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Wed. May 17, 2017
Report: Bernie Sanders’ wife under FBI investigation
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders made waves last year, running toe-to-toe with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Following President Donald Trump’s victory, the two Democratic families are no longer in a race for the White House — but instead, it could be a sprint to see who ends up in jail first!
According to reports, Jane Sanders — Bernie’s wife — is under FBI investigation for bank fraud while president of Burlington College between 2004 to 2011.
The investigation is centered around allegedly falsified loan documents and a land deal that ultimately bankrupted the college.
During her tenure, Jane — who is an outspoken socialist like her husband — launched an ambitious growth plan to increase admissions to the college, and had the school take on approximately $10 million in debt to aggressively expand. The effort was a total failure, and Sanders was asked to step down after seven years.
The college closed it’s doors in 2016, almost entirely because of the failed expansion.
“Sanders stated in a 2010 loan application she had secured $2.6 million in promised donations to pay for the land purchase, which helped secure a $6.5 million loan from the People’s United Bank,” The Daily Caller reported. “Only $676,000 ever materialized over the next four years and the college defaulted on the loans, eventually going bankrupt in May 2016.”
Even in Vermont, it seems socialists are only good at spending other people’s money.
Reports say the FBI is investigating the bank filings to find out if Sanders’ knowingly committed fraud — a serious charge that could potentially mean jail time.
“Sanders wrote on a 2010 loan application that 83-year-old Corinne Bove Maietta, the daughter of the founders of Bove Restaurants in Burlington, pledged $1 million to Burlington College over five years,” according to The Daily Caller.
“Maietta, who has a property in West Palm Beach, says it was not a pledge but an unspecified bequest to be paid to the school upon her death. Maietta’s accountant confirmed to The Daily Caller News Foundation the FBI contacted him seeking an interview with Maietta.”
The FBI has declined to comment on their investigation.
Locals and former Burlington College employees, however, report that multiple subpoenas have been issued, and the FBI has been interviewing individuals with knowledge of the deal.
According to local paper VT Digger, “two Burlington College board members speculated that the investigation pertained to the purchase of 33 acres of prime lakefront for property for a new campus during Sanders’ tenure.”
One must wonder… could Jane be sharing a prison cell with Hillary this time next year?
We can only hope.
— The Horn editorial team
Following President Donald Trump’s victory, the two Democratic families are no longer in a race for the White House — but instead, it could be a sprint to see who ends up in jail first!
According to reports, Jane Sanders — Bernie’s wife — is under FBI investigation for bank fraud while president of Burlington College between 2004 to 2011.
The investigation is centered around allegedly falsified loan documents and a land deal that ultimately bankrupted the college.
During her tenure, Jane — who is an outspoken socialist like her husband — launched an ambitious growth plan to increase admissions to the college, and had the school take on approximately $10 million in debt to aggressively expand. The effort was a total failure, and Sanders was asked to step down after seven years.
The college closed it’s doors in 2016, almost entirely because of the failed expansion.
“Sanders stated in a 2010 loan application she had secured $2.6 million in promised donations to pay for the land purchase, which helped secure a $6.5 million loan from the People’s United Bank,” The Daily Caller reported. “Only $676,000 ever materialized over the next four years and the college defaulted on the loans, eventually going bankrupt in May 2016.”
Even in Vermont, it seems socialists are only good at spending other people’s money.
Reports say the FBI is investigating the bank filings to find out if Sanders’ knowingly committed fraud — a serious charge that could potentially mean jail time.
“Sanders wrote on a 2010 loan application that 83-year-old Corinne Bove Maietta, the daughter of the founders of Bove Restaurants in Burlington, pledged $1 million to Burlington College over five years,” according to The Daily Caller.
“Maietta, who has a property in West Palm Beach, says it was not a pledge but an unspecified bequest to be paid to the school upon her death. Maietta’s accountant confirmed to The Daily Caller News Foundation the FBI contacted him seeking an interview with Maietta.”
The FBI has declined to comment on their investigation.
Locals and former Burlington College employees, however, report that multiple subpoenas have been issued, and the FBI has been interviewing individuals with knowledge of the deal.
According to local paper VT Digger, “two Burlington College board members speculated that the investigation pertained to the purchase of 33 acres of prime lakefront for property for a new campus during Sanders’ tenure.”
One must wonder… could Jane be sharing a prison cell with Hillary this time next year?
We can only hope.
— The Horn editorial team
The Trump Effect: How to “Fail” Our Way to Greatness Again
“I’m doing great,” the boy declares.
