knew there was no crime, he added.
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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