To which the father says to his wife, “It’s the Trump effect.”
Now, this was supposed to be yet another in a long and seemingly unending line of liberal media shots at the president. However, the award-winning cartoonist actually stumbled upon an inconvenient truth that most on the left and far too many on the right have missed.
In Trump’s world – that is, the world of successful businessmen who create real jobs – getting an “F” really IS doing great. Let me explain.
Back in 2011, long before Donald Trump was elected president, he co-authored a book titled “Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich – And Why Most Don’t” with Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best-selling “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book.
In it, they explain what’s wrong with public education today, even in the “good” schools. Wrong, that is, for people who want to actually achieve the American dream of being their own boss and not have to worry about where the rent payment is going to come from next week.
“Success in the world of the classroom means not making mistakes,” Kiyosaki writes. “When your report card is perfect, you get an A+. The opposite is true in the world of business.”
“To be successful in the world of entrepreneurs, a person must learn to fail, correct, learn, apply what was learned, and fail again,” Kiyosaki continued. “Success comes from failure, not from memorizing the right answers.”
Indeed, many students will have learned from history class that Thomas Edison “failed” over 10,000 times in his effort to invent the light bulb. But as Edison explained, “I have not failed; I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Trump himself explains further…
“If ‘A’ students are considered the smartest people of all, why don’t they all become extremely wealthy entrepreneurs? The answer is because most ‘A’ students are winners in the classroom where they win by making the fewest mistakes and failing the least. They learn that mistakes and failing are bad.
“In the real world of entrepreneurship, by contrast, the people who make the most mistakes – and learn from those mistakes the fastest – are the winners. . . . Being school smart isn’t the same as being street smart.”
“In the real world of entrepreneurship, by contrast, the people who make the most mistakes – and learn from those mistakes the fastest – are the winners. . . . Being school smart isn’t the same as being street smart.”
Unfortunately, our schools generally teach kids how to be employees. But somebody needs to not only teach kids how to be entrepreneurs, but inspire them to do so. Otherwise there won’t be any jobs created for all those “A” students.
And that’s exactly how the Trump effect is going to help make America great again. Three cheers for “failure”!
(Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of NevadaNewsandViews.com.)
And that’s exactly how the Trump effect is going to help make America great again. Three cheers for “failure”!
(Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of NevadaNewsandViews.com.)
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. - Other than Donald Trump himself, Roger Stone “is the person…who deserves the most credit for the Trump presidency,” declares Morgan Pehme, director of a new documentary airing on Netflix titled “Get Me Roger Stone."
Indeed, as the documentary demonstrates, the controversial libertarian-leaning political consultant described by Adam Smith of the Tampa Bay Times as “one of the most effective and ruthless strategists in modern American history,” had been advocating for a Trump presidential run since 1988.
Stone got his start in the political biz at the age of 19 working for Richard Nixon’s 1972 presidential run, was deeply involved in Ronald Reagan’s successful presidential campaign in 1980, and was an early Trump campaign adviser in 2016.
Known by some as a dark arts master of political dirty tricks, Stone was involved in the “hanging chad” Florida recount in 2000, in bringing down former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer in a prostitution scandal, and is embroiled front-and-center in the ongoing Russia/Trump brouhaha – for which he says he can’t wait to testify publicly.
If you haven’t heard of Stone before, do yourself a favor and watch “Get Me Roger Stone” on Netflix.
It’s an excellent documentary on the man who will not only continue to command the public stage throughout the Trump presidency, but will also be speaking at our Conservative Leadership Conference in Las Vegas this September!
A Mystery About Trump’s Taxes and Russia Came To A Shocking Conclusion
Donald Trump has been hounded about his tax returns.
Democrats and the media are convinced they will reveal connections to Russia and Vladimir Putin.
But a new letter solved the mystery, and the answer wasn’t what anyone was expecting.
In response to Senate testimony by James Clapper, Senator Lindsey Graham requested more information about Donald Trump’s business dealings and Russia.
Trump answered the question by releasing a certified letter from the law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius.
Attorneys Sheri Dillon and William Nelson explained that outside of previously known income – payments for the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant and the 2008 sale of a Florida estate to a Russian billionaire – Trump had no income in the last ten years from Russia.
The Wall Street Journal reported:
This pops a big balloon for the left.
They worked themselves into the fever dream that Trump was hiding his tax returns to conceal the fact he was secretly funded by Russian interests.
Russia is all they have to hang their hats on.
The investigation into if there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia has yielded no evidence.
So the mysterious Trump tax returns were their next best shot at a scandal to drive Trump from office.
But that failed as well.
The media believes if they can create enough smoke of a scandal, eventually the American people will believe there is a fire and demand Trump leave office.
Facts – however – keep getting in the way of their dark wishes.
A Look Back at Jim Comey’s 5 Biggest Mistakes
President Trump took a big step on May 9 when he fired FBI Director James Comey. Although many people in Congress and in government had been critical of Comey, his sudden firing was somewhat unexpected.
As soon as the news got out, rumors started to fly around Washington. Indignant Democrats such as Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer demanded a special investigation of Trump’s connections with Russia. A number of prominent Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as well as former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, who had at one time been harshly critical of Comey, took to defending him and accusing Trump of trying to cover up incriminating evidence involving connections to Russia.
But the fact of the matter is that Comey’s termination had been a long time coming. Trump had been willing to put up with Comey’s mistakes up until recently, but his frustrations with the FBI director had been mounting. Here’s a look back at five of the biggest mistakes the bureau chief made during his tenure:
1. Not Recommending the Prosecution of Hillary Clinton for Her Email Server Scandal
Hillary Clinton was guilty of many offenses arising from her use of a private email server. She erased records, lied to investigators, ordered subordinates to destroy computer hardware and offered unreasonable excuse after excuse for why top secret emails had been sent from and received by her private server, which was never supposed to have been utilized in the first place.
It became a total charade that Comey dragged the investigation of her server out as long as he did, and now, based on damning emails about Loretta Lynch, in hindsight, it looks as if Comey might have been timing it so that the initial closure of the case could come conveniently before Clinton was named the Democratic nominee at her party’s national convention in Philadelphia.
2.Taking Direction So Closely from Attorney General Loretta Lynch
It now appears, based on Democratic emails uncovered about ex-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, that Comey was well under her wing and unlikely to go against her wishes involving the investigation and possible prosecution of Clinton.
Even though Comey did reopen the investigation into Clinton briefly in October of last year, his hand was more or less forced in the matter by the revelation of Clinton emails discovered on former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s personal laptop. In fact, there were rumors that it was only threats of mass resignations from lower-level bureau employees (which would have been publicly intolerable for Comey) that spurred the bureau head into action.
3. Using the “Dirty Dossier” on President Trump as a Trusted Source of Information
Despite its being discredited early in January, the so-called “Dirty Dossier” on President Trump that was written by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele was passed around Washington like a cheap second-tier lobbyist. Comey knew that at least some of the material in the dossier had been paid for and therefore was probably fake, but he forged ahead and maintained that it was useful as documentation that Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russians in 2016.
4. Asking for More Resources to Investigate the Trump-Russia Connection
Despite other people in the intelligence community — most notably, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who is no friend of Donald Trump’s — saying there was no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump presidential campaign, Comey wanted to keep beating this dead horse.
Like former President George W. Bush’s insisting that there were weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq in 2003, Comey just didn’t want to give up on this story. A few days before his firing, Comey requested more resources and personnel for his investigation. But blatantly discussing the digging up of dirt on one’s superior (the president) was just asking for trouble.
5. Refusing to Offer a Preview of His Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Comey’s refusal to offer a preview to President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions of his testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3 — a typical courtesy afforded by those working for the president — was insubordination, according to Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. “It gave the impression that [Comey] was no longer capable of carrying out his duties,” said one official close to the matter.
During the hearing itself, Comey refused to answer questions from Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa about Loretta Lynch, which patently showed where the Director’s loyalties lay. Even though Comey mumbled a few statements about not being able to answer in public due to classified information and sources, he should have at least been able to provide some information to the Senator at that moment. This was the nail in the coffin for Comey and the point at which the Trump administration was able to see there was no point in continuing to have this man working for it.
Comey isn’t the first FBI Director to have been fired. William Sessions was terminated by former President Bill Clinton in 1993. And a number of FBI Directors in the past have been controversial, to say the least. It was rumored that former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was so powerful and had such incriminating information on multiple presidents that they were afraid to fire him. He ended up serving 38 years, until his death in 1972. In 1976, the term of FBI Director was fixed at 10 years, which is still a very long time for an appointment in government.
Comey served for almost four of those ten years. As a former director of banking giant HSBC and the onetime general counsel of defense contractor Lockheed Martin, Comey should probably not have too tough a time finding work in the private sector if he wants it. And of course, there will likely be books about his tenure as FBI Director, perhaps maybe even one from the man himself.
In the meantime, the political storm over his termination will probably continue to sputter for a while but will soon die down. Whether Democrats will succeed in their efforts to appoint a special investigator for the Russian collusion allegations is probably unlikely. For many in Washington, time marches on, and Comey’s dismissal is merely a small bump in the road.
~ American Liberty Report
CLT Memo to Members of
The Committee on Children and Families
Monday, May 15, 2017
“Yes” on H-106, Out-of-State Cash Assistance Limits
Contact: Chip Faulkner — 508-915-3665
In response to a public records request last December it was revealed that over the prior 18 months $7.2 million is state welfare funds were spent outside Massachusetts, including $549,000 in Florida, $110,000 in Puerto Rico, $2,054 in Atlantic City, NJ, another $134,000 in cities and towns around Walt Disney World.
What possible legitimate need or use for an EBT card – taxpayer-funded cash payments – could not be satisfied in the six state area of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island or Vermont?
H-106 – “An Act relative to the out-of-state use of cash assistance” – intends to rectify this indefensible abuse. We hope you will support this common sense reform and protect taxpayers’ generosity.
The snowflakes of today will never appreciate the following, but you will.
Vietnam Wall Facts
A little history most people will never know. Interesting Veterans Statistics off the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
There are 58,267 names now listed on that polished black wall, including those added in 2010.
The names are arranged in the order in which they were taken from us by date and within each date the names are alphabetized. It is hard to believe it is
61 years since the first casualty.
The first known casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, Mass. Listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having been killed on June 8, 1956.
His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl Richard B. Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.
There are three sets of fathers and sons on the Wall.
39,996 on the Wall were just 22 or younger.
8,283 were just 19 years old.
The largest age group, 33,103 were 18 years old.
12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old.
5 soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old.
One soldier, PFC Dan Bullock was 15 years old.
997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam ..
1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam .
31 sets of brothers are on the Wall.
Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons.
54 soldiers attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia. I wonder why so many from one school.
8 Women are on the Wall, Nursing the wounded.
244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of them are on the Wall
Beallsville, Ohio with a population of 475 lost 6 of her sons.
West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. There are 711 West Virginians on the Wall.
The Marines of Morenci - They led some of the scrappiest high school football and basketball teams that the little Arizona copper town of Morenci (pop 5,058) had ever known and cheered. They enjoyed roaring beer busts. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in the Apache National Forest. And in the patriotic camaraderie typical of Morenci's mining families, the nine graduates of Morenci High enlisted as a group in the Marine Corps. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966. Only 3 returned home.
The Buddies of Midvale - LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. They lived only a few yards apart. They played ball at the adjacent sandlot ball field. And they all went to Vietnam. In a span of 16 dark days in late 1967, all three would be killed. LeRoy was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22, the fourth anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination. Jimmy died less than 24 hours later on Thanksgiving Day. Tom was shot dead assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
The most casualty deaths for a single day was on January 31, 1968 ~ 245 deaths.
The most casualty deaths for a single month was May 1968 - 2,415 casualties were incurred.
For most Americans who read this they will only see the numbers that the Vietnam War created. To those of us who survived the war, and to the families of those who did not, we see the faces, we feel the pain that these numbers created. We are, until we too pass away, haunted with these numbers, because they were our friends, fathers, Husbands, wives, sons and daughters There are no noble wars, just noble warriors.
Please pass this on to those who served during this time, and those who DO Care.
I've also sent this to those I KNOW do care very much, and I thank you for caring as you do.
Researchers see possible North Korea link to global cyber attackCyber security researchers have found technical evidence they said could link North Korea with the global WannaCry "ransomware" cyber attack that has infected more than 300,000 computers in 150 countries since Friday.
Symantec (SYMC.O) and Kaspersky Lab said on Monday that some code in an earlier version of the WannaCry software had also appeared in programs used by the Lazarus Group, which researchers from many companies have identified as a North Korea-run hacking operation. "This is the best clue we have seen to date as to the origins of WannaCry," Kaspersky Lab researcher Kurt Baumgartner told Reuters. Both firms said it was too early to tell whether North Korea was involved in the attacks, based on the evidence that was published on Twitter by Google security researcher Neel Mehta. The attacks, which slowed on Monday, are among the fastest-spreading extortion campaigns on record. The research will be closely followed by law enforcement agencies around the world, including Washington, where President Donald Trump's homeland security adviser said on Monday that both foreign nations and cyber criminals were possible culprits. The two security firms said they needed to study the code more and asked for others to help with the analysis. Hackers do reuse code from other operations, so even copied lines fall well short of proof. U.S. and European security officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity that it was too early to say who might be behind the attacks, but they did not rule out North Korea as a suspect. FireEye Inc (FEYE.O), another large cyber security firm, said it was also investigating a possible link. "The similarities we see between malware linked to that group and WannaCry are not unique enough to be strongly suggestive of a common operator," FireEye researcher John Miller said. The Lazarus hackers, acting for impoverished North Korea, have been more brazen in pursuit of financial gain than others, and have been blamed for the theft of $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank, according to some cyber security firms. The North Korean mission to the United Nations was not immediately available for comment. Regardless of the source of the attack, investors piled into cyber security stocks on Monday, betting that governments and corporations will spend more to upgrade their defenses. Senator Rand Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano drop Bombshells: Obama Administration was Spying on Other Senators TooBy Onan Coca
The illegal government spying story continues to grow and metastasize and could soon take on a life of its own.In fact, Senator Paul has discovered at least one other Senator who was most certainly surveilled by the Obama administration.
This past week, Senator Rand Paul revealed that he had asked the White House, and the House and Senate Intelligence committees to look into the possibility that he and other presidential candidates and politicians had been unlawfully surveilled by the Obama administration.
“I know one other senator who’s already confided to me that he was surveilled by the Obama administration, including his phone calls,” Senator Paul told Fox News on Friday. “So when this all comes out, if there are political figures from the opposition party, it’s a story bigger than any of the allegations with regard to Russian collusion… It’s about your own government spying on the opposition party, that would be enormous if true. I don’t know the truth. We’ve asked the intel committees, House and Senate, and I’ve also asked the White House, because there is this whole discussion of Susan Rice unmasking people,” Paul said.
On Monday, Judge Andrew Napolitano explained on the Fox Business Network that Senator Paul is likely right and that many others were likely surveilled as well. Specifically, Judge Napolitano mentioned that former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia believed that he and the other Justices were under constant surveillance.
Justice Scalia told me that he often thought the court was being surveilled. And he told me that probably four or five years ago… If they had to unmask Senator Paul’s name to reveal a conversation he was having with a foreign agent and the foreign agent was hostile to the United States they can do that. That’s not what he’s talking about. They’re talking about unmasking him when he’s having a conversation with his campaign manager when he’s running in the Republican primary.
This is pretty disgusting stuff folks. This kind of government overreach is tyranny and it’s the kind of thing that we’re supposed to hold our leaders accountable for.Miss USA Triggers Looney Left with Conservative Common SenseThe American political left’s unwarranted anger over the election of Donald Trump has spilled over into berating a black female nuclear scientist on Twitter, who just happens to be the newly-crowned Miss USA.With liberals, nothing is sacred in times of republican leadership. Homophobia, implied racism, the censoring of Free Speech, and violence are all considered acceptable tools of the left when it comes time to “resist” a fairly elected President of the United States. This absurd behavior doesn’t stop when when you present them with common sense, a minority, or a female either. In fact, liberals will often act out childishly, believing that anyone sharing the traits of the democrats’ most fought over demographics could possibly have conservative beliefs. They feel betrayal and angst when logic wins out over their brand of outrageous rhetoric.
That is precisely what happened last night, during the Miss USA pageant, when Miss District of Columbia Kara McCullough thoughtfully invoked her own beliefs on feminism and healthcare.
“Miss District of Columbia Kara McCullough surprised many when she proclaimed her belief that health care is a ‘privilege’ and not a ‘right.’
“’District of Columbia, you’re up. Do you think affordable health care for all U.S. citizens is a right or a privilege and why?’ the presenter asked. “’As a government employee, I am granted health care, and I see firsthand that for one to have health care, you need to have a job. Therefore, we need to continue to cultivate this environment that we’re given the opportunities to have health care as well as jobs to all the American citizens worldwide.’ “‘As a woman scientist in the government, I would like to lately transpose the word feminism to equalism. I don’t really want to consider myself — try not to consider myself like this die hard, you know, like, oh, I don’t really care about men, but one thing I want to say, though, women, we are just as equal as men when it comes to opportunity in the workplace.'” Twitter exploded with leftist anger as Miss D.C.’s answers permeated the thick liberal stench of mainstream television. There were calls for McCullough to be disqualified, educated on feminism, or “canceled”…whatever that means in liberal code-speak. One Twitter went so far as to call her a “dumb broad” trying to “sound smart”. Kara McCullough had the last laugh however, as she went on to be crowned Miss USA at the end of the competition, and will be moving on to the Miss Universe pageant. |
G’ day…Ciao…….
Helen and Moe Lauzier
